OUMI MEDNTS OF MILTON cue pethupe rieur ap t he mystery of these t mo bridge!! cocoi ln the top photo uppeeoro er ite G.T.R. (nom C.N.R.) raimue bridge bat fiee otie vafod structure te a mysfery. MIII Nrv >astIsu lan etrt lm*nfpond n i "a l xe neisfor = cu future; brut smun hipp msouri- iofiM .c tn .o initier état mdiffos ulorrtd.no gardon k pi onre heud Ie Somn eor tbem litff rienel tfe qanntty, 0sais uffi o band ce., pond bock intet dopes ubef it g* f or the uo Sc tieu« mas fiee tei rorriotk Poit f th tien d grand e point for Mote . .fiere dope tef1 ofeo tfe won tare wcn ir aàwre ontisi In n the bof mo h traies for tfhe efeiIdeât%) andue b4eatutiftî Ltetngan boeuf, ramit lbrohes for t re ovoe*,fu omnei by Mr. iand M.. M. S btste'h the etne bo baeurnd to . Iho tn Fb onduI weot end, bn Swins a" stides were avatt' cone rts, garonet piaftee, eono able for tie cettiren andt ptete- and tsfusre bouts aveffabo tr ers useat brochest cnd tables ntp- tetctarety trtps over tie silling pedW the pupoe Cocns wutere, In nd il tonsure heurte ere a oe Att. m th 0 Ilca otmaet lurt on tbo pond and thr flbe %wflfe nlitel were pfecty ut fteb ce cef?. The mtf t pond, ciftea f000050 1he Jesper Macrtin famtty wero ly keo wn as hforf mu Pond bhethe ftenft cer er tewhat te eow cause cf tc ttnk wtth fiee pioneer Maton, a.ev tei f121. Tiey bord fomnify dut ftqunded fthe toto n temgngred f ront Newceautle, Eeg- the erry tOffe, le Pe«Onntly ceid te tOtO andt epeet fterce ocned by Robin Hood Ptour yceon at York (Torentof belons Mitl.. The tiret purcbosed. fiee reonvtns a crcom grant for f00 Mttton Mitting Contpuny and the areest tfnad forneing Lut 14, adjacent pond tierer years aga Coneceetion 2, tn Trefalgar Tuwe- front Dr. C. A. Matrttn, great ship. Tiee fovmnnhp bord bren set- qgrandson of Jasper Marfin. who il d auuni f07, and ftrcf sel- fie te town's foonder und tirfrtthe Mrinetfec dt man tesponsiete for tie ie hakttaf81,utou atte up- mi]]tand the pond. peared téoie'efved on thte âd ýi Untif a few yeors ugo, a tott- coe bnown ou Million. race front the Pond ted muter hc. te 1822, Jasper Mertin erecea neofie Martin St. ta operute a fils tiret rsmiltsevth hoge water-mtcmtt te tie nitt. te ltter ret nitt 0 thesrice. t itc eorty days, tit mac the oefy u0 a brateildieg. By 1925, bu iouce of powrr for griedieghwasaddaeoaniffaai grain at fiee milt, and wien ete-, t ttrity eveetoatty took or, the ere' th ie operatton. mater-wheet moe kepf te opera. Ofardoef Task tien ta redoce the pomer Ioadi. Jasper Martie damnted tie Deufruyod In Pire creck an mieut te noix Martin St. Tma yrarc ugo. Robin Henat and crated t-be artitietut pond Ftoor Mttfc discoetieoed tie ue front the muters of tiee Stxteeo ,f ie the heet, aed eoefy tit yeur, Mite Crenek that meaedered the weel mac destroyedi wiert firougie the tome. Mitton ma the hf-,foeic milf mas gotted te parffy virgie fnrect andt parfty fer. ecampy ntarobtend, sa if mac a of siain St.e back-ireaking ienrertlearing the Mre. Lorne Dixon ofMan et.havity timferrd tond and ear- Miltfon, cuhmiffed the orronep- -esigtepwe ntecek anvfet phofos. Tiey more ieand- e~ftfe oe eferrk rafred prefrards fpriefed ie First excavation was donc bv fEeemanv) -.hacing coine earfy ieaed digging, ieut fafer on-drame eene offthe pond and it cor- bargsialed away the mtd and racedings. dorieg fiee time tl m- -,iff. Thee worbntee ment rorefut kffafc as Livingsfones Park ta precere'e as maey tnecsa proierin fiee fate 1800's areciiefe, afong ttte boette ofthfe Th oUder Mr. Liviegsfones ýtmer- pond. Wbhen ýanper Martin died er l- hie, fie pond crac ftromn -pen 'n 1833 i i c arried on fie fa fiee puie f or rerreatiocat crack ai h'e Miff1 and te 1856 ereef- parer-e., arrording ta bietorian (Caetteoed on Page Six) L00611» MR5 front thce Grand trane Raffwoy brtdge o&w fiee Cotteodian, Nifièttn hotilw0y u couid fok clown tie pond bnk nebd eue MurtWe mlifin te ité, diefuinco. flortfh4 ceqe a poper pouf me intehffese -gond of e dupe. A LOVELY WOOOED 15*1k ehome i ti eteorin photo of the pond ureos, i te cf t ere fudoy. The trocs hune growe sente, bat the fruit remates a beff-ceetury jnter. BcG "'A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED" INVENTORY SEPT. l9th - 3Othi SAVINGS 0F 10-s 200/eo ON FARM HARDWARE PMSTON STOCK TJANKS 6' SUE WAS $2950 SALE PRICE -- -----$24.OO 7' sin WAS $2450 SALE PRICE -- -----$29.00 E' SUR WAS $41.00 SALE PRICE -- -----$33.00 LIETME FARM 12' SUIE WAS $27.00 SALE PRICE - - - - 14' SUIE WAS $2900 SALE PRICE - - - - 16' SIZE WAS $3200 SALE PRICE - - - - G AIES -$24.00 - $26.00 JAMESWAY FEED CARTS 2 ONLY -- $47.50 EACH T BAR STEEL FENCE POSTS $.Ooech--whilotheylast OR DU.ITT CAMIE OESNLM ELECTRIC ECR $55-00 und $64.50 $26.5o $29.50 I N S ye May Ponchars. 12 Gloso B N S 0 Inecticide itof ieO U 10-Lb. RolI Electri: Fonce Wire FREE Wlfh BONUSEachFoncer M» GRAIN AUGERS Il' SU WA 26.00H EA T HOUSERS SALE PRICE -- -- ---$22.00 For Most Modefe of Massiy Tr&dgee 6& SME WAS $32200 SALE PRICE -- -- ---$27.00 15% DISCOUNT CYCLONE SEEDERS "ic 71z.5-0, MILTON MILLING CO. PA"I EQUIPMENT DIVISION OF ROBIN HMO PFi MUUMT 27MARTIN $T. MILTON ONT. 841 ~If SCARFE'S PAINT s0%/ OFF WHILE STOCK LASTS RENCÎNIN' 1-Geo White Post HGIé Digger 1-Kim Post Noie Dlggoe 11-Masaey Narrin 60 Combine 1-Massey Narris 26 Combine t-Ails Chalmers Combine - 1--Cockshutt "I'l" Drill R.T. 1-Loader I.H.C. "H40 Tracfor 1-Leader I.H.C. "M Tractor 1 -Ledier M.F. " or "60" #afth 1-toad@r M.F. "350 Traiter 1-M.F. 50 Gus Tractor 1-Cockshuttl 40 Tractor 1 -M.M. Model Z Tractor 1-M.N. "81"u Tractor i-Perd IN Tracter 1-Perd 9N Tractor i-Allie "C" Tractor 5-Used Disc Narrows 2-Set Usesd L.S.T. Nerrows l1-New$las « 4um ' hier" wlfh Engins PUIS MANY MORÊ ITEMS MLE SAVINGS GALORE ON NEW AND USED FAIM EQWPM1ENT DOZENS OF ITEMS HAVE BIEN DRASTICALLY REDUCED WAGONS 010. WHITE ensd OTACO 15% DISCOUNT * 1-411z TON WAGON 3-24 TON WAGONS S1-3 TON WAGON MISCELLANEOUS * 12' CHAIN NARROW S "MREMAN", LOADU FOR PAF. 50 TRLACTOIR * "ROBIN NODWUL" LOADER FOR M. 35 TRACTOR * 'lILY" UME AND FERTI LIER SPRIADER 1-I.N.C. 45 Balby 1 -Case Raite 11-New Ideas Rake 1-LNHC. 3 Furrow PIow 1-MMH. 3 Furrow PIow 1-Case 3 Furrow PIow 1-Ford 4 Furrow M.T.D. PIow i -Cockshutf 3 Furrow PIow 1-Cockshutt 2 Furrew PIew 1-M.F. 2 or 3 Furrew PIow 1-I.N.C. Ménure Spreagier Pi Fleury Bisseîl Producto 15% DISCOUNT * -SECTION L.S.T.N.-WV/ORAW BAR S4-SECTION LS.T.N.-W/DRAW BAR * 1.9' TANDEM DISC HARROW HAY RAKES TWO ONLY M.F. "W6 RAKES SALE PRICE $475.00 Wth OUel Tirest - POD Milfon Soggosfed fief $573.00 F0B Facfnry Less Tires SHAI Robe * of 5 MR. c. w andi Matp. c Gencraf Mec. Ff dCie Mr. ai > Ytcniie edith Minai A. ffffd K Kenwckt ftaffe, f tiff Su"( f3, f4 Wo mat ttteir du Huokiet werkend daagtet giclait, f USED EQUIPMENT Here Are a Few of the Items "PRICED TO SEU." L ý - ý 1 . . . . . _. ý 1- 1 - L ý- - . 1 - - à -_ ý- - 1 1 - _. - 1.ý----ýý-ý--. . - . miamumb.-