Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 1961, p. 6

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1~ Yr'.sew~ ~xr~' rw~~rtvr~ i~d~ i vs i ý-j - -ý.12,,,-M 7,. ,. -~VI -7- - --- The Canadien Cbampion, Tlsorsy, Aleguet lotis, 191ui YDWI iiosS.Gog sWA Atten Reunion SI Am nKsJuyMtn AtActnrarKForCivic Holiday Jh2bm%. AActn Pak Sped pfi Weii misues ar Ge- WÀA. met et tbe borne boietndedAturAsloný21. Wiiiiaim Powell. Smncere nympaiy&iee exIeouie 1M.AthrAe TheOfÇ preoident Mms. Gordon tu '< LMMS. Peter Meibben on tise , mio la a patient, in the Nors Harris opened tbe meeting d - paseina of bier isband, aI.W ta Praices Henderoan HospitallateBbeedng as0e th -! bother menibeso e c- Hamiltoa. yM.Jfae Gibbon family. sMini Paîîy Cbarlton of MiltonbyM.efae Mr.aodMm.Bilar umiiehbolidayinq ai the borne nf Mr. Mr. Hrry Ring gave abs and tMin aîEddr ib e it aad Mn. William Beene .Master; Thsougit for tbe day. Berandaion atndos one Silhr- Larry Cbarlii soients e mi- Differeni reliorts mere sires Beld enay i cono at. end wt tbe Baeney faniily. and a number of items of boni- Moy. adM.congratulaions ta Mr. and iris mire dicssed. Vhdts arentsm.williamnflen&eaux on tise Tbemeetingclnsnd and lnb aS Ibir mihes as served alier wbicb tbere JMr and Word. Grhu avef icle bis-lb o maii aon naî cilb M. King as in tohn Naeitlom on p ayf Brenda Bccney, womaim Miohn Disic Hoaptien i voars aid on Angont 3 and tu Mr.ailto Misri. Jopa. Kendyier falisîr. William on Asgs 7. Getnst r ar .Nw Mss an d Miss Mari Kedy Birlbday wfsbei tn Harold Rob-GeignbM.aryE e- * ~ ~ Ms *ear annde MissMmaieeln-son on tise teu fsll orio, 1fR. 1, Honby, wbo celle- * M.edrcEdaHedCad eog Leslie os d Asot 1. brated Mls birtiiday on Joly 3ini. Mr. îadM Eodar -d Congratulatisons t tbe Hornby CODgeaialationn 10 Mr. and * . Attey nd ddiag distnri rural mail carriers, Mr. Mns. HaIrr E. Newton, R.l. i, 0 Mttn. ReyCne Miss and Mns. George Leslie on tbeir HOnniy, an the armvai of Ibeir * 1U4i ll BacMkrM. and Mm. ecy . ri, forny-linl snedding asniversary fift ib randnnn on Asgus 9 ai AILEllakloc, Mr andMm.on Aagst cleventb. Oahcille-Trafalgar HospitlL e l nI Finlay Csrrie aitendeil tise Hall -ait.0 Phal misses fuan and Kaiby ren- 1 Lvv Warren weddiia l ib te îisnrc el GarIIIICEudrcosrcino h eethfn fTaagrwl replace a arw bridge ton are viniiing mitb ibeir grand- ofOrLady in Guelphs an Sator- NE BIGeiecosrcoronbeseiifnenTaagrii anra Crt fo. esi of Port *day. ýqla baboicnisremooerd. No eihder coasîrucltfinidlta ubridgeons flocaated jutnnnb of Dosi rndtr fs tisir n olidyn t THE I1961 MODEL efilito - Mr. and Mms. Haroldl Robin EEENEZIE - ~~~~and Bob bave returned bnme I breh00cnitn ~tSl rom ibeir vacation at Saabie tradition among Nortb Amen- MISS ONTARIO FIEE FIGNTER mai rte tille besîomnd on Miss 30vv a t Barbecue *Beac- Giann Mirchitter, Gakoitte, by Gntario liremen deriig teir .fM.alue.aid Mn. Raobi. Mardocs t n tai tiyes toa in oGakaile ai lte weoeid. Here Miss Pire flIICR lr v fl s aas and famly are spending twoi sta h Fhe s percited arop rte Gakiiolle ftoar in risc big Maiday w eeks campina fi tise Algonguin boni baya in Fjitduprader n avles obeS.B n Reîtb Collon Park and Georgian Bay district. nom cars are t0 id Tpeparade afeg Gnktilles to Mr. and 1w obtaiaed in field fins Chichon Barbsecse Moi- B a e * Mrs. Josephs Tbompion on aise tbe imanor lisme div attuoon. Salada. aiieken. Je .a cn- c B a v s R i birtis nf tiseir son ai Bonis Peel monts bofore Film Reveals MAilton Industry pîr. te e r .attec ceer o lise aincc Chrhwswl ii harg fuyhg fhat being bcpu pthe basement w ii refelment Hospital fin Couisaville on Tuesday lhisemod cti m an aypul noecduafor nI inuteinosrie phand Puss Goiuîa ayman nepni fliwenocervnaSice AiCOiC ofaleg milS ady as- ro Nassagaweya W.I. Members prsct-s. Gm3 pipe a ed o.itoi dthe ceeaistr Rac le o , a. Fent The relsfes are csern Mr. aid Mus. T. C. Aiumwe stact Lous aiw attccomunto plan. Mn fanst Mes. Bi Adeehomei of iaro santung pricituy, real lise ccac narly raineil out. Homvecer, cd nd rtt- dernareantre, ouuctt ntsiianud s tsunoedtiieial urauchibt. Rac.Stin ofielp,.Wioscr.ipuncandevAEBlackeston caame outfor aisort loueta ta CUer tise docka for tise oite ne ietteiaier a i parentc, ai Raundi Lakema w_ i lit pathea neaiuiiniipnuro inde-fiieandithe dinner andeaacns iaeaeisg '62 aodela aed a Ilfic apluut oeetingu t ai ý.vI te itiut te Centre. ai thsatrlrltosefGep efre Nalae..e. W.I. oi meIneodatý toua - foijamin Kinogtul Soand, cyluis a Cew o mmdc of lin eemooy. more mun off in a isnmmy. Tioprpre acEe.blerd. oti otuseu.k. Fnor tiionhtehs pasing. Ascutrit Mns dn.ilnCs.uieem tn Ras. alMmr: Alleiendcion eefoiY pianikc sai theWauralls on carsrs,.a- aneieert tiîas ewi onete the cuutt.-oeofuCo- Éous an disusson tonw islemaetbeue tiseatwekeda hehm ý,k.adWA11111 adustries, Mus. A. Gaiesmaoeciduc-tannrdena hrnze o lirdaiuont i WalltceSnnf c Rtfcnndev adcidbifoe leycisodbelaticeelem bn ergn u a h wralteumote Mtptlîetîîou ttaqe. hi titts siany uSe maki Mr.and Mnc.Fred Rouancu RnouConnonl teysoud u d haletyerbtwhc pm n i tn it 1 i cado pVtitS- mnadn lacisd Canie watollan nu.,esenîasmie t Mr. d Ms. ack ouler sentlicenail a vcny fospinalional ail- cary hippy nn lise charge- and Tiso race mosulin are a olw:mnersr tettottN iieeloeitou l Sonit-'i tise iplaque sac -Sean unoM np attowck iSab, dnemc, the uhamo Seinf "Wi mail Seul hoe hopout ecenyao coalil boys and grs and Liner UmUCUn MIEUU9r te moe off tteir ltl. lting tut i tel[, Oo. il uasneeecveel Sm tise lown. usai hanohiy n-fith Gid. He or otlofeler fnr Gnd. Elieda Wamd, Bnian Wilson; girls tNblTRAI 1991 olfeec unte sigailigant Mcm. M. Mol.îe, flue Piesîdeil. islenuheno and visianu icone too us.cactallt epae b a aefte ahno nl7 a san.uie Dn difiia fn o h atCl tîcOIl le ieciiue ta order inirtcid fiuituhrthahena David Hanvc. SNnoftheUnted boreldtepol fteA e qane ahrn n6and Gn i on Rnn-t lieare eoImmst fast macio honn Trse. pn ar il 8ot taccnd- c, ROOlir ye î hougnpnwingfnson on lei i-l n-uumig v 'v The plate unr tise nwBreuai lie Statenasmne Th-so.Spu .dOW5~Si Pallersan. Bylaid 9, David sfth us i a n tam m onlis a- n- neittoetditut cutCai' u cheut Sud ieen made au lt10day caceuishMm. and M5. omîU»yod l amai le T irls anilhefs ewmnhssm ho liltog "Hou, I une Citeddar plant fin Mi liai. Koiti Causîmn. and__ D ,Ry Capll Giosonac calledin dealer stocis iting Citeme lt Gar Haine". Dnniog eSc .t, M.s Týaise Wiaar arn-t n i 1 NI Shsarn Brillon; boyc 1t and Il. msach lomen tirain o pecna businîess cilscussotn il ta ececiel Liu M asten Ble Canoff-ing 0e- t..OUCI '5 Robisii Blylt; girln Id aid 15. yearc. Faenn prouocion. for cd o0 Sus tsu lcu lis cap cultee binti Mnn. H. linice's gnandcon issofo Ricadsndi Pet Smith. instane, cs un average 28% lrroaostub lcc itte anil thessuiceaimiiun prescrit.-Fr Bays 12 -14, David Wamd, Dean blwtefn i otso kitcleettuitottnitettt .e. Huit. dtuw a ticket Iuran i-is drauc Prnted Pattern E Fod Acivem in C.Oîîiîuiiy Mnai; girls 15 andlromet-, Jny fasi yeam. A isuoli u ltIao Ricitadm nuan ,taprn mtade and donuied .meaoftiicdouitasmdilasHamard eemee arhll n arsaeraredae sl v iit s Gaies o liunopeiua Auwid cliteenttindand fict Maugecadpa-bys1 au15nBl MiamnosaElf V - e s m a-d Iner d emler Slean nI lthe pusmingof Emniso Bescioy boany 15i aiec2.N mijilledu Entnce ladags el hew Allai Haymcand. Go MaLouin. St ry ec a frbyersIpartis e bcuoteeilit l.tdîe- uth eizNt.Iectn Mnmke. Yae edS a o0a Cayue Fnanklin Fnnil ai Miltan Large Bervice E meryn enonyedi sucummuof ifi e a uyrlk h ho itîucoit ta tn Se iopiat î oig lictai.Dimurict Hospital un Ttnncdat, nlt an Loadeu, ion lise onef 4H cIuitsLanct vascredi Sp theo Sont ~W lî \ Jet 27, 19îAteapncioesc.uî eaaly bird, mil get tise btirn an fr h Snii pujc "cw , n[ unhco miieMr. ewa tevoinet on o 'ie nesideoce on Satuday atlen- seleetias- tu Sav holar aie Mnak L.d Mns:ell Inito paadM 97 nuai. ai înaeptionnlly larfe tao- In addition, tise osca inil Sedc-eautceeo Padudinn. SIs Foued ut Tceflgar- and itîasad eta se ice eac hall in Baihet marent of ltae pact few moolis wlbcdcdda[lenxmut1teitnu M.andntkcas.t Jaohn sa m.nihl Crimaneer i.Mn. A.PFrank as rescon- 101 rbado v EFcda l-ugc chancis. ndactel isy ah ilnau n.Ti Mnm. Gtiae emytauneil ehau uSe coen titank ei ubcounouliles., bier of Rami R. Fnrd ut Seattle, Ren. Jeohn C. Hill. masta lrcncr Star sisc Sud oiskoocd soucd teshoes adftliaPie ot ., O 4 il Washintonanud JuanilMn. Her The patiteanîns n-oui J. E. aonnatt ciridu ie or ut cte kdo us Mein utne Mut otata tiriti- thtcncsloet tdtu eh a60 brZ E y il at- andlaa ercle ýctiseiti u ai it dal o Th a.o iisadSot ineet il ntaeah *Sn aîinî agn tnie huie.CaeoMi tr ECONOMIZE ... pipuned tu alter you mina. iss Mcttu B#'0a oaf noiaîn iauuoeu ie *u Wilietcu E. atnd J. A. Clarence Fnnd, Altned Bah., Rahet Mur-TsageMnasl ln Fond uti Mituni Beid Eciti M.out AS YOU WINTERIZE WITH FUEL OUL eig n an enrty ohms-up af Fund, Eeg. N., ot Tornou grnid- Mais iteaalti Tonal inibauco Toa y bes by in Home Hoalinui ulu OnaGi. lts 191 modela mitis liberel taitthoovnMa-ieFnd andcoc-ne caunfeil iy oepitemsco u Aodn ouay BudgetlPlannaslei yn amase alemwancen, acorplased aSf *. Juohn Henit Caifitn. munm aiei clo-ee tnieodn, Gn. Dtug I niyyeicWttnt -uin ore, mltb tisa saise repsiable Bemvedî17Tears laFndi.J. Clane Fut-diPaul deathngand serie fellam-ap taîuoen. aisa ith ie ucîtuno Fnrd, Raltoi Fond, Fned Tnct.Les For Halton N.D.P. Convention 1 uthae eammnitiy eue fitoanugit- PoKi NrmîCar, Alan tMc-R NOTHSNW AI iog o iar nmettnelishty, e lunit Ri Ees. Fnant Camp- u itI7et/ DcouuutuuO iltoa ututu ,cita taýN, LîtieritcsuiiccPrylflic- fig tarn17 neuno as- courietttunitoladGordndaGlenv. 0a jat to i fc olcicvc, neueu Tt-o Mn. Ford teas laid un noet o l SiHEEtEGE RI Milton Succt aîîcodcd ho te eiancd un an unti uon athe - tagai utonship. Wiie noise Selie adjiuoîn ceeceny. lseHRNBRE RS ciý%,ect Tutui o ttugtas, accit-cid. *e *a u-a moir ul*thue Gakciiic- Miltn claidon dictanece andi astk TRAFALGAR MOTORS ieong emttit lit . 1ttiC1 Leber Didnlt Dorninais stTratalgan apieu ituoland Sek- pu ofl tat lutte put us, o6 J 1,Tuataga SigiuSita bad, Gac- opiTOR FOR ZENITH 9-1450 &in Maiel. Milton, O. île-s' te ci'r k 'r te ueo p e on uitio,îtn Tan ale orgaid tonu INSURANCE NoTBi Chargei uai 11igha ite hatutit ouald teThsetaîaiihd Codletel cc-n Ai lietaee tmaonie - c et lu intetlt cod io c t eec tinthe ttou *a, f.:0oeutttTatta - - Muîtt liri de c\ doeeeiae Mante Ca puu eln- n . a : 1 h- iV A h rfla Ail Suppari Doglas tiuiod Lit ~ I l dînci.otsý atf IlteHuliFnW A ER B JO t.l NI, P.i tittu liteci Gaitskiti ulcit aeded lthe j(a' Mr.Foidcuaaiithlatoot Linited Bil, l u, itucI. Ail t hut WIlgVC . rclc u c , D u q i, h-ý eu, R R . F O R D isIuîttuo Steituco t r tp ise i de r te liue- e fpnes ndJc lahr -c)cg ste ucnenio 399 ai ttpnectci o ficSuctuftîol mLT ONT. TE M3S57 lituttitI media ittutt tCr tut in le lut lite cuinpo ofuie toc thrc ut cc- tm i, e 1 1 fiIýto, he rdio teeviso nd res amhisunnuen o t t ui un Itatearng. Simtplc asean bc - ClSrcy ltiid i hci fai MEAn1d A' 1liM.adMnm. Date Pattai Citu-e a Scanieu lelitnd, Ilcuid 1 FaiSananic riolcei patten 9171 misse'NcOST Are Reid nts mi, BttvBi h, 0e- ic il. I2, lit 16,1.9 z l WHERt QUITY S HIGHIR THAN THE PRICE hplt atw. touaiS vaclati titc, Sturan ad ocvee - cîgth t sotis tîr,iemo Catutuîicta. yards 35 inchs lisac. Visistie ere d tis S, a-e Sen liiving tot- Soricl tonîy cente (40c) o WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOQ A E T R frot e ed lo ibs aitrn.Piese i it OSSHOLESPRORIEORFOR CALVES M.iC hotltid ,11u ltt M Itfde itise cMis o taitpoearri e, ntEO GMR.PGR ltNteek BIIVisu lde tue kC s t [iot ctuied.mtîsvudt itî nume- al ii. DIAL TR 8-6501 Ilil t.oilt offle. Mn~~~~~~ M. adMreHoMarshall Sio r on tden t Manriait _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ :, - r, hveka Haifers on tisa Potina Parm enle tin omise, Calf aboulil haie riean mait -uni ~ C MuiseMtdti t eetigsuah n-ai MnorgetoMn. Mo attrn aep. t Cand nt ta. and metk est vial free ehoboe optiegu e u isoechiCwgceunuslaueuu Wtan, uui ai.FnlS. lrntbiaheadnfaatage.Thatmea - tisay give aond 3,000 in, nE mils 5 &îîpfm Farina Cuill Shelen Cross Vs-u In Grimsby -Mis titrets eitnyped. Sat-lcotk lot tosiia tiidn - lise hart, bifore meet iscifees have aven îlaated 4 .layubtif4monts,addigbist laS Mn tour-t Mtu ut uicusu cul egt tont cOOsp bacoun n-fit a n-lOIs-e insu Siiniitni piiid - predsting. Wiy don't yoteitl hayoatJ2mnntbi. ottluetetetuttl ,tttttis, 11S;np chasse ota lu nae a patte-ns o-e fsping-snititolS. mIsl eti M, lti isia aitasea a.tii eca t- a tm£lko tadiu .aaoalcnliePed,e-t off 6. Afler admosil change tana Potins Gottît-lot ~ o dPulaau tut. catun catlogue. bond 35e nase. - ___________ tisomiel cardabiatJin aefenmtisa hisîer genmiog pmogeam-r Vu sen-es Sutsia ais tite alfs body andi nas tise nais in indioa Otiifats acte Mtti(i MîcjJ _______________________ fpent infactioi. Why notlitre mea alal,oredrap insat luc emi aMa cd kaul JfEob. For thsela fmt te ditys leava tise nIlf mp Bore mitn the Cheriserbosed Migo \oi Mto tand Mr, Panafe suk ecl Mr. tont utmis. t'AIONCM N iti tisa motisanitocan fiat tisefinit anlet metelli~ of CowPr ssay Ee uci îtt e u t.rttii AN GE TAIE eeloeteom milS oMi eips e mgat n han bien pyn f o yo ttt ino lý,lI tis di0atnr îeam1*l Iiili you nenighbouse Mn,. acut Mi- cucut OtiteE tieututdietiesstn. iktae t t l ntt s.tttt.utugtu enl presure in ail 4 qaetem, bot do ot BBOUIEED Dtc. W. C. P. WRIGHTIets empty uidat aimpletly. Goard eslf for foast, efficiensf fend servicec ail Tba Canîdian Chsampion af SAPIDLY IitPANOING Att-CANADIAN CONSUIMER ANNOLINCES THt GFRNIN OF His OFFICR 3. Ftorthte neaîten dila.s icpalf in an WALTER B. JOB 19 Iti sta . IkN THE FORMER STRVtNSON CLINIC, 17 fidiîiiulai.PeaFnasihlS avictOit LIMITED MIILTON FINANCE COMPANY. MARTIN St., MILTON ONa OR ABOUT MON- iardding and be dinfectedmwith Puina 79Pani d . .. .Brig -rfirr . .L 1"ý AAGS 1 91 Dieiofeotaat bofoto oaC be movedin. NE 4-4P2osR .11 . I. N oEl4-452 seélag ~ Aaplocaits mst bi 28 pearu of ugo or îîder. DAY Aous 2, 191 dGsite/arhsttfeedingPuriea sthdaedi- t Gond tîrtiig îatarp aid ait modern emptopee eNg î o eh gel foten 11hb re- Wulendusat MIII @t'W la à@ betef fr.p aLi.ib Cu7ti9. fril. le Maie St N-, MU 9-4731 Write, givng pariotal histomp la >naianZWor n ige rtstmowfeedPURINACHO W tdaYi BOX 702, CANADIAN CHAMFION ~wown igrpo

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