Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1967, p. 7

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17 REAL ESTATE 20 AUCTION SALES Christie & Woods AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE BROOKRS OfAniqe ndOthr uritre 189 Main St. - Milton Tonte etc. - Property of $18,900 fulirice, 4 - bedroom JACK LAWSON aplit-level home and garage, 'Lt 18, Fous-l Lmne,, Esques bright kitchen with ample cuis ng, 3 miles west of George boards ansd dining area, large town, on living s-oom, extra ronm built MONDAY, JULx 241h in basement, extra large lot. AI 6.15 p.m. Ternis. Large. oak, roll top desk; $14,580 ful price, otder type 2 large, old, oak buffets; 2 oal home, aluminum siding. Cao extension tables; 4 oak diners: be seen by appointment. Harrison Princess Pat coat and moud stnve, ike new; 3 dress- crs; 3 wasis stands; oak bcd; VILLAGE HOME singie and 3/ steel beds; ot $10,900 full price, 2 - beds-oom chesterfield suite; spice rugan claphoard home, living room underpad, 12 x 12; Snger dm1p withfirelace lahead sewing machine; walnui wthfselclrge lot. dinner wagon; vacuums cleanet; console radio; 2 pine kitchel COUNTRY HOME cupboards; pine drop leal table; small pine tables; odd U25,900 fuIt price, modem stone nId chairs; nId 3-piece livinj and frame home, situated on roum suite; chest of dramess I and 1/3 acres, kitchen pine centra table; clawfocl with natta-a cuphoards, sepa- centre table; 6 lion diting oli rate dining ronm, large living chairs; walnut pedestal table room with firaplace, 4 - piece wicker and other rockers; pint bath, master bedroons with 3- flour bin; stone dash chure piece ashroom plus 2 large kitchen chairs; fersery; 2 aIc bedrooms, full basement, radios; 2 feather ticks; kitche hreezemay and garage. Ternms. table; painted cuphoard; gaIvn 322,00 ulIprie, - bedoomiaed bathtub; high chair; bah, $22,00.fullprie, - bdrorncrib; ice box; heds-oom dishet" bungalow. on 2/3 acre .with iron pots; crocks; named ang beautiful view, garage, living other jugs; quanlity of nId chi moom with broadloomt, kitch agls etc.; odd dishes n thlnhcouts add-steigis and cuter belîs; harns tng as-a. Tes-ms. brans; white show bridle; au ess; os yoke; dog cast etc.. et FARM This is an old fas-m sale. Ownes- and aunclionees- ns 1» acres, close to Milton, 4-bcd- responsible for accidents ci moom home, large bank bas-n. premises. Askng $65 0. TERMS: CASH. id ; d ; g- lm 1W0 acre tas-m. in Acton u-aIl FRANK PETCH, Auctionees-, bedroons home, bunis barssi-i. Phone 877-2864. ver suns ths-uugh lise fus-m. Ge. Crnie, dles-k. 20b3 Aking 532.000.1 LOTS 10 acre lots, close 10 Milon. Price $8,900. Tes-ms. Cal 878-2095 878-6057 CLEAJUNG AUCTION SALE 0f tLvetock, A- tique and Other Funtltse Tise pmoperty of The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, July 19, 1967 7 *MAUY SALON DECORATINO Vogue Beauty Salon DRAPERY A N'EW COMMRE BROADLOOM .Deigned Just For Yon « a" - * Residential OeM'PLETE BEAUTrY SERVICE * tdusîs-bal S- e- k; tk S; * Commercial Rcady-madc Drap es in stock. For Custom Ses-vice CALL 878-2067 FOR HOM8E APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 210-df GINERALCONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * Hume Improvements * Renovations * Allerations *Additions *Commercial os- Industriel UL 4-2263 CAL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFINO EAVEISTROUT0ONG ALUMINUM SIDIHO Re-Roofing ous- Speciaity Carpcntry Wos-k of AIl Kinda Phone 878-6020 os- 878-9303 MILTON ni - Ps-ccEstimates - AL WORK GUAKANTE1 210-tf GARDEN SERVICES CaIl!878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 MIII St. - Mlton CAS.. 783263 FOR AIPONTMEHT " Modemn Equipenent " Expert Styiing, Clorlng, Wavlng. C52-tf LECTRICAL IVICI McPHAII ELECTRIC *cOMMERCIAl. *DOMsrTc 0 'EIJECI1RTC lBAITG Complote Eîoctric Homo 66 Chasles St. Milton 878-9513 TV end RADIO SEVICE DURNAN TV AMO APPLTM4CES SALES &SERVICE Esquesing Council briefs At their ragutas- meeting Monday night Esquesing court- cil; e Received a request fromt Henr-y Kelly, to close a road ai- tumance ai therear uf bis pro. perty at Speyside. The clerk was 10, notify Ms. Kelly of the procedure and cost involved. e Recived a letter from Mil. ton Rotas-y club signifying the clubs intention lu buitd homes fors senior citizens and asking tus- names of anynne in the Miton district intesested in oh- laine such quartess 0Passed a motion 10 grant teStewarttomn cemetery $200 Ms-. Gltes to close a lane beside bis ps-opesty in Glen Wiliams which hasnt been used for 17 yeas-s. Ms. Giles was advised the road allomance would be divided equaliy heîween the lwo adjoining propes-ies and the recipients must pay ail le- gai advestising tees. e Took nu action on a by- law ciscutated by the Cty of Omen Sound regarding Dutch Elm disease. Rigid mecasas-es oun el nini! joint hat ion tow Hill. Bs-. 17cll MGIEBON * RECA. Slereo, TV. Appliances Ln caig FaL LoI 8, isst Line, Esquesing, * Spas-lon TV and Stereo adcpn nos-lisoutCanspbeilviiic Sidemoad, nm MAIN4 ST. 8784445 19 LEGAL on c-ti CONTRACTOR WEDNESDAY, JULT 2611 ___________ e Seeding and soddlstg Col At 12 octock. e Weed spraying NOJTICE CATLE and PIGS-7 Short- SUWNO MACHINU e FersiIizing I R LNHR,25 humn feeder- steers; Yorks-aom. e Tsee îrimming I. RE LNDER. 35 bred April 29; Il gonddTas-k 0 Patios Ontario S., Milton, mili nolt chunks.G ER be responsible fus- any debîs c PEET ue W4 SIN8836 incus-sed hy my ife, Jac- It Eerntionl -tacur W-4 SI G ER 87-3263 queline, in my rintme, afles- nentonl taeful 1ml this date, Juty 19, 1967. equiptted; Super C lt. tracter, SEWING MACHINE 19c12 tuttp equipped. boîh in gond PITN N EOAIOc _________________condition; nt. 3-fus-mm ace-bon- SALES - SERVICE ANNOA DOATN C *. tons ptom; MeC. tractes- cultina- Notice to Creaitors tus, on robber; Mc. D. 7 ft. mom- RENTAI GIL VANSOELEN G er. cul 2 csops; Inl. 16-disc fer- AND) OTHERS tiizes- drill; Kelly Ryan PM0 mu- PHONE 87686MANTN INi THE ESTATE of OLGA nus-c spseades-; Fleury Bisseli AN IGS VIITA 'BEAUDET, laie af the tractos- dise; 75 ft. driv bell; Miton Fabric Centre Conînactor P Townof urligto, intheMc. D. 22-38 steel body Ibrens- Tounty0f Buslinon. in ise.îng machine ilhshssseddes-; Mc. Servies and Repais-n on Industs-lal - Residenlini Coulyof alondccusd.Diammes- mili. ail maires ut aewistg machines. Ies-s- - Exterlos- AIt persans having claimes 25 fi. bute levabos-; 20 fI. 20e-0fClt nom fus- Ps-e Esîlmates aITA teEll fOG I grain auges-; 3 and 4 section TABEAUDET. laIe outhe horrsoms; soad scs-per; baie _____________ 878-6137 Town utfBuslinglon. in tise banches-; Mc. D. side delivery in the Counly ut Hulasn, de-saie; Bueistes- rbber is-e mug- TAILORINO - RMPAIRS Bon 114, Milton. ceased, mhu dled un os- about uni; flt racks; circulars- no; 3- 21c-tf the th day of 'Mus-eh, 1967, as-c section drag culivatus-; 7 fI. heseby ntified lu send parti- nt. binder; sloop sleighs; truck * Tallring * Alleratiatte WILL DRILLINO culassou their claires lu the un- wagon; wagon bon; Clipper fa- *Cnratear dessigned un or betore tise 251h gMilwihscens; îumsip eraRpis ma fAgs,16,atrwisie drill; 2 motkisg ploms; Cock- *Resonable VELD IIN date tbec Estale mut be disîni- hsisalotoades-; stee s-ller; ELD IIN hulcd only hoing regard 10te am scufles-; single scaffler; SEE OUR SPORT ÇOATS AND J. B. RUTiAN tise caims of mhich tise Ad- busse dise; stune boas; 2,000 SLACKSR..2,MlnOt ministratos- shail then have nu- Ili.sele; grindstonc; Iced cast;R..2,MloOt ice. vabbirels-whcetissrom; steel n!-' Phone Bus-ington NElson 4-402 Daled aI Oakvillc, liis 7îh mates- trougis; sel of hcuvy FIRELJ day of JuIy, 1967. teans bs-ss mouaned hurnss; T IO IG S O fence strecses-. T IO IG S CUSTOM UPHOLITUI TALTON & PEEL TRUST DAIRY. LUMBER ETC. - Fred Veratreele & SAVINCE COMPANT, Surge 2-unit mitses-. pamp and 282 Lakesisore Ruad East, piping lus- lb cums. Viking 800 217 Main 878-3302 MILTON Oukvile, Ontario, Ili. etecîrie creans sepas-olor;______________ Administratus- wilh Wili An- good 12 s 14 nsoodes- bouse; UPHOISTERY nexed, by S3ARPE & ciicisen feeders etc.; quniy AIO NG ommndand pe-aedh NICHOLS, soicitors. of nem steel rooint; t pise 2- AL RN Nooweanoprtdb 19c12 inchs plank. 36 in. s 12 fi.; 3 pine O nL 5Las-ne As-tas- 2incis ptanhs. 20 in. n 12 fI.; ALICRIONSI.~l quantity oft i-ncb pine; quns- and PHONE 878-9094 AUCIONSALS ily uf t and 2 inchs iasdsood REAR R. R. 3 Milton» 20 - tam ALS ises-; 4 x 4 hasdmood; uscd EAR * Re-upholstery 3-incis cedas-; 2 large stose stePn,*Auoti sc I. pms-n ery wa KNIGHTS MENS WEAR * Uphulslenp cleaning ACTONDALE lanc rsails and posîs; 15 rotIn ofIDAI u snom lence; boy s-pc; Vs hp. 202 Main Street * Catons hult fusniluce mIPR otus-; heasy se-c jacks; mus-k OE8847 * Fs-ce pick-up and deivery lus- hasch; eg vise and usual smul 2c47-f_______________ FYFE SOMERVILLE articles. At lise las-n, -t miteeacsI oI FURNITURE ETC.. seling t atnU hierg Adtos, on No. 7 Ilmy. 12 u'ctuci - Beige 3 - pieceHatnU h strg SATUEDAT JIJLT 291is ciestesfictd suite; Empire coul mRnomGEATON Re-Upiostcring 1.30 p.m. and oud couk stune; lWingisum -CasIons Built Fusnilure -cool and moud stuve. bols like O CChoeKtenhar 34 Reglalered Holalein, 6 Grad- nens; oak china cabinet; triple D M OCrm ice hi- ea, I Reglnlered Gue-naey. mis-s-us dressing table; racg RERI9R TON R00 oand apbotstcs-y shampooing -12; dresser-; seing tbl;2 Dmsi esigao- Fs-ca pick-up and delives-y. There use 10segisered coms spsing mut tresses; steel cul; Dms andergeao -Vas-y Good; 14 Gond Fias; 3 cast s-us box stove; sOpa bcd; rezrnd-sc H. JENSEN Coud. To be regraded halos-e chesl ut drames-s; pine chat; sale day. cradle; usgonsstout; icises- so- Phone: R.R. 2 Camphcllville. FA'NNY, salisg ilb 2 daugis- cier; kitches chais-s; iron pots; rbelil 5420 hno 8493 les-s - 3 ys- - 305 days -15,030 app'e ps-aIes-; id bottles; timbes- mbelvll 84205 Phne:c84-993 lbs. milk, 3.56% - 151% mitk - isosiug machine; bs-ad axe; _____________________ 147% fo. c a nd othas- hlls; grain 'FLOSS - 3 ys- - 305 days - radie; caltes- nuie; Rureka K N 12,749 ibs. mit,36% 120% cau clues;.i.puehe-Harold's Upholstery milk - 1189t ft. les-; omas lawnmnsome;s- snslt R RGEAIO 379 FINE STREET Tieaa- 1duugblecs of t 'Porpad oo-etc., etc. Cl8825 Tbus-nleO il V.G.) and ise Fus-m sotd.'Cl 8825 young daughtcssou Clipper-. Omnes- and auctionces- sol ras- INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL Reupisostering ehestcrfieid Aise elling - 33-con Woods possible tus- any accident on -uitSugemike;SALES & SERVICE suites, Chrome chais-s.Truck buiS tank; 3-ui u-eniks premi ses. seuls, Custom building and se- and othes- dais-y equipntent. Luncis cotantes. Reliable and Efficient sîyling. Booh by Bannockburn W.t. TERMS: CASH.CAPELL'E F-e simes- ic up MAX STORETCMBLVLE Fe Etmts-Pc p Autcioncer. FRAN'K PETCH, Aucioncer. and delivaries Mas-lyn Heslop on Phone 877-2864. q54-2228 HAROLD 'KELLN pedigrees. 20h4 Ge. Casrie. les-k. 2003 2cf 2cl3 Impossible to expand lot coverage if parking requirements maintained Ils ulterly impossible 10 curry out your request for increasing lot coves-uge and se- îaining the present parking re- quircmcnss," Planning Board chais-man Murray Kersigisan bold -Milton Council Monday. Councîl secently asked the 'huard 10 mes-case the permit- ted loI cuves-age lu commerc- ial and industrial zones, but ensphusiaed the present park- ing requirements would have o be retained. Ms. Kesnigisan cited the C2 or shipping centre aune that cuits for 80 per cent of the lot 10 he in parking. -Me pointed lu the impossibility of huving 80 per cent in parking and 70 per cent in 'building. Councittor B. BesI pointed out thut in some industriai and commercial zones, present restrictions permis building on only 33 bo 50 per cent of bbc land. "This is impractical in Iis age ut high land cost. We as-c only cutling oas- own Ibroat,' he asgucd. Tise advanlages ut a central parking loi in a commercial id 10 combat lise diseuse N.e ve ,uoe counciltors felt tiey wud- toc costiy for tise township. Reccived a eteles-fs-unstise heo ingWWest Ies- of energy and resour- TeRcadNv aiy management regarding a Th Rcad Ny fnsy it meeting su discus c- bus-ned ouIut lise ci home aI su lu cotlfod ts e Christie in a fis-e ai New Year's dit Rives-. Council ix seels- tise, puited up siakesan a iess costty method sisun ieaded to western Canada lasI aps-oposed sy tise connes- mecs, uccding lu reports naulhus-ity. fs-uns akvite. ýMs- and Ms-s. Neye and thiscs bWes-c retsuested su du seves yuungsîe-s apparenîiy mething about weeds in teletf t a senîed tus-m hume on nship by Councillor Tons Higisway 5 about Saturdus, Jo- I.Ms-. Hill was told theise 8 and neigisisrs suid thcy ed inspector ix laid up t a were iseaded tus- Calgary. Tise -ent bal woutd ise advisad f siida yo plins sa hens-csicd tamiy ts e hida 8n rnpains ad eenrecivd.poppy wich was bound by a neigisior and taken in isy tise Oahvittc Humane Society. W1alter Reinhart iy r. oi anoerfans-h ramptun Liveslock Exchange scven ciidrcn, had shared a Sneigrove hume ut Christie unlîl tise laIe iconso Auctonoor Decembe- tire wisicis deslroy- s-cnsaes. Houschiod Sae d ilMiltounRed Cross and and pale sahl àesthisMtoun Ministeriat Associa- adAprisONE lion pitcsed in lu setp tise 17 PnHgOE 13-071 peupla tind a hume, ctotising Boellon 85741726 and tood. Tisey mes-c ioused its BeolKtchne85172 747 a local botltftus-a week and :oUet Kichenr 59-74-74 ailfessoutcash. lurniture. dlots- 20c8 c and groceries poured in. COMPLTE AUTION LaIes-Ms-s. Sayers tound a SO[PERVIAC I home and Ras. J. K. L. Mc- SIERICE Gomnofuthlie Ministeriat Assoc- Househoids - Dispersais iation assisted lise Neye lomily or Pas-m Sales in tiseir house.sutling. l'iris. A. Schouten -1).ni',is-g , t ýhc Bas Scout,' pap -.Irise bhis Findus AUCTIONEER ev'cning .îî4 ym.Tiuciss iitl is-adukate Irons Kansas City pisk un saur oId ncîcspapcrs. Auction Scisool Cham'ioupion ctassifieds 'îîî1îîuics..îsnicr cais Anin- Saies condued anywbere. '*' 1--siie"aid cud Please catI calcs 878-2576. h'ing v- ou .a qoo k o indfltou 20c44-tf hiît inn msn mith a lot of s-Cas- yards that mes-e land iocked. In Ibis regard, il was noted parking could be psovided sitiin 500 feel of a store to comply with the by-lam. Ms. Kersighan suggested the planning board, if requested by enuncil, could make a stu- dy of ils parking requirements in compasison mith other mun- icipuities. but he coutd not see hum the board coutd fol- tow counci's caslier request for more lot coves-uge and the same amount of parking. Councillos- P. Bas-r pointed ouI council was concerned ab- ouI the existing building whes-e the lot is lready land locked. Thse huard chais-man suggess- cd he was salisficd with the luw the way il is. and individ- ual causes cou Id be heard Ibrougis the Commilîce of Ad- justment. Councillor Best argued the committee could vas-y the se- quisements only 10 pes- cent. With the tomo's boundaries likely f roeen for another Imo ycars. il would only be pos- sible 10 gel addltional assess- ment shsough greater coves-- age. Ms-. Kernighan suggesled the planning huard could only make recommendalions 10 council. But, he ensphasized. council could nul tel] the hourd how lu thinis. As larasu umending the hy.lam. the courn- cil could sot do this wilhout planning board approval. il waa fbsally agreed Ms. Kernighan would undes-luke 10 have the planning buard study parking requirements in CI, C3, MI and M2 zones. If pro- tessional assistance for the stu- dy was sequis-ed, il mas 10, be oblained afler consultation with councit. Discuss water rates with major town users major local mutes-usess Coun. tutus- C. Puy bld Milton Coun- cil Munduy, lu li.scuss tise ps-o- posed scisedule ut mutesrusaes Ihat moutd be snlroduced if mates- matessause insîalted. A meellng hed alto been held with Milton Brick Co. lu duarifs liseir requent for mater. Tises s-equired 2,000 gallons daits and mccc advised lise luwn coutd Township ut Ibis ime. Tise mater cummitîece iad alsu sug- ,oested tiseslusm tiep- sibitits of annexation lu Mil- A proposed meeting ils a meter supptl is-m han iseen de- laved iscauseuof hotiduys and lise chais-mofuttise mater cons- milece suggested il migist be flI before Iis meeting couîd taise place. Window Cleaning and Janitor Service Cali Us For Estimale MILTON JANITOR SERVICE 878-6388 BELL UNES by Arnold Blachford, I your telephone manager Watt, boss dues il lealtlu bc 100 yeas-s old? Exvibas-- aîing. isfll itl.]atthie cetebralions, fus and escitereent mas-ing Cnlassia 'Feus-' I hope att ut youu ad a greol iolp I cetabratios and alsu tisas you os-a able lu enjoy mass ufthlie speciat avents seemisgty guing on everymiscra n tise cousIs-y Inis saur. Il lmosl oppears us Ihougis Canada and Casodians hase ediscosered tisaI fus is eus- îagious. l sboutd ibc a lis-dp, ascitisg and fsiendty soad towards oas- 200ih We In Bell Canada ara aiea celebretlng e nese mile- atone tisnmunis. Laie in June lise 3 mîllluntis telephune meni Into ses-vice unesemiere lin us- Quebec ns- Ontario territory. fil ardly ueems posible tisai juI fous- yeas aller me added aur 4 mllluntis telephone tibis nese record bau been set. Aller ailfil dld take 63 yeere lu reeci thse une million mark. Prom 1880, when Tise Bell Telepsome Company ut Canada mas fouoîded, utIl Apili, 1945, Sissee then tise mllllunth mlestoues have conme wlit ncreea lng swltuesu. FPus-miln selepisanes lu jut 22 peurs. We felethtiIthia rapid gronetis nftelepisanea lu aur ler-l Ias-y rellectu tise vtellty and eves-espendlng develapmeast ufth tiswIo provinces. For 14 uft tise 22 yeers CanadIens have isetd tise tIlle outhlie mrlds taîkingest peuple. Fer- isaps sisal lu purtlp tise resolts ut Bell Canedas efforts lu iselping Cunadians bridge tise miles for meut nf nus- canin- tryn 180 saurs. Nu upeelel celebretonas marked tise lu- stallatinofuthtie 5 millontis telepisane. lu tact, me have no Idea wmicihume or uffice lun us- ters-tarpenuclaies tise bonus-,Youucnutd be uelng Il, isusever, If pao ised a lelephane lnstalled tate test monts. 'Fou may buse nuticcd sisal fus- lie pasi sevarat muntbs Telephane Nems, tisa smatlinjsant tisaIusriscs wilis yuur uccous t, bas been cus-s-ing o massage aboultishe As-au Codes in diflerent parts of Canada. As pou knom, Canada and tisa United States bave been disided up istu more Ibon 100 Areas. eacis assigned ils omo distinct Aseu Code. Hera -in Miton îîur Aseu Code is 416. Allisougis sonseona eIse sn anoîber cummusils' un tise Continent may hava tise same tctepbunc sumiser us ypua,misas yous- nonsier is pseised isy your As-ca Coda il becomes unique osas-tisa antis-s-tatapbonvnc-twork. Using tisa Area Coda wisen pua colt Long Distance spccds pour massages casity Oross e mites. Fus-instanevises-e Direct Distance Diaisg is avait- aisle,.pu a cn diat yourown Long Distance cutis. Wbere colts masuse cptacad tbrougisanon penalon, giving han tise As-au Code as watt as tise distant sambas- heîps han to spaed pour cati. Tise front putes of pour Itaphone dis-ce- ns onanAreaCodes fus-sony plaansthaconinent ESQUESING TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT OnIy children who wiII ho 5 years old on or before December 31, 1967 are eligible to attend Kindorgarten, commoncing Septem- ber 5, 1967. Parents Please Note Change: IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWO-WAY TRANSPORTATION FOR KINDERGARTEN PUI- PILS, CLASSES FOR THE COMING YEAR WILL BE ON AN ALL-DAY, ALTERNATE BASIS. Ratepayers are urgod f0 notify any parents of Iindergarten chiîdren who may not b. aware of the above information. Pleane temploeetlie attaîised regislraltioa fore and foeward imesedialely te 8885. C. A. GRANT, Board Secretary, R.R. 3, Geergetown, Ontario. Parents senuld have peur ciild's bis-li certificte available an registratinday. Chitd's Nome Date of Bis-lb %onth Year ...... Porants' Nomne .... Address Phone No. ... bL No. .... Concession No ........ PLEASE PRINT THIS INFORMATION 1 1 - à--à- Formosa 1 .1

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