Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 1961, p. 8

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Thousands of WORDS Later Aflter o meeb of rsatiicg dilycremspop' ers ;msisîn fi ibu ail a boliiapi germe obserataions dssalnp ait o multitude ai an- iclatcd sablecis. SFor instance itritas becmne iscscoi' angît' catalca o mate policemencaroe the nît anscrtla cnliiag the itigitro b. We aust itoneai enoagit seaise fadinidallyt' a drive carefllyoand aiant'ratelitiii's asa's lte air dîives bal i campisit' unptedici- able. *9 taers mari e o ncaa mai onu Barlifa. Piesident Kennedy is sifl a gond palîtîcan and ail ii moringi and ivariasicg poredaess cariied a prune tag ltai it ratcd la gel paît bis cangcîss. Wî'îî sot unoti dful ai tanise ibai Bealn fi a pales' liai titdas bon butîrbes il isalibth only one. * Wby titi Fîrencit have citasea ta m itrais lte fias marld mil6 ibeir attitude ta- merda the United Nationvi on Tunisie is 6eý wiHdieîiag unlesi tait position caveal ba juntîird. Psîitaps o ietee sindesi ai Tacisia titan rie conld ete itope b 6be bas lte asmor bai if Jaobs la as fli De Sachle s pcddlîag dama lte wrsong siseais aind me maulna minad itaiag Covadian teptisinao liant telliaf hlm Sa. * ballet reguatifoas around municipal poals oa aoad dromciagi sbaald 6e ansti' blted. Tite nid "bnîfdy" system mitera sirs' mers groap la wo mis faitrd la biol. Witcs o signal is givn e cni amimmer itas ta fiaid bis "bnddy". Thit a y prnbiams oseun coaered ruile totre migit stîl 6e Iise ta da sametiting about il. * Fîom lte bal daces differsai popeis menve maagsd la scan il appeas ibol Fio' once Ministai Fleming lait fats raitler itodly fa lte Coyse tncidest. il migit cot bi anoagi ta1 citange ltse reuat of e foht alec- lion if anc mas colled it il mas senere enogbîtoleaeasmrkon Mr.Pleig'i record. *0 Honentr foîsred ont' chear indications on ste machls ni ltae Cnyneaoffoir os for os ibe Scoole fi saeaerned but mi moaltivit it surprisiti if it bas gained some ncm strevit. Monyt'apayers hîave lobed as rte ietel as a itome for reîiîsd poliiciass riba sera- cd ibeir gant' mdll. Bai io the Sesiai te. cently ciosoti titi Senie pronid il mas vao marie rabbcr stamp in spite of o îbreoicccd elctoîia bp ibi Prime Mivisier baued as Stivali refais. * Titîres on ircasiag valaein le c- reotioaa fallities and mth itaîsivg paît lte "boom" stage tl mauldait 6e snîprisivg ta sec mare anti more specuaotias cn racrea- lion. Il canld ita a gnid inestiment bai me danbl if lte reltar miii 6e as speclaîniar as fi may banc bien onvland ai the itcigbl ai titi bansfng 'boom". * Wbilî ibis fi being milites titi MN Pot' delegates are ailt assembliva for titeir faasding conaentioninf Ottawo. t lobks lite a sbaa in for Danglas cs ibeir ioader ibaagb despiti, Aignes apposition. Ail titi cavironiîsy ieadieg ap ta titi canvenionv miSl andobtedly beirsiaiaid aiidOaisîca itnllobnloo. And incidesiolly don't anderrali tite ftlai of the Newi Port'. il's pronokiva a loi of politicol inisîcat. * Violence in the 'Homilias docb ilifiti fi disinîbiag. fI ocually itarmi te coarse of sîribes in the public eye and titi cause of antans gsaeîolly Wbea tampon, offeat bai enougit, nie irjated by acri sparts fram intoicatsibhese a bound ta 6e disiasie of ose btnclo a otiter. And ruile mc ail toit about fseedori cf lte iedividus], incidenss lite ibis make us mondes if sncb o siote fa vol reolit' oaly ideclistic. * Te beadliles beint' gises lte Miri- ina inqtiry int aliegeti building by-lor inla frions urderline lte seed for niait officiels la îîîad teir îoad cf public sernice wuth scuuoas itaeesiy. Aad if friegnitiis ose pincesrite apoyer miii in lte end be lte nae imu isquiry cosis csiimoîed ai $1.888 o dlay. As Cosada's bsincss tempo quictens tera are grounds for a "iessocoble seasare cf aplimissa" for future eronomit prospects, occordtag t0 lita tank of Mosireai's Business feniari for Huit', cilt ssceti. Theîreiem sayl pseseii bnsiness pros- pects oie brigiter titan foi some lime pasi, coca Sf aoiting "dynoii" is sopecitdinl ltse irmaediale future. Te banbk recas tai a yeor aga ltere mere sigas ltai business mas sloring damw anti quertions wriea bcig asbed about lte future. As lte year progresseti. "a daman- tur in cnet ai octiity mas cosfitmeti anti, ruile flera mas some impronialeni lail alaria, flii did sal continue mbt 1961." By connraît, tenant moarts htave brongit a namitar cf indications ltai lte situation is Tae Cosodian Puais quoles os ana amoti Ottawiasource un rtoe cioci tai the ganssai- ment 'bas dandoti la defer jciaîag ltae On- gasinotion of Amaîlcon States ISASI bol la- tonds la plat' n biggaî sala ta Latin Asonicci aifairs." Tae sîcît' mot' ta nainuaetet bile. ilt'in9, an gond nerispayan neoctisg. on a sait onwri 'o Pîosida'î f'enody's nrgfag it rie coia tae itmiaybeic assocaton. lIn mît' nerit î ta accurse tai soaris besi far Ceioda nI lit klime. STae OAS il at aliaonce cf the indeponti' cal cccnofis ni Noccth and Sourth Amerîna. Sl i sthe ecaessiet tn thea Pas Amonicon Salon andacidtdnq co ils 19Si charter, is iatecd- cdieuuprcmitnt'e nad jicne anditeti- spbric ccl tlanit'. S.acc 1910, mion rte Pan-Amaîlcaît lain aro farmcd, toere tas bacc ancaruat chir bnnrîeg te cma Coni- ado ai te counnil ltal ta ltse onganînatton's Washington bentiquoriana Tanre is moto ressr nom titan titere ner bas tean fan Canada la occcpy rtal empt' citais. [ast yenr oct eopbris la Ltila improciag agoa. so rtal "la garerai an air af opiliss piecis'. Wtith a "gratinai bai defisile sitifi finis lte coperisace ai lte eorly aroatis of rte yîaî. anti mîith a ncmber cf montitly intica' lois pointing apriard. ifis itacomiag inces iagly enident ltai bustaess is once ogain impracing asti pro6ably bas olrsady passeti lte taring point." rthe renieri soya. Titis oscouagisg neris ta ltase of ns toto fiid il dîffîculi bo folloi te ressors; forups anddomsin bsnss. Tebasb la ils report contions liit titere is lttle la point la dynomit ieaoncsy 6cr mosi cf cj miSl 6e happy cilt la bom ont ecooomy is recoceriag. Peritapi ltse unempicymeni fig- nie of 1961-62's minier wiu tell o bter sioiy tan. Amenia tolleti $186 milliov. May Canad' foci campales operole in South Americo, andti iroagi the Biitto Tration, Ligit anti Poser Compavy, arazl is the site ai Cava- do's lorgest sigie foîegal nesimiol. Wî oreoilsoeieding fanciol adienicol nid ta titi sai frit West ladies Fed.-ta- lion. Horiener. il icriatas trac ibsi car main inlerest in itis itemispitee is ont relations nith the United Stores, fil s itrdly possible tbat ai ibis lime Canoda coald be inetial in OAS octinilies, be indepeadent an foreiga affoirs docisions, and nt pcblîaly quande aviit te United Stores. "Canada riSl scad on observer to n - istariol meeting ai te lstes.Ameicos fnv- omis and Sociol cons/Ic in Urugay laies ibis 'est,- coaclades rte Canodion Piess slory oct of Ottawo. "Witile the composition of abs afelegatian bas vol iteen onaocvced, fi il enpeated ta be iteoded by o senior mm ber cf the Cobinet." And ltai seemi esoagb for sari. J OTT INGS B y JI1M Df1uiLt iSO. AFTER amweai if renlit' t'ei'letaeaiiteaiithe teah tl neesav ugeltotioti a dcab agafit anint aitae baritasi ni deadîes ait citer agnin. it amit c bcd tli, tbnagb, no mte itcrimnai unecamptitsnabout ci. A certain amant ni tagnia tc is ascalacoa cange irais, tae cimtine inuit ai refuati cha alulat' sitanit pansia. i LATCHINO an) oit tiags, et' ýomali mas îfiffiuinf the rata ai iafnt aitnab hana odoasa, il * IT HAPPENS tn me oite an acoii.s.eaain [,%sI Mandat' isoti ing, i anulami ataid thikiong bact allant tîuc nicandes. Cthera mNe ucre. pndiuig tcit Ille tacet hiittla, dcog a fl.mila tripîin fas, bi to flents. Anot or fn Irna, tetîcd, and rnar' tn pasI ns Stke înîdad toissiles. ariae ilîccannisci lattait tend- fca baacitateitt'alat atoacit cni il lthe uctiae. tact ai them as gifis anti da'eined as a carîot nlivitr an th ay tit'c te ig irnce. Mhita a diflarnea o iandint cf teCar baie toanie! Min ttc îsbIoCa'eilte ctabgeitof niail I lit Ill omiles. Anti nur acit nuno tia busns of Dudrumngo nccc ct'O twe ant i nlui aniiig ilitai cou Ctait' lasOn flia firtrp lootk c' it ith, ctafe w suinnîf let cat, anti ta came bc ici a, ca Laitci D.n'vecend Sie dicml se iit c baien anti te \as o matit htac anti it.utt'a toto fcr fi. M.'ti gaI an nanv ar n tte hig nies. Daci toalt bct lautI f15. biakiat the tire O ii" ,'.tr ati fiiaig the ruta ct isaiet, ati abtakiig bts p.cahcca' caîhi. tain tel siail ,,apytig ann lain fitnge' banni iecit talcle citai, i coolaf hl.i id and tamya of ltae bu1 '27 otde. St% autn nia5 b'd flic iC ar n it"lAre ta [ui- lccsaete fumg Ic t e atInS". jasitaot the tise tot mattar mai gattiitg breakfnst far fica kitis, ffnîstfag botr itoiog, anti paeiig n tgo tancet for lte rond. A Iter ai'ig a tsarty treak- fast, toti go out ta lte car, tuitk cte tires ait arasitt osas mon. litmt sn asti tank ltse tara acary lio inutes as a "bourry-up" sugnsal, wehite my mtier mss dslcg thsc allites, yeaa bal I tac't ielp buat it fim' paa'.sedîctlit t iteaît'0 a suna.' ocer a lako. Ao eclipso ai taem isonaco hall ns math satfitnl ut btansi il itappoassa saldm, f t attrats lac or i TRIED TO cisit a couple of staaklynemspprtplaslJs[lta baein a aaal, 'yantoa, bai niliotosatcesi. fanatrs era lcbcd and 1 cnald anît' nssaill' thest'd decided la close dama lac ltannuai vaention. Il's soi a bcd idon. efîlsr, buat anorlwi' ailt me lsad la gise lthe idea ap ocnesseaarnl years an lsa cas fa langer staff. Nommae sinîger italidays andtie sresaIl s nt me "ýstagiar" ltraaîi l'ani Jane t0 Septemiter muth n stnff dopîîtid la s'aryiog degres. * ALTHOUOH mas's lires x pocacat gravms ith the yencs, itehnt ie ogeo ae ta ail the ltinash'is mile osaIs bita * PLIES ARE anusisance fa thte somemer, btIll lts adt lte cas faite ail fa 1/20ofl a seconti analti scelt' aicsanierocit scienlfis aticeta1 cut dloms tlsosaioîsrnaly lo n oait damns reqirsdtlaanaia ru- clat. rM aad Sue- . titanîtoa tit aby at.nd paitili tiomo ail tae m'inows tis case il raineti. mati gel os ltae rond about f. Titroo mites cal Of lama. list moarti nnitiaeemser sille bhing lthai mas inisapensable. Msyoatiaould tun aronatimith a tarocions lcatisg ai gears, andt tite tact, mnttectg somnethia aboutînnîeaelliog the whls dam' trip il Ste icaldot gica bis n )iloe bellp anti aa'nperaicc. fati osed lui estifiata or ti s ta t to/ni hit lte ferryt "Irigt on lte nase." an ta pal fi. Bolutob imwa n igienitid la allosa lai ltae ioecittol blasa' nais. Sa meti car daorl ca the ferry dck mît as ltae boat mai sn mitrcais. taadfng fia the cter sida. My moibar moiti sit'plaaidlynoughb.intheb batc, wisse My dati sperl ltae oest 13 mintas. in a anicalti ctin te itiaratr flaîns ofire aoiatreand'etS' boni cantafcs. itai c'a gai la lthe cter sida of the rtiver. ov' tegait ta get axcteti aiw mntoateti cte ta' itooti suent ofi"pciaecontry occ again. Evan mn tati is' mareti dccc and relad aitougli inite oba ahiis stras bat. Bn tae ici c iteaing eenl t'd mater. l'Il adit ltaI tiians [oit' el'aisinus as* iadiaempecati about ltae Origioal trip 10 ltae cttage. But taem tte similadinv endin. AIt Mn dati ta ta don niea te gai ltera m'as drag the btoaottinmaoir thae ct- tag. ticow fi fa lthe laite ta sa, t np iha pipe's and tllrfit' n TS,' tailentd ne lor druntn, bi ater, and ail dao and a ilt 1cr is di citai. Mail day sas ltse gamne. Hs ditisi dc a tnp. H E sat sat tera, taaiting ai te labo, aond mapte ielicg mt' motter steti betica paint the cottage itis year. Autr lnai, iteti gice ber sonme Morley'. tiss ns ait amratit, asti hest far tome, gemite in thc knamtetige tha te manitisi sas ast' ai as faro ma tsait, peacofl maths. piawadaps, ni opectcîg dey. ranlier tas ta taah OP the mnier syuera, gai ttc tytira tarnon an sart mreatliag a tage bat nd mator aut ai smortife. lia tarait' 'bas tise tar ntadati tohau tes gsst la laon for grotaries anti basa. isten te gais tank, te's an- ctalt a lake ltae kitis for n smim, Ibes cka barbltecue diasar. Latar, tois aspoalaji ta sii tapftair lte afgt tltisi la the peopls frati ils s sascti ltige, toto jasi drnpt'ad an for anoight-ap. Anti tni's onît' the teginnios. Totny's tler isosxpcat tu tacda ncsr ltse tigittapi, ast" sateca framt 100 la 300 ileas, aaory issai snd, se liit te can go ttcaagt roagttt' ltae se per- formnta. He arrfttes tank oa thefat Mosiat' moratitg feelinog lle n bafl fitdiae bhals teco lait It mn Intior's lime taera anit macs lthaI aaatd ga mrosg saitt n cottage. Ttc tolait migt fiais ottr, bal fi moattial bath at'. Tae matar taasa yaa gai il trois ltae tabit nith a paS]. A bittic [ait' are maitt itottiig toton yaa mth tat oS. If ya gtai aie fit the rani, yna puît atitcet aitiar lta unantch the main mater, iuel sas nctandt siti fur oasbiitg te tait. Moaays the pour, taranneti iesti toto arrives ai tae cottage Frdnenoiiig aller a treethaac tdr is greaieti ty te itms lthai ltae soptia taitk iv it septiibi, tse stase is tfonsig fuses, the ht-asnrr tank tas toril, the kîids baiec smasitcd tae propafcer cf the tcbit il tic i cle ini"att Te tole busionsi fan ciblar eaiplfa ci otiy's mas saorgeltally safalting a spntia ai the digin ofa bis aise grave, It mn dadas day the mate mai smariecasgfstamark stxndast a aet asti bave the famlt cattage fr esnt amat' so ibai ite canide't pnsfblp "ras sp" se waetk endis. Its a mander ta me ibal ihen fini a mae af suicides fa thte cilles evsry Fr1' day. aboaat socai, ail isruier te tisa flues. Tatlis irais the filles af the Cas' idissi Chsamipimon Amus 7, 1941 A itat type aot aio exPadis'- mnana u s tsing aonssirat' cdi onTi. 25 Eigtsay Irast Acîca ta Miltait. Alter tae toati ted tas srnaliitspreatiatar theeni sntface. Caleinum Citoritis sieon spisat nier ibis irait gace]. Cic errntiotsapa tae toosa mixture fit fuross lacis si de la itis ait ltae muat. titornagitit miiig ltae grnsý dtCatia. Il isîte epte I lceo nk in spots satate ta dr.nog fi tat a ses tat itis il rctifisti teoas the lot' suace s put 00. Te sectinon ttc iirsl concesstinfot Multai fa appareitit cospaiei. Wite the tati itaisane s telpati il tbas saltar oe etireit'e afisiaieti ity ltae teatiscol. A camplat rotck ntastfoa anti griadiitg nalit itasbeenotat ap initheasneipil an Jao Manra's fansa ai Spcn' seudmandltstsnledntiai A iotnmaraa ty Henin slthe ]nsI hall ni ltae niat timidat a fait etibitinorn soittali oinar ni ltae Multai Omis tp 7 tb 5 sciea titat ptnaetilraeitstitta ta 'e ont Caestinyascnitigcullasl Nnc. Che Ineats mare tinawn raitnom mietait bctame ta bat fit ltait bail cf ltae tuInt. Varca sas beau fur ltae vsilors, hasng tJour singles. Patidie 1cr Milicentati tii a. MWhite ltae aisitlors playeti erraris ti iaiat aita Cnmpbattt'fttc-Tbc Atirnar Bftle Glass ils moottit' socal ecaîingcOn Satdnynoffast toeit ni tae toma nf Miss Malrin El- The tersait ano. Vaunleat Aidai's Sosie, ainat ty Ma'- rce C. gaîr Miltnt tas finisit' cd a sisveairait retord of 9,751 its. cf suit, 129f ils. ch lai, cit anoaseraga telt of 5.43 PIl la .36 dn>gs. Trie ib te files Of the Casi' adias Champions, Atigmal b, 1911 On baoday allenoan, Mr. anti Mr.Biggar of Omnagit. Trafnlgar' irota nisftisg Iriestis rer Multas, andtmere metsasaanautb te sideadt near ferry Wait. Tte itorse abatl Mc. Biggar mas tria' ing tons sappnsed t10b ten rigit mit aunos bt lthe drivcer of lthe ar sltgtped lthe machine ant ius- otadiatals' ttc animais mas seistit wtoh o Pania anti litraoif ltse toast' over. tiampedthe octu ponts bila lthe ditet asti ttct ma'te severein inlarei. Mr. Bigiar fattios ii bacs tact anti Mn . Biisar's Iftitbs tefnî badIn brais' cd. Tte tosgyi n ms 31 mos a camplete acreai. The tarie mas augi tc William Goltien, a shocrt disltacefronttelaeof anis lthaI mill tnh a losa dise ta tiai. Mr. oides tak flie itnase anti ltse piect alithe buagys ci itis place anti tse ici anti Oms' ters %sere tatas tome in ltse auto. Tita Halios Agaicaliscal Society titis l'at alicret $10 fin paees 1cr the bt riv e acres oflmite cOis. The mane' tons divideti fila lira prisas sol $15.100 $12.00, $10.00, $a.00 anti 88.00. Ttora re 19 anlics made,but snneO ltae caino tati ben cal beoare lthe fatige gaI aronnt ta istige. Hais' aec.r if dilieeni lts moe n- spceit asti lthe piais amartiat as flttast lt. Robert Pttissa, S'îmmrrmas 83, 2sti. J. H. Wilson, Milton 82, 3rti. Eti McCass. Omogit ai, ft. W. A. Disos. Loto' cilla 78. 5ît. Georse E. Caille. Lowsi lia 75, M. Wfttiamsas, Ant' igtly racamentiei. Tite possible .score mos t1lt. W. A. Kelsy, of Ratines, mas lthe iatiac asti iti bils sitrkin fan safifatorcman ARQUND THE DISTRICT WITH ROY' DOWNS M Iý GRORGETOWN - Stie grnapn ai residaits on Georgettown miii tatte casier as arasal fiof a pln prnpnsad ty Mapor Hyde. He as sggcsied n fadastiai astetisposai pîngrais Ina tisa papler milis by espto'isg n tagonn Thea comis ts ittictt.ltt ibot n great dont loti offensiv. BRAMPTON - piant are aeis titait ap for 't 2,500 sguarn folt, $15,000 addition la the Prof Memat tai Hospitl ta tnas. the Peel Cocoin Healiit i. CThe eath uit bis tari ittat faons tae itcsamc ii,ýfiaaeccnisacourt bousecini1946tî s prscriitaacation aîs22Ne]ct. ni .ihniý,Th' î a it-sliia jý ve fuii , i l c ttn. aig'î s , i d î î î îî î i e î i î u s STREETSVILLE - icractu Tttonship yaiail appîced ina principal provisionoor colerand sasaerngc faftisc;naot &7,00,00 tub,000 acresa tf aitdaraittittreatscflt taato te tisetaelot of tse lntd b Eda Mitis fsastopmssla Lîti. aitt Meatotcate Deelotpisents. Te 201 iear praueal.mfll bave as si- maitd popuationa ai 80,000. Pieene towshsip populatin lu 65,000. A triait semsr mii siu open as atiditiannai bi00 acres above lthe pnnthasd praperit'. ACTOi' - Afile a dilseussion as mitetiter la tsilti a nae atimmanlit' tafl, or malt ta boy Bine Maselain selaot, Usilisafad, vaieti ta batiti s et hall. A bufidig cammitler mas cameti ai a pabica meeting n Munas*at ai tait meeh saith s fait basse prescrit. Mr. Oriesmant ai Oraigaatiia gave an estimais on the setratios tofsa semhall. c I. Business Tempo Quickens Enough For Now The Canadian Champion Pablisitat asery Titacsdas ni Main St.. Miltn, Ot., Memior ai the Audit isuraua ci Ciacalations, tce C.W.N.A. and lte Osiarfsartaeite Dicisias C.W.MA. Adceriing rates as risant. Salsariptfssss payale fa ndcaeae, $3.00 fa Cannda, 85.0f on lte U.S.A. Aaîtorised ns Seand Clnss Mafil, Paît Offiae Deparimesi, Ottama. O. A. Dliii. Ediior-is'Ciif James A. fis, Msasagisi Editar Paisied fs the Heari ai Hallos Pmhilmbod hy tise MiU@ Pefmlm and Psdsllblssg Co. Led. lus INEtS ANDf EDITOI IAL OFFICE TELEPHON E TE 8-2341 THE TURNINGý POINT byLJ.M.USTAf 'Lstgls ,ndlitewsrld Iag ilh yu pi,4 Titis boa stissys be s irioe af iasa ale Ecerps s soys a aaiiogs..f sbase tt ife sytem.W =iil Maa 'ihogitsite Iscilasle la eaioatlce id ertg ... baills plislalip ï. nd mesialit'. Le gilas tirsbig elssr titre, f or lteé carin a.ils bas castribaeigett alt Isagt ai th miartd. Pral e tbem arives ie bts peanît citaratr andi teara ta taaagi ai sttaon i eta itad ascisat a itîtten. bill Mauttie sas a gan aster ai titis part' aaiar art dharfsg the Second Waatd War, anti bis appestisitit humour- anes partrapats ai lte coamsn tlgtifg mas andi bis "ap iront' itations mere apptaadrd ailt ejayeti bp ilsoosasis la the servites. Titeir marais mas tirteti bp lsis ctaver adepinss la tamnisa ta itumour, iathersise asitearable sitations. Ose tif lthe tifrscisrs ai s large Eairapess ifrmaitwsa tleata sa orsamttlonsas.Hritasisy resd- ig tse ftas, and woan gran apraovat tram air sats by ii enitusisstifcsiase ofDisey coin'a bookslllIl ns been a long acceptedti act ltai a tarit perces taie of bard-itte lsssmen areiareat icfcas ad Lmaylhavefsiladeofaltrreîesathsr 10 semant .. Otyit'fi yas casi ajiprettinie nensense cas yau resut' ia appreciste ssi" .Edmard Lear mt ii "Pobitte Whoa Had No Tocs," nd Dan Marqiis bot gainast fame acer ilsîir paems ai "ýsss." Marlsa cactroacit namsd "Arcii" appealied la tlse hamour ai lthe msrld. Writers asti aarîaanfsts ailes iry ta diagaise tbe irat by aloabii il Ie a rani ai'nonsese. At Cappis 'Litl Abner" fsanctaally s vert' cavcer satie Noasasse, lI bii , rsally tis plat' a defiite part la flie, for allen ifi yas arc 'aite ta mabe, yaar fltois itmas langit, yaa hlep ta makie them tie. bMarkt Tisais mai vstj' oliver ai aarryfsg itis off scitn ia %araie ii lamons boaaks. Il vaa isd finiat yaa easait circatate amasi peopte aa matith as yaa tosta tilts la, titere are sorme, esiertiifsly itamoaroas bsok s lthe markt tatay, intiadlsg a fois perenas sacs as Robert Factafoes "Happy Tf me," bbfinner and Rimbareutilsis "Oar HEais mers Yaung asd Gay" asd "Papcrrs" ami Betty Mcoaaldis "Tite Eaa and t" . . .1 jasi ta mestias a issa, riacith an ver.y difieeni apponcit ta humouir. Titet safîl lsscp yoa agig merrity for booms. Titre are, ai aourse, masy diflloni types ai itumour. In Hellen Ratier's "Titro Onys ta Sra,' is ceagresses tse feeling flsi me' mt aar sgs, are oavryiaotalasaasiaubablta detatbhumour fa lthe "sabilies ai exprnssion, lthe qaiver ai n muscle" -... fgs ilsai are deeied iter. t rememiter as a abftd, islayisa salth as adali iriesti ai the inmfly an a talfiday. Titis fettasa iad n vert' dry it, bathi diti soi tae lafr me ta dificocer îlsaîl1cnld deteat ii jotas ity satcifng ii ates, laclie aaatd sol iteop bisraisro tis- tisa merrily, ilsaaei ii fentures remaised passive! Most ai as mili reaall tonatthtecaerisitaiaalslisall, andmare Mot aired is ltae stadeots. more ltaose mita bepi a but .stndard ai dfsailinfs, yot more milliai ta atenage oin. alila nonsansa os occasion. Thte sîndeots ratly loaked laritard ta litar atasses. anin sltae mnjority ai rasas, markcd tiie an itard la please filte. If yoa 1usd' jYaarsali diaainou daaeiep a lnrranc, cesalve ta step ap nd re-Isindîs yaar sasse ai huamoar b i ldolîfea fa a luttle isuothemost imptntsi'geieii 1cr anr itappinss fa the teneons aod strile. aod lthe tremanstaa pince al loan's marfd. Thes fllsitta qaolle is cary meil itcams, buat so old ns ta htace ]asi fis atitr. "A ]ille nonsense sois asti ltes s rclîsitad ia lthe misait mes", =THE GOOD OLD DAYS

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