Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 5

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Halton minor pa obeîa playoff s set L Mlton Belles uf the Halton nt Ladies Softbalt Icague matk- W! Stalton County Minor Rural Sothaîl action will soon be dra\wing te a close and play offs setl begin. 'Thte Squirts will decide their champions on Augut 19 ait Hornby Park. The Pee Wees will bave their playoff tournameni the follw- ing Saturday ai ttornby Park and the Bantame and Midgèts wilît play off le a besl of thre semi-finat series and the best of fine final series. The Mldgets and Bantams will play their emi-finals f rom Augut 21 te September 2 and tlseir finals must be completed by Sepitember 20. Fifth placed teacu le Banlame ai the ed of the semait ell nt play le the playoff s. The playuffe for the Squirts and Pee Wces are scbeduled as follews: Playoff positions wll be de- termined by standing ait finish of sceduted league gantes: Le. Ut place teaet is No. 1 etc. Ply QftuIrnaet, or Plyf OUIRTSet or Park. Saturday Aug. 19: 1 vs 4 ati1 p.m.; 2 vs 5 at 2.30 parm.: 3 vst 6 at 4 p.m. Semi finals, I or 4 vs 2 or 5 ut 5.30 pet.: finals, 3 or 6 vi 1, 4, 2, or 5 ai 7.30 p.m. 'E WEES Playof f leuruameel ai fHern- by Park, Saturday, Augut 26. t vs 5 A diamond 1 Pam.: 2 s 6 B dlamond ati 1p.:. 3 vs 7 A diamoed at 230 p.m.; 4 vs 8 B diamond ai 2.30 p.m. Semi finals: 1 or 5 vst 2 or 6 A diamond ai 4 p.m.; 3 or 7 vs 4 or 8 B diamond at 4 p.m. Finals, 1, 5, 2 or 6 s 3, 7 4 or 8 ai 6 pet. SoftbalI- Halton ladies stage tourney A loureameet lac Hallor County Ladies' Sothal eamt s slated for Salurday, August 19 and 20. Teami f rom Acton, Burlinglon, Dixie, Dramqain, Georgetowen, Gen Williams, llorîîby, Miton, abvlle ont Falermo bav2 cviered. Sevn gantes cl va ptaved it a0k- ritle Park triom 1:30 a..t 10 p.m. and tbrce games o-ii hte playcd ce Drumquin Park be- ienieg ai 6 p.m. and etend- ing irough cntit 10 p.m. The consolation finls ans the cbampctcsship finals cii gLel undet cav iDrutvqîîc P'ark ai 1p.c.. and2:30 p.m respectivecîsSutadai. A cicken barbecue si illai- low tbe toareameet Sanday on tbe park grounds. Meoters owtop (hrles Sotlclose teIa points of the firît place Mcli plant hal team ce Milton tr dusîrial action iis ccrt'b T) Cbarles blitiKranic Fivas Il and the uir place Meer plat 5,2. Dave Smih cas the cir ine ptcher agaîvît Krart Finas and Berl,îssccv piice the Charles tiviclors tiser t Meer plant. Dave AsCton ob the Ic, for Krania Fîvas and Star rock ihe losi for the Met, plant. Sm ilh eld the Kravi tram ai bi-v ii the fIc ining cilie ihe% pialcil tic of ibeir igi trites. Tckner singiedtiîwce [ri Meer plant aginît Charie wehite McCaî thur doulilcd ar singles tient tic Dc cMcCatc eon andB. Sark. DBeet. ,on., B BrîI,. %M.Fetcer., Hardsanil ail inglediflacIt Chartes tram. Brla,ieicP ciîcd hbi ltvcîiim',cmc ili scason flicte cCiaric ttuI)c the Meier plant. MeCuIehe! eîîhhcd Beaili ofla hometi a terri lie catch inv cicP ceci field. lenîbter legse acttitin, Meer platlliit Lc.-,ccrî i and K ravi, icîcsv-d Lit 71. OuiStacrhklîc.i ilc Watsoîn i inte Mcicr-le gaameaand Lires Bettit ta RobhSlittlin thcîecu Letver game. cdtathir eigbhhsein ten12a Juves losea to St. Kits St. Catharnes emnaîed 3 Miltes laveniles te tbe finit round ai the Juenite tourna- f. mentinivPeterborcough Saitr day un spite ai Robitrt Lte's ove-bit piiching performance.t Miltone opcncd the scaring in f tbe fourîb as Brusb walkedf anîd scored on Leon Stirbie's i smasb single. 'Milton ment abead 2-0 en the fiftlb shen1 Trev H-ouston siegîrd and1 scoced on Loris Fagion's single. t St. Catharines scored iseice iv the sistb sianza on one bil. zi malk and tira iefield errors ta lie the bail gamne. St. Cath- acines scored tbe sineer in the neveeel on isea errors. Bish- op was the mivnieg piteber, allowieg four singlesIsen la Trev Houston, anc ta Lori s Faggioe and one ta Leoe Stickle. Halton rural minor softball Squiri W T L Fis. Loseville - -12 I I 25 Glen Williîams 12 t 3 21 Drumquin 9 O 4 18 Kilbride - 6 0 8 12 rHornbn A 2 0 12 4 Hornbn B 2 0 12 4 Fee Wec Dramqocn A 8 O 0 l6 Omagb 4 O O l6 Gien Williams 4 0 4 8 HorebvB 4 0 I 8 Horehe A 4 O 4 8 Losesille 3 O 0 6 Drumqsie B 2 0 7 4 Kilbride O O 7 O riruck open id for30 nights m Mohawek rca apeie d for k-a 30-nigbt sommer m ict Mon- Lu day. Races ml bitfield six )t ngbîs a seccs uviiSeplember V_ 16. FaiPot lime fac the firs tn races nîgbtly ix 7:45. Ali 728 Id siolîs bave hean assigned ta itebesl of Ontarivi trotter% iiancd pacers. Melsawk's air conditianed 1-grandstavd eîi lie a pen ta the ry public Sstvdap. Aug. 27 lac ap--n bîtse lestîscices. Therit ceili he guided tours aoi the stable arca. i rieeireshmevis and qsalif.ving races, Avd. teceran harsemen a-tilbit cn handitcoansseer anvaofthetfan,' caories concereingbhorsesand - heir racing cquipmest. Airport cost aider study aneiher siep frmard Manday -vecv flkeil, coaveil our ded a :c)lt-sharing agreement ccc the jinl arpart commit- teefo tituîdy. Tbe joint ccmmiiieecc cmp- 1 s,, oituluireand itatices hrum hîcih it vi sehe ciii t il ti--C--I , .,it'p titiu C 1,,c l , i cecirupîcet lack teibheir cccn N it c t ll cii c e ve,,thie 'it'icri tic n lii in rib flikitlitc-tunil litrs Dccv Dcc cct iiirid cIcticeliv cuicicl GOT THE BUSINErSS A o(Itiun tbse'. flc- torv ibutMýiivccc-ceîtplicciee i. h licV c-e hiiec icd b c l iii t h e icîsîccît -hîcte1 ciabde' foiue s iitcvhomecel circhu ci tg ei eie ilc titi l ' VOR- ,RISPCHICKEN SNACK M S 2 Pieces o Chichen 79e ,~ IYt~~'7SPECIAL PICNIC PACK 11, 8 Pieces of laner Crisp Chichen t1 Ready lv Serve$21 CHICKEN IN A BOX FAMILY BUCKET 3 Pcce ofChitre 4 ice o11 Prnc ries, Cole Chiee. o $ 399 Stase. Baiieced ~Honey Bsn. Honey $1.39 BARRELS PHONE 878-6028 20 Pieres of $52 Murray Ho)od Drive-In BASE LUNE RD., WEST OF IGNWAY 25 AT MILTON der tonight tarts ibis sesson over Glen Williams. Tbe win put Milton head of Glen Williams in tbe tandings. Milton is presently eght points outl affirsi place and bus ihree games le hand over the league leading George- town club. The Belles sesred 16 rues on 3 bits, fine errors and six walks. Glen William'. pitcher Joycr Haines truck out four Milton batters. Sandy Culb- cci lion .îllcawed ove rue oif Coneffii it nee citetandl cigit \alk-. avd struek otî 16 liai- fr.Alice Wier gai the. anly bit for Glen Williams, an in- field singlele ib te sixtb inn- ng. Fait Burbbotder singled. loebled and iripîrd, mbile îlarsba Waldie singîrd Ibree times, Sandv Culbberistie loubted and îripled, Shirlev Bridgman triptcd and singîrd. aed singles ment ta Sue Van- devan. Kave Marsh and Debiî Burkbolder. Cuthberson ha struck oui 109 balters, alloied 10 ran, on 10I bits and bas noi toit a lame in tbe 44 and imiribirds ennings oi picbing su far ibis cear. She bas, recorded six The Belles will play a double hcader todav (Wednesdai I wiuh tefini game ai t Meier plant and the secotnd came ai Rotary Park in an attempi iii gel ibeir rained ou games plas.ed hi the ed iof ibis meek. rhcî-mciDram- qain aithie Meier plant ai 6.45 and Acton atiRRotary Park, and ibey wIll play Georgetown ,ai Rotary Park Friday ai t p.m. The Belles mUtl meel Oak- ville in Gakville ai nove Satur- day in the fi rst roued aoft Halton Ladies' Tournameni. le aiber league action, Omagb îreanced Palermo 10-3, Aclon beai Horehe 40-22 inv ceaI sînggine match. Oaksille scraped bv Glen Williams %%ith a 4-3 sein and Gcorgctoxvn clî,h bered Drumquin 20-2. Att gam- ns were plaved Tbursday. Aîg- ast 10ý te Mondax's action Actan heat Omagb 12-7. Milton biti Glen Williams 16-1 and Hornhv beat Palermo 15-4. Giants beat Mets The Giatt. carren îly nuis- ing a comiccriable tead ivnt Mciii Bill Lc.îgaî, cd bhai gap Tacidav nigbt seben tbei dele,îied the NMets 25-5. Catcher Raymond Masy l the Gc.iviitackbwiih ieo boni- ers and a triple Haroald Sales hcd achcccîctandi.o doualeks Rcck Robherts bad a triple anvd mc in gle,,t.aucene tCii cil Z.cvaii.i brîcclcri and clie Wriccc oh ciir, as cc-cllas andi u1Arcicd areai11iii Ric.k R.,hurthieua W cii ibriiievtiii ebile relie-i Laoie,e iegcil ailoscd thec hics in lie rerintditr i the Nyboît led lIce Mue i ti.cck teii.ttithidobeand a sinîgle sbit iceglets cci1t t ici Mdil. Natiaii and Arlrvd. IJ. Chari A brichi eSt' ieuic.ieli'. iii- Mfilton Phinucy 246 MAIN ST. 878-2343 COSMETICS Elizabceth Aiden Preparetions Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agency for LAURA SECORD CANDIES he Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Augunt 16, 1967 Workb nf art, Fine Arts Mu- seum t aiEtpo 67 date from an. (26W0 DC.) te works by con- 4 e îemporary artists. Muacums c- len 20 corentries are lending paintings and sculptures for the International Exhibition of Fine Arts. Red Cross Wansens Work grocipsin mure thon 1,000 Ca- nadian rummenities prodace aboat 350.1010 knitted and seses articles for disanter and inter- national relief earh prar. THE ROYAL WILLIAM AT SEA Canada's Royal William The 'Ruyai William'"ivas iaunceid a orira-r Wullcis Cuit, Quchc. hi L,îdv Avîmet - %ieU lie tibn GovrrrGeti- irai ccl the Canada't, and iras nanîîîd aller Hiîs Ma icstp Wii tamn IV,."The Sîiior King". Shcîî%%la, biliy theOaebec anti Halicas Stcam Navigation Cîccparîs - .nd amccvg the siccckhîîiders iof Ibis Company uscie Saniuvel Cunard and Jos- v-1h Cua.rcl, of Halifax, sebo ,ichîccueni s csablisbrd the lirmitas CuiarciUe,. mlicb hîî pccvcieîisomaîvvcssi lic îîhich theliv hu-e Gc ic ic Alatilc- hai cn vappiiedi The "RoyaI Wllibam" mode seetitcce-,ulttriirpý iebi ticiue acle îcînd Halifax, al p , tritlcciicv. Mosi cbtii-1te crnd. mi i gust 17, 1833, e t li P.cimi. Nîtea Scîî Agnounce New flealing Substance: Shrinks Piles A reno.d oueuh istitutshbu foassi n s u i éuelisq substace oith tho ebi ity te.ttetsk berer tboiilsiminlmd.slnIt mltevutelsa spenda ap beeling nf lb. lajuesd, lsflomed tsus. in Casefirer nsa.. obileSenotiy ceivit t rnesdUne 'pî-e. u mntl importasint ofsI-remtita wer-esano omg htatk iiaprse- nentotamsintuisnees apeod ouf siny mestita. Tbi. s a .mptiubod oitba soo boaln esubstase iBie-Dysmi wbiek ak ly eloIabhi jued ce a. d tiaiult'sgmt E tisseo. Nec Bmo-Dyne in oiforod in oint- metosoanp niieevyfnrtu ttOt Fepaoatien H.kfofritataldmg 510,05%tinfacuti.ns o yoe mson refunded. ia. fac Eegland. onder the coîmmand of Caplain 'ohneMMc Daugal. wtb a crew otf 36 yen. Shi! mode Grascsend te 25 dans, ssing steam al thet cas. esablisbing the ut claimn to be the first shtp ta cross the Atf'ntie fram Cana- do la England by slcom-pomcr. She was sold in London. chari ccciihi the Porluguese asasemtransport 1834, mas oghtbthIe Span- îsh Gcvcmmcnt for use in mac. hing the fi rst team marsbip. lPainied hi J. D.Kelly for Ccîfdcratian Life Collection). Moliiisper es ai sharks heur living yvog. eaticd pupi. NOTICE RE ENROLMENT BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLI Pupils for Grades 1 to 8 who were flot attending schools ln Nassagaweya Township prior to June 30, 1967 AND Any children born in 1962 who bave not already enrolled in Kindergarten Enrolment Day at Brookvilte Public School TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 9.30 ta 11.30 arn. - 1.30 ta 3.30 p.rn. w. con holp Yo. TO BITTER HEARINO Have a heuring prohlem? We con salve it! Ail etodels of Hearing A ds supplied includng the latest cocepletely inilie e a randrrechargeable heriaic d eg nohbaeres. Battery Club Heatîg Ad BatteriesMaed Fee Any where 10 .Dscount AilMakes af H areg Ads ReparPd Me:i, ir ofIlicTorm t! -eiglgAd N o latiton cMe iero ie T oiIlcari1,tltDelers As CONI 0'RMIN i,C'1r1 .1STRICT <CODE OrFITHICS or PhneTOR'0T 1 ro.EPTN HEARING AID CENTRE 9527 9 Physicians and Surgeons Bldg., Suite 330 1 86 Bloor St. Weut, TORONTO 5, ONT. 1 Please rus motceîcFiIE,îtiî,vi-iiiiîllofte ew F-60 hearing aid ta cear and beep. No obligationrvstinvolced. NOME *STRlEET- *TOWN---- - PHON L------------------------ Il ne Slips, Ton Could le i. Trouble... r Liohitity insuronce is eut business ... 3 le proleci yours. MCCUAIG Insurane Limlta m0 MAIN ST E. RESTIVO'S ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE Frm Whte CAULIFLOWER Homegrown. 29c Ig. head Homegrown Local New POMATES --------1 -lbs for 45C Grade "A" Small EGGS ---- --- doz. 29c Uneico- Primo or Bravo VEGETABLE OIL - - -- --gai. $1.79 Tenderfilake LARD ...... 4-Ibs for $1 .00 canada Packcrs Kam LUNCHEON MEAT..........-- -tin 49C Maple Leaf HAMS - ------1 /2lb ins $1 .69 CP. Devon Lean Sida RINDLESS BACON ------- ..... lb. 79c Maple Leaf COTTAGE ROLLS ....... lb. 59c C.P. Jubile. Breakfast SAUISAGE-- lb. 53c C.P. Lean Beef STEAKETTES .... lb. 55c fU f CANADIAN NATINAL IIIIIIIN ORIVING *PARKING *LONG AVoID WORRIES*PROBLEMS WALKS GO BY BUS DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS August 1 9th ta September 4th REDUCED FARES STUDENTS $275 Roond Tip - Incliades Admission CHILDREN $1.10 (Sus Fart Onlyl LEAVE MILTON 8.45 a-. LEAVE EXHIBITION 11.00 P. M. (Alter Grendstand Show) Exhibition passengers travelling on regalar bases willI transfer et Toronto Bus Termina) 10 hases running cto the grounds. Tickets end Information et Bureau 14 Martin St., Miltes Phono 878-9211 ADULTS $3.25 Softball Belles beat Glen Williams Town of Burlrngton BY-LAW 3365 The public meeting sclseduled ta be held at Fairview School an Thursday, August 24, 1967 has been cancelîed. Instead, thse public meeting wilI be held in Fairview Public Scisool an Thursday, September 7, 1967 at 8.00 p.m. WM. K, SIMS, Town Clerk 1

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