S PORT By BIAN McCRISTALL THE IMPORTANT part mineir bhocbey pîcys in a lown the ni of Milton is barl ta eilmale but ai Icast 25 community mincit crguorlelcons. ma.ebanls caid industes feel miner -hockey ie Milii Tha-s peoplae uilarriaul the neces-ily et wbulesome rieur aclil-ity in tbe lice ni cccrv boy sud 111ev arc wiiiing le pay lcmart flia- cxpn.ura bha( ra-selt. This vetor more bhan 425 boys ahIl parlicipaeinl organizc hockey in iblis 1dmn uder the jurisdiciion ofthie Milton Min( Heabrv Associatioo. Tbis mieser mauy unîold boums will be spet ai the alrta by cacher, managers, mcmborr of tbe M.M.H.A. execi ii-c, parentsan sother iniciriscd adliu ansi tib year as in tbo pas inccbv in iiaaaio ilibnlpioiiuilsîirdv ciiens of ia Ai ha-e annoci gencrai meetiuf ot îbc M.M.H.A.. relirluf prer ala-ni HIa-h Higg.s ncia.-i, îîcr setup ahocrul bave tu iakc a back a 1 iiivîlh-raaunc tnvuaheea." Thcaaic are url Sirouascords, bai 111ey arc no( air esogert lion. Wiihithc cioi hockcv ascoc fatar approaching roc urfe a laet n du uie an acivcinierest ibic scaren and i ,ýeoelia-lpr tu aciva f iie bit et a ireiinniius; bei-lice. cacol helli betlhie aioharaiaccr-tii icince. THE FIRST PSACTICE eftihe yccr for tbe Miltcon Cbaric %ill pichaha ha- ha-ic on Sundlav if the meatberman c"-pcrate- This. i-ar cacciira of tha- Charlesrececoil-r andi coacb Eno Sa-il-lac arc ]-eking ior-aaid lo a vas imuproemaeni over thc cleb's tifil iiIac lini-h i lie shix [coin leae laiwntr Cach Sciiiai tells us ibai the Charles miii bce bard ai ii feue hlea oportilc pi-calice anad au-i hc scrimaging tee the bolier parieo he îapcning -a-rien. PI.iyr-aileading tbe tient praclicer acili ba rcaqieditupcc.aaSiia-a-ioardsithc pcveentficeiie. befan A i theai cri ofih iscocrn. alltei the aceir s picked, ail ibasa ,flii aciîh lac cluib la-cii havec ihcir dollicarendcd. Thia meibea ui pciying prccice ce fimie mas ruggesîed by ceacb Scilicazi ai ti i rai eecing ofet hcaar. Bcaaicascoeigeupaiha fcai-shcckleicrisrvs iciiaccorat piacra lrocm a-iicnding ache migt oihcraaisc bc cal fer a fgond akala The aoacah aeocoaur.age- aoonc aiho fccia bc euighî hc chia- c makc the laao ten tica hc lirai piaclicca. Afrer ail, cor cdah hlaa fiiieslich ca-ail have ctoc maur positiona ioakcil up. ELSEWHERE lie HOCKEY ACTIVITY ahir aaeck, tbc Acier Tanni-a a-ch arivaia of la-ai yaee Malien icia- aiaoueiid [lit acgnicg oi Gcorgetoan's Junior Beumont aa the cleb's oecoac !or flic cial rca-aoc Junior replaccs Elle Maca as thc menici A thc Taers naho iiihcd feerîb lu W.O.A.A. ac-ieu Iast inier. Maro rcaioncii ai the eai et iaal sacoc and thecTannerveacn brcas' have hca-c rcirching for a replacmcnt cil] tihsc longome moia. Bcauont i r ne airanfer la the eu.n baviug piaveil la- lux, i hai herg whmn il was inniular in the 50sr. Veicran hockcy fana lu Milieu wiii aIso recail the ficra' for icird ache pianeil terrei ipanyvYecra agiinri Milton clubshi le lIer. ma-aia- "A" a--iiic. PROSPECTS FOR AN INTERESTING and indecl differeni la-pr cf bocke coacrc decelopcd Teriay eveniuf ai thc tcendiog meetiing et Milie~onival hockcy loup. the Pre-Aeu leagice. Sixiccn tian-aehking bcckci bopeteir abescei ep ai the local iglaoo odiaaeaa ahecc% cace and mkeukiniial plans fr pning cighi Tu"crata. The lcagiar. a rail niver et Iast vccr indaulil loup. bail als icoda-ilons lu a pharicians eroapluf aahicb bas been in ei cncc laie ihc pcaina-scral wiuierr. Faoratha- aacnding meeting aI ceari. Dr. Cari Hille mas "the bing nfi rackla rp-. a.omiog oui 01111 suggestions 111eý Ltis ccii il the bigiaucil aacnainalimccwiilbhetfootballiicace.iseacb rown ha- hacIlg ihorcc anA tha- Argonuc.. Fer au eucor- he Dec elfercil. casa-lt . o'. ala-e la c otingto l e ai- nv rccgb sluff." SO aalîh thc hackcaacaaon esl areund the corner wecre iookiaig icciara lac aa-a-ng ail ibosc ache caot sacrc the lieue, the- a-na-ca alla $1.0t a nitiai. ai the arec ecc Tocailay. Eeueuber icaika. lt'a a iai lu fou c andl ibcrcr ne bedy-chcckiug. Sponsor Cuts Grant A n excaîicc meccingof e b presimatl $50, iuciudiug au Milton Charlea hockey club alt initial grani t of 30, an addiliiaa Thicraia vecnag dccidcd theS$300tfrclub jackiseattbe endl clah ai-clai ha- peccîing ou a ofbterreasen and $50 fee gar $300 grcoî fro club spenser money lor lace tripsrl iGodeeicb Ted faineacicz, oncr eftihe- daring the playetta. Charlesa Hoîci. The Sponasori tJ Club cice-presideni Alan Pa ira- acu caca-dira- moeber h-iton cxatierd le 1the meeling aoldothcacccaitinf asaeuchltha ch bgbî al4t0grani acana-ainitheia-cm [hiaa-ir. accali bu mare lu lice, bal a asa ha- ha-d aing flic 1962-63 sa- motion lie bhal efici lvas lare- so'.I cas ra-pacria- bhac ialed dwacndte300gan a acrth ponsor conia-cid ap appred. TUE EXÉCUTIVE AND CAPTAINS eftihe nemiy feemeil Milton Pro-Am hockcy icaue ocre dlci- nil Tueedap dccc ing ut the urenu. The leaue, coiering ies tuait feue et openaion, wli play gumes eudhpcesduy evcning. Sboon inthetfrontarereue LurpArbicpresident fimer Hornby und secrciurp John MoLeun. In the huack rom ure capiuinu Bi McTrech, Curf -11hz, Rap Wullis und Dale Brandon. 1 M ucccesm Pro-arn League Tanners Oppose Charles MiStarts Tuesday hos omelbckey leegue theProAm reage. mas ofc.I In .Iovember i 7th Opener rgnýzo' tacmseiginMln The Milton Chanr mîlI cpen Arcn-i boardl madle Il possible ceena Tceailay ecenin. Tbe branr seconil scaron iu the West- ton the towcnlnlrierneclale Raid. ieagae miii pncile non contct enOntario Aîblelac Association ans la bok se-lime. The club hoakey tur men ii th1e isriict hockey league on Suday, Nec- bad iîcciivl applîild tue en- aid roi fteacion mecb in the ebcn17inuMiltoneagainrIithecirnce inioeibeo fastlmeek sainemaner as prccieusly rc- Aclou Tanuers and miii placihut aî press lieue il mes ucî ogncildiilo ia iecfoe-c.acil tha-e recoud gaine 1the toilow yci kncac il bhey acalil oote ihcse exccptions; enin players iug Feilay in Fergus againsi the ia the ]eagne. Marty efth1e stcra, icaî Milice anil the eumeiliale tercer Fipees. W.OA.A. cencence aciib iheir club lIn yeae hcve ara-a saill 11V ilomeil le plav auil Bob Marsball ot Actinepericil aicea-ilosigei elaeacbcre inclail ha- aili be ne boilv contact ci- hbiesacek. The comuplct Chare nîc Bla e Ingir Jerry Englia. lowdcal. vwohaa on the la-c. rcbcili wiii appear in thc Mcc Oclanil ccd Barry Smih, cil Ai flic meeting il wsac ilcciilei Cbampion nexaaceck. wiih Brailtord. haai prercoiilotiriceamraceild The Charlcs ache erpcî to Il tha- Rcailcers cre le joli, bc sccicil lai play Teesilan sicari practiies Senilcv aiernc thc Iceoc il acelil make anciliitgalines.iiiigîoafa.ctba a 3 p.m. ai the areoa-scillbcave vachi ta.aloup,aciibltoomsu ,_a 2 aOi 9ia.o. AI plraraaiicave i uit chrer aceeha lu roundinie presen aine Gcorgetcown, Milaon. rogirea la- ache o-ea- ai the coniion bcerc th1cm initial con- Acicu. Chcltenhce. Elera, terces. nia-cing Taicasdai-wl be pal oa test. Enic Sciiicoachbofthe Eleuica anil Oraugca-iiic. anil cI ioa-a inilimeforiirsi nigbicac- club , repsnicil ibis we-ck ihai 2h camac - cheacla-acalil bc picas alcali *v Anc piaccasa-ha atill wirb ail positions un the sqaqecill ii i. laapiainthe ila-aac shaaaîa allai hceopecnincuayene ilcneslci Il theaiilersilo neiieinlthea-îc sl c ,îcmcaa.îa Irinigotis wlccmeiealatcndlleagecilaailihbc a s- n ,,caa oacascpsihia- tbe practises. groepiegc-iih a 24 gaeerh- Elcer Hcccby. former pesi Unscetlec Sitsation il. adent ef the Milaon Inilasiriai hoc- Ai precrit thc W.O.A.A. rcbe- Lcri va-ar. Atilics tien la, ha-c lca-goc was nieai as ibce iliue lu unselieil rince il rs nuil thc W.O.A.A. roague, bbey rom- leagueca lirai pccaiilcni. John Mcý possibecaclubaciiihcc need eilpcilgainsiiteaeu-tronm Fer- Lcaai as ccirasnilLarry Ar- frntmGorgctowcn. A alt miute gus. Acion, Eloru, Elillrsg* hic: au treasuer. cepreica by thc Georgceowu Chcllcnham anil Occngcciile. F'or capicinsaocrc airccamel pmronacmvn sm ac pacs ..copamvm aecc-pcoai the eeing, Bill MeTraeb, Dr Cari Hili. Ray Wpallis ansi Dole B nou. Thec aplains wl e At Tryeut Camp Littie foot 5,,,.,s fclt ha-le laalcir ibis aces f~JJ fl.. ,tuca %il[ cota- cta cach eebe Ross MiKecele, local juonalie seir fau gguaicOS ha-icra- Tcrilav nighi. Tw aco s playuc cals aI the BurlUngtue Milice s liffe lag oo t ecbill cail ha- glua-a-il ach Tocadas. rciih Mohawkss lryoa caamp.Ros, se- lam. hcping for theur bhird a-eu- tha- apcning clînîca lrcaici tee 9 Ileti au lise motif nalaabin jsaceic "Little Grcy Cap,* havac pnli. ccd tha- scond gaanc fian piaper In lise minuit Trl-Cascn begen pratiurs eniler flic iire- bior fair. Javnule Hoceny lurcameaî tioncne cachcGorlHasel- Ilsdecicdh-rceciilha- b last po,-, mIlI ise le ualturs l Iidi. The a-lob inreaieealv spor.no se rgisiration fec, bel il wii teiclay clghl misen lise Juniir saîcc br thc Milton ecreaItioncus rcadl placer Si o uigt. "B Mohaamks play liseir Elest Commissioc, jr oa anila-a ihe Ai flic eeting il mas ilcideul saite.spocsersbip ni thc L-giaon Ladica' lii tha- oic cquipmenuIo leha gene.Auxiliicv. ucore ha placera scili bc rkclcs> toue other Milton bopc, Jean Tha- la-cn aceairas ait beys oipie skic pads. glic ea andsiaks. The Fore-hs, Allun Reidi, i.cuc Sîicleî i4 aller Acgesî i canai nel eeclacs acil ha- tha- ell pi.aaars asnd Johs Wite, mcm risuppnal. acai hing muorc ibcn 133 peenili. foila cquippel. If Su sticks minis the Mo- toc plaper la have huubnsi up mih Jucnuor B" cquausiu bis se Dn iii Cuerie acnd Dinh Mashiall are bals pluplcg lu Kitchener salîh Ihel lownes "Greenshl,-u." Lest year tmo Milton boys, Dues Currie ani Jin turben, mcme slandouts minis lise Bar- Iisgluc club. Bals are une- uge cii pas Ansîher probiemt discusscd ai tho meetiug acas. acbcrc avill the nce,as r hockey oqeipocaîl bc porcharoi andl Ov ache. il sas ageo i bhai lam cacah Suie Salisizzi eelil be in dba-caac et pcrchasing eqsipmoni. decil-' iug achen avnd scharciiriiclJ ho porcaei. Announce Minor Hockey Schedule MMHAanuie th oow1 mcy s a pig. 23 . tiasv.C t101 am. M- ,in Sheule l'r heHos oubr s McCag. Cagv.FyPg,1.0amCn ege tiigStra o. Nov 4 .0pmefreeFulTiev.Lm r.130p .,C- 2. 1963. TOc home ca-m i la e ha sa. Poice. 7.M0 peu. Knighirs vs. rriug va. tbareucv. secocnd 10cm lirleil ton catit gamce. Sa-ebeis. 0.00 p.eu.. trLmdiaa r-a. Nov. 25 - 6».0 p.m., Police as. Siocceaa-ra leaus havecchang- Tri-Cesci. GreeinFuels. 7.00p.m., Ti-County cd classifiaticn, pieanc ake Naov. 9 - 7.00 a.m., C rosi as. as- Lodiclib. 8.00 p.. Ro-bots CAREFIaL NOTICE acf the icoma tircoacu - 9.00 a.m.. Panai aca v%. an. Knigblns. lisiesi beoec. Scbchahs. t.15 c.m.. Caacriug va. Nec. 30 - 7.00 c.m.. Reheban Naiaice-Crs Hardware, Laiic Lumbcc. 10.15 a.m.. McCuaig vs. as. Penîlaca. 8.00 a.. Ficemen tiremen, Litle Poniiacs, Sdhoah thacmocy, 11.30 aie., Cou. Tino vs. Cesa. 9.15 a.m. Cao. Tire oa. Loilge. as. Fav Pif. 12.30 pe.. Depi. Pharmnaay. 10.15 aeu., Caaericg vs. Foc, Wee- Canaliao Tir-, le- Store%;S.OGreenoFuls. McCuaig. 11.30 c.m.. Lumber vs, dusrli Caiering, Milieu Lamber' Noc. Il - 0.00 p.m., Local 4970 tep Plg. 12.30 p.m., Green Fuele Miltoin Pbarmnacy, McCuaig ~In- te Plice. 7.00 pi., Kuighins vs. ns. Depi. Store. serance, Fac tlsmbiug. Lede-iîb's. 8.00 pe.. Rechir r.. Dec. 2 - 6.00 p.m - Police a-r. 000cm - Mlie DparamelTri Cooviv. L al 4970. 7.00 p.m. Ta-Coii Bantam Milto Depaiment Nea 16 -T 7.0cm.. Lucohoca v as. S eheir. 8.00 p. Lcciaacih'a Sîcaca- GCa-ca Fîca-la. Lca- 4970, Ph,-n0c tilI.,Cic-aeag-. la an. Keceht'a. Milionceaiî Fav Plie 9.15 amcc Lar, Tira-i. Dc. 7 -7.00 a-cc, Mcalîi.ac Miget - Kuigbi'a Ma-n'a Wcac. McCuaig. 10.15 am., Green Fuels vs. Lumbor. 8.00 c.m.. Fcy FIg. Ledacilh Foodi Marbras. Milton cs. Local 4970. 11.30 oic., Cen vs. Phemaey. 9.15 o eu., Catinu Rebels, Tei-Countp Atlinic Sep- nu. Rebekas. nst. Cao. Tire. 10.15 s.m., Local plies. Nov. If - 6.00 p.m., Depi. Store 4970 vil. G~resen Ponn. 11,00 aie., SCIEI>ILE vs,. Police, 7.00 p.m., Kuigis ne. Pondiace vs. Firemie. 12.30 Pie.. Non. 7 - 7.00 enm., Dep b. Sorue Tri-Causasiy. 8.00 p.m., Lesimilbn Roessabui vs. Ci-ad. ns. Local 4970.8. f00 a.m., C rosi ns. nu. Rebele, Dute. 9 - 6.RIl p.m., Police vs. Fouliaae,. 9.L5 anm., tiremen ne. Non. 33 - 7.00 a.m.. Lomai 4970 Dent. Store, 7Jl p-m., Remils vs. Reheisuiss. 10.13 aie., Cen. Tire vit. Dept. Store. 3.00 arn., Rehe- Leish's E. .00 p.m., Trl-Coucly vs. Caîerieg. 11.30 a.n., tbue- bubu vs. PIcue. 15 ailn., Posa- va. KaiAii a. Camiebelile*s basabail club esi auner bu bail rine, the Mer- dualei uff bu fr eqslleuent *ier basses-wlb ibeir the binee weeks ut idines.i snd look plicsa nom lId ar H-U U BUUUSU on Budenucu bravos la an Ies' milles 7afck obrs ank- S Caipbeilnxlle tSucndayl arptomon n h TO.RSA Casbli lisl beII~V A la rge cro w d w atc b d t e tw u b ib 4 uvl u e st er i n erh e bail barndball, ggiei sotbl tnDege wilb iwu aingles. Ken ' * in cl u e g ein e , w i b th M e rc h a n M e re a n d i H a rm H a m i lto n w i s j f t gaining un orerail 10-3 Win bomensoui e Chester s>îw« gi y mils a duble. AI Wiaagmane, Sien The Bruve, 0.LA. ilerne-ilHeudercon sud Jobn Nicholson Kmiitm diale 1C" lillisu belsi tbe Villa- eacb bad sinlgles. "ffl boY' eR unf utSofibel olîS rigilt- gune aecingle bp Sien Hendeman MLO PA2 bander Don Aubin' alloeuiug six fClloed double by Tnrry Ptl. hlmsriig cut tire and mals- ter aed a single by Sic Kiea, Sn k fl .pr lu lwo.rri Calms pilced foruconfoioVlagrcecd! l.. tbe Villaesalou bc n a single by KCen Meure wbo. caard macs and four bile. scorea on au ovuribeow eccouel ern lu lise fluai tive inuing, play cd for the fbnali Village iaily.- MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB MEMBER OF TH-E C.F$A. SPONSOOO DY RO1tARY CLUB 0F MITON FIGURE S.KA TINE (LA 5515E Tuesdays - Thursdaàys 4.30 - 7.30 STARTING 4 TUISDAY, NOV. 5th ROSS SMITH, Profesminal- MEMRRRSHIP FES Sr. - 12 peans aindi aven .. 17.30 Jr. - 6 to 2sans .....$15.00 Pes-Sebosi- - -.......$1250 Pemiiy raies for 3 or more upplicucte on enlqeinp Fece pupahle in feul in udvuece or on tiret day cf leceoce I~ ~ P P-- L 1 Assistant, ANDRIW DRENTIRS PRÉSIDENT - MRS. J. W. MeCUTCHEON VICE-PRÉIDENT - MRS. D. T, GREEN SECRETARY - MR. K. NORTON TRiASURER - MR. R. A. MURPHY MAIL. EARtY TO MILTON FIGURE SKATING a P.O. BOX 1201, MILTON, ONT. CAT ION .IE....................................... Fatb er's In il s) ......- . MA N o.DRS ..... -> .. SENIOR..............IJUNIOR ...........PRE-SCH-OOL ....... .... AGE ...... ......... CLOTHING SIZE...... . ..... PRIVAIT tESSONS AVAILASIf - $2.50 - 15 MINS L- ----------- -- -- -- AODITIONAL FOiMS AVAILABLE AT MILTON ARINA MNO W US THE TIME TO < CET YOUR CAR RIADY FOR WINTIR FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY... FREE LUBRICATION With Every OdChange jGet the Jump on 00OMORE SAFELYI TaeAvnaeo *Cold Weather ON ATAS Our FREEI I TS SETTER TO HAVE jub J ih Cg 7> ANTI-FRMEZEI SO TIRES pîsisi aCange > bere youInsi t haJt Have us fit passe car mith fo ~ sor gaie fh nssa let befana pas hane l. cafe ainivisa tnr« flan. nargass wsssn. W. Have the. Modern Equipment and SkiIIed ENJOY OUR SNACK BAR Manpow.r to do the Job RIGHT... WhiIe Your Car is Being Servic.d DURANTE ESSO Service Delicious Hot Coffee - Snacks or a Full Meal YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER WR SPECIALIE UN Oit Nwy. 25 - Juil North of 401 REAL ITALIAN SPAGHETTI eï- _____________________PHONE 878-2709 I ~ THE il colles miii i in ha nider Tbe iE ing mon scboo a the met rýenieda cîf; Tel Rami "Michael Ail Ibes Suang an Icama tb bail be tue cuiy Supers intrdca th1e er principal Higb Sel bir talk ail purp sicuilail abiiiy ai trom gma the Newc spectnrs "Option tormaiea able, are possible, be asivi- !echers moits le bigh ncbc 1the tile Me. Hu latly bec Wat, ii'ontir lu th1e b be served "il's as b ago.1" loi dry or ne il. He ai ta rieru a eeed mal Wsel an d th 1i ferme ru Millone a auy serici Agricilt A tranc Depeelme fiee lu M oas maki Insu for te ers are b. nuppiemen lenaiev. tee bey. terme ru powshere th1e groun 11e aildeil. urday lu and neler E lExcep Inîiadu: glaves, 1 ATHI.