Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 21

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Miss *'".stftve'institute Speaker M. J. Browns, Mark 5Oth Anniversary BY mma Z. S.4erg Lunch wau ierned by.Mrs D. about 2001 friendn ntd retatives as innumneratile greethsg cara Thte Seplembez mjefi et Drew-rok. The uent tmeeting caai o fer thea- gond wtth osonang the esteem itn whilu tit ,Hncnby Womeus, rinitue mat wttl bu tsetd at the home uf Mca. es. The tes table naas beautifut happy cnuplez s held. M at bh omne of Mca. J. Jack Wingrone. mitlt a floral arrangement of yet- RoaS.Da Muacn un .Wdrasday, Sept- Halldap mme loan n bronze marna on a gotd Outr tinee sytepatby laex enter "l' Met. Stan May, preai- Mr. -and Mra. Ronnie Burke salin damask tableclolh. tendeai to Mrs. Archie Milter and dent, apened the meeting mitb aud iamily of New Brunnwick pauring tea nacre Mca. H. E. Mca. O. Greulan andi family in 00e 1uliae Ode, faltomeai by ripent a auri botiday ai the Humberstone, Mca. D. B. Hicks, tbe tost uf a tnnlng daugbtec and the reueating ufthfie Mary Ste- hume af Mr. aad Mca. Cecii Ettis Mca. N. H. Capelanai, Mca. J. F. tinter. Mca. Grextua mat viaiting Watt Cohenc The minutes ai rereutly. Warwick, Mca. Elmer May aud b ec sinter in Dener, Colorado th. precloon meeting mere rend Many happy reluias a theIn day Mca. Ernest Browan. Secaizg tu mhen tim tad enent occacreif. and adapteai, and the treaturer', ta Rocky MaCarroz, cetebcatitg narre Rose Robertsan, Betty Mr. and Mca. Martin South- repart nan rend by Mca. Lena a birtbday, on September 19, Tbomon, Motion Brama, Diane Wooai teft for a tiit ta Engtand Samy'ns Ntecctary.teaucer. Donald Lettie and Mrs. H. Van- utriggtcsnarîh, Jazire Warnaick an Monday nigbt, Beptember tb, The rail cult, Wbat une ptec den Boom an Sepemberl20. and Elizabeth Browan. nabere they mutl niait mith cela- af eisîttion naonld yu lOkr ta Tbe tnt Harnby Cob Pack Garts narre preazul foam tines. see 'ouht ii r changed, was lauchy thi îfai tt on Reelstoke, .C. Omneze, We- Ge elwqesaeetne Mec. Sampoon read the car- holding a crn trani at Horoho montd Hill andi Grand Volley. presenti ut patient in Oakvilte- resPondence and tl mas ntated' Cammuaiîy Par k. GatheredLetc airnatninumeTefgaHspt. ribalte Ares Wamen'u tesîtute around a huile haulire the baya rectevdf Ocom PieMnnue agratulainteeTa a ia a siadg nih Convntion ut the O.A.C. Guetph toaoted macabmaitamt and en- Peae rnon t Jon ieahlster natu atin and ca. wakMuesh- naitt beheled an Septennhec 19-20. joyed a gond feed ai corn. Dr. Harlcy, M.P. ment cetzbrating their ttnI naed- mIf-mation ce a play mas cecein- Thece naus a gond attendance ed, alto a letter front the Horen. and Cah mastler Geoffrey Grena. Mazy beautiful gis and fltal ding acnieersary an Fciday, Sept- by WlT. futer cbttd Ltantg-King- Brook, mitb bis assstetnt Bah baaquets naere czceived at nazit ember 20. Tai in Hong Kong. Cookstoz mat on band ta asI Articles for the eshihit au Mit- niaI the baya in bavng a god bonded iny Mrs. McCaeuts. ho pp lime. " OId-Fashioned Days A tqe Trip te, YWdut Jobn Laursen ettertained about Mes. Gardon Robinson, Citizen. 15 af i bit ta friends on S- i la e by M any M erchants uip consener, intenduced Miss ucduy, Seplembter t4- on hia Gtadys Featheestone, guestsnpeak. sixtb bicsbday. The ehildeen play- Doring the Oid.Fashioned Gayn ment Stoe,. Knigbt's Men's Wear, er, naho tank members un an cd gantes and enjayed ibemsezincaand Stzam Reanion, The Cham- Lerocqus Harnean Bhop. Kercaý boagintry trip tn the Yukoun immenaety. A taaely hiËtbday cio cmpiied a liait ai antiqun Pbarmnary. Fred Mutas Clothing, mitb Mes. Huma ai Strafford, lunch nana sccnedt. eshihita dispiayed by varloas Fitzgereld lnsurattrr, bornas TV naho teit on August 5 by jet tiner Mca. Howard Bradtey and merchata araund toma. The staff antd Apptionces, Campbelt'a ai fac Port Snmith su foeca aena lamlty attznded a Gi cen ceation itstended ta puhlisb a comptete Milton, Syea' Pamity Fathions, istitutes bu the fac uuctb acouud ai the home oi Mca. Tom Apple- tistin aast aceeks notue, hattspace thse Great Stave Lake. Obe mas yard, Georgetowan an Sunday, limitations and the diiiicutty dcý Miltoan Faheir Centre, Milon accompastied by a Pubtic tteath Beptember 15. About 100 persns scribing eacb ani ecern une ai Hyttrm-Eleettir Commission, Me- Nursae aod thop vaited vacus attendcd aad guesta nacre present the thoosnda ai items& on dit- Kim Hfardware, Milton Pbanmacy, ptaces, haping that the insitute fOm Part Doyer, Wetzrtua, Tu- play, made il impossihle. Fiara Shappe, Masir. Hall, Miltan woutd bethe meana ai briuugtug routa, Guelph and other points. Hardware, Milton Trenel Ser- ait the peuples and religions ta- Miss Christina Givzu, iout ai The Champion would libe ta vce, Zwolmanas Barber Sbup, gether as: their utmntetuga. Tara. Homard Bradley and euw caagratulaie the batinesumen, Treate Togga, Cicanent Pains Yelluwknife, Dtucuey 0usd a ceaident ai Halton Centeonial bonarcer, Whbo did make an effort and Wallpaper, Cottage Delicat- Mite, Part Ray and Port Nourman Manor ma the aldeal member ta parairipoîz sn Gid-Fashlueed teasen, Canadian Cbampion, Brian mecenviaited At nivirb, the parsy present. baya mitb mindana diapiayn ai Sent Rent Esat aste, Loti -Aune mas snnahbomad and bere a nena A deliriaus meat. ballet style gearral atntiqutes or tuaia of their Sbappe, Flaca Mators, Couadian Inatillait mas itrestet. Il naa mas served un the lame. It ts ircake in the cachier îtaya. They Tire, Cross Servire Station. a mus itieczuting and descrip- boped tbat bhis mutl bo an an- e: tive natta and Mca. C. Ford tbank- tuai aflair aftr the gond lime LIi Stucest cd tbe speaker. bhey att enjoyed. piebt nf Ptaa Cunaratalati aa ta Mc. and Chritiie and Wooda Real Mci. Robinson diplyed pic- Mca. . Kit0 nabo oziebraîrd Balai e act Leoage, Fash- larea ai the minuing designa te tuedditg anniceraarv as Taesdy, ion' Biet Loune, nawt- n reentrantesl for a Cuondian Septembr 17. mae Whzo e, MougennsFoo Finag. Givng the motta - bDout Gulden Wzddtng Markets, S. B. Porter Clotbiuu, joat crtitcln - du sumrtbîug Mr.cand Mes.M.J. Brown oflCa.,sîHardwareWestknd Ment about il," Mca, Robinson rend es- ESR. t, Narvaîl, celehcated ibeir M-rket, Dcalias Bakecy, Smithas cerpîs foam a paper and sonne 50tb atuiccrsacv us Satacday, Btreebp.MCaitatru, of the cemacha madle bv Mca. Septembr 14, About 54 gazais H arls Breg cai Ceurne Lymborner, cbaieman ai the sot dumu toa o teliajars dinner wr' agi ete Riectutive Cauncîl of Women nabo serurd ta tbr banetueunt ai Huez- Hat ris Sîaîiunacy, Gais Jewen- taid ai the F.W.I.O. whbrongbt by Ueitedi Cbureb and prepaz- tees. Johnson Otaomettriat, Rossa, a student frott India lu atady ed h b tladies o atheebarcb. Billiarda, Vogue Beaaty Salut, bece and vactus uliber thinga. The becai table mas tanîriolit Selicite Stoces, Miltun Gepari- Mes, Robinson aluna spobe un decoated ana the rentrepter e bayieg Canadian-madz gonait and tous the tbrcristacy naeîdiag cake hztping aur amu zcanumv. mith pillars ta bctnaeun, rsiag DONIT SPLIT YOUR VOI Thez meeting mas adjourneai an a gala stand nitb the icedi- nattb the singing ni Gad tane the tiotai bride and groom un ton VOTE Ouee and lunchmas erzd by andi 50 vears' in galdtuonîte MrsiL. Sampaun and Mrs. W. Me- side. " ' a Pbzcon, assiaidhyîbtebatîl A tasttathbe huuaceîlecouple M ULLIII ets, W.^ peuyu.sedbhvlbeir dughtee, U.c.W. Buys Chaica Mca. G. G. Mitcell. Mca. M. Edien U.C.W. met as the hume J.Braosn prupaseci a.taot ta of Mcs. Garnet Hamilton us Wed- the rigbt roupies c lebrating I cenday zneniag, Sepsember Il tbeir asuicecnaries in Seistember I ROBERT R.I niihIlmzmhccs presznt. Mrs.j.- Thi ascreplied tabvyJ.F.9ar- HAM L b. Curdingley mau preoidena îur wick. RassBrownuand bis daugb A IL O the moatb cad upzuud the muet- ters Jtdc ad N ancy sag. J. POEIS ing naitb c bymn and prayer. Hill apoke brielly un the or PIMTRS Mca. Jack Nixon gave the dev ca cian. - erilw - 60 Main N. itonal and Mca. John Hamilta Receicing ai the recetitn as a pu R737 renai thec areetary' repart. tnBramubaces. iaitoming the odiln LJ pp.T737 Plas nacre aiosazaie for c nec, Mca. Brown luaked tv Oitre Houes batty tuckey sappur in Ortaber. Mca. F. ino Fanader bloc sheer tnau Irarcepa Mauday) Hall muti bo canvuner nda miii piece dres aeiîh uocy acea ha assîstzd by Mca. J. G. Cordial- curies. She mure c corsage ai EYIS ExAMINID ley, Mca. Jahun Hamilton, Mes. pitk rosea s aid stephanosin. bac- PRESCRIPTIONS MID Roy Break and Mra.Elmec May.î ingthe citernos caid eesitg Mca. F. Hnll miii lobk citer the parabase of anaw chairs lac the rbureb hcll. Mca. J. G. Cacding- tzy andi Mca. P. Hall miii aizrate thz churcb fac thz uaiceesacy erie an Beptember 29. The nesa meeting mut ftke Place cI thebaomeuof Mes. Rimer May on Gesobor S axai Mca. Bitl Hill naiti ha presidunt for Onuo- ber. Au aurlian talc mtl be belai ci Ibis meeting. Cocrs andi Coobles The Eczuing Unit ut Hornby U.C.W. met as the hume ut Otite Doha aw a Wallace un Mauday,, D terwn . 9. There mci a smcii attendatre Far Away, Pest Yours, Look Greener? bat o pleascut lime mat cuioyeai hy uit. Tisi lalte azasun lu sari a nem ans or revtlie an I1 mas aicideai luhalaian Stan Demonstratioa in Novembor. Tite aid one. Gel yaur supplies. dance mbirb bcd pceniauals bers picunuai bar Orlaber wa.s ciseel- GRASS SEEDS led amving t1pesre0 1e artinitien. OUICC GROWING - - - - .................89e LB. A bcccty lunch af crn, raukirs MERlaN KENTUCKY BLUE caid ire cream mas cnjayrd by Blentd,. Formule, 40% ..........-$1,00 LB. aTh W.A. Quîstnag WNITE DUTCN CLOVER - - 65C 1/-LB. TeW.A. ai thz Stephetas Angli- RENNIE'S XXX ..............- .---- $1.15 LB. rau Charch mut cI the hume ci cnzaluag, Baptetubor 12. The useet- FERTILIZERS O N ] Jing opezai nailh Frayer. The SEPM N R minutes of the last meeting nacre SEPM NR read andi a ahuri discusaion butai. (Avallabla in 5 or 25 poundlbelge) Tbzcz ma a nmail attendatre taid iatlonaing the conclusions ai GOLDEN VIGORO batiness a qoilsiug mas behai. A utaiuty lunrh ma serveai by lire ANALYSIS 12 - 5S 7 hots.Plan Palr Eootha GREENFIELD Mca. Cctig Rayon ma hasteas 20.-10 -15 tu St. Stuphenas Guilai us Tues- day, September 10. The meetingi a opeucai miih lte Guilai pray GARDEN TOOLS RENTALS B ercana irent wa aonattendace W AE AN ETLZ ai aine members. Plana nacre L.AWNRKSLW iTLZ ahicsera for lte bualts ai M'il BROOM RAKES LAWN ROLLES tan uaid Geocgetown Octet. Mes. TURP EDGERS HEDGE TRIMMERS Pal Flippancu mas ubusea as comebneir foc bath. Wa bave the Supplies anud Iquipmant il mai deuideai chat baith-m caphuardo i ho put in the vesty andi nom iluo covnnig M L O A D , 0 atnSre laid. Mcs, Cliff Hanter aad Mca.- a £40 M rtn Sre Geoffrey Gczna-Brck mure i-r cd as cunveneca foc tann lacîb- 7 o,ý't ký cuming muaidingu. - lbhe Cgnadien Champian, Tbaca,, Seprfitnher 19, 1963 SPOTLIGHT ... Elected President hwen Yaau-hpOgaldenmtin cMan ù« ON TINS e dm * a iss aeron ai s Nu ctaelcibe ICoîtinil Ibis pant weuh. Margr- et. a grae 12 stodeas. bus bern Cantitnud Imn r z can îimr. 1 unit sud ta her thz ce- attetdiag Note Dame forc brrr caizisg aibumn7avl ,,c g îrIal o knw il wud bc er. Srts eo trecgi% heard.bDion, hma1lhavea a ' 1aueiiOctnyomut u presidenla mats cegarairdataone ai tecreord rrtienaand theiutiuming saccreais Miss E. Wilie, lest m bost singero in popuhar musir aceck as mv pirb-hit. scar's peiaient. Ioday. bas in mn- estimation set- As yaa mnit bunaw, the renard Miss Witbedene Vinu Gras er soundeai morse. n Nu. 1 un al] She local stations, vr. atme ai Milot, cteai c Tite album la enlittrîl 'Rttiy bat1 e h. sn upie.Mrue' api; ae -- I me iba anu urpear.Maroret c mpi a m aitu Biby i Thebtille hloune, 'rRiy Wbantuel hiati alnizadep ia>?Weite, docrisg ibe rett e týectiuon apeeiod- sticabir namber sn the mitaîr ai Titis lime, it's Little Pzggt lamas oupecmarkcthbeet, in on bumAI] I canu na istat thte MarshmwhahasîtheluturezNu. gentlemes cespataibrlue lirthe 1 lune. Thte rerord is "Hello, production ai Ibis album bat-r Heactache, Gonabyr Lune' anai ta lurera top aateh reeading shto w w aoret1am ofmy abi- tucclist inttuacroeua rctcb lv ta piek brit recarda, t cciii souds as citaugit it sittulti have make lthe taoîceiug siciemeut - E Nf bee ttiedsone 0 eas go "l i e c u ducs ano tb rites P R O L M A T IO N bruuuîiedsarJflrarsîîî Nu. t oiti eron nulh mhake miii RAT MY HAT." Natureli. 45 Record Review Idnmcccbtbusuadtiti., record Ouillau make il,1 There isntmacin themwayal cciii buot a bai andi as t. bovc ai- Mak.Th bt oud n hi nom ait, N I)Is aloi Nit barta a U N IT E D A P P E A L auu he ary lael bvie. 1ei an nast e Anatiter marib meutiouiug is The Sitirelies' lateat lac Sceplar Records calird biht ait-. a Girl Go?" The record bas ,a tyrie ana ia a italiad type allune. Thoagb ntttrangcuatigb lue Nu. t, il tetîtlî mtke lthe Top 10. Pick-Hit of the Week SBloc Buvoît" by Roy Dîbison. Whocs Bragging? t1chaemlayseausidcrcd m v. sell as somewhatofaagaad jadge ai popuhar matir. An an enampie or mitc1tmeuramentirî or1o aga. 1 bcd the tppurtlinity ai heacisg Bubbt VinIon's presnt big bit eceaeding lac lthe liraI Ouest Appearance Little Ccraea ad the Cannais, mitose brit tecarding ai "Dl s pr.etht ou lthe papatar citarts, arihi bc makig asperiai guest apperaue Ibis nacekenai in Oak- tille. Miss L. Stevcnon, omner ah' lthe Monte Hell record store an Miltan. apeneai ber second htr ast saeken i n Oaktitir. Miss Stevensonîreparri bhal sie bas tngageai lthe graup an part ai ber grand apeniug erre- manies, anai litai rtet' miii ptrr l aI bter Daittilir star. Ibis Sctttedaytersaau, Misa Stevenson alto reporteai lthasitbe is Irving ta fiue uy Nome crsteiicitw actîd enabeticwr Milltîts iceea ttî ,tttrd thî, show. Septomber 3Oth te October 5ý 1963 Ail citimens of the Town of OakvilIe are roquestod fo observe the above weok. WM. ANDERSON, Mayor. trnni~I NGî ETiW DODGE CHRYSLER VALIANT- ISPLAY FRIDAY ELL BROS. LIMITED AUTHORIZED DODGE - CHRYSLER - VALIANT DEALERS Milton ,TR 8-6380 -- 1--- il 7 -1-- . -- -1 jm - --- - - 1ý -7 - 7 -- 7--, M F --- ,le

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