51 an ils 5 93a tovtOrIl 1 i Wft Pbiwitas stoport b.aapleavlabaeCp bvgreigeed, na otticer ll.~rMb~taasa#s>sl ad.al1 =ooe cfegh waso ahaind frreri off 1- dmMf!c lr t'ores acr, rd a'ag Jet4ais, ga, An opeîaeo6daae tMdia mers who lied servaid olîl tire OCSM 12& tneiosfs bU aa = ~ i ll pleneon Wosaonbr e D ui g naedereed. . Active Army. These siere: Malor Maltisn Wddal itt bg joiJai the l3rJ 4Comulm ais arr- The5 a>g55 ~an l defec plttn PeeF H. Ciihoir an 2 IC; Capit. S. aeused mlth lia eslore ay s try -lgaila uder Bris. W. H. S. d4isalliai gthe 2 db dplteus o n IL Charteri, Adjorar; Catit. Ar- prenant Il atli Mejastp ahln Lagbhuen, Rnglanid ande April 4, 1946, 2-91k on May 14, tnd Bemp. OC Ciry., Ozikc-lie duf, t Woed Plscl commeocasi traindng. The unit 194r6a lanihs.a aat.~ d finally the 2-8k on Aine Eacy, OC igoo Cp. Geortorn b aiLiat. Coone n ws dsbaded NoembIr 1 144. doma CD5oultoi lacis. ga"il5 16, 1946. Luron Scots personnel C Cil o y GedRSIi'gci Sasythe's Cldnpsre. Ai No. 14 Grosana Distance PIn- 48 »hu St., UV5Oil Ont. had seconed wlih distinction In c ui od Ru 0r fancer memirers Ofcil Mhoti uaten mai authirslia )4a=oh 18, SNSPPIEI PAUI TRAINING North Mrlica, Siîîîy, liait, MWI Pinmer relie n asrpie arenvrt taOs " h et-19adwsmbiielJl 7 by RSM cd" aCd ms îr.ce e oat It -Ws 9- 1942, aiCatmp Nsiagr nd Jalm17 CAMPl norik-mest Earope trom Diepepe Te Cui ma*l Send ulod santa tad,14.orCm igaacim Thç Luron Scot Training Boîta- ta tire accupation af Girmany. A tiOsstu Sesainmsmaii sdcl mentied training milir Na.i6 Ie' lion. omider commandt ai Lt. Col. large number ut otiiczr servaid LESS THAN 10% 1»,,hwW laCrmicslsiiloi nePlalaun. Oc Nacemlmer 12, T. B. Sor, Royal Canadian Regt- on carions clati appiinnntc Ai thie lime ai Ccofecalian, C0aitslî, yeelse ais, 48 the plaicua mas mavnd ta Tee- ment, oad Major W. R. Lenr. 2 and tririong establishrments in mlien virloally ail of Canadais Oint St., Brmptonlueil.. race, B.C. Oc May 12, 1943, ihe I/C. ascmblnd at Sireffield Park. Canada, Rnglaod andi Conisnntal, produlction icos tire output of THE DEISENCE MA'gO>NS plaloon agomn moved t0 P a t alSreRgodao aa-Rrp.rimcry indoitry, lire griats rat- SRVING lIN CANADA George for iomiil operaluos cd int is rampaniea ai tour LORNE SCOTS fanal prialoci mas Iris lirai $200 No. 6 leetînce and Empîoy' wiîr tire lOtir Brigade Platcon pialoons cacir. nomireresi 1 t 24, Peni, Duttern & Haliais Restitent pec capile in termi; of liday's ment* Platoo tor sesvice sîiti and lire 111h Division Platan, le on Jane 6, 1942. Canaiean Aesisp ikllitia) dollcr - Icis Ilico 10 per cen t tire irIo Gandian Dicision wa iuly. milr irrigade beasiquarleri, Oe 0 rn i eismrh l -16 ftdvsprcpt upto moliliced 'anoer lire comcmand lire oeil iralonsi ai Wainweigirt Ovr91 eo I rnr acr 96- 92o alicrr oioIiîltc ut Lt. Col. L. 14. Bcrîram ai Albrerta. In 1944, the plaion id jeto camp, bol wilh addiion- Lit, Col. N. L. Pameli assumcd wea;lIli. Brampton, conuisrlcg of one of. moved ta Nanolmo anddiçhad- ai einfocemenas, user 1,230 ai commantd aftie Second Rese-si tucer and 60 otieer rocks. cd Jaooary 31, 1945. ' ait raclas mere un strenglir uthrie Batlalion on Fehrary 21, 1946 NO. OF PAPERS Tire menrsee ylaced on toli- Ne. 16 Deence Platoo mas au- ed of tire concentration. Tire unit ma diebandesi and rire Tirere are 116 daily ocospap- sisîcoce. 137 O.X.s ece sert Io tirorized May 12, 1942, and mas A eomeaoy was tormed trai Pirol Biiait lir te Luron Scots ors ic, Cantada 198 Engliili. 12 No. 29 Canadian Army Training formed tramt Luron Scots pier- ici Atrip Dene Coy.. ooder C. A. Reserve, mac enactlvatds Prench, sic in olirer langoogeil, Centre for truiftiog, lire romnain- soninet ai1 Camp Niagara, Jaty 16, Capit. V G. H. Piips, officers.- mill Lit. Coi. C. T. Sirarpç., E.D, abrout 740 Englisli langitoge der mosed ta Camp Niagara on 1942. Under lnd LI. A. W. Conp- CapI. J. W. Orennoc. Lt. T.' And. eommaoding ai of Nnvme 15, - eekly nwpprq bu 7 Jette 24, 19-12, a total cîrcoglir of er, lire unit1 moned ta Prince erson, Lt. R. B. Cote, Lit. J. RIl 1946- Prenchi.langooge sieîs, aid twu Ofilcers andi 171 ORs.,Bu' George on Janoary 12, 1943. In Lt. D. H. Androws and Lt. S. R. Tire enliro otticer strooglr ut birot 0meie pulilisied in slc training personito mere pont- lune, il mac irrougiri op to Kelly. B. Coy. os tormed trots tire Second Reserne Bultallan atlier angoages. e cd t0 13 14, 15, 16, 17 ands 18 de- strooglir iy icocuierlnii rien ist Cari. Core. Detenro Coy., tece pluaine on Juty 17. troin No. 8 and 14 platouns. Ai- comriunded iry Mal. P. H.Cis.c lo O Spe B . 10, onaoficer ter training in tire ase ai asmaule boim, ulirh Capt. M. T. McAtpioe, nd2 Ri' proceedied 10 dii- hasta, tire unit wac dlsiracdid Lt. C. W. Darling Lt. J. M. Cam- siooal ireahpaartenri Work PointOGiber 15 1943. osier, Lt. D. A. Reisi, LI. S. R. harrucirs. Victoria. Lt. Jolie Bei.t No. 17 1?Iatann moi aalirized Cliarters, Yt. W. Bulden ands Lt rami assumnd commaed on Oeta- on May 12, 1942, ond di-îirnded E. J. Lowrence. her 17. A totl trnh lr oIlcf 48 ail Nosiemirer 15, 1943. C Coi. wcs formesiCraiom tir tsnts icas repoeted in Jarmars. Diobassiaid ta 1943 four plalaina of IcI Canadian 1 943. Io May, tlie fulîyarti 0dn No. 18 Platotiwac auîirorized Division, rammaoded hy Maki. E. active pericsone mere Iranste- on May 12, 1942. nIiiepiemirer. t G. Potion. milir Mal. W. O. resi Io lie detoit te pceecd ocer- was, mosad lu Natiaimno. te ici' Slockdale, LI. C. P. Ricaon, sens. roorY. tire unit mas trrought up tîî Li. S. T. Btraliry, Lt. S Beatty Oc Jatte 9, tire National Rn. strocgt ik mu National Rcaou,'e- Lt. C. D. Beatty andi Lt. K. C. surces Moiiliaion Act cecraiti e kioilluatin Act rooroîts. Tire Campirin. D Coy. mas comanad- once reccivadi ta sompile e-. unit was dishanded Octdaer 15, cd hi Major H. G. Pneaok lairlisirmeot. In Joty. LI. J. H. 143. . ili Copt. J. M. Burgess, Lt. R. Bcd t-cm mas Stracir Otf Nu. 19 Ditence Platane o,îs W. Dodd. LI. P. B. Barber. Lt. E. StreegIb and Lt. J. R. Witbinsan auirizesi August 1, 1942 and J. Not-is,.LI. R. C. Richiards. assamed command. In Ocîcirer, moliiliaed aI Camp Niagara. Ir E Coy. mac commcnded iry 1943, lire unit mas ai Prioce Jarrua-y. 1943, tlie plaloctc le IMjCTSiap.mti aI GotB.C. Tire unir was db-. for Port George aid 'J"rugr erl t bade acuary 16. 1945. Op ta serengîli wili Nuliocal .W acly e W No. 8 Defenen cd Em 'Y- Resoucoci Muhilizatian Act reA- iîo, e .K Hosam ment Plain for tire Eih Canca. cruils os Pelirary an93Tlecd Lt. K. C. Cross. Major .R diac Division oas aullîorized on platooi mas disiranded Octohen Barbier, Li. W. R. Ward, Lt. J. P. 15, 945.Plooman. Li. E. J. Lusirence and Jeute 15, 1942, al Camp Niagara. 5 95 LI M J. Gcay once posîrd tn liy Lurne Scot per-sonnel uncdci No. 20 Defecce Platoc %va.; LI. Cnt. L. H. Sertrare. Lt. Goo' authociaed Aogss 1, 1942. The cl'pars. ans and cice NCOs mose, to 2ed Baîtolion Lorne Scots ocr- Aiso aîîcnding weee LI. 3. R. Jasper suirh aoriroritp ta moiril' o pt-osidr tire NCO's. Tir pia- Black,. Lt. P. D. Gaiderlian, LI. ize tire plaloo on Beplemir11. louc oaa mot-ed te Fort George. E. W. Word. Lt. R. L. Goddard, On Gitber 15, 21 iaîeneîi IIC., os fciraary 6. 1943. lie Lt. C. W. Armstrong, Acting Capt. olirer rocks arriced and cmr- platoon receit-edJ32recrairstt-om acd Adiotaut. Lt. C. M. Bct meocedîtraicicg. OnNvm, 6Cnda rn ascTann nk t .Ln and LI. W 14, ireadltoarters moved t0 Prince Centres- le Mareh, tire platoon Leacir. RSM Brome cf tlie GeorgeOn Peirruary 8, NRMrA moed eastoCamp ValCartier Scots Guards mas attacires as -tf ht mec came in to compîrte tire esý ond Dehert, 14.S.. on Aprit 6. bn RSM. THEI SPUTNIES uf the Milton Girls' Soiniraîl Loague, at-e cur- lairlisirmeet of 80 ORs. PFatigaes July. 1943, tire platcon mas mai- Tire training concicteat of drill, reecly iattlng t outar ctrie finals fie rire champiocship, muirh suern sntriosly finîertering scitir ed toVernon, B.C.Tireounit was route marches, cruoss country The Tirunderbirds. Shomi, leir to rigir thrie baîk tom are basce training. Oc Septemher 21, dishanded Octoher 15, 1943. rumnrnepatcsad JntSih -rh ade adeDlhnJ iSur LI. G. C. Gardiner, tire perma- No. 21 Deteoce Plaloce wa urae on rng poThes taini JnrOii osr adeSîr earnJîiSc nent O.C. uf tire oeil, joinesi. Chr, aotirorieed August 1, 1942. ýOn pearl moupetegb Taiu erano- acd Shirley Brîdgeman la rire front tom are Down Stuart, Octeber1% 1%M95eieOu msMab-,10,CMSnetrn a npceth alu esn lrgarit illint, loger Jonson. aid Sasadi Witiney. Diune Octtbe It' t45,theuni w C brcý iNleni Grait aSi Gveel otitc af iencttding Lt. Gos. B. L. dsconded. . poccedei nv VralyCrtr andONid Montgomery, Generol Officer Facta, Donca Wrîgglecmorth aid Lyci McClintock wnre ab- Movesi ta Nanaloso fuuced lia "JV a s Cartreand commnding Saut li Easiera sect for tire piroto. No. 13 Defence Pltoo sias formed fromt Frenchi speaking Cmad Ti cldicsd____________________________ aotirtid Mct-c18,I1942 andpersuoel. Traiingowa lared buli 13, 1942. mohilized ai Camp Niagara in acd tlie unit oac irusv wiill Canada sopplied a division for Joly. It oas moîed t0 Naîcicra goard duties ansi fatigues. The the alliesi farces of occupa- mitir LI. R. B. Alkins in comn- plaion oas diuiraoded Octîîlr ie in in Germany ateer tire ait- mansi and commrocesi training, 15. 1943. islice. Tire tires division mon fatigoes andi dolies it ur Ili3Il cirocen ansi lire Lorne Scot ocr lnfant-p Brigade iroadqucrtecs. alliocizrd t formn lire detecce On July 12, 1942. tir IStir Brigade Tis la tire igirtir ire a aerlea plaions for the 2-7ur, 2.01h ansi groap sailesi froin Vancouver as of artiles dsilns miii tihe Mat- 2-91h brcigades on buc 16. 1945. part ofthlie U.S.A. force t0 nopal tas-y ai tire Lamne Sealo, Os The remainder of lire Canadian lire Japoîcce teri île Aleatian Octaber i2, tire feel Duttea-In Armp oas demohilizesi. Personnel Islands. Tic landing or Kisia Haltan mîlitIacot mil irU e Oece movesi icore unit 10 ueil in wsucopposesi as tire Japasese prostateai mllits nalars hy a ccder that tire aider cadires lias ecacualesi the isîcods. reproseatatice, oi Her Malicly, miail lic celruesi irome itrsl. Ais How Munly Pigs Hove Yeu Seen Peelally net clip many bar Ileu of farmees ère kickise sp thoir bules mih sy et the extra profits bang made hy fallowinq h eapR* STARTER TO MARKETa HOG PROGRAM THE Supers weet Prsgram sl easy, campae« and bath. ~ edul p hp the Peeds that mili ge pose bous off te market et a BETTER WEIGHT with à SETTER FNSH and ~ eta BISTTER TIME, ail of c which adds up tei MORE Contact us today and one of our represtentatives wiIl b. pleased to cafl upon you. wtFORMULA FEEDS TR 8-2311 MILTON, ONTARIO A Division of Robin Heed P~W, Mlii. Lmiweo Childe Icone a way wdrh oeds. Whoeldse coitit eîroc np a CO-0P* pilosophy andsiaevice la crie shsort seunece. lat thirt a Ieettec way ofsayiog teat tise gîriding spir-it uf ste Ca-eperarive riovement la tIse feUlowthip ccd warrat of die CO-OP family. Mnnd wmer wonlsing tagetlcir for a frrll, osonre ecordiig life. Ore, for tltat mtntire coulsi w onovey mru oee ccinc- inglythenlomeycon-feesof CO-OP SongloHcating ... gitaranteesi b7 tep quality fael ansi backed by frer CO-OP service, Yes, chlddeu have a veey special way winis morde; widtlsilern, itas what îhey rîleui net hem they top it tlta*ecoieers Tra. ch PE HOME HRATING SERVICE . FmrClea.an-oîd C.odiui-ig a Pri Aneaal Inspectioo s Prie 24-hur Emirgne Sîrnice FUELO0IL * sYeupay olyfor olad eplaerent parts HALTON CO-OP SUPPLIES OMMQWN MITO -inro The Camrdian Champion, Thurs., Septeankan 19,,1963 Family Travels to England Ti a h ags - ~ ccicd evraccommodated at ane For Big W itnsses Convention 1 ime lvIis'i world lamoussc Derrick Hornaky local buici- mer. lic and ii familv trivrlded gii*rioundq. ness man, represecled *Ib ii tei England ta attend: This weckc-d hc will (akle bis ton congregaulan of Ie9uimjsib Thec British assembly ws une famiii. and rlaig îcith ail he Wilneîscs nt ii groupas Arord. ofr twnty-iorcionventions helîl Jehcivah's Wianocccs in the Mil. the-orld "Evelastng o eî"h-cidc e'.lting in a 1!ton aorea. ill bc ginsgtHaoil- Nhew"convertios.î Th id n aItendance of oicr 550,000. Mr. ton fur the semli-ansual cicuit Neici"~~~~~ ciriin.Thesr-korn.by and familc were among '-emnar for Bible instruction. THE! TI4UNDERBISOS, coached by id Stroud, are presently playing ini the fiins of the Milton Girls' Sufrbcll League. Shon i tf1 ruight in rthe fr-oct are Sciai Morley, Felicio Perersen, Leslie Watkins, Judy Stroud, Terry Stror4d aid Firiny Nyhoîrlt rire bock rori are Coach id Stroucd. Carol Donaldson, Colleen Wright, captains Violet Sichih and Lic McClure, Lyon Gond- lack and Wjlberdeen Vern Grunscen. Mr OPl THE MANYff REAS ON S WHY Good Government deserves YOUR support 1 Jipeoemi tIn yeur living standard men guarntes nidOueepriseS contributitig la Onlgcio'a gtumîb 2200,000 aco jobs by 1967-yînr Connervative Gosieenment'c Trada Crasada (irny Cunodian) aims te ereoir ne manid'aclorieg ansi job oppeittuieinl tht Province. improved ognlroltura roears--rina 3ordinotion of nil researchi hy the Ontario Agricoitural Rîmcarch ln- situle orokis new techiueos andi oppaitonilits availahle. 4Admroa ad subcldy paymegts- Oeiorio's counlies, towncships, cilles 4andi villages receisit asivance pap- mentiea aîit ioadircilduiig, piuiide emplaymiol. 5Fair magne for Goneremnt wonlto - o r Gecement ici midrspreod 5 rnioimom mage standards by inciasi- icg a Oogeclause in aIl pubrlic moîks contracte. - 6Fanae managueent sasltan--Cor fat-nu., o progearit ilat hmIps im- proie youir bosiness ansi moarktting prec tie i l lie expundeti. 7MAd foi expeni macafaetacers-trod- ieg groapi are forttied andi ueo-ar- dicalesi effort promîotes bosiness. Meoos nore proipeeity foc Ontario. 8 Brigirter future tafour rcildrea- patlership of pour Govecament 8 antI indoîlcy in the Octario Re- ocorcir Foiindclion in ensuîiag a salisi future. 9 Expansiosni ofecatirosal ftseicl- in 1962, 217 siocatiocat scirool pro. 9 jeets weee conplted ni undîr con- struction. 1O Medîgal andi Densa Staals-t AId- pour Gioîenment Rives hursaries of 10 l$,000 ayeur to stodenla who agec te senre t'a areas la tht Prince where ihtydie oced most. h Vigras lnadirsiip-goed gcierc- miect leadersip gels things donc foc 11ihe people. John Roliarîs' admnisi. tralion is for you. Joh RbatisVote Progressive Conservative âiL ~in Ontarjýo VOTE George Ker IN HALTON a Marriei, 3 cirildeen. Sernesi on Board of Managementl of lis Crci. e Lampe- - Meriher Law Society cf Upper Canada and H,îliîîî Cocîriy Lao Assciaionc. * Peomolesi Agrlculicral Reirahilita. lion Dinelopmnnt Association Lugiclatian. " Memirer Bedlngton Retardesi Cildren's Associaion. ekiemlierBurîngtnTown Counti 4 yeurs. e Cliniaii Finacnce Coiiiiiicand Buinrs Ocîcloprieni Comorillee e Former Vice-Peesideni andi Diai loir - Chamirer of Commece. YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSIRVATIVE HEADQUARTIS lIN MILTON-464 MAIN ST. PHONE lu Smê