s r a- -r--jr- r~u AjxWins Seies Finale 7-3 Sic metaroned riane andl leeffue- tee siterltep, ellemleg feu mu -a g Blake ]faiIgli cld lie ut tllg lleraI oll delte gea e otuoe. on a" PhI ç olIte cd the Mil un for bu mOte led Su utru. chdnan ltae defonse toue, lte bia l ges. ai thay ileppuil e 7-3 certict tu Sec ofas elî ooo zl u igOfif UY r uu Ajax oeil iteod feint the 0..A. serve te ceu eppie Inverti, as con etormedi le itocucotte it,.Ie totermediete tB pluptiemne. Tht the tllfit nueteri etrel u tehie ffftit ineing chue Alec pie I. loti toue lte titird l foot' game f.inI, feertit, fifî-hl, cuith endt tbny Ohe huhuel lm hock for lte locule ni eMInnte iugitthitbouge. Ine ixt in-h 'in o tee anoelethItng ceont . flent feint the huit of flo 'neutes. ons lte boires mure touleil cith baneg Mcuocheun, jus( uecooeî'- A emull eeintd cf aboul t ceeuo oct oeil thetleota stIlt felied tng lrnt o boul dîth the nteu- cutchel lte gagme, ployeuli te t secore, os oailoeble play oeil flp. due, mue te lte Sue tinoup. Milton fuir etrocoil. eut unilei lte iecieg. Youltful lufîheedur Murev Flot. Single louaIII LewvIIe Oldom cher iturluil a npurkling Line it- ThSuîilmegucnemt 1er oguleel lite poeurfut Aju le hox el mhiagl u igl Pai ' *% y rsf*Y Nigh crac, but cotly eror ie lte , i liti e Aft, svenh ad int iniqnigs oweer.Inthe opuoîag The tomellle Amuateur Sort- 'eeutîil ile ceoun Ajax mecl, si feinte Art Melanien toue umerd- hall Assaton ml itnld litote of cihdmccrel Fe c d ui Oit huse citen itu mue hit iv anat old-lllranlghl aI Los- fupeilh cee oeoei F leter et-b pilcitur oeil camea uec ta ville Part Salardap niglit at moule te the lacs. t1r. o b c îgeh P r filg. I pfil The "id-tlmers' ouI te lie fie Stoe dî bu eucond iniigi lie Phtllipn play a toublatln ofe Lomille mue Scaf e on afieileres citoice oedi Mdgalî sied Juniors. Titap oel- In th fift innng, wthute'eedi fter o molk te Ding Mc' at et mou ite pioped aeltboll Son laudit5 2-0, to singles, a Ctceot ueil o single ite Meaue for Lamelille and Zimmormnan a secrifice oeil mieplopeil huit te con. ruita cnear bath aed mord la thtx erail a eutei fcoe to Thte thirl oeil final Millt mun titepra le top nchape fou lte AJuemec eil iedtituecte. cam cont thie eigitth Inaieg os lige ontact. imiegtif luter lte eteilore isorilgox Ito mura Iotaie, one eoreeilr wamukeil menu te cnil mite Plne'ng fer lte old-tlnorn toee42iui.lnli cil Myutt woes hit ite the plucher oed ill uh Gaorge Coutnau, Hogitie ltek iag cit h all Re ie oreil scorail on o cingle he' lue Phi]- Pomeft, Gapden Htarris, Glan ncet'il on o tipl ae sil e n ijpn. Campbell, Oreille Pour. Rap lnge oee lte plouce un an Fiee FiIn Pontait, John Drldgeal.Dol lafielil erret'. Th e ouulfe tcofdon Sintlair, Bale l2odgo, Ite intai frame the minere the offeriege ef Donne' C'theo ei airilt oO ed dedi titrue motoe toiltes ac Ere' chul pilcitti the olte fer thku nd Ruseue, logo Colt- kenilgeanoei McCertnrey eig il toinnet'e, tIsuîng fîce toike onil îng, SonKig eKnKn o ctç eaieillit bue tilut îltng cu otîrcCouillon, Daigmer Coalaton, Mal enfil gmoutilr auedi bue Mil. Art ittlenue, Primnt Bîgo, Cany ri Crm elgtlan Lanis peau George COuson r atend lte Javoain on ltoer mnr Sp' ~ miith a elanne tme.Iitt peelom- N -W " ir.ç Sw t S SEnNDsuace and lIn epectaif titopD houe troebile itig litse tittit- fang Satordame. Fer 27-16 Victery Stàddy,, opiur miner hl nLvvle Dp Doit Wattman doene cruiît tu uey 'Cluh Eluen Premenîte filerne sevan boumas Thoailurhirde met une gumne lleiion choc. reprasnilgt Lomeiille le mi- ce in the M.C.SI. pluyeff houale, IMPORTANT NOTICE- AIl uer ball etralea. udr ltae upon- poanitg ouI o 27-lit triumph girle ef the 'S' anil 'B' Lege toril et ltae tomelDal Ama- ovrSpoînihe. Sotutduy'e nne ctho hove net yul toreinl thuir teur Associatiea weuther cuited illient lu u 'T', un sweaturs, pie coeutact Mr, ther caugit the Spoleîkc cilh Roherte ut TI 8-9763. Tbee uoe S na cbetr bats ilome. en u t'opter sweatersnhavetolbcteuleaead Open H uéS n a ofionîtThriey'e guntochieî-etored for nuit ecucue oeil ifAtM hw Rae v lad tohubullil un cucoclteofnet'ay.mollewilltrafic orruneo ttM h w ae do-kece. mente- lu have figont piceod op. Muhawk Rucocue, Nuncugu- Atertuae umning puidoffo SolRadera Win touy'enewte ntIo fotoeiU thu TBirislef oitely fieurauoers Luel Seniloy the Rotary Rald. bu Open Sueilay'tflteoue lut- etrunei, of thit'ty-foor ch o et-e conte op dth thuir coing- public inspectiun. Yhe Onturio rehe iitbeîhuceli. Incunt- ineut chucing le dote, ctouling Jucku'y Club invitcesuaoeintO- poricue. te Spoîniki cet-e luit u lmeelo-cic kil uttuci t le ot ructoil, lu omsit the trueit Suniluy bouile tho beg. oui of icente- an Cuheittu snntur girls t'ont ufioreoun, slurtinu ut 2 p.nt. viele baseuruneere. 28-12. Moud lu o 2-2 dram ot This tout ho hol secondl upen The Spuleik e d u onteill c ote bu oeifu fiee loninge. tho Ruid. buse ibis pour. le Jonc, joci eetyuaîukeecshuminguofîleonî.ch ruku utîineîu iuîhonit luler buthefiia]lupeOiO .uen murk, cite tteit' appeent-% pion'- seenth frangt c l ehruair-'open boose uoR unduy afie- nil gocil ilfenie huit, eepeoieie ine Ouhieituaond stf tut' noue ott-octol e largeerocil. cicb pututtîlul mecl un hase. eieooeeeufuîtieuead tcuety-uec Ascpeîut fuotoru ni the afelot Leodn Parade t'îta. le aI] leiree, the couIC lnoe wli bu Imo exhibitioneraes. Le'n Calait cIOieTheile--Heltee crac hune hdoil le to Tbirle"îtree yearliees miti ho ou bird poruduc lathfie fTufier- gdnceh-ind their eiloui trah- iiplep -mmd-g"sute wtt bu olIoto- uflreoc oaaei M-ita illu eo e fnuiite . t.hu hot'heg iluput eiltlocicit lte ctuhtieg oruoan ment. toikta lu e Ihuorues. If the cinh, thu cpoltot'ieg Sputike. helgieg boom oloin. rupping twouUp sne bot tipi. tolth tcumdnc. a tlicadlos%,e hntesa o.ulbeei n ileso the Bit-do neoil bat une mure le -i -ries. Lie McClure as lucr I cc sewp ltoe cet-ho. Tho asltv o i feno aih Hockey M eeting elit gonte gaies Satoura afle 100 lceu-igguri oeil thrur The tiaintieeneate Hec- nouen, ut 2.001 p.nt. singles. Culueen Woright cloutuil tee' meetIng et lte peor cli lite thants GIe'n lot' the circuit oeil Vi Schieht iteli Menaoe eealg aI lthe A ninero thueitvcou bu pruci eiemntoi u fout' buggor ondl a Chanrlaa Motel, bitga( 8l .301 dont (tien Ruberts, oho huseod trile' touiiuping Morcha tootil poun. acietot' oe iset put-le foocounet doblehotipleOandlu Lent celter the coit toas- t-ho girln ut M..SL., tuo Fri- hoie t'on, chute Nora Meooee peleil te tita Wealesi Ontario ilo eeoieo. S gaeg of necuri pultui u poit' uf douhlesnd oela Atlte Associtioln fessue andl ceeeîeuelieeo the neiglebue pait' of acflles. Sptittieg the foniteil tith. boud of 7t Vicooie St. - otieg piîehing dlties cet-e Lie McClure Ai local persns lnleresead the iuuguo t-efout-e right mIn ued Mat-chu touidie, Whu more le particlpollos le tite leteme- lte rudikeelu. The tOiliOgOntuasOhetp aseeuiiuc linu dlata setoptInan cee' are iiploy olturmorili woulil huco imelcu bile atil tcee toulke. outd le attend lin meeting. Wrestling Melee Mob Nearly Haits Main Bou Proesoa rsln n aucouat tuuch anueveto n. man1beurhog. coule f ryaly ats ametüaumcneo.i The aiou tulil off bue Dubuo gae thc go Milo Srn rdy ih pronuer eh o oelt thu rmebchance teulcktotheoi o ilanling in-lho'oiog shum mac for îhc eîght, for net h.vne 100 t-uthe aceplcil eejue'ed by about 750 appt-cdu- rîte oil1r attoqualu polc- iego. Il m-an o lue-uf lie fans. Bel il mue tht' ultubù lion. Sîet' Soode or Riche 100Ofane-a jeuee hriot Cenlordea hvstieOCCOcOserreOdl- lcft theoing-fueoc.f 100 onier 14 nour-otte thut ctlb ieg i lle ht'0g00 toc. Bule-' uld ilo annthieg mu t (andleourlyeluoppeilitheshnw Bt-u'mrel eil mreoOfOluelb, eenifauti1 "teI'e neoer seue unltIhino ite1dit-un-mo.rt epert Lb-un a crocîlur, Illth epel muet ni th. il lu M melc. tohoin the caht-;hum t-.S. Chamonu John Pool seconds le the ring, chitteid inhibisto.O rHniegglce hi ilsom.Op- iop out froct uniler boey uai coret" lte chov' parco. Broceres elug-ued-i- toggei coeeluo. praceleo-cooeller Logger Coocitect diiln'i oie meuh audiience For cinnico ail throo Otabo in ehoouil e t t-attlut Mo' opplaun. Bounle tu cpouiuî e' hoil jol ctl chut-t hiý cnetlig The mrelieg heur 001c- wao nue big boluleofn Co boor oct. ail call a hall ul abightight atnd proculur Dubois hoe gacaicil lite a huhe. the roct ni bue prugrotil didol itave coch loch 10300010o Menteun of Comm police protection aooioeci. ,'toOe pub hunoe huit-y ehulere o Fao seoc taughn. Ibm the ouuteocnc'modîtheringf tho ore mol. Fut-on Boumn moto uhamps ileepile ilduee noe'lthe'er<,rmoett otaobc tîilet have' ce heat-ocil connnami heyunil tllconco. tineoaite îi le ba Foraitloeilnd't- Litttahoui trucn (ail for Cepn mue neit munieil, nu ho cueildait besei Beau Boonte Set the choc tuil ece' . .- pouco uny gouge,, bai ho ili Carcant- le o roulickir eeîgI Ico ueuîurccil Mîltun houp hait Dubooi oei a b t-Ore tht-ce ubtnt-. but thtt e'ocee urrioil anil herdoil loîcl le at flot-oui punition lut- euught cool of the il 1lite mnb ocut- froct the tina-Ms meomf thebout. Dte NobleoandlDnb cic. BIlidog Brotoot'a ieao Witat Bise? et cil groei tu lye-n nota b aite o feet pagten Thu hours epeiully, of course, ilootoil tht' uponief sn ai fano cho guila to loe or roue ils icro, mac ta e dlie lte main ucon t of theooooeutO Anil promoter Duoie mouldet lot tht' Bolidog eut of hie diree-- ing ~ m emi thArw a he idi eroileil the rnet Ap le Grower iloring earliur boule, tlocking thle niem ni te Il patons che nul leguilele inthe reglr seol. Thon TO shooted'ril. 00 ut-ueil tuoidllo or ini tho 0r0ng inle h directiîon of the bail gaoccad oot'ut SLL YfhIvr n gouthod iu tht' 600 pour ant ot aOURa u CIWP Dutbois wraîel, aod cooleil the çaf ringo hyueuelo Contact . . . No Peotaclion AdIts le ltae cucil mant "1k t'v ONTARIO TRIE FRUITS LU) tek' aI the telan, bt angle e_ thiiil unes, lit se "emeil, bobosg pitan g7g-2451 M ail te lte diemapail ailelt. Pollua and argent officiais etidail pu- raIeeinip coutil let ehîile ee- RobettiSlanks Anherstburg Villaqers Win Decisive Game Cueiphuelvilue, mite in semae un- olgit bite (ltin le lact lifi of Wigoe snogîcil. Coîrne' sîn- eaioedi cep belt e eut oeil the ggnmeimatkedtmwo a teilittk gle droco e inMeure andlHende'- driail proet ogoinef Amherstl- 0111 12. snen sngle doce le toiegroce. borgiruembuetandilonetheile- KeneMoore ineiofflte pi- Beneeu titen cam0 e inand poit eibiliag gme on Belerdue' uflar- ohoros foot en the fit-ct îeeteg undt oui the l'it-o. n..olby eouf 7-. ncoooi frein firet chue tho lt PeefetîGagne tThe Motlin Chaempions travai- hoeidor faileil lu huit toingocns Robott had cuitil ulunu mth bId tht 2501 mitaies ilulutrinidlong smstuc l lofi-celco. Thin a pofuci gugne fut- tue fit-et tout- fruntu of clild oeil itue u tot-ecout Ituhemwieingra. and immibit-d- lnt'e5n but had Jack Roberts' lireat plîithiot neitt toingoe euot'od un un infiod bu mot-k oui of bt-oubhie ail thruugh a etucny ilpu of itocubuli. oncîr. thoni singles ht Meneoi the belt hall of tho gagme. toitb Paces Lague Star and Kin0 gave Cuntphueiie uam o lt ithe fifth Cercho'e doît- Roheots' appellent on the Sm- 3-0 Iead hefooo Soîheonihurg hud bled and thoen Daipo sneoed ou ituhrg moutail ee Paol Laes- goui bah-t. deep centre, AI toingou thon lois. Langlise lte star piter lei tho top u*t ho tbiod Mouler- onuot-ked a gouat Il tree telfako for li-e- Canardi l e Es ex saon ningbud oco hi and mon Corche' aihle plagebo10flct. Couey Renior- ougue, mue the dîlee uruued bu thiod hy Etl- The Ilîirs m n up 0e' l teogucec nosteauble phîpur antililote sngle. Thone *y i oîkoil o eiotlhmclhod and eiogiod hal Ru- cun pleieohie flrt cgoaefr double clout andîehten nouene'h'oei tuok oottmwuand fut-od Smhornîtourg homoner hie pt'ea ococ-rd seondil.nh catcher", ono lu pop bu Iht' îetctld. lte nteo Io Ccheipbeiieilte, bhouc cuilcd i nucentre fietl oeil Agate in e bsoeeîh hoe codoo chu heliedi lm for seueen ranlsMoodoreun oned hume. Joniens hol monieg he nbtikio0 oLîho off 12 hile. Me muikeil tme, singlo thon dro e inEtiout lt ca teiit iih toon oneutn anti slmeit eut fico ei moiwa fli male ta e cnuore t-od 5-0. iiot. iteooked ou le the aitu cith Loglinh tigbtt'ned 0e' und Pticit Iitler Jo Beoulcon fieioitg .ep. bopi Cumphetliile of[ie h ouro Tho fi t toan ol t' te ho ighthi Totems Sttn oheet for the oei fie L'iingn, Mocebgoiil loch Roberînwa mu hou tour etcuiigbt bhnits neuiti.ningeiandScubotethotght-ougbi tit-Sgoaehul.eoIOiasc alloueim h i oinithbonîh. Mouo end inoSe-cnut-t-hoitue'iech hil. Af1 lt-r euiog îhoogb a hoi ul'ti oîue'e't cping oui ai tho bue, the Smbîerntburg ntat- gmoondod loto Willmott is Key o doublo plan on tbc lirt-n hait ________________ eitched co blet. Twîo, singles toi- uwed oend thon Robort-ucki HornbyWinslmPortafllGames ici Itle cloe oe' batte filie îîiebh bit-e tot o on bl Lonhy John Wilicolt pitîdeil n ittice and Johe toîitontt ien SI toiegoue gatbe-oît le the Murebe Beil Stirtte lto im-lIoticod he u Coco Loollo dnue' le bail te centru bildit-i t portant wic ici weckin le o- producoil anulter fout- t-ueos. filot uon CeenîyRuralo Setoali e'lay' toilcbit but-led nie inoiege. FOOTNOTEO - Atoýbeotuo0'o aff action. Lent touilenilan the ntoiiting oui 12 and utloîeieg lie-ýrigle fieldet' Bi enonotte le a sa t-ange dilicoît tiiteil tht' hlm. Judoe Cunninghamt fioicbt' euh tho fiex toute of tho En- Cmegh Seeiure ta fioa bt, as oe' ntribing out 100 and ullu ex on (cnte, Luuaoe. Ho eeue ho- the Beil Sbirtn mue 10-I n oi tg une rue. îieg clue Lup hem Robott eîooci tgabu ina lete ihtt aauieICoe T ea oluht W'lmtut nu efhic oct fout- Lion .. Conte" thelegu fnas aaixtGin hclicilcwc t-eet io- of plut-ut- on Willîiams. hure' uguin. nbt-ibinu oui 15 înloe et dou oclîhut (tut-n Ted-yt'coaing te Horohe ubioiting Orle four fui 'e h fli llJîb'tuG Wilmot gan povd hedi- poocofel Hoonhe oituk ballot- Fil-Jc -re Gotge (hunier., toilim st en eRed Ibilt %,f- od 10 (tien but-loin for 12 hie, Lut-- McPhuib. Lloyd fluole and theon, g antet Bofth bShr ofc und 10 raons Fat- Hotohy, Geu, Ha ut-eelototto. ban tiliesliai h od ou inlglon, RH E tbt'enut na iItah10-1. O C'cille 302 00002 - 712 1 Wec fi ceinesitI Jomie Cunningham thoco ningite. Snthcoctbro 0001 100 f00 f 8 3 WI u th edncavnday t, Duco Lunlio and Bluko legli Cml,1ile Rort an Te o oilonlueeihl n ingisc'auu, John toîbîmoît Iov_ Cu me'hutbîîblo g Lagoio se îboir heRed ShironcrddOb n.,, ,i ingeu. Do neoet dl uen ie tho fit-et, sconde and Caintdi Si doblouîibit,. thtod inninge anil fout' finie% te neinol tnt duble ('iti lice, tht' fib foamoe iloabbieg boit' sigesad thre o it le . face. A eetk lu Grahac Ciliio. snge abtnd a ieousinlelndta doublehIlDunDiv Thenscond gauleaguteot Gieu Lesleaccounlt for thue oe-tWlliamsetodbce'tuccdoinHon- ing ieningoruen InthenecondbnSoOSuducuttt-rouueeîiaîîeuîa ieeieg Roes Cuneinghamont lei 2 Pcm Murehe nsa. aat andCGrahamCilueshmt't'lO t ng thctttnnt-n ut tht' Dt1 accourt' r cur more . Coooce.,Shcidcn seci icein O.R. ACOS TU/S NA T/OùN Son Rap Up S.A. platy. ___ WIA VR CAALLONAfris Sinogles hy Bon MeLeen, Gra- I VEY AZO hamt Cilies, Jemie Conninghamn 0'FO/La 6«01 /R oeil Bloke teglie scorail 100t o.IIa MUoo more-ros in thetMdit'-ad ie iV-iE wfIED5 71UEaIDA'1 the fifth ietieg singles be' C. Ciliiet, Iodie Cunniaghom uedi Ie0ri e i r~ona nig' cai-iîm oci~ t Lions Park n nI thc Borbenglue Smau cid-tI 15 Bowling Leagues unI Sufubail linamie doope nu c p3-5 dccîeieon tAdct-cb. FaPce Set for Busy ciiio pitchoilth oui nie r muiltu th- PHONE TR 8-6538 Foot- aultomtîl pin culture il ctoiiigousiwki, h« ho ocailahie lot' ue ai theu Mil- oei l ooing lim elit-utnn Il a Fo-Fuoto Ganolino, goono, tue Bomiamtn ibise uon. 0100- hile. Cootuoi boitkb tint t-oir i ot- Stan Cisieoin rceports Iiei Luceiblo, guiticf muliot tom afe i mecit. Tho pie oetters, the osi00 Boru-uccue. 0Fe modern ac.uiiahio, haveohoon in- Thneruecl0giu Eomnet bot-lice tl le i four ni' the cighl lattes. calked throo wohite lome aloi. M131 t udc Pa Fibluen toaguou h-ut- bouioil 000e andl i8 bite. Wilsn ami 1 none ai tht' meekina tW e-Cag'Mhlatcici lss ILTON F UE L son nd he weki lhe-up for Atlerott aed Murray Duc- shuows- Monday eveeig,f4Aluey soe huila humer lot-ouile ýâocki,ý,Lu cible. M. ndI SUPPLIES Club oei lgoio Junior Point-m' ____________ 0e; Tueciloy.CommciaelLauge forFies îCtmenServic Pt'oiltct unil Butopuyere Loague; toodîco SHAT- ~ Offie 32 Branle Si. itue, Mecu-ntile Loagoe. 24 Clb sautsT -Fied Bohh ne- aed Inilenîrbît Leogue; Thornîtu. Shn is fO " PLR. Ciole anil Huiy Rucure and Sh nge Foldue. Burin Bit-de, Motion Mzie' 3-1 - 20 ]liq. or S-tiff oeil Luccîillo Tho Letl ieo', Spooi loaue owl cin cout $6.95 En. - Ail Colore Thîmondia foreocon. Tanpro Dintributors -Vole tcol Wedenilu. Coud IIMITED guoemet le thce e'poocihite 126 Mole St. Selion 8334060 uft ho peuple. I 1s weroer [ail huant, -10 2iud Iletu-ST. LAWRENCE mulo FRUIT and GROCIRY ST R Cool Refeeaing No. I îdy WATERMELONS ONTARIO POTATOES cmîilgeln thei - 18-lb. average 59c 50-lb. bag $1.19 ,ligio Sug- Englonil No. I Ble tet frot BARTLETT PEARS DAMSON PLUME * eec 6-qit. bakt. 69c 6-qt. bskt. 49c !0miute Carnation Evaporated Milk-taII tint 6 for 89c sso. MIR Liquid Detergent-24-oz. twin pack 79c Mainz Tomato Ketchup-I 1-ci. bottie 2 for 47c Clark'n Tomate Soup-10-z. tinn 3 for 29c Sunbeam Moaltyme Bread sliced white 2 for 35c Ingornoil Cheeso Spraad - 16-ci. jar - nova 8c 59c Fresi Lean Cunuda Paciteri Rlndtucc PORK CHOPE SIDE BACON 59g: IL 45c lb. Maple Lool Leun Frecit Port LUNCHEON MEAT SHOULDER ROAST 5 pkg. for $1 37c IL Mie 1161111 RESTIVO'S DILIRY ahi Il 116WY Tae Canadin Chanmpien, Thons., Saptember 19, 1963 Ajax Ousts Pee Wees From O.B.A. Playdowns Tic Mîhuit P, Wees, Italien nith inoms lhey udiled luthra Cuonln Pee toc clhampions, intunco nts. iltupperivi îtckend decînctnc Gary Noyler mue tite losla lu~~~~~ ~~~ Alnady.oetooe rn pitcher gtotog up mine bitscl tho 0.8.A. Foc tort '8 l e eu andl etritieg out ftour. .t1sýBilt Crumbt gel lthe mie fer Ajax, Saturilue le Ajue tho lucoin lent olloteing sut bite, mnlklng muo unsqueuket' 7-6, bel Suitdue lie andi toenieg nie. more loc'netl 6-2 le îhc< t'eu The top 'ititînre for Milteu ie hock yardl. the nertue wure Ken Pion and Tho Satuotdue allait' noue a guad Tod Moud citi t hone hile mdi., hall gagne, vithl Milteu gdtteîg Don Hearns and Mitle MeOttIti awevtu aihuk stut t. The d'.ai cith Ito kit each oeil ICeith atloted silo amiu n l e lit-ct Hmgr. (tut-ev Nupler andl Tanm three leelege aend thon he!d Ihoir 'McTrueh. eoch dîth a cingle opposition scorelesontit the noity. sixnth hen aorrai-ulloced tho îcieeing rue lu scoro. MAtoe nceoune t-on on tho cooi, sTimiE Foit A cmAPu le the boortS and t%%, itnI ho neonlh.VOTE Enni Pleites I Ray Evanun tho mouonîfor ltuu "ighelthile oeil triking eut lino haItuo. Roy dide't i.,- ,n n uthe, hut hie n - cutttodîuîere. Recu tit hat icheel the istance tut HOW lE YOUR GAS tewnet'eaoucîgnoeon hile.' fu euek ad ebikingoui cocon. MILEAGE? H. enontes moto lhroe or. rurs. Fear reuceel Mlo ecahoad lent unle. tuateol ppe ithe Rendue fumne, un thon ted chologîct ceelil 2Il at hli end ut theeond, figure eut, ceute but Sitx e oo uiheud 3-2 le tho autumohite ow- off tho ileep end" e ]fille to çà noh0et et gue mileage. WHY WAI gon one eaue vie heard of re, FOR ;1 1 centle', ol driver eepoali amanieee ki. dealee miith nîclea tn te monwa geting 40 nile peu golien and baller ou ai moit!el ltaI oeeraged 1h. Since lthie event en fer mentitdi dealer mon heglnnlng 10bdev ment hove islied a nom cle cral eeenemp devtue le lte car us an ecpelllnenl. The teler pocceil the iteny ou tu the faoltyt'epreseeeîeooe and ehetile lhet-efter e feeîem-p toue oulleil ut the metoulsîn horne Iu interview' him. Il hep- letonpd fihat he cen ui et lte tinte oedil te fuetucy mon tellet ed îith his cite cite ld hlmn ounidelotr thet cite mame- limon useil thueu ter inter item hand'nuhcunco and refilleil lthe tank nu ho neouldnet he any the Then lter as nlte opposaite tye of tase uhara a nlaott ellaned eonuelltl liitidi1 ha eontd ge li u3 mian peu gai- Ien tronm hil nem tar. A lithoe deteetîne mort raveatad that iMn teensae mon diganna"t ltae npeodomaler tee lite inante li.te: honemfe pot uan lu the tant. Seiouoelettoogh, ifyefee thut nuur 00e mtteage leovml cucethiog lu he ilucired, nmy 1 ounditionotil cauce it. Bdng ur car le oeil oeil teil Il. If odjuslcenîn et-e reqeireil, vie ,on cnake them. If et, yoecl et !M ILj IO ltue'iicour mid. TRAFALGAR MOTONS emocruts Wi DO Idf FOR ACTION ON MEDICARE VOTE I-GILLIES WILLIAM j X HALTON NEW DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Authoîed hy Fat Ctoney, Officiel Agoni, 1453 Pichet' Ave., Sortington