Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 4

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*.-_ flue Coateu Cissaplefs, >hls. Sapllher 19, 1 61 iTALL BRAN FLP0R T a- MCR WHl- .E MILTONIS INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE ha hel oniisallygrouod foriisepIlaiaeie l aeesndhanuincppar- inly fuldl a Ilo iîteo in orge-e e-d siieea s sh-piog îtp unîter tise chIe directiconI ofc nteenaer Luit' Achis. For the pat auia sera-n a gtoiip ot local pht'sanis hune bren reiing ice limie ence a vilk andl plavnit hocksey trictl'toc l'un. Larry assired as btalha caltmilhielocailBenCseys ejotel tiseisela-es tiuroughlv ami et ise stnte tite lust a 1111le encens- meigist. Tise nnvrlt nI tse game mon boat nu bodyt ciseckief ws i oea anynibece an ice. ced enerfione manad lu go iheoui tiese aon witisaut sîtstalnieî injuries. Thsis peur lise rengi-sae Indlustrial leogueîniil eut bc in action an Lorry bus hop-a et 0rgaiiing a lecgue vuils witi chi ht' Otympie miles aeil play nue-humY contact hockey once ac e-h If nutticin applicotionsarcc teceinel he etends a lu nuisea loup mitb toue or pfili six clubs cntecdi Leaune garins witI bce ptoed once atiancd the Ot"ipic riesntnili sti tetrce. By prmmie aucis o teaiue Loainlea l mena of uhe utd tinte hucisey planersan cdivs îoac hlis inimrcaed en leorniof tise gamei unIe tise ce. Tu us ti scecîna tiSe a goud upporluoity for a ltt of laughsandgfinal esercise. Becleinl saust whct the Dait ordered. Tn furîber innur tia on, mie tries lu icifo tu0gb. glaives, sticks, chutes and sin puis tvilt beie sciv eqîîipmeet ltcî ha turanarîls and detencemen. Ti tîtose ieiereatcnt ie Itoahea huit insu teeh fine ut, ohitit oa plat' ti fumne un tise le terinititevcel, il otteta ce infect chance frlotso -f minier enoiîintei ao he suce iii register. THER ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING cf tise Miltun Minor Hue- isey Associaîtion ,ill he fiscldîlitigisi iTiusîtae ta tise MILTON ARÏENA tartigcai8 pm. Rteportsiii.ittaiing aoundi tîîendi. Tiscugisout hac minier cie 4001 hîîa yartiaipaie in tise virilni diisuns ol the Milto iMacoieop, leariig thegeaneandasports- mcn.sipIoîbat Tha--griiiihout Minu hocisev ie tisa-twn diring thse patcinw varseuniai iat a ial tatea-loit oril balnts guiderd Il as etticiet execotiae, aie-e-nie and kcp tise Manor Hoc- kea machine funectiocing piotil AI the inceiittiiiaisiisI %4 hiact-ila-c e-nîppocital ltuelect aguid eacicuae and cnsurc tivse ofiaa iiiy iinc, tise toms lac 1963-64. WITH THE SUMMER SPORTINal SEASON Meiling cuse- loan unnual or nosneeimea ina-,ie ac Leuini frofitent ciipa uip emnng tise ilifferentiîe.ama en aise continuait%, "Li aain anise gua. «gei a- j.îiskeî - -Gcud da c.iiaia uisaiofiotaintrcaltîmpkiea.anda cnutisertedlouprojeciai il av Midavol.iie'ie roi Irving ta il aise clutising ioaticiul ail a ptrofit or aiiet'g aitei as ti bat foc suol gtis ai ilai ia icamiylee vaste Lit titme, cecag and mnnev. Ta tcct with ' hey miIhochve0 jicettcomlfastvearas bowlning temlaio jciettfromnlait seuar'islkeaemceandaachei Irumtunttyear ,shasehailcluaesei eaasweates andliockeis frcmr prsci usnsports excîtrsions. Ta top tl att off, tise-cc probableî ce- tied tamwearoanppots' icheit t uvilsand nerermecara seiod- isceaher ut e-lt. The onî ting bont sceil lise te tinil oait il: if ihere ai ans nllier pece ct apporel tisai eiiuld îisla.î .a ies paaamineeit and taise tise borîdcn otf tise p aîîîr ,ihi tient like Ioi knoî. Seaealasportsorfaciee-iiiisaiaiscarc naeiig cile- utiuntIojackea., vrc.sue iuil si onee cuialcante op wiise- logiclasuggesticneaiteIasatvieaoirma paet iiiitnclonesIalofi lacisets wculd appceci al il * i * i* SPORTS SHORTSt Tisree mure Milttun hardsaît trams isuieal frnm tise O.BA. pe-dîaue tisis treel,. tise Pee Wee and Buetase AIl. Stars aed Ise Iteecaedialr Redl iSca.. . Eliminatîco ut tise nIais bl the hol pe oi n 1963 cianipionsis toc Milton hcrdhuttecs, as flie Tykesancd Midge-ti îcapel train tise pataIT acne leait aceci ---Anemie iaiîngin tacleS situatiues %vas use downantul of tise Red SG xassteymwercceaite taonmeuopacviiitsebighlumilhvaer an hane. Anuther important tactor on their loss mas shodd ictding. Youatisla Mic Fletchser pitched nt excellent gaine tnr tise Sun bsut ma tise vil et ccstly cîciais . . Tise Casepheltciltie Merceianin hept tiseir isupen fnoci an .BA seeiîî i l alive. anus a 7-0 shuteut min user Amiserstborg . Lettisueiler Joch Robherts tirem secs ut f MILTON RED SOX, enanisd by Cliii Houstn. mvens elaseinateil are mnager ClilO Hnustona Dog -Ipati Dnug McCatiisen, n tise front are bat boscy Gasy Dance and Mark tisfe Blake Ils Rue Iul Otan Dance, TSsu Cisartîn, Prisen front rose are Art Mslaenn, Cistis Rassiase Brise Mcule igc. Don Aederson, Mets Fletcher ana luntb presitient lmer "Buli Ridcleli, Wayne Hlson anti Rcn Shsannon. in thes Sncb -lnrniby. lacar tise O.BA. leterseediate "B pîsynffs Satordoy. Shome thseAmiserstisccgaqiiad.slt ile îtaaacato Mercise-t aii bat - - telr tans ipposisg pitcheca. Viliqes %c. cuit At tee-i ais isar He-tise Ciolî leigue ttee-ma havehbeen dlm- inated tcstn tise piaaîtt. iste Gcorpoaaias e sionisci aise Guis t1i OnI Saturdy, Snadey Ocis .. Th Gakisle Oca.s formelctiv-ie en tise Central Ontariu Inlersediate "A" hocey ague. wiii pluay on Senioc huchey' lop Campseliille milI be dm16d- ibis minier - Tise Aeeue-l Tri-Ceunis hochet' meeting in Miltun edl the asalerloga mises lhey on Sinda v,aatnldisabýonataiie localitepreaeetiice, AcnM Il oitGallTerrierelnthe o- Dulle ... Sisicc th, sceatieg ua fiseldl rigst an Milîton ced assoumi fl Seniar "A" sensl-fieais ong tisait memisers ail tise Minait Hockey Enecutise isosi abuht i.thia weesenai. The nca leacs tise resorte 1cr lhisc abce-Is-s i sel ton cleai ... Ali-Stur huckey isplay ai 2.39 pi na Saturday an imporatai et ilta Mlaio Miaaa, H.aiscsAssociationeand the fin ult asd relai taCampi- fice Milton clobsarerlaiiseTriit-sls oulddisct goodcep- Selllle fothe secodgsonie reetalion ... Silî Mi lton sisiull isole isai a sotie0 power of fine lIse sacs fisnal an Sasday. I11la lis ashiaiie-hi Mr McDillie-Ient supportsinomclcuec a best of hree seriem, This lu thes fii rn letana gMat morbier of ysas lt Ie Senior Intrlsreashu enlsred M ito H ck y o efuls lthe Ostania plapalowss. le le Milton Hockey Hop sdaaIslesly the top seior Attend Training Camps via ersnttvshv; YoungMîilioee-es inesachofsîaailibcplaing issfiltar fialised a srsgsecond lns hockieyncarers li loe rasnt of lîiar "B hochey. Ha e i efssueaplayThe wnlsraof the Ivta attenal \IiL. speeri lot isineandineigs*st45 pounds. sierlee iml he i nnlser of camps. Bîi Culrie son lot Mr.a lias muoesceleal tisat "ii's tise Belillle-Brcmnllle seriez anal Mrs Mure-a Clar ofeaaa gucal appsranaî tI selvila IfoteOnstario Csaplaslp. Branle St. a-nd Dinh Me-ishe-ll isechet cape-hililies5e hasane-d , - sonof Mr.and MiKen euives imisa cisancta ai- -5mnna--~' nsattutoft.R. Milet ivi,,tlenda eai excell-ent satail Diai at Laisar day 1cr Kitcisecer anc %ia iatI-tend Easitisa Cottegiale bel n Nonescamp. Dn, oi atpi; finip miii coum eùgel anal Sain Caaraic Bsils nider bruo- jsasfut one anal meigis a isetty plunior th te or luis.i rhec. leI Oue e-rt cening ter i-. 215 punts. Far lise pas lana KitchenernGrsnnisira. ical ack iawaeiuieerofsseiuaJuirn "B heha.sabaree Mohaws. Bill, a rangy six tort ced 165 aei i-sHmkys-so-jno SutnlnMiaia paaeder. is reforning ta Kalaien ___________________________ er for fis second yersofiais Iar 'B" hnckesy. Ho weitI b-e a, la Octaber anal attends ilcîtl latk b ecisnical conrsc. Milton Arena lice lime Dikban juil tamiel 1 i- LOCAL OROANIZATIONS maet cakea beelclng foc thea 1963-64 tce seasas au Miltaon Area ITise New: BEFORE SEPT. 27th, 1963 * '11100 SYSTEM" AFTER THIS DATE eut-ei-iemn groups seiing le WySa!m5o5i inemwiiibe givnthe tanteappontsaistare»rve fmc soc te $2790 ! ice as loai groupe. MIMTON PLAZA FLMAE AFMLY EAULY TO pweadGift - LARRY ARBIC MILTON UNAl - TIR 8.2671 lit de OX 217, MLTON FUTURITY SHOW and SALE ONTARIO ABERDEEN ANOUS ASSOCIATION WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS LONDON, ONTARIO TUSEPT. 26th -27th HUDA ATERNOON O SHOW - ULLS AND NIIRS TNURSDAY EVENINO O RECEPTION AND BANQUET FRIDAY il1.00 A.M. O SALE - 20 BULLS - 6il NEIFERS Far Issfoemaioan andI Catalogue WRITE: MES DOEOTNY BOWDEN, POET ELGIN, ONT. Wile ie London plan ta attend the Canadien Rayai Sale Sot., Sept2 APPLICATION (OL »NMPIC ST1YL E HOCKEY) (NO BODY CONTACT) EVERY TUESDAY EVENING THROUGNOUT TNE WINTER (Milton and Ares Renîcteots ll Ssbmss Tis Appicastin te Baa S8 Tise Cansadiess Cbasspipon - itone NAM E ...................................... . NOTUICE ANNUAL MEETING OF MILTON MINOR HOCKEY As sOCI iAIO 0N AT MILTON ARENA 8 P.Mc THURS. SEPT 19 O EIect 1964 Executive O Draft a Constitution ALL INTERESTED IN MINOR HOCKEY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND ATTENTION FARMERS. W. have lusi racently ordered Savai cerloads of DOMINION BEET PULP (plain and with Molasses) for Octo- ber and Novembar delivery, CHECK OUR PRICIS and ORDER NOW for substantial savings on lest Pulp either pickad up et th. car or delivered off the car. FALL APPLICATION 0F FERTILIZER No ase le te s apply forelila on peur fisa anal postue ielde. W. are agasts far C.IL. andl AORICO brasi ef foesiliner andl bath af theas Campasies ara aqalplssd se hais spesad foesiiaer. Tva as lies one fiald lis fii anal ses tse dîffaresce i moas.. SOIL ANALYSIS FOR FERTILIZER This la the sima af yeae te haneso seaumples toakeas far yaar ei es prin foeslizaias peaaram. hs pays sonel baelha mach 5eiliee yeu sheall aea anal misai naîpsie peu miel Let as issnwI a:, *ss mithi the vesal six meis anda me mili have peur sal semples laises fre.aiso chaege. CALL US TODAY MASTER FEEDS STEWAR1TOWN OUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY R.R. NO. 2, GEOIOVOWN DIAis 877-3512 At Annual TrflauCvu-ty ockey Me The senenili aninuel meeting af bis secand year an transmirent. executi60 als lise Tri-Cosey u l avî gari anal atiser les tise Tci-Caasi Micer Hackey As" R lame ow miliin lthe Assacia- amais miii luise p acieer lise = malnt changes. aociutiun mal belal an Sandup lian appoints cepceaeelailvaa la end aI lise manlis. 7Neal Tri- Nem Easry on Milton mils 41 le asiendance. fise esmaltice au mel. Thsae Caolt fesgue meeting Is slatted Tise em applicatian for enicy, Representalines aileissird tramn naseed sa far inciode Las Mancisk for Sepientier 30 le Milton. Fergas, must lirai ceceive lise Acton, Brampton, Geargetawn, aI Bcamptan, Dan Jarnis of Seneral ameediments mere pal permissian aI lise Ontaria Minor Gaelph, Hespeler, Milton, Oak- Geargetamn, AI Maace cf Guelps, forth drom lise members mils Hocksey Assaciatian belace lisey cille, Ot-angenille, Preatan and Gus Kils af Hespeler, Dan ise tise maioriîy belng nated le aller con be accepled. This la essîect- Fergas. tise ltler beicg tise eni- tcofa Oakisnitt anal Ban White deisale. Mast notable change for cil la Se fartciiamisg le lise est cnlry iat lise Assaciatian. ai Orangenlte. thec apcaming ferait finde tc iselr near future. Tise meiip Bais Paiterson af Bramplo. Boctinalai caa tise mlat la top festim i leacis leagae, tilasaill close ta foar isaurs busa sutpporter and isard wariser In ie lise Association last yeux mcul lanenile. midget, etc., it lise maa comsmentai an Ily Mr. Park- tise lsogaes almoat ainesie the- lon nai repcesentsd ut the ani- final scisedate standiag wil ise er as weil vae and certiai ai- cectian in 1957, aci oner tise nuat meeting. Vern Gamina illas dectared tise champion. i tendedus an dedicaltedagraup Io chair as presideelt train Fred ts ny retemnaitbe Aoff mti folamw la dscide hodckedalsnle is onres.a me Mr-i ammon O aisie ta attend and reparted o siaiy tise telma la go on inIa O.M.H.A.oriase 5bsae. Mr. ammnal ecae prsi-footing le miroir hockiey le ihat ptaydawns froi tise narloas deni midway liscaugs lise 1960-61 ceaire» bat finat he epeclea lise classifications anal fallaming lis Fnl seasan mise Ant Seare, formerty situatioan mootl be lendeal la tbis lise tesas wlîci cemnaîn vil play Bantams in Fn l or Milton anal naul living le Ta- meeis a apeclal cansolation series. Tise .î . conto, cenigneal aller teading tise Mittonas oniy represenluline ressort being tisi il mas batnal St art 1rîIl r<ignt Tri-Caanty graap inia forain ma Arnold MctDtaIe athaugs acinners isal la be reudy la go Tise Lomnilie Banams ipliât tramn lise siari. file mers ailomeal fins noies. int povnialo play ta earty gaines miisOucensmay lbisweek. Faur javenite teais made ap ae for eciaIo the ctubs enter- thereby eiiminaling Itao many ta isscp la contentioa for thes tise Irau i sn usaI first seastta ed nIei tise Association tasI terin. teama aI an early dais. Tise mane Bartinglan Amateur Salîbaîl As- ut 1957-5 an since, fisc Associa-vi vetefsismn moe ocaon B tm Ch po- l ion has mauscoumea la ilîîe spesls Gsaea i gane bise fea. aymr acain Bni hmin midget en 1959-60, tsco isaetaeî Speciat gîte-t toc tise aflernaoe -msIistrn sisip. .and pfelanse in 1961-62 anal final- meeting vil. Hors Panser nI Ofisercsanges in tise canstitît- Fridavsnvenleg tise Loamaiits yecr. A possible total of 55 tlais tile memiser cf tise parent On- iseing sstld in tise aprina cet ille 4-3 mils Wayne Watsan lais- coutl isc encompasseal ha bis tarin Miner Hocckcy Associatin. vcac nese mcmisera apptying ing ltse tos ters bal a moe tiisety figure Mc. Parser Ilî o meeting ai tise mst be a groop reprenenliel wtailil bc 48 snîries. O.M.H.A. eaecutine le St. Cath- hoceiey le tise enîlce commanity; le tise second gaine in Lion arines toattend thelocaltmeet- t titra nvicc-president addel.Park, Lomnitte manogcdua 11-9 Milan Rep ong aed trc lu gice tise animera te.ts may banc dates for gamtes min. la tie lise Seat Of lhree Arnold McDalfe of Milton toises Ioanomisrro utetions misicis che-egeal pruviding tisey recei ne series ai one gose apiece. Wayne lient oeil ns jaineal iy J'e O'Kral huve conte p in tise pont yeor oisOv frrtm apposition le writing Watsn mas lise minnina pilcs- ha ut Heapeter os second a-i hetineen tise IL grup. Anatiser ttc meeha priar ta original date; er ondl Larry Campisell anal Wal- preideeluand DonCaddy of Oaks-meetni he e e OMMHA. e e hi b sd insuhdhame am. cille in tise niml focinsa pos- Tise tisird gains af iho sert .es tion ut tisird aine-prenialsal. Wnt an-il ise detapsal as Lamevilte ntarîs aurl ut ofBamptun remoina a aD 'b1o sa ai îsree O.R.S.A. final secretarvs tatistician, a juis miicis sc nrien ogainsi Gare tomarrase he bas tilied ninne 1950 'aed James le i ecenie l g Fridayl ait Lamaili arucisie ut Discille cetaro, foc W"Park. Dame lime is .I ..................... _ .. . ....................... ............ Ssllarday t $n# tolsses la tea I4l s lt sal W hits, bn* ln Dunnvllp ses sue , misîsl tise elg the lise ~tta sceti one tise Milton 9assa train lise vani to flile lead lior fielp O.BA. ~ ~ ~ l ltyl l;:Bn i Is te iaîai uf the nislît, vil coacheci by lasue fasfli ,s Miltcn rntimer op Illird baffe, a dropped a 6.5 declulan h, Mai close play ai lirait bse ended the on Sunday. afler fesnil 10-2 le gaine ani lihe season for the Dunnville Sauaday. las. Richard Clamnt spolled Dan Milice cil Duvssailie 10.7, Makay's nali ian Salssrday. ci i a L«es ilcini a gaodf wiih a con scoissggroandr ae offros aine, nisii013ad doubleieisdeiniaiSf inaing.oCied wmariunvinife Duvidige pllcised aut la lise eharialop. Tise iwis cansaullameal Mlicen t0 escapse lie- Richard Ciemeni Dang Hesrsl ing wiiemasied. Crais Brasis ued îISenor iHSousn Errr prcdls oana-ec sd Imasngies for Milton, daiigin Ibhisvconlealsz mocasun ai wllehLavdiswFaon and Bab Lee the Duneelle -ses mere unearaed. cacis iad one l. They anale neyerai ai iheie vans on passaid halls, dcapped Amews sslaednct flics and wlld liscaws. Tise mie- Afmifan wîî liease fuluedo ta ocra scared ma con ntlhe sec- i crvlfntteftgeo an n a i udsmo ra daily fle cnarmausly diminiis-. tlsree in lise sinh off lis-ce is ed- riad use. and lisreo fi lise elgisti afl lina bits and an errar. Ensuis pliaSs Craig Brass pllched for MilIoe, strlising oat 10 and malising fine. Five more ruaeers reached base on ecacu. Mskey isad 19 ulcike- cotl for Dural. as lise Miltan biitecs inslsled an isseping their bals an iheir sisasdders. le lise Sorduy gaine, il mas a difîcrent siary us lise lacals play- cd mach betier bull misile tasing 0-5. Il milas a seesae baille ailthlie vily witis Miltan sonaitg isea mas in lise firsi off threebis Dunnville psiaile on in~ th ULEC TRI CIT Y tisird an buakan i and Milton managing Iwa in lise lE O111 SUSINEN foari aIl a bit, a malk and an erar. Miltan's Inca vans in lise DON'T BE A TINICERER Ilrt wee scared an lhree bits, WITH- ELECTRICITY a ieldersecisoice cd a bit bai- ter. Danna-ille look tise feid allai CeI An Eapee Par on tise sinus, ncacing tino ruets off a ADOITIONAL OUTLITS two aisand an crin 0 WIRINO la tise sentis ineing Milton * OUIDOODR LIONTS 0 NEW CIRCUITS FOR ACTION I FOR FMIE ESTIMAT VOTE FEATHERSTONE MU L I-MELICTRIC M Ml

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