Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1963, p. 11

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JF ý- - 7 - - - ", 1 ý -stni ,' , e ,M ' -Photo by Doug McCutaht.o SHARON JEAN BAIT, daugirrer of Mr. and Mrs. 'James Beiley of 245 Garner Ave., Milton, became the irridir of Robert Allen Hastman, con of Mn. and Mrs. George Hesiman of 56 Misssauga Rd.. Bronte, in a reaent cernnony. -Ptott trc Dalla MaUtOlitro ME. AND MRS. ERtAN JACKSON are chaon follamting thein marrtageoan Aagcct i4 an Gnose Angltcan Chursir. Tic bride mas the o lrmer Larel Ana Clark, daaghier of Mr. and Mil CWCark o174Mari St. Milon Heci theson of Mr andMes KWJacksof aR wam nvle. k By MRS. LIL HOU2STON items for tis soctal aces nologe are m ý etcnmed. Cati Mna. Houston et T.r &9f284 Mtv. Wiliiinr Iltrî tnt Wrrna Mr . andt Milv Dites Bart ai guist,Cassis., tritattd tnt Miltonas VinVctrr.n Bf1., cisrtad anar flira %vues.îandrtcriscittn,'llenacef trcisedll itiirj onclea.fGeorge litt'ull tira ga .ttttn ai Codliore, anîd hIoitcousinr, Mr. Margarel Larrrnî Iarons Otraipi ai Mrs. Allat Closnts. Gaoaral Hospitarl. kaCngratuliatiorns and hast misi- Carra ablations la Mn,.rand ans ns Wittîann Gifirsy, Ptinca St.. Mrs. Frasi TocS aI Dt'rrrtirr' 'ssvia catebaiîd iris 90tir iirtir Icio taliratt thiri 541h nced ' sî ettsa.Spah f diing anirzistyalr Stînda. Sept' attairat 15. Mins Jaîn Nanail. Matra SI., Mr. andsiM'.13c'tte Witeof retuca hoame Manltalr ira it an l'l l 1 iii lptiet in Mili mn Distrit Yv anir ai Vitncols'r B.C. vs nal 1Hoptl "10'ttrr'ilativecs leIII%1 otïtl aSîSOîl Bttltntl.îî gît.'atirlg Icr Miss d.,. Patîlirra Mankiar vhotîNcill ec Inne .5e * han iit-ia Thirsalc m. tF. W. ttîirtla .'nîc Mi Saîntetrirr 19. Mirrîr A. tfilla.tteaclad tlirac- orrrdKasvick Coilrn for Mi," M.ay at, ld ins Kancik 1aatl as unintaoa St. Pacins Unrited i rutsi Hasca Part Carlinag iro Fridtv sarnice on Soadav maronnas su tli Sotrtav aftanoont, Septerrirt.' aiad a1 rrtnds an lasso, 13, 14 rîri 1 1. Tca tiistirgoisi Ca tttitto arnd tvii ,nnl Nits iirtn Intl . atittirstaaisitr'taStrAltl 1.l f'tirtalrca %as. "TIra Chrnistian [Mrs. J. Arnntd, Borton St.. ai' Woreati asd tira Woslst Todot." ýietndcd tire mcddihg of hiem ailc 'Misa Marilyn Immm, Toronta, on Mn. and Mnc. S. P. White and Satardayr Septereirar 14 in Ctif. Ihein daaghten, Mn, and Mns. R. smcri United Chani, Scaronho Hawkins cf Pctnshnras, spool tire1 weehcnd os the homeof nE he Miss Barhara Gernais, Pin St., daghter, Mr. and Mrt. C. Di.lspoct theweoeedin Toronto Etoiers Etngsesn Crescant. oisitiog sS hel sinters. Approve Generous Chelque for Home Sts. Helen Joncs, District Depu- meechens. Plans are hcing mnade elar cf the tost coopte nf yoarn ty President nf Centre District Il far the instaltation oE offisns n In n'hish tIra Rehehahs tonS port. viisntd Evning Star Rehehah Nocoochor 14. Lndgn otcisida ie A socialihallhourmwancrin Lndge 7f, Milton, on the roopon Ilusal faonrr afl cohich Bsn. Bers hy the rnamsso ocaa arrd logof Si. Joes' aml fadce, Jenshliladpictunesfpast andiches. Thgnsdey Septerehon 12. Ste. Jean Rend, Nohle Grncd, peild.isaas e The Lndge apened in sa fnrm. Sic. Hoten Joncs, D.D.P., Univer*sity W omen Start malls introdusod hy Sic. Haze nt e e t tu y G o Woodtey, J.P.NOG., and sootanmnd f er S Roid. obeGrn Ss Ja The Miton and district hmaish Set Up Greoupe A gnoocequo ishOeingofthe University WorncosClub IntsrestCop Connerr Mrs sont ta funtiror theo rsdniflfl tmeigo la E. RH.Csron dscosnod theinter- prouo fan thnr chapet in tho Bar' son an Soptomhon 12 os the otadsopgnp niai rie Homcof he In tdepondent Or_ homo of Mos. F. S. Msat. eand concfd attropemhn av ir' den of Oddfettans and Rchchahs. The nets prosidont. s.SB s ana Mm W. W.orae aial m m ii t Reada Constrisai FramM, mRcro t Br esnomhcrWcW ra wl Sic. Otadys Cracion, P.N.G. was and intnndosod hbor exe00055sn She conrenu' tho Edosasion Iteront giron tho hanor of nncadsing Sic. sattcd on tho prgram converser, Croup, Mms. W. O. Joncs the arr Hicter Jones, D.tJ.P.'s 'Commis- Mrc. H, Pon'nps, wiogutiined a encanukp, gMou.p Silo PBraco the great sin"Si. Oladyn thackod hier- aried acd intsin nic cfhosgoa odM. F. S. Roll[ gorîthe hsr ndrrishfor lir metngesîr forîthetnsng ya. tIra mfuir books. Tirn aso col uckandbel tocrryon he ini peaer ilbc apir w 1nat iontarant gracas in Iota. her ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ far aadk inta thniyya ipo o h rhtcua ai Tho District Dcpaty Prosidans sianc Assosiation n'ha n'ii ad. rea far n ttso hrought sevonal pointa cf inter- drocath lu s uhn Qatahan ait the Wmn est frnn thePresidentofflic Re- home oftMrs. D. I. ngeîof Ac- Coi aandsses nsrsn. afir Acaomhty ta lhe Ludgs ton. cd follown'ig thes meoting. RIGHT AROUND HOME Bp SHIRLEY ta tlirs fan.hion ror id tlica fld- sgraa rvnr for airur. 15 mi notes sig' tlic sait rasi hottes, ormi- irra tan lias cre andrrs sitaicer hatare srsing. g.tlirt. Cool ta lokcarr. il mas invcnîat in Japan arasad HONRY RAISIN FANTANS Maantrme, moasara toksmorre ô75 A.D. But in tlia todn'orid (Milies 2 Doaee natt.'iloa largehnla srir in ita d ifftrant slory - onIY . cup milk flc2 tcarpooans sigr Sprnkle rrne[anhas lrstincinhedtltseif ns cap grcrnoalcdnagar %villerr-as. Let stand 10 intes, an e areaaout of frsrion. 2 sicnpos sait sianstir weil. andsi r ' theoFantan. n,4 caphbuttrrornmargarrina Suir lokuarr murk mixture, Fanrans arcaîrtratfuartvt'son 'r capioukanarresater rlt'lcltngs anttorl'aarind 'Aadinnar rail macla saliras 2 lacasptttrngranaslatod sogar inrsutiissnnrtlcaanîAdd 2 ccups bnaill la yars ai fioffv rIl can 2 ancalopan fast'risiog activeof ic ilsfoar, iraa antit neotir. ha posasi offi ane ha ane. Tirs dry yoant Work la suoitist addilionai la tant tnnisan cf Iris delisaa in a 2 cils sslaitaln flar, lu maka a sots dough - fraittandlnolladon rolllavrsi 1laaspaonarangerird bhout2acelpsreni lu irakiapart anily, mithay fusi caps (abhout) ait-' and huttr spriadl iratrsan tira plarpis fleur Tara ot delog alt al tighti siist ceta datisata orange- 2 rahiaspoones mitad hbutter fitorc botard i-o canca and ]lar'or'ct dottgh. oreargari ne knuadlcatrt snroirand aii. Tfray tassafi hast fruitr tlira h tairiasprns liqaid lonay Place rt rcasatihortt; granctop avion, a il you're plannring tant1 cup lrtrireati.aadssraisins "'th soit buttertarrmara irezesoti u se sun a n cap sIlaîcirppasîmwalccrs Crnar.Le'trix'e in a vrrr place, l'cr a day nr, sa laies'. scai rats Srfl iruîtar or margarine flan, tram drair. olt doairidn inloail andtrhaathrnemin a 31 Sai milS; stir'in their rsp bolk - thoatt1iralls t ~ ~ Puc ForIl siraaoogi. Tara sout ornta iltvfioaredirardiortcase vas. Dir'iti.'iti inta 3 astral piacas, Rail vacill porr'ion ilra rectangle 12sf inuies. Br'tstî aer ots' matfgaina sti funsil Sprinii macr eEangnt scitir raisins arrd il o.t Casrcir ractanrgla tangliil 4t slriPs. 2 incira scida Pila slriPn ane top aftir otirar. larniof top srrip anar- - ironen mixlture ciii ira icaida. Cor ate f ai e rira stasirs iota f aqoassl piadan Inn inchensr'vide. Plarce, a cur ni"aie, ingnaasaci mruffin pas. Grasn top., sciriItbtes a galn Carir Lai risc irn axa placa, tce tris fasun doublet! inr irlk - aliarr t ou BaSa in a praircatani mrdarar l aan 1eur375 dg. Fi) fat f825 minuttes ar. 'e irmaedietal "HONEY RAISIN FANTANSt'for.ntctatfa.Is YOU PUT A DOLLAR DOWN, WE'LL ADD A DOLLAR TO ITl AND WEILL LAY AWAY YOUR WINTER COAT OR JACKET J Jasni $1cw visod yoarn sel nlercoalt or acket acnt Ocraier 1. And mcl match lire dollar For aanplo if tie ccat yo choase ns $49.95 yaa patlcdown a dollar and me pat ldowon a dollar and liere ns asl $47.95 due mil e mc sd lire coas 1cr yoa. Maie ycur seleotiga nové mule ocr stock le Many anylma ta chraie froto . . . vtt for tInn or plin hadesn fiietmwolftmataic.faily ied. Cotrs areiblack,,bramired ,gray, grenand mal othrs. Jacksts trr Suadra, mac1 iacîtinates Ilnr faiiy pie lirid, Hall, diraio qaie anrd long styles. $1 CASH CREDIT ON ANY PURCHASE 0F ANY WINTER COAT OR PARKA LARGE VAEIETY OF MENS - WOMEN'S - BOYS' - GIRLS' WINTER COATS and JACKETS i20MAIN ST. TR 8-9261j "la The Heart -of Haltonc Cl FOR FESTIVE ENTIRTAININO, or a small bofffer supper, norhing is more strining virh poor crystal and silver than rhe gossamer glamoor of crocher loncheon mars. Even e simple meal becomes aspecial occasion wheni serald on nhis serring. Senid 10 cents and e sramped, self- addressed envelope asking for Pattern C-3636. In losna. Miss Roith askasl Organization uorector lucctheron n rgd thcr oai lvotc an ccoinod proruta of Explains W.M.S. Purpose th Ira aeil aalbe Tic. Robetston Assoîliary of c cio hart.eur hc aos frae al] The ptasident thankrd hon lot c' hun monrformrative tiand Kox W.M.S met on Toanda - drncminaîrcnnand manv ni the afteati hysmnrs "0 Montortat oflfast %usandthatasthr'doas n hesmatrs haveme alkîthleTira an dthe guest. Mtss Looise A. Itl Ditaa comae tram n.'tirad mtnnionartas,, Mîo1tai Banadcictin, tight roînosr- toàa Organiation. Th pni or [rom trllesinarioo.Bc-;îoa.src.lrthsc dans. Miss E. Chrshotm, opoosd cause the chorcirlhas the mi tlconimiîtaae the meeting nitir a fats thooghts o'orkers in Ildra t hu, ranoon- ______ on'"Forttiiation"',and cnlcnsd s inlity ks greatar lor the wark! 18 ramlnrand thnaanvisitrs'thrnastaai; but againnae-1-Don'tlorgat to castsoa, Ithelirstlfalmeeting. Theosicf' mindsd mamrnner oft hein neil ballot ir Ira Provincial ltin ilg aI Hors Snaat tha Nama nponsihitity in Canada as watt. trans Wadnasslay, Saptamra 25. of Jason Soondo" nas totton'sd hy Tha Lord's Pronan, napoated* in onison. Tieria s rieonponts n'osa hoard, aod ait orepn dence mail. Tha dasotions scana tuilier hrl Mrs. T. Bradley, tram John 14,1 n 1-14, "Las nt yoor heant ha troohiad; Ya Baliasa in God, Bec M"., liv isi Ma'. Thiscoan toilons. at by tha laid hnon, "I alre r SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL Il tlia Trots, and tlia Lita", id ir Mrs. Sradlsn, an Ms. i R. Anderson accampaniad har. CREAM CHICKEN A LA fOYAL SOUF ira sonaisdad saisir ma prayar s. CHEF SALAD $1.00 atat artd nilures. ROASI CHICKEN GINNER WITH APPLE JELLY Atmai aand Purpoon MIXED VEGETABLES Mins Raisi n'as introdaaadl iv MASHED FOTATOES OR FRENCH FR tES Mn. E. Rohertson. Shi spaita BAKED DEEP APPLE PUDDING on ifleo n'ieuon Theman ton, stody "Thea Christian Misonr fi FOR RESERVAtIONS PHONE 878.9061 Sais Ansia. and "The Chang- ing City chralenges the Chan-ci". Open Petday and Sathrday 7 cis. ge 2 a.. gcowayol introdution Inl Sudai titroaih Thuriia 7 am. ta mtidntght Raiti ramisdad ail oit ha Ain, mnd Porteusecai tira W.MS; "To trott trcsvanr, ginl andi the I t chiisrasoutiraeaharal irr filV L iu RESTAURANT Tihe ttdntt rrrrc ats, lie an- 181 Maie AIE CONDITIONED Miton pt a rtc trct M al tnt raart pepef Domieniei On i STOCK Up ATr THE.SE 10W PRICES l~LOOK AT THIS ONE - FRESSWOOD - LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON Onl 59( FOUR MAtDS SPECIALI SLICED PINEAPPLE 3 el,$1 STONEY CEEEK - CHOICE SPECIALI FRUIT COCKTAIL d4 $1l CLARK'S FANCY SPECIALI T OMAIOJUICE _7 2fl,$1 AYLMERSPECIALI TOMATO OR so u P1-z 50Fr RITE - PIK-AQUA - WHITE SPICIALI TOULT TISSUE 4 pcs89C OCEAN KING FANCY PINK< tNDIO BRAND GOVT. INSPECTED j Salmon f1ss 59c BÉE liRe, 49c OFEN ITIL I Att valnes, l= DOMan I~ I>< NON STORES LMIPETR 9 P. Ki I ffotonUet CaneE1*0M Thursday and Fndap SOL. Sept. 14, 1963 _i

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