Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 3

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AN ANTIQUE DOM. COLLECTION owned by Miss Laurje Ste. vertsonr of Milton wiii go on display ail neet weeh ie the vacant R. S. Adams store acresi fromt the Tomes -le». Miss Stevenson has collected about 40 dloils oeer the past pears, including the 30 inch high doli je the white dress, and the china head doit je her right hand. Also on displap wili ba this three- masted barque, the "Crusader," bijl mass pears ago by a Mr. Proud from, Milton Heights and given to her father, Dr. C. K. Stevenson, about 25 pears ago. 1_H AL -TON COUNCIL BRÎEFS AI the Augou meeting of Hal- 0 Nuctaguuceya Depcts-Reue ton County Couecil ce Tuesday, William Coultet' and iorr-etocco ti Councittors froca the noces Dopcty.Reeo William Hantr Hcitain mueicipatities tusthcd wore cielegatrr to attentd a De- througli toto morsis butsinsns, irtrtmerttot Tt'uuul antI Pîthiijtv ettesmitîce reports and cccots meeting tu etup ar,'goaîretou, daringa four and ose'half heur ictecouricil. sessio. Courcitadjoursod just 0 Cduncil ceîridrdîa fit'e bstforc 6.30 p.m., heoumgiai necxl ycat' capital hodget plan, uod month the pamsing of else hy- preiimisury figurces sahmittc bv lasos the Acgut agenda. the fiuane commîttue. Ntt defii, *oi Membere speet toto heces dits. Pte action ots tahen. rati coeittg the marheting of debeo. C *As till Heatî Uttit tî turms, otith a repreesetatise of the ehusging fitl pension plun 1 eot Mitis-Sponce Co. A motion te ae- the Gouetent Annuiisfu ceps the compacy's offer fer 1o the oeot Ostario Municipul Em. $680,000 uuerth et' leeteren plopettu Retir-emest Systeot, tl the OucteT'ltu-Memnorial tt'u c fl Ie CouIantt.atttl Hospital additions tucufcatudt Huard migl aise attoI k ansd the finaoce committue as uduuatage cf the ouot plus. Tttr uothoriued touarrasge torthe sule marier waisrefer-red tothelud of debeetures eluotheru tl pou. of depurtmunts. tibtu. * The planing cîtnitte n Il D)Luoy-Reue G. Gulugttretuntuutsment tleprtmetîepîc- Bulnlnnoed th cpri e sinalices tIl a meeting tvIl tforlegle t [tDpuiso L. Wiltoo, Assuarmuot Coms ef Hightcaus mac tmpreoig I truffie batreilc ut Highotuu 401 rsi.ur fer Lincoln Count -y vl rieur Mohaotk Ruueruy.Thue urt- eeied hoesin uut et ct ty rrtads cemmiltrec had uchuti rtidtotheomeectihcrtue n tliu D.H.O to joprove the Ieu. Poo co u me tno e tier. "The Towshirp uuhrd ucer "'0Coosjilthrtud tntattrtrtt so peurs agl adutud Nucuagu. bu thu Haitto CtosurtatienCo musa Deuty-Rcere William Cool' mitieu. te diuhusd. Thu commit- ter. tee peitttudl oct fihl feutsc il Haltes Ceutîs usturguncu furm ponds hud hesl thl mi fjru plun.sno euin gdeeorrettht ruehk astI so tiraI Coservto fliu Emuerrues Mcasuue lraîi Authori tiu tee prupured te ptt zaties. miii bu u pfumrt fer cillet similur tirants et tarot pods, Ontario cuntis, the ceont il thttre reus n ec [*ucî1 thecm Iua rord. The plan, othun cetmplet. mitltce te contine. Corciljse cc]uill bu preen'tud te tt steet- the tammittecret.' n nfoc ieg otf ttic Ontario Fire Chiefs. ttt the Septeother mettingt o fruparatito tf a rrct u - itrakc tieetlic Coservto t L ujttud sig fr bue ctttrattce to ttttttitts ttc treprci ttt fais Italien Marrrt otau appervci. eter bue graot euteo L ot hiidet h. A. Pas an oct grclurlcmmte Sorsof Milton wau i ,t*e'seectit tuestlicuati tleclstth $1,450 conteact fort irtutalîfiga titreruethe lupair rouet .1 rtewothiler ttt tlire Chilrtietr Aid antd Frtest., tuas tertir altric Seciety building. lc.ts,ttti Ittepertjeu. Tircon * Mmtrierredtlicutreciltth asturlte tlice Iitîttt en tire Seruet Lise totment, tuash for a teport on D'rumîqirtotuthisodecreasclîttr mntagementt tet ettue lutf40 ni.î.. r LON0full ereach tto ett,ttt tn H-llott. etrgiouur IN tiscussing the si 955 tuttt-helt rertucatiors tu tie itrg ligbtu rithe buepttttttc'tttttf lce. arrc Htth St. hettse Tite Tt ttuett. Ir t.ttrtetuu rterest mationsu fttllort mucent'ttrjftu ,cleu ,cltftl cciet. elutthe Chictrer's Ai Scie1tJi IlApetits et pasiog 50 sîttre i qeat tetui je Ctourt Htcte cnoflecal oreoicipalrtius hr Biech. et* (lie cet fer short urot erres ________ on0 ait errantsy reur cootrecliof liks a vei a iFf. igIle esi eial sa, t' urrt tif reai o li a i &"' S ejune ws ien arpprer'tl. Autyu Sp.1, LaTre rrds ucartnit leu ttpllrt,tr bi[ye ...... et 71 tetlreut rtf Ille ttrr urrt Mit- Autun..........Sept. 20, 21 to, atnd Mt tor rîrou OaI, Artcautet ........ Sep. 19.21 asiiti C.N.R. trt iroprut, c Irel Arlter._-......Sept. 25, 26 uiglit tises t tlie Base Lilte Rttl Biarrrptot....... Sept. 12-14 .uhoty. 1Cadiudeo . Sept. 6, 7 *CPR coutrr cetti cttreuitre Eltoira Aug. 30, 3 1 Sept. 2 tieplansr toi ttt urt.urr gecs plaîrrred ot tire Base Litre Ilre, Etjt ..Oci. 11, 12 & 14 Milton Huighîs. anti aukec cotin. Ferges .........Sept. 20, 21 cil's permission. Geil . .... ... ... Sept. 4.7 *I flatt ec matde ttt It tttttstt t;cirgutttn Oct. 4, 5 ao"fle r tlire Warcilrt rvtril r Ilr Valley Sept. 27, 28 desh, urursel chtuir, rauat chair, Milton -...... Sept. 27_28 ttests pad uard lielreld, ut a cecI ef $714. Orungeuillo ........ Sept. 17.18 a*The'cttrtcilecrrtrrasolintt. Slrelheerre ... Sept.21 & 23 Iu ut Peterhoroutghr reuiîtiun Teronto iLME) ..Aeg. 16 Sept. 2 ashisg the provincial foerienrtt Toronto (Royal Wioter Pair) Itrpuyithe eotireeeoslofslries ............... Non. 15 -23 O The ceir ruas a.uhed tt tif - tai inoratin o attetetrtic Luhe Victoria, trt central Ait t,. tcoart repes'tiog machtintes fur ueu csuets te atua Ilire finires tire sn the corts. 'sica of Mussacitesetts Registration and Interview Day AT... BOYNE HILL NURSERY SCHOOL AUGUST 29.30 7:00 P.M. Io 9.00 P.M. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO BRINC THEIR CNIWORIN TO SUE THE SCNOOL, FOR PURTHRR INFORMATION CALL TR 8-6175 or TR 8-6870 lust Hast af Na. 5 Slderoud off 23 Hseta Tise Bopase Present Funds Fall Short Seek County Retarded Grant Toenserre the contineeddooodoor anvsses,Il tdrasand te Asociations fronmeojep tise cf retardedi bilîdres, Halcon fait fair boothu 10 raille monep," countcils rasged fr-ose fiai deon County, Coascil uboold preuide a ho said. '00e arc spesdieg sa tis, tu a pur pupil grant. gruot equal te the difforenec- o mueb il trying 10 raice meoy, Eeoteuaiu Me. Addiceon ucdu ilee goreroimeet gr-ants and we areet deotig eough timlhe l 'rment has prmied i the total operutisg ettuts, a dit- 10 oper-atiog the ucheelc. pfuurde feonds lorthbu compte gaîlus frose Halîse Association Aecooelycooscil graot makil ces( et relueded eudetin. "Bi for Rotarded Cbildren il the ep the differesce. betotren giouers. oheri, sre den't hseot." bu said. countp body Tuesda. mentîgrassanddperaioaluoss The ceoy ceuld convoicet couny Reard ciChilren' th fun-raiingchor, enur ef- clnatien tetot eueh Aseeltit scbeol -NrthHon, Bralie iientrseboloperutioss,uand give ut the slurîtofatauar. Il thuA tonsandOakuille -ull hrtby the Acseciatios limie tu devoso cia ueltist did etlel wi $33,008 ln 1962, spoesman G. G. te adeit edgeatieo and research. Ibuir bedgcî, bey weetld bave t Addiuonî, cbeirmao of the Ner-rh "At preserit filr is noeoquit- relue rire cieficît meecuy fler Halles greuf told ceeneil. He os-i1 abIe grant sstem based 'on as- buIrCc h pllto test ploisoed the $33,000 bad 10 he'e -sment ratio if .b msep. c T heel e prettn etstltt. t raised by the Local Associatiens lies." bue spu keumus cmstiseed. tee capitl tfondc, or monus lu. wboeoperate the scbeec. and heýMuiipaI acsistanceuiu purmin.s- -h eetsrte.p tesk wau beoming impssible .ieoily"hecadded. andleftî eseetc,odut sece prsi- Bray Raislag Moaey wi uohirso euh lodirtide'W setoo teeangc bo ie porAc "Wu roo bobo salesc dreor-tue orcl hsls enr rnst it Ladt %cr tht, totat budigets thtltiec'cch.ei camreI., $50,000. The Pt-rin o ibt Plan run-iied Program a -oali et S17,000, lie pe ou ~~ The pc'lition suas terneti e. To ~ ~ ~ l tpnro nT eda u tthe finatce comtetttec I lro penPSl n T esd ferlier ctdy. A feo tiied pregram te in store oee celter aoy uf the cn tee Ibose otho attend 1he efficial teste, and bu bopod pleoty et par- upuniog et Miltuo's seo Cese- ticipansc moeld uhowop tst maheEv nsC nfu e ircetiiy SwmitrirgfPolinsRotary bh u lnuidu of the progrumsesu- v nsC fu e ParkhneuîTeesduy evuoing. ceosfl. Tbre'e alcofroed atCa, Pool eommittoe membere hune fer ar1964 seusuns', paus goodrfer LuepuiV States .rgreud luti in1 16e jr openieg a uhole fumily anduallyoubhave mitb the old-Ieubioned dupu colo. le do lu enter is uttend the open-' Coolusiooerer Ilre OId Pscie hrtion in Milo, adso tby'e iegandmwrite yoer ume onoaod Dasty tnd tht Steare crot lijrsd cp some old'faebiosed pioco of paper (or lbe aduertise- dure,. rca comptained ttt bu Det oests tihe pole joaurisgecess, met je TheuChampion about the eu RceriJ.Suitl on MrtcaY r a gr-oasp pote etimbisg competi uuusll and drop il loto the barrot. Miltotn Ceerîcit. ries, und sotimmieg races asd J. M. Ludmitb miii say the Hc'rl uiticctptslc'stîulh demostra(jos. A log roilisgjotords that miii otticiully ope twee utsseer ottlcierjsic- Coteulrcýas ddedtuature thatthe poodkicheff abrief he haci iat seuctalinrutrit bas becst pianned, bot lu date lb, campurge te rti,, tht, 50()o about tht liaIt'es ut the s'lar- committeu hasnot foasd ussosurîbu commitîesu s hort teben Showe. Hc'siid lie huti no, r-et, capuble et performiog 161,, difi il opc'sud a musth ege. Muyer the pottsers hiotsuit but asm cuit tush. S. G. Chiidchbasbuheurtiîed, and Il nuis[tcîsthtittiitg. Gord Colinss to sl Tint Hopkins miii bc emece. The Ctttrîrctitts lotijctîci Ile chargerai th, pre gramajury pror'ttarteut7 p.m. militbucottrtiecotsitont.întIti mai t tru %,s ittecthlie Gir Cireur tri Commre ats pat ReatorCo ncilor W .Huner 1 llre pr-omotionr fer tire Stear Sho\v'., ws ntsuc'rptsueîjo ti Realtr-Co ncilor w r-inrer Stucor Shttow peblicils. Denies Conflict of Interest lOcY 'Yofcarificatrion tr \,t ls ura cruurtillct et ttc er-e s teurcd pr-opsedurltiee s itesIflcnw1oiciîîot teiiî,î-Sho tîttc ein ia couoîucoeictllieîs the r.lritcouetyîrri, HaitonPuistuedt li rtiht Oturdc'kunit Chase fer Real Esturu s'is on comu dît wilh upecjat tuent,, l a Rc't.'Fu .Rcmetteof Bee'outhpe puortsuaîdciseered Uttîrîthe Stett howtt. iingeon lhiehs ce. and saici su il ir teu fliceol cgc'toru Depuil C r'esday, ut flie Auguct mreeting Rec"s iem. of HaLtto Ceutîty Coeoejil t dsClaliff Naso owo 'tB t" x Helîrgieci o epets-Ruue idot belicue bereinW 'tB " x William Henler oft Geergetuown, ar troeuble, bel il clreutd bu cirr-iticd Thc Lerou Scets Militery Heet t'calestatuu genrt wib peoperty inecuse il reruny ceotmettt,,iitcneIbu plaia t e C.N.E istinîg, rn tht Georgettionseeua ut r brut datec," edde Ruouu band computîttons fhns cur Whcnflitc ceou curii r-cccti'Ruckma. Brecsoedeciddto deute a] IDupeu vRert, Hurt er replild lhc'jrl t'ol prupurinrt ltt Few~~~ Tnos o e ne ofetbuse pruprrH's Nere mess ut tht, Worid fleowisi J'W kim or istu byme."H, ddedbatMatch jn Caiudon ibis October - mu of ics salesureprestotiv'es insccd. oight baie ticting onh rp Coop ro v ess jrieu, bel "t balso conntro _________ The tomo tutti mîruh ose mure uturtubuat mu saieuouo tine, atîumpît ai tur-uciogeciîizuou o lie et tbure as enu cosflict ut truier co-Ilperatic' Ir-c plaflting tOttiet. peogreot, Milten Ceeneil ugreed Tht, maritr tee,, cilesîtd lu Monday. dr-up. LOOK Coder fltc platn ttic îuo miii Mctaochite, flictricuiyui pet' litit flicu citt ul pleotie trtes coreriitc iu tînt ing ittuItilte AT THE "GOODWILL ortîr prupeeru adjucent li tIhe ci.y theu cur begjtt cteul'titt prut tel*t oripplicuotu. Tu, up- ut' e newr lri] te sur e the llitt't USED CARS WE plitteel pays tht, ether liait et* eeueiis. Cierku et tht, thtic'u in te st, ties thaveu hen usheci tu ecompile SELL Tire pie-rt iniîttial tu .t Yu,, chaitrtt rppulation rasNnd TER BCD ,', îircs Ile"priegnîtithunttelture jufii rcc1,. z,, nuit a,, t NYREBC $38 tiertr t thu 8250 tredt ira the sîteecut let u îeiof etieeîciurg *Y SERVICE PtecttrrtI theit epplicaotu led b Ille Prejec- tu ettk truc,. , TRADE NOW AT Tuswn Plant Thon A lecir ci-ece hue carte i Derretv Reuue J. Huit ttanct e .g îd asiedthe Ihu chanic Milton Motor lo ane futer-tatuorpt tuiter- tir rupar t. Askud ,uirIlr c'st cîetitiznific.tsro i, cliotineuhl the,, troubl t-s, eh Sales Ltd. etsecl40 pter cent tht, $38 ticeeitihuifixedtpiu1 crf t 388 Main St, Miltan tie lîrîca speet iiifle piegIer gî a Inuit httîd ri iutsr _ _ _ _ _ _ edtvic'ie c'tîw îeetted Iher rdrci epaid tee 10 lOpur-centby Il lues noîec tie original intct-' lione offle program wîtc thut Ihui A P A RA N C ES ire pouriv eared, loCi Stilil Dcpred lersi hehoieuwer inthecc Hardwone Seric rR.. .L'~~ 4 Don't Miss Our Quuck repairs for OLD FASHIONED SPECIALS shoes full O'WOe! CAST IRON FRYING PANS CROQUET SETS Tlruhiîrd muîrcr escdllo rtse Alfavorite lette game tiret ' Nowis the .otlit]e ti iolpe ieueitr oesur îlitr Time to Get From $1 .69 to $7.98 $7.95 Shoes AM CHMES CHARCOAL lteustra haeu A andb B ltotlt Goce pîrpraut rît tî.,glIt selr cliiciicys iii steck. corîirt, N,ît v bat ircue Ready for School I 59C llece,,tiI. 9 REPAIRINO 0 REEUILDINO 2 5-lb. bags 85c We Sharpee Stissars - LAMP WICK NCIW tiCtTLNLI AFILR 1111 i 111rt 14 lrrttrt 'ti .tiotct DiONT MISS THE STEAN HIOULIAYS tt ck utilt tri stock. SHOW IN MILTON LABOR ONLY 20c YARD I DAY WEEKEND Milton-_ - - 1 Shoe Repoir MITNH RW R 163 Main E. 2'2 s""" - I 1O R32 5 OLD-FASHIONED 1er tirottd. as ttc-i sfli o a Miton and dtric brut, R,unîîîeitesA gtuu til Htettit'ettîote r butsv lutîgt la i- sutitels, wcîi sheuld com pierei Ilite oldtiire cosue lo ua t,' n t it bu c rif clsur g 'ilc 'eshiot Estîce Bradcley mudets e PHOMOTE SHOW Tht, Steror Reutrietinl Milton ,repîthicir, eýr Chanrnel' 9ý tc'ieuisies. To rtou, titis aiter-, muer (Thuscer I. Tire poe ir 'Oct> Heu- u a"ie 1.30 p. rît 1 n l ie-turc- itC riwut Bett- At, Rogersr1 Stoer, Crck. tI.ngh ter osiMe anrd Mes. De- Rogers suin aie" -l.3e ilettbers tri tire Asseci,, liren. She'il be tîlihtg tbout the eteinr Milltn c-sui n ,tci ubte rie photos (ilîe bu Tise Chat- Oe>u. tir stup, relire hltetc' stees htilrg gue. -Oliver Cîncot fîtutonut tIt asta part ir- buet en i gnctcrtt'irre. -Maccîs ALcit ti. ROBERT R. HAMILTON GOorgean 6 MinN Fer Appt.T, 37 Office Heurs Oeils lexcepi Modtu EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS PILIRD The Canadian Champion. Thursda, August 22nd, 1963 3 More Eligible Voters New Returning Officer Starts With Enumeration of 60,000 ManeEMay'K err t bel-tu iisei flittc Fdral tc Oakille, acfrmter bak maaur,' Eeueratitt et toters IN the heu heur d Ret rig Ottllrs tbg takt cg the new Re- teefui the Septeheur 25 Proe- turning Otticer. Ther arc 504 oica lcini Halto Ceuety, hrast ecntutrs woth wiii o it ta ann nced tttd.t ht Ge.;et thu hrtittttp artru ttî Haltt., Ker, Proessite Cuns,,tiNc rpreseanttng 252 of the pttttttg tcatndidatte. (Tht Rceutjtt g ilc suthdivisittts. As tyvil, 31 rutal inorltintt the cuttdidate, eutmurattet ttiiI alct got ttc-strk lie addtd.) cutog and egisterttg vttc Mr-. Ker tts .tppttitet bh> th linttttt 31 rutalettis guttt-ertturt presd ater the! E. Roet Reet Milton. Flttyd Hatt utttttitt Ittut scs Litetat. tlemm.ttd o~f Nassagatteyu Mace Cttttervatittt attn Nett DLtstttra.- Sperv ot Esqttccttg antd Rttu tic Party candidates sckir Hat Kitrt',tt1 At arc. itt chargte tontu chate att Qtreett' Patrk. j o the Nttrth Htltttt ttluetrs Motre Vtoteras :itrthtir rtettus distits ur thte The Rettttrittg Oflit rexpects 1Pro~gr-essive C, trvtîe. tltewl bta stlgh t itreatst irt Urhatt erttratiett begitu tnst the nuterth- ut etigibte rttcttrs int Mttrtttru Augtrct 26, and endst thsec tin vrt lct 59,000 mthe IAttgttt 29. The rrl,tt aio teert qtatificitturv-tte ittthe Juo,. witt bc doncr Sepîcerr 3 tua 6 Pc'der-tl tteclrrtt. There tcitt hc 282 ittctusie. Reriio andcorecio tttttittg stuhdiv iions scullrt ut the' tistctcrtt tlakt plae Sep- acius Ile cuni, i simlrnomterrifhet 13 attt 14. * GERMAN CANADIAN CLUB S 0F HALTON COUNTY INVITE YOU TO A D A NCE ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 8 P.M. B3AND RENZETTI *AT PERU HALLS BRENDA BUSBY B.A. T.D. C.DT.A. C.TA. HDA. SCHOOL of DANCING REGISTRATION TO BE HELD AT MILTON TOWN HALL SAT., SEPT. 7 -- 1 PaM. 4 P.M. LEISSNS TAUGNT IN BALLET - TAP - HIGHLAND BATON - MODERN - JAZZ - ACRO Gradad Eoaseinatians in Ail Sabacas if Dssied FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Coul TR 8-2272 or VA 7-4805 WE DON'T STOCK HOOP SKIRTS, BUSTLES, OR KNEE LENGTH SWIM SUITS BUT WE DO HAVE ALL THE THINGS THE MODERN FAMILY NEEDS ... AND COMING NEXT WEEK A REAL OLD FASHIONED S AL E WITH BARGAINS EVEN GRANDMA WOULD HAVE APPRECIATED. DON'T MISS IT STARTING NEXT FRIDAY MORNING AT 200 MAN ST.TE 8 - 261 '1 h er fH Ii

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