Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 1

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~ke ëantibiau ~Iîamp ion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1967 A.huatena . Scc..d CimeM.11 Twenty Pages-Ten Cents. Protests from merchants scrap -plans for parking No sw imming in miii pond Swtimnuaii îîho basa iniaici cooluna dups n the tons cen- tennial pluticat miii pond tua ha pas, coupeutr wckx got thaur last stimming thara un Mondar. Thot avnig caun-il daacie lu pust the puniuitb"nu nminiming' xîguî.. in theaintr- esîs ut public tuaisv. Il bas bars a popur spotxritb ycungtirs -inca il tias raclltia ith isteatximunth. but counicillars wmeafraoid occi- dents migbt rîxuit and tha tome might bha jabla. Cauncilter Brian Bexi vaji il %vas anc thing lu say the childre coutint sxmteara but that shoust hava an aller- naeace niolugo. Counciltor Tanv Coutant ai- pliai the pool mauti hi upen ir tha sîha-Jlai npcning date, Juse 24. Nlili ci,. dîtîtatoit,,liai-king 1w, in o aithrtholtuagi al a 13e.i incitg ilttilit(iuiiand the, [hi,- niaii Parking Au- on îî onwd,îa>cuing. As .a resait of the ntcc!ting thice thing- niiriattaai: 0*flhc cmplis plan tiur a massive merihant -tnanced parking arca jn Mary St. at the nuuth iiithe husiness sec- tie nu, c ancellei; 0 The loan, in conjonction tith the aiPkng Authority, %iiil igtat he purchaxa ut twapropci ie, atuopposite ends oi Mai% St., \ith atats ta eaoring [heint dotn tualajviate a tîjliitbitiikage tituation and pracidea jltauimure park- tng sp ji. t t.and 0 Mrchant. n the north Main St. jîca inctuding the Centre Building, Christie and Wotodx, Canadian Championl, Cottage Datcataxxan and Mill St. landwnr E. Batv wttthe askad ta maaet %i th councit's sres and wvatk, cammittar tu tec j aparking tot can ha de. vaioped at harar al their prapert las. THE VERY YOUNG mere t the Progressive Consrcav e picnic uni chicken barbecue on Sunday aflerroon in Lmiiie Park. and îbree- year-otd Gregory lngtis of Hamilton mas ose of thesa. Here he shans a pince of chicken mith Ontario Premier John Robat., guesi of Melon contest, C keep Premier bt Progressive Consarsutivas tram Huoilttn, north Haltun, Oakvilie uni Buringinicram- ddinjta Losatitia Park Sunday aft[cnonsta muncb an thick- an uni enjay thetelvan. Ouest ut bunur mus Ontarjo Premier John Roats. saho speot is savanth Sundap je a raw awap frotbis amily tu attend tins avant. The plants mac sponsarai hy theaButta sWat Progres- sive Cantercatina Association. A talent contant mat hed, uni the rosutu inluici first pajua winners the "Mii Knight Durs", a Bulttasrock band, tecuni, Losasitl SuaasGuignona singir Vince Lis; doms. Ens theaatt the talant asi matas iatieg csr sing rasa. Winner oa!the mas Buriington Frank Ruigers. ion Moantain t; Smith, assisiai C. Asciationj bara Cnaper bea ut Jite Snom an und ut quick-cbui Predicts increase in '68 miii rates Wile 1960 hudgat - sattisg ment plant aid litmer is murathan 10 montbt ni ut Williams amay. Councillor Brian BstI eniaI otill pu ment on record Mosday as ha- the combinad i ing thea fiant lu pradiet un je- ratines undi - creuse in Mitions 1968 mitI projaîl. rata. AIl the daben 'Ha mantiasai atepayars datai lune 15 cauli aspect a tan ika ie '68 mature faute fi iuring Maeiay's counrit meet- le the future.T ing, us a maries o! bytlas auth- priar ta 1977 b oiing the lame ta issua dab- 6!4 par sent, w entures totutiing $227,100 cor- jente fallam[sî arief part of the snst uf sec- isterant t 614 an rerent constructian pro. Cuneilar t arcts mere aggravai by roue- miii rota mo cil. bava ta go ut lýes prajecia incudai te fiant pupneante Mals uni Ontario Ste. saies- [ha ees ndeit isg, the extensian ta tse mu- iii ha nu reser tersaunki. ths semage trouS- ha mrnei, The Parking Authority, chair- c ret, ei , taiîvg .111 ci te. u- in ttha liai ad a nî îd the iii.ikincproahi,.hack sccr, i.. lia hua ccn n [l, parkig a.tiiitii ix Nls ait. and t,,.hh.\liit t'acimptisha thn l, I . -dxith tutu iiin- TeAihîîrîtv hacit hrtihai a ptîn t a le' mnh ivcrchýi tti.'htnt-.itting htth sida. oi in.,,,Siaci ittati ha aas-awda cvvi oprttvivico arga parkingiarea an Mari St. At theaitc ina thaeitiîri i pionnai tii hi,.andil air ditîs alith haildtting, on the.out h 'ita ut Ma rv Sli t'aico [ha crootkedadtrtttant inln tutu had curn--, But over ane-tird ofi tha mîrchantt haittbjecîecil ta thir t ctandmît ha\ represant- ed 4h pelt cntiofitheass% merni mitha irca lin xhiah leisceta ha paceaiTha parking Aitibirits tait tht svas tnu nîuch (lt-sant tu attatnpt tu gît .îhad îîth tae pîipoala. Theats if iinsttoting parking mata,. lin Main Sti..iiiprîîvida honor t the event. The not-so-yoang mers there. îao. C. K. Bromne of Adtos cetebrated bis 97thbibrthdeay by receiving a plaque fautej the premier in recognition of is long servicei lu the purty. (Staff Photo) Jressing race LJsy at picflic tae folk-singer Mrs. Pritchardi s the onty uni third folk- maman mauthar ut the Lagis- isîn ut WVatar- atari. Mastar ut sarumionies ourdie Tapp turni anar the piattorin riais got jeta ta George Krr, M.L.A., sabo with a matir- commn tai hriafty on the ex- test uni iras- ctllant turnout uni introducai Premier Robarts. The premiar noled il wuî ie juisiar avant tour yrars ta the day tinse ha iDîputy-Reav ad bai ttmet Contcrvatira tup- ;wbite Hamit- porters je Losaville Park. Ha candidate John mura a jacket ut the nasa cen- hy Oukvitta P. lînniat tartan. presiient Bar- Ie answer ta the welt-worn at ouI the leum question about elestion tim- ini Ada Prilcb- ing, ha sttai the province egae. mouti ha comptiing the husi- ne______ ss-ofut hapaople bafora or- ganiaieg ose. Mr. Ruharts nolei the re- pionrtfthe Smith Committea on taxatioîn ix the 'most ram- neabnsita yrt, uni that the provincial guviremenl bas tong racoanizai the niai for ravision in muer. raisisg me- dition. [ha par- thois. ýs Ave.. the im5' Be auurei the audience the )n project. and prtovince amaxije"remurkubty tosan hall resu -bhaathy shapa", dexpite ils ap- tenaki building parent probtetes. More thun 80mnasa industries have start- eturens wlît be adinjeOntario since 1963, uni u ni they ii -cobol. are goieg up ut the ire lu 20 peurs rate of upproximutety Iwo Thase maturtng iaily. beer isteresttt A plaqua was presetei ta wulle thase due C. K. Bromne of Acton, who, ïg 10 peurs curry on bis 921th birthiay Sueiuy Sper cent. is probabty the oudest Tory je Baut taiite the area. euld efinilely Faitosaing the prugramt the ip ent yeur au mass of peopletatelabck scamte due an ta simming, itting in the 3enturos. "Thero shude. or jusi gining enargy re ta dtp ia,' for the dash back latae cgr through S-dgree heal. rvneta purahata uii.straai 11111pal iitiiýfr paîtkin, lts, Uel Vocedc%-raltitîtatdur- ing Mandai', înaating. "Person.ttt, theaunivi%%av me miii v tar grt parkitîg>is ta put muieaituantha xîreci- i. ad Mr. Ladîx th tIdont tîka nîîcri, hut .-.Sasrat caluncîttu, t cgicd that rbuta titi ,, tha pikiig P.aes hlutd ha pra- liaedlit pal altant. An atternate plan wh ich îîîîtd pluvîida parking aI tha nuîrti deuafut[ha main ihur. auehfara mas ravantir xuggast- cd hv Howcard Grixututi, uwn- ai r ha Cantre Buidinîg. But taLI.i et theapin tratotu anpcnsve. A tirdpîtiîiy %vas rit tai liai airlitr - pur- chisiigithe flotiî.itciiih% E, B. Ctamcnîs an Miii St. which ha% atrcady haan aiaared lt ,park- ing. But tinca tannacit raiusad ta bu. il, M-. Ciamantb,. ai. tarai il for taie at $32.000 Mr. Ledijîbravirmai (bat a t le- vears agio, tha Parkinîg Au- t harîr bai a proposai] tor a n,îrtb side parking arc. that xttutd hava cîîxî $66,0(00. bui ha marchant. lin thr nurth %ide (A tha sîret ivara the teain îîhjactuirs. "I dont knaw tvhit the ans- mcv nigliîîhali tai mc bine a cama tu lb, anti. \Mtxhavarv mec,hant t-tutti nl-i-rida hi su9im-ttati"I îtîîîî'î hî,k Ntua wiii anar grt aitlittiicat ltgahrinnhit _ i it xha ibird ota tuiîh limne itahava tried. a ni i c ivi M,îvor Chitt,,ix tait maetir. wîoti "drivaehb in, nl u tonand te ttittd nt bc feacihir tf thara itarclîtfrai off sîrvt tao,, fur caxtîtaîcx lu park. iha 'avk iofmalars.' el,-rvonr agra atalineaoft ha Msmbesndve.-ted thair ail. tt'ntin tuitheM;trv St. prob- lents and ait marc ganealjtv tg- reai Ibare max sutticiant park- ing if tha accîss tatha ptaking mas improvai. Ma. L,-dith saill a riment traffia sarsax shomai 14000 cars travatird Marv St. ie one mark. wAl maere tn accord tîban il max dacidasi ru purahata or ean propriata the ana housxcandi a tripla garage tii imprîlv- the narrîtutcornar%, Biîh the Cîtunait and the Parking Au- thvrity mi i taiy thepurcaae, -Rittarianst tîtrri tom n Tuesday xatiing saltîrpeanutx and peanut hutterx Il mas their annuat tund -raising blita. AFTER MUCH DELIBENATION the judges ruini mas second russer-up. The girls, Miss Loit Cairns, centre, mouid aaign as Mis *s un puisa, parsanaiîy, appearance Milton and rapratent the Chumbea of Com- of other charadte rîstî intn he w mercna ntha comirg peur. Mary Gagas, lsf1, lest. was tha ft rna up and L nia Bales, rîghl Nome Lois Cairns wini "'Miss Milton" contest "Miratir mirrur. os [he mati, wous [ha tairaxî ut thenmalto" This max the ditamna thaec uigas arai Saîurday as thay icidail sai, mioti raige as Miss Miltonî and rapraxan ttha Chambvr ut Comerca for ha ctiting vaar. Lots Cai.n%, a 17-yaar.ald h nuis kairai haautv. mas tvn lv attuxan and miii watha Mt% Miltotn xash tua tisa vear. Lisx. aagbter iof Ma. and Max. Archia Cairns, 340 Main St . i, .a arada 12 tadant at Milton Ditrict High Sabout an ouibpax liilaach atamanîarp sahoot. The gir-m seeklng honor au Mixx Milttn wcra Jo-Ansi Hayes, 18. ot R.R. 2, Camp- batîsitia; Stixan Copley, 16, of 330 Meaaowbrook Driva; Lois Cairns, 17, 340 Main St.; Mary Grass . P.futPatarma; Lindu Baies, 18. 202 Ball St.; Donna tsnumlas, 211 Ontario St.; Paye Mathias, 18, ot R.R. 2, Camp- hativia, and Bonnia MrDuug- att, 18. ut 80 Bruce St. Judges Brias Bast, Syd Chilis uni Gordoni Krantz. ail toms cousait membars, sur- isai [ ha chaise iowe os Pri- iayanusning lu Ibrea orely girls tor Saluriay's isai juig- isg. Tha f inalists mare Luis Cairns, Mr GrienindLinia Batex. In Priiay's juigisg the girls gara ;epromptu speeches. Mrs. E. Yates officiates at date stone ceremony The date stone in the gin- arat purpata route of the Mur- lin St. Senior Piiblia St hasu mas destared "malt uni troty laid" by Mrs. E. E. Yales in a brie! caremunp Priday. In natting [ha stase, assistai bp ganerul suntractor Tut Zan- alla, Mms. Yuies winhai for ait pupils uni tachers avary suc- setss luthe iuys ihai cama. Supervistng Principal E. W. Patter notai the date stona neitieg bai been detuai ha-e cause a! unfaaoruhie weather frote ast yeur. Hatld ltha Set bled clhwc hee fr hAm22 Plant for thea mxl saut,.n- nuai binai dosor chuta for Xlii- ton, Tharniup. June 22. acre formai on Munday ut a nt.,et- îng uft[ha Milton Red Crossi Paui Ranti ixtvaratilchair- mas of tha avant und iluthasa o host o! haipars axsisting bite mith arrangements, includisg the uit ira Rai Cross exacu tire, thi Lagian Laies' Auxiiiary uni Cathoic Wnmen's Lague miti serve rafresbmants, and the Anglican Chureh Wamen saho %viii handlia the taiephona campuign. The Rei Ci-oam iii encour- age ntudentn ugai 16 ta 18 ta attend the bleui inr cinîrs, uni is preparai loaupproach the staff unitauchers ut On- tario Scboot for the Oeuf as mal. Clinia haurs mili ha 2 la 4.30 uni 6.30 ta 9 n the 22ni, pub- licity chairsian O. G. McDow- ail] reports. papis and gursîx assemblai he avan imas a igificant A boxn, moade nthe amunat training route. costuaidnemi- papar cippingx. a lixi o! tud- ets. staff, hori mîmbars, ie- spiclor uni schoot nurse, a briaf oullina of the day'n pru- grate uni sotnîcoins of this yîar. Il mas plaeibuck of hi date xlona bp Trustes Alan Cooke, building chairimun. Mr, Pester natei that E. P. Yaies hbai hen overseer dur- isg tbe building of the onggie- ai saven roote shnat thut terr- ai ut Milton High Sabeul uni is Iîow theMartin St. Senior Public Scbooi. Mr. Yatet bai sarvdai nsacreary-ireasurer uf th Ibori frote 1921 te 1943 uni Mm. VYalet bai an- xumad [ha respon-aibilties f rote 1944 ta 1952. "For orer 30 peurs the officiai books o! tha scboai mare ije ba bue ut the Ytas famity", Ma. Pot- ier asptinîi. Dr. T. M. Dustan presidai for [hi dadisationeuni Board Chairtean Rue Hart suggesî. ai theravin t makai the ha- ginning otuanasa ara. The conversion of the building ta a senior publicsncbnoa ni the addition of a generul purpute raute pacai nasa [naisinteis bansnof the teucbing staff ta ansixî pupitsinjemakîsg tins transition frut eemantaay la neeusiary schnals. Mr. Barris resiemai te ini- liaI idea ut a senior public scbnai bai been sancirsid dr- isg the chirteunship uf G. C. Gowlani whba sutistrodurai lu tbs groap. Mr. Barris eu- pressai the Bori's upprecia- lion lu Ma. Goslauni for bis initiative and leaderxhip jentie p ru i ja t. Phoney $20 Ifound luere Miltes Police repart a bague $20 bitlwaue iscuanrraiin Mil- tanonar thee eekani. Tha butit irt mas pasned et Ledmttbs foodmt sore Saturiey, trnei up le thair dapanit ut the Bush a! Montral uni mue !armurded te polilasManduy % m'terntng. c aea Chie! Rap Andressi re- j parte the billt,, dai-ker [ban J boauide bis, bue no pluchet- 'j tee f rauli grass iota rttnntng jthrogb the paper), heurs a - dueker, coarner portrait uni j back-scena, unidha paneshad- nmheg ani a tblck signature. .1 Numbere to atc nl serial S/Ef--S.- avar "Et) '- 368743; front plate number 19 end heck plate flamber 16. Marchante areasukai ta con- tait pattas mmeiiataly upan reasip ofa! eceunterfait bill. for pend preperty A St.000prograitatnd- scuping tha prapaaîy ai the Martin St. ani ut tha Miii Pond CentennialotPjai.t wii haun- ieratjvsoui on - ait ts,,g cu-n tci' cptanjeaoaiRaunhaun Lanixi.aping's c, timna tax an MurojeY. manager Ross Pea- an saijusl the ana local liant mwat intristîi je iuing the înok. Tbiraesimatea 'st$975, mene judged nitia includci oser S700 tutu u ni a hbutsxoidiny the proparty and the nekend con- naînainian tua ptonting trait and preporing ilumarbaix. tf (Staff Photo) ahana il is tha xamc tirut wiitisappîn aboat 0.35 si-t iofa a ilfoý-%fthaeituiir S Mv n h a tecairno s pro- nrsin n a tlagpuia box ýn e r heznordecd.Worknxan ana tarting ta icOar dosan an aid hîttuxa on îhc prapîris. The ut- ficial apening ut tha projecti n sîbritîlai fua Sanias. Juna 25. nes Milton bas raceivai maux prias. A hond for 1100. a goti wtjth and a shirt and swaater outftt mra among the priaro iunatai. Mary Gracvi mas the fhast runnar-up uni Linia Balai mas second. The rusners-up racivri cash priais and al enianutsxriccivai c-tnemora. lina pins. The enterlaînutant mas rouniai oual mth performances bs' studanîs tram tha Reezetti accordian sahoat. and tapai muxic. TinV Hopkins mas mas- tar ut caramonias. The paneake festinalbhldini iojunctiat t isithe contest mati? sucrais and manp peu- pis tuok tha appurtue ity ta enjoy a gouit pancake feei uni match the santast ut tha saine lime. The Chambera utCommerce mas plaasei mith the camopera- Ltan uf the Multas merchants witb tbair axistance uni their donations. Attougb snms parts ut the program iii eut goof at isabadecuird masy peu- pla dii anjov the avent, si chair-neRichard Copiey. Suéh Er@ spreeds, dibauges heuse reef A bush tire syrcai toaa haute uni partiy iamaged the roof on the huma ot Ken Jas- sans Nassagamea a arte an Thursiav atternoon ut tast waak. Prompt action hy resid- ints uni Milton Pire Brigade xavîi the haute but PireChie! A. E. Ciemant saii "if lhay bai sot seen the roof hors- isg saben they couli have hein a gose.' The bush tire is betievai ta have started by carelessmok- ing. Some morkman sacre clearing out the bush prior [o the lime saben the tire broke out. Piremen bai la teare the buîb tiretlu itrt their at- tention to [ha bousteisre tors lu check the bush fire. Ilie nmes ualithe bush lu quite dry ut Ibis lime o! peur and mare camperi and hikers ta be especially cureful. The meeks only other tire was a clother dryer fire ut the Etqueting home of P. C. Pros- elt os May 31. SETTINO THE DATE JIONE mus completed ut 30 yPars. Shows ai the bief cnaemuny ap the Marin St. Seslti Public Scbnai general Round secneiary und Sapervising Princippl g, purpose route on Fn day by Mas. E.E. Vtes, f.Poster, Road chuirman Bon Harris, Mms. tebo, wit ber busband, bud mauntuîned the Yales and Bound Biding chairman Aiea offical books of Milion Shools for more ibun Cooke. (Staff Photo.) Vol. 108.-No. 5. Miltm'. wne spers. SerVing the COMM-tý fOr 107 1.1'c ', yoi DY the PoSt Offlee DepartMent. ()ttaWa

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