Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 17

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SJOTINýGS *Y JIM PULLS * RARELY IS surne cern instu- lie ancuuneed bat lirtsaintoe rniripautY is crîiceiy tking lis Ioratioc mitii ils heudariet. Surit mas lte rate miit lte reenf Suggiestion flt a Mueume or Sciene aed lnuatry abeoutit be ceesidurd le lire pruvince. Rîghî amay, Hamilton mas heaîiug lit drues fer lte atrartion. Seemesi lu it mctitugit flt MilIeu Weiald teuke au exrellent location fue ruat centre. leyeof land, easy arrest.ifaite yuutrtieicelo * ailssay, ttipct nest ta fui amay. But tiren I teuaed semîtieg abotua lte t$.uicul ntcieg merked out yee, acd sel1 figured vre sitccld netri ire liut ala de' rail itfre makicg a leral pith > titi'the tucem. *EARL BLACK, cuitratirtice ieiaey cf tre Citamiter cf Com- mectlsmu ite rs aceicce te have local ciflaeiaatet ielay te him lite crames rf iheir ufficirs. Seimu lte ftamitee gels inquieles ce a rende vriiny cf Ihingu and If tite ergacizatiets recald gise lte Cittmitte lte neesrty detail, etite Citaiitiein ler iecuid ans- lirthe qaestions a Ici mure ra dily. If situe a pieideet gise Fail's sffireacail[ aud f111 thret tn un îfir doiails. * GROWTH sces tu hie taken furliaacid iceer cuntryand in tle mueld. Jasi hum inevitable il hi, suas recnlp nmptaetaed lu me miten I heard turne stellaite- isu nuplal. tem ane 4,00 mare peple in lte munki eueep tepr gf neey day of ne-y muat. litIs ltae differeette halmau lte eurnhar borts and lteese mha dia. Jeet tici of it - 4,1110 more esc-y haut, the egaisealeel uf lte attire populatiou uf a aimait oue- rnity. Fmri croeamg e FBRNAPS you's briard aboat the pretidmunt of a businueus cue- cern mita bouilt a emuhar cf "Do it Nues' sigustacd placer! tie l te etks of neployenis. le acfem iays tie fourniditsi cash- 1er toi fIn imth 350,000 tii haut- leuer ti nluped merdit fiit ecre- laey, firme dients toi cutnd for a sala-y rainet and lte office bocy tai gne aHollywood. s IMBRE'S ecthing certmie about lte Steum Showere etareieg la Milice rel yeue, aithoogit i lu boea il mitI, bal lte Citamiter cf .Ccmrnera lu eagerIy Iectieg 0cr suggestiones fruit migit icu- pease Od Pasitned Ocys In te eseel lte Sinai Shoem dort rie- face. lthereac itotsaîis of unts cf itrainti miti caling dis- mance cf thaun mardi, uni un- dobtndly sonme reatîp eucelleet saggestions are jasîtchrulco aeoed amatieg epresion. If pu hume ene of ltese tirer drap le cn nomte îl te Ctarnler ouf Commerce er lu me aI The Citant- piun, and lIlI tee ltaI tey gel ta lte rigit place. * NEW INTEREST Semu; le bce dneepieg le cmuter iraiu servce le fend lte dumelemu me- Irepulit areat mitt lte Ihouaede ofmeorlert,mitu, deetcgithemerk- ing dey, lehahit lteose tkytceap- ait. A preltminaey etudy an lte prospect cf eîlaitltitieg a coin- mater sen le and ahout te metro areareautldcad tuefferlî lu Milten. Tite tarey suggeslcd a celmeori uf 250 mulet of rues- mater servicemiith truies itand- Jing 1H000 passegnitearit. Lices ta5geted meald tait fri-c Ber- lItgl, Millt, Nemmarit, Rc- moned Hill, Makhate, Peterboer- oegh., Witiy, Oshuma and Bol- tue. A gondrapiditransitisytem meld,mwesespet,gaalong way te îeteing tiafitr pichlems le aed lcadicg te flts Meieuaca *i I HADN'T iteaed teet macht about tem, bt pebitîsiees I taIt- edmwilhreecilymee eeriieg iheirmwilmlith Susifiies. A Smifty 1$s uppamretlp aucsetece miit-jusi te rigit adjective tarit au Ttis istheer,sidTom conclsie- ly" cr Mcw is lte limie te rue- tides- ierreasicg lte rie cf yccr ad, me suggesl sparicusly". Trp jeltieg mine sentences lugether yeuiseif. Il rau te fun. Titere are cer taie mcetits cf tlue year le reticit I esucd gtcdlp W saie lte sucm off my houts and traIkt aof itis rountry, neser lu relaie. ciitut a itacitrard glance. Bal Scplemitr lu net oe cf t[hees. Twiet, pest icitn Keatsex pressed it, titaugh ie te v twitis Canada cf cars. He spetie ut "lthe searce cf misis an enfer frcitfauess.' Titis ea u' Sepemiter. Ne Spekte cf "'a iting ul ietrî and a ici fut-esci." Anud thie, s car Sept- Mutier is ail vr ieml lit ils place. Aed itrs place, as fcr as l'fi runered, lu tnencaer fit- nia. Sprieg lu Canada le, a flash le te pan, a fleurnd te b se- ment, a tiid cn ltre itead. Sues- nier is a ulspeiale effort le att- cetuplisi cn lout trier eufinie, i tile liefs rrn'ce hiert scailluf ail cinerand spricultuddu. le tlrutctiles of flie ceitrnherisptee, Sprig is thinilereu luncu ctakiutg lta nwlire, uf a tri-M sueiricu ef the blhond. le Cacada. spricg i ecva escddn interlitde. Cuemineir reharted aifler risc mueehs ivoere- rit dratgeOue' srvet plirugli il. Orly lit iuiin lit eu rlatuitîn. leur' ce iih riitae of scintmeur; eeee cl'txeliutuin srclt. 11,iis ein tiinv ailcesu sfi fii licui e *,' ui tr'gius lto sqeirene fliciiemagination lt suai. The %vhitalenatiencuuesani.', rerapiue terne cuterenre afln- lte chaosof umrnr, andrnahns plans la be ihappy and iche. Bal ltacte le a iteneseleet dilyitte transition teen lte teadunr cf samrnnd lte srrarnilicg aststy cf faitlfil a painesî - cay, a glurteas - euperince. Wr are giren a limie fer drearn- ieg. Me are giseuccichance la ritarpen agate ar senes, deadn- cd ity ru and rani aed master Mc are girnt geldeneseligt, liltiredi titreegi lte greennît niasses cf fortage in lte merli. Me are aiscu maler se ittan il maiesr ecreyes ache, anduityts higit me rau almuat sen beasen. W ame'given, joait fer a rnti, es eyne, eyet flt srddecip sec lte splacit of enferthteezinniaus ate agaieui lte fece, lte thrilling umeeP cf itrcmeuuandagrensit os saiîey and ridgc, theasadpaxille cf disteut tille. 1rctr arce feritear tueeep rt juf chen I Ihint af lthe gicricius gifle, cf tarte mititrhirit Septemiter rejaseluates Our patates, jaded ity tamritorgu and itindgs, mauard acd relisit, chlarred stfak and skeeky her. Jc'ce.sparticg smneets cf i-ci apffldes, aolden on Titgegatiegîlua turtnese f lincge, cti leinalunt, tamnp peurites. Bartiteus cf scueati cd cees pcinaes eanuing mth btler. Faint, rrisp itterenr ef ceeuenru. fpeaiig of fait, tue abut te. I baseat bai my ieer. Seplemiter sumiaed orru ratttiug off lthe raof; suirrels hart in lte allir, gitieriug and mallerteg and sceaitbhîig; lte Itedra aud mitants and tipsancd itapu of footbtall pearlice; and lte vst, soft tigits uf the nartit, detisemid ef lier fluerl. ecele rnilk and hne and satisfactioe. Septemitet steelîsu tut degs af lte fait fair; e applns " fiernes noesoeil lite itis une; te trât acrid smeke cf lte eetausic fri- c uuc bates; recadumuke te lthe fir- place: lte scfl, Iteasy set sceet of caesmer repiared ity a laug flte prieter lutr ced fcnt Streai and chîampagne, rclled itt eue. Ycu fakte ilu, shtitier il s Paris lu lte siel ua.mmer o lthe Rtviera, Japan lu cherr 'y hics- tact finie. liI lakit Cancainl Septeme'r. lThe rrt ihicg Ircas thinei ci, iurladiug my svife receicu cffmiitt flicmâdimatmy kids tatuten lma uregacd-uikr, is te die eau-le lu fepiteube. Titis caald kait me. Liierally, as fiucy Say. DowN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROT DOWNS BOY SCOUTS uc a camp- ing trip, miles frein hoame, are itetisc leur trier hearis appetilet Se vvatiere le lte Lidc Restait rani. Miton.e did a dcaitle-laite elle' rrer'" Salce day muruhua whna itit pefe cri t-cul aedu 41lieurnrtus andlctuion-it gev Scout leaders iraipised cn. Titey seeed lte Scauts lte standard - tercen ced eggr - brnakfasts le tugflirme. ltee stand hart J tch lte bocys do justrce teîthe meal and der cer larssrcp. lThe vsirs acre Sceuts anud leaders fraim lte Dli Keetuckyp Home Council fer distrit) frotic Loatsville, Kentecky. jt relere- raig fernn a l2-dap campicgancd eaecle t ite neetiof Ocelec Prosince. They tai ]cf t hoe Auguel 5 acd mare itcmemurd as haui Saierdau mitai ltes pass- ari Miltoe ce Higitrasy 401 and decini te drap ini far metIles - lte ittee-cecied sariely, jcrt fer a itreat fronm titeir ccc eutdecr bui-et effertegu and a slnaiy diet of beaca, eaus, heanet. Gerali B. AsbmtIl tcf lte i- strit tcout eeecuttse, mhoa e cempactei lte boys un lte trip, erplaiued ltes rame traim Suu- eral Snoutnn t e.OP i ie Lunes idle disisiet lthes td namyrd ct Macîmati, 250 miles ecelth ocf Ottawa, and aIl lte boys bai enjeyed a 12-day camne and purt- age teip titeaugt lte etunre te ltaI anea. Te campeile mou 7001 miles nrlt ef iffeir hine, tut tid roumti trip tmtlodei terne sigit- sedig and a day aI itis CNB- un it îcialînd about 2.500 milles. Cat per bny wretd oullu $Il0. Ttny ased a tas lu Iran- sport lte Sceutu, uni a tract te carry lte egeipmeul. And Milice's iterptlalilVvimas 'lice, jasI ftne," oue leader raid. HYSTANDERS' COMMBNTS imitei C.N.R. matI araeed Mil- totuavn trei tlyieg titici anud tari. Tie ucat bas pechatîs du amuI main coement ihau the ceaducr itis paut Somsmer. Oue resterv heard tcppnd tem ail. A slrtmger passtn e wa11 eiudied flieripaires, flic n'en lasicg tracts, aed lte teIldeari'à lactic-t un te itrintu cf flic îllie eti-gged his ritealders and raid, 'tast imagine retat the geaci Lard couat hase dune if [le tuid iad mensy Ttlad y sîrtiegees sam the .1c r lte firsi lime, and tti wrenared. CamesnedItne it ',il ceuthaveeuestithe ramaY a luI cf meeey lu bafi liait mal'fer mise frieud umilri, and reptied. "il mas protahly a tut eiteape- titac Iemertcg lte retele lame.' srLhmtER ehesrotd thtIi- leceurii, ecctîrld "IThe Il tee is pl2asait. te is tao familier. If tie ts snitnr-faeed hae is c Saurpasa. If tie tu youco ha deesu kateu If te is cld, te's au aId ruiff. If tie bielegs tr a itdgr, flier iersierstiupct t-aners. Il lie nites te a leurili lin', a hypoitie. Il tle dt iuite, lie's ait cil sse Iflie doss't bers a tlig Ilt urad. if lue tattr lu ereeyitcdy. lierâ afarssiy. Il lue diterut te's ritoc rît. If tie irîrt ltaI the raies of hlie Shrt, bc ebsered, teeS luit partirclar. If tie dcese'i. te's rarelers. If tie looks arecud. te's sccep- tcg. If bte deesut, te's uobserv- ant. If lie trier la seulle al]clt plaits, tie marI hase the mirdees cf Salomn. Ifl te scieries abotcc trictre. itel Scaie crraey. lie stccld hase lte patience cf jet .te shin et a riiuceres, flic cniefn cI* a fox, ltecor cge cf a teen, te biitd as a btm and sdlect as a sphinx. HERE'S A NOTR ce the prespertty mn muet ha eujay- A prisale clut in New Yci-t City postai titis stqa iteide lte uwmeudg peol: Monaey halls net peemlittdin tahie pooiL" Takmn fcm lthe fies nf te Cana-. dien Champian, Sept. 19, 1933. At lthe maculai meeftly meet- ing et Mlalicet Ccaty Cearil iteld un Tttesday aflereccn eurt becrs apprcsedi a restitution sci- ieg lu hase lte Ontaeio Depait- meut cf Htgitmays icease the expenditures eon coty rnds au- es andihaeufi enrmuâtrcoapera- tien tires ail esithiis, lte presideel uintcd cal. Piactires. fer lthe MilIce Jac-, ter Baud guI uder may fui lte fail scaseonncMuedayeigtumilh lthe irecinly appciutnd tend- master, A. Perett en criige. hie. Feriait, meri ucreeds Me. Whnt- elinr321,10. cyP. uetit CI'Scts Band aI Georgetown, lte guner otirnnitnr itncrileo Brnnsvitln Ctazns' Band and esîtueute mue $220.000 for lte ynar ltAcuCiees Band. r - a t the depurînt tai rot lte i-eu 1953 satierd ea 7 t amouailtc $220,000. Ie astieg cld rer 53litai k Fud ard ite lime Aurth adiial ntea t a ieum ecarnt ledaeiedsims fit e cdilesel ucen, ti iefere il gare ep the giteut. q ted ml as te puy forenetesa-y brut do almesu auyethieg ai lthe Ccn- An utaiy ioaai-t. om geyitug of tel maad a main lus 4 Y meiacuonad atmpased and play inhiltonectecuday. The 43 n denendtractreiillgrnalnisitaisr ccc tieanhers and cid stends Pjs ita tru Milce fat- ibis gea- mtec rere filled fer lte rhum, miir the Filtunt Agntcollorui Sciety reasspuescd ty lthe fiaitetAgri- stges te acuacleenaforteechultual SrietyeadBalMo- S tOit mine csder ltie directioe ors. "Dapper" Dus Fleecer cf thisyearcf Ryh.Carepresi- Hollywoocd, wtc doue 0cr re dnt ten rrdnr tc matre lthe sec- Claek Gabin- Te Piease lte %-ONUtATIVI .4 ee cetuery itetter ltas lthe firsl Lady.' andl Sucide Oies Cook, j .- cee ary mne marI fill air class- rerretherStars cf lthe stcow. »( GLANCING BACK TO 20 VEARS AGO Dem. With Hyph. lis-ses Frime Minite Pearsen, lu itis slals- ment un lte ocrauien cf Canadas ithday, sunded a cule titait uheald bhe aad uecccd lte mccld, ce ai leauf fccm Nmfcundland te Beitlih Colcmbtia. 'We, mute titan meut peuple,tt ha said, 'must almapa mate a tpe- ciel effortct le crgnize taI a naticn lu or titan lIt pear, ltai the lu a Canada aitccc ils cagionu, ihat tee ti an cnhypiecaîed Cacadianium aituce miti lBEnglitit-Canadian ce Freecri-Canadian . . . Wiie me aie tinkieg cf lte ginal dif- feceece in lueguage itleen aceas mitece fugilih lu lte peedeminani language and cegient mtecu Prnchite t pîndeminaci iatgcage. il migit bte ul au mail le cemees- ber ltaI hpphenn il a diteate net peruliai lu a language diffetence. Somelimes a fuceigninc a ccmmuniîp is soeece itea mas burie and hîcugit op au fitle as fcîtp miles amep. The Echp Mocntains aie a itaccine as munit mental as pitytirai. And lthe ulay-al-itnmes le ececp proiceremeimes euhk ashiance aI peuple mite hace ttc..agmna cf lisiegulaneas aud il has hen scled, 'fcieigneîs.' Tel il lu posuihle fer lte perucn mitu ulapu ai home In tanp abltîteu cf public eenlu in suci a pechlai rcntry au Canada. JA Pearseal Deision.- hIlu is cm as I almapu itas iten, lte people miii gel lte geeeu tapy de- serve. Neel Wedneudap Halecu' nnaîip 60,- 000 remirs miii bte mahicg tei deriseme ce mit înpreenaticc tep miii endette le fle prccîncial ingiriatuce. If tbir aiarîiee fciicm u c le ferre fiern miii he a fair pecceceage cf coencsdicae lteir piefecece hp ballet. Municipal nier- liens aiccact a mach sesralner peccenlage cf vcIe usualip titan a pricial reninul. If flicten cisl as qiuiet as flite vacpailil i tas sceted laues, ther miii nul ite a grnal dnaieofneritemnîgnnaied. Michrcaeiap- pet heteseen itis mîiling and lte fluai daps cf lthe rampaîgui, but lu itis polintlite cp- positiones lu itaîg defficeilp ritinhîng lteO ai- mccof theaprcritcîgieesîmen. Ai titis poei ceu, ltere ueams lu ite a iîeîeuc umiteî cf 'uccmmiîled' coes. Ne locne de peuple acit ilheriselvs le a paitp and lice ced dia'it ltai paîp hine, mîiterit tuugitt cf rciange. l lu this fartoi liilias talio ceeccuon front lite piedereaitie ale lite cîpîcdirlahin. Il s titis fartoi, lite, lhit itas led pcliîiriacs ie itote itaigaiiig- for-cotes" type cf legisautien hal premises iiccit filtr1,1e ceference te lte cesi. We scggnul in maheeg yecc cituice tee t Wedcesdap. u renuidai semai mental guide fies. Fuîst ti huitild bte cleaîip ccideesîced ltaI goeneei rau gice haukt ls H ti eîeip ltatic iten etas fis lahen amap. Goit cireishave nu hutteecicru pcise fine mictrhep ciay dip 'gccdies' fue disrîibu- ticn. fart priemise for more financiar atuist- asccumuthc accompesvadipsoeeireaue William Lpon Mackeneie King lu an exeample cf a persan mitu cacelp uticcad fîcs lthe aiea cf lte caîional capital. Ha itad au ueracnp hucmindge cf mit mac o eeîpehece. Pcchahlp lte geateul cf iccunilees ameng Canadeac plume mîcseucrs mas Johnu Diefen- haker and il cuid ba acgued ltaI hiu paie- gîlcaiec idet do hies mach gourd. The malntlhicg fot Cacadiacu, and for titcue cf acp caircouctry, lu le reme tc lte rcclutiot ltai lte masp titnp dccit ittue map har a tire felces, mcrîhp cf ucdeîstand- ing and spmpathp if ite gais lue trouble. Ail cf us aise uhcuid camemitai chai a grnai deai cf haris eau corme ftri a pcecciuad idca ltha lthe peisan us sonme ciller lice cf business is up le su gccd. Reelp a prtion cf a later icuemaied flai lte meiler mcuid scrier buy au automo- hile made le Europe thac oe made cn Cana- da, herause, as ite aîgued, ai lte piofits ce thteCaeadiancrcmeet tucmene inthe Uni- ted Staîes. AI one and tae samne lime lis iectee indîraled a ditihe cf eue nieateutn lterai ceigiheor. a dielika cf lte automobtila eedutî, and an ignecance cf lte fart ltai maget le Windsor, Ouhawa, Bramptcn, Oak-. uville and cter placer bteli lu maucitalu na- ticnal pccspeeity. lin dueitec ornduirectautaxati, adiets etitet spandecg es te b herard. Scecdip, goentment uitculd ite a gce. rnienc thai miii meictaiu merl standardu anuecg ifs rnmeec ccd ltus infuse eus pcf- nuies meuh taI laine standard. Il us diteu easy for uhese te goeneec tu hem te lthe pies. huesbrugt on thein un a uarieeupof mayr fui finacal ce peirunel gain. People look lu lhitue iu genene fui leadnetship le chat is rigitt, as mcii as un lte prcuisiot cf capable administration. hur il s iemportant tlta ruîgir deec ut1 mtarce standeards bcn enîdtnnrodtpya gceucenauid ismenher. Thiîdlp me muld ragnstili gucein- moeifl, ard hoe ihai merid guaenn mst hacecundesttarlngMuch isnmadeof 'gass euers' opinionc hy puluiriars. Witen gcvnt- meut or itddudas fuîgtithecpiios, lthe hutgis. the dnuuîes uf titcse thep moud guecu thep litre Iheur udriiacdiitg. Fcuialip, me mcuid ru.ggest uhai gunent- umunt sulad aisc lie lenîed fut uts vision. Thitcleaieuerne tei bclin aifed, grnai iuugr hegeu as dîenns. Thuse miii aie ablen Iolucate tiroir vision mt lte pianlecal quali- fieso eprdap huvn gcancru rcti mitn ecr, un flhc piugiet, fihai cep goertienmni shuad aspire Io. lThe guide finer cf pîtudenee meecaliip, cneruiaeeliug acd nisicn ara reqairutes if lte goeiecent lthe peuple of Ontarie chistes lu ta cifil île, oigaioeus le these muoie ini titis gical priene. Neul Wedneudap r flite hie leur nient ni. duciudi, in nis eme guud coseucee lu niaets pnscaiderfcisnfra geimen ofih ecanhbcpoed. Tahren Mom lte Mies cf lte Canas- dine Champin, Sept. 17, 1943. Milieu lemc rceuriti iteld ils regutar meeting Titertday nigit. Tituse presaet mere Mayer Dam- sue, Rense Hestcp, Ccaurillerr Piclnmy, Riddnll, Gumlaud and Syci'. Thte finance remmilîne pars- rd and uideed le bte paid, ai- rcelns tetalicg $3,772. Tite nieut meeting cf lte roiucl relt bc field cn Taesdlay, Septiemiter 29. Tite fcllcmieg Milieciaus ai. ircdad lte Georgeteme[iro Salcrday aftnce; Dr. C. H. Hieslep. A. L. Chtambters' Hiram Tch F. L. Wite, Di. L. Whtite, Mr. and Mis. C. Feathertne, F. Joes, Mr. and Mis. Cyril Berry- manad daagittees Misseu Omen acd Shirley Seiryman, Misa Mai. corin Fey and Miss Bet Mac- Naitit. Thte big attcrtieu ai George- tectu Fait' ce Satciday aliercecu mas lthe seesaticual heurse rc rrhen Peîeeeu,cecd and fai. eul it Dr. C. H. Hcslep, Millecus pcpclai Btine, mec flie 2.28 telt ce pare ereci. Sescral Milteulacu reie pitisiec lu sien titis faut hore una. Ih mli ie eue cf lte cctuiaudiegcult'les lu thie races ai Milton Paie oc Saieiday, Sept- coliter 26 and mill ce deeh ihe mlieesried ty esaun rever s cf rare herses. Il i s ctes iliegil te itain, nu- ceci its perurit, auetitseleti ma- rcie ch iet t set nu a use. tel pcryoer. Tcrninicycr ceap Icr salvege ccir. Mes. M. B. Cleneete, mas ht- rs. te flie Si. Fart]'s WM.S. ment- hiers rritr ley mel fer titeir Septemiter ralie aui Clembtieci. Mes. Galbraeith, i presideci mel- remedithe membrvs andfe'indu and île cpcieg itymc, Miht a f riecd ut haie le Jes,' mat tellitrid its a iile rreadiug frain Isalait 2f, ehiec Mes. Bail Wilson gave a itieatitunicg taIt on trst- tugeetr Lord tai secvgitand criage it fiie cf teruble. GLANCING BACK TO 50 VEARS AGO Tukee Ernt lthe files cf lthe Caa,- die Citampin, Sept. 16, i19i3. Milice i, Cacada's teadqcar- ers fcr itigi grade bitckstu itng thee btig plants, inith a linge ouc- pst. Titis, il jr asieeuecud. milI heu iecmuced tu lte nieur futare te a ictat glatt, as Actieutai ceen l te Milsun faie, teder flite muclle. Snuer, rererraiscenitoceflie pritpeety last user-k. Titey pet cp aI flie fictel MeuGititit. B. Marchand, jemeller, i l er, ceicnid te hie ep te darete eer cay. Hu tas pIared lu ber îrineur wre ere-yee ratr sec il, a althatu citecceter. ltae murst arure cf finie pieris, macse itau aey rcgalar dlui. M n su ecntes hi o heure itei lv correctrine, yeu jest haeu a J. T, Harmac and Bimer Tueiic cr i tue Tcrar lueo Tirent Bridgre, rau fiaceic, turSperd the balanre ci flite meet fusiig lue hass ancd iuasiiuge. lThe price uis are otI fur lte fat ir of the Haleur Agricalicral Seocietyl trb fierld livre o cu 0d btel7andl. Terhe f i c rund bter ac n tur lifterai fitait ee.Gel a neepi J. H. Peacci, Swit-etar. fie tend flite direrîcea arr uvrriig tard for lte Sac- i;esuf ltefait, and arcadr- ,;inig uuaciriti aeger sele Ilae tas heure tlir reie ini part Thfie fia ruresu Srvires le Al- Saltes Chtrr i uerc urrîl attn- cd last herela, BR'n B. L. Meure rer, M A Paleree lakîitg the ser. ile. Titr uci cas tasiefullp drecralcd metl grain, fruil and ficer, fli.'c cgatioer mui- ir'sie mucl nît etlere lu finei- rîuerh. Tise ci reudered sper- teiil ivyrons. uer fle duetion cil Hugli Milr. A Harerlt Tna wiii itu heulul toniglit itn lte elc t rie. NEWS Am" DISTRICT BOLTON-Conmcaeios arc si, badl heie Peel Coccly's srateed pelure depailmecrt, iliai seiul tie h ii sfic ws plers ii giel informcaticcaboutîimses iii tito tet t flice rcuriy, riliietl Bilice Potlice Chieri Jicies Prciiiid. IHe raid itandits culd lott.aitaitr, iBi ailirilieu iiîgiis uffoniii leia et unc,auirrou, illei r escapepcelrrclieevncicaid abouteiîl.'IlePel Criey Cucci îs dirsusNing ite pssblitlîy racouriiie piceifc.. BRAMPTON-Peel Cuuls s strc t ici ()tirI gitriient i "doiiu crrcoring tee Bramcptoni Minet Russe] Proese. M*Wlii Hramp- i.ii ad Tronito Towsiip bot iingeiiiigciiy.esîatutiifliccocept il niescin goverciucii as ie liave ktncrit il ic flici p.isi rentry, ni IiiistedI. hie raid. Ilf hofti ciii-;tciii aniii tt, 'd toit the IfURLlNfGTOtd-A peiepeeed crn lieu-tvi haliha terrriid cut iîlrl inal edimli tin otit he grerci muniiiiiciiofices ittite Si. till pietiaitin hegin et flicendl ci lhii mvithi. The elgitt. tor, ulaci-siaped dii adiistiration hcildinig vviii cit 3701,000. GeEORGiETOWN .- Bark in 1959, nitrs hire isrned cn cto yearrii foi u cillis,y a700-500i'vote. Buticoionitii bcdis- rrsedtyuccihibcisek may pp e theiseyereimiitcu ti seodruvo it fterrricpii. Criirici r n Pwrs plaied ilce is ktgii puerioitlu icw ucu'ruiriiiiiei anid a iapericg utf perind ai fic riedu ti r t.iiauu peicgithe peit c -eae OIAKVILLP flirti,i-l i Ifaiel Nie iiie'ir if flahielle itas ect riiii , ec ond bocitk ad ict li e plireisonoi.Thec Mark cf Hicur" telle, cf thte fUcited Emire Lunahtt verit reliled iu Ccaaa, and lllcc lier firât litera-y achieveuieiit, "Oakrille and lte ACTON The utie husiness scioe nt taure, rieur cf reSn rcscdyim,mwadraggedtrough ccainil again eas eek. Tere ii't a ucrllocevillasrculd r et tc tralhi., is ie cwn the street Piiday ciglit,'rlaimedrccclilcr Eric Johntsicc as Ire icid cf iteaicgchb sucelanuagr andmwauiga dirluetaceithepreiusmeeked. QUOTE OF THE WEEK Tse easiesi titîg cf ail jr le dereice cne*s self, fer mit a mac wiuiees, ite geneîaliy lielievets b hae tise. -Demeuiheces. BY BMILEY The Canadian Champion Peitlirtei ererp Ttarriay ai Main Si., Miltce. Oct. Membr cf lthe C.M.N.A., lte Oetainf2eier ivisioa C.M.N.A. ae Caeadeae Ciemmeeity Nererpaprs Bepre r'ttic. Adrmic ratesen ic rer Sehncruptiues garatie mi aduam,e Vrpp cn Cada:dd s4Mntl Enelanel andnutheeflnnmnNvaith (oniei SMf tu lthe ISA, rici altir Forenign Cueeli-m Aitehuriee as Secoud Clars Mail. Pesu 0flime Dnpcrlmet, Ottawa. G. A. Dilîr, EdiltînCiif Jamer A. fIrl, Maeagicg Bditcr Ray Dowirt, Nems Biter Puiaied ity lie Mille Pt-atIng and Pusitfadng Ca. LiaL BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TRB-23d1 ETHE GOOD OLD DAYSE GLANCING BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO -AMI

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