Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 12

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There is Something OLD FASHIONED About the kind of service You get åt Johnson Bros. ...Our customers are friends, and your car .. , one of your 4-, most valued possessions . .. gets our personalized service. FOR AN OLD FASHIONED BARGAIN in TRANSPORTATION LOOK OVER OUR USED CAR LOT THIS WEEK There is Nothing Old Fashioned ABOUT THE PACE-SETTING Chrysler Warranty That Covers Your Nlew Plymouth or Chrysler Power Trans. for 50,000 Miles Don't Miss Ontario's Largest STEAM Milton, August 30, 31 - Sept. 2 S HOW Sponsored By The Milton Chamber ST EAM SHOW FEATURES AUG. 30-31 SEPT. 2 " Two Parades Daily in front of Grandstand Friday, Saturdlay, Monday " Afternoon and Evening Grandstand Entertainiment By Vince Mountford " Engines Working on Prony Brake and Baker Fan Continuously li Daily Grain Threshing 0 Saw Mill Operation by Experienced Sawyer 0 Trips by Steamn Road Engine ID Antique Cars ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN 50I: Parking and Grandstand FREE For further information contact D. H. ROGERS 50 4th St. Stoney Creek OLD FASHIONED DAYS - FE A TU RE S- " Old Fashioned Costumes " Antique Window Displays " Aquatic Show Tuesday Evening at the Pool " Kin Bingo Wednesday, Aug. 28, Milton Arena " Freie Bus Rides Around Town Thurs., Fri., Sat. " Rotary Booth, Main St. Friday " Lions Club Jitney 5treet Dance Fri., 9 p.m. " Big Parade 7 p.m. from Plaza to Fair Grounds Friday evening SATURDAY, AUG. 31 AT 8 P.M. DOC WILLIAMS AND HIS BORDER RIDERS AT MILTON ARENA U.S. Star fromt Whel W. Virginia with an AI]-Family Western Show ADVANCE TICKETS AT MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE ADULTS $1.00 - CHILDREN 50c tickets et Door - Adulte $1.50 - Children 50c S MGEOI ERN but act progra arrangi th caugh Barr Brean jurious of Barberry =hrn Bran Agiu obF •it C fe r e glan an M For Saturday Bride Wetherelt, wifw His Gra - r a ran fte th viag'cle eligo Friends and relations fromn Kit- Mrs. Harry Murray R.R. 3, Ac- liamMithel awy Sque, now Bulgton, and p.cer, eeown and, Acton, ton, tentertained 85 1 and out. Thursat thAugustp »ran m IS Founder of Stoney Creek runrat: ashige f-: ailliha'd . ,•don.' R-2, Ac n",on 4 t troussaute frAh. orial Hospital. The namie of Gage has been ai-' comtes tram De Gaga, deriveti slave mills as wvell as flour and July 8th to honoir Miss Sherrill daughter, Miss Sherrill Mutrray Interment took place In Car- motsnnmu h egoy(rMnr ffeed mills in the country amound Murray with a miscellaneous whose marriage took place Satur- lisle Ceetry Mrs. Mithel wil Gtne R N WllifngtoSquare and back into shower. Contests were held after day, August 10 in Knox Presby- Mr. and Mrs William Allison'ton, Mr. and Mrs. McBride ofbe sadly missed in the commun- ryothtwn.fSneCreek, auynaMun rad. Hlo ony. His brother-in. which a delightful lunch was terian Chumbai, Acton. andMr an Ms. obrtMcMul- Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gil. ity by her many relatives and and a Milton man's relationship Oni descendant named Gage lýawClnlJh hsom a servedt by Mrs. Gordon assisted The hostess was assisted by the aend attend am wednR ee-mronbra fPetnM.fins ooeo h onserl on.wspeeta nmdwen the foner o Oil byMswoarce r.Fe riet-eadth ro' leuon indelp a witureeing, and rakinsan d fastnl Mr Symptys etnddt t e ra pited utrecetly iand aaos oreda Kinme John oin Am1nerca Gun T hllere Godn Mrs. B ebrtoe rt.te, Mrs. J.e D.detb a P herooso of Autio 10, folowin Sthvemariage land Mrs. JacndMrs Lend Piktt relat s frend of the aer s pei e trCentenil su of th Bh ana harc igta. Ied heg It ria wasTe odnad r.Br Rbrsn therfr fWlim O uy1, Miss Loran Ric. Milo, nr ciingess fm cf Mr. and Mrs. James Zehr, the and family were dinner guests William Harold Wollett, who Stoney Creek News. signed the namne Gage to the Gage where the Americans placeldso an isKtyNrihTrotEiCmblvle bride being the former Shirley with Mr. and Mrs. William" Pic- passed away Saturday, August 17 Gordon Farlow, Mati Sfii-Cat.ASr onGg n hi gn o h ate eld a miscellaneous shower for Bellwood, Guelph, Rockwood, Mil- Mlason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. kett on Sunday. at the Joseph Branrt Memnorial ton, is a great-great grandson of Viscoudntsg. r lo mn h William Gage's sons served with Ms urya h ihrsntnadAtn Douglas Mason of Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wetherelt Hospital in hils 75th year. William Gage, who settled with <ecndns the Gore and Lincoln Regiments home at 27 Campion Ave., Guelph. Wedding and shower gifts and er M ,ha, Grnanvth of11 admr. and Mrs. Bill Greer of Funeral service was hield Tutes. fils family in Stoney Creek In In 16312 a Gage wvas grantedl in the 18 2-14 War. Billy Green. Auncter opeg may tovey O g ifste b ides rousseaupweresper #45tby wre guest Sunday iWaerdown spent a week vacas- day, August 20 from the Kitching 1790 as United Empire Loyalists. lands in County Londonderry, Ire- the famed scout who warned ofluo wasevdb thhs-vedyMisLra acesn M, and M-x James WNetherel t of ioning around North Bav, Kirk- Fu .neral Home, 146 Mill Streetý And William Gage was the uncle: land, and two> branches of Irish the enemy attack, reports in the ess.(the groom's sister) of Milton, Kribnde Stnret land Lake. Sault Ste. Marie and aedw.Itretto lc of James Gage, on whose land the Gagecs were later formed. Oebo"AnsofTeFrytht Miss Sharleen Marshall enter. Miss Sharleen Marshall of Acton M-hr. andM he Hepbrn ittfle rrent, across on the ferry tCrilv eeey famed Battle of Stoney Creek was Rev. Robert Gage was Chaplain "after the battle, we gol William iained friends and schoolmates and Miss Kathy Norrish and Miss Charhe,~~~~ Sad .i JCa obe o oemr n setTus rlWolet wl em sdogh.t uenAn n eLr Le-Gg'soe n soeba anda a miscellaneous shower at hier Lorraine Richardson, both of Ms ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m, SadaPnaaMs la aa aub d B eah. dhr- in. th t y miss kcnan of Ireland. hi o ee age, John Lee hoe 10 Main St., Acton, on Guelplh. MrTadei, Ma-Beta Rose of eabl Bah dinte commulty. Provides History Jha.nYager1and IT and olthers bur- July 22. The brid-ob eevd Ms ao asn osno Bur4gu Mr n aCm Brhavgetnsadbs Mr. Farlow collaborated with a', rs etes idteda nakolna h many lovely gifts. Lunch was the bride, and Miss Heather ad & a Jmmý wishes go to Cindv Watson, Aug. relative, Robert Gage of' Hamil. jWilliam and Captain John Gage roeadt wýhere enemy knh'ad plPIaced served by the hostess assisted by Stockwell, RR. 3, Acton, servd 1., M ndl Bruee Nicholson, Art Robert- ton, to provide a Gage family his-ý'were Irish Settlers in Albany, their guns." The William Gage her mother, Mrs. Bob Marshall.~ refreshiments to afternoon rand Pe a m ýo n and Andy Wetherelt, Aug. 21, /ato Co-ry fo 1r the newvspaper's centen- New% York State in the 1700's. home was used as a hospital foi- Bannockburn School was the evening guces. Cký a aGot2ina Hardisand, Aug. 23, Ken- ma dto.Terced the Gage Capi. John Gage was killed in 1778 lowing the battle. scente of a very enjoyable eve- h(rerAug 24. Blu Cross family back to 1.077, when Sir Re- in the War of Independencne as he The Gages owned somne lands ning July 25, wheni neighbors Bammer Gàrsts %It .md MIrs. Wilton Newell gmald D, Gaga, a Norman kntight, servedi with the Irish Regiment, where Hamilton now stands, and and friends fromt the surround- A short programt was enjoyed »- X- _ ý % k - amily of Fredericton, New came to England with William 1Hils %un James came to) Stoney Gage Park was donated to the Ing district gatíhered to honour by all, after which Sherrill and ià_ l L Brnmick are vacationing wvith Ara g a t the Conquerer to fight the Battle Creek with his uncle (William eity by a branch of the Gage fam- Miss Murray and Bruce Macpher- Bruce were presented with many %I H- r ,Tnd MIrs. Robert Zwicker Halton Co-operative Medical Of Hastings. The rinme Gage Gage) in 1790. Iily, son ·on their approaching inar- useful and beautiful gifts. Lunch Services, which for several years 1 riage. brought the evening to a close. has been handling provincial ---- - ---_- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hospital insurance payments fori - ~~-¯ -¯¯ ---= - - ----- -- a - --Eä-ià - = - - -e= E - its members, announuces that it has nowv reached a simnilar agr-ec- ment wi th Blue Cross. Mrs%. Roy Coulter, secretary of H.C.M.S. said this means that persons wishing to add Blue O I I S O iA I IÇ L R E i Cross semi-private coverage to1 their basis insurance may now do so throughi une combined pre- mium paymlent. The additional cost oli Blue Cross semi-private coveragec is only, $7.60 a year for- a single subscriber or $14.20 a year for a familyv. This amouni includtes a small services charge and coversE the subscriber and dependants S T E A S H O against the cost of semi-private accommodation in an active- t reatment hospital, which in this, a fpefretesubcie ý Three Big Days -Aug., 30 -31, Sept. 2 age towards the extra expense of a private room in hospital. Mrs. -Coulter also pointed out that the above group rate is a con siderable saving over the pre- personswhitt tbhei dpa M lon Fuir Ground l e ments to Blue Cross un an mn- dividual basis. The provincial hospital in- surance plan covers necessary hospital care, such as meals, S o srd B h nai tu n niu rsres soito drugs, dressings, nursing and so on but only standard ward ac commodation. The Directors of H.C.M.S. made the decision to offer this special service after an all-member survey showed that Manty people were anxious r semi-private insurance would -Sffh- provide. The complete package NEATWAV? Wat eat ave Noeenand anie Sliszzi offered by the county medical co- operative new includes hospital of Mlto do't een nowoneexiss, hentheypluge nto insurance (ward or semi-private- the adig pol a th Ken nm (nspvýtin AeA ear optional),a tornlife policy,surgi- Milon eýqts.Romiýqandsplshig i th colin waer, cal, major medical and extend- their cares are forgotien. lei nedca prtetin.Monday, August 26 throug etm r2 of Commerce and Town Council SEE THE POWER MONSTERS OF YESTERYEAR IN ACTION DON'T MISS IT PLAN LABOR DAY WEEKEND N MILTON STEAM SHOW ADMISSION ADULTS $1 CHILDREN 50c Grandstand and Car Parking F R E E BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY

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