NALTON'S NEW M.PP. George Kerr and iris mile Merryditr iros scal eoerirg eit Broohotie Hell or Saturdey eoorieg, for iris pecietty bord durirg ihe rosser prooincial eempoîgr. Nesseger Floydt Hermord eppeers reedy ta voteize mutle George ireets shows Mes. Kerr irow to play tire fiddte. Trude Misbsion7 Duîsinessinun7 SpectllLions Club Speaker At lOhi ast rgotar meeting: donnrai textiles. Mr. Jamees iroldes Moeday tilgiri tire Lions Clorut ofdti.sretttips and othm, bthi of- Milton ec addt-esred iry E. D lices on a numir ut Catizsdîae Jatmes, retraie trie capacîls asjecomyae. Tiroir tracte missione vlce-prosideet ut, Cosmos iso rous a*succors s cre alueg st-ith litciat Mille, Ltd Humilier. lire etiie- uxrcOtivsr returned lu lsreet.îith Il chir biessfacda sslti rtdsribooks tlled exe00tit-05. tirs Unted Klîîgîom lot- tiroir fit-ms. and EuropeoteMaytIo mckeoup Lion BobrKaertva.thrugibis Tîual Mission No. 12 et th irsi-ý ettrte as proorain eisuirmuo of tat-it, Trade Crosode. Ite, Miltson clue cîsned for Mr. Hir speechr empisiace tire tactI lotîtes' t-lois. Lioe Bob lira.ele lisut Canada le Ilte largeest per stoled tire et meeting of tire Icapita importer of consme clubtuith a prograin pasonb pooîin O0le rtestern bomispier, Ilts Hausse Cîîîîriy Cacter tisi andittat atutger quattity o Ca- GeuaAttend sssîiur finsîles goude must irc Gibet gooss aos psî expuriesi tuoolle tirerctmpsîte. rotrc oftclrbtiro- o ,, lis srersest erpeelolte. îiruîalti Leeand George Kendsl Ire Ontaio tirisrec ouîc Etseahte posiions itlila sssorîbcreperîesito ea l es thre lattmeetingtcce-eLion b loirs tirai oam ecsesi tu uee op Pstlot s nor el rScloIt, tt eu sire muerioter ossud hy thie ulog roir iris dattes asreontelis ytolitsect got-sh, lion trnd irlastsrsetoilie car Cnat Manufactuerr sis: .ions Sain Nusctaiti s seiiu Ceentas impesiat Milis Lis.i, le stiteelo. Lion Reg Lsi lszia s sl.teotssetumsc atis andslins.elucatiorecommittee cir a Lionr Oeeois Romiev as Heailir tists5ass OSO mrotlr,- sOandte Welfre Cummitloc ch'ats ssndiLion LrrtGtrdic lEsquesingAossessment beau Ilt lloat-le- uiro-Sceta-iu Rises 9.2 Per Cent peBaieyî stî Pool Esqocesng Toestrsp atserss- Miltson Lions are eiisg spcil ment îomyed 9.2 pet- ent silie Iv int-sred ilpoies prns tu lire fast vt-st syile of an i ocra- eis .oef Milto I hee oex se populato osîssi 184 pet-sors s,skrek. Tise p0e sire iiscribrsli acc.Idintu oflise aeeoeasid osaleel Gîte Musre Doller lu tis yopultilon figurs rsteaed ihs- Ms iis Cesltltty Sst-ssessîiîs sceshirt-seesstAW enoo Pool." Ili 1962 popuîlationsi 5 .14 alIeI i ssîs CIali si sloîsuslti. lo hs e-st- fi lisrs t-teo 6,698.I lsson ira Ilte Miltos ioluse Cîtils Lues sear scogres shotccd -s Owstlelt stltaos, t-aie .1tic-, R ai setereî o 98.978 j.lir? t el a N.11.1, Isldlihisiche Tissei seat' sfigure se $9,804,97 os saee tit JzIsttstase 59 ai Miliosi anic oas t 1826,812. Formitr ,-ar-sa Tise motion pasedî. i, sîit domin t stitetoi Tre t-est regctilsi rectine tii! -lisp .lecetrssrc ttc 43.26 pet ire N.,tte'iir. Tise test c'lit oi tlic asesesiietel. Tire se-1,i tlsseeloseiitee-iop sîsit ic Gel. I actlial it 36.36 lier 28. ts 20.38 pet-ccitt. ,I I os1lc i itstri asi ii li io riva irtsy V s-tIiI Chapters Sponsor es UNICEF in Milton MN TNI Milui C.per 0 Ile THERMAL UN DER cid-i il [lic itiwli t ec1Iiesi MEDIUM WEIGHT luilie Unîitedi c.L N oisîs!r lses SHIRTS lo tiNtLC havesss ise i shr le IC"pt III) casi scoo andti.tii Air Pociret Inslation Or Ols splg cltio No Ssde Seeros h(i na o, dnt o kuignx Nyslon tesrforced Necir More rase Li cll Io l iss 36-44.d- - -......... poc ouadhlig neri fond. DRAWERS DOUBLE SEAT - LONG DON'IT Proersu Guelily [brt Ma FORGET .. .n Stous 361 Iod4 That You Are Whireî Yoe Boy Siaofseid's You Invitod To Our __________ Factory Domnonstration MENS$ PLANNEL F RI0A Y WORK SHIRI OCT. 25 Consrrraie Peints Gossrroes Coi 0f th-e Amazing onsq Shiri Tis Ail New Zenith t sistsos , r ssss ut- fs-s Automnatic Sewing Sdoasies Fot- ru Mocisîsse Wc Machine sr d.-7 Fin. Gifle tu tire Ladies CREST Hardware Satisfaction Gué -Main St. Mittue MILTON COUINCIL BRIEFS At Manday's meeting of Miltaa erayed iris sursey stalles wbite le. Cageictis stalling a roatermais. "Tbey alsu *Connil aarord Sa pay fer tre eut troos or mv propoots t'or motsly Bey Sceo papier calice micr 1 may charge yoa ar a later tin. adrerting. Coisatiltor Gre. date,' ire addod. Tie marter a Pardy exptatnedit's lessoxpen- haned tteisrace cmpev siv ta sr have threScoutsrau amay far ievestigation. th pager thon hase tl put anut *Ae Ontario Wctor Resoores wit garirage aed bore tewe Commission reposrt ue tire ters mrkmesrinioettheodump, eao tretimetpat mesits and tire investmraentîweetd pay inspectire. sirured tire plant iii offinthe enat ireiegoperatedinasaslo, 0Wordtras receieed the Coaty maeiner prudocieg agood quality j of Hatt mus planning tu alto- effluent." Tire G.W.R.C. recomn- t-tare a Souffle busard as tire Base mened installation o! propos d Line-Breete St. iterseti*on, iry Oerationeoqaipmeet temanti lomering sire grade wbem tire aicaraertissl-ed ovaestcoecen- C.N.R. iras eoected a raitway trattue in tire efflutent. bridge. * Cuet.illor Boit reportod o cis- *ee C. A. Martin repartied trict Icedorsuer rn tho acu plae- tire ovteriread ligirîs n Ontario nod lor anestioe. bcad elford s St. al the HaltoeMarer and On.fixedprie oneidustriol land if taris Seboal for tire Doaf irad theo lots- rocs irterestet. IIm b erer cected. Memirere ashod tire bers ut tirs fienOece commutie stmet tigtgirg eemmittOo e te-in and ledustriai commission tsar sostigate a reqesi fer a crossieg asksd lu moot tirs uscr ard sige fortir ouri ue Ontarie St. dran sr.grsmerîen. whire sot-oral cildrer cross tire n*Tire il Mils, Crei Consesva irosy irigirray oe tiroir rsay tu lioeAothority fitsdîucpr-of s scireol. lettor is, tirs G.W.R.C obiclini! fP- ,aMartis Si. resicteoîs arc com-tin Crprclil rîc -onpes tiigaiabot CPRtrains wis pas ig asrssd permist t îedoautaekyeuu dance and tliegaedsaimebad stsed tedratttsî %vterem thesstem for- constituaeetsmiremerked es- courncii tasec ificoud ba- agrve]sholigpetio. Meit neye Corseroetioe presideet lodi. Itr-s sggested a politise bers rf tire Autirorits visilsd tirs tire drame ard Doser Corrne [rom tire resideets rsootd bc site Gcetisr 1G snd truts! tirs nedod, bof ore coaesiti scoild tairle crecoi bcd iresn irochsd off cors ctieeo ste rir roqest. Pletets b ho secarrir t-a dam: eTir*Th cu-eperaliso troc plant- tho rtcc rocs beg pompsd sss ieg prugramt rsoutd seem tubc tire rîssii operalion, tirer bock Ilercemee cotteciller gluo tire pond irebird tirs sîrsar. ts O fficiai dbe t-gees lu g b,-mhcd ptida foar rg aou 1ody tic t8 rocspldfo K err W inner tire ircît pt-te troor. enuraus aÂNUR *A Isitr rt-c rreit-ed fromt A. At tie lotoing measIe ai Cals, Thse Libérats won the boti H. Britîste, 300 Bol! St., en irc- dise. irodreds ceci iriesds sot but tout tbe sear ie tbe hctf ef resideet., ln bir sire. erg- Hcllalir Corit- eroseos irî, anued nervices note for theing tairildcpeprmc.encutersr.- gitsstîat-vandslCt- Septombon 23 Provineiel edée- bt-idgo or-or flic croots ai Perirras ratur MclurgHet Nsrsmt I l vs tien as recunded t-eeeutiy. Hali- Drise, raitrer tîrce lest a lent- alrstl-elttes hu Ieer u tenus liberai andidate Owen pot-rs. footbridgc. Net re t -ut tf titulrs snd dtontislls l Muti e dgedLthe P.C. Candidate deris [itm Ibie Forest Gruse sIrra lt George Ker.-16, oo iio tise ee, traesportatioe -acrose tire Nom Democtet-t cndidate WII- creoir. ie poineî out, ibstre are, Tirs Cwtttdloo Red Cross Est- Iien Giltee fallitd te gain o close te 200 hues bn Fatlieg- quit-s Bureau irtdled rsqeess single vote. brrrokarca tiratscottdcpprcit, [rom 38 couerries last yea-. and! Deupite tise servige voe ve Icasîsr access rouir or cari of replitssitu oer 6.500 crquiris. tory, Kerr. édt wou tise Haiton Miltee. éleetien byua beaitby marglu;l i *Thre cîtutîcil rireot lial re! ___ tact bc oed moeotetb tiat rrdie.orrsiegcapotmiolt. tbe other tme canudidates cein- ire tirs Iingsleigir Court pssr blned. plat- ires. thsoblrct ofeertl Thse efftciel flual fiuete o receet compliras. Cutcil rt-s ieed uy iretut-ng effîoen Iiformed c mecen of ratspcsots Munoy Ker-r ef Oavle let rtc iroieg Field tire ibis rcsroh, meneod Kerr wth 19,47, cnd frtbcrsactionetv-srb otsoer ()wn Muitu 13,499 and Wiliamorn Oiil litert-he meetie. Gilleswith3188. *Tire toîsî ruocitei acan GBle for 50. u compensactioe [rom Dct-id C. irr lmrihg o Smith, Pcrhrv Grise. rt-bs saisi teoninit en t - h tfyotie lot ibat il ire bceîrcr bts. irslog rlitepeo.cluse tire tot-t roiroen des- Robert R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST wl ANNOUNCESGA NUS NEW LOCATION A ort tire FIRST FLOOR CARRETAL PROFESSIONAL BLDG. (IPPOSITE DELEEX PLAZA) 116 MOUNTAINVIEW ROAD SOUTH I GEORGETOWN - ONTARIO FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 877-3971 f fa sh i ol-ns 28MI T ELOiS CLE R NE 0 WEAR 1 LAI IS LM FABRICS CONSIST OF Cordoropu, polished and orduel cuions, Torylone Bends andl Glenettai GUARANTEED WASNABLE Wide Variety ut Plaint end Peint. SIZES g-Il $.4- $3.99 LADIES' DUSTERS SNUG CORDED COTTON DUSTERS WITN GOLD CORDED ERAID TRIM ON COLLAR AND CUPPS Styed ln a risir Paislep peint ut reat-golat. oren aird WT blond. Osces S-M-I ........ $3.98 rantned or Tour Mal. Cheorfulip Refunded Bard 2.95 LEGS ist Band $3.95 loy lire Besi slrabsisiy $2.98 Scout frin Aroun<l WorI<l B»carsrointoeir ,in sfol al] oser Canada and meot'»Air irve atgoady Ü of. 4Mr.HilI raid. Hie Hornirs Boy Scuts ft-om lire Bottrol Cosntact 100 Graupa station, alter a succoefot tve0. 1ad Asharovo Scout troips Euti Thev uicatd Fidy eecrri oesfrastr veu-simdo the hoe thill uf tiroir lifetime ovi1 aIl dos Sasocdas uts aeal Provice as l' t-c tar. s is thre weokod wher tircy portissî. nigh an thenlraol hourc 1 scut stons iloGosurios96tfsxial paed inohesixthiseeaal Sct.uo o.Otttjî tusg tirs 963 rocs-0 tambresut irs Ai 05010O. oys plus leaders eetoishsd ______ Dutiog tho scsshd troc toits 'eostaci sr abut 100 uth-, cd tcScusioorssry CandunioW ld sesssgruups. Thse >v ve PORK RESEAIRCH province, al] ltlciruotlited leussd unegsup inVnorsse r Asan iodicaror oftheimpr. Statsand oe gup as t andset up-srsbsrse-iass itaneof agricuitaral researchin oscay as St. Helena islaod utt tirsr o Pen pal eoooesprdssce club. tirs ssurd today, shoro toore 2.417 costof Suth Africa rîltir 1Alsoepoint tiros hod alfussrîsv 1research pruocts oneswieaoe the aid uo a haro radjio oultit! conersation goirg wt Scouts 1boira coedaoîod in 28 counet-ire oorodiry their Scumoseroandir Vrous, Gttascuand Tu-al the start oft96, acot-dieg te Chopiei, Rec. J. C. Hit et Hon ilet, ail roscatio or the oms, Jar Agriculture Rosearchr Ceeu-t by. s îeclength. ý:Cil report. IWUG!i kVASI1A.- th an automatic CLOTHfES DRYERI - SPE QULEN SVIKING Natural Gar Dryorr onakc laundey suds a Waltzs. iThe otiror, Fasoonitu Musc for belore Gosoosiror 24t1t, 196 3! breze, re'rc invtting vryody ru come Ltstooriog or Dancing* t'ail dotails available front, esor slopart- aodWaltz through Washday' oith us! 'Then-oîth your cait mont store, yoar gai appliansce doalor or Wbot do yoa do ? l'irst, drop jn and sec enrer our fabulous «Waltz througr y.., Gas Comtpany today's top mode! auromtic gas doyors Wasbday" Coert! You may m'ie one of .-pricodi at loto as $199.95! Modoro sas tire cigirr magiirceot ew Westinghrouse do yers savo you time and moooy . Solid Stato" ail transistor storoo sets, actaally hcip, faboîcs last lorgor! cquippodi ritir AM FM Tuner-FM hoî--s are happse eesth Natro Gau And rt-n purchasr rectivs-sfreo- Sterco aod Garoard chactger. smo oxciriog R.C.A. Victor Hi Fi rocood Got y'oar fre record albums and enttr clbams! Onr, Tire Waetd'u Great ete Walez hrogh Wasrday Contest UNI'TEDeS-~ILilIIED NATURALGA TH1E FRIENDLY FUEL VISIT THESE GAS APPLIANCE DEALERS TODAY NORGE DRYERS AVAILABLE JJLT McKim Hardware ýiWAs>yJ y xi 260 Main St.11 SERVES YOU RIGHT' TR 8-9222 GAS GLOTHES DRYER! EXPERT INSTALLATIONS 0F GAS PVJA TZ ep 'CLOTHES DRYERS ,i1OGj soc Aioý'>y S. A. FAY wiîth an automatic AI AY1AND SONS LTD.J OAS CLOTHES DRYER! 146 Main St., Milton TR 8-6333 -I TR 8-2067 228 MAIN ST. ARANCE OF DIES' SLIMS