Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 2

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SM TOMATOIS Tmelve-yearald Robrt Dorsaîdro ut 1 40 âl-rs Rd. eshibits tren meird tomasses ha fsarsd sn hia gar- den. An aekrsomr quiet of noaue cued shees tu witherenmd arum in thir defosmed ahapes. He leit them as The Citon. pions lt diupîoy in the front mindons Re v. W. S. Suyersruc FAU Anaivenury Servkes UY N. Gere Ingla 1ed wîit ir parents te Ottsawa Marly Campbettstîls faits ai- aoir tise mreksrsd, ansd sîarted tire tmnded the assioersrr serviesfait terniat Carlton University at at Nseaes Presirvierian Ottawea. giaeit Ri iC C pbel)litts on Miss Mary Tresa Quistan Srnndoy, soiers Res.. W. R. Sastees staried te Fart Bursirsess Collegte of Culieume, Ont. tout charge. sn Hameilton uon Tussdoy. Mn. Tom Mentes soas orgaoist Weddirsg anivestry consgrau- tue salalat Jirn Kitclrirg of Ceeso ltions te Me. and Mes. Rimer hmmmi thea muesise and Boeuns'Dradge, Mr. and Mes. DavidNews- Frabytesiair Cireci choir in th ciotd, Me. and Mes. George Tira- ersening witi Mrs. Harold Micit mas, Me.'and Mrs. William Revel]. an rebut. . Birlrday soisires to Wallace Miss Mabel JiîtetI of Wirssî. Etta, Timotby Robrts, Masityn seta soetk soti Me. asd'Deedg, Mes. Roy Farker. Rager ue.C. D. Maires. and s.isited Mahon, Mes. J. K. Msirss and old trlends in Ibis district. Mes. Nellie Wallon. Me. Atlias Nichoelson, Mars El- Mr. and Mes. Hoson Lsi ai. leu, Rilars., and Atlas Je. aise of teoderi the cristening of thit Busiagtn, Mr. and Mes. Lind- second grasdcbild at Carlisle uap Cumms and Judithr and Ru- United Ciron a Surday. land at MiltEae wers SssdaY Little Brisais oaptursd tirs Ju- Rsisi wi» Mr andUrt.,Oeras 5csite brai pIayeffs ?ver tirs Iigond sie ig5ly. soeirssd ffsmn Campirsilvl le soien Tlren nriny fait days finatize îbhey wons bth gamnes soili a thiteaing for mout farers eitir s.eey close score. a irouriifltr irvrt, fruits ansd Friends of Mrs. R . F. Jeffares saeotabien are beisg picted. aee so ta luir sire is a patient ilesed and peeseroed foar tire soirs in Jurepir ant Hospitl in Sur. tar maenthe, and tirs qurîitint boss tiogloo. We wsti ire a sprdy base rtarted fue tise ladies. Me. rscsvrr. Alan Moue snieelained rire so. Miss Etirsi Citapmars, Me. and menas asocation of St. Dasid's Mes. Johnr Horsirse and Me. ansd Freab7teia Circi on Tuesday Mrs. Masas MoLenoan ait of Tu- an a qidIting. olte spent last Tbuesday sotit Ma Maseassu Mepirait mater- Mes. Atlars Mooe. MahàrRievieavSteua5 hewI Pla New Ideus for '64 Muves and cooed sldec- wsesethreAssociation held areg- tunes of ire 1963 Ostario Steam luise meeting at Airefnyle Huit. and Antique Resnoe seere siruoo Darint tirs nîgit, officiais dis. te 90 memberu Tirorsday esesiot, cussd tirs 1usd arsosat reastue as Miltas Fate Grousds, and pre- lttsentd suggestions fe improvso Firamen Urge Check netva.Er avsno eri i gcave a lttle sperech on iris vies Heatng Euipm nt cf thereone and sottercd teeeal COllsg ssatire and the fotI soue ideas lue tirs nc1 sirho. =1e1;Fi resusr cee berse, and Mil- Memires see geeealty im- tu a Pie Dpartmnsrt trersbers presesd scilir tir s sost is rssond- toda itsusd aseamniegterbouse- iog secrets. A eosduof 27,000 iratdessaboutirasing tiscirccet-made il lire isiggest ceosed ins irsg eqaipment peopertv cireck- tiree yeces. A ditplay of ao.r 75 ed befus neg tf 'Z'o piroles taionr by Conadias Ecasy yeae tho ire is ep. Cirampios pireoraers soos ors ment eceices catis te estiegeisir display dtîring tire meeting. fircs caused iry faelty equîpmeet. and st cf lin couîd have boss avulded if tise isomeescr bttse fuece peoperly in INSURE npeetgd and put in soskieg T DA neder befote tiuc te oe il. O A Dartrpstuinustnteical contrats, cusbiraotion cf tise clectrodes, Wia iha afn and ologgisg of chises fIscs are- Will. commue fie causes. Have youe aeeeicemast chenk tire snsckces A T. M O staciru rsd cirimstss flues, os sejý T. M R an aui seetol connesctions, fie INSURANCE tigileru suggost. CAMPUILVIML -Renember Milton Fair, S ~ Phonae ULUa 4-2271 teMrni 27 and 28 irissvear.' CALLII LADY B NG FORf OWLERS U AI Ladiaa intavead in bowling In, tha Tuuaday aftansebon lagaa et MILTON SOMW0Y PLIÈM0CAS lta 84»r J Betty Lwe~ To Wette . Miss Betty Larence of RX. 1 Milton left test Friday for Lori- d'a, hotfest wllie ho ttersdiig Mr. andi Mrs. Ray Cri p and sons and Mr. and Mis. Alln pat. terson and Beverley were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mr. Ersrest Dnles and family of Guelph. Mr. Pool Finley and childreo of Hamiltons spor Saturday with Mr. ansd Mr%. Fred Alexansder and fsmliy. Visiter.% ors tire eekessi witb rte Peltlerlss werrs Mr. and Mns. R. Pellelteris, and Dosso si Dowssvieso asd Keilir De M.! of Etoiticoite, and Disse Gerrard j~ of Applesoos Heights.- Harves inersrvices willb .o ireld lot St. Lokes Asglicansebsrc this Sssday. _________- A VIOLENT HEAD-ON COIEISION isoolving two cars on litgiwa -Tre oppîesressor is srris'isg. lifs of thîree pessrsn. A Hamillos mas drivirsg this car mas repa Formeras stsrted pickisg Macs other oae ahen he lst corol, and collidesi with a nortit-boor this soek. tossogors. The frost esd of ecd car was smashed beyosd r OMAGH Accident Claims Young Lives Community Saddened by Deaths Thiîss omssty ws si e We extsd snere sympathy asn fhrft Mr Mk by the tesgtccar ccidentt SunI cMr Lili Campbl on te Me o Elmwo Mr Mer dsyseetrsg onHigtsy 25 whe r-y've by hi uphtandrs. a yosrsg rman, Richard Rse oflaghes this district snd a girl friesd Ja e .,~I Congratutstions ta Mr. snd Lioda Milîs of Miltons sirs kiltsd. James rsr Sn w s Ml Mrs. Eart Galbraithr and Mr. satd Hearrîsîr ryrrststy is extesded r. ij Con Mes. Mervin Csltisg, celebrallsg ta ail whio rrosrs the sorirsels - v nEniae on ddioig aosisorsaries this port parsisg or titese ysourg people. A field cr-op cempetitiso sn en- 1 s1cci. Mr. andMrs. J. C. Marshall ,- sitsge corn, condscted by Hatos1 Ansiverssry services seul ire tured orn lat wektran aAgrculurl Sciey i cone-Id in Ossog Presbyteriss two eek acaion v moor o lin wih MltonFair w * jug e c.hurc ors Sundsv Sept. 2 2. rte Maritimes. Titey vi ou ors Sstordcy irs Etgin Lsughtis Last Saisrtir large cosorego- rte Maritimes. Titey weeoocfsld..les ocsrshîpped sn Betiset pareied by Mrs. Jean Dosts airJees W. Ssow or R.R. 2, chtrch on thse occasion of ils Brios Marshalîl. Gereoosplarer firsr in tise ,csts Sorry ro reporr Ihol Mrs. Mar- rsseiis soili 94 olt of a goret Lisingstone of Cottirsgssosd possible t1it points. Thre judge sa patienr in itospitot tettesotsg s epceteot hi.. De Katir corn sos o iteauxr allant. Omogir friesets "a soonderfut crsp in esero sosy." L NGW MADE IN CANADA! irope site is rset impros'ed. Ohr etr re ie lr O Congratulations ansd best wi.,tt cd seere inst Hrer, t. 2plac-ff et te Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Me- C dmpirettuslle8 Kure Etta 2,as FORdXA Csns so soere msrried in55 sapernvirv 88;oi Ke Losorand Otnagir Fresiryteinscrr on anR 5 torsy 8; Freid Nusen, PORANDE Ssturdsy, Sept. i4. Rit. 5, Milto, 8; Hc Nrse, Bapian Nsrse, R.R. 2, Georgeton, 83; A large coogregatios sooroii Brode Harris. Rit. h. Milles., pepd te Omsgir Fresbyteriso 82!,1; Joirn Wittmett, RAt 1, Mit obsrcir las Sabbats, a1 soiich ses, 811/2; Harold Miâdtebrl, lime t.e infants soere peeseoled Rit. 2, Milton. il; Re R. îte for baptises. Rimbrly Ass. sers, Rit. 6, Miltoni. 80. - î srhsnsaeminton Exress"Pmoteailli staugtr of Mrs. Mrtr Tiscre seret15 entries in thr x i mY g raro.rnîahîar uirl lie Coltisgansd Donald Breet, son comppetition, aed prize mcccv sIid leuîlot af Mr. ansd Mes. Donald Lesese. sosaseswrded te tise ftrst 10. NO8 POWER LOSI Tire mieislee Rsy. B. Nevis of- *EFC POaîac r IAie N îî ficiated. *USCATE îgîî0tî Ta UR uCHiMBE Birlhdsy greetirsas tbis soeeir lo Ni itFFlIS iR iPLITTINI yorsrg friends set tireir opecial PULL 1 '/a" PERFlîf IGNITION dsys. William Stewoart, 7 vsars , ~ SEIP.STOIRING Aa.itrotaîrsatt2,16-d09-96ss ors Sept. 19; Janice Garrett, 7 POUE-HUNO hsnîga ssr 5 Os ors o Sept. 22; Louise Sam- I.h"ot i tritt , 9 yesr on Sept. 17; Baebara ALUMINUM p.,h. Irslarsd, Il yeas os Sept. 20;, DOORS RPaniflgtoii Myrna Campirelt. 14 s.esrs on $ hasas b Osat Am f od. ai Sept. 17. 1-«..0 Weae sosry tolsr tirat Mes. #&JaJ Oral enl frnt Ernest Brasdssburg is a patient sn Miltors Hospiptal. Friesds joi Fcdcrsl Tes Inrlsetee Oulirorlzed RemnrgtoarDuaert. b oriial e oetihecsrst Tenpro Diatributors McKIM iaspla aldulasendaviddi HARDWARE M.Douls ad Dlspents aid Daid- 126, Mcin St N. AcIers, Orsi. Mitn Doug Hoslbu aIr pi res n 853-Mit t'el] H1ptt rtar rgct 260 Main Si. TE 8.9222 MORE PEOPLE WILL SAVE MORE MONEY IN THAN IN ANY SALE IN SIEPSON'S HISTORTI Re Horte are Just 12 of thé Hondrods of Exclflne Foctures Fr.. Si.pson's Great Aoivorsury Salol Menas Cotton Poplin AII-Weather Coats........ Each 14.44 Womenîs Fleece Lined Leather Snow Boots .......Paie 9.66 Save 2.02 or more.... Menîs White Shirts each 3.98,2 for 7.7S Men's lnssulated Nylon Shahl Parkas ................ Ech 18.8 Men's and Women's Swiss Watches.Ech 17.50 ta 69.75 Soa on Childrenîs Washable Snowsuits..... ......Ech 14.8 Woman's Flannelette Sleepwear.... Ech 2.69, 2 for 5.00 Save 90.07 on eKehlera Sofa Suite . ............ i.och 111119.1111 Soa 36% ....Reversible Heieloom Dedspreads ....Ilch 5.90 'Harmony Hanse' Electric Blakets . Each 13.99 ta 1111.99 23-in.oSilsertoner 1964 Console TV........... ...Each 228.88 Sora 5.07. Boys' Nylon Duff le Coats ....... ..Each 14.08 DIRECT DIAL 8&I1 TrO SIMPSONIS 87&,1 y 25 Suhday ninh, claimei ttia oetedly pullirse 009 te pana or, id cas osegplad by Isea local ecognition. M D L L 1iN Frlnal, P.eannlised CAR CANE. . Labeeaian Sffvira TIRE REPAIES a GASOLINEO a DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE ontal SI. ai Mo. 10 Sldeaaod itoîn TR 84741 Open 7 nman te 10 pan. Sanday 9 a.a.lIlpr STYLES AMONMI lm4 SIMWS mmw CoAtS AND DI11011111i YS WIIL ALSO su ne LAIO COuATI@N IN MUR NfW LMN DOUBLE KNITS ANDO 11E 2 AND 3 PIECU SUItS AND "'*SABRE" SLIM AT THE Lori-'Anne Shoppe MILTON PLAZA MILTON NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES TH4E MILTON ADVISORY COUMITRI ON AOULT OUCAlrION UN CO.OPIRtION WI1111TH THÉ MILTON H1014 SCHOOL DISTRICT BARD, ANNOUNCES M04 FOUOWIN0 NIOHT CLASSES. CLASSES RUNNINO 16 WEEK 13 El.mantary Art 1 Convarsational French 14 Infarmodlata Art 2 Leathar and Glove Makin, 15 Advanced Art 3 Choral (Group Singlng) a WULSCOURSE 4 Physical Education 16 Floriculture 5 Woodworking 17 Elementary Sawing 6 Bookkaeping 18 Advanced S.wlng 7 Typing 19 Tailoring 8 Rug Mailing 20 Millnery 9 Mostasa Coursa 21 Smocking 10 Drafting 22 Cep par Tooling anad Coppar and 1l Elamentary Elactronics and Alenmlnuni Etchlng Elactricity 12 II.mentary Machina Shop Courses 10, Il andi 12 wiii ire limitid t0 10 Practica persansarsacr. COURSES r TO 15 soll cossirs of sisîses tsoor tessons comnurnig: Tues., Ot. 22 at 8 p.m. ansd eaoir Tuer. folloreing unil Dec. lOtir; rioommenelrst os Jars. 71ir, 1964 ansd contirsu- ji le Fsb. 251ir. 1904. COURSES 16 TO 22 wiii constiat of sigis rwo.irou esturons commesoing Tues., Oct. 22nd at 8 p.m. ansd ion sorti Dis, lotir ais. Tire second eigirl-week course soli commence Jas. 7th and rus lirmugir until Feit. 201ir. Tire BASIC FER for tire sixleen reets couss lu, S7». BASIC FE for etirht rees course lu $4.00. Oe dollar ut mici mut ire farreardnd oitir sire applicotion fortm. Ail supplieu enlia. If pou winir tu enruli fus two sapairale elgt rees ourses, titis msy ire dune. BASIC FIE soilI ire $7.00. A minmum naanbee af là appllmeai mueat ba asued forso acglana. Thea Coaniine, enesen ltae riglt la ceariel ne eaesy any el IE wlala& APPLICANTS MUST BE 16 YIRAS OF AGE OR OVER. Furrirer information pertaining a thrae, courses may ire oitalned trom sire foiiumiuE ors. mitise; HOMORARY CHAIRMAN, seRS. CAMPBELL WILSON. Tit 8-6014; CHAtEMAN, MRS. D. A. WENDOVRR, VA 7-3304; SIEC.-TiRAS., MRS. ZELLA BONîN, TE 8.2276. AMLICAM1N FMU NIONT SCHMO C1.ASSWORK Cemplete and mail URPIOSE OCTOUERL 4, 1%3 ta "The Saeoetary ot Nigrl Cleana", Una. ZElla Banla, E . 3, OlIlin. Pins Mr. ADDRESS .................. . . . PHONE ........... FLEASE ENROLL ME IN ........................ ie rpecitic ...................... Iut chis 2nd siroise If enrdln In an E usant naran, la amite, Wt para salais te atrd lutreria an as aRasr. Bp msailing peur applicaioan earlp you Be rsr tu eseloan pour reghttsln te Inscite pi otrghaces of ot$ang of $1.011, tirs balnae uf Oe ta ira pnld pous irut; ciruice ut ccu-ea.a et l firt chosn atltrsded. Appitcai«e miust ire épy Çts, D 4, % .50 M.. P. A, WSMGOVEE. quiaei 1i MI MEI fe nrd A" Fr Tire E Fat csts thc ires eirop te fatinreil iseer A aI thiret mentir. Two Keo C soitir c Howv soundaIt askcd Il cd se a Iras agr Mems baudet s on tire additionî Asien te. asd ttc scum B DoIt AI M ~*-7-- liai

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