MOY"At TPEMENDOUS VALIE $21.000 on ,# nIf R clowAin pa3 nient, M0 ocres ni eoi-ellent ndy forum, M ni-nes lina deua hi8tlian, 31 acres ni periec moafM gardien tend. LosU ni mral gori n-vagies- pplled frni n nen- AiAiea n-ail isp pressure sysmnm, hi-o sprlag-Ped pnd coin Re inned for irigation, aI ne en igg i gond net ni buiitp~ S5aOer3s isinoii lin oiaI gale. Von n-ii thonrai au fou à loi anni- rnent tu its one. MILTON CHARMING HOME 115,51)(1. fo mi- ix an ocaeA rici, bunogalon-. n-es saida ni naun, i-ioi-eoieot hu ail of tise osai requi*es. Hone iseAnnms. lai- co, Isert ai-ap ii-ien and dltoiognm labxiel rai-maiins n-. Sthstine fiS'pla-e, aine- Iy fenced anA landacaped Ra-R yard nis barecui-e. Tisloa ltse balase fau- tise Aiscriminala isnyer. W,, non- liave a gond mange Mf Lintings i-nnalMlong Mf sii-ey lied Il 10 20 ai-m pou-cela. Do youiwnaotunself ynr hme? Fou- mai mnici, aoin hi-y onu- Multiple Listiog Serice. Coul Tom Bradey TE 8.9343 Or ALBJERT PEARSON BE 3-3950 on BM 8.4121 ACTON $ 1,500 FULL DOWN PAYMENT $5.900 FULL PRICE 3-hedron- hon-a. ail ovnecs Must Rnso min-i,,, off,,. NEAR ABERFOYLE 5-mon- Rom,, on 7 ni-mn. c-onvri-- ence., bai-n. Only S6,500 Toit SYDNEY K. LAMB REALTOR AND INSURANCE Miil SI. E., Atnti, PRnne 853-1030 Ia Milton Cai H. WALLACE 878-2508 MEL STARK TIR 8-9343 c-m5 For Serv-ice anA Satisfaction Consl BRIAN BEST REALTOR & INSURANCE 310 Main Street Milton 878-6292 6592 $700. - Poil Do'.nn Pnymmat - Clay brici, 3-isedroom buanga- ion- Ry Win-pey Homes Lin-lt cri, neparate livnog i-onn, diniog rounm, and iiciea. Fall hase,- ment, soo-ns andA cen TanteiniIy decottmeOn. MUno oplit lvlhomes at $1,025.00 Fnull don-n paym,,ol. Se, lise honmes iRis n-eeiend oîm n-nod Ci-enat. clonc tu flic, William, Av-e. Higis Scisoi. Mdn, 3-Redi-on hi-ici, hunga- Ion- comisinnîio lii-ng anA dlio- iog room, large iino, 4 pnc. hais, dinideA hoisement. Snni- fiolishn i-ecreaiioo ruon-. forced air nil isonteA. Entras nlude hardtop Aive anA patio, verte- lian RlimAs, n ait inindon-, di-apes. AIaminnm soi-i, scmens anA don,,. TRis, home iin eoceptinsl gour! coadi- lion. AsRiog S13,10 n-i, lai-ns. Calu Ai-t P,,ncnci 878-6447. Loi fini Sale - 64 n 134 fi., in Ionn ful 'ervicnd. a.'.iio $32,00. Cash pai-nint n-hi 3800.00. Nnougan-nya - 5i sécias sreraI acres in smnIl ifruit ami gardent Irunk, inout panA inlai-Ru, alan used for irrigation, RaS Rarn, 72,s 70, nexn 4-Roedrocons'5uo han-, ail aaI. Taxes 50.00. Pi-odA atn522,M5 401h terrils. Caîl Bnb 8-Mon.- V~s t~YRàkféri Gain OC. W Maf I0~if~fn Thr Exhibition *0ps l = oh. 0h0ea 4b eeo kbhl OIPOI icsef plct lhub nril h aer fa ile0'ikf<f cým ngi OSe =uriisheo to totR~e ruina rii Y aspon nw Mnin MWi oiserm R e h itsorif ire W ie c M j ed ç p N ii fo lis YiIlis ie .Idi . wtthseodplace Suor Cia, Eodpo golf Dfaood Clay Rnt --it li stef I u dbt ern s hle Raoirs naine up nithi n Snday afierranon tise angine tCann ll ans in oe run Rt Ainniand latWednesday, aigRi. ndged ihe Rotany Raiders 16.15 1die powserfl Miets u. Rin lise Ei-i-ois enpniaiiy at firase an,,h a lin-y book Finish. Afler a ndnith inndg iRe viiifoîns sconu-d n-heu-n lise snn n-an RIipdiig, iih- slow niai-i. iRe Milton girls ininghi nire riiai oie a bosen Code d lie niîiinri and iRai, play n-ni Roa ni-erharuogs a fine rn defi- sinletupu flega nad isno hrdiy indicative ai lhiser igngu iie uLk a1-3ldi h -raci. sading. Lie Mi-Ciare n-atiei'ed nsxh s Vfiolet Sciini Relied lise Roaaiano ears isad an least dine i-ans. Thmue Uneacied rns f .vII oneg l44 ia, Rand picked UP foaa, frene la the tein b g pal lise imui-n LAa dRL .L passen. Lie. MarssU Wnidie Und nisend agniai, but1 tise Raideri' Paaia Janaiss rapped a dnouble lisrealened in thionu final ai Rai. ~ apiene hoaiseip gain lise decisoan. ThRen cannecuie n-ni,, fiied lise cd Plantsiiie 16-f Fu-do muss TisaRses, bunt ny one i-n s o laLn PleP ris. ays nih ana e neiun tilt ai Taosley n-as conned n a lang fIp. The nexi eiune Lwle iPtia, t feaon a reveaia ni Forint an lise Raiders aiseee Rail,,, n-eu-e retired isy g..Sa. longfei nans. ofisrea hnnled the Rail aronad fie pari, snapp- ielding. Tise Raide,,, ouI- Gong Ksing wna lise distnce-,, iste isosins ia n Rit lise Diamnnd Cli- henni, lad fan lise wiooeni. slriiingnnuti3 nin lise fiflis inolg az onld isy Nora Heans wits ion, sngles aod-nnii-ei UP u onolise Inn-end of an 18-10 nnd a naiR. Besides R lino n Ris n nn three,,, rp tuhpsore. Besides lnadiag Rer hean- tipien. Vinil Si-iicisi Rad n ningle i$a ion i-i'n ho nied 1h, y n-un- nc tisrcn isating ai- anîd mn-n n-aiRs and Mnînsha WnI- ne,, fu lis pinted Dte ii- fort Lie MicClue isnried ginA die triled, ningled ti-lan nd ies ait lae n-l ani, an timî l ai-id buntI R nan lise niuim of innpl drnn- n fi-e panu. Moi-tsa and Lia batin IorU. s l Da iiding support. Marnsa Wahdie McClnure nplil isu-liag hnnrn tise nn relief la the fiih and fomne, caiming i stnriisenuin ______________________ali-e hiîîung îisree haîîns, setled 10ini h-e n e inningi ni mnuard don- t,, retliree isid,, and fi-e dahi-. as weil as nnecn ling an n- REAL ESTATE lConlnusdl thi-ne sîriieous in lise final annislnd double plin th 1hird inne. The, Cieann,' nhnn-ed a 1inning. CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE BEOKERS 189Man i.- ilon Texans, Steelers Take Leads 75-a-u-e foarni - .5-11oo111 hon-re., aêims bahour, i fracfrneIn Indusr Loop Playoffs Ran, i-Ion,, n 401 anA n- rane,, DSave Smeith elti's ningle and dooble. The FIy- irani, Asiig $14,OiO00. Don-n Bon ilh Texatns anA 'Stri-Icto ni-n n-oied Ihi-li onl tnliy in the- pny-enî 14,000. Balance n one camto p n-us nnuble n-ion in tRie uni-cnth. Lni-ty Ari-hi tract ingi-A moillnge $75. intading ini-n-ml Miltnn Enusai playofi antin lis anA n-as Aiien isi Ganny B,,'las- andpinipal. n-e crR.unig theFlynr nd Me- o's oube. fe1rs. facng ehin-ination Sainrdni- STEELERS 8 - SIETERS 3 nien ihcy nm, sp n-li, a ig Th, Stne-, can ioInsonnensti Nen- 6-rnnn- hone in thnnnouotry wn. nopc-rition fi-on- 1h, Mi-nni. on min m-ain pane ndl. Cose , Oo Tuenay einig in On-gi S5,,,0, athNfeters 401 Higisnay anA ocin racenemofntheIni-gntnnowin aio-nne,,, irin, bhnod 10 tic 1h, I-ani,. A-milo 112,500. Dnnn lime, tun.ed ot. Trani, renumne S-ci-a Ricme iOic ut Panmn $2.500 o, n-ny men, $100 ncin o n Rnurdny ni-ening. micthc mcn th iner ti-n, To, un-c per mnts. Refe-encenqinal STEE05ERS9 -METE5S Ilananse-nd i-a In runi, an-ny -Tise Mecisn cane n-itin a heu- fi-'t imini-. wini,'iii of i-ing lsdei-rur-m n-lt, The, Stenli-,' nitticcA nol hms $15.500. 3-sedi-onn i-yul hbungalnn-, the Sî,nlm,, on Toui.lay but iîn Off hIcl nii-ingn ni Bnh Salem ism'adimton- nigi. i-i- mon, and th, gan-e on nin e,,,,'. n-Ri n-en, lis, i-otc fi- tise Me- entraibaths. Ah Jnnonai n-aiing hin fi-ni fer. Gr-antiSta-k inmereîi anA niai-t in iis oei,, ..niereA lise danhinA n-Su,, Erin Tnlninka had nis hs c n-nu tgged fai- mn-n mie iy hi on th, -ixi, n dnoble. LISTINGS WANTED-Fnr hnn-n', hnn-ni- bi- Dai-, Sn-ith and Bobi "Ba7" wni--n thn Aistance fo- fni-m'. unaIl nni-cenm'. hmi.liin MnPhill. Mou-i-ni Whitler aisn Ilen iiiini- imuni np ix hiti il anA conmnernial propciini inlund a round iipper nff Bnb !i-IoAding n doln n ofine hi-ut Salesn n-.i, n-nt in tu riev ini- , inoing mn "Gnnii" Simo.'n -hn ta- - mthe foiuh ioning. ha, niai, hon-c iii, the Mntnns' $2,5W0 don, $12.300 foui poice.i Musi-i-y Wistnler nIa-MA for thec fl-st rom. 3 di-onn, bicki hbungalowi' n-innci-n but n-ai tise i-mm ni SPORT SIOORTS-Boi.iR Jn- andnnaped. patin anA gaae In-n icy ei-ions y Ris mains nd nanni anA "Curlei- MnConcil CaIITRS82095. gaiage rti-lcd hi-" Rn,," lis, th ame p n-il, mi,, ont- dnuble, thi-A. Bilt Fri-îgit cd hflicer plai- of the, nigisi - CliTf Hnous - ni th, plaie wiii, Iun singles.. ton anA Doug Hynit aTiinlnd 11.600 clown,. $13.200 full ic-u, TEXANS 8 - STEELIERSI hnth fan-nm on Salai-day evnia 3-iseA ,nî om ugalown- on- mo-n Eni-n and- ou bas runilg -i SaloiAay's goaine Conch gage ont-. Cal] TE 8I-209. n-au thc FIi-nun Aonnait ini Illui ndbae Caml] scnd ganin mils tise Texan, mdan TR 8-2095 - TE 6-057 Boh Sise al, tn, i,,nnr but ciLnttic Bci-mnnonvntn u bnnil ~ i hoit nnt afin, hc hartdd Ille is renaam Clsses unnin. Kith Fa, has non,, ahime PINE TREE SECLUSION un rihn pini-ofTn'a bn h d Raillime B n Acion ntin. Dany Bei-tanin,, '.u- elgin in .au inni-nAfre hi, second ni-hani, ii-n a Classesn for nhildbhiis aod ce- $8,800 i-nve. Bnîh Inon, snoi-cd is,,h penhat parcnthonidn-iiihngtin in WeIl kepî 3hedi-omn hi-n- n-h fini iooitig hotmi,, penki- Texnans Miltoo Thttroday, Snptenhn, 12. lai-ge iilhn. gnd '.u li-ing0 Repi oddiitg mn ihii- scoeni-n oNursing Direnior Miss Gi-a,, J.1 o hauonamin gnn îuai, ,anh inniog n-hiln hnlding lis Leai-ey of NalItn Coooty Hnnlth ii-ntatgniof 99 feetimith dcpFFi-sIioffthe cr nhc. Unit anoooned lastn-ee,. ofl100innltandintsnnfpin- Gre-i'n Tcxns rnnck ane- TRe'.,heatieducatinonniasei treesfor hade.Downpav ngntela n-uin mi,, Flynru sel' ni-e famii-cenoird. They arede- of 800wit mothl e %vriltheFlv.Salu-day. -,igncd tnt asistin tise parcnts. mn oisoT 800 5 onnu omnii opan- Lnnin Bctausn n-nu tise wn-ioci hai-e n foitnr oodni-niandiog nif n-n,înnge. n iin-n- inaic-ii ivtits hlm n-i sutiing th, nnitti-n prc,'.n'. ni ci- oni nighi. Thi- Tcxans nni-cA niflts hirli animAlu relatin t, body ini ei-ni-i inflifl enepi thse firi-t funoni. E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n MICH L LTt~~Dn he- coII,,ntc 12 The n-iI be fooi- seiic ni E. . ITC EL LT . ilsoi DanvBi-iiasnno n-h clasi-es hcginiig ini Sepicmhci- REALTOR B3RAMPTON nma'.nafin 1he ,,'iin ni hi tnnn- aimA coding in n-id June. n-ate'. înh cnnmiitcd rivc ni- -_______ 451-6232 ,oi-n. ____________ b-8____ Il.,__ F «Haîn,, i,îI the wnntii-'a( I-no.n,hnibt anA ni,n ui-lai e~ thplaten-ith a ti-iplean oA mni-ni, ni-n the tii-c niant flng- n _ ingles foîlon-c hi- Vaon Cni-ad- i 0 m ois1 I T' S E A SY' TO WRITE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED YOU TAIrE CARE 0F THE DESCRIPTION AND THE REPLIES WILI TAIrE CARE 0F TIIEMSELVES. REMEMBER THAT GETTINO REPLIES IS LARGELi- A MArrER 0F TELLINO ALL ABOUT YOUR PROFOSI- TION CONCISELY BUT CONVINCINGLi-. GIVE AIL THE INFOR- MATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU MiRE THE READER. Wiie one ninid in enni, npnme. Theise is canulnioed anînmainoII. CLASSIFICATION YOUR COST 95C 95C $120 _______________$145 NOW DEDUCT 25c, if you enclose cash wiîh your order and send ta The Conadian Champion, 191 Main St. Milton. A s MOTH NOT TRV IT NOW AND SELL THOSE IT'S EA S WORTHWHILE ITEMS VOU fN0 LONGER NEED. MY NAMF ........ .... ........ACORESS ............................ .. lise Canodion dsomiaon, Thursdary, Angust 22nd, 1963 -7I hini nnr,nnncr'nd wih the enpnn inî',e.iin hh'ing fic Fis h Dying in Limestone Creek relreadeleo h pno "Vanishing- Pollution"' Mystery li evdnîi-l c aen n "Vanhing polin" in the Eai-hi repiorts snggnined iRa hi lreMnunl,%,bug. The cIirmainii.i nint Tn îdIn h nhri' Iimestonn Ciek ased n,cn 1ish nr ndyingiinnnnnin'a., col, hdid nul knniho iin ire ,.inde ofpnn the Auloil-an Thîî,-nIn, iii,,, minnnrs o il %hviner' inmpnratures. close fi,, hume nnnld b, n. tha Ei iwýni. Twelvne Mile, Creek Conservation Il nnnn nnggesled finir iînman rek, hut nnggenind ihnalii trihnniin, dinnhave.ntices !rom AnîhorjIi met ai the Coinserva- or animal wante might havecaris- naier,, shnnd bc innhd trou 1h,,ete iiti a n"x i,,, office in Miilton. Anîhoiiî ed the polluin, Loir no definili- The Anlhoritv. nfi,, dinnn'.ing nijhnn îînn vinhinnlnB-nnkHn-i.,-,ninnn,,'C'hlientnnjob,"hnandnbIn.,mpnw,-,d 1h. pni-Id pnllution in the crenia nnamhed. The Connî hnIl'h unit chni,'nan no look nri, Ille marnier jo 'ni-i Ibisg nlhng.àlri, heavy amnh ag nd Alinl ni', wiii bhnnndnnîing rgia ici'. and no launch exrp*iiin nlk.h'.nilg dying, hut nnin the wate, innai the sl,'cni. pi-nncdingsil trhi- hnnn, s Io hi.a crystal cinar. A suggstin yhboard mmber h'uil fou,, n La1heii'ink. Field nficer, Day, Mnurray nnl- Stanleiva[ fnnal han adii.,-, The Anlhn,'ity recc.ived notice cd the pollntion prilemnt n hnni-oad hc set np In study th, ihl tG cnig and L. H.Li,,rt binnghLunthcattntionnnflthe Brume, Ilînni cnlntl hnemandBn c enpronpriation hearn-iîîa New rusnioned Anlhnity nu-en inim.n ncnrn- aRn fi thiii pigenn" recine,, i.cnld Lake pince in Branmptnn plnined alhnnt lish A-ing in the the. snppornno ileh Aulhnnit * . hi,1 Nnnn-hi h. 'Fi,, AL[hn-ili sralncated netour fli Lin-c- Dnnnll, a Bni'linglnn rcprec'-ntn-nllnnping no nnprop'inn 137 sini Schnnl. Lnwvili,'. riv, ilhnnghl oihai a ,nmmillec cre (If,' ilan na an tnsin Distinct (Sdn, jnnn.iinîg ni ou or, ni- fillenI- Ille Rnîllciik, Pnint FPark ae nnIîi~~~~~ hul bncnlc i niin uni n-in ii, atend'pi, as, Reeve, W ilson .,,,1 Ille co l,,,,-. carn ugseFakFihr FASHIONS I il May Nol Approve nui Ginelph, an nppri-nii foi- the Asngrove VOWS TeAtoiYhdarclt'ar rdtCroainlt b O ' Ednn Marilyn Wilsn, RIZR 2, cntine wiih the schme de-'.pitiGony,-mneni, n replacementi fi Geoi-getown.,ni 1a he hi-ide' o thi- lani hla Onhi-ili, cni,.i Inns ngnd [iai, Mi- Fishei- b, CHANGE Gi-ni,,, M. Rnni-n ni fic A-i, ighinni suporti-i.W.G. S,- J i'.hdinaservenn the,,iimmiii,. gtini nitediiCihnhn Sitra gntnind "I ihi'.,h,' lin A minit l ha repnorti- b, WITH A Annn,i 3. Tir, bnide ns the dnnghtuici n o' nwi lMriu xrpito ci eriofiMr. nd Mi-.Fi-ank Wisn. ,il etnniinîndudniknn.iiiiiii,. cInei, ontiil, n lo. VOLKSWAGEN R.R. 2, Genrgetnown. Miss Wil-son '. -,. ihrgniip-Vi inn'. ii,,.i,î rAu-,1, u M innIa caher-ni-ying aFi-,, Mec loii- h Sni gnninîk, dntMoefr or o nnri choioa.ih *rmun iinniing ipacc yfr hisi mn,,,,r -and mors moooey whoo you A saemn hi-bidngi'aiin up, fl ,ic Onîhy alille i-,present,, FULL 1!4" grade. empinycd hi- the Mon,,i,,,i COm-ivel~. George~ Aikin, nnggesnlnd ihniL SELP-STORING pnniv, Bnniinginn. The ni'i-iinn'. ",-yi-î np ynchti- a litle i.-i PRE-I-UNG nn cndnid hi- the Rn John'. nincd [rnn- cnserai-on corwndSEYORO Hill. The- chnnh n-ni d,,.nni,î nnId have, in dn sone tiing ALUMINUM PO wiIh basketn ni nhniinp-cninnnd ingiiî,ofni inn,'in ni-dei- DOORS us .OURSELF Miss Nancy Huntsni,ii--g in ncnevatlin,- Mi-. Duval, i-'299 nnins. The Wcdding Pi-ni-,, nnd n'ind noin penuple ihini, the Th,s , Dny, nnn inied hn-n-' age dnmp l'd > A hi- Min. i-ii-iy Moni-, ai the lii,,tn sec il pnt Inn a Ltp. We Piin TL' ÀniZiA The hiie nu,, n fuil brîigiiiiimn can ninim fi fic 12 Mile' Tenpro Distributors drs f hie ranafrntCrc iai."LiitdM OTORS pnelnit lac, ain ppliqu, long~ Mr-. Aikinn niA, "Ihni".s gnd,~ 12h Mai Si .b, oOt MILTON PLAZA tri-n, ',ii ni white net atinnin ihink nop li'. ni cniin,,îinn iike In ni,e i-ing iat. ii, n, cni n that.i 85346860 Tel. TR 8-2962 pni-pin ni-nhid an- n-i,,i Rihi Toun Neon CaseR? (The. dnnnî'.n macib hi i, Chairnnn Rniph Si,,i-nnni. ni hide, and diiniiî hi- Min'. F,,iinn, i-npni-d in the Anu- Adiînn, Nui-se.) l hniî bhat n hnilding penrit The, i-idnnnnid'. n,,, Annnî. li.d hnn ininA Inna Mnnnnnii ."' VeninMnargaet ust'inMr. A. mnari viln inînndn 1,, hiIiin Wnd and Adrienine Nni-se andA 1,0 bio riînerieurithe nn,,kni- C METOU wnin gnwned inn,,,,., leiig!i CO E O U Ai-nnnnns ofi hoching puik îîiil b-hnIaipen siasiî, inninhin, hains OLD TYME and iîh shnrti nniinand nn,,i,dU hnuquets ni pini, nnd wite, à JUST ARRIVEDI M 0%_ MODERN mm.Fininni girl wnn Rnhi,, MM X lyn Vaung,,,, nicce ni the bide EXCITINQ NEW GIFT a ' gi-nnn nnd wni-,a shnrt wliii,: LUNES : COUPLES DA~N.CE 1. Ai-ni, white piihnn hni and nnn u i-nAn nL, n ini.n'. * MILTON PLAZA * _ .The hiiA wasn gin in nun,- S 20BPRCUL i-iagn hi- hnr tillr. Gi-iinni-nnn Sm ke and Gift: 020 E CUL wsJeLov ndA~. file uslc SATURDAYS FROM 8.30 to 12 Paul Mni- nnd Dnnn Lnni,. * __ The nenepinn inn, hi-id i th, *Opi tu 10 p.m. [net. Sudoya: AT THE Mnnnnic Hall. Miltn niii 125 MU MMmu mu gneni-iniinding. ________________ To rceiv herguets, h--,FOI BLUE SKIES RESTAURANT Tn,'., ohr ginni'.urquhis chiffnn nhnih wu, nîninhing liai *oN jSURE Os Hi-y 25, North ni 406, ni the Cilles Seu-ice Sîgn and nn,,sinn,,i Asni'.îing nu n. TODAY Fnll Coiursn Menio - Lighi Liinches ni- ic nnin ihi. bi- WE ARE OPEN 5 A.M. to i 1A.M. mn," - arcni- a beige huchiffon ns , i lace ni-n- W$. th. safeo Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Thur$. ns' mntnhing benign hnî and an- wy rocs. 24 HOURS A DAY ON SAT. and SUN. Fn, n hnncein-nlntrip A. le 1h.Lýn , h-iA A'., T. MO R pin, sit %iiiîui Charne] jnnki, INSURANCE NOW FULLY AIR CONDITIONED nid,, hiiin, winhl, hit and n: nhie corsage. .CAAIPBBLLVILLE The, i-nii, miii--ii nnoupli, hnoUaor42 FOR YOUR COMFORT residn in A'.hg-nnn Phone____________4__2271 OLD FASHIONED PRICES IN NEW FASHION STYLES!1 TRULY SMART AND REAOY POR PALL Transition Cottons S SMART SHEAINS AND 3-PIECE SUITS IN ARNEL A LOVELY SELECTION IRM K S FS TO SEE YOU THROUGH FALL TEIELBSNS RS M«-» mut BACK TO SCHOOL FASHIONS 10% OFF ...SEE OUR WONDERFUL SELECTION ALL MERCHANDISE WHEN YOU CASH BABY SIZES FOR THE KINDERGARTEN THROUGH BONUS CHEQUER O TEN - jDELREX FA&SH IONS PHOE 877-9441 GEORGETOWN -i