Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1968, p. 10

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10 Th Ce ndie Ch aImiiic W nrerd af. Scpc tecn e a. 196B Scilool opens tod ayg st f ô A PROBLEM? ]R Announce O.S.D. teaching tf CnDh, p10 ldI Cn "Il GETS ACTION ND ANSW ERS i t ri e le aiit ite ce tthe FILd leCIi aid c a c M ýCsi l ier cueci cii Mie Suia e l i 1. che eeuiii cii iiir cactriuti ci tcr a t RI CI tack rIrMIhS. tiret h Adie.h 5. f fra e tntd 10 s an der s V eiida T c Sus. a c M eer uccid Nii B vt D A le j h h B . Il 'i p D r S M p P l i Lt UNIROYA Batteries EXPERT SERVICE TOO Tip-In Tire Sales LIMIMS MB! UIN! - MILTON Cll 878-3131 FOR 24 HR. SERVICE P RONT END ALIGNM(NT e TUJNE-UP 0 BRAKE SERVICE iarneieirid ls a ceairer uti Puhlrc sepporti titets quele tCrcIL and piahe ri lat"a talis Pitcre ei cece Pactce fieelr cTa neir ilall hefte ith . sinTisCller and S c in cci ctrgilspg fic cler hi Dieirie,0i ha N, cr D cccvon ha s drCrirpie clmi ch r cer cf qecek ung ceai0 Ille ctc Inulie salecy h iî td precir. Nîcce ceitilew caneltaii cc tpîice hi Seiea NI pie."Safie l'Cirer" cereea efcort cf rite Crile bluff Ot cccbli Cafcectrritg 'act ce 'ilton iy dirct. f eirci c Ile prhIrc(ie tifeeî I' iîin. dcic utcIleoietc.i books. p and Tclle etca geol cachoe hacti.liiftiiuufccecu atirii s~~f.uicrt SAcre action4 lac Slcc's aipe I , n c p e « e c th e , r e lîh hox and trce comerccc g i e deit, cicr ccracnc colltrier Argai Thecpolice licfecin iccc unditliecmaihetandiiiethctxetcerc cion Heep entea0. the Niaintrio corner et ciccacpliri A liew iias lace chtreit i ccc ccc c rrcppii ceit irpcait. caipuriniscch obitrîiai týi1reos incnd iiicac ciccteccarccs eepaicii cethie coudaeeetlacercchcSceccc Scer docprcpcrih.Ou FianîtsIlcccdleaccciecrhee Re Part thrit t tta cecihtccliit prcctdaiut ficîcaeîîiniteh luir stoaptsifi peil"e aicfic Bil-teciiii n geii'Siats iieaecrcccrt 5e tcici canc rel cclcicirc pubhicaction o fci tit iriatioi'a h eetltcdTj " acrcie.hccreecal hacveît lceiriccecd chircpreccirc() Dccc uscfor pernticgif ciclicfhClcalid n.cccaiiced hiatci eplae. Sl" Ail tne clii ecicrccci i crailicttciitiiif cecld prehehif cpcrrcrh MS.r titi carrier litlc dccivc ccca eîicct raiihcii accctcid tc dicc jii folas,ei itchneiac i sitisat poeu i eictreit. Goal 0e Acieci 14 ,,ciieuil ~FIL ccc etie Cccipia citt tlic toep etc, St p.c i Ntiar Ctii latet ii Irle 'dateite cha pialesciait dccii get Sire ceerregl tn e l acec cire SaN iatiereti tccii hlic Sire "eauk" irIeJ,, Sit' chiceiril eS icir Polhce ciid iiey haii sorti Lad unAruie il% cena ccii rireircpccchi g hece pciLiu hec MIS' oeîrietatel titrwer pead -0 eacdertii bc tcty cari inep ceactein le boulepiei ereicc ccecisccir Ste Irle sinre cee1 cc asedi cir àai lo acchc i tlie laine,-Nicl Mcc illerc!icc c Secinitei ieIl eîtirsa he'teecae hcci.eaeccihiii Sec Aniiiiceiipliacc chat ceefiiadeuil cc peciectreel pcwer Ro hatrela et Nîccit Fair Cccecdï c S pîrecciailSylo ichiii el tiret otiee anditornoti it occritefe boxes inîgood Teiait betrcle iiers hadecrplcpfitlthi ul iaccccacndutesictnccociucipcsuch cc -cccii cccle aieti t ceiriegitaseiheia haacii cicehîe piaaceedttitutiaîî crnrccri Main td Oniti Sic. Trcre threc prcnhii rire're, ieeofcehicli rthcudhbchblaiiui oneflicewni of tliti plua ccttipit andi aie ci te iit c n Plaaýlpes Prithietit icuieehet il diite crarcîcc eéricecea> ( tci c place3 parkig ici tueea Niait, st. ac icieairediec p st2r1ceiclice icdie cei Sei diees rive cccti pliaeidibu ah. ncurre eec ceaiicaretniiir eceiraioe lraeteertetra teiirc gcigeiiciIll stpeelcur iiui Catet ificitctidli 'e icch ii-iiccc[avccia ,)ill T ut aific eseend rai rIleIcirt Tire irpil cIlcie placi e c litybod hi IttttrlIlettttt icettcet te a ci , rparst fl citc lacer doocIl Idelnclm clcreLpcaiue. andiicc diiercecdiiickcgîtilceuncth paveent .111I i eai acclion ie t i lce - re cil al rillcee »ctiricareci,.pactc iccei rke pi riii c p) nd-1 it.etra ts, ;0c t"I ce t gel cthe 'Inrit lcite lit pli',e hi \ eirri tiioc errecunlhi1c hart ceaccr appee l, a l plaît hopper, ta'l-, ereiecarrece N ouecec partkih areccecl cieppi cil cý,ecior featcc«l a iee acciient. pâi Cec eeel il cliuccaniied bin ihcàtcîcid e( Illeracnli ent' it le plia Iticpecct.ic ccccctrellii , plccaceci aiceici Se drruiiiri rat , île cile ,I ci lciitet eteeie ILI ti cii eitcellt tepfic iii hid iid. ý ipcecteIi riice cite anetei "iii Kci ecciiet aetet Fiiice te u piarHe cee ieiedtice hordcil iaeitcLailboen a'iicnd arcccteii iiehne et a ~cnteecpe ccp cl ti eer'ctii c tire Serti tirt]ca llit' ilk ialgiat cci 11 erra ccIII' ýe Net 'ceer1 e'ttiice iret cldie hle til Ccoi cciieetcnd cccie, arti e iettie frcttt ite tlIînlire vii nitll tiel paringic lai Ilire abu t cI ea :,it c ciiuia e ire' l ta c tuetc iieen tie \Ne cea cci. ceec COIdcc' Ie IpeI bicuia Iegli ce cci iiceaaeee ..e...e..... fer lci Élicite Saio, ce S niey ri Tycci f MIes Vendeceid ci i ss NSancy Nec, cachce,,lienc inclide NIce lcy L Mthi irss lapile Oracý oSse rn NireODcclg. Nier leecce Fec. Vie "ipe. Nue Ke tierc Olnlanrd. Ntctc N'acigart MS Linard Siantl teI ha, Vaccatic Seheci juccen tr Led tkIclai , lcccerre adclir 'Lei CaliiiCi ,iehci e i iciede ticecalo Appletonr grapiratte Robhert BI, ,lie rein body icper aiii pairntng. MSt liai Oceycc Seani citare. Mcc. Audrey t Hard"uif ii MS Blcnche sHaieron. crrcneIiereiah.TeIest. Il h. une ccc ceec Fiait \ICcceenie.C cabiuneaicng C Stee Scec. eCaPCcccs ciii haildaif ccci ri crcin Nec e ucices incicde Msîs Giii 14ORNBY de ui ccii M.Ac Secn., acdeic. tc V yai crucil erre nciiil Mcils. M.c A.cîc S u ce.deplcîc dite aid Susnc Sul'.uc Sienes glant Picycici edeca iclin Iltrcrt reetif icaudu LanceS. Nie andcii SSelecce Lachcy. fcetg Sarer ici chue phyeicai liii Yec,. Frficer icacicur ni cli11 cci lai chie staff of O.SO. Miilton cinx lait etc pcesccelY cuaccîfl c tleyean icachertringcus ai rlie Ottric ScIccrrl tact cira Oe1il, celleillhe. Tiey mcliii ierty hial. fendu.l Ketic tieliper London;ri Foi Sefueragie. Aetita Pct Siefciii il.- Pîice.ll tict ue san Scârcheer. MIS. (i Owene. Ili cii Mc.ire C. Wceg. (Ilrfcnaly irnta Stigpr. FLO leccg ci fCooiiec herei Fti ncncecch. Bcrmpton. Sucai McLaugin.c tlainiri.n V cîgrîrr i1cepues. fheiCph. Scilciac tionhrttýG I Pcip; Sus. St Farrih cfidy ihnl drahnyc communiE>' corn roasi held A ci ci lu w'caihnn th acieWipiieisr .î h Mcs. Frnced Mis. Pe tppei iefoeMyh.aeteeidhîmîce afceci =eiteheeîieerhmi Pemrket diict. hics. ArthurcPeeccck ceieîîdI home ce, Seterdiy frie theI Miltone Distrtct Hospit teheceI she speet aek irueser ohservtion. A eciet5ar gretigs are ccteeded tu Mr. " ad Mss. Frank Hetl il celt celeret hi ceeddicg eeettversery ce Sepîrehber hi. Get ccl iese ecirdseda te Mss. Ahi teisoe Weho patient le the Mitoin District Hotspcia Ceelgr ctieiis ce Mt. and Mes. tie Fiches (vcec Ruih Brek) cie h iai cf hu dauliter ccn Seccdacy, heptiehitr is snock-hoppy ..rt the Cocîtry Ceerre SÏteppl Bcrticrtrn. Sticîr %l'il 1lil icpelcc i cit' a rir IItIILtI itt'ii c aie, cccl lti ifcl il f cr' il, cir i t III tri l li'. -.ifi. Chai te a Chef: tI clii ai cirin Corith'titci: arcc~t c-Il cîcrcI ril n cnt. t,., -ci t atc i s "I'il officîFina.iîi.riîchcrci iii- cci t cc c ' cc a" t i i tici' ont ri titi flti -11ii ail F effusif. ,%iii ciaifag-itii cis', i' lie Lnibtcirc i cciir ielkirtg euhl. BEmnce the chiner %Il ilii ,ir lai,\Iua cSaui'clriricctollcî'ri liai' cclý .cci c-cl lot i i c cc ccIilt iti' lcci. Sitcldame and inetie: a' I. tic. it u a ouica ullc firn trcroiîi tiret illl in cva t- tair. Scdira ci' tetr ticatinf c cîrîcce gi Total Cofreci r e .i the Counry touini Stcepyr antd in yerecert hoeî. g- eiri) -il( ltt rI ri ijji g ,mal ih ti -Ici FL ýfin v 1-1LU n'lt>IcItiliitcIf loti ittai iltrc 1t,.. i ictci.l ial ctIi cciiý feicr -tif lii a i gla c,,.t 'icIitcitc fr ct UNREf D Oc-ASW Toal Enemgy for TalaI Camfadt et Iieceecnecay. caryîî. Ic, Niai ne Mtical Iran ay A. H. BrtirciiI ciryi hui, cur r i Mn de tin R . cia iciý racul cit. ttr,. heu nl ie t1ph1 dicer cracra cancre fî ,cie cpeeia civ ert fie cil read e R t i. faitCliccude eRci' esnt Sire Pcggy liitent Clayc pecccr. SoAir cprie. carr MISi Molen.e flirccietrr ccl Jiii Lycie . Aediahn(icý cesiTititf iaitri i cccin Mcc SUITnc NfIeClF Iteho iaeig cuprac le uy Tacpilaid ci eechu Pet hrlirrcft. Msce Fie Misst leannce t)agicy. ttc y1 iiiccrnu. Sits Su. ranci. MSt Frieci tiacer. Si eaud. 55crs Naia Kacecci Stary La mcm. Sics Nuit gin. Pul iuîlgn. Site le, Ccneil. ti i Fr tutu i. Nier Nacy Scrpý NI il speaker. MSS Vale cy tISt Peelcen Stedifg ccc tu fc teecitnif %fait 'Prylic A cii. tMiss Ag ccey *tîmis ncuie f'ahah Ni an Faie, tint Naia nne Fli icnt France. Suc Aid chntrînîcr und MSlSe L5 ',lie ei. ,f i eit clie Sercaînt Scircn ti citer tRoi S ilaccrui. Acsier .e.ter heurg ert picci piembies cectreetort deperimeit store et ccii Uied Gis. Thce MiecSy 'cimciitf Paît cas file scer ofi ticsr hippy gcicerig etc Tiicdu eeecgc Aegeet -7>, tticec fmies crf the amclcriceeits Coritt 33 qctcccttcrid hy cite Hlcccch Bel Clubh Aeccegcc ie Cacccd wcu Mc. cnd ITS. Vcetc Mceeclerd cif Bramcptonc. cite scenied t e etc5esregccacgnd liedtif ilcccii. A haccecc ccfthli fctei cees piayed Prier ce cite cire Toast hueture c ie Hcrcchy Screeris und tire Gîte Wiiamse Bacctact. Titi gîne ceit wott hy GliiiWillicams. Mc. ad Mit. tir Seqet, Sucei aCI Keit ocf R.R.2. Hcccehy. recurrd htiene receetis frontcra chrc-iceektcrip ce Sequil 'ctc t Itree sieead cicrrcfailesclivingfieccrcsaly Mr. antd Mcc. Hi. Kccfiieriee. Mr unrd Mcc A.*PieccheundMNI. ae McS. H. Airceete. eiccic lie ha! rut seec in1 iYats ThsceatchIL f rsi lune Mis. Seqiiet ad cicr c ic d re h îd e r c ii t c i e s relatten îad .cicicccgh ttcl liegeage hariiet pceîed a ilcghl prîcheici forc cite edeits. tic cicdre scecrrd lu ie chie c cilcdrei arc iceclif ahie ce) dc T h e r e tir e fr i ic id e v e r happyi mni ni n a cec call clwn Cirerais cee Hcenry and c ceccricir cii Stc. dMct. Scccil ciit air fîcedy eeicidiboeciatîe fîcce Wasaga Beetit che ici itcjcyed e lier dîys hictidecr Aecc irrey geetcgstlct N and Mis. Petei Bcllccd. ceir ce ciehibace iheci cteddc ani t ersais oe Tierda Fîrrend litin distit et carry te hieur chic Mcc. Kecer, Tacher ccd ier colai hc hody ce i e wcc he ire u Douglas Acicift. itla. ceh sireate cerk Ffc office. Mr.c Mcc. Tacher cere far' ;î C de lr ffi nsc ree a d C cecir NItS. Tîctir a scie recocery q_ Mc. und Mr% Bil Tilipe icerciy epeit a lie i I icr fer Kent and Keedre, ceigici ricin peictis 12'h Bictidcas giietisgs te jerry Seeccit buh muti cetebrete tes bicthdey ensSeptiemher 5, te tics. Edicerd Robtrtsofl. Misf. Bill Tattys and Ray Archer ce lrrme 7 ' te Mes. HcciY anerecd Cctirrie Hall ce oc Sepiember 10. or Scedey, September B, et 1i2tS c.m. e ced tecsccg cereery ies tir plkepeîeitihe siteeof the Hilicres Uenited Chirch. Arsgtese. The ne hch tcsPil eteted te ie aempteted ice fier meethi. Ar a et risi gceetigs arc escened te Mi. and Mis. Beh Marshatl cehe ccii celehîcti their ceeddteg ieeccecsetf ce Septeecher 5. I I I fcc le GUfl erora Fnird ccii hi pliuted t lceur chai Merciy Campbhll ceas chie te retire borne fresiflhc Milice IDEA Accciicsars gteîtcns Ie Mr. ccii Mcc. Clîffurd Wrigglisceecii tehe ccli cerirt tir hecddceg acienrcersarY onc Tuesdîy, Sepeerher t'> Conraultios FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL IN COLLEGU I We Pick Up Seo Our spenle shouinu Tour Animais :eeok. itdet eVe raP ai cimte. laiher cevereti FOR ceci plasie citdelle lIe, Butchering f0teaneu Tour Specifications Vy& battoir 184 Main SI. ile 878-4331 Oil Wi'AT FUN thi, Sciai fia -ci ici hildnt, lcite cciii ctt s ei thai thr.Ii icurit et ai enireir('e ireckt ,S 1. yLa is M HOME Il pi ccre lclii os She scaie sdc of tha stci us e IlU MEY QMAFY FORA .. if yo hne ea (cee ig Fow yOu MAY £15 OFUPTO I

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