.4_7r' NEW GRAIN STORAGE INI wre ee ntiy inîteiisnl et the Saperareeet Formuaerdt Miiliin Milton. Tisî t the n ost recnet ptojent jr theis modseriateon pregirem. Ttc sterege tînt are ail steet cntrtiton, anA the grain tendlitg rqnipmeet ntaed in nonjattctien reith thear tîrt smtcntîs the mict modern cgtipmrit eceiletiele itit fied Thes tint taon a nepentty nf epprocîmanit 10,000 tcateiî of grain. le the toîngroanit, the initiai stage ef ecavation ctr isude-rayfor teet tp inoin Hoodeodrnatioe pogram riewt0 to, 60ft oledio Truck Sca stIo e rtinadoln tiî aiea Tte cae ccli te te fitit anale of uts kioc in Onterio, cit an Actorenge Diet and an ectoinetin prinies metieg the tnete RaS1, Zoanc end ttnrnty iieiaing the pottitiity et error. Minor Baseballi Trap-Shooting Club 1Badenoch Wins otite this oe t h oî the Pic.ttce g at wibid penung wame end ttc Red Lees intll "A" A ocew tiap-stoetiog nitb lt Iadtnont Inisereediaswo gceap and ttc Acaculo and îtne 12 grge stoigone a ti es- c e tc eniog game et resir Mete, btuîieg t onut on ttc e t.,'itbiccd in Kiltidc, cod shoots JI ot tans, O.R.SA. Inisame-' ni, totoîcî Both i bct-t,î iýu artteee tecbeint t el c e'% oceckeid. diaon snrieo reith Dawsn City! lu'.Botb Schilling and tic $ Jo- Moodan nigtt, Aectieg itola! Ttc Pitcte-,, totilttit Men Amie, btht mcci ter u ciett opposition 54 at Ednn Hitl. Fcok. tion î, gante o HareltilTratep Clot, cnrit-eU coccîg aciict 2 lit a ec alita and ta date Slroog-aarmed eigttandlea Doo Jîttoý Ctto.l Oic the Iitioig piI. ackt hal c7 nhoesoi itete Autin tiretted ttc geîoitatct ta c ci lt Ac iacieco M-o1 or te ilettie hts.e o oing the aole In [l, *B*'gnu , ic A cel li% in ille Io tb itciitt-,iilt ici the rein. ltit 1 t-:aIa Ttt-innetootcred ttiececl- lic tilk- a ite uotte 1,cd,i 1'Tue- enai !ict ei t on i -lc ietîoie oietro piTcng ogt Reo g el tcttlittntointotiict.tioeo R. itrorn tineteidtal ttotcol-tictotilcd lu Il ItoI tnlit-tou ancd o t.nodieetrotscand 1oe oou -cci- andoi ceite le tu titll a siegle ptccloced ttc wintetg Thigt iTt adi fil Riin Pil c ItIll ttc" t[le oi ttin tclu lPectaiI. Ttc lir Dawsn Citi uns ptceee t.tSIctat2 Cpm. uitiresotritnd tngtcn slte rn ro itotctii AH toi c-i t,, -it r h o, PIii "li M i c u M it i- h t O i"u.h il e t o t iiU li - n - Dn î , .i lt îîî tc P io u r t .1 e ctcotttiitic M', I)% - orFia lePc otL-lciltadu 42Lu awaleowlers play fer Trophy M-h ORDER Te i P lSoticet, -nc11k ckipl eIi l Bi t- t-11 01 1 ]tic l cîp oe \tîîîký ..Iî il- tIti U IL N O W ,i- ioi tl t itio PIii ainii tdecit.îd 0.2, AND USE OUR EASY BUDGET HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTSI 'O ON ALI. VOUR 7YARD 60005 AND SERINU O0 / SUPPLIES OFF Iutte Present Ceea Sluec Idetificaion tkarit At MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 20 Mala MI PLAN Spread O-ver 10 Easy Monthly Payments IF You Place Your Order This Month FRIE NDLY238 SRVICE alT 8-3 1 Par Comiplete Home Meeting Service r#A. (Gus) Mowbray 436 MAIN ST. MILTON0 Dtipleytcg a aerlldcg ne. eppearace, tc e d sae y cm. rufct and coneiera. tldP2ye2t6rer Ctrpalr Caceda Led. iar ctnestrae factoan Cteyaler-oaly eueo renl rdcacdz qaality eclecccgl fivear, 50,000 mille wareciy ce the pewee te body and chtattit ora. Grer cecILSt trae aressaaos eaatear TOWNSHIP DROFS Waad 5, DRO Bill Pains. t-Irk Felneing arr the dspaty an- Mrs. Violet Anderten, townshtip lamnninofiers and alertsaned: tait. Brenteilte. %ating places fte Nasgareeyaj Ward 6, DRO Mrt. Krnnth INoSUR NCE towenhip. Tant, ntsrt Mrs. Margaret Hem- Waad t, DicO Chenets King, Mnn, eoiing eit tire tome et ntsrk Rntsrt Erlloil, nettcg aiý Mat. Mary Coe, Snertt lie the Orange Hait, Camptellelils. Nattagaereep. lie- Waad 2, DicO Roy Wend. ntlrrt Bert Walron, Orangs Hall, Camp- tetlie. nierr Mm. Jane Andreres, Muennie Hali R' w_ FR Mard 4, Dic Mr. AI Keent, LIBERAL Milleon, Ont. IR 84317 nieet Mat. Fiorncne Cargitl, trwm- stip tait, Boaotniilne. __ __________ G. Coimte uetotâ, celll- lie of , e nth os C sein S*tPdey- ove, te ef Mr. an MI N. gated. Mtbert Vac et, Muta. cRow-E TAXI 24 »RU DAILY SERVIE CALL' 878-29-92 PLUMSE CLIP TIS OUT MS TILEPHON OT LI0 IN YlLLOW PAGES TI at your Chrysier Canada Ltd. dealers!1 &i uPlymoutl Go gel a tiser ..Plymeett MThe cleae Iiaacd teaety wtt seat "tiger-poreer"I Pick yecr pereer frein thre greot ecvcnes-Sact-Sic, Fery V-800, or ngty Golden Commandod V41, Talra itr eit Tcrqee-Fle Aclmtic drive . tiae thc ky-'and lame e tigerî Dedge fee 196 reth its teld ner rantilevert reeflînt t tte yoas mett teanlifot waptei, ge placet.-l rides, tanches and pcereta vs jit te way tt lentos, Ireath. Ences. Qotot, Hem Dedgn featuee inclede rielA, deep tankrl acats, a centre cee r le reit cithes a 4-Spced V J? Mencal slint-stift se 3-Speed Terqor-Hlilc AclemMai gersiclecler la, Lake ote plecont t- l tV I *Valiant Starp, modema styliee, gtleoa lcteDmi tatsry-aparleg elteraor, aclf-adjtaalcng tecints, peppiral sandard eet- In I"Caua -te=c sat e fore cf the scit.rc iacldcd le tte M6 Valeent. And ttec a anui optiacal 4-Speed focer-atici manuel traceclsstccî Again ici '64 o , beaug 'aRasefer raIné! CHRYSLERM1 ffcjey the OMryster nay o! tir t y a rW,. hr 1964 effersa ens omf dsiing fatlltmect uncitt any po ea t er keeree ilsu u , iM~~, S Innovations rialde art =pie = 7 IeI ecWS tilt aleet rhett, roli e tecke are t Ne o , Haecrd ee eW atectat apccd notnt, and e centre censote for the ectematic transmissioen ntift-teeer. ia 1964 ...cenjey the Cryterreayeof le. SEt TIS DEALER FOR PLYMOUriii, CHRYSIER OR VALIANT $L kM DEALER FOR 0050E, CFiRYSLER OR VAIlANT JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE BELL BROS. LIMITED 295 MAIN STREET MILTON, ONTARIO 405 MARTIN STRT MILTON, ONTARIO * cj YS M TUE Cam WTM TUE 5-YEUn-UO9.BGS-MILE POWER-TUAIN WAURANT t Vol. Ki Ce