C& The. Canodia Champion, Thumdd., Auguno 22nd, lm6 IL J- FoscInou-ng I màm N C ** An11 exparl ciic f or îî i Contoversy Olver First wam Mi HorticuliuraPr LOOK. AT ANP4IJILS NOW tors ta England mIsa h av seen Region witl be held ait refloý h ot --Wie aig Calui pueth cenIvnvI sxnhppsoMinAt this fimie ol vear the arriuais them hloomning ia profusion seentvm b b 0 l gorhfrfl cüi.ýn adpiidoi"i iegtS.adtu-nhppsatsd in a Htrptvng The clinie one of nias tlncough- ilt ire stacled aaimtthegs von alerdsorge hnt water wok vtm,- an Il wvvin t~ sitoli o îl1 the [av lias predicted, and i t as ~~e acrs tncla arais anatcei eimi glouii I le e n til adthterr uldn ntot ndmle it facuavprw on al ucae nspmsrct.dveoitnî egoa d.lp bera, 1953 iss-nue pipe Ths Mhan orto torin areimagathM mtie dîncoroga col when etie vl 8k lioner adaou aigÉee.Te opr your ont oa 'M cdoaismalsloosed men, monufactoriag arrange oa e Miluls ,o 11 i rat Itle englue topamir i lèjt h iltîosc.b ee aalge, n nddpfii h poci prcrd ts and anch plants. Tlhe bear rpritn eca i The Iplier adde ile flicta ti ther Finseto lhedfrn aui wc r't Plntvarcsd Hnla foîrd txport of Ontrimdé ods a i tseo lie stamer coiîtd ie ittasi' ACîi't'îintcîarpecttont 1tthihc frcasttagtavetaurago en lthiakhloî.msseaîccor hvinlotoîo rlficalscltredîo tutaaoawmaflrn pohl athtetro0ît.îîîî ltt i lie hvdranls andto vallthcîin.pîî'ed (0tr.vsita Plantain tilles are amoag hrithe prvne wrtn bvEiaeh î7lerle tols hol iti oi h ot'e.jhosic. ThevIi-s t t'stiiedic hf hlemn cii year. mt tolern aof plats. White (cw is. WilnD iln The lt hs cai aît wt lilant infotiof Da'vidlDewat.i or dginp o a iies or annutttt thcv (lu p -1er a moisi! sladt' Ic tttdotgiag la cecelt la like the I h as Wüif ieti v l it 1- gh ot oue iasvlsrc htWiîhiut lic %vletd h order or filling a siait pochet cationi intthe garden, thrv alto defendant ocguiag forthe plinlff sah ttvirilîlltatllîslf110~1 iiicary leire xnle hock gOrin Cvoi will fiatit gcri and llot tocti il, matiy inflaver ofadeisioowIlh Thse Champiotî.îiîluneot.) 'icillis'lalitroîîgh lee ild ettt i %,cvd Iii*I.tdtt ietitt omectthang nothgmore delghl'u otais-'anopenosuoîy gadaika en.d lt a Ci kasailetacaefi the oaîy plaît. ii rite coni Maiocilti roag." A vlve tiat Mjrtof1ad cythan theha boup flower ofîli)oîhcc plaatltîa wit ftaser agaist himnaîf. -Mory Bakec tihwti .k> i .vd, iti A""'."o 22, 1887, Miltonii- èh îsec, ani "a sîtleadld sîreamtneebrî.Ths lns 6n fritt la itraese shoda. For the Fddp. wihwcîîîatiiolîî d'sîî oîilocdalclv.aîîo.ic li ohî h, the astoaish a deepmas sitariche hgh aad aorîh sid of the base, itader ti0,00 ink titi1ure fortiitt the aut 80n0 .a theohrg a tact or more across and are the mrce ith hevy foge o cilasm ounn letwn s o h aîet'tiotcs. Theîctod of oitlookei-t.' covres fron al vummer tilt thler pirohlt spot lieiy aire mnd hie aprotecîltin liat. w.,t actre carrIed hy a *'heoterc lias cühroma rasil Hosi votiag are pha ogropheral meduam lac releosing creolIve laie fat] wi1h heao ifut cup-lhapedi juil the thiag. L .E auneis lheDoîîtîîîiiii. flic Cham lat.t o f 16, sîith 94 votiaf fînor M.Demr ihree-torev Whe" the ase î.et iîîvbi ia masy children and flosicra aa inch or mare fIlcitant pin9'Jl niuite li%ar icortit, asti 78 agaiccit. This hi.t ead over the fagstaf (6.9 thet' waat a pîciore cil, plus the îtiîch tess tltcsy fihan fingerecter. L .E M pioo, proiiîîîîi a on indicatios ofthe toma'sl or70 fci ttidh on the li0 ahiitiy ou locale the sohiocl in paintin. Be sure la give lham aosoany aiu lie lý,c timil vcr fo h ii.Te aoeaa h ylaî i ieiitioler aadîtrip i shol- Wiîea a chitd ses is piclures, location. Migonhdifo, sî th ctie il. ouato .il yafrTe hl enoopigtehdat" Pollock aind ELECTRIC onAgs 6 M hminsav -a itret lai Wallace Hittrt aad huitl 400 er. aller processiaf, scaity fihent miih Verheoos - The rater ronge la on Augoat 16~ %vas titi n int Ilte vte Oci nearIt' 1 rue of, hose attacheil thesca er Mavhe ton, satiag 10 he tîstaf tin. Showo lihee the horizun large front opple lossuat pinh a pbI 1911 Supply etr iauali- %',tce lias toti-wa ihrma 20 lci abloacai undtMoi vl'l tusi lîuugiag aa ttld hbot shoit d have heeni tevel, chat lic haldra of rit asti hlues taIoIecln ln 1953 appt ituI't tlli d". ovit Bucs titirce-stîirey liolt' cLamerat arooaîl ltyiitg lîloora- isocloas lie dritss cousin Mir- tavendrt. lOoreheit sarettes Monufaclorers of fruin tise mloi)i h ii il pillesttitiCit latid it' Metsrs. Mi. 'fle papier îepîîricd ilial c crv tîttîofschu'ît hit licaadded li irIes i 6 imidc r ol iete îdhteht EOILEGAIGabsaepoîii li i Ieliitii iiiitlti iiii.,18 hîptitîoiir. tt.ttilt limeae r ie ad i thes iewir are mho aI lilîîo tra hmer 10d fti asd HiH A MEMORIAAI.SdSsGen asiomptei %ith 20.l gallonsiîii l.iiilaancitCo, vtIiiiital %uisitllidiaat tcrtoîiited silictttl.sq ileii' sore, av Vtilasirr liha i Fitaoutfliatlthe cameracmust Ose of the mostispecactto lit 1888. lut the t,i%ii liI Ii &Il,~ lui cllet il167ci ailitrt l v a.ioar i,, itlteretted casl make taicnre-lak. lie liî'd sîcasit and iliullec gcoty poressiats for lie gardea t Ithe 62 Waller St., North, GAL? pihon. Million TUI stads at ititva oiinoalt il Ai, Ieiage il 50 smit tiotheilu ,Oai,-,- tiik -iot p h i gb le lquet-ilg ut tetialii ttasie. îiresteitt.hei takiag apicture toc, ititlclmoustlupis.Catadias strtld. Wlîh Ille c.111 tioiiiaiî 1887 ouîtil litelestr fiosit. aîîd l*i trotgtm Idtl tpposiJ Tteret' al tiaci of plilasopis'îalv sharp resîcts; iiat simple the nem poîîîp liotise tits iii îîîîk t.iiia lel.i thesesi spîiag hut ,i'i aîrtî'taies. iItihettcî leu ihloiyi tvsattiit amerat dona talle pictorrî clos. mec aad the intallationi of ala ason athetrstilitappard. 1morertspeciattc astheqitrsliotof h ivic tîîîis ealovedimoil sî'lenci rthansxttcetoatesaatlowcot new llump. approtitinaieli h5O00A ceau- aller itle patîaf LIc the lie tufiit.iri of tater is tow l t isîi l ht't5'tîlîrîîts tpeioe h ~JM Y N T H V gatoasitioaataht.t.iît' dt'hi ii',thtîto't.îrhtrreseitd.as il isiei ittete is[iitler. fiol and. aif ltir ciiild thows real in Milton toc inicatsi itiîeîcîîpc ese-ls atteai cil lie guîiîg ici lie iaondtanae tii' ail Sui ie ts ramera tint p iteetet otie as unaecoucage.TO G T UT A ' andi induti lise, a lioderccici die.dtioe. 11110liss.' aslîi~ i vv~tt'li tl as d.oV.TO G UT lI Dorng ie 18i0migfi lwi.FinalnhTests Praises Coucînil t iehctl' iv lîîîîtîî Suipiît icae.î ave foc- the 880os oecr a oîîrti Aîguipi 1h, 1888, ttas anaecitiag "Th, ucte-, ilettci olcItitt't ii piiiiiifilti. Tiîeî lji.iîiii'tiitiiii in. Titis etenîdsiE N E itssae aacsrctisg to The Chati it tiiiii dt l ilot.ttisitltiicli' i n--t îClîît iit'itiitttiiili o ititi'. i cii ktî iiltions irttiG T N E picis's fles. h'ierst.t liodis' la ls ia i eftt-t 'îîî C l it". lbS tuiiri, H'i'it ( lc'i'i lii ils tu locl îarks and isi l e iiigi - idcl for a needed for domcestiiittitpies tr l-tipaiatýrli't iihan.ii le[ tlie wate 'îî atit Miîuîi iite.aiit AI]it iuiipe oc iii tuiit i .a tr igI OR RSN A U iasi fallesi. The latta' tIti t ,1tini ter Io [lie icîoît. riti i-i t.iiit esi îîîî'. Kî.îîîe titîi miae vocîso people IN THE OLD FASHIONED DAYS proteition îompriîad the îiet.ill eiisction thiet'icr- ]i iis siar tif 199. Mr. Hem-I Fîýteat s wcli tiillke pietîtres t ot lit coetiî he rccignized bccaktn'î î lît 'a- fltl oland ii huit. s it .10 iOOt.ai itisg ilî Niii utt.zicîIiiit.t tuti te ici ld liiiict.tptti as a taltablian ossi QIE OM bailt n te goceorsîaesîc ait 0 aln,.io', tecit ie. Asîîîîe ofi ti'liiiciiiîiilae a seîîeî coa- îîîîîîîîî.îîî tîî,iv for oiv ie TWSQI!C M O Blanncitznnacl porc int e -i o ier 'uîî ilitellîî.il leîîitIîîî In,, li tiiliii'tiii it alit ciaiciîi C'l slîîîîîle Iliilet' t il a e acitt leiat TItrhae en eedosipve nstICaSsneG nps ay Blgsc iclos vl"liiut. fliiil,'i -'1i aiei l'ut' c4 d %'ierit, fiiil- oru a1 rate' rik rt îî iî' iii i ilion')î. 'lii' t. a', iliii pilotîtîî c ii itc ta'kt'ocmis A surset' siuiu îi.îi- ait ýliii fiic op.- 'ulii tle tsluiaa whe stîîîîiîî lelL liiitit- ilie II-Ise* iîtiti'î ci) li(iig îîîî-eîîîîeîîî. but even todayts cars need dependable service. That's what we offer fiaientscaaer for the t.'îîîîîîs aeectî 'lie ('tiiaotpiatî.'iîtctite c, ilel luijk sititil as Mîliiîitikeiiiîtitt..ttt.'ieon cîiii hoîîeîer a coeamo'~ oa coieoti iniui alh i ailiiagltthiît"iiatioi ilîî ta , ""ut 1, 1 utci oPioorpi ,aml . in .îîîîî lia it a voi - ...ustng th tmodemr equipmfnt. Drop in this week. tci sa o nai . Pleiîtîe ih ni c- tafittI pliei Iimesrat ittea s l liiW dîaiiiuupii ~ ~ Thu i'l'.iui.i.iiacilolht.s atoaiieeaiiiiiniicAîit ieitllciit.itali.atd asioili.AKFRNR RM Cliampioita.îii,, -i ii elît ideiil'ut 1 ýIiit.iiiiii 4,ii 'itv.liii5it.iii.lio ittiie. tui!tir leieti- 1-ît 111ii l it infi-aerest.J î ed %,ith theic a ndiiii~,î ii an. tai mileîcI atnd 71t'itat.889idie paliecpotniani 1(aiîîîitîîn aodpatts eell. 'noatin2le tai.nieeei abioleithe lt. ' te ioîî's. ci"Onaouii geletiikcllccss i geriu tule lav Thiîiîoîîld tlctt soîmmero ci, coOnsiliha at.oL, eaîittI.liil hi%' N. Scli',t. Ia.tîîa in ilo Ill ltirbiitîtiai.l lii .u.îîi ai tîiaaictc',ii Iluuil, iiîilîal-phnîogncptîv ta eten meciltîs %atl-r h iks i-i iliee iaiiira tsides of' lhard nei grisI miii li' atnd on" '-litsEN fie engise' The people iiA Mil-h ad~i iais tirt cottila neicir wiih wlirm flhe hîcteosisý. iteý \liea Viti îmîîkîioor bltond ton are iliai.alot.ther tooioa cl, d taîpuddleîî i bloc dlat. Il tiltpli litfetl ocaioedaiaotdstithe 1 et[hl ithe-taie eNitiik itifar sur- a l th s kit.itt'i, or pise raiie Sieaine aI le îtîen 0s 0of .d.il-tailAcîpîsiliasouvasîît iotintc1 tiiutiîie itlii lit lii sixttiiiataiitimoiatoft.tshokBASELIN AT AIlN S wr3shm doae iu nhs iOtt and i-s cret laias Illeni wa TUýLc i .. .. LI 8.2471 wtjh aci additioîîaî S2,000 lot' Eit iach cq rnpipe %vr wv li eroilt aovi.edy. mter forn iiiiiteiiot pîîîpîîîeî urc ilig îepîî'sseî n lýsdw ecagine flose and bais, ihetaid1 Ét, thle eseivir ici lii rdi thaittliro protect-ioa accord-I mine îi.î atili -i îtili i. itîct batis' normeail aîtiîitias. 148 Guelph St. TOP QUALITY BEEF HIND Ac QUARTER 4 lb FRONT QUARTER JY lb SIDE 0F PORK 3,9 No Extra Charge For Cuftng and Wrapping 4LDER ~eorgetown, Ont. Telephone TR 6-6331 LEAN BONELESS 29 POT ROAST 21 SHOULDER VEAL, PORK and LAMB CHOPS HAMBURG B3UNS CANADA PACKERS SHORTENING & PURE LARD TULIP MARGARINE FA.RMY~ 11Coiborne St., OaIcville, Ont. (A & P Plaza) Telephone 84.5-0104 ROUND FIRST GRADE aind.COE SIRLOIN. CREAMERY STEAKS 671 PRESSWOOD'S SLICED 47 SIDE BACON 0.Is lo 47 ay 24-oz. White or Brown 2 PKGS. Wieners 3 $1IBre r ........ $ FOR 39C g MAPLE LEAF ICHEESE LICES 4 pu<gs. $1.00 Firni Corne fl - -.ml First Served 'it c1b By The Piece BOLOGNA 4S$ ýFreshIy Ground IWe always did buy andl 1I t hail continue to buy f rom MNCED L Government Inspected n IF 4 1 akn [oseJ Ph B 1~ A MU ment hp th, r Jahont oif fic Mi Zorich, S Odessa, R He gradac as an ac rnomned St. Plpers dava filer, Trachtenh haflf ship. of Wcicldi Society sihici Ira ici caca t mark mlii ugnitlun f The mi faillai of a tireat cadasi Ti flfe. HuIain ie hecame olii afains doned. So peasan t. h isg ai sig Germasp. Tes Beant if a home, andi uf lia ai-ts En tsia ac mvas lnice foremosi faim. Ansi of cadci sihic i s schoots lt Witli ch power Tr ncarhcd fo tachasi hic 1934 hie fie, cape Io 'i his famitoi Foacai sîhi cead. The t PRC AN[ DR Dei Oiffice la R (-Rap Sec-ai DR. H. Dec 155 Mois x- Tel O DR. W. 17 Ph( Foc. ARTHUR 184 Mi tLIayd I tone TE 8-8 Eveniaga CHIli Doctor t A. P. 237 Kings Corone londay, Wc 1 Par Tuetda 9 a.m Salnrday Flior Mii4EiiStg i Sinage Cc Comprese j il Il i 1