Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1968, p. 12

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Jim's Jottîngs by i dacii1 Sugar and Spic9 b y ba , 1 t. tmai1lep t Atbe csb cf helaboatos the abinaI t! aettur ii meeb baaeity ar a ouplet batt incidents about the Sbelteamng cf the Scoula aflea abeir Jambore at tou ouhed oct a meek ugo. As noter! las meebu al mtottes mdi nver ho told butole are puesicutue came tu mny atterleon. *Secte a ocal famalpoatsuaptrson the Sunay mcoairtesecaabweei toto ahele datonoaf. Oct gel ove cf tbe boys mbcbhad benaoucrgtri guest aberer the Tbcatdap. Thos arme he bard a loely cupoandrsaucra foraaeroainoppaeciation. The farriy bcd dtrera o0cr tram Kitcheer math the grht The boy dadolt broo ahe rame cf bar harts ta rire the fomdly tocrd lcacl otraeto cctl il rhepbt abe fumalaa -Mary leateto haro been paurr mac local homes faot tomre cf dho bao and aboie parnts obo ooptomed cpprcaro for the bccprtality lacally. A gond maoy hace daanated leller to nuat office rat bnoemagarctheru inoe addaresOnecof the puges ibms weob careas maoy armwe culd!acaommcrod lbaad hpepcou'Ilubae lime ta loch ahleul ovra Quite ahraccdly Ihey aruc rancetle. -Avnd one boual comment or the iambco. Tbe Cbumpion rialed ve 14500 cpiestollepecaletonlrlOOObk ta pointa on boglocd Aaoaauhia and tbe U.S. ao meSl as uS[ uaco Cacada. Paescmably a lot mate people noa bom mbeao Mlton a aval mli bore a freodly spot on abeir beatso lt. mttb, top I d omwns Aiea noaasonatde Bauce Traldari mekas glraredfoam a rceot modaly remaiettea "The Broca Nomo' puhliheil by the Ontoario B. T. Asociation. The Tcail bas jut hemn wakedend la end. by a i2-yeat-oid boy rameil bloma Csrhaimi of Caledor HiaPa Ito a 434 mie trtaecrrdgobthetrlifrontTabetmcty ta Niaagaa, acd bîmea cs behierod to be abe yruvgest tc trarse the enhane lngtb. Ho dada aco 28 oeparte tript. arotly armeet brodan cd hae avragei 15.5 miter pea day. Broider mdaoig ihecpodredoa bicylemwherlata locboraaulaieiafler'atid bat bondrogs orS bo pcbhahedr d rit emeot edtiro cf the Stre Trait gcrdeboab. Homo taa fator oeample ai acabitrca yccab' TIre camte, rewsetter reporta oc tac Toranto ladiea aha aira campiered the tai irota end la end. - iameve' me trot abat tbe fatre t nather htrab lot aSl boe aba have campirteai tht entire Ttalc ontient oesltter edatar oacg Brao ai Coabrodlle. "Aller ail, abat as them tria ta dao? Il isleatr e nd mre hlo rads inr bacabero Ontro te a ticfy the voracau appeatrsof oaa more noorgerar membeat'- The acoaslcatr maleanrapprdl ta h local Hatrar Ragrar Carreruation Acabartav tu presrre the Hrlto Polo dlar, and reeraor area ni Nasagaaeya in lo precot atral cacao, and cor mube a ardeapea puhlic parierbere. Appatcataly alarmed! ut a rewspapers setoiota aacamrping gauno lents oald tradacrs erght be badrt ararohe li tr.flae Tat) oeudleitr mabercancugoen plra lot ptr5crva i afhe atear an.t *Special spots clore ta borna arr dIton the lest cicîrd. Tbut'c the ay t as uimth Duodrn Carda rn Hamdlton and or gea abr tat orb lagelp beccute rcmeaoe nase made the arangement.1OcomOd ta fut a oleitI compares favrably math camne ai the o tortoc l'or er1ayrd cn the U.S. and the Sourd and Ligl a performance oddsa e peciad dimension te tbe bualding atarI). Cacpled oatb tbe fuoroco gurdosaiut Humiltan. Ocodrn tsa cfbne additacr te theatracionsa cf tlt ccty. a Sport a couple of b'outs rcair g NelsanaCrrsidacStoce prOprtpSoachborca aI Miltar and t waa tarparsrd aithae effots alle tetcrriabeauayaf onad rcaplabaat The tra plantargo. teclumotao oI qoaracal oct land and aheoeffor o rdace dort aSl cootabute ta mubrog She qiuarry a~ ranaable ndosral operaucon Cîoco aaaeyotooridrc itr prto bar rlrey aIra cootato a lot cf the dort. The pilcofaaarbordorttaocb paîrd fat tat cavr rubor a cartable sba bil. The ariaaor and oooartd outr abait al eracoletoda ascoaaredoandatorbedorlbh rainoa tacot. Therarro dfinoite effort ta niaisethe qcatay acpablcowanad plans for tbe futare ei tas oramotbag moto taroocaton the lurdocupe. bl cor ho doc oasemr. I thargt tbe participortsai uthe Staua Lra crdo a doboaito rdoctace inrabe ahartlrrg aad abe racse abat cs expected appecatoa il and rl oald mabo the meeed fat taoc close la the groarda ahal macla mrec aat THE NEWIST LOOK in edacation la on Cao catoalet portable clntvtoovrt bave diaplay ut Otatrio School fut the Oeuf boe oted uithe tout of the juviot this monb, whoto cie mroo accottmo- schaol section, ta bouse toton of the datiota ail) teach a nomv peuh whn artdots. oattoattd 510 rtcdtttts otatoil rode. (staff Photo) ûrnuiapiOU Editorial Page cs merl 'al hao heo prooleai fouf acoroclitaara os tire C orner agoid star bratopamaraird and ot crly shccid fle irospitai officiis ch prendbut he wole o ity. mou aiadition. l'al rt at e alo lRUA. bel s doe saine oay. a o lrehv v her acf propoas ta mahc h tta lilon Fadlr orna arr rabat altommaatar arerhadrmr theaoigial PatPow of art diloatge. "Tha FialtalIr aca ta a tabac a agot tract af arldertcrcadacetrlurfie eccapotccr. cataritiaf ai bearettsarcPs. oond hadwod iosir ad ahordoaned mcara Tha tract a cunrquer.ig omay lut the lapget loarcale repao close la the galalcn hoamalarra l' Labo Ontuario. cn addition ta cavorian accorual imsO aucctpparîr (cg. a naacal hridge), large fissuraas d throck. vercal iltoe cîifo. a carcado, a pictesqur maatttfali, ald acvra I drap raiceyr mrrh IloalderrteaSoc. The ahardard ereadoo. oraras araw avrpomo mathilu Me,'l aturaa lacroro fat ail barda I hadblfe oald are faoriote haurita laradmaralteto. Tia ooe malal aca bar or amoaploeraa oareoraes ahabh r milers disacof ai glaaay 401," Scy ediar Btocnr -WbacmaretraSy tyitiaugproti ahat li hara rI arcaaatrOglt fah maya cl, and taa ia moall rat bcmo roC dweoarel at byaordcrelapreol l moaId be aidatr if tbe aoiqaerors ai the angra) more rocrficoa ta tho copedoracy r octracropaboi largesraPparrble ctcmdc. W leal rliai quabty ar ofcei rcamoemsor gratet impartaace atbar qcaorlty aval th a fom cncas otarlal harset corde maithit ta amallpy Oaa) qualiativae dafferva boras-at healmtcleadt r ae ampe fthey.ttaae rtancr one und the tarot butfailetpaadaatisfaheatrafachra alteady prarcat a' flac icea tooforltabtIl ti lraalf caca affets a porto apparrrtriyrtactalltlieh princiaple qualitative urc," liecacclcdet. c la p ta c c îC T p aMDIEBON'S BAttU 510F ne tht derron Mtiii npanatns tht shop le taon of the oenuro, thomnai tht aId savon location. Naot nhe an ratl, sepln iittirgs abat once edatotai a men's malpapet, tht potheilatai snoon, gansrsalemporiato. William Anderson, livaincto evai the chairs in use dur thome ouatine blaie le the fanegmeuna, that peoa. pmened il ahen said bis sot Chiarlas An- Hoto sapofialrot is aaorodiaaicn? Weil, r) fio 240 horpaltais on Otario oriy 95 have ooalici milh the otandards for parient rarte, safety and operalior thal cra the obatus. Arocedios tr haspial officiais, acre dtaaio recogoizes bigh stanodards cf rare cf patients and il gises physiricas ah e assurance ahaf abeir putiertr miii henefit frot the mervices cf leciard personel1la inhe heot possible ravarorieol. The rertifiocie alo inabotes a high staodard of boasebeeping as meiu or refleotaog sourd cocnstruction ced optimuam saioiy precu taras ir ahe building itocif. Milton and distrri liacs altocys ben proud cf ils horpital and while me'oe vol persoraliy tosteai ils accomodations, mo'vo mord oraoy favorable reports fronar lioso to haro. Theaanccooaicein taa the hoopitai bas acreroa lich roqu ireai standards tb Catit foui acrrditalion adals la or confidenceocf thir instituion. Il liacs crdcchtediy taken the ra-operoaion cf a proal acy people in metettafie otadards. The Bcaud, Admiaiserator ondi staff con affüie atre lirnar eeaiiig the eromarlîfy as even more proad ai the service ced accrommodation prcvided hy ahe Hospital ced orn more coafideat cf the servions prcvided. jiriectik» plerée O At sortie point cOomun sOOsO racot romo to the fore and cil flhc reports avd reports on reports mill o merely proolde uhe baockgerun Ira 1 deoisacas on local gorerraieat. Pari b ore long toili il lobe. ai fcrreatiy tiiosecior cfich r province moulai seca 10 hava tea c ai subjoot t0 eoogi studios ord raports Il rt enoagcf acticn and directionc. IL Nof so tbragh. Lcalii acrpiairac ae rare ro boiag asheai la ctcdy oald rs omment on uSec Moîrcpoliao IlToroto oald Regon Transportatiaon le Stcd y. Local cortirents are te ha rat ci to the prooioce Sy alto ond ratli of yea. The stady. irocidertciiy. storiad Ou ot os al oersadorotaao ai traocsportationi aoargeoserctrio souftflort Ontarie. It waso ur roaliacal trasportotier mas oiiaslad flcrealraet oftasoartatin.taa't una fe sotlihr. cll h tht inc He t bas bad lasec Ptuotu to.000iaie ond uananpiioi OtrosftoUa atadp sitaoe. the Sarioftrr-Waotmcrth endl of the oeotp ald nana ahere 10 tile Smith Report tinal irrbed at the province ad prrprred tonte lcol goveroatieat beodaries. Star loIr thas tlie foot thai edoctior 10 folOf to flhc ocoty ioeue at the end of the f000 and a droisin 10 upcomai or abeiher or art osseosmerl mil b hov tace flie ceenif ieoei cr4 me fiad aconeforoal pircro ta gorernrceni faýralif. bant ai ere, serat- hope for diroectioa? Wiii il taIra yea more reports cr4 siadias la rach accep table ceosclausiaors" Hca soar,. me a oder, mill fle province ache flic larsa acssarY stop oald dccide ahtrc. cn foot. tirr as la lac acf Oov' ta reacrai goccrartacrit Thte prtavince lias art latrriiy cartrriioaei isoif la titis directaon. oliltarafil atroces scl as au coasaladaita scoc Sarais and hoords rai aduraatio ai ailo cearîfy local. andcrsa sortie0 coartrrrit s ara laaraag maade tomard largoraraits. Wialtlr ilry mill ho refacoci oroa pdoted ceaflty %leta ta rat clor And il local gtaerrarroci gots ris lairas ccr oacd boordoolos mal erroalarld wr merder hem rarconilottl iiry miii ho. Are ahoy liaci Ira rarerceome some ci tira majcr prabli % tas rocabored ahen a t lardeavor firds ar praoo is righa evea thcogi fic parprrsd ose airer sale dacs't it la i iitaasorschemo? s Wr darchi fic fartcirg cp of crcs of t froecrra et an aolargor or stmalier tscale cuorsccare alto difuiorlties ai otoiakn toit t bat s osa of rar lanal. l raapffi ha iraIpiol ahough if sorter irata directioar coalai bc ivan in r the frid rai repoari, local or coty gorarcontn îlot thon that's the erecao fer oul file stadies. Nom il t "li WCett mn toca docition nuIrns. Eserp peur about tfhis at, I bave an affale, ahethea my mife likescit ûn eut. I fail la love and Ina tbe chips fl 1br tbey map. I bave tnp Soptembee Affale. la muvies and nuvels, that tille totons laiat a toa, ur maman, falti in love in the fait crifis ut hea flfe. Il bas a. ament, nomtalgie note, th a taucb of saodes la' Bal l'on bad a Septembet Affale siece1 not a speaut. Everp peut. I faillan lae ritb the moth of Septeabter. And l lit aet aond nostalgic and a littîn sud. And achingly beautiful. Asta tpbn.imeat ctaeghomefrn tmo moraba oilai, f tee ruaniag abut ut the cottage, u ne of a big faaodp. We mere tan-busrd and bramhtt-scatched and jasa a couple cf jumprubhead of thn guphea ce the geourd-bos. aotialp. Wbal theii te be hume) Flip a higha-soitch, flash a follra, in ahe big, ulid bouse mathl the hligh cedaags and cool moims,uaftentaight meeha of gaubbiag tl. And thea. the magic uf moden livtng andscaeadittoat outtnutbe sneets Iu Pndîb 'la "ids" anderaceaaourdainthe gleatour Sepatambeanonoiaigs, playiog Rua, Sbnep Rudi, and Redlaglat uad Hiade and Snob. Motetlrcalled. but rrohcdp camte. Il oaa the Pesat fascination mitb ahe Septeothea Affale. Oua muotheas seemtd au sente il and Ina usthave atfling beoe fiehraamneaeiousuand uturmavdiaoted thr lumps. As a teenaugnas, mekang fine baadaed tiler faom home in Septemben, I hud mp Affala. Ther oasacurnng peaeling ta gel Sb au techuol, faoendr. football und tho rranaaupand aomance seath the haoor-oped gial. ta almosa bus pbpsicallp. Aso pabytbeereaasthe hednetaand tension of gong off au Cellege, a big muad, lei Septemrbea. A stage ad feaghtenmng place. A tmall-aooa bop la a big puddtile. Hem popIne. Nem muovers. Nem eerapalrag. A Poptembea Affit. And ut celînge, fart peut, te tous fie mteochiog affale mobh a Pouah Ameelcan moocb. Splvia. Rn met bp chance ad il mu eahit eue sIte olta Gack aailat 'ai snee set hier ogala, aund me totaneal la the. abat, Septemibet alusa,s bards clatcheai, tai np bei tatanai aven lalis grose. Thea came tht e p eats aid thnme ment o inn memnoaobia Septembeet-. Oae as the Niagara Penlasals, bath the Vupes and prolches flash, aid thethabill of loawieg 1 huai posseai eiemgae Spgsoalui caulai pul tht tohite "flash" ofai oPilaI ta top cap. One' le Englanai, bat and bnp mad lagurous oftenaaaeai, met satomne. And tht tosekenai teave in London, tmeatp yas aide ad a peettp giel an yaue atm and aieath ianhiag la tht miaga, anai cang nul. Ton fast il ment. Ont la Norataaaa nai jump ta Lille, said jomp ta Artmeep ona ile evtep a an a tamiues, wohite-hat tole, anai tht heautifol meathea anai tht tenrible aiailp alattppturnnm af Padaip anai Mac taid Tofip ana i Olgle Bell anai Nick anai Fmaiaip. And fihat long, but September ai 1945. Heme. Alne. Unneal. Reallp anneai: tht familpy, the puaces, tht pouce, the banedom, anai aben tht silp pauag people bachort tht unavrsia>. Bal the Sepatohber Affale bath tht tanna aaai tht cool'hion skp and the long dona bain oald pet aothen pain af hnaonpes,hnrmrear thn lever. Anal the neot Septemnbea. Moratage to tht hnama-epes aad a meaderful meeb uit the nid cottage la Quebeo, mith ibtsasteange wmto. Caoeing andaltmminguadme tachaag herbanwte cuala. Anal sheasjoat us staoge toaa, 22 peoar lote. Anal jot as Andal lot ai Septembena sioce, golden anal blun, math tht hasa baeatb ai setotonie an the green amas and tht Sot st i fait in the coot aaghas, aed tbe magie that maires me foi ion tht ripo chantos afiaa ripe aid ladyp ai tht pan, Septemben, ooirg math pienituda, gangeai mitb tht frails of suome,yetmobkeaagit avsgbta tht hnith businessaaheual. 1lhave abad cna nthte lady. pages oLkh.ePast i rao champian laites 20 years ago Tabe ron tnmhe cscue ofThefCaadi Champiar Seprembea 2,1948. Ortp tea ment injuneal en Wtairesaai morrrog aber two frnigha tansn caluideal about 5.30 ai Geurgeown tu pale op are ai (lbe higgnoa mancha abait bas bees seer le Ibis distrct. Tmeny catain wene brutal an tire ama cura or Suai ta be desanapeal, and about 15 cons ment denailai, piled up and a bea contat stremo laven tht raodmap taac.Atntave nt ieOI fronOtTorto 10 Pinotiord mot otaprider! or Wedneedtp ut oeil et file Sne nrtb and aautrt Borate ta Hamiton oald ibraugla Milo. Ergirer Houpy Henrvcbaciiced abraher arbie and ftemanOLoard Farmotbalp rut about the bonda ard faon. Btir tonte tahor ta berpial. Bath jumped iant belote the crash aimar uSe brabes Soal been siammeal or anal a rcoo mas ern uaoidale.The accident scanredoabout 5:30. Il apprara abat the caue and secenai faeagba cana tonne standing an uhe main hane an Georgetowen jot total of the taro abain tbe engae mas tahaag an murer. The racse or She crashr mot dnsried Sp reaaby eccaleoto ao aimalan t ac uY finandir. The Cire amrer aondeal sburtip citr rhborash oa l macy ibaughr an nxoicn boall ccraed. Thie Gecrgeîtown brigadr cachred She lire tcuaeleabc roogar lare rgbt airer aln coulisoe. Ovr 400 peuple uatmal tbe Porineas Theareasiaeaataattnonerof the bet local-taleot shows saea an Milton rn mary oars.I iaaaberehitaconcertmobt a scoro ai arrart rara Miaton. Cempbcîioaîîe. BrunIe anal t rtccdin itritstvraahnB pat. 50 years ago Toben rnct the rosue of Tire Caroduan Championa Septembea 5,1918. Wt are getbrng cac bher Ircal in fie Uniteal Statea. abar o aie lia vang rai gaslirre. hy the dacpprcg fla ail pleaoune ridngoSunardys. Sadayosalesof gaaahrne ana prohibiteal anal cor cm rs ana ashealtu conserve gatabrne, as ar ta sc emouia for mon parpases. Thep arcotpoding spieadidly. Tbe foew mhc do rai resouta anal robe Ibean carsa ara or Sordaysarue baated,aitsrepored.A mcoemet sono foot in Torontc fut iaPcmarng tht Amedrinolal. Il ahubccideacceaaiaioand nesult ta rat eri a big sarigo isolne but a big inaneare an chunab alterdarce. A parder papy mIl be heldai u the U.p Mase, Manstoo, or Pdidap erealag Septemben 13. A grand Schelaicbdier'a paademi leanre thetolam hall, Mitua an Foie Dtp chorus uf popala. 100 years ago Tuber facom ator msue ai The Canraditir Champion, Septembea S, 186B. In the last ufficiai Gaette me Pindt tht folicmaog parents grnted au cienao inba Caartp. Jlames Narbol, cf the Townsirp of Nelson, la the Cuntp ef Haltor, Mill Wright, "A veto and usefi macione on appanats fen cinaoirg the barunes ai Stat Boironcs" Dated Ottamo, Mapy OS Jaceh Latonce, ai the village cf Palere, la the Ccavtp ai Haun, Machanisi, "A ctan veto and osefai impremeet in the Cuaten Bons of Reapivg and Memiag Machines" -Oureai Ottama, 10 Juip, SO6S. Jacob Peana, uf the Townshap of Nelson, in the Caueap cf Hairua, Yeoman, "A atm and aseful applicatinae athe lard tobeel ai Mannas Patent Piccgh Satana" -Outeai Ottatoa, t Apri, l8bS. Williet Stephenson, of aihe village af Kraachbui, rn the Cauntp ofiHalion, Biacbrmitb, "A oea and asefai maaugha lion Piougb share" Duanai Ottatoa, 1l ah Map, l8bS, George Jomer Baer of tbe ltorn ai Oubville in the Caarty ai Haitar, Lrreay Stable Keepen, "Aonemandmprnvd Wabng Machie" Dated Ottama, Stb taoni, i18b8. A Mat. Flint rueai o ees ngg on Chathoam the othen day, winch mua erght end cm-bafinrcher hp sen and nocquarter rocher. aed mergired inca and are bahf pards. Mas. Fiit beareeif meaghc 337 amione-hboiipoud. Wata cury abat ri 5- Dow.n [s] in this thIrs Mlonsrirccrt ho Il PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST S a

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