Those "Good Old Days Pinegrove School Histoy- Spas. yas T E < IR A ~ 1 M I As tonly as 1851 lte scitoot other yor hywon tht sliteld was taken foto the Sehoot Ares. -qm "qqW'U UW asi dtnde too s 1t antd. 19-63. TI - T trditmsnt dsolng thte tehonlaR parts in 1854 ltrie roe ports Modem FacUth yeor of 196142 rose to 32, the were unitedat nd thereotter Duritg lte yrars moY cen- highest It hod heto for somne lotioni koo as Scltoot Section Num- vanienen ite been added filsr. mooc. br4. lte school. An ot tomnate onco Ntew Board aSc tn I1855 att roteabte property iestatird in 1958. an etectrie, sInon Janoot.y ltt 1M, No. 4Sochute' inte eetows taxed, se thot tcbich has been ottd for hot pot into, Esquetitta Township Sciece 165£ ril bc cettecird ton the lunches, o cophoard for drink- Scttont Areo No. t u ao migit oStie ce-ctoneoasllttt housseon ine peanddlustrs,nshetnttfor board composertlof fiv et awy co 1d tlehal botacrc ond bougict in books, atnd a radio for education- bers in thte township tookeddiotf fileîycar [rom James and JneapoPefilant afler lte funclloniing of the 1 dtn Mt, Nionfr thte son of t2 ponds For 25 yeors trom 1931 t0 1956 echool. Tht retiring schol boord mk ofllasctet mencyeofCanada.Ver y the positieoofsecrtry-neotor- et the end of 1961 cr0 com- tnek a ]il s keeso abot itis tiret t.r et S.S. No. 4 sens copebty done poerd of Thtomas McGer, Cheoster ayc scheel ho Harotd Early. Othernseeretary- Eartp and Spencer Wilson. eaesecy Tbe red brick buitding - or Ireasorers mite toltowed hlm In Jolit, iff, Pioegrone Scheel, Bu, fica seconde.beeote etite,5 ws erThomas Blackettland Mrs. No. 4 Esqueing, closedisndoontr St lit one ef smett dimensions, and jamen Broswn. In the soimmler for lte tant flime, lte childen otei sihwat eo otd b errtm- et t96t Mms. Browsn teft the cons- to be transporttd in Septer toitM à a M o shut cd inodeqeata eqeipmant. Bencit munitv and the boks %verre given jte the new Pintvitcr Seltool ony b le es st.rsed a stcats. Bockýs sacre egain te Harold Earty, seho look- 1the cerner et the Seventh Lino p îled ie reel en thic ciedes. cd alter tbemsi ontil the schoot' and Noochor 5 Siderood, 0E Lat. double desks tere ietre-----------sv daceti. ___________________ mueA, Mure Lattd haeto le 1876 n otriai t acre ethi t land cas heugit Ireo Jas. and it on. bas 1e C eicEartî 1er $50 et tee ilogiAt No tùu. M TU w Abeet 1877 lthe trame slcel A Llui L tA seats and a laew hanchas. N Ir lthit lhite ecra ne leitbies afftt e litIl ceas rapenied reaentty by: ment s et lita olmostimot , F EW 96 i thl for itolding tunches and saheal Canadiens Legtonnanp liit lte Legien tseeS aI att levelnst~som - in unela ietcdlt otntMgatee oa lI elt oe u httt 0o l dlî.-a flite thece Rsý, Reasding, Writ- ltae Reyal Canodion Legion for ty lte end ot 1963 tor titis yatcs fORD grayee mean îd Aritîlmelia. Gitediasct ltae purposa et asnting it in 1sports progrons. F R h o N'as aincd b,- terce caltiser filsc 1963 Sports Program. tlhall it tact. Force ceas paritats Legien membens ereryerc LotEqttlpmet eeecsrsiclca mns eider pepils ceilt tore seitit satisfaction et Fu aa neomiter- et yaars tht. .,îceedud dîrsng flit. caleter tht, damaepmirenl ton lte gconî Milton Legion itou gisen outG L X I 0 0- scerhsiThe ld raditrick aiteal eee.titues recogniioien flocon- o number et itespitol iteds, in-G L XIo0 ,-,a-a uleetor a odled tee croitond mast aeaptableteorm, couid chairs and crulcites and mavwr.Awealî,diraclîs 1 in s ltae Governmene ot Canada anteriaunatlty caverai et titese frontutselsale,iad stlisacs ined lthe National FiînesseCeon- items ctiemreteoaned arefnet TWO DOOR %valet- lis i fur sclseeleeed.liTecitl o flia important nota titeetOn r rerds.Anyone having halle rasc s an lthe eclth ccd Revol Catcadiats Legian is play- eqoîpsent ftIs lte Legien eoin94Fr oeufaue h oko uuyadltn etfic bilding. Ti cscas paltt ini fi mailking Canadienc sports tan fil kindty anited te con-Al16 Fodm es atrth lokflu ryndlee cd lserecseskeetIsl0-cthie ndtitnss sciens.t i aietact lte SeeetaryComEarl ievl lieoieodetdsenred ribue Mograw, s sufihno ee total performance engineering c rsak as ssîîsd. te tae matty individuel Lafien lte eqoipmcot itted ca tocated. te relu Earty Staff scemiters. seio ai lte itrancit Il ls 1101 ltai lte items are lne Staran mac ot hI limie and acteret' Our recordesau hal c p te date. gac o let rhne scaricl tvert.a M ed pruerai terri deI be abl ite îe aseScetis Ba Beltyondcosards makingyoongCenadions The Lafien 1ia ehaata1 111cm S Mili oe. aCttye-i and olit ond strettf titreefi parti- assisi att-cete schhos as et of Tut Mclteel ai% eio fbe ipalien ie Lagion - orgoniaad hespitot bleds, chairs, LIe. F. prss nacs otats rtdo it is c lias. Parade Sunday cse Ie 1,, fttr, lteai $5 .,isos sClle cii lcaip tea lsî. t hi-c-s t f oe Il Leaien emitars ara asked tu ~ A andI ilsek csceditss. Ms. Flemting tafht inlita 599.10 foinios eCommad remamben lthe Decuannoe Oc- uft 7:om u IUU anî S..Ne. 4 ler severat vears e plaitns Dccîeng Clmmcsdrt Parade on Senday est. Seplam- FA I L M I L 5 0 ..Itarar lisi tught for a-cala to f etoureeeae eaii~elt ber 22. Be ai thea Lee-ion Hll tt m *v sieOhclerie Agricolttrat Cottage ait lin p.. ithprae l iedra dala-e a hc ime a a Guepit doline Augost. Titis ha ai lte cenetopi t O 2.00 p.m. TWO DOOR caellita h carataking ceas dentici. lit largsttf is itind weeabifsriewl c'i itfli -sahalats in aorti, bel open Wiîctc, efi ch Ir cemptoiscîs ai 60s, lte job: anvsiceitn in lte ceerid titsaied- fid. lTae panade seul thon morai....t...pae scaa titruss on ltae leecitr. At ng U.S.A.. lte U.K. ancd Ressiai, at Esaerooen Camoiary mitera The 1964 Fairianes combine proven performancePrsco ltaiia Mr. Fleming drere tal basfo tee ita i limae inciudod la' grve s ofthoe, aceu1r co ri.S ancdtrom sciin eaihorstand soeemn its. seio itoverle, rades, miii be deconaled. Thea with family sizedi inferiors. in the t hages. taý favoritegalmec, titan 1 ccised traininga a! coachesu ltatts Rer. A. K. Griffith seul b ho lita. sctinnyttahallt h ocn granti. speciaiespeaker. -mar is Bell Dctmoaîtrattott ý port tramt ltae Fedlerai Goecrn- flc tin A n -vstar came le Ilsew ieIb oit- c lf caris hiktey. lhici CouceLsir t.eid tase1 un teees. b,' fixing FOR ME FORD thti .simple eantrivattces tn flie seenc - Ilnewtit wrs han ýedîng messfage, ils...........- lieh se ant. lisir belc- ta« rw y unds 1 'AI E U U Cam te oeott Il is inenetion. dorsalt. 3500 tu flic. teas of thte1 ~ --,,aA-r de ofr nie î Amonf-I tica teaclcars wcio Halton Nt.w Dt.moa*atît. Pat, Tthe 1964 Facnôfr de o fr nie m c ia,,il tthstalo g itgt tee $275 a st-tt aspetsec - e lr proved economy and a sofier big-car ride.flii scr i Racela Ru-sell, Miss lietaiaber hasts detlca- les-e wt -s1is M. ge MFrac file oncted asoticar $25 ttc flie qickIat hi- MuQocats Ml-c- Delta Nsxon, -ttskitt Coco-Cota titmilton Th wltit mis.. Jact Casmpbell, Miss Mae. Plats Wsss kaa. Tis donaotion is Mia~ssbc Ms, Millar, Mctisa ficsseatis su lai andsut ai thlotsruts,. Mit, Lilis MaYs. ,oiitse ticls soop teens to-5 i-s Mildiaci Kaooed,. Ms-ctsitisîac ,clits tlie GDLC. As t-s l,ssa Ms- Ja,sc Religion Clait Dougla, Miss EIie Wasllae, Mis-c-c Flie Labos ceioleisaarl-! Mis, Tlle Ric hmissond, MiNs Wst Religton Lsioe Clubt ta hsîid ao FORD Sitsil Muss- Vents Leslie Miss banquset or, Septemitar 3t le- P itsssscs Ms-- lahal geatits.-ctitlsalarg. isits cenui C-'",Ms. Rssîkîs. Me- Mss% sr as tasenetastae ts St. Psati, OG Ms, itssai MeKIa. Cisasci Hallit sî.GksiIie. OY n s' s G se Ilsrd Mss. Kh- lice Labs- As.,entitiststa tue ti Seiiled Haro et F ecirlo et Ltabour Contention Se sa s., ha 4,it 5s N a t at. cn Thîn-siieli buckei seats, pediesial-mounied and re- ci1lc sew Ms- Mitts tracte ____ _a t-Il s, i istts tc FIX UP POND tractable seat bouts ail contibute f0 grenier inierior 4 ii1 setsl 1t mkdocb be-ic Ilia mal ponîsd ai tht. room and convenionce. g San Msis. sss .1 si ts lia-top -Branle Si. corerhutsadr , lelo ali, n, ts sIckua leit a itey on Ms Ls mens ci it. o aniglesoi las ioe oc- hcetki ,r, . , , lo ,cr by reitacit le -, dblu. owsr, s- osîaire abtout daeing flic te lthe Msitssrlv . . sîhob e sal, osunei Thtufc wtri aster s J M.De-cece Mi-vaeant subdivision fildad sn fisedstheapstfor a per sriinsg iniotheasoesb-wt cor. Thonl istcioi25 913-1i-938..Ameng nas ol theafield tand enarena Cedr tss-ss' flicsae toram ieil sst ssiteslidaeat HomeC TlcO likn' ise ts a akn1Io tord, rats Tocen toreman Lttuiuviii lititcsna thi, flas cea 198b .L McKcsr-caid lthe toteesf ing; flot oSkuc.rnte tei ci I93L.L sie colve-t-ci.uldmakiethe cancre Il 40 J.a. tacl tarI o d9rai insu lot srarits tilit . Promincî 40J.A tssieaolHasmilton ,1 "e il î tlae yTorchler prait- Ag Necrnmal Sccmt ansd L. L. Shaca ters bourdg! tsi Hallitn Coulcîs lnspectorate5 - ______- exciztilged psositions. Me. itîeS FRIESUAT asca ochri ecle r lied te Hîtton. Scptembac,s FR dianci E ont Tîed Bpi oilwil eie 1941 lTae aspect ors siie L. L.' atltNctn onoroîsarîed-- B . Skucc hatve boas R. F. fltn. .stis ttto, casterir provinsca il Keepy 'rguestswao>' uloora lioid. E. Jordan anti G. G. M oI. u'c: dsonglthe nortit shone tirartiutnero of heSi LwrrieQullc x- yorhr coaltha bt luie * liceil s u teady Du-t.tis nacris ar cast s lt oai-t clthti stric bas. Mantie Teiachero aits ai St. John's, Nltd. colour marked so uca beMDTU"Grl Dos ing oillitics masca bo- sort if satt, dtpendable, caea secs im portaat sebjaci st-csrhaict u 03 tt, hit ,hitsscurriculum. Amon-ls-ot etng te arn I compact adi5tttC ttcv 55t Ille c- experienc era c hic-s Aico-sia Sinclair, Miss Illeg n roi ilantr MePitait. Stîart Buren iat Mon air, Franck fiit Miss, ola I NK F L 5KC ~Jnoe Scliîcidar, Miss Donna M'Milil I IDDA ki . ltarep and Mcc. Mary Kidncy. N URYT A A GR O r R o teetripe Pinegrore itas item prnud ni CRAWFORD ta r the mooysingensewhthave dnc **L Ont..,s nrite cait spinll. lThe choir wvon lte CAMFOUU.VILE 4M rn MAl TIN ILO TR 8.2369 rntn siivan cnp for 1cm yoans in a ut 40111 a'eI~ST mn row 1958-39 and 1959-40. Tcm steag