Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 6

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S.Ilig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES e BIRTHSE DEATHS. MARK - - ES, ENGAGEMENTS - charge. -e - FOR SALE, FOR RENT. ET *95cS min. ahg. for 15cardo per seard thoreaitar. 7 Subserqannt ineerionc (nn o changeot - *75 titn.chg. 15 coords. Sa par seard if affluer. *25e discont atiaoaed lao payseat. COMING EVENTS. Le.PD THANKE-$i fat firit tive ns. 10e for eack adidiibîa.t IN MEMOEIAM-51 pute tOc lioeofcerse. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, R E ESTATE-3t.20 per col. ii BOX NUSIBER ta Shi, flicd 25a acdutioac. DEADLINES Ciasciiied Adoaruocuof 12 Noort Wednesdae Cîassifiad Diepice & Reali E, 5 p.m. Taaedcy Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Caitotioct Chaoîop Thurodoy, Acocet 22, i Births, Marriages Deaths, Etc. Born McLAW Hobo 1u Olaîb MiL arc pbc,eod ta hirîh ai a soit, Jarnee Lloyd AUgUtot 1C. tir3 .0 Gueliph C tru Htosîpital. ROWAN E- c R itto .110 Rouît (nec Ma. i toi .1R. 4, Mttatu. paed to .înuaoce tftoc fil ofithetîcato Outil Eîdh. eeeigt 8 lb,.it uc-2il Joni Dieu id i ittt.iOii on li A 2Rtu. 1963. BOTERMAN -Mr. atout Mr, or Brteroun oft 93 Mil-e Milton, irc, pi Iecul toi Sthto oih ai lItait e,, Lot Evoocet. ,icghot 9SIlot.1 to., Miltono Dstrict0 Hoopoici IluA 15, 1963. TIMBEES-Mo. ii Mie. Ili, RER t, Mîtît pl,. auoot lite bNotit Iuil ,i ell, e- cgi 7 bit .iica Miltone Oiebolet H-aoîîîb Auc. 21, 193iii Wauid.ic KENNLf't - Ct, tI 0000 t\1 Tam Keiueuti. RIS. 2ý RI, Wood îîîgtkreî" Volier Looîoiditaut Atidbb 20. 19 au GuelphoVate o li-itl itc oo O, it. WhooIod o Lattite. Maîbuet* and0 bobo bh, dauba tlle. Engagements Mr. ctid Mrt e. le l Harcioy. auntuutte flicdIorga ment tu iluet (Lb.tghii arobi Ane, tu Mo. Kaîîîîtlît Jlîto P. tere on a oui Mo coIl Cite TFi suit oliuet moii iule I edd ita toiil] pi.- o r, toto Iol dci. S000 lonibior 14, lvi ui Jaont* e îtluul tut b. i,îî Mr. o I A , tboîtu C f-uI ul0t BiIpl-uo. -l ilte, -it oi000 eîoîîritMîý .iiliit,ouii dîeig ,loti tube pluSotii Saptcotoou uth ou 4100oiob Forî iiit i oui fniw 001 ul tuf lotît Mro. ,ouîî MI. tý . N-ero i vbteb0lu louîououîboe Ili, oo afiiher duii-tio,i btoilIL toi Mrt. Roa Ido1 Oloouit ioîîîîîîî ai M. cuti Mu,. tFSgiu Oîîîîîî of Hamitoo. t lu- iche plce Srtlut 14. l'Or t, 3 p.m -t billt-tutii Chareto. Mitîîî. Theongagemnto- oi Jee D.ooavo I.iiiglit,,rr ii Marion Gîtîre tont blit ar Mi Giitiec. R 4, Miltutti lu Mr. CI ence Mcacn. ,eou ooMI*.C McCaton atou tlic botic li. M Catno.ER. 4. Mol ou. Vhto o; riagr ,l tout lrPlacer S. îoOnolo 14. 196,3 cf 4 1- l ki b til Orff,î Preschiorîco [iu 9, Married Mr. and Mrc. Agoctinet Rectie are happy toi attnoonce the ma osef tbeir daagbter Angntu .oMr.EBrieb Graf on Aaguot t1 1963. Everything But the Kitchon SInk? Wcint Ads Conii 'SeII Ut TOOl Died POIR SALI (C"11,11111ud> FOIR SALE (ContInad) Wanted For Rent - HeIp Wanted Cars Wo sale - FOR SALE - 6 week old kit- FOR SALE - 1055 Ford ranch CLEMENTS-At Vancouver, B.C. tan. Phono TR 8-987. c-15-1925 wagon. reasonabin. Coflectors WANTED - Daily ride to dlocwn- FOR RENT-Rnom and board .HELP WANTED-Man flo wnr Il lf 'EDCR anAaa- 2 93.JaesHo FR AL -Grdeaie nditm1938 Baick. Maîte offer. TR toton Bramtpion 9 tu 5. Phone for gentleman. TR 8-2016. nevgtable fartn. Phono TR &s I'iILS USE C R tn Auiea1t, 1%3 , ascHen- FRa SAt -m Grdenoand8 8-9603. c-13-1985 TR 8-2046. c- 15-1924 c-13-1886 zi34 c-13-2022 1!-i miles noath of Acton on 6v toila Agnes Cirmanin. 'ne 6827. c-15-2034 iFOR SALE - Colai pttps, nery WANTED -S grade ian aeotil FOR RENT - 5.ruom apart- HELP WANTEO - 2 expe-iene- 25 Higltway ton Harey J. Ciements of Van- - - gaod ccith chitdren. brecra and rapitesto boak. Phoe 878-6827. mont with three piecuc bath. Appty ed brick bandilers. 1 packader, 199PN d.at6$19. acvr ne cister Mrs. W. R. FOR SALE-Freezer, 18 cubic wehite aod black and totoitc, 4 c-15-2035 V. Muie, TE 8-6043. c-15-1927 boit mon. Appty McFarren brick 195 POT -,at 145 IAG- Sexton ai Toranto aod ane bru- font; witt took after childen ta teeeks aid. TE 8M97 TFf appointof FRRoil~icri a cte ad treait. -520 1939 CHEV fi ton pick op $395. No tr Russell M. Ciemainto af Mil- my home. 878-977. o-15-1987 97int by apoi-l WAMTE -____________FR__________bot_______,.tretvile. c,5-00 No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tOodOrAEe12318 i ars, in gonod condoititon. ULstr heaters witb furte service, Phone H- ATD-Srbesa 1936 CHEV. terd.. auto 8 $.. 395. Parii tak poac o aontepc hetkc. - Gade eceai FOR SALE - Matai crib $4. 4-9825. c-15-2021 Milton Hydre, TE 8-2343. o-tf tin attendant. Age noc berr. 15 .23 C.-in Tratfalgar Township. -ccaam 15E-2016 plastic aocd i h ib oair-7 WANTEO - Soîcit apti-imaci FOR RENT - t hredruom, apart- Manager Tapy Motervie 95 C AE d tedere-15 or coprto furft aplay.îioe1,onintttepringctrarihrentaat McDtJFFE - Rabert Heacre 27- o 50". Appty 1t2 Mil i St, $15. 878-9538. C-t5203ti~c.dao Chatapian. c-i5-926 taoated. Cati TE 82658. c-14-1913 ______15 sî-1994 c.t tHaîte i ai Mltat Dicstrict Hoo- c-15-1989 R oï-SAL -ATE -dps Toc- ofro ai O RN -ero, pr-SNS cr ptta], on Ft iday, Aagct 16, 1%3, -- LE WATE -as Taw hat rate toto FORto aENT Acer t-hereo aporr RAW O BUSNES Nar .- lot Robtho Hatorv McDofie. on hi. FOR SALE - 21' rallie, hucatt Milton or Coaoty of Haltoa 24C eafacs fat Miltoat Statt Shotw. ment oecoy compietedi SapareteOPNlMttnodAt.TrdFrVurN fCr taa 93rd vaaa. seon oftiha tata Peterodtiy. Sirotcaa play patt anod naoh. Avaitable at the Champiarooa R822. o-5t3 srna R847 r E893 ri satsn.Ertetotn Magae MDffderhihchi. R8-79. 1.19_Ofce_91MinS.,__tp c-t9-i93Ï tunity. Foul time. Writn Rase- TEY .otd arart aDff. aa bgh har.TE8-76. -t-t9fOffce ti ai S..-MlIa. WANTED - Btooks privat: Inigb's Dopt. H-284-189, 4003 Rich. cash btathaer at Oich af Milton, Dan ca-336-lt lthrorv. far cash, ciata app-oc. FOR RENT - Tbree bedrenm etie, Mostreai. c-15 BUCK HAMILTON Ut Acta, NiJ. antd John of Vac- FOR SALE - 2 building aui., - -________ 10f o 200'. Piatoracqoe Ecqueing. FOR SALE - Gtt,,t qtoattty ead qtioîto antod hioto. Writa Cthamn tbaia cith ane bodromne--____________ OFoFnertt sve-r wn.a beo utttn TE 8-9827. h-15-2-1993 re, ateso ea tato.t.t bt tot tioo- Box f. c-14-3-1906 Act aprien.Pon 85-157 wLtb Car. E -nerafoalomonA Mundav te -ceri Fuetira,,-l*it re trioo ute. Phone WANTEO Onci ar efora Oc- mAcn apriN-mac.Pono 833b-t555.ý pitHsiCeLP ANeteD - St.ateosmian T 4 C. Home.Intermen in Omag Pries-seeks aire dealer. Gond incomen EL R to a tinoai FonartFORaSALE -Maa appla-.. TOc hIL 4-2574. H. Eicienbrg -, Camp- tober ici a farnithrd aparimcct FO ETCmothernpossble. Agepl28t50. Jtohnie.E e toc Hnoa totctoatttt Oak' Feo-6-0. acai Wm Sacfet. T httittie ut p.oct race track. ho "naeteteads. Contact A. B., couS board, colt effber working part tinie te start. No experienre e-1tn tIttlito CetteOt e. 8-6355. h 15-1995 c-1-226ox 9tt6S5 Miltoc. a-15-3-1976 mant or ceootac. TE 8-650. neeoy.epy084obSt prMOtORE StA Tataonto Getotai FOR SALE - 104t. flit bouiter FOR SALE -Rettiferitaor. et- 5-NTED - Marttoooototrt-,toi c-15-11998 S., Hamitton, Ont. c-14-3-1969 Hospitalt -on F. ca. Sacct 16. hoat, aica weseant code lt'or ectirtantges, cttoaot suliotue cinan ptcogh ta o ptooghiog and FOR RENT - 3-hedroom hooce Miscellaneous AL 1963. Johno Lagia Moore cf RER. traiter. TE 8-6711. c-15-1922 ittg rooîn suite, %to.tvtt-, china cah- otisciîf. Cati TE 8-9316. Atr 7 on Mofirat atone tu schoot and bac. MOFFAT MOTORS - 5, cet ton ai Ms86har Oarv FOR SAL TV rados Fard, effild p cait Oakeiiie Vt "1877. Fargao 843-1589. es. C. Lapp. AND AUTO BODY REPAIRS RIE posey-r-p ed ubn c i* t a r fc Hare OdRoo Sf E 1,82For. lad tme. MîtcLades tied Fareitorc. 1,-16-2017 E.R. 4. Futifutc. c-tS-1923 -RIE pnsey-r.p e ott Moat ci a i St eta o Mis hr- o ndto.. 0. 8 -6300. 2 33 Mill i trot Aton. b-8-140 bototering fareiture reflaishlag FORt SALEYa ofot tihon bay- Hrc1521 WANTED Ttaosporta tien to FOR RENT-Aotiabîa Septoem- HELP WANTED trg ateanîng. Prompt servirce, bie§ Il_- --tonRSL -o ii ieby aitooIo Teaclcit Caitage corn-tbhar t. One bedroam scif-contain- qualtîy materiats, fine mnrk Flemit tctiotp tMaoodaet ni FOR SALE - 16 t. bat wii i tg year buiding matee"iaic and oîîeavitg Sapt. 100k. Sbire et- cd apartnoaont. Ait caneennec. Sonne Extnorienoa Noooary -nansbip. Baiiey Bruit, TE 8-9741. S'naie Wasington. itc li. E hso 8-vifO. d true-i otiaS-2026's imbe pensac Elizabeth Jattara-.. Camp- 180 Brott St. TE 8-9250. c-15-1988 CALL 854-2553 c-35-2272,11 Foeanherariatoic Car, fi tod au ___R_"300. _ c-15-2028__ vitle. Oaick service. HigS quta -______________ ,)u Monaîti ai 2.30 p.m. Ictarmnt FOR SALE - Scneca Ciia anite. Phane Camrpbeiii I . altt.8427. c522 FOR RENT - Steati forniched Or Apply in Peron 15LREGOS IN o tata Faîroica Cattocture. b neto Iiiinichiaf corn. Jue. Fichait. 2232. c-36-t71-bt WSNF EOGr arni pipatemen apru n t aiabt staf photo LARGEin GLnS PIThe TE 8-9843. c-15-2030 tî- ro drute tur Ille tirewle tarînd aiieprcoce. 215 Etnttood Cr. Chyafpoo5x apear5c, 8l Tbe ___________________________FOR SALE - Grain bac fol Loqîtatiof Tîtîn Girls' Pipl a ni, ct-l"fî914 Capa.57cz 9.O I FOR SALE -New Pany cari - truch nr, wagoot 13' c 7'6 incide. aCash ta aaeumpaoy ordiler. En- age pratarredn 9 8e-cav. Nutite FOR RENT - 4-romr bouse, quire neavi at The Cbampion of- Cars o Thnks Woî. Cartworight, Fiacitton, Ont. Top cacdotiaon, laongae and graae TE 7-4980 or TE 8-9977. Fractîc toitit bath and fuit bacomeet. for- DedSok fice. c-tf 934 d 4V rac...4 itctic h otie tld in Steaoatttoîî. h-710111 rce and iarandr tubs. AMten Arte-______________ W. to bot Ea îo ilîoob OR SAE-Eiclrictace fa i tits. $150. Waods trach lirp 14 _______________ FO AEEoli toe orlr 2 Kigril or.stog i0 Court St., Miltoan. D. & S. LIGHTNINO CON- nl gond tudtin TR8-n eo.42rtiigtCaoi WAN iE i-t SoUo tii too-os toc-15-2032 PACONI OCT ru.caranteed, lnng trtole caod ttaiglithotte io fltic 6078. c 15-2024 catn installations.tia ttiai oii.e ______ 96o3 ais ut uicr tiare Jeanne - _______ o.eeo piouoot, brai book, andi FOR RENT - 6-toot btouse Oi -sautr itît and Icelne Mac FOR SALE-Siltauîîlaaar aer FO A- C00.ruk .ndd oe,îg. Att aree c--oîtootanioi. 25 Higlitîa. 4 miles cortb Dead Stock Remova ETEVNS 6ice c15-1933 12' c 40' cita. $875. Box 10, Caca- tracter tires, nom and asiti. a" i îl ta Chamopiaon bax Na.11 ilto Mittot. Aeaitahia Sept, t. $85 LIMITRO higb. river 50 different declgos dia Camia. ci5i94 ioe.l tancoe: $1.00. filto "_1 ei1936 a îoonih. Phnea TE 8-9316. Affor Higbect Cash Pricet far dnad or a VIKING miikorn and sopara 5-etîtit e itutîbloIr ortfioIot thece aiunca. 3.0. Siltce7 toto,. cati Oahviiia VI 5-0177. disabled ceux and hetrsc. aorc. precion made, staineos t otaîtel amio reat-iore for Ilicht FOsAE- etyemp Tira and Radoator Servica 191 WANTED-.te pootoiot- loue c-i15-2018 Oid Rores. 5a lb. steel. aio koednae dhitine, tia toîe pamp. S45. Oit epaca heator $30. Moul St.. TE 8.2711 haooda Mitti ced dooeh lathert fcaher tocho. LcneN.276 4R6 of etrî dc- oghtaî Jeanîîa. Spaciai TR 8-175, o-15-1983 Laundromat. c-37t138-tf Hîghast -oties. 00e eall Write 1.FOR RENT - Seven rocam farmLcneN.2C6- 2R3 JOHN VANDERMEER thooobettlic dactars and tilati mhoe_____-750RR_1_IMHOS ti Sick Chiliranes Hospital anid FOR SALE-1958 Thunderbird FOR SALE-1951 Ford tratar; Zan. 776 Ca5g St. Toroacon eithncs fran ilttaornhon e EiO- 9-50-t 87-. 0 R.t LMHO flt McKat-soc Fîttieai- Hurlea. convertibte, taaded and sharp. Faigusen 2 taro t iata r pliuan cailect LEnc 5 0724: atanacceaMicnGar cOI87-53 btf tout etteSoat ,oîot iotite TE82647 c-I-i99 piagh: eiaealieoi 6t. tac-ioatoticeHUdeon 5092030S. itien phaa. ioiencahntobe.,____________________bu ____________________________R8-647_c15190___ g Itenaioal8 it tac rt-su 0cr ]case - 5.00 a morrlb. _______________ z c1-92 FOR SA E -4Ioi ."Ali tor doublae dic; 2 sets liarrocet, Stutilable imtiactliatly p yBo i tatio lba a itte -il a AL -4 poic.Aiîn$28 cach:i. î-aha-ioad weagan $25. WE WANT TO LIVE t. Citampiati. Oe. 5-1992.~~ Wainut Ranch Ltd. Real Estate 1le1wodflelbai litb Ctabioa. R.R.i1Actoiast larm W~ J. Malien, R.E. 2, Campbetl NMIlN.___________ crctagithr,lriends nd relativesoan toutfne to f 15 Sde oad vitia FIL 4-2227. c-15-t982 I ITN cit- la, lhitai itaoate andt carole dur- Nascagacceya. c-15-1977 - Malicea Couple tiecticeti N R Crippind and Disabied Cos il tog i tvsin Miltont District FOR SALE-Adding macbinec, FOR SALE - Racrit Oocooita ct ottio luor a apat intt et soncti SI Eand Hors J. A. WILLOttUHB tabti. Special hrank., ta Do. cldownt S2.9- stc c tietici toote-ai S 1otantro-o Niltt G E- foan'i'30torclnccrîtri & SONS LTD. ippemeilers. for eaier rSenitaIl - u SEWING MACHINE24HuSevc Ga' . E. Star. tha nurcse -lia ocra Pbhoe TE 8-6962, Hari -îatian an otr 320, toooraiiîd c- Seoîooaesoooaoo. taiota octe aoc so ta itî ta me, and tu aii Woho Hitmuo m-36ar64t15 Saut i th iiiI cae h iafîr ossbleao.ot hy 4 HarSerI l'i vs ed. M. j. carlton. er.e6 trtanosmieeion anîd tctlitc uai.Spatte15hi ocha.RAT S i ci15-1981 FOR SALE --Scatch Border truck zIlbecoîtitlibcl,. i Fice Pi F5SF CAI L ME. PARKER - RE N T A L Lic. Nn. 133-RP. 208-C-62 Mol- Coifia papc,. aighî ccoksclefd. J. TE 8-6303. c 15-2019 .00 TE 8-2341 Ocv col 63 ycarc eoticaaausscrce toc So bleu li i, exporas cettoc M Simpcon, Hornby, 878-6220. ialoooGaco fatai 877-4426 Be Weh nr Manth Wtron M -04$290atatv -iurci rc 1 ottibe atrit aPioloraionat tu cool c-15-1997 FOR SALE-Larga floe tan, te1 PI-tONE TR 8-6861 Waedon MU9142.900 bna.oîreoctioa e cacîo ndoîi- 5lai red ndrltvswi 25. studioneaach, cars gaud con- 61-lSnaas oocaaecni oct- otaava Sl knd la o datoinfa or FOR SALE - '57 Metear, V-8 ditian $20. eiectric satad mahe ilo ABI Cnr liait. BrightInciadento itchen. Si., raaant haecînoant andoetli l standard tansmission, 2-dtci nditS oîîîaehmcnîc $25, aeatria itnFBRCCnr Paod driva. Acb (o sec ietsona:. tcaî.ttb thaiirut thr- hb auttli fltr- radtia. Mocar, body anod tii-es Ai1 miîk ehaka miter and uicar $15. Tenders Sriean pisonCati Anna Cairns TR 8-6988. a i,J.alIfeing, andîî cotte. Spaciai TE 8.9671. c-15-1937 Sord cage avcd ana menir $3. 8' Sa oc ad epir a SALES- ai itt.n ti, Rat. Powell, Merct naew casseres cith it tu 25c rouit -l ai aakes, ai oaewiog achines. AU T N oîg. Foreraib Hoontean coueigttiot. F-OR SALE - REgietcr*cd Hai L4-230 -SfS TNESOIiSSf.8taioaoeat tc Ain Tbioiooto a ncd Outtot ite iin cloce springing beofarc. UL,4230.c1-05 T N E Sc'i 1.0.4)lltulsur rc c-iS-2033 R.OF. dates. IR 8-9439. Jaue FOR SALE 10f7 Court Sitret Wl t bîitc tacaîtrîl ho flt toîtît 'l'ciea close tuo cau antd chop Raii. il209 Hlto. adao 3heraue bc-otgtad Sborocal on. i Mttidît. Employment Wanted 0f Famitarei gtaag. Sot idra tamiiy huma t-t FOR SALE - 19<,0 Clitai Bait lcv ni-t garageae new1yeottcaito - 8 icîi.îîoitîîîdoiîasa - oclioogîu.itcoaiîooî leot îitti« 16t 9r3 t oî i c-ii tiottptu p tupcl iii Anna Cairn In Memoriam cenl conîditioît. Phonet IR 8-2587 extra', closea lu ecitoabo ced shortp Eoouî Coluco tti afigiotI ti.oii.1 ioMPLtMENT WANVED - WM. EMBUIE Sr. ai O ci 2 piag. Asking price $11,750. Terrne, Charlaes Si.. Miblot. loî 1,o Faim,. fatiditi tc* uny typa ai 20 Ciîarch St.. GcoorgetoVa an ta casut haver. For infoarmationo Apîîî elaia ilctio oîoo b. TE 8-6284. ri152036 sat 10Arsan li IRittebotttil ian o cr a FO SALE - 1957 Fardl stton veriicai, phare Muîrray W. Blacb. galliono pet taut. Motiogi Evig EMuguraMiN 26N[h 10t Ac.38 citai-pan touti litiul.Li( toi lat er tat týj o iV- til oirribio . otît c lin . 46 ciCtib7o loilSiiguaat., AyieO i M L Y ENT WANED .63 Aîctaîatîî-îpî orttttt Soi.haiocot-oîcto eca t îîoo, 24. 1902, 1400768. c 14929 fil, a. ot t1.111r, atctoit. Pficttu 0 id to eto es a., h lon. 4 litote u al t Mutait tkA it., lia, totoeli ciic tolt adiu -O.\ 4.S1, 4 ra.ooe Ibci 878-2580. c-1-237 Ul u i il fv int i a . 1 as25$50 et ce lie îia FR SLE- Pîa ral Hta SINGER as-23 _____ern picrc. tot 209 lownaieant. C ai acr-. ru iet tiaoabtat.ecblait aid hAit a Puc.iae Motuonîb AaH-MeicZgLt obta Milton, Oto. EMFLOYMENT WANTED - FEANK PETCH Aorfooe acentiItîuc J. A. Ettouit TE 8- -i a o btît Atoutl , u io a liercoo. Friturea 878- ooItîet.andtcarti.l'Otruabe otatbe f tI%%cci o aiile derc flait i. Giri Fridtv availabl for gonerai233 -t6 -1513 Iih k i r i lotît conntut. AUb aecoi .cctî ice, tufoit aro time. gond ra- lst 77 23 i ui l 47. 93 cc p-ai e.sil Jîtet 00.1 47.80 c5-2 icrcuîicao. Lai 878-2412. c-15-1978 _______ ____h8oi tilt bittouigiutoFOR SALE-Bcd. otolct. ciaci halaite o ta, t oabr pîctote1,ot ii____ f, Will Ji, l ia lh u. to eer tiicc Ut d ta die s fîc igue Iate $7,a. 37.0 il oa r filont. Sut tti.i bab e r" tatociulioeaeIl toc oil ta n .oîî eia 1 t.1 ;i lii lb o s c1C 4978 - Otogî etotbtk WRiTE BOX 7 g raitt 9. 10. TE 8-6650. c-15-2020i LANADIAN LCHAMPIOiN ______________ FOR SALE - Girl',rutoar Su- As b Coming Events LiotaRoad, toasta ofBrunie St FU N TUcleApiHaocF irt.Boe ___4 & b 44 9 t e- gFO SAE- ure -ikn CLEANERS DECORATING ORNAMENTAL IRON tPLUMBING AND HIATINO il, ( 1- LAS E FOR XPECTANT FRSL ag tti al- PRENIS bta-gioiituuug tttttrodav, aquPmcni. dairv tarte suppies, FACTO R YKNGTSNTR R ScpitIitc, 1211. ciase. paît barns. Salec and Secre , ___________ te- Horac Tuîlniiîcon BramptonuNG TSITRO MILTON OIL BURNERS îb, letiii %20) Foi fou ll-e," 8-98 ut tilourionit -tri iifaloir L125it8999t BE N CH DRY CLEANERS LTD. OraetlIro MALLON il F itoîtr 1e 11 it.iti Fo 878-2801., FORl SALE Milo titoot DECORATING Hugucr e, c155lq79 L,att t.,ecil.iti sweatrs,tca Salifc!iotoFItorccteed ALMNM&IRNRIIG 1 pui i tlave ait iopolctnenb lS*tLaîigERVICES C *aa n, lal epaio s ut m. alMiilton AWaorcdo na. Sl. i $type N ut Oc , qir ccci Tacni oe drpe AILMLM &EL RNR8-98Nfu 2 *u tevicea tiz ocado night. 83 cadmiesion tuent il Toui-Cut tAletic Suc P *VttttIticddca BniaLY R887 4tar ae titifoule, I -crd, coos-rono d cipies.Plume 8786705. c-15i1999 YOQ lJ *SiitLuîrieog * Red made drapea aitf AIt teatS cualcîtcd and incaoad R partiîe, Spaoeo lie Milîton Kiut - ____Sauna d.ty servie ut rcotated FîaeeinsT869 luc n ein >c11164 F.rcvrnsGENERAL CONTRACTORS TR869 -27-if Cl d iîîîitou ii.tttt toîIcît NSECT CONTROL WtTtI O2UR FURNITURE RIGOT OFF OUf îîî.b Sooroato IFoit Ibooocow iîooo DE -CV-D FC0Y -aose lorc Rge -Wio stadesiîe Ie ebt el a(lita Sgt ocatui1 D kER FC O CAto--O-tWoR o'e Rtg cou M0tals * TtVn andaDIoaEVIC toit 1. Mo b1lotti Fîtotoî. Aîoguet 23oîi. UnitsES unalcu or aujrihnsfu amu r .C N O 7 -Il Oit p fo An itsin prUiSi your home orOr BcOranHfS.lwosloi cPick-u ad Dpaiey illcusg rmfmAC A N N T AI EVC 42960le li ll %iiig business promises. Ga ctr îdStoocttdn iefcatco ciey Fac iii-lumne cnsulataticons, cci &SND RA 14.216 fer serve pna scith Fahbiat Gealtîrc M.Cmbel OND R F PLEASE NOTE: We are the Manuacotared Fcrooîlc iciburnel a Ait îork datte an prauia M.Cmpei AI ii NIION F AREFNTS 0F ftor lodayt ceiode, a prouar lthai farms may Se arranged GENERAL CON3'RACTOES TV ANS APPLIANCES El RIlOOINI11 ftIIIlEN. Subit onîy Authorized cee botoce 0e l teitce tioîr oie CALL TR 8-9941 Cati Cactote Hames Repairc SALES &SERVICE anailt 01 CDLE ,Sant -otonfoidence.r cil CA PELe Alteraîiocc Madeut Cpybaadc Phitipe Tape Recorders IleI bu fiR.. lIad aie * e frtttrnuttitlttttubOML Plansantdreccubimacc. *Eagero-MajiecTV Sril. 'It Maren.t,oîc iiipl oobriat * Spartaui TV aod Starco u- ott a oobît 1 ieci,,btto be- tutSIREBUIc3S IN tIAi ION O Sc va r 000rait tirtuIe ItR -o ~T 8 6021 228 Main Si. Yecrc ut etoperieuco. 22MANS. T l%""v teeoil..îîî,oi2 uuto(;il FOLIN3IYNothuouNcr ii Noc.îiî 5îttotof e-47-tf 22MI T R944 Zda.c- i52-1991 ANS FUEL COUNTY. O LitoEked fita lotu tille toi EETIA EVC TR 8-4424 e-tf Fit l r uGVit IMITATIONS OR alSc utuo ale.,ITIA EVC te ______________ FiCHASES FEOM UNAUI- *Lrau lc le acts, ahurit ttoîîîoîîi . ________cit ____________ For TIIORIZED SOUIRCES - lin utciatel. ÎII---.- WELL DRILLIP4G ___ For Sale IldSIST on Centime~ DE. You Coi Alfoil HiqjII McPHAII. ELECTRIC VIORY LA FO AL-pFoc trcaiter, hede ar Qualiy difle 1102!tlOry o INOFISTEOAL Stan Rowe the Mover BUILDING WELL DRILLING IR J70 990- i-, 2013 tUtIiltIfi-.lS 11 VAc I uNh otb Il COMMERFCIALu.lirA io. OTACOSLD J. K RUlIAN toto cci btictid ceod lvyoiol Unit',f oi;. .00 itE cAi-i JbIi, bic-l Dci SI Agnt COrStoiLELtALOTRATOS flaior, tord. IR 8 2457 c 15-2023 PHONE 878-2791 FURNISHINOS SfOCtIfo Coast - Coast * Hume Improcemenîs E. E. 2, Miton, ont. FOR SAL ---nao papa- a utautr rc -ad Fba - O ELECTRIC HEATINFi MWe- trgefaea * Renotatiaos Pholln Barington NEIcon 4«423 niOuR *AEPknc Aîîerarîiascur rie -ad oen traearlotue ____ C mRp32îet-13e EleCtriffntrton FbinFuntue Cmpee lcti Hm 14- 5 Yr S. HIu Homeltrtin c11 n rgiîeod.TE8-302 aiS193 FeeHnm Dmostrtin COMPANY'~14 10fmkSt.Hmto * Aedditons nSdcra DETS ORBSNS r- FOR SALE - Soîtali detiore E5 DREGERS .- ilo 66 Charles St. Miltoan MLO E. *Cmeca rIdbra DETS RBSNS t. busintess, con Sie handtnd morn- THE RGR Ope - 9a.m. to9 p.m. SEVC INTSHND t, =ono af Lereauns. Appty Bac 8. E.R. 1, MILTON TR 8-2091 TR 8-9513 C-t .CALL TR 8-6680 a. UL 4-2263 SEEC Y RNTHS HANS Capon Office. c-14-2-1915 b-15 c-15-tf e-I e-3t -o LOW AS pia8 MPEM $21.tOO nel ment, sandy II: t>cgLtoos, maolilt real grc aflewcr syçtem. en hoe ne fen bruit4 SC&sa tbaak a relatbon 1 CHA 915.506. foi honganei onertie reqai9ie er Ibon dlning tri reulw ty feacec yard seA thse hem bayer. 00e ame Listingo ea 10 to 20 a o sons For reai Multiple L TOI Or s0 BE 3. FULL D $5.9c 3-bedroomn Hast bie NEAF 5-roomu han onuiot, Su price. SYDý REALTOI mi P Il H. WAI MEL ST For Servi BRILA REALTO 310 kMain $700. - Fa Clay bric loseby M ed. snpara fram.nand ment. , s Tastefuly tevet hase dasen pa homes thi maod Crt Williams o Madern 3-bi toce combi ing rooe. hath, dici fSiised re -air oilhle bardtop dl tian btind drapeo. t s i n excn tion. Askîn Cati Art P, Loi for Safi tosen fai $32,00. Co 1800.00. Namsagaepa acres i n sei truck, Iron used for il 72 n 70, ne lnew, ail t Prçoed at1i Caîl Bob . Il I

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