Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 7

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BUTR JIM KUANE serves a sherry 10 lite obnoxiaus "Algor: non" (Ray Tonelti) during te hitgi scitoot drama clubs prosen- ltton "Earneni' mich iii bu noce Thursday and Friday. Period propu and costumes end mach ta te almaspitere of the play. (Staff Photo) LecalIaevmnt Seek servkes Applications for services on the Base Lise Road heinceen Highssay 25 and Brunie St. il ite advised installation woald he on a tlocal improccenitas- is, Mîton Cauncit agreed Mon dav itetore praccedieg furtiter. An application for semer and naier sericte from thec tan uas recived Monday fcom Les- lie Wilîs. 105 Base Line Rd.. Canadian Truckt Lease Lld. Tip-le Tire S.ales. and Marras HoutDr-iveiiss.s55Base Linc Rd. Cauncil pelnted eut thecin- stallatoeof te services tente A cruncd of Norlt Oakvtlte raiepaers aiîendcd Oakvîlle Councit's meting again last eek, tu presen t a final praiesi against thte airpuri proposed for Omagit. Councit gave tiird rcading le a hy-tam estaittisit' ing te site. despite tite prolesi. M. A. (Mac) 'MacKinnon. presideel of te Word One Ralepayers Association, ted te detegalion objecting 10 te air- port. He anked for a fartiter ecueomic siady and ostension OR Dose Lisne area recenlly annexed 10 the iown, nortit of the Base Lîne Rd.. woald te on a local ire- provnmeni hasts. Councillor B. Besi noied il would ho necessary ta checkt grades on te sewer service since thte sewer ai Bell Bros. corner wan onl * six feit deep and a pamping station migiti ite requJred. It was agreed to advise te appîscants ofthte psceduse in a local smpcuviseioapplica.- lion. and tev .outd titen soit' mit tte formai petition bhouse coancil siadied cosis. af te deadtine foc xosprpiai- ieg te igiti Pruperlies inols cd. and quesionej sen'er. t uI- or iecebical points abotaute proposai. Halton M.P. guest in Chile At te invitaton utSic Coi- ville Devereit. Socretacu Oea. Cral if its' Internat Planned Parunltaood Federaîsun. Dr. Harry C. Haricy, M.P. toc Hal- ion, i, aitending ttc 11h Iter- natioral Conle reace of te Fcd- ertaion hing itelinseSantago. Chule. frîsanAprit 09troogitAp- rit 15, 1967. Dr. Hactey vi acîively par ticipalte ite cunteronce in hi'. raIe a'. .essian sitairman for discusssions on patterns uf lare- Iy lfe 60 Grade 13 students tour generating plant A tosucî(i anuclear powsered electricitv geeerating station mas teiigittigitioutaatrip toh. en 'Dy aroand 60 Grade 13 stu- dents tram M il t on District Higit Scitool Monday. Accompanying tite studenis ser, titree scitoot otticiats. Wtt- liam Roitinson,. science depart- mess W.Pollen, Englishitde- Pariiiieo, and Wt C Huier, p ini sis,t];, l iii AttiIsiî tisu c) t lt..ullese 0. The busntip, .sssis ged b Muilson ilutîi triugi te On- tario lsîs -publicelaot sof ice, inctaded a vsit lu Lakes- uiess Csal Generaiing Statiou uiuesiaidenîs sas\%te etaitur- aie tsurilie.tio.n ut isaier to uleani itiiler.. Wate r usus tn te qssem is pisser han Jistitteut lister iirtîrsig thue us... iirisiiislliers.sniutprosut-ses When Lakevies ill i h.'e neios ho agstca ,team h' pliisýis l Ns'rili Ainerica. AllerIsunchitns te L.itesieis cafeteria, tite gruap on îinuud un tu Picktering Nactear Posuer Station, usiichisu in earlv stag- AIIIeuphlte, oectricit%. cee-t eraled its îclear fposer canin ' roagithlie sanie amount as f coat-hoaseil stations. tite quan- u lit%, and itaedting of mieriais s i'a..tturedared. Ose petiot of uranium. mca- suring une-quarter itarin di- aicc n ils'hall isnch long di)- '0 sni se iut ss oseton ' Four c.rtiads ofuran- i sîîsî e place 40(0cartoad, of A %vide range of uses were s.iouvn f or naclear poncer, te- cudiun'uitch un-homhliite ac- lvteaspreve.ntiieg polatuen irîîm grussine sprois ten sor- age. As cobattprovenlu nese ceils from gousinf. hut dors ssiI affect esî.shlished maiter. [lise vegelahl..s r..main as tes' uere sîhen lreaied. Individuals are iseicume lu s isit e Lainins plant ai ans' re.ssioaite itoar, and groops ...n ho arranged for. Thc Canadian Champion. Wodnesday Aprit 12, 19677 ,"They were a great group," -Friday's Spring snowstormn Mr. Hadley said of the utu- rominded us, there are only 217 dents. 'Titey took an interest shopping days u nti 1 next je evervting that mas goieg Christmasl on... giLetter Carrier deliverybe- Probably the mont re-assur- Heights on 'May 1. Have yoo ing thing for theo students was bitgtyour ltter stot or box thai nuelear power con, -and jspet'> ben sd ai gicai advatg -The tevet in the Sixteen fo eing use an avntugie Mile Creek has dropped since loipeaceatann Cnsrutie the ftood conditions over a aporaians.week ago. Il a ~ THE MINISTIR "Rev. Cheusabte" (Grdon Tim- Thursday and Friday ai lite scitoot auditorium. bers) moites a point during teiigit scitool 1Mns Anne MacArthtur directed te play and drame clubs play, "The Importance of Being supervised te Grade 12 qroup witichis pro- Earnesî'. Lisevîvg ivleelly are Janel Tom seeling "Son How Titey tue" Taesdlay and and Margo Claritsoe, as "Miss rism' and ier Wednesday evenings. as part of te scitools daughtler 'Cecily'. Tite play wmdl be seev drama menit program. (Staff Phto)o Aayoeeaise? Women, girl see object in skies Did aspone sigit a sîrange abject inte sk in te Lous villeuKilbrideCamphcilvilJe O- ea on Taesday cveeseg ai lusI neck? If soa aKititridu lady and hec leenaged daugiter Optimists .. . Icantinued IconPage One) 'Rogers and te ciaits Canadian flag hre FredSiterman. Awarda were presen lcd Ia several who itad becs instru- mental ta formisg te local ?roup. Herit Higgs evpcessed te clubs apprectatios focrte Charter Party, and enleeded special appreciatias îIote Bac- linglon Clubt for ils ncari in es- tablisiting te Miltoe Groap. "We have a fine group en Mil- tas nwluImach ncit". ie con- cluded. The evcning cndcd te danc- ing. woald prohahiy he quile assar- cd lu tuarn someuns.'besidues tem wilnes'ud te strange pitenomneis AI hetuveen 730 and 735 p. tai eveeing. as lhey drove a car easl on10 Siueroad ear l'e Guclpht Lne, lhey sputîed te onasuai ahjeci a inte sky. Site desciited il as "te musi heaulifltlurquoise ittue cutur." abtout as big au a masitlait. hp- ne stumtp tna asoulb-eucît di- rctcion. and visihle foc more titan a minute. tnslcad of dis- appeariug oui of sîgiti, ils igitl- ing graduaiiy diminisitcd oclil it lias invisiitlc. BURLINGTON Britisht Molor Car holdings ha'. opened a neni plant in Bar.1 ieglon. 'Fishecr and Ludlowe Company. An Appeiy Line site1 souat of Qucee ElizabteltWay. niti coore toc future expae- nias. Tite osa- tarey huiltding cSntains 67000 square leet. l was net a mtoorito or a cuseeland ilw%%an'-.swasnp gai., ite viewecs esuphasi.sed. Titey descriheu t 55. hape as gahal atr tas iisc or su cersiaped. Il dsdn'l hppear lu reake any noise foc the'NIs sit off1 te ..r and rsiited dclounte nindoncss, toisses 1t il Thte objeci -ensed lis hbc' ni.about 100 le..' orcso oititeground Il anyunec ic sancte "lting" Thte Citamipioîn would ite ta bear ahout il. Su wouud te lady and hec daugitter. mita are stilpaeaied. It's time for a trouble-free Toro! Il toua tas a heap pewesower oltee.oe pîttably hile ait about expeesase repaîr blisad misrablesumme,îSatuîîtayî.YPears pobably îeady 1or a rtuitife tsi,108. Came oislnanddte.osai New Whirlwin(fby TOROr I4ornby Garage 870647ÇO A PERFECT WEDDING Start witlh quaitfy jewellery from engagement ring t0 wedding ring and te couple's exclsenge of gifis. A DIAMOND IS A IIFErIME GIF'T Choos. with confidence only LAWN BOY givos you fingor-tip starting Gomplete Authorized Lawnboy Seraice ...We service ait makes and models Warranty ...Fait warranty on parts and labor for 2 yearst DY the makers of Johnson end Sylerude Outboard Ut.a. HORNBY GARAGE For te bent in lawn and gardon eqa pment Hornby 878-4790 Buit for Speeds You'II Never Need! t sssan Ti'. ia ii; t 1w SU t.IZ-STIC famity of Etra Perform- TUBELESS WHITEWALL 1 . . . and i~ofuaing.s.o ogdlu'bueatted roadel 60113 33.68 FRE1E AIE STATIC WHEEL BALANCE math$10 700113 3682 INSTALLATION SAVE! and NEW VALVE STESM Foo 6.95.14 60i 14) 3666 735114 (7.00114) 3780 8 2514,80014) 4.32Get the 2ND TIRE 560115 6.00hl51 35.60 for 1 PENNY.. . whsn Yom T7515 (/1 5 Oi) 43.32 À buy the 1't at the Regular Price! 8.15/15 (7.101l15) 43.32'l6 ,i ii-2 11111E SPEED CENTENNIALS 8 4515 7.6015) 46.9 fo 1 lt piceeof i. plus a penny.Tis Centenolal Dal olsa't.ilff'sttonmiss . . ."it'eaaelosl". I * ORDIR MARLY- .upply ti timitesil Ynur 't su4. ( itrlt itl'u'ris'lOcales- Con have yur Ceneooiala ______________________________ as1 i. ysuss l.'go,.suien yvu ned tier. 'CUYE R * a.IMTE SALE ENDS DOMINION DAY. JULY the lit 459 Main St. MILTON 878-2.a49 1 £ S Ockville Ratepayers protest airport plans Ontario POTATOES, 50-lb. bag --------$1 .25 Primo TUNA, 7-oz. Tins ........ 3 for 99c Primo TUNA, 31/-oz. Tins ------ 3 for 79c. Cudney Canadian PEARS, 20-oz. . 4 for 89c Frankford YELLOW PEACHES, 1 9-oz. 4 for 98c Maxwoll Nous. COFFEE --------.....75c Poameal BACON-............. 75c IL PORK CHOPS -------- ......... 69c IL UNICO OlL, gallon tin ............. $1.95 Grade "A" CHICKENS ........... 37c lb. Devon BACON ................. 79c lb. Redpath SUGAR, 5-lb. bag -- .......35c FRED BRAND BABY BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKS89R * FREE DELIVERy Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878.3 161 THE INDEFENDENT ORDER 0F FORESTIERS SPRING DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1967 9 P.M. - CANADIAN LEGION HALL MILTON DANCING TO JOHNNV TOCHERS ORCHESTRA R.froshments Available $300 per Couple OVERDUE BOOKS May b. rfurned te, Milton Public Library WITHOUT FINES until Saturday, April 22, at 5 p.m. April 16 f0 April 22 is Library in Canada and amnesty bas been grantad on a&l overdu. books. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD . . . . . . . . .. . il

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