Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 4

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MILTON IINSMEN FEE WEE ALL-STARS, winntra cf 27 gemes Ibis seasce, ara prcsccthy violt- ing oe tee if then ae the Haltn Ccanîy Pnc Wce Chnamptovs. The Milton aclub defeoted Ban- lingtan 6-S ineasuddndeeih gantnforthentcapinshtp lastWcdnsaybut aprtstbas hann aodged bytt he Burliagton chah. Shoas in the fient ate Ken Basn, Gary Nayten, Ken Par- 'a- Kn"rt-lgg aeeSmnith andtLDonHFens. lnîthebavisnac areacoeahtMuratny HadTcd ýcDe-v Eanay Epvuea, Tommy MclrechMiite McGrath and manager Adan Patn. -Milton Pet1ica icveatigien iCiutdi Leads Doug I Caetinnîn cliinh lttttg taong puiting, tise Haillon ty Ai.t SIes decerd the Gel trien 7-2 ie the HaltnC Ai-Stan gatna le Campbe Soedavaeioai A cnae tiaetat 1,000 sawt tht Star pitcncna haid the Te tu saitaut-dibitsaand lava Mciile[he Ait Star oiogge-o Catinalliiatita Ait-Star ne Jtais Rainent-, sarad att ,tiet. Dttng hi- -ta' inn ttt thraa hit- and ]itites mittad ave cnrars. G.ttvtta Oak righitaner Haghea-, inarad tha middle iceningsantd pertcittcd one and tntaa hitsa. Camttie talla' Gant' Fialtd ittîtid line tinrée iranerand cinot ou Tarriars wite atiocteg fonr Score Once Thta Te, i ittt piaidittg ut) position tan ine second lin 1 tltirvars, apithsie sa la tin th int coing whien Ra car ttaeintad. raaind tinirdc 1- iner acciadents finis c e*,ananmdaaaredon Larry L n ~~~:t S125. a .aaa ~ The iaad %ausahurtltcud hate S POR T M SSCSISTALL - HOWIMORTNTIS N I.VP- 'Tîlr, quatio ua m tta a maa.inci Sunda, \,bl, Dog H tttîtth, l tontRedtS- ,at h-n Lthe co-h CJAI Ho.,lo - ha, iîn ah ic t i, S tea . n va- tlu t-attt Ill -mttit ioIl lM,[\ ntttt, P aunttt. Fir [ -u mt lime a i adtl t. lînis lia ttaltjtan id Eac %cr b Iit, rou t, .00lala tîtîu point, tttmtaaim h 0 tIt i i iaIt ý ttt a , ,at liettt t i eld hall stin fl Stîaa kntam nhag tti t. I bat11 k.1 nutt tîttî basî lir hitai ný7 al t ?' itt atltltal atlr.tttttatttt aainv tl coren tî tiiuaitî lit, pla,ttaet int -aýduvt maat inn paniancat int hatakatuyn Ott fltn latng intît lrt the ut- fiaeid trnthe lai pnp- trota th in îîla. Datiaîm Ira ntatinth ttpan t. aitatismhuia'tta- infotaoficiaiîmanl' ittaatlltttftle ttninnlha's shakearatp alm [lie pta%. Besiclse a iitr tir makhe inargit playa and gai the limeha ii. an MV.P. nMant yaaaaaa tha aîa-cailinvtngible ntanaatnttattaa THE HALTON COUNTY ALL.STARB bettied tha GaIt Tari ..thea qualifieua abtt er htiand tati at a-ndtt iuîtiitahttla Sunday afefnoan in Cempbeihutite, and came awa titn a maisathenrast ut the piîuaî'aon flicaalubreptnd atmltllmtmthe leatdershipatfa lnmae - atotsyThe wnivs he hitmfin the a egainst 1 AHitinaa hga Daag pmaaaaaaa ttrtuneîmasta atiaîmna Roesnd in 1961the doned he same Trriers.Showî atinl Red Sas gantae, lu -ue innan t htnya perantitiatin oDuas ei- thin ftant rosa arc Tac Spart cf Gekatille Joe lennace ftsta Whather ll lita us kilttttt ti ti. t Ihan piaisa m an whm Hamitlton, Sia King of Cempbcinilce Sots Dryden of Gaina aala' tiaists, aasurapan d tmoctdti, aitta, hitia taIn plia% enutsý pasttioa th.ithaîs atau.g sitllaatlltamhmttataiasiat t tttîu arnylteiuain t% penldSiav Du c M erchants D ro DIoo Ja toeian ,li, a-titI l lyîanna intî th run agtîî~U ~~ isamure iharit to. tht: ht\ctntan'î hcIicta. nttt ntî hi S lamc.t'. l Can Cop Series Sunday - tTise Campbivitîtît Memiats Catrns' stngle te make AS lis THE YERLY CUSTOM emng aponta% aaribes, wtu ta des Bfrst lîod ln tise Hton score 3-2 The sit triletatt tit 'ppantavit- no taim- tact taciefotbl linatciii llitcîd prattiuiu Ceali Ieslermedsate finals lts scaroles, end ln lise seve Torontoa Argnîtut. C.i.nahampaaien Groa Caîp Gartie, t iln tha alghtl Wednesdayl, detealsso trampe, tise Mercsattt ft Cta nmtlil I.rtI. ttt Vrtta antGasia thiset husts lise Oainnîte Oais tIce ad hit lava mn idanGrd ruishafeilou a Vnculr caI inDue -r. 2. la a amnec aled alfler six hase avIis otsly onse mats Angana ut attr, aîtt tatai bu thauna' in ta nin lu a ittin nt tha timings isccastse of darisceso. avic lise ampîres calied inr ctati in an% poil, tti t an marnage tci tintitl annati at Tise avie gave tise Merncisat a garme. Tise score tisens mver ailthasmoe%. ahIouaantltnhi.aheuatmfileacaaa laithet pa[aataml chancectlamrap tp the tst of saciste thseendaoftthe stth auana nt b n an un Crettîn Gîlinnîntý ta in tîtattîrîn ita baltana tht-ce serieza ont Batday la gtve tise Mercsasts o 5-2 thinga. naîl ha aittlîa-ît fi, th, lina a.asn Ibits ati. Campiselivlle. Game ttme le tory. HiN.b, Wrk,%,kibaaidsu ol ,,do e.2.30, Merehat macnager Lots Jack Railerie pttched an HaaNba.tnktunst..îa.aîaattana aîai.îîaAndrews asaaamed Gary Filed celleat ame foc tise winno As atasnln tant -ta .ranaaîid tt litamtuydana ua tina paipuaur os its strercd s et allowng etsly oae mais ca citialîîaîa h l.a iedI aaPar la fithl ano ilii htati kiais inît ed tislI elîler Larey St. Louis siex hIes ln soingslise dlstac binrlh tu the î l an ri,, ît tît tai cin fil t tjt a aumina, cr Jeohn McKemdet cli start Bill Rlt hitsad peri and atrn tinhal i atw ta nan fling hîglîttîttha attnft oltauit for lise Oaiss. nlgist at the plate for tise tuaîaEAGLE. TheOastck a 1-tieadlnl itier-s, th ahomer a duo Ah avait. it ttua pîtîoa-l a otîiaba ta mentioîn il, but uit ha tise tiret Lains, halls lise se- ced lava malis. Robecrts hat tiabuh iin alpti ILutcai alocl tîtî,titiîttnai inn N% heu vceuithse vlagers wealalsead, hamer and a single Geo Cntn in, Tîtain,' 'taînîiAittî lit Ibtîti titace h n acorlog tlseee lImes ont oneo ruts Chester and AI Wloaesve, bllinah Anitta anal ln the t. homers hy Bill Rllal cend Jacs doubsle and a sinegle eoels,I Eoherts, wtIe dostbles hy Ter- ry I.eter a double ca Es sl ry Patter and George Chsester Calrme a singlIe. - prodeaved lise atfiler ruof ethtie traduits. APPEOVIE MRER Oakeatîte scomid once Is lthe Suriegmon Coanuil plant isottete cf tise thîrd ta mtuse aammimaa- an Mantian tnt - tise score 3-2, but la tise foutli ndad appynae of tlie a heMorciscels gaI that ruts gu.o ofta tih 12.andi16 hai soaaSt îll t-Cci îoaata abgehb Cheter sied uts errer isy The mttnuba heu rtn planant t edk cutdaclo tnnadmstrtia ni - i daubisedoandtscoredeonsRarî uettaattaah tottgiir-. DOUG HYATr of the Miton inn o asý,redteGe Monden ManieraI Trophp aiet in ta ae uda tise Mot Vatuahe Ployer in the Hlo onyItreil Laigtue fot 1963. The trnphy vias pncscnted bp Mrs. Mot-dev in banes of han tote hatbanid, an ampire in Haiton Ceavty iengaca fo- many peors. Deug is shenin tino plvture boive cengt-atatedl bit bts xcv Mars. This ethea third yect- the trspisp bas hem, presonted. Prealous minners ce-e Ston Hec- darsos tcf Compisedinitie and ispnn MaLisrn of Georgtowns. HittngStroun MilcIn Vtol 2-1 cec sien enter tis ere toweti ients ino go e rd schciuiled hy ht maers je an ettorftoiscp tie- Plotcro i Iyatt Receives M a P AwP tt aodppesite tait OSA. toplshe rue opstin ocit tinni wias leStr cutre c e non Pcsixth as Gor Hughnes Robserts wath o doube and Gory plondeeno. Cout j hi fo h iig. ootsnd Cotteingisam, cotciner Pot Field wthi o home ruai Oakvilte Theo Box stiti dacIt keote win toTr- otaf Len z eigted and 1hird hosemoan third honnemet Resi Drydent a Ile elfae o oen ag lvilaleitae rigint field tie aed ocrd inm it d. be duninha the mnyeacthersn saete. w ompntce ino eIntermedian '!" nl s-ý ine in x acI inale StBRetll Leftlssne p EAst* division tis yeor. nAIta Cacil itln aland S it te evnti ineiog tise Stars A ,o eth sdiîoîsg John Hopiis antd Wayne HI.- reran rdsle doni me nGl etadrKn' tteenc pofte si ettshimid thl ttuh . staia an duiid oaetin etelie jctndO Gîtitîane- et wa tets o-tni atave iching. ics rues. At Wtegranc, Inn tiidiatr Lavis fnr lave morehrus. Stu lnatas meeestue pler ine ietnigta Hiioni-noc un t fu it ancin- lin innt retcned inasn ce an King oiteeed the lccbtg witis his eaue'gtse 1M osot ls.e D ae Hivpinatînra Hltnd stisntt tav iv ns annrota-haRie Kig acarnd tram second init et Inn game, a single, autthe i6l ou;tien ailet C y kats an ate anc whitec terain sanartnd tan file aecnond rttn ci ttic atsd avorcd on e double hy teMait ofk CM pio t se losHHais-ts nnea . t tServ.RtICl-tR"Tyke s lhmios Hatohe Ciatony akieg rne. lv ttaacncct inittin matt- AI apntiniteoed Ea Cairns ..uso elCs;p th e okvîîîe Tao singlst iny Mccv Flecel coingStatiý aant inattared Gait starter enningas saoricg, as isis single tieHthCacyMde t-ti n egHal ei gavea Etic Lttmaa. anat-ig once on lIvo ptatcd Wicgmove. Ces; h atnCut M in7 Deug MeCulcnt ansd a sic- vottt-tinpIcsaantd a daoinln. Lnadotf Tne Stars ctoed eue lise sent-- Chmps, Aideeshet, and the Hal- gln ha Son Phillips aeeoanied toc .mri Daug Hyatt of Milton sing- jet cn tine nigti icning wisentson Ceanly Soretann Champs, ine fit-n Rnd Sos is. Garsi ld tttgl flict ttt tiddtn. t-eainnd. Compbislnille pitainer Gary ield Bt-ampton.- tint-a ittd en . long li[y ta enIre isy hetted a long home ruo onter tise Tise Most Valeanle Player , a -t-n tuack Roinets and scornd on an tatI field fnce Aaad ao preseeted isy Mra. odk, Uun* Ptch linitiatî itated aingle iny AI Wingravc. Att-Star manager Lec Andrewas Gtec Mot-dec. Tine amard ae do.5 t j#O final Ecomînous eaed anly anc sebinsîlae doring Ineet in er tlt inasacd'a me- It UpU WI t tine Tinerinird and toarin innings tine geme, QaRvilte coaciner Tom mery. Tnv Re.d Boa in tise Milton its. ttnnae ananasa. inot lain t its Bynra pincs-i tee Gary Hughes Petc McMulicn, president et Little Lcagoe woen a vlose gamne Ilte Sta bint c thead ta 4-I. lin Inn aists innicg. A look Inn Haillon Coacty Baeail Aa- Taraday nignt cdging tiseir " e aop- Gaît t nijafat Ilati Tadd atateld tttoagi fitc Att-Star lin-un asoiaio for Inn peat 16 yaat divisiontlct ina hee trilrn, 6-5. te in the coing iny atiiing oat Win-Iashows:Joe Iatcuei ofHamilton prcscntcd tise tropnies ta Inn Bilia-ClarksandWaenBiaroisar- arico gnaaa. inut Don MuPnait cf Dan- avitis e aingle and a double; Dec division aviera and tinaniedtne cd inn moud dottes fer tile yUit, dits-etisedmoved t titd onMcPnailofDttnisvitnoavoth; crod ofenearly 1,0ftoroming ainnersavinite Brias Ross bain tnantaigleinysattCirns and seor- Eart Cairns otCampselvilleavitisout le Inn game and inacatingIiin tata fer tise Scnolors. Cuit- att athan GakinjttaaRoss Dravdntos v ingles and a aai; Doog miroiinaaeinotl avithie tine con' David R'vn aned SteeiJson tildý gnaatîdad oct' iHyaî avitia single; Doog MaCol- ty. -I l t inr ' in cni for the Set, aven, Tine Teriet-a gai anc ran innaica en of M Iton avilis a cais, Jacs STARE DUST Tne Att - Stars huehý1 ranMr=tc Bitiy Clark and cnt-c ainortinended fartne coin-îRinert Lawre-ncenacininda do- test. saInh Lerry St Louisaend'hlla-Robertsoninad tnnainita fur I Denela Mendyk .ot bakisaite and inn iaaana. Bll Roave, Moray Laken, Jite Wil- Tne gamc racknd as oe et tise h son and Hacie M Mittan, mii ft hattnr unes tItis near, avilis conit Hamiton, absent c cluin pttaieg inntttla otinsehaît. Doug McCutnhccc of Miltott AI Wingnove of Camtpinellviil 7-2 Don McPhail of Dundes, Len Andrews cf Campinellville, CIlff nter- Houston cf Milton and Ian Sinephetd of Oakille. ln thne beck nlph ae Sian Henderson cf Campinellville, Doug Hyatt of Milton' n n Jack Roberts, Gary Fieldi and Harry Hatmilton cf Campbellnille. iof Gety Hughes and Ray Lawr-ence of Oakville and Bill Ehiott cf lie, ICatepellie. tise ws led otis the tad t-g nn i a ilt *GOBYTRAIN CANADIANi NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO-AUGUST 16TH TO SEPTEMBER 2ND RETURN COACH FARE $1.95 bCd gotag Ttatsdon, fUg. Ilîn ta Mtedat, Sept. 2nd inclusiv tetutt Lnt-Scet 4th . RtStt tfitniat s fines aieo a3liaIt full insformatiotsfrom Otsp agent lOELWO MOUi COMPLOT TRAISSOEATIN Q RE MILTON BOWLAWAY HAVING INSTALLED VUBRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC PINSETTERS lU WE HAVE OPENINOS FOR APTERNOON LEAGURS Pieuse Phone TE 8.6986 Eor e Esorvatjoos YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE Officiai Opening k 0F YOUR Milton Community Swimming Pool AT ROTARY PARK TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 PROGRAM BEGINS AT 7 P.M. *OFFICIAL OPENINO EY POOL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN J. M. LEDWITH *TINY HOPKINS, MASTER 0F CEREMONIES *SWIMMING RACES *WATER SAPETY DEMONSTEATIONS *LOG ROLLING CONTEST *GREASY POLE COMPETITION *JOUSTING CONTEST *FREE DRAW FOR A 1964 PAMILY SEASON'S TICKET-Js write posa came on tht, bd 6r à pioco Of Ppipe and beicE l alant ALL ARE WELCOME Reul OId Frushioned4 Valves e~et LAE UME7c SALE CHECK< THIS LIST - THEN COME IN AND SEE MANY-MANY MORE ITEMS THAT ARE ON SPECIAL 7c SALE 8-QI. GALVANIZED PAIL --87c BALL -BEARING ROLLING PIN 97e LARGE SIZE PLASTIC LAUNDRY BASKET - - -_$1-.97 SQUARE Roth For DISH PAN and CHORE GIRL 97c 12"' PATIO BROOM - - - - 97c WAX and APPLICATOR - 711 97c LADY HELEN IRONING PAD and COVER SET 97c Midget PENCIL SHARPEN-ER $1797 OUALITY GENDRON - NION BAC< LAWN -CHAIRS- -----$5.77 100 PT. !/.IN. PLASTIC PIPE ------$3.77 HOOVER HOO VER Constellation POLISHERS VACUUM NOW FOR OL CLIEANER s2.77 A REAL BUY AT ONLY COME IN NOW TO CREET STORE AND SEE s,5d4.77 MANY MORE ITEMS.ON THIS BIG ?c SALE CHECK OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON RECORD PLAYERS ami TRANSISTOR RADIOS 2 Cycle Reg. 44.93-2 Onip Power Mowers - - - - $38.77 Washlng Machine Reg. 1139.95-4 Ossly Pump and Timer - - - $119.95 21 Cu. Ft. Reg. $269.95 - 1 Ocsîy Deluxe Freezer - - - - $239.95 USE OUR THRIFTY CREST PAYMENT PLAN TE 8.6011 DON MIRRITT, Omser i FOU ouli, in C ya votai Wi Plat Motd Tinunde tise ard ton Gi ttc ip tie uspi satly i Net-a E tinnir i Tine inird l toartn go ohinn in tnn Wrighnt ta gant Tincmp rnog, r trom1 gane ci lt-les. Suaon ancrage maing Loat ed te a first le Meteor and fia il, M teai the Mc in flie Comets trame enta dv close le The ininda 24-3 cil tacs, tt sianaof Leagme. ltai- g appone ptaytff dan. 24ESi At tis su HOJ Yot BA(

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