Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 3

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fIGENT MIS. D. F. MARTIN af tise Johtn Miltos Chapter, . G R. andillMas. Glen Hame topaOsCnted their L1..E. dnatng a trnphy preotaîtan aI Mohawk Racontay lest mooti. Tihe Chnp- ter menthoas atsited tise raceaaay fat dinnera nd anaight of harnssenrctng, and the Jockey Cltub sappliedl n les service set in thete satan. SARAH MARTIN CHAPTIE I.OD.E. scenstets taCC gaesls cf the Jockey Cluaia Mohawki Race-ay an Tharsday eaeaing, andîthe soaonth race sas named inthettinno. Vice-Regnaîis Mss. D. HllI and Mas. N. D. Martia, and Ragent Mas. C. A. Wates ae sinn presontn anlanphy in theLID snae tn enryGorski wosehorse Wicmiao Wny wnthe featarnd ÀAsk Detpu7rtment Pick Site ForNewA4uthority Workshop The Dapaattaant ai Lands and tansisat ishihuts. Tht Aathtrity Parasis wiii bc ashcd ta piah1agraad taacnsidarithe aaqast if sha hastsi cte fcr a pist ccrh-1 Ma. Alesandr, cha as a lils shop Ina tht 16 Mita Canais Con- intaresti n tia com, oid gicre sçrsatian Aatharity warknsan a rilsan agetansans altccîog folîinWlg -1 disagreotoana he. tIhe nusée Iceen Aathnrity board oîanîhaas _______ ai their taothty meeting fat. nîanth. PIRST STAMPS Tco tites are acaitlaei thS Caal.c act ptrstErage lmp Kalso Cnnseacatian Aaaa - ana isaaiactiscd ta 1851 5v N scith a ficlation alild laid.; Brunswcki Nova Sctia and flita Howeve r- il cas iaaaîd [livara Provinae oi Cantada itcdacs, Gai ara fica large aracks ta tht aria andt Garhisa; tialara Ihat, Iondattan. ted cane ca tischtcS parsan whot atc.isvd iltile askd tunha thebiligchia p,idtaorisicirc cd an a saecond cite ai the sotl-1 tcai corneaofalictapiopiall Il icas Eraisd tlica Daparîci ad- HOME ECONOMICS vct canlit Sa saagtit. Refuse Estra STUDENTS! Mactiars a lnsad ta pic Rsî,it O0 N ILL YOUR haildat s Lt extlra carge YARD C.OODS on tht Kaisa Data reasir ch, 11 0 AO EWN cien the tirat alaicad $1,095 taoi 57 SUPPLIES aditttaa tiacEiltist liait niai *W OFF hisan ioatadad ta tht caclat. Jutas Present Yor An agacacant cith tha Hallan hîndeat IdentIificatin Card AI Museuma Baard st-as aaciaîîad MILTON and t titiia ti a lnttftttsiistis- sicnon a raqaisi frosnt tha Ma- DEPARTMENT STORE scano Board ta us pasir ii tisa 200 Mlain Dail Alexander familiaisa ti Save With This Coupon I Wheel Alignment ENJOY EASIER, SAFER HANDLING AND GREATER TIRE ECONOMY. This Speciai Service SPECIAL Includes: ONLY 0 tisap sec 8.00 tinai froniilt s atI action.PARTS EXTRA * iipeis li. IF NECESSARY cair ad Sane 088cr Grand for and io-i.One Week AT MILTON M TR$ALES EVICE DREPARTMUN Thse Canadien Champion. Tis., September 19, 11116S 3 hiui t 5<.pSeek School Zone Designation hi Ftal rushHear TaIk on Remedial Reading A rapen a sRatuc aThe Septermbar methe-teaah- Miss Knudsn' grade oeand Breyampton otan' caue t ers imeetingof BruceSret home: îcaswon ibistanh'sbarrer fur abaeal aor n si arued aaa Suit I Assocalions cas held ihest part attindenta. on da a aone' ury o ed Manday acaning in the indergar- lisaih of James Aexander Mlas.E PresseB adSî.shathe Hardy. 84 a f Bramptn. Mr. Mc- metng Pe tapimddrnd- ha Hardy cas killed and his tale ing aîapia.rned i alifiad- criRicaliT aejured in a ca rruck ig a tcns alf aola In ai Dramqainntenta- and enlightening manner. lina0. 1.1y30. Jesan and Donna Pardv. Bar Testtmony atthe heatng showc- hart and Margaret Mackay play- ed the Casanty of Haltan is tai- e he in eetos ing stepa ta imprave a danger- ePincitapas J.cell eits c ana candition ai the intersection, Phertnci l el.rdachofte Seventh Lina and Five Sideraad, sthff rana In. aca rs ab-th Qaskille, Sp lavelling a hill and t saffan M. M ackay.n Ms. Bah-ns erectief tae stpsga. Reni- cMr. Marriand Mrs.Entnttr dents of the area demaaded a Mat. aarMe Gacr - ~~Newccaccas ta the tf arc' MIs8*E Rl thlash alnde tih caanty en- Knudsaa, Mr. Shtaa and Ma. Mac- mair.NiPs thneecrah anid the egn t el Caatay. Mas. Brandon scas ah- mae satd canaidered. Oatl Ofcer et,tett~ t0.n The cacacrs auv Ise aalaased jsti Riea soaat the truckdaiverftananyhlaire, fiesfr16-4vc nta 10Ni S and saggested the Departotent af ]cid a fit R, h-h Mac aa actarei-pil $4.95tt Transpoat reaieta the age lmil - ldt hyR. Fmah ; aadace-Presi- $1.5 for driviag examiaatians furald- dcnt, Mas. F. Secth. scaitpisi : -eaamessasa Mrs. J. Hamiltot; tacrar, Mas. -plans are underscay fur Mil WILLIAM (BILL) GILUEÉS, New Den ocatc Party Candidate fna Haitlon in tise Septecher 25 eloc- J. Baasticid, taccativactaae tas fi anasai Chanthea of lin, attended a Milton and Area Newa Demacatia social galhnaing aI the home af Mr. and Mas. M. Hannon, Mas. H. Leggtt, Catataacc Traita Pair, et Miltton Mas. lvan Artmstrong, Baone St. Milton, an Snlatdnay evetting. Ma. Gillies isson .vn Mas. J. Bainks, Mas. J. Heipai, Aaeaa Gataher I0, Il ana lt. sandwiches la (lait ta aight) Mas. Gala Konig, Mas. R. W. Smiths and Mas. R.e.e aseraitie M JMaaaya.dMafleP Oasananaatnaauctnaamat -M Sacera itatas af husiness pra- voacei auflvl icsin h I. .D.E. M eets at M ohlawk Track gaaap agreed daaing the season BMILTONJ COU NCIL D8RIErS Awa0 tJ Chalto siR.u adoefn 1 $2 0aising night; thal family et Milton Coiiti Manday, folicia Open Nom Gates Sw r .C a lo 2 0 B ra y baarship feals for ihis saasae ccill ing.aisca-haaat.tasad sassionatua *Raaicad an initatiatn Ita e Mchr of* heSatth Marti had îttwii tha JaSn Mitan hca.50;that a luterariqestiaf riethe twn's annexatiaaaiiliciaiaopnitiof the newcgaies Chtai L.D.. stare futtnate Chapte r tuarIrangt ao ia joatth bhalsahonethdasnina-d case: ai the antranca Ca tha Hilton anaîigh ta cmice bsusiness and spaasoacitip ai tha Caaadian Ioth paap auîhaaities; thrai *Agaaad la proaia Interna- Agricultuaal Groands. piuasaaa tact Thaasday. Fer Playars' saC pias an Naaamhaaer. P tha hook ascard far parant attand. lioaa Cradit UJnion Da, attha e Apîtracaît payainataut tha lai- Slir munaitt caeting, Sacy scta Viaa-Racaats Mas. N. D. Martn tace ha disaaalinnaed and tha han raqastof the Holy Rasary Par- toiti ttcurains Watatitis. gasscaflictJockey Cubfor anandMIlc.Hl wcaa a l aata Car Sa prasaentad. ish Ccadit Union. Tha Pat ish Cra- 1 963.89. parus ana l aara S690.58, iscanIna ai Mohaswk Rstacay. tapaasant tha Chaptar an the dit Ulnion ratead thay hait 670 tinisi and Polica $3184.23, indus- Fattaîcîag the dinnar ni tha Ra- taticttsancits aaatenastl plan- tacahars in Miltoni. traa dat'atapaaat $119.52. saweas sralila caata, adacatinnat sac- nings l.nttittaa. LET HALTON RE HEARD ce Aathî ct ftaptaaia ai anta saCitalion, $219191, prapar- ratars Mts. J. Nohla tapaatad tha At ta tclsion >f Sl sacîtttlA construction h v t fta ic tisa t tics tait contagnias $552.26, Citap il anna $200 Sutsayii.liaRatanVcaRgt OT(I I atio a sis' iSc satar taain si a n t vai ntts S;575.18, fin. hai bealon awad tui l Jannifar --cfi R te ta d -R ,.,V T antis paasanlad ait avaait ta lIa win- Nl N .i hig i. ata $10,214.19. It scas aapartadt Chltitn, a Milton Distiait natin ta, sap tîhe ,JUL I 1 Canexudtu naoractin Hinti Satinai staidant aniarilto nay Cg a arvr thale ciMhaLjat 1963 Levy, tith tha staat showta italted Teaiti s Cattaga. Mas. R. A. î..De. lbi h nataal KI Appaaaad paytaani ai $1500 $452.26. Wcani. busi ness concanaa. cacaT..DE t theReaciotn Cotatitica1963 a faitlaîtatpo t 0 lte sacassial sa*0 tERME lacy Iota ha naap. laasîpr aiyta ia ataadas mit Fia Fprtantficn pomat io aiOd r fM cabe titi Franc han. Seam . rirJ ilvnio ek RagaîntilCA.Wtesr-MLO TaInired - tnatad- * Asi flita Planning Board lt O.n Old Lodge Card PodMams C. fl. W atr MILTON enLTON slantd a-a ai Sae arcas Cn A hTcvaaratd Ladae soncenir piatai atthar ai4 liaCta95\tîe l. cleta iflita paposil annext- sad-asady he faalanity amiita.t Italien- lionboudires. hurFrSa. Set. 9-2-21plaids; tanhaadaaas.k natta as The Grîtar ai tha Mac- 1881 and bareatas-chrsii ai' Sabre se a et8-02 aan.WdSIaa.taips; * Agaas.-atotralt ou clattad cihaas -cas unaaatl Fatday 245.00r asio Saplaeher t, 1896, SI R talaanaa clita taa ia liant ci flia J. M. ha icarhtas rîppian daica a scai acardiag ta the paintiacnTgT.anHrea nTh rc a Dins aSalîna. initia Cres Hadcare store, On flc acx isîa listaofin- TeToa otl "h ra a * Gasiit paraission tai tht Main hi. suanais rates. It is inteaasting tisa lait Maraatc - Mary Robboryn Onttaria Sahati tao tht Dent ta CKcn Baiiytottdd it in atThe Iota cala er coulastad pahase tAdars tria tracs an taîca paapaaty in Catapic ci. The siat til a $3,000 tîcaîh af il lita ra ainto thair praptats. 1 aiad tr sgttc 1r58 a ntii Sycî "Fivo BoId Womrent ailn Jamets Mtsan ia Il Appaîicad installation af a 1photo ai the ladaas Gegrcear ,udr2 er fae n rc- rsi ehiuo, "e sad cletaaanss Oalaris St. trac ainSt i tastaahad tra scaariag aaagad ap ta 54.20 par cîtath Bath Pista nnTtacti cNrn aadn flia cornarof Wakefield Rd. ai an chlocg apans and gladiaina hel-, fat [base train 48 la 51. Tht Matiee Sat.-"TmaJ* Hansel ata - aCcue, ratifher han siratchi as de- mtts, caaaying speaas and shialds.;'antas carad disahiltc, tudaie ncaor ubet taitati Si the antriatar. ITiti Ladga w1as estahlishred an Statti tani lifa inscana ndSntSbe *HARVEST 0F 1964 GE 23" ULTRAVISION TV "THE VINCENT" FOR THE FINEST PLEASUREI ODaitl lColtnsiittiaspaes OFille iaîîssiîstvlssîo iit Chserry Vencera * Ilttcinataît chacaat istalit C Eztssclscisti falnt cuti * St a.iud "a gt calui oi] f a~ eH239.oo ) Model 33T41 NO MORE WASH s- ~ ,DAY WORRIES i witl GE i HOME LAUNDRY C AiiýIIi hlglic( di 0 Afoitccn- lfl oI h s _h, l " Mondil 78D31 Deluxe High Speed FuIIy Automatic Dryer Il 43> 1112h ) ' ' .$198 c fraie sa Dcai fa Taspe a 11-2 1963 CLEAROUT ON G.E. 23"1 TV's PROM $118 'VAtL UES GE 1964 STEREO WITH 100 WATT AMPLIFIER Medel 69A46 AM/FM "aTHE WOODGLENt' ut veleurReg. $499-00 art tMsic sîst Powell ts. ilitsci 4casa pactirr hne YOU SAVE $60.00 NIoa svpa taîtitl ,iverecorsd sacts slaidtue sianatc.î Now inpt ac O ly s439. 8rà". W-6i" D-M' 30"~ ELECTRIC 13 CU. PT. AUTOMATIC 2 DOOR RANGE REFRIGERATOR Model 34J31 Atn a a Defrns Wi h Rosacre Mde 134-L1 <l B WIT8I WITH al9 8 TRADE M 2 9 TRADE RICHARDSON 280 BELL ST. MILTON TeV. TR 8.6949 Sable lesPI] style. xcit.n 12 "AVIN Sit. IN TU 8.4482 W ý ý, 7 - - ý_ - r-, -> ý ýý - ; -- --- , , - _- 1 1 . 1 P sa

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