STM Canain Champion, Tbersépy Aum 22sd, 1963 AMI M I BEIMOIREJapanese Delegate Cheh .ahosLnSt.n SLuke's Speaker Mariy FriensAt dShwr Ren. Jseph Y. Meoscoka BD,j  Dwï NEN IN oges orseg00 Presentation for Area ýCouple -1 ija ag'g dlile Ponrmese [nTro, 6e Bym .BnRtr dm glcnCt u opokn Sda Lobe By 8fr. Csj Pteme. test weekeed le Toroneto a onces laid to s-est bes dc bis parents Astho terolth bboerant of Mr ond M Bruce Westecborg 8ob Haror' th hrho h eylag ubro redof bbeCh chefn oce r adl mghPebtrinCu Betbet Chocbeun eoda Mntoroad boh on reedlou isi Epiphoon' of as ose contecedl* neghbors cnd rlcisngsberot Me rn cbr Cemee>- finis~~~~~. efl h evc a npo oei otelfolwn h ev nteasneo .i Bayle Commcelly Cocos-e oni ArAngliciaCeoece Bock te Cernesy aeassselscesero p- ereo onet ofmego 'bc icitebeeee e c y a t esctcy eneeg forea ssome- RenPI cgo eM Mr. Hoes-y Nock jet esn Fol peso and Cook ac onsideche then-cee, misbw M. cool Lielb'e.Fli oegldadMs cfsoc rn bM er eos co ebc Mr. ood Mec. Hoît>' Hebbel coo rand lionepcly for Cil- HonteygoMof St Jobno, Ne,, dcyeeneeg train Ma[tonfor of oecey fronta thd bas. brideloro Coudrsel ainde utore seo monthss olidey in bIsisoseciaMo put=ofe the gis sn flo ir b e ltvs Sogtoce. Michigan were goet ~s e se Cilles Tie-onee foulcys w isie for ev aGs-n>[cstbsmdead Camam ConforcotS m Congrateltieonsst onoldlDue ne ribe meekesd rnîlb Mr cnolisJsi ile.Teec dy iýterfins ar otes-ront icst bs fih n lb.Bians roelos Comei or sbenlreo hc ec =olMe. Williom Mcddien cool Sýec for the evnemg, Robe-t Masohall, and Miss Ec Crozier Csmeer- Che reaivs bore s-> oneeds belle Foi cool Me-. Feus> Heeeygold n s - esteededlthegnso ishos ofsChair dc îet Uc.M.Mn- Brtdpmsa iawt[ îbeo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Is Sooc eeig ckoy c . John'., Nomtoeedlcnl oaol Ms iescis. Mcsy gifto ce-e shoses- goid bas bee ct[osdisg the An.- lieUeé fs-od>DpeCetry sai t&eoteeoido Ms.lThis 0cek lolcenfe-sIp-o> 2 r Saoln [emPtheie teEpnxgheiChs-biCteion e sc eesollAsas 6;SMbe shah Wede ayeeeieg Msh theeehecshksiiir Ee Crooiemeenolscso isg cf shoses parces Mecs-ce ronto. riche t2 on Acgast 22; Dcgpid Allanicco vice presiolent, pel lsre hen lt1 i bc cboerng bicsw Mr. oaol Mec. Fred Alesxonoler ti Becîp ced Grsaet Dentia prescret . cdM-..e-i -o Hogarth, 10 ce Asgsast 21--et- Iftded in te abseoceo etfise plesi. bosse Tbctcdoo rneornng AMrs. and Mr.C Keevi pntnt donc SetCee dp- collil' resrseol borne octi THIS TRUCKS EECEIVED $1,500 damage and e Grirnsby mn'% eol [[se yoaeg ouple rnitb a isad- e fese days wisb [boi- niece, Ms neh 9 ceAgstB o Ten ctis Eputo eib1eM. co m Mec ip eteco Tecdov firnme ao e e beti- nan mas e total mreek Wedoesdca morsing mbeo be s-ni-one beige swinet roc5ker cai- F. Tsoer. and Ms-> Tooer col fa.ode Machb 9 ce logeas 20; si~~~~IqMr an Mrfr eîchh 'fIole'ýt dcc niciting lciens dol relotives îioled on Fine Sidennold ast the tsqoosing-N.segey toc cn Irlm>OrwdhsbY i> Isos omrbr e n ody Murray, 7 ce A t JO; it vows, decidool te cossine c ot- bove ceos-neol frein o cee» pleos- on New Brunswriek. Lino nonsb of Milton HeigNs Thb teuk Idec ove sr its copesoo [bi-se-» tcb.Tro oe eLaoE-o eboNocos nXt . t te as cost Wil Smpahyisexened a lpuli A bpaetifcl luncb vocs sernool asnd Paye Shepentl nisited for c foc Marcty Lou Itiey> 9 onAagn ; onit cpî e rhecco hl yneb cse ool aliten eoîliding mirh the nc, mbich mes peîng onso the cI eeo olllm asbsrrkw[ y-cc David Ford, 14 onAccet 24, tettag whbite eel[eec. Tbc-e ose on Neo Scetia 56e>' calleol os Atio- terni>' on theerecens paccsidcn asl cri ace caeasnlaece.Snrlosf W oie a tbir ne f-eds le bel we k Oeip Mynamp Dne 3ele[c oges 4 est iotc bandages te e n M .cco Hcnk Focol oaol iog ofbMr.G. C.AtkicoofClooe eoda hetukcm ron uv.Seeatn f Weji hi an red nlinadfml. on ele1 nAgs 4 perla ceun thiep bu goes cOtm'oTne oe.Poil.[leno c s soemrie speaeo tbnoegb the dîteb aned a neaeby fieldl as mishieg Clareece asd teesie Ms-. eed Ms. G. Preemon aed and Dol Wood, [3 n Aseat 25. praanejybe "" GomelwIl vse ors- esseolel St. Lobecs cemeser>', Fc[es-me, the trck t>ppod onor. crocs happinoss and good isetb Orni[y of Drayton Ones., mec _____________ Court Whist sesît 6e bele) Sel- se Mcc. Sec Foller vilbe eooles- eitb Sec. Mauriee Flint, soin- ino>osote-nmemmm n-etomnsn [boi- ses lif fageler.> Micst BSadap nlol[nrs wi[b tise Cecit ---------- %lse ttome- [ ai se berne oI Mc». wenî a seesiloctorny as Onkeitte Icce efth1e loto Mr. Asbios, effici- Glille isnvild shose prs-ecrit te a Fc[tess attri>-. Sohe 65M.TaagrMmra'optls t. LIGNY-DUFFEIIN teosua es e et bier borne Stae.s--Bafy u THE NEW CUR Eseldeysg Tborsoloydy iltar do>'> Beptember 7. Ms-s. C[ls-ence Fcttron softe-- CLEANUP Maye and MeLou se iK-es Wi- Bad>Vite- HMd Barecuaee Vi-iosee Sond> secly itb r Altend Casan ed aesenere eto hler right bond If yeo have oiiso r oiaiii:we i nd Mr, Locsîe Caborc onol Mc- J-ores Marshall an a onol Ocpt *MrEEeI a te A tes-go ecmbee Promt ibts dis- reensl whbite seoskiso on thei- bees potdeg oFff tePoarelid. e lits> se- h Idabreu Ms runmito see Mc. eod Mes Cct> p .l arn teie[ aeosed 1fr, Att-ses- Base. fesrai. Sshe for modicet treot tho dosion to asiort hes- ome M n fIes>- ir,lodcd M, onol Mc,. Irnejoli and tcnil>' ef Chîco ce rm nnns f010 ho er hall Came et Campselille n ms-st il reqoiedo tix sisehes te pechesoe anom Visiorsos he orn ol c cd * ~ ~ S Ocd>- aPles-none. Ccmpbetlsilte elose the seoseo. Priosols hepe cee ibis yeee Mes. Lea Lister this wteck a, Aeolbce iRobinssn, Weeolbiolge tltiois: Mcc. Gerge Deshcrn and- Mni Lioeee iecndfmtor noM>ocad M[s.CalC» ic> grsfol eGelph;Mr.oaolMs B Mre.C.SE.laenps-e Mr and McsFrnkSRbertssonmas teeteee. nhe is soeon eoeed. ye wold be and Mes. Lissec\s meshe, Mrs aed Gaofe foukcile. Geoldoe Anmstrng e>' LetectOs MiscAooldreohdoos b oiilc ae retneo ea Ieir home Ms- andl Ms-s. Chars-to Oeoî Hee[hereand Mc-[eeîEeleso elavedt Cothhees. cil on Clî,slk Riter-I Blibon gcesn-his scenb Mr. enst Ms. Anchîn Caicos anoo eSplcr 7, hoaso beno reran c weehn betlide> in the tet ài Sond>- for e t-de>- vies- Nos-net are nisitieg mith th nst dola- en- JunandBrce urr,4 t'u MrLe.BaievAug't 0.M>. mcl Mis. 1ose Dsssn ofe>' wo sehemers 000 ty. tss- noeb Tbey vsstedrnitboheislion to Washigtnsei[ycandcressiperentsMe.ead Ms. Wlonger. 1%3 IrI Jnoncee andc Mecco>' elre andcsksscilenpoAnte.îE..Ford. dais - sehich end wisb[tiwnoieel oslo M. Le-slsc, Aege-si 24 caol Del Weold Miscdi Brc-I of Hedoln choecen Meole>'oîchteand bo, Res HagenoofhEpool foraOnm Congrctultions to Ms-. and So-e> to loen [hel Miss Title hove preo ecteernoty popter ceolMes Jeo Pket ooess p -On>. - penlta ew dcc» Ie e cn ol cousins Mcc. Jobehn - olepca. Mes. Rieherd Seseen on [ho hie[h Pord, e recidono o>' Holson Mes- wilbh 1he publin - Sceing on anolMcc. James>Morehallpie infMceenMenetd Me...oolnOn s of tbeie soncstMltnHspitalnoris seiot it. bie inshrt sppyeaste pt-- ~ ccc>' ecnnssccc> o îcniocmg t Vacouer, B. rnlice lnoso jee en Thos-cilo on 6eceoswihoreAcgosl 2. ' Psrtsrie eseht odein>netsoof Mc, tol. Pichnss is cisitiog mish c igo Iretng homeneec. eued bcom Mes. Isabel MnDoeol of Lot-nde-eore o 6 oo tJtaa ae tciu -ie Star l-ol Mes- Jarnes Maecsi- Menod Mcs.Henry Scrnche Mel coo lRImer Zimmeemen don Ontario, is nisitieg thissee Me. tOercp MnDefOe et Milson. aneregei out havt beau sdlaa W W V A Jam boree St rceolndleiv.ýndfmily cesecoed boerontre cnfrîoD cMetoe mitMes. T. Sne ned fcmiy. vilbo pessel eo>- in bis 1-e 10% ahu fra utasssand a. tiioso udovcceningp c olide>' os Ion Eche Pork. Tectoy Docoopeel o>' Kitchener Miss Myrne Campbell spent yeee. Ho secs seerelo. Ho sces ternabile ladaasep salyni mse H djn s W s e n S o vtth eliei.* eeMr. C Gess thi-sonnk milh Mr. candncîleli osthe paental berne on s-sas-tIla.e, aossimesau ia tep-e- Hadi es W se nnhw cd Mss Lloyd leOlhocsos codiMc. Heecc Rma ae Me. Suda. asin n____o ds Cappigacweeleong cetebc-rmnt. Losvocth Sbeî end Ms-s. Lloy epol oes-c onstono Mcs. Jires Lee et Soskan stcsfrteed fte-cla lios ef GMd Pcshiooed Oc-c anonion îsce cîsocno 25.000 cici>oes. Adoof e>'oeth le>'. Ceuro, Saskahonewan. uiut.t GEeke» tes- tise ePOeWtseEaR ao eth[[e highiightc o nOfnscrîc\ Pacodes on oesnseco Miltoen ae Doona Pnltterie etMen- cptcisnsnel eMc T 11ESFRRtDÇN O E behoelr e n n teogast Stcm Sho', stOl beîthe stedled ler Fcidoc ao17 P-m.ciete cs spendiog thi» îc- scitb Jeill Mooeet Opep-de in lieg nt D apuceeinMltAonAec cool- a tnd î clidva 12.30 ooein. the Pntltenios. recceot bercosernens. iriSDDiuScD($Oflereav la -s 38 oîf Doc Willamrndls -ià - Barde- Bides fernt Whcclinc. --l 196 coostat hi pe Ail Cam best Preucher fldiioi n a- gon pnieloleoedt gos endeeesn'>ooar Theee wcc c laege nongeegesson E ISpulc t pie. A daonce tîst> fllles La g t>rONt/ at cI t r a e 1 St. Geeegec's-s, ec o -s ?1 Yae witt Ni abte ta bay a Deoc is eeeeofsthe ccdom- LI iJO de, Aepe-ss 18, schen the gnes ICeI cas- bs-en Trafalgar Blasas-e and selenioion nesccehc. He 6ie- 1>Ms-s. Ceoe lIns ocol Mes. John Sncriet n cool> - Roet-Mla fWic. pîeonbeer mcc 1he Right Reeed > )t t~c> rnmeeseantl[theaew car ege ernt>'- ReeelMnMtIcoef hstRns. W. Jacson L.LD Lits O. Dits- tIn4.5eg fltroduction at a lt-eur net carne inee-eciooalf>' r anc-c A lorge cemd otsendcdeol ho olMr.candlMrs.Hccsentesh Air Pence Boce en Micsoei -J(I ps-tee than an>- tlhe- thoue et onse cf the top cterc efth1e te- CambcllltdeBllPaoSonon nOeoa'. U.S.A., oice Miss Reth Abbn5s 0rHe-sceof Limrneick Aoltel cool Ag-I berce WWV eci h eing os [e son [ferncd I ics te Halco r.nniM oe MohoesandPoctAturî nGog A bin]ad. Si. Georee c ngeegatine n ÏNL taitinesof ea have beautiss-tg barfor riia-a IN1 e n,,,it -a n il' aend Mr. oed Mr. Mureray ci Coneall jondi h evc n hre c mtl-nlltea-nle ruait lt Vicgat. s,lie Gsc1cI Tercciecc7- i a ool rnd )> eai re Ioonb Me. onol Mes. Jarnes oftls etol iseî mes>' ctesoise fean di-hat ha gien fcosy egîflsere Amatetbnhelcotescoflhirnnotol hotblfcgane. Ln- Mecedîsnocacvaco tCraord lornd etf Cobourg cee Sonda>- sons epons.ds a ctsance te frast out ap taines- diola bon-eeert ad esto r n arcd Aedesceoacedsthe AI- Le. uenss-eflMc.oandlMc.Water Rc.R.P. E.Jeffereceand la pertes-masce toaflusChat nslist neecal show ac Chichi-- Wil- Sacs. Betua ta Hase ngîic cool Me. oaol Ms-s. Claude mit>' have relerseol frnm tberhv hw p nfnto-l liamsa loceI> singer et folh bol. Sco. R. P. Jeffoses, lest>' eod Feieodc et Mec. A. T. Boore tepîio and frnil>'. Is hoidy ses Leke Sînis'-. oS ees- mos-ta lads; Marionsrinsotedhliond Mos-goret MePhoiltraseoeo sececce pteosedstnceelihefore Regardless of avngAinth eccoedoeist; Sorneh Pleachen, on Niagora FclIc on Sotendon'tu e Ibeeceeo fcrn the hscme of' a c l TH Snrhae pc o esigse she chie cornedien and Willic Wode. pick op the lisbep ol Limrnck, biec doegbîne. Mec. Keonesb El- >Divieg Iceue o-pec> cf ec cfbeeorns>nioterO RitS. S. J.Jaons cho epeesen' el i ilten, eeeche ho-s sernpeccc>'neieî>'mbichrhc wSNk Sa fl W U Trafaeleee g areeoore Caroeline. the eocenol se flic Jeffoces beeceocalstcingtc>h acccîen ilîpssible fecpecsone expres as usual Whe lgmcten The Doc Willorns so ic one home cn oo jcc ointsvceiereeeg. bc-îili>'dîccscoucsyc andcak cnlt h ges4g"repfomce oytg tonceonetheebrD-sseeknl t .LeetilteeocolonS ai1 .n.ttdo the Willioam Simnpceon aoeoni»y'; So>'MscM uet check ponshcajs I OntarinStecr ndsoAntiquett,, ThceonenSndc eceorngRe.SR.oand lornolvenontrtEceýciIiI 69 Es. - All olor ii_____i lokn floss>s cool F ernera' Asociaieon sill 6ebese_ P. tetîcceond Mes. Jeffoceccand Gesge Parh en Seu$91.rAIiolr IT 1TEfNATIONAL flc provos> shes Mn-st ce Priole>. Sseedov anol Mon e t O teîn ledeol the Teisiso cool Sec. S. P. Jetfocoe an ml hris vone tin eli Teopro DastrIbuJorc dv day for sheir lhsed anemal se Wnclitte Cettncnc. Cemmeclolien %petit Ibee c'ncs It ei BvcldvesCh oen l LIMITED lo't Ms nail ag union. Thopîl h-cc antiqe-stesn c> Cocaon0 Hall o> the Uni- Poiteio os ottalge rentv,., M n hiiOT h e»g 126 MaIn Bt Action 815~ Steern show s-tghl hem In Bnt eqhprnt in soepeccîsco, Ibs esils et Toconto, aise the Wentd Sîmpcîhc s>ctenIo 01-1__________ abutoecen the Frida- Balorda- and Cisg and opeeoigoehe eeuip- Congfeecca theMaiple Let 0cr- c'hemoeeosthe laiose Williamhlonden ob Leaas- Day weeis deons. Mitchell et Kilbeid. f lnd. Btettin csow enthealoa Oneceaiont mibis district ai- At BNower promse a isagap showe et the nîed>tlhe onohe>'bcsebctlo>a Mc. Jehn Tocs>e, Mrs So hanT~ctique modea at e bygese es Abecte-leeonMnolo>'eniog. PacherMeoI rie McAr and MITON MILTON ced Is snttt 6e sett wes-tt sie WIC lan Frinidc et Mes- C. A. Elcoto Mcs. Ses> Alexcnder 3tee TO y PLOW 1HBIPHBIL ISLIleg an Labeos- De>- seekesd W l wthPa leenssesoineol b>' reltons o> c>st cher fer a bricie-clect 3 TO 4 PLOW IH BRI___________DIESEL_1_ eighs bore te Milton. No Steer Barbecue thhonte ef Mr Rert Me of* Ibis mesh Miss Kae M ak EmsIB Ag222 e esWdAg 622 hsWe oMdsnA At tho s>eeohl> sting efthsle occacion et bier OOsb bieshle>. gae Wothee o>' Ble-h o At tol H 1e Sc Neceseco G odr A Éi Retar Club dîtticeltses enceon She ccc peeseneol wi[b e dcesser berne of Mcc. Merley Shro InTcnclr Afecpsc H Tbhcltec Newes stees-hrcuene in conoctioeseih mni cceds ef gond wisbes. 060 Mon>' uetet Liee toyt nTecnicele DAtES FnRM EQUIPMENT TAALA MTR fIlo Pabtoceol Dcyc \ves, eui-cs N rneing se Milten ibis meh. enc>cet'eol. 'A cahrn f alsRR bened le rnornhee. Fetleeýieg the Here 26 Yeas-s Ago cool pieee ctin se"ahrng lga THE BIDS» _____________________________________ mnee[ing >6e cernmissne .cgset o>. Aoge-s Black et Ottawao tos> sec ef Edrnton, Alhbertc, ilit- Rock Hedoen - ool Taylor (dl netime ta owischi the plae tu c i5c Fei se icg eold feieolcin ed ovitb Me. cool Mes. Geerge In-tAelEercsot srict boeffi effecieg msonee>s >6e cillafe. He peacticeol becs> gtc and Roert toglis on Mon- Celer Caon Mctien Sos Cee Ccîo os toast aco ceun thece c>a aboeot 26 v'n 0ge. do'. "Del of the Titans" washeole[c Mr,.-Gecordo an-sba c.n Renenss'isos>sitbiMr.cand PS.Starts Thes.Avis.29 Thebesis tl csceleop forstonoclivimg e'ilhidr. andMs. M'J. Abin weeMr.andlMc. ope eion es- t6e Mole Si. teee Leeco Mitcbell. _DMNO Poidayeeelng thrcoughturîed> Ms- cool Me-s Llevd Cccefeol Dcrieg sho menetcng chiotscespent Sceolco vsiing eisb e M ____________________________________ pmsiolens K. Y. Oseh iodnscd former sasion cgent ct Guelph Ton Slo s mebe ofth JuclonMr Noma MuraatWOODS - LEStN, BLICRO BIDE DOteIHIOH>S 0Wi4 the iduine cc-s ecmeli Sec. nd Mes- Hard Marr n .I K E N _ IJIN N I R P A f t l ~lin2cieam s - 49a-slSFCA 6>- mlembers- sod Gleooc et Cardiff ciitd So Ie K> If f ________BACON b 6;uDrNUTS 2o4 Wl HAVE JUSi PERMANENT WAV ALL THE LOVELIN THROUGH THE BUSY SPECIAL STUC vo0C BIAUTY 192 Main Se> FOR THE Sephisticated Ce-Id r THE RIGHT E TO GIVE YOD ESS TO ENJOY SCHOOL SEASON DIT RATES UE SALON Hast te Saislin es- s -.-- - he ALPINE Restaurant WILCOMII POU TO FAITICIFATE IH THENt 0 SUNDAY O n - DINNER SPICIAL LOOK< FOR THE CHALET STYLE IUIWDINO ON HWY. 25 1 MILE NORTIH 0F 401 - MILTON OPEN - Fiday and aturday,Sa&.. ta2.s. - Mo., Tusse., Wed., Thon., S ses. te seideight - Seeday 9 &.m. te Mideight Srving the FuiE« of F"e ait MM#a Primo -SPECIALIZMW 19> - m EN U * Chlths Intac SaUF * leaset Ciîtlm * Deeaoling * Iot Pelta *Cassllnes As Gs-ais *Chefs SoLS * BIssas- Relis * Deep Biish AFplt Fuddieg With lasse, Ail for O#EIy d1.00 PIRM GOLDEN YRLLOW BFRCIAL t BANANAS I WS. 15 Lyons Tee Bugs FRUIT COCKTAIL N E W I mur 100 EAGS AND on Hene- Choice plîîed > MIOSASCH ORtICICWHIF TE A RED CHERRIES DESR OPN 20 FR11 B A G S Neîcp Choira ISeet jU DENEB TOPM AIU FO Vfl MIXC CRIE z ET OME FREE NP -MATCH 4ltioz sl: $1 b 29c Dearu ChaIs SPECIEl! APPLE JUICE 3e -3-Oz. tins $1 5SP ECI1ALI1 DUMSPECIAL> POIX CHOICI TOMATOS --4 28-ex. tins 89c P E A S KRAFT BMDOTH SPECIAL> Pecnut Bufter - - 8c off label 45. 6 fin 1 AMY*0 MW 1-W AI VaInes In Milton PRICEDSPEÇU i Effective Datît Ctming - DOMINION STORES LIMITED FUICEO FECIAI s eBa Aeg. 24, 1063. t. ~---. I fil AN ANi B. S. Ad bas col> the 30 i doli in mesteol Mr. Pros C. K. Ste At [hic A ton Cocnt) * Cococi shrnougb t% doritif a fi session.Cc bofore 6.30 eMo Mmbel trc, wish MitIs-Spon- ceps tbe $680,000 wu tChe Ookvil H-ospitalta aool tho fit aothoriel of stebeoso sible. * Dopoly Borliogtos of Higbtoc srofflc bots! liirMobon oy mrisd c flsc 0*0.O tieou. '"Tbc rncoc Depol * Holson fire pian, nst tbec Etoergc Ontaio c teoroed. Tb, o Pettos ,iled sig laoti.n Man o Loe b Sons of M $1,450 cool> Society boit cisi ont fIt osqoin c> 40 o s iutona Tranosport ttci s tecw tîo licru dps, oqe o-kialdM inijtt N ,ilob iesi * (-5'0 Milton Hcig cil>s tscotics * Plots %% dcnk, so-snet >tenk poola coO of $714. * Tbe cou IYof Pe o-bing Ibe p tu pop flbe e aTbe nIe court repsort on the coont Regi AT .. BO'V AUO TO I a 1 -