Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 7

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63 Yesen' foutînuons service A 0eey itorné, rearsonaitto perced, O4edronr clay itrick' bunga- tom. an altraaltiey laodscaprd loeesydinng amea, modtern kiten ilt itresitfast ruir, iteoadicnn muer tngrdmond Pull priele128, 120 DP, Colt Aufna Calons T 90. Kititride, neat mitite trame 2.had- edons bungslowa, close, te churait and ulure, tonety gcrden soit, luue rigit for rctirlng couple, MunI bo nald la alose estale. Askiug $12,604 ar gontd ofter, immnediate possnession. Cati represnatîle Atoa Calons 150 acres, large ulane itoise, 2HA mitms ment of Mothamwk race truckt, 100 acces ueitaitte, tai- ance pasînre and huait, corner favri on osuly raad, ldccl for itef, 145,01)(1 fut price. Vent ceasnuaitte teras. Cati repres- enraice J. A. Etîtoti TE 8-9233. Christie&Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St, - Milton 18,6W1 Incarne prapcelr, 2 apaet- mnsl,upstairn rented for 150 a moutit. Dama papmenn 31,149. $13,200 Fuît prle. 3 - itedroonsa itrickt homue, wlt itept. entra large Mictitea, large lt. Outy $2,200 dama. $1,600 dowa ta t reorlgage and S13,200 ftort peine, 3 - bedenom itricit itugalom, alaminum S torms and screeen, taedsap cdi. $15,900 toit price, 3-itedronr split- tecel broickt bungalom, hrîood- tunreerealien ced extrc maciroom inthehasemeel. oacre lti feced cnd trocs. 11,800 fult peine. Terms. 7-roon house, iakitbarn, coco- ttosaiug aimasm, 90 acces. Fric- cd 123,000. Due t lte opeeiug of nesa office, nom listings ace required o HOMES ced FARMS. CALI 878-2095 or 878-6057 For Sereine and Satisfaction ConsIt BRIAN BESI REALTOR & INSIORANCE 310 Main Street Milton 878-6292 6592 BRAMOSA TWP., MUET BE SOLD-140 acres, n sunes. ri- vrfroelcge, haltroons, oit fo- nce d kilehen copitoardo. pressuce syslcm, ftoolecan barn, large hanit bcrn wilît ctosed-ie shed. Coing aI 125,000. Moite ce aBler. Ccli Boit Lakiso. Modernestorctt ced a hait Clay -irickt houoe, in toma, on large tot, comprised ef kilciten, liv- ing roaons, dinieng moItI, 3hlid- roas 4-piece hath, full disid- cd bauemcnl, oit farced air iteur, estran loclade Iusienns Marris, sceens and dors, cov ered patio. Some ranmn homve veelae biida. Fait peine 11,300 saiith leons. CatI Art Peacocit TE 8-6447. 194 RIVEEPLACE CEES. - Ae deat location, close tuî pîolic. separate aed higit scnt-ts Titis sotidi cay bricit hoac,,tîttois in excellent condition, us prined t0 neti. Fait prise $12,500. Monthty paymnse0s $9010 le- nludting taxs. Cat Bricot Bcdt. 60 MARY ST. - Modernt 3-hed- roumi, butngalow. cmnlOallO toc,- aled. $1313000 salt 32,740 fait doms psyrnerat. iNvE.sTmaNT PROPERTIES - 95 Main SI., solid itricit 2-stor- ey itouse, dieided as 2 spart- reuis plan a iteauly saloa, Fol- ]y renlted anuel inaene 12,400. Askieg $7,800 dama. 94 Mfain St., large il-moom iteane, 2 3-piece itatitraoms, large coco- nrlot, Aîking 315,03 salth WIMpEy HomEB - Oety t hcmes cIlt for sale. Boy nom and scc e te 40ô inea0c on Solos T as nen Mareit. Homeso arr open osent saeekeud. SERVICE & SATISFACTION - Oar Mabin St. office Is apen Manday titragit Ftiday, 9 a. Ma 9 p.ns., SatardaY 9 ans. t0 5 pAn, FOR THE BEST -SEE BEST - I s-l9 Notice lu itneitp gisen thol lte Sltingu af lte SurpeSie Caofurt Oetario, as sud beieg lte Court of Asuine sud Nisi and Prian. Op- erand Tertminer, and Geueeal GoaI Dctieery for the seid COINITV 0F NALION mlii ho belld lut the Court Hanse in lte e ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Base totne, Bîqaeuing MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1963 ai lte itur of 11.00 le lte fore,- nana, of mticit oit Juties of lte Pence, Coroners, Coanuatînu1 , alersansd att nitrera coucerned ore reqoesledl t0 laite notice and attend, la do and perforre at diatien miticit aperlala la tem. ANDREW W. PlANX, SiteriEf, Ca. Ratton. Sherlff's Office, Sept. 5. 1963. c-17-3 Notice f0 Creditors AND OTHERI lu lte Fauae. of MYRTLE MOUNTAIP4, Deenasd. AIl persns itcving ciairen ng- aIs lte Butate of MVRTLE MOUNTAIN, laie of lte Toma of Milton, in lte County aS Rat- ion, Spinsler, dcceased mita died ai lthe City of Hamsilton, in lte Ccunty of.Wentmorlth, un or aboaut lte 28tit day of May, 1963, are iternitp botified ltaI tey mut itave stalemeutu et tele daims, propeely verlfied. lu lte itceds of lte ntdrnsn- tioned solicitor for lte Adrein- inîralois, on or beotre lte lOtit day cf Oclohor, 1963, afler miîci date lte uedermeetioned Adrelî- istratris salt proceed t0 disîri ite lte Existe, itaneg regard onty le lte ctams et mitici site tite citaIt itave itad notice. DATED i Milton, Ontario, titis lt day of Septensier, 1963. ADA FEATHEESTONE, Admieislraleie, hyt KENNETR Y. DICK, Bex 188, 196 Main Street, Milton, Ontario, iter notinilor tore. c-18-3 JUDICIAL SALE of Part of Lot 30, Conces- sion 2 North cf Dundas SOoeet, -Township of Tra- falgar, County cf Halton, BETWEENt WILLIAM JOHN TOMLINSON et al Plciet iffts, VS- KARL H. TROPPENZ et ai Defeudantn, Puenuant t0 lte idginsnt ced final order for taie made le titis casee tiere miii ho offeeed for sale ity pabitc aoclion, miit tite approitaton aS lte trodtr- sigued Master. hy Jacit Ettioli, Aaelianeer, ai lte propcriy, aI lthe itour of Imo octocit pnsi., on Friday, lte 41h day of Oclaher, 1963, tite folloming lands and pre- mises iteieg part of LoI 30, Con- cession 2Nortof Dundas Sreet, le lte Tomnship of Trafclgar, ie tce Coatto of' alton, ced more parliclarlc descrihed le lte mttrtigagc rcgictcred in lte Regis- loy Office aI MilIce as Numitr 130766 Ttc property salt te otfeced for solo suhjocl t0 a resere itid fixed ho lte ccid Master. Ttc purehaser citaIt pay desan t0 lte condoms solicitor ou lte day of sale 10% of lte purcitase moncy and aurai pay lte balance otte purcitase motuey loto Court salth- oct leterect mthin titirty days aller lte date cf sale Adjust- men ît e, madie as of lte date cf etosing. Ttc parnitaser citaIt seaci thte tille aI i ose espcse. In att oltierrespents, lte conditios of cale are lte standing conditicns cf cale of lte Coort as modifled hy lte condit- ions of saie settled hy lte under- sigurd. On lte premises is said 10 te erented c Imo stcrcy franse bitliding particlty comnpleled. For- ltet particuleru ud conditions of sal a'yite had fin.-Mcas- ta, 2859 Dadas Simd. West, Toronto 9, Ontario. DATED ait Trouta ltin 41t day of Seplenster. A.D. 1963. G, C. SAUNDERS, c-18-2 Aunt, Manier, lins Canadin Chitoaan, Thoua., Septereier 19, 1963 Est oie, hi iethuàaat CRODITORS AND> OTRERS haclug elas agalual lite ahane nsentieed enlale are reqaired tM send parlticlru of surit clams ta the underulgned ou or heoere lte failh dey 69 Oclaiter. 1963, afler sstlit dale the aguets or lte entee miii ho dlulrlbted, turing regard nnty la Ouatas of sahicit the Euceculr aitat] then have notice, DATIED ai Guelpht, ibiu 1ti day of feplemiter. 1963. BLAIR, MOON & HEATH, 16 l3nan Street, Gueipit. Ontarie, Sotirilors for lte Esenoler, -AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Fstnae e.. ThoPe ty of MES. Ur.BANT te Nareat thaside Aaglican Citarcit Hal) en Feidsp Evognng, Septeasher 20111 At 6.15 pri. FRANK PETCH, Aucîlaneer, c-19 Phoene Goregetowan 877-2864. AUCTON SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 9.00 ans, AI Countoce Pair Motcl ced Restaurant, No, 5 Highmay, Oak. sille, Ont. 1- 1955 CHEVROLET 2-000E SEDAN Ontario liceuse 331.693. To be sotd for storage cciîtg. AUCTION SALE 0f Antique sud Oter Parnilare, Shap Taise e. Ttc properly ut MES, t, A. BINNS AI Richard Sandusitys, Lai t, Toronto Towneship, on Highcav No. 10, 150551 Hrotarlo Bt.,2 mites norlt of Canitsvitie, n SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.1 At 1.30 shunt. PIJENITD.RE - tiviag, diffief, Ellthn*-atiledrto6 uanlore, mainai, reahogany, pine. mupiet china, glass, copper, itrass, pesa- ter, Irons, spinuieg saheet, refIn- acralor etc. TOOLS ETC. - Tablte csaw, saand tathc, scher csa, gt-inder, flour drill poess, jointer, salait tacts, Torro 21 le. lawnma wr 2,000 lth Reefes scate, Thin il a reat gond offet-ieg. Dealers and faocleru saill fied many items cf letereot. TERMBt CASH. FRANK PETCH, Auctioceer, c-lt Tel. TE 7-2864, Georgetusan. EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Modern and Older Style Ratasehnld Fuenaiiore Theoendersigteditave rceved intructions [rons MRS. RENE TIfOMPRON To self lcietty salt A. Steven- sn.0, ho pubici acchon i her rosidenne, 58 Laite Aoc,, Acton, Thsesday Ensng, Seplemher 26 At 6.13 pre., lthe follomingt Extensin taitle and 5 citaient higit pine nupheurds; no. of nreall lattes; 5-dramer pine citent; ccreed reantl dlock; loilt sels; 2 otd mooden ches; steamer trunit; hall rackt saith sirror; lit- cry latte citit siteles; no. of pialure frarees; old ntle odd chairs; rocking chair; day lied; ehesl of antique carpenler tfouts; Oceiten iteter; wsh stands and dreccers a-Ith reirotrs; itds;bras tied, cccchiog machines;ovacuums rleaeer; copper toiler; large qoacotityocf diehes; poIs and pans; aed garden tacts; as al asaay ted aed nsallress; solc; elcr o ri; ititcite talate and chairs; toy pan; rarpef seaeper; portable barbenoe; record play- er;!ce skates;rmeut griuder and othor anticles tou mrer- ut menetion. TERMS: Casth lîtaerk evnu- ieg of mile, No resereastpoprieoes are gicief op touseitenping. Inupection frore 4 pre., vn ieg of sale. Cteritst P. Simioni, C. Londshaceugit. ELLIOTT & ROLMIES, t-t2 Aoaloueeerî. IELECTRICI anmd Seneino an£L GiLLIS GEORGE ERR OWENO MUIUIN Choo., From Thre... (Conlinued fromn page l) Hic wife Mertydilth s also a later lthe Steel Company of Can- marketing and merchandising di. lasayer, and went law ada. In 1932 he juined Fard ot vision of Cilles Sereice 011 Coln.s-coel witit him. They live aI 3014 Canada at Windsor and ln 1953, pany at Brante, and maildes je Balmoral Ave., Burlingn. wilh ccas transferred ta the nesa Oak- Broute. brioi tree children, Larty, Mar. ville Ford plant. Rn la stiti cm- The oldest nS lte titree candi- gnl and Jamie, aged9o ,ad3 played at Ford, nasa je sales mari- dates-t 42, bcuerved inlitheSec- H-e moved ta eilloi --9-- 4 - c gemcnt. ond World War and lte Korean to article in lace, and cccc admiti Entering the municipal peltiic namrpatgn: In l-te wal- hé, cas telt Io the Ontario bar le 1955. te field le 199 he wan ntected le nitt lte Ontario. tank regiment, 1958 hoe opeeed hic uwn proc* . totcecoucnitaedeserced as arep- and tâter jinied lte Royal Cana- ticelin Borîleglon. tecentat Ive cf Ward DOne, iectad- dian Eteetrinal and Menitaninat Ine1956 heoantfora positinne in two years aseitairmae of lthe Engineers for lthe Korean non- Bat lieglon coucit. cchich he B3uilding and Planning commit filint. Belsceen thece tours ocer- sos, oed ccc aaie coccetoul [ce. te 1961 hie defeated four utit- cras he was a policemon le Ni- the nexicîcrt. Bolh %cars ho was er candidatec for tha pocition ot agora Patin, ii hoame tome. chairooce CI the finance com- Mayor. HermocrdlteToronto tascorkelirtce.H elh clliolmui- Mr. Mattieccas an usces with Cilles Servce, aent was lter cirai pniîic- te 1961 and wnfol contestant le lte 1959 Procin- lransermdltoBranele. He joieed a[%ci-ltccnitfero. Hehlus iaelection.tosigty 730otes rive New Democrotir Party cI ils olco %c-rnLd ccih lthe Rertliono 1 eteroe P.C. Stanley Hall cf feending, and ccnrked hard for Committro, Kinsmon Cluh, and Horehc. ite Party arieg lthe tact Iwo Rerlrded Childreecs Associationt A ciete otelnic elcinsa memiter crf lie Rat- in Burtieglon. He sersed thoce 1953 ho resdt o it B liceto cI 22 ton eltecalice. Rn hacs sercedt as coars on Knox Prechotoolo P53, Drîce, Cis wodatie sarce2, .,enretary-lceacareýr cf toal 5953, Chorît Board ct Managemeet, wil h titeir nhitdree Danny, 6, and 01tCiteminacand Atomie Wrk and l inteeretiiensot.H ilccnhyt0.Thy aememherscof ersuCLC fer rve year, asmwetl as 39. For ceverot cer0 he hoic he, St. tBcphtel's RC. Citorrh. ltae pOOt Ico ears as secretary on escro lIce memiter of Halcît of lte Ockiite ced District La- Progrs-ive Ccrcervtlice asca itor Cooncit. lion. e ad hilewille Mitdred ced OWEN F. MULLIN Ou le er Wrt ne daugitor Bonnie, 7, lice OIt Liherci cndidlate lîor the rode- OrR * Wit 577 Valley Drice, Broute, cv, Ocwen Molîlini a n otivre St' CONFIISING TIME GEORGE A. KERR Prîrro, Price Edwcrd l tcid Dror Mr.Eiîr Aenatice of the GtpeCoast F.rlcartdlat St. Dot.tastt Uni' Whi am1gttieg todo chee t nrlite Necw Brunsckr border, cercitv al Clîictoloc)v, h r - %oolr on Sepîrmiter 25? t itace P.C. cndidate George Kerr fol clîttîd as .t chrorical ecoier ln' cerl signs te Hatoo Cocelcocilit hic edocclin aI Bolet Joitn, N.B., 1949, thr victtic cteicrng the iloiî tccmec ce them t ced esteced University cf New orîcdutore ite schttîtlc huictor-.. Best. Mollîn, Timmîro. Wilson, Brunswick Frederictnfor ape- Hr i,tttttt34. 1tRoulreau, Fotîrrtte, Hariro, Kerr lcc course. Re g roduaelf.romj Thlt ame -, vretr fi, mtoeltotid Gilirc. Dalhoucie Unicersity. Rcifoc ac Ittîill" attt eiotok e potiton 1 igeed, c tatsyrr le 1953. tîtith Domtinion Fttcedriec, ctdý "pce.led." THE1 SCULPTJRED nem ntlieg af lte 1964 Fardliln is aitomo cleary in te Ouiuniu 500 2-dont hurdrop madel neen ites. Att 1964 modois eteure lte loch of iocory and totaliperformunce engineering, inluding a range of engines from tht enoomial sixcyrilnder titrougit the pomerfol V-8 engines. Duruhiily, tomer muintonunce asd a tartitet reprocemel en lte Ford's trudilionullu smoalth ride areecharucterisias ci tht 1964 Ford The nec Farda miii he stei deuler aitomranms lter titis mentit 59,697 Eligible Voters Cancrete, Cluder. Slag sud Sl Etertioe lîslnprinldand postu anneF inetheenetic rce. Thoir BLO CKS cd ltrougioteo Ration's 283 pol- agents ilied officiaitoiato inf cubdivisions, showa ther crc pers cith ocoornnng oiicen M.l Cl 59,697 eligitte votera ie tte E. Kern of Oakitciii ocucit brr coutty for nesl Wedsesdaynspo- iegatincis 100tm nare i Joti . COOKE (ContrasBocs vincial elenlion. lied suticnc ti htu ut a, cn.mtnC,,u LSD. Court of Reoisios sifîlufs sacre Ineideniatt, il oram i hetd oser lte meeitend, aud it rissiegtfonmthe ccti iand ý NE 4-7763 is espectcd flt figure wilt climit y00 micletd fli ounrt cI rro'idin. slightty fottnwing lte additioa of yo con stil getl vole Ie EVENINGS cuyotleras h mianay hase itren Wedmecdao il ynn cn pnaon yIor CL A HL mioîed ity numeralaro. rame appecos on lthe prceot C L A KH L Last meit, lte ltrcc candi- muonicipal licI of lte loce or MILTON TR 846365 datns officialty enlered thir towsoehip leinS chool lin-c No Three Candidate Meeting No seetlte-casdidatcs reel- personat cpiniorc% o HtolitunT legs arc scitedaled itece haforc politino. lte Seplenster 25 eteclion, tut te GeorgetownO MoeIac, gars- ITi E HalIon's tree potiticat aspirants tions Inam the tinnu asîcc caundi- faed adieces together on Mone datesco gin flo hein promices VOU TAKE CAl day ond Tuesday ocon ingc of thlc about dev-oipicg lthe Ntnth LUtne TAKE CARI 0F saeit, from Gergtown ti1 Highut-ac Jacees ln eourgetown and 401, a lopco uf courrnt contcui c S LARGELV At Oakoiltecsposcoed lte metings,. 10 rainl,,ucnn thrc TION CONCISE sahen large erosads tureed out MATION TOUt lu fleur Consereclice George LBRA PAT Kerr, Literai Owaen Mollie ced IEA PRT Newa Dereacral Bill Gitties o- Ecqoruti fuitnîi Asscition Wrile one mard fie teir parties' stands and held at ruci t nd cdacnce ln Bithamargue itotv i Fsdupporfter CLASSIFICATION Ocwrs Mulliic cptke. He cucc in. AUCTION SALES (Costlad> trodced hc ptrcideci MO Me- ___________ ___________________ - Culotigit. AUCTION SALE Of 1the esfin, contents of an 8-muesm haste teetudieg modemn and some antique, living ren, dieieg rocre, hitohen, tedracre and lame fureitare. also noiting ut- otsls cecr 0c a ppliancs china ccd gtcccs Wult ha hetd ai lthe homo ni the LATE 2ANE MITHELL ta ttc village of Kittride, on SATIIEDAY, SEPTEMBR 21eR At 1,30 e'ciocit. TERMSt CASH. Effeeti MeCartuey and George Watnon, Enecaloro. J. A. ELLIOTT, Auctianeer, cl8-2 LOOK AT THE8 "GOODWILL" USED CARS WE SE1k THEYVRE BACED BT SERVICE TRADE 610W AT Milton Motor Sales Ltd. au mais St. mites Plan Bus Tour, Hallowe'en Pa'rfy For Halton Manor Residents Mes. Raltherley prenided aI ste liary mensiers scould hc attend- Replemiter meeting af lthe Raton !ng work meetings in Sepleasiter Manor Ausiliary an Wednesday, n lecnneclion witit lthe Handi- Septemiter 4 in lte Auditorium. ICreil Depacîment, tcaenlng new Tite membens ac planning a cratîn lu enaitte temt t hetp Hallome'en Party for lthe ceci- lthe resîdenils witen ile weekty dents, ced titis was teft Oee handicraft meetings flle place. for lthe Ocluiter meeting for for- Wit ltheacrrirai et lthe. Paît lter discussion. and lthe aolonlary wnrk ut lthe A itus tour fur lthe restitefs Aosiliary, att ladieu of lthe t0 tee lthe Fait color aroaed Couely arc ieriled lu juin in lte cocetryide mas discusned. tii unrit. Meetings are itlld Titis wac lf for a 1cm meeitî eceroeuntit, cte fient Wednen- tilt lthe culor cf lthe ceases andds-, aI 2 toclocin lulthe Audi- lthe mealther mas favoraitle. Ausi- tcrium. Help is alwaysnseeded for ciuiting and playing cards sth lthe residents, anybleaucan ho made ose ut in lthe Handieraft "Optiristic" Deparîmeel, and new ideas are AI a social gatitering for lthe Mrc.Cits an Mme. Hutsr memiersof ite itte coc ecd lea and cake aI lthe close cf DenSralie Party Association Sa-temtig lorday esening, candidate Wil- iemeig liam Gilties mas nptinsislic about the outceneof ext Wedesds elclion. "During my campaige tit Il91s lracrtc," he said, oec stsIUf ~~f hace hoe e are eerourogieg andI.LI3 .ilAUàL- LU.Bte, nearto e-erVone ltaIt 1hace tl- cd oa cems ielereclcd le lthe Party*.', Mo. Gillies acocrcd lthe ttcor 411 r ita laithe maie issue in ths leLin oldbcSoiaBe- CONPLINER#tSWU cority. He ottatieed hic parlvcs coffSrnswawelm poticies ce mediccre, portablte im a nMr peesions, goceemmeel ttpenterd cor lecîrane aed ccc 610 colt îou- .IU NU LIME MISSRD te c report ce the Senior CitI- zes 0I0100glatvck. The liritI ahaeged lthe cneet of one pcragrcph. The ceport shîoald hace ccid that memiter Tom Bocolo ocpttrted t0 lthe toac luh on recoltuices cchmilled trcm lthe flao. 10 lte Procincial Court- a t cil cI' United Seeior Cilleens cf Ontario, tur., fcr their cloîdv ced cecnmmeedclioe. Mo. Bradley mas . . a e ote te Procienicl CMuIN mt tiiconttîlion. TENDERS FOR OIL FOR SCHOOLS Sealed tendeen wiii ho recones antil neeRn sMenday, Sept, 23, 1963, forse nppîpis ail ta te follewing snuOiteS of the Townsitip Baiteet Area, Ne. 1, fer the pose Beptember 30#h te Auquel 31, 1964: SPEYSIDE, NORVAL, MILTON HEIGHTS, LIMEHOUSE AND PINEVIEW A total of approoimntely 35,000 gutions of No. 2 For- nace Font Oit. Seaied tenders le ho addressed t0: MRS, C, A, GRANT, Sen'y.-Tves. Enquesing Tmp. Bcoan AcCu Na. 1, R,-4.. No. 3, Georgetonsa. Oely flre hids aece pied -Incest ne ariy tender rnt eecessarily acepred. TENDER FOR SALE 0F SCHOOLS TENDERS Witt BE RBCEIVED SY THE TOWNSH-IP OF ESQUIESING, SCHOOL AREA BOARD Ne. 1, FOR THE1 SALE 0F THE1 POLLOWING SCHOOLSt BANNOCKBURN, HORNBY, QUATRE BRAS, LIGNY, PINEGROVE Tenders te ho e ithe hands et lthe Secy-Treas. et te Board kg Mnday 12.30 nn, Sept. 23, 1963. Ecnlapes mont he morked "tlede. Highest ne uoy tender ot neaensorily aacepted. A aetl- tied cheqce in thce omoont of 10%c of htd nhutl occempaef tender. Balance due upon compierton of sole. MRS. C, A. GRANT, Secrelry Treascrer, Buhont Area Ne. t, Towneshtp of Esc1cesing, 0.0. No. 3, Genorgetnown, Onturio. A SY TO WRITE VOUR OWN CLASSIFIED tE 0F THE DESCRIPTION AND THE REPLIES WILL THEMSELVES. REEMME THAT GETTING REPLIES IfATTER OF TELLINO ALL ABOUT TOUR FROFOSI- LT EUT CONVINCINGLY. DIVE ALI THE INFOR- VOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU WERf THE READER. en each space. Tht peIce iseualcclated auoemuticolly. 0OUR COST 195C -95c I 95C ______________ $1.20 $1.45 NOW DEDUCI 25c, if you enclose cash with your order and send to The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. Milton. WHV NOT TEV IT NOW AND Sf1. TI4OSE IT'S EASY WORTHWHILE ITEMS YOU NO LONGER NERD. MY RAME .....- .............. ADOREU .........................

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