CLUB N1OUSE FACILITIES foi the iaise Wyid»W4ddi -C-bif aid Countrp Club are in -tbé b>,»»ü on the' properlp. Sel In ai attractive sorlieg the club is locatef o» tbe saiauilh liii of lia- falgar j»>t inbt ai Dî»mqaîî. The first ne -hale» of the course mer» npe»ed Saturdap milb tbe »îiit iiinet be ho mpleted th»> peoer for play earip nIx spriti hl w-lis WYLOWOOD of aid Country Ciub>.iait> Os firI reini haies hile, plap on Saturdap iih i-bat Seînifarp 1. O. Hie t»rmed a gnnd i»»i-d. Whb»» rai»l bad delapefi înmpltion o1 the park»>g lotaccommodaioni-as made aaiahie for he>pe»'ingdap i-fid Ai-n» hose o»'c>p'îg rneeke»d play, mere Clitf Taylor aid Mairty Copniî af Milton.7h» camér i augbt Mart pnst afie his e noiff Campbellville Wins 2Oth Leacjue Game Blanks Acton 11-0 in Holiday Tilt lie i ofiay Atai»»> 7, Ci»>' Hamit'. bau d fi>ho aid v'ille pia>y> in> akuilS. Sat>i>'fay Hidfay. >iniofi K»> Ma»'>eoand Si»» aii»»nuo» andfi a> h>mc t> il, Lo » ho»>r huo»' fii H»>fi»'>a»>i»»i>f hwi», E»>-> Du»>f>as onSundat'atern-anteia t». hui>> iti> »iapc ti» 1>. >.». Ca'>'»> Cita>'g. Chcstl,. ai>,> S»u 2.30 p.m and play' in Miii>,> a» ît"Irsc itîyei tlit>» 5>0>,.>> King ail si»»kfi. ýWefii-i-ay An»>,> lb. lii» a' »>i ey iac>.f 29ba. Jac'k Ra>. it >tru tureu > b>euh, Lowvlle iger W in Two al 1>in b,> aitt,> ,stihko Enter Ru rai Finals An tuc i e n ue in- oioN>tiailvine.O ede-e ropp ficJh i e vet>. 1 Lin ari ai-» fed> co levngttic'o 6» and »»i Nuo»»> he 'acher' ' ie he t,î A2 ila>iite igohho>o' iii gh 0 i lee ,' îiiigh itu i on a l[ Lever fic og ndîîooîîît,,> lit>'»> ill mo [ilie ain i,,>' in'> Lo ie' noire. 1h ou'>> lah> oi,îo i i lb>. mabi-il 401. Lai>,»> ~ rail l.i,,>i» i,>'ob'»pooi.> iti ar 'o,' , k ietoo in.,,> t>r he'> ite Tf;ba»e Bvlas n ircr lg ki»»» g a r>u ie» gaitr n i> siilPIL EVih BucFTERin i ,en M utre' lien elle, t'>v >h' 'rei a inî fbi ili89. o liem t ' ig t >'oa tib> ploy .i w»rs hand >u'>nd.b A>»»>! %vlb» -'l » kB c gaii n La»> fa>'» Ill a nte.hi>, Mua i-" ligo Wi»i.'>'»>">inltiand i n hoih>h la ma>. hi 9w bal La>' d "D i»> h,i»>' >1>3te i îNely - a»or cam ui »> a» a >i>'ie el Lait>>>» NM >»> gaik i> li lu> so,qaionitticveunth fli s b>' cihih. l>, foie> uîond>fof tend >a't> C ' 1h >i>i td 1»relso >igtaîp >>h i. nif iî'>g. i ont> >I»gldt n' single Lie i tlcl u dba[tntt>,»L w ile w l i. v Ge d ehid T> li ' a- t>' a» le trl akd gan r-src o ll h iiinh h ibild t sh»uit>gsecond > tt» 't, third>on gn.'fierhout and i»tor 7>0 D O M on nutesvnl lE SSE R nFrdy igl TOîy Bae Hilu intesvnht aNDi 85 H e RE on f hepa Montre,,',.,»i,,>ingr,,ioo trouTbSHO araeprduci»-emr us ovle elo o n flicA AnUG.e 2soter in a>ai. ait>. aos >O i-i0. nasut h tht i h cr.Teew s "e, csi,"v ir i îappl King m»»lcul taurc gse'30d.M dle. he i' atrioala>->o BId», etici litrM Playoffs Next Week QnT League Reschedules Rained Out GameR Ç Plavifls in the Halo mCgeiiy rili Ont h iead ahDnea n Oakl Hi goon Basehali Amsoi»,ato Inte e1 lu o a hregie l In eh taileu Icgu' aiesées ail gelunder wayn IL wihasmrecdinahto Asoitn rue nutI II ,>,ek ilas aýp>i id bp lceagunsac Icne wiharbu he o hs hcai fooinng a meeîngt i Ookil Oak On udsgin ni h Onaiplyp R 1 s clubh iperahars Tucsd»y Ilîh a> Aihi»>.,s arc li an ai»>s îieni- fiai-a in »» soui, .iiaiin, T he Canada» Chamipio, Tk>atiday A>,5>,> 70th, 19h1 3 Brianle. cal pos>ition in >5>4» hattreifu i o>he. Eigler garni» »>hk>h hafi bien second sp»t a» vii. Miilton i, ctin'> ini Fia We»c .I >ain»fi out hafi îa heceai.hcabiiid Leagise Champion "B", Peu W, 'C", lia» ai» "B".ýB rigo a e n E taInn s and >ihe'e wiii ie pjayi> » 'l ie Hi»,,»n piayaii ha» the Ja,>iil> "B"' Juia» .r "B" as, %o ur gtn Gaet ihis wekend wiihithe itgamc ir> and thud place fiishu'î.as the par>en RedSait>inInter- orf the ea>,>' setf> a Wednîi- i»>,>iine in Le »->o out ut >i»>'.> i-i-i»> "A". Best of Year But D o e ii day night il ti hi-» vieill the Red aSeuli, ai,]> seon>d and foat>'h O>hr gamus s.hedultin the, In Burlig»»» un, Augut ,> huiw D or doe.isiony Si-i piayiti ha>,> tu Campbell- piae»'> .>» he shanie. Wi>,»»' Iteia»>> ruaient», shov George- the pe.>Wee pi y>.f hu'it-b, ~in i>, I i i l t. Le tr>ipie, il,, ville M»i'>ha>ii. .,ii aile» lier>hoi»outaih-e owaiaAc.»»>on Sa>i»'fay andgame of the ycat, b»>>>os aih>'i>tu >hiiiiii»i i, aid Piish Trips seule, tu dei,>ai he ihci>aan Caiiph>li i» Oak>'iiio an id tbekr10i xr nig% 1ternsnert n h ac The Soi> piay»d in Oak>,iii» lai> ch.»»i»o fur ilhi.Ai ihisms ii> t heî a» Sunai»> Dardas i>î t'ibcifai»ti' o>a oifio>ih a» îighl and 1h»> wiii g> ta Goutrge- hibc> la>'> cur hf y A»>»>t 301h in Caiipholiit'ii>. Il was a pitiher' fi»> ail Ih>. Th, nul, lo, i>,- *t, Milton iii> la fiih off >h>ir riiad s» elle Jcig '-r> 'pt'>-»> ati» in Miii»> Playoffn iay. %iilh Ciaig Bt-uah fu>' Miii>%,» r R>»' ic.hard> Clc>>»> i» t>> tripi pri>' ta the tii> here Wed' h>a'ius classfiaiins con Plvsin>» t he minci »»aius haidi»>, 1h» Bit»» >quadi tu i -fi E>d »>h til> hunei. îiîday. They ha>,» y»> t ig'ah b ah or . OB.A. piaydai-»>h tUt>i ge,> u>fi»> niy i-», »»»»hone hi> duin» th> fi>'îî,î,» a spot ama»g 1he top four Surp>oabhr'2»ii. aia>tut'>afithe >aiifor-O.B.A iu>îiîg>. >1db»>g out> >2 hal>,>'- 1»am 1nh» leage ilahnwiii Brunie wi>l ho 1h> iIo,',nofi ii»ap>tiiiia >t»ilhe Meteus- i .ad ait >-»o>ak'. >nmp»le On>- 1he lia»»» titre hi- ai,. "C" ,ioioga>o. in> "B" Goige- the »a>i»,, classiications»'> bc h> SI,'ik ouit 18 - fo>- 1h» Ontar-in piayd>aais g»> tio nill' carriy 1h>, C>m'»y >->oi tu g> hy An»»>> 26>h. In»», t»r Buri'iig>o» go»e >1p" und»>-may. la»>.»ls in "A" Milti»>i lh 1 h> r 7h»> t>'otal of 35 beam> thero hîl, and »t'.k Lot 18 A»»>n M>o>haîl anid 1h» Redfie,. t» "A" Mao» Camphell- in the Ha»ul, C»,»,v Ba.ohaii halo,>, ailhtagh hi >nid t> Sa> ha», h»î» hailli»» away fur ill >4» s h m.iade il> ch>ic> mhii> A'ss>oain Lhi> i»ot'>a, hiom> a til> ild a> Liais, ui the fin»alipayidf» ptifr s»u-a in»tie Sen»i»o cii iii>>y n itye >oie oe 1960an'd12mre>,ainig six menand hiiga> une.lN tai-bn mou, and il bai came, hi-o>» for'ai. suehi>ah ai A»>., tha» i'> 1959. Th> Miii»>on . »tea» aged Io .io,,sY nable la sqieeae.bohnme a rem. n. O>ly lb>-»> Bimii»gii>i hall»'>, Open rîrst Nine Ramn, Rain, Rian Stalis SOX hi> lb>hba>'> path» fui» 1h>'e At Wyldewoo'd Washed Out Last Night Too Went f»or Dou-ble Oltkiai> ai Wyidewoiu.d o» 7h, Milton Red Sa>'> five» t»' gai»> ca»ti»l>f agailo> the, Oak- pn»> t-Bnim>îh>ahap- and Contriy Club we»>' pina»>dfiot-t>h plate lin the Hall>,» ville Oak>. The, da»e l>or this - wen»> or> Bringifon hil> aha»p ,illeap>aiigday plySa»>-day Couti Iagn>>standintg and last playhbasnityetihuren»e. geadrjs nie tbs ai the- tii'> rine» of tb> pian»îd plat>> spot i-a> >iai>d b» 1h>, A>'»'> ii a 9-13 ii and los_______________ 18hbieu rsea-n. a>ahermîan on 1h>'>,>occais.ecord ad fi>S t>ithoi a 9-1 Se,>'t'oayL. Hie said beiuamn L-1> W>,>i»>,>dO» the, gamne Liei>fi >d arc> »>,gi»» a baill>»> INSUr tr fli Tors ODAYteoen hnsi hebtflio tetogmsar ihDn PHONE TR 8-6538 i»g Saa>day. More >mo'unnhaiid >»»»> '»'Il »sorrc on ic»>a»> of and Georget,ii. white the- 1o O A o he Fiimui Ciesrice~> lf>' lb> >i>hcr ai>ak>d day». tai» The> >>pav of 1h»s gamei î>a»g»e aith the h>'» place, Camp' Pereinm Prodaaîo Loai(uon the lb> >mmh fii»ni f e lo0i* W>d»oday, Aaaa>i 1b ail hi»'i>io Merchoîl>. Oak,îiio ira the sais Tîalaiga>.îîn>'ii >1 0>-rn,»>. e,6.0fn Cales and Georgeowna. waP. ii, O fiî rin inclad» lb>'»» baies Washîd Oii Sai. Ris> Bebellit A T O R MILTON F UE L the> ha>,> i» crosses the riveir Sin te,%vl o i, a ti [lie Red> Sus. t>h h ave catc.her INSURANCE I S P L E twice. ii>i>Georgton.The Sox »'avei Dt>a»i'i'tiiideii>d %vietialod Pi»»> >'ail for comp>oîiaî >1 t») Raider- Tont» for' aiS>,>' »- poi>o»i>g in the 1»» andf a >'a'a- CAMPSELLVIL.E FRED ROBRINS tic seond»in r3 a», lbis lait in Motda>' »ighl. Aag>o> 14. >»»T>>M'..thot>» Phoneo iler427 ie> tfo' play ton tflb 1>8 hy Lia> »igh> iW>îi>o'.îayi. ll iin,î hi> parents in Sp>'iighi>ill,,4221 Bi io iTidLn »»>>sp>i»g. Leurlgaie Je>y Me- S»> hadllb>» 1>i >t aighi Noa'S,.a>ia. __________ Namaai wa> out on Saia>'day la ______________________________________ 1>-i lthe greens andfi ai>mayn and p>-a>t orem>>>,>i»»»ioiithlb Bantams Win 11-6Fo th R G T S ii>,> 46. In Eden Milis Tilt Fo th BR G ES tiio> a>' m,»M tut an»11-6L SHINE ever -and a . . . Pitches No-Hitter .,tour (je Ai»>»> 2 in> a garie. But Milton Victor o>j'-»»O> >i>insdue tutain. 5. In Milton onu Ai»>». 4, Higge'iy h>'iitoi un tb> m>n>id ho>' Mi»l»>on tu>'Bringiau'piid a nit tock nui>,>,o,>, reine ba>o>ers B'utonm bol gamo. but> Miltiin fic' 0»'.s thi>'d and> lourthBU Higgty aiiwd ix wiks and in ili->second »>h> ie ho ir.d si>'ii> one barrer, anid iis om tucive bai»>->, waik>,d seven and hiried ih aBuriington rai-, zillhaowd oehi> tu gi>' Edeni E»Na»!»- un the, trn>aud for, Miiiton, i »>whil, chalk,,d op M iion gave op igiateied Il hies Io cor thei' Il us hi>, but stion>g defhaiiio plat Betiii »iih adouble and single, uthe par-t of the Milton oint NaYle' and MDIC> î,ith t'ai hid Bari'iitiin t on I.»» il, -singles >h, antd Gervis, Pal- cuot atchesta poii Boul>'int fers for Miilton. lo'schncs ura aly. Pee Wees Win 7-4 AFit Fuir Dutu In Eden Milis Gamne tî> ks a>>y and wil eiii ,i ih Eden Miils on Augusi 3,»and look ithe orld's biggest ai»>,» cxii la 7-4.deont »,>o the bnn hiio,. the Toronto> C,.E. i,>' tea»», out-hiffg Eden Mili', 1»' Bm»>, t»ai a Ah»tte l,,yl S>p>.n 9.n 20 ">' Aiser> ac. .e . i.o .i i BA»>pi»i .l Spt. 1,1- inge o-But, iin n[Lu E>,»...... . . i..... Sei, & G»»g»o»'...............Set. 212231 Bolto'» - .......... Sep. 29, 30 Brampt>o n Sep. * 1416 M c I ........... Sept. 2.23 Grand 1.11.yi Sept. i9, 30 Torontoi iC.N.E.i ..... Ang. i8' T 892 Sept. 4, Tur»»> îio3a i> v ai t- -,», _>0 I M 1 o NOWaît>4»Fvre n mterhoi T nSS Pta> CdiPANE Tir'>e seTED ,hemalissyte a>amk Teainoir» li fiep i-atitp't»i g vut unr t>. ll >0» an .84em i"Lahixdiaton Dal, tro saei> butgîîî 'Haynd>' a BROE-SIIE N-RUEI rD AX - Sh.ia» NoSingWX L-tey . 12vLe jL alla ..>tIL Voltage Regulator CARBURETORS FUEL PUMPS rois î.Im ffli».»> oriina Que a 'l ..... ... . .A B .hn mi.»» ortrule' SCHUYLER BROS. LTD. 459 Main St. E. Milton TR 8.2349 Lu r KER'S PARMACY 212 Mai» Si. E. Miilton WILL BE OPEN FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. AND THIS SUNDAY 1.30 70 5 P.M. - 7.30 T0 9 P.M. Y>Uii. Phi >4.iii'lION >hii L tel PROMPILY i>LIi BY A EL;ihil 11 D PHARMACIST. EMERGENCY (ALOS FOR1 PRESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIRLC- TED THIS SUNDAY To TR 8-«492 HOME PHONE NUMBER TE 8-9924 tI