Vol 14-N. 15. MtTON ONTARtO, THURSOAY, AUGUST 22ndl, 1963 Second Sec GORDON BRIOIN of Hurnby ndds sumé nil fi a liétsam eeg Milton. Mr. Brigdéé bas béés resturiég sévéent pincés of mec an, - nu snara Wnoronhbs Rumely trco gov ng iacnmpete rbuding job in pepaatonfor the Stan Rn union. AUG& 16-mSEPT. 2 Itm the ypar to 800 the CANAD IAN NATIO0NAL EXH IBITION Aneac epia f the i. t ho t int arrf lw t in Ceantda ortleBiihEmnpire null un on dlbplay In thetentoa Building. FLOWER SHOW A panadisenon brnu h akirng blonms andi tutiage. raissnd and erfecteti éspLa o r ths show. IAUSGHTRE TNREE STOOGES STAR IN THE Thnsn niid-and-nnnky tunstérs thn ThrSoo us rnturn tn the ONE hy pnpoter donnand nîih thé,, non set . "Thé Thrén Stnngns Méét the Onn ita nihnt. dnlightingnonrus nuis. anniatots and annbnts odd lthe mnn innnnnt. Thenclowns are the nlownnng-ést. thefn nn the tun- ninstnatthe Grnndstnd Malines Fun-Fnst! TNRILLS AND LAUONS OH THE MILE-LONG MIDWAY! A nhunndadonnuons fo amseand aniaze ynu,nith nnnnrdes, nnnwshowne néguni u ery snp of the ay! HE R VNN GAOTN SPECTACULAR Producer Jack Arthur prescrnts "Canadiané '63," themostspentannlar show aval, ssemoblitdrithe Grndstand stage! Broadwayand TV singingsngaon RobertGoulet hansh abittntétusinét.nnédycest ni hundr du in dnootiég production nonébérét And an impressinr tisl ni internatinétthknnnn no-starn nul bé tnking thétoneues front Mastér ot Cnrémonls Blt Wélo, onn ni Cannadas tnding TV péosonalities. Addéd attraction: thé Musicnl Ridé ni thé Roynt Canadien Moontéd Police. A sky'tîttinghtiréntths Fînatnnttmnofséeach performanue! Ondéf yont ticketsénotlyt RAND 0F HER MAJESTY'S SCOTS GUANOS 54 Bnndsmennand 25oo pies- mennbés intfull dossunifnnn-ni b lngo nu l uspectaclenndnnngn înicn usictntheCNEtnandsli. Twnperfformances déiy y f0 yotf trecseatsl ynnrsnOftim.makingiii Canada. pîéénntéd by tlic N..ono.iai 'ln Bontd ni Canata. ENJOY SETTER LIVING CNRE4plinSté ioen iig ise hte in h m l omllono la building. SAVE ON FAMILY TICKET BOOKSI Ge00 ynor spénint tnnoily books ni tickets for adiiotn f0 CNE, Grnunds onty. 4 ndoott and 6 ohidrén's tichets fnt nnly $3.00. rSénynur local ticktnagent ornéénd ortelynédrt the CNE. Gannont Admnissin: Adults 750 Chidrén Undér 13-100 téélléTtt PAR CéTIIIIIII L M. Frasér, Péééttiééé Hféat L Ua1étlissi, Oué. UMnj Steme, Tractor, Antique Buffs Prepare for Labour Day Reunion By Roy Dowsé nf'epniring a 10fol bihforno CydeBruhniof Hamil- A toondtîné band ntnry in tant falit noide indunstril cono-tnoo tan, and Ctydo has no-dom Ou onneko Chatmpon tuti ménibérs in dhonism. StanGorman ofOab fore t oni.r O hu son Bruce ni the Ontarin ctain Astiu néj ns ié, anti wonld tiké Oni nnhin hic i-n nid .nnngh. The thon. Poi..oi.t- Assoiation "are t-bafoilrnningfnr he how.fthuhuobaveon .pairng i irattu np lunthe carsin grime Thegiant timepioon Os non by and oyîng wohoio boni. dayo as Ohey prépat'. thoir ttouoind-up coitffairs aodhatîor- Ténné Gullns A Dép onhht ot he LabnorDay week- les. and thé maohineéoan reonrd Opornion the hit-ondlni o end thrrtinuai runéonOt Mil-t.ings ikoOoemperatnre o m totorncpli. thi.enîi nudn tonnFairGonds"in er redingna wl a teOll ih an h.n nI d,1c1qci. A nOnOnononO wdn nevrnse dire. eonontion.. toni uunoti no finoly truc! Running or Nué.. that ouhin the flpooherl hogins Thisnpaot woob'vé bnen viit- WWoOO hune tualtOhé shnotnntslowdonnhe crndine nOdi iég snrtue nf tho loal membéts né Lanor Day nnéébond Mo. rig. nnnrkiog duain, the unhut gnon the Asolion gétting pioturén det asneots "whféther ou non ge0 "hoang'. and the uhol gnoes tv- steamr- enhibits. anti watohiég théro.', oon alt iiihn thoue gainsofu ouhito then uni thennuntelve cul00 Htou ntuh ao oorb pniiing a gus", t (ie own id. cd in greanmand peint ina t't.awor Massuptractin s0000 Mobi. -lr alotont 10919. ineowred Anol M I of innstin g m uhOn fOisObéi. t theié origine in hape for annoher meu (Cninni.d not Pnge Six) né nnédby rénti oDufé n ai ue Onéu n dipta aiOhéber, Arnold MoDuffé oh Miton. hinry fnr thé Labnn Day wéékeod wonhnnd rénétinn. Mr. MeDuffe ban hati thé origine Theé Bést Evér .(cf rua 1906-8 style) for niver six IN And Ohé entbnsiasmi Ohéné son yasn ndt Mo. Brigdes bau tionc "W e or Sd.t membernocan gênert Mostn obte ré-construotin. To- Suey& " dnrong n ordinnryonveorsation da h niei nA1sae moterifie. Ynu chat onith day encoin nA- hao A t Polo Put a. nh II for bat fun bur, ant icunitii.eynebne at NextoSunday iu'Watnr afeoyi.orneuouay bnnowing for sure Tho Honby manuoicur.'" Day" do Kelsn pont. A pogram tOhui thon vear's reunin nuitt b shnp yard lu fitiéti noitb tbý demonstraig file suning tech- thi.-huoioooo bar oné. réics ofthe dysline bu- niques, mnotto-mnnih reuui. GnrdonnBrigdnof Hnrnby, for mnifhr inunkeh ttou ater poo. syncbruoni i nstan.e, a ountéhr oftOhei O.SA.. innging Onr eftier étembero oh the souimming andi rearbiné unuluon, P.A. exuloiv i a fine exemnpe Asscain Hehsa bui bon prepareti by the pool ni thi. meotnhrship. He deonos nId dirag sa e us in ay. Ilie guartin anti uoimmiog in hi, prfne, al]t a noud ogn ap, tht oued, luxin :sOraotoOo. tue wOn n o hio s o 'nnd, nlier p th ho ine uu ing e nhlnoéatabrnp for the Atogut 30 - Sepli.m- Ruc nludiég totte dmash, noonbers' oquionti, offet t di tt0 h 2 tounion lé Milton. Theoa pyjama rnce, mnobnrand daugh charoge lu theoa OO tuoon.d by Eari Danisn ofi ter; anti huthor and non races, '-tht did Ohis o uaki.'mny, Detroit, nther entbotsiasi baye béen arrangei. Enerynne 1 do'i dsuornribong te tent'Assitonoiat. Mr lu inniiedtiO attend the prugrarn Associain," hoe osplits. Donlui aistun a5Wpu tinit lis scheduiedtio geunifner Luoni ouoo bu Wa'i pt'nurntud gtis OIienuua Otp ouayo2p. niibo Oongoandbor -t a lio hobil Water tank sitiiig way l 2To.. wth akin-sied hore tha intheBrogdnn yard. oubtob Mr. Brindennroenoiy ropainîtid. Ho atuu reaiigned the nobeeto aond t'npaired the poonp muter. Orfétéal Grutier ~~ A, eou lie bau a 193t Soouyo'o S Muou.ssy ruud grader bhai a Huaion Conny's tirno g.rder. fi inc t days ni nnrk on on- roadu, but Mr. Boigden maiugeti On buy iO baob. At thd roonnin, Jack, Hcatiny wou oriuinuito Mo. Brigden aisenu ov 2-2 Rumety tructnr built ins.0929. il, -~bon néénpiétny rebult. Vin Huit, nnber eneuoite memnbér, lues un Court St. Mil- ton anti toués a scrap yard énar Hurnbr. H4e bau a stnum crgic GORDON DOWNS of Bell St., M nd thrénbing machine nnblob Rurnéy tracter. Heshnédilthe be's preparing forthenshow.Lat oneékeoti An anti Mr,. Hait adi unothor Miltun couple we01 Inn Cnnadaigna, Noewn York, tior the Newn Ytork Stoam, Aunociatinu a dnnail show. "Wc onre wenomn - cd owith open unimu duownhn uniti Mrs. Hait. Thoy innb dtiin sorree posters dn.rising thi. - Milton Reonion ,nnd pal Ohono np "ornryuheoi.." About 50mue bersof the New York Asoia- i li00 on renopenonni to isi t10 ln - noming ronnin in Milton. Bééy Rééturéng o Len Banhino oh Dranoquin lidas ____________ * punt fnw moolino. wnrbinv 000 - restnriegtooudry modiuuiuoc tine enginou. And jooi rni è line piokoti np a unique item,. s000 in 1882. Ttou dog lioutit i' denignodtu use dog-ponnur to lamna oun ubioh in Ourn nnutti * ' mn a cburn or visater pnump. A 1914 MASSEY-HARRtS gasolone engins, tat wnrhs on thé Hens aun four-ynlue hiodout' 'hit-nnd-ouiss' prinnople, ils une ut thé énhhiiu Inn tucbtén miss, thono bornopuowor Mas.ev- oflDrumquin iprnparnnfortthentéan runin Lnt eftio Harrisnuduonginu, inflnd roi. sloOnnoitbis sn-n-lawClyde Broker of Hamiluton andi ning ondiinand radyinorohe .n'I f grandsonnruce Brnoknn.'n.ooners"nofthe macnhn. H-e 'bo.bueinnanaiio alto ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ouun11 oénhintgsoîoob l un iut n f904i lu a fdouity dîfuo for nanufoiniseba11 n erntoa lsagn hti u Bunhlr isginni nloouo DOG-POWEREO TREADLE mas a popuno thing arcnund thé tomn of thé oenury, for ynd coulA onrap a dog indu thé harntss andletbimn"n-lk" the wheetrond inn 1ce hetrendté ous geaed tu pondpowetennperadeachun or puup. Len Buchtér ut Drumqouinons it and wtil have tl on dooplay, ut thé cooung réunion. iltn, puis thé fininhing toches O a nuot peint job on bon tanne trnntuo in thé 19h2 réunion on Mille,,. I - BOB CLARKE, MaAdoohrok Drivte. ou rouiolor Steru Asolto r meoOooo nini, oy woobi RumeIT tractar, prnparing if for the rocunin. BDb uouoîi dtioipliy tor rtonoiri a inoni, la on on a st yndr. tin y y ATTENTION FARMERS. We are buyers of Timothy & Red Clover Seod * Brin9 in your simples and let us quoto you aur price before you seli. TOP PRICES PAID. *, For your seed wheat requiremnents this Fail we can supply you with GRADED NO. 1 SEED WIIEAT OR WE CAN CLEAN AND TREAT YOUR OWN WHEAT CALL US TODAY MASTER FEEDS STEWARTTOWN QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY R.R. NO. 2, GEORGETOWN DIAL 877.3512 . . . . . . . ...