Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Aug 1961, p. 2

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< ~ r gialln 'Itou Co Ila eg New C00# tWl wiA- rc m m imj U $ é .ult oetYa ci= eua' eaetemin otte ein= By uira George logia bal park ouli b1e Cmee tu ail le Anglican Citurcit Loovile ut acti-tter utickers that reud Mrs Calvi Evans ou itclest lereelper'sonasenAug 31t Fre 7 Ialkepyo roue ide ce ou ito CampntpOlcll l9uuelalt rofreue ttvmBiet fMe anddewtt-esre -*M.-i -Mes tint teen Core r "tche yo 10fm. Th"e Woru Auxiir o tnte g un and eueyoc* seelcnte. A do c O tecded te Hall Warre weddleg cante front, Greot »ifuain and Thilds evenog oiten Mis. ltuch was ilet otke cunclu- le, G,,,p. uas Saturday. [aresd lite erc clm effective 'al Homhly jresidrd. Me so ofu alte meeting at flue vunte Congatulations to Me. und Roy oc l tesrcretary'so r.Mue Mes. Donald MeLean on lthe hîrth eport aint Mee. Duglas Buegley ElealoS Wnlag uta on gale fl fjinal report. Plane Mr. and Mec Nelson Howtard rs meade for a pot loch vopper oîlecded lte wcddleg cf titeir aytgtt ta est401* 10 Me. t lu o trdche laeu f Ms. grandidaugittee Eleanor idargare0 lre . loyUnd ,1 Stkes and font- Keouclth Moure on Acf. 29. Powell1 Of Luwvl lie liJon artin IacilMe. Alle. n fulu' dur. Thtegrand opelleguoflthecese S.. oufCitatàwrtitoncSuai8 hliste rouent itereaventeel of hlui rud bccru tte day rocoto aIt SI. George's Mes. Colin ei etu aI8tdbiy Gel. cluit ituuse uoisses Gitarig Pardy aed bitaron ccoatomv Reilet of Iel sprint uIl LIONY4)UFSUIN wLekccd AI Laite $cuigog. ___________Gordon MePitail speetiaul wrek aI Sacitle Beurit witit Mr. and scotch Block W l. Has Picnic Mefs. "al MutauI cfwwn Me. anirs. Dolas 111il I 53 Children, 35 Aduits There =0=11îDoad ilP« By Mmu C. E. Ibaecpot Mr. ccd Mrs. Clilford Brownet rdeua't, a ugaa Me- A TRAF9IC SURVIY conducead hy antplcyers of tae Ontario Deperimeol of l'igitways îiteked Miss Citorlotte Turner otteced Browte. an lCar ene d Bdp La.'. NaiehaiWýt = tw 111e urger aod destination cf molceit usivo Highwiy 25 keiow itighway 401 this week. While 11er hume for lte Aa us me Tit pewn, ur l kiriteyo auledd 'u MsEu r ai the interuiewers questioved ai southhoaed motorist. a devise eouvted lte flow cf huIt vorth and Icl of Scolaptch prI lThe Lpsltnu wreaea fi Loode sitawre uai tCuau and south-itound uehicies. Q.H.O. Planning ted Design officels said lte information as lu The presidel. M s..n e h d Meps. Bd Daveupuen London Lite un Miva ay ecie leawQ ci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ odd Il. ans decd. 10 haveat n aeonMna eefli derrje te motliavai ofIraffiu and tite data would hor filed lor future reference toward haed Itult ups encdole turi haerd Paul Zfintermac vitacar of Miates Uada ancl et it.git y construton. Scm n iled s Mr.i Mandl Mes. Vere Cole. flallaon. SemadAntiqoe rcaniu 10 ttc Guli unc na.M' c Ms eteHnit Il un Milto.n Fuir groundse uIh nSna.M.adMs atrHml eaely lu Saptentier aise, culter Need Patiaee avd -fcil allocdei te eoedding lu a wdig ued hanquet. Tite fariuera ore iclu lte hue- Of Miss Glcîou Hantiltoneta Thetcadies wcre asited fur dons- ccct l eys aynd fiodicg lte Canoka ]ust Batieday and front Sunshine School Plans Progress fr ur ilepetuldes.thilittriesrercampingcaTiLake pu-on G r u a a l T n e s Soon Di'siricI fhuvpiiul Auuiliary sale in Mes. Georae Gadd and fantity Scpîcnthcram v A ue sitieg olith lier parents Plans lue lte construction of purtntent of Heal Once thîs ap aeo ied hte h scoulSpebr.TI A BREAK in Toronto tis ecei. as eshou1fo lue urdai ahîld- proual es recrîcci lthe ueguuîau cI hsfl rhl h etn dorndad tasafprytemnsl n reu . . uath Halun 'tes1oîll tion willitcable tu cllctienes eurutlnetya.Toa otrce, guesuand contestl.oa Ausupuilceoud Me. ued Mes. Cliffe Bilan pre.dgaauediog lu a re Hoeer it s netknuoflw-ofhthepooedsu is ioooo rujuyedityull. urrungedhbyaMtu a wonan: "Our nuege's fumilyiaveuacottageaitClea potiilie rn G yA-ter ue coi lte scitol av bce L. Wilis, sports cuneevr and i litaSh "Diuc citup Il ttuu' Iuk erHoeil hsoet puln l l oci ma thebi hs Garreltns apag AdEZ sontilce. Titera ocre 53 citild- Biea "uyuiuwot Nort ilîo. Acaiti n uf al itli it te Mistrucs cumpuiou rSIIZ anud 35 udultio le edance. NetHaiîu Ahlrsul ing 10e uthu o litedtiues cmliaso A picuicosupperoiitpeIlyoî Hlm "No." Her "l'm lthe mueuger's Raîaîla Cidce'atidigiylited $11,000 avndfile alîus Nors lce creont oas scîîcd dueing a cr - INSURE He. caporlal ltae arcitlct iooiti muoey ruisci last ya, M s S .N rih sca o. He "Do youitnuo hoI1 TODAY wokiug au plast'or l te bieigs te totul lu uoud sîl,- 1AA Hnllduya Newsa r saituliuueol.siis tuhe eecl-00. But lu dute nu recuits ut W .A. lostess Mrl.uand Mrs.Henry Rumetaw Wifc - "No." a tte afe cd c,it' t eethliLio ortu ffondirisiug campuigsietitcer yM.W l itaverelurer ta fitl bouma Hlm - 'Tituni goudres. Harots Approas of lte plans Georgelto or Aulun itaa itee Mes. Stny Mes. W. Eas leu frm u Itl spentle ar Ivitu itai itaaa ae...iîa*ic foumn lte Fiee receivcd. dlue u te Augusl mrlai 1bot Laite. Miss Fero Rumeitao Gtrttnleltr ciai w O R Marelirde Office. und auutuorilîes Me. Addisoe suid il depeuis on. Eitce W.A. Guer 20 memterel pnit iesme Spur- lu ttc An foru fiultu aci3.t111. OI Luite. damugc, Nurth Hullun 0.P.P. Ita INSURANCE ~ 'ao..uaroueatuu..oe uou"au a .Mas. W. Duitar scus cuea ue or 'WIP's 0 nu mujor uccideets in this r devoliuus 'to ise 'tous.puily pre aoe ut-che pusi occit. Thtc io CAMPULVILLI I..Jua..a.a EI.Lekv.cascelcd te sludy bouok citupte ucdes oce .t.liîld, cucit Phane Utalu 4.2271 Ju gng xhbtrooîCtle etllii "Nets Nationus, Gic Peub ces$ olit under $100 dumuge. udlame. i oluof titl donChcs Shown at 4-H Caif Club Meeting oudeaau le oaa,'e lu ue urre WFh t The fauelth eaulue meetinlguofmemteo hl eaa cperece ligautconvesation %cil noa Tituguituaufuermer, Hallov lte Actun 4-H Calf Clubt sus heldinl judglgng uni shitulîg culile. Cheisîlans. Tit Chitîian must Coraily Waeisr Alea Fitillip' A AG R TR IE l'tm oîfCitarles Futt. RS. 1. Doaldulsa oIlitheistruc-Iuudccitand and shlare elibtallueeooith lw odv uut1,a h ae ntlo eid lant pa aflo atik i cao.napet l A E R I Campitall le olith 14 mamtees tian peioi und icmoveleuIud mairesîhs fi tuia dillarevl. , Hauce hae hus arplei (it1 RQUIRID precritu.CuladierNicufriduiowtatu perly eeiitla cal Mrs. E. Wed'ead apassage sarie misglitisi iulo inîcodacciel lieiaî n inithe stt c -aud followof scriptureuund Mee.A. Nuacishlcom Wardeo Hamiltonfus &Y RMfL I5(PAMNAkLCANUIAN CONM UM pressai tite pleasuru of lte geaup ltie oil5a- tatioln un lad in peacar. loue Cuoylau pluep l lue te uppruivlty of itolding a el'ppiig ild eouminof 0au lu tha aitence oîf ltae presi- pelillue aI tole îruicc ernI .tteeaNV meeting inuNt-.tgaoeya. diiy col. dent, Meî.M. Maito tuait te Ploing Mult.h Belleeville,' un rea-ideal Russell Murruy par Me. Beuidu luit up lte rorit shiu lue discussion un .ccaeal Gi-ber 4. Tite challenge mas sent picvsms a2 er faec ide sidasi-' ai lie business sessionsteets. ohicit inciaici quetions laeme af itusiness. Mes. S. Trus- toual]aauuIyowaensin Ontaio Apiat utbr 8 er fâeo rd and saeare Frank Anltuony un mutk marketing ltrugit ve- dlaie cused lthe meeting esiit Couuilysuuilloes learoicg ai Gourd slartinfi saiary and teil modern ampioeea recai lita miaules and cullail fl i aus citunnl oeiafliiimilk. peayerandu a social hall hur itis acsapbouce un Tucsiay. up- tvfs h'11 uiler. citeese uud cauicuscd fulluard ltae meetinug. pbaarltilrcnuipld Jadlco Ehibtltg t Cma mili. lte mureting af slaugitca EstecO Symauhy lhaiî couopeealia l inteipieg hlm Cluit mamiteas juigdai u dues caalile uni Ilos feeding oui Sumpulthy ilm itis aummuui wiu. Wurea Fiilips said lie itud Wrile, giuing paruanai iîtoe ta ofllieaar-aid Holsein suas iugnusisaofuaintal diseuses. il s cola niai laluec.A. Feauh au alcic usit h n miaîl - front Ma. Fal's ited aui Ie Atteccuioinofhe met- f Ecset iulthae aI hflec IlatCam Sincslair of Esgucein. ~ 7CNDACA.99 orr aio l the plucînge. Dl ing, refresitmeels ocro servud fatter, Me. T. Si aey of Bush- Said Sinclai, BXlftluitelhajCHMPIO lîialîigaaofithe asaoîuuouîeandGrdln anuo ilsitunkcd oad. toutse gul allo ofurad wîaaf Doa'ld MaIfa't a mer 4-H lte iotuss an itehul af lte clubt. lu du.' Pl" ?pB. Ke»ra Pusses ASH first yVuF ut y of T aon es M Senghn sounit aIMr Picket rF ...oe7il .euni adon..M S enihno lugr tMionu itae suc- Visitors inAreca e s mnggnëý'igs" By Meî. Gecrge Pettatteelo F uslînsit Laite. sil af Turînlu. Mn i-ie r. andis.Alacit hi 80gelcleîîuslu Hetstndi gaes î Paîl ruo n d .m lyP MeE nctle Me. uni Mev. R Peîîaîîerîu Bîae tuai flicteop lstlin PlI and Mr adMsa N uiahcDuafuu mîln Hîgit Saituîîlî grada 13 dattSinasl.aia Ilyutlended ieW sîsa aainlgalaess litsl P ak h lErîIn ltaIt heun Ma. uni Mee Gardon Cotton -Mtlîail palics epaîrîsî uIe d'Ilia t fita fEltîice pcnt las eit end Issu mî nue assciaet aise lte uîiM K. Gevais oudýil îiîthePeliaeus. past çk. C.ri,' Mikn td Mr. aIa fil B.îIl rdaîl a oîlu vis, Tan .îv asl Thsasscasiau MILTON saLTON Sa us.M hllîd.., hîicsh oas sslae..alfi a b uiarbtce- _________________________ Il i, MeM William M .ilice Filal. Aug. Il 19 aI 1XiI.u.sîa Wtit Vieglula AIi-Cotar Sho wOOTectguesus of Me. atni "TESS 0F THE STORM COUNTRY11 M -s.aTomiSno n Sîueeîug DlANE BAKER sml 11P land Me. ndý "SEPTEMBER STORM" il Mi. uan I s S. MARK STEVENS - JOANNE DRU ', m îadl, kîîîit St n e. .M uet. -2 p.m. tîtil îc s ît wr Me. ani @sTa.Wt Aag. 21.22.23 'usntîiMehI loucre a. uîd WILLIAM HOLDEN - NANCY KWAN Sîîilas Mai Il of an Cuber O3uhîls id tlrînLnda u ssss "The WORLD of Mis. Haroldl Snatur h i îîîîlad Thues d't %pase.. oaf SUSIE WONG M.adMes Aiiau Fallsun. 2 Shows aIl7 pin. ccd 9 p. Rscenuîîî.iîîîaîs îit Ma. 'ted- __________________________ M Wiliam McFaudaen wcre __________________________f 'i.adMai. Paru Kiug of Oit, lai Mes Estar Miller and luugitsers ai Nashvuilla. ipn Mas. Galasn nit irr1d STENOGRAPHER WANTED Mas. Jhn Prlllariandu Val- creaf Tolronto. H-1gh productivity and low production costs are essentiel to At Cottage b tandb sn l-ah Pail Il eîi i, duu fl EQUIRfO BY NATIONAL FINANCE INSTllU- profitable farming. Neither Can b tandb sn l-ah M".. Date Paî1,lsî -d utaiumiîy TION TO WOIK IN MILTON. GOO STAT ioned methods and Dbsolete mnchinery. The only way te e al fiai cottlagea. Ta key Point, INO SALARY, EMPLOYEE BENIFITS. NO be achieved is by utilizing moidern methods and up-to-date n La ri. E Lindsay Lawrenaca of Eloicke FREIiUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. ftiuri machinery. Pellellcelu. Massey-Fergusofl mraChines and implemfenti are epnfa er Jluyitt oltit f auca e glufl Pull thse world over to malo their particulier farmlnq operation more Ai.jaace DIMlob cfEtbioie a îe profitable by doing moré work et less cost. Me.ri des. WXlin frand dar.Wila Mereitlh 111X 703, CANADIAN CHAMPION 1 .y F g bo fsi dctity. ccd Mer. and Mes. Ar- acti Smithl ucd fily allent 1est weekend ai Bareru Pouhi a Thte asistace of te Autonto- bile Association of Geat Bt'itOal was tuibteasked fortueifo't- effort cn tite ovrrseasc iantpuigr avd ilos il colt ite Iituted la Hailon. c h2*ren at bter aide. e iul coftl 4gwlt slairs, aglul w y sites ea.pd' ing there. She -.4 hina lie eot Tittu inte you put fliec= : lthec's ra un and l'IL go bolk the hure." U&B A WATEUAMTE A mnta 'len tu a, jiptital c-wut. ,"Whet teenstuu bc' the trouitte?" uuked the doutor. The patient rePtÜed by visorn railt bruuhing irnonar. lthitgs off hi& aelt exptalcitt. "Sec? haitve dragons on IlYuleeve."' Sacking uray. lthe uperleliol "'-u"."Well. vou dccit have tuo-kbrvh ltent off co ntl CO0A L PICES R. si As Steru Wt 284 Main St. MILTON TIt &M44 Milton Motorsga' 1959 FORD tntmaeuaae 4 Dolla FaIrtata. autucatie. eoacmy 6 cylintter, eunttc radio, TuTuce, ilnylon whiite watlu, 28,000 actuat mlies. 1957 BUICK 4 Daor Speell liacdtcp. autoattlir, ln Ilt cen conditio..lca ..... ................. 1956 CHEV 2 Deor, aparktitl Turquoisae and wte, narey cent tirea, a Dandy ai ..1095.00 1955 CHEV Bel-Air 2 Dolla ln attractive meaman and wahite, white ntaliu. a recoaditlionei leaaty 1alîtcctits anty ...... . . 89.00o I 1954 FORD 2 Dollr wtth aatamatlc. t2.lllt mllr a ir fucor y callice..................... 595.00 1953 MERCURY laumaculate 4 Dl, autoatlla 60.00 actauel Where Quoi ly lu vol Expansive, 12 M.gih Wmati afflciiiied Caca 4".- . I.

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