Uén sana lnal ies fpee ead en mced MI I.. ~'aa-$-s-c-i--.a.,o I. ~ J 7iM TeCdia Chmpin Thrday Au. d sfor Mlo www~ ,~Mrs C. A. Grant Engaqed Koyed toTown's Growth School Board Secretary a Have flwn fnclIunaelYdoes nolrqure han brak, mn gorh uan mo ols nea mlion galions iln r-tavtwxegeds frycokinhwilte H eyou ever turne un aathug. akesr monr k eea resppy.The ank lOO10rnet Ec' hlouse lep' watched the o-aer the rdpunhua g vtrsupy assqareancd 12 fe deep andanas Eek il cbrh fufah freepand wondned fi contans thenaan-dhsanddsr "i ve ur ie aibail in1959ta iac a formeor Scho ard.a t eu ut w!'it lailcanes front? prang wel loaialedhbefoý* gi acng anserop dur 50,00galin n sr trai anas in ->'ek.Mx Grn Prgrs Pamn Nohacipever hothers ta hink fini wari conanedal12 an g b a i thOsperan nopnhale isheground"Theso li rc abcout whethe warer come deep and 12fout wide cni-e oseniet d ont:ns cnmpleey ccnd in trator mW Bo fanm"says oannwors speinak fini as flledhaneler"hsi telflieo h on anad as afe a raeennna tsfrte oiin a-.aprvi orpve t endeot Bruce McKe-. "They ex- omog p fron theosprlog Mayo Mitn rgh i-re n s ply as posible n pectita toheeeandfis hen. sill recallsthat dring tho wan t uligs, headdYoa ytmFuOtN1 crtae (tenwPnv La s cnd Pianuviai He ooly hoars fi-mrlon an hen it tha aae sopy liadt a 24 Mlu sortte ofi Osa lu thn OtMl chool warc ionrs.ianod. No dc Ochana is ic hcav triog of daenaI corne goshinogoot cool, guard placod nl. tonawoaldhbclikoanithnu alanao-c The aoan alos-maiosaen pooacîacih cn, csaaaidnln clear, and milh pleoiy of forca. Heavy Consumrpgen Goo hrss ogios anith the 12 ioch mais nrahd h or gedte!pae.Telteswl cS 1 NeereUing Supply If hnih panis ruo 24 haurs a Tihe pampa shout lhe avaler ai ~oacSi. nd fna, sas acothe apidan eal wolmad i nacnîa--di Right ai the momaent, Milton as da, th ir totl outputis ns-,c aboat 70 hal. presace a nh lhcwsn a ihas sc lan atitd hcplcoaccaa snodp slactd hyi-h- carcliacs. lariuae alo hace arn excellent, 1,300,000 gallons of aalc a day. narncatank, fann anhich il draina lail loch.mains canoioa hecaîh ccvasc thc part-in acahc on'afiigsppiy of crysiai 1iMilato'aoaae-daaar cn. lnng a sisanmile long, 12 inh ah ronds. Tie sanalcai mainsthsiclerEqsngSol, ciaranaîerThe-e arc- neser anystoanpoaislhoIghest ofanv gravity mais n a on As thlhaaraoo ilew sdcrvaisons utp ha aupis. nhc Esaaaaiognaniae complainas ahout the tanlei the ban he.h dishici, Mr. McKol-r ssrgc taok la highai- than the mawna ane ail nean aiinsiNME W LMHLS a itnsvlst on -ae aapinricse bythr e bplcso-anrd. nmll r the colon. added. The pumps' cas sppiy main losanasaci- point, tihe Bras. clanlalo six loch cs aomia NMRTOPMHUEa iîn -i ann nhra iiciaa yIohad The only complaloîs are ahotabIa 1a17 gallons of scaini pna- o-Mois Saa. na-ser, flhnicr ll, eigned o lay ars td sonneth Lallons o- haem. Thy ao-o aemp nony p rn 'h Tne 1,0000 Pn E ones-avit ##(t the panesuan, and i ooiy daps day f or enecy mnan, woannan and letsn o-n aa as con highnr pn nhadefr many ycarsi oane. g linn sofme mo n ly h nd oste kiepe hfoy duinahhTand ar had. Cm y o itnmyr Panc. IK/GPO front an eslimaaed 90 poanuda per chlld in Milton, aod la seana sore, ahal 90 pal.. Tho grasia. haroblr as oudaciniy giasome moch c -ie r sneddlago- n gare apay nir aian ancrhe Lim- CANOS'* cloîtreinchl(p.s.i.ianhen a aaîr avnlmoahcoeisabiloa lî doann Main hi. cciii AREhi as gaan ciay aI -aen f mainhbreaks or drisgthç sm6,0Wresdents coid kcap hsfmni00 p. ai th pressure~ casa- pinholes in lhum,or asheaving cblscd lon Hevlghaî ah Lsm .QEiE moi-aime lan haura a day Iawn pampa anrhleg ta soppin ihai ang desian in Ili a own holl. grasnd cauanas svara osa mains location, or if ahoae is an ci moi Sinisaoaci ai tha Tiia Lin C.N.R. h dnand lia eig tehnder BEOEOFAE ,aod garden wainn period, masianum nacd for a 24-hu r i, asa Miltnis foiniaci la have tu crach. casidaiciai dcs-ciapant. A scilaisy fine, inas lusal dnd Anif d rarilîg dr EONEFTHE anheeereyone n une sde oflot]l )schfod aai-presuri-co,ia Jslrenaoiiyitunssokmeon. e-asou"iaan canrdi in61iniaaloud suciita iurdnec con H iahigfroi0 AND NVOT law i sig ihe gardon hosa - The iaumphoses arc chochad sitra capcas-," relatea the super- piacd 200 faa ai a fine r inhoabl hiclan saih af' the Kei- soanylian Offiscis air noancilo egtscolw ae full hiasi - aI the sanie aime, laine a day and iheir psmping inlandeni. "Maryoiaie mo-os naiond ithe aida of the Mito Dam hts Cscadcaiaci- aoc he demna in la o-ecl ic a csut p ied.s Tasdcr583 aria lo-an05 TERS Doning reacenl aneeha Ihin lana melean. o-nil deplh and pressure have la put on hnousier- pamps a 10maosrain, shai anas so foul of pcin- Mlsl-cgaadconisladac-n lih- Ivcai. Cagsa Ilcigoca9,4.2c laoor aaerlnf paniod han heen are aeni-ded in a log for tia hoosa tha o-ami- lhanngh the sy5 hioles la ioohed liha someono had prenîy liaying preliminory plans n sappiy aaicih-lab Ltehus and $7834acMla safficieel an oaner the pressure Onlaclo tae, Roanonuces Coan- lean, jahhed iA anih an mce pich. Thean Permhavionhis nae iaen reoand o. lisas arcnucs-da ofwtrAwieaosi -seel ta heina 25 p.s.i.,forcing Ontario misoDring aloi-mo- pnowar The rasai-soic un i4 Siducoad are poctions of finit line iîecaîîy Priin ha hnerac. s Su iharca acit a ahapngp,m t iii sclr -ile casla onias la ci- Steel Prodacîs t0 sholdloan lis held logoîher aniîh repair clamps. m~ h ...,apîa iscfmîn rhc i arin a Miltoapand anih bo clas aac-cnn]cd genei-anansand part aisai 0--c~ But tats nd-atnndablate 750,00 gailins of o-cicr daily avil cos( Miltoncs-anîai haoairedcom-nMlo HghsyBo of the fin was laidin the 180's when t aiaas, and experta Oaci ihlanaaî ainîl-i il lamai-a oa-ds Wclhsos al a ost aI $200. Paint- POETR863 ofIaplana opei-alioe, laso fin i-s caai aar fanm Ihec is mo-e acailahia if aacdnd arc l lia ana, cfg of the ceiling aosld bac PON TR853 Haoes Sap Pampa uic fcdh gano rmofnt, the ale oumcea. Bai ic-v-y aal ia nanca375. Bal Mr. MaRe-a aspiaina tha trhsîoîcp-sonal EsquesinsgSource aapplis iia-l nd ic aai Piniewa Diapos laFi aciacsliaac, incae ibis maya leas ihans 200 hoae rua fli Tsidei-ffthdrapesaarîhcoas ai a-onning aIll hlast can lahe ail l Grave f(i- Coangese cd liona wci-e icaîd in Esqona ciiag ciii Main Si. grcaves ici- tha- Pins-ina Sabuol weeoee; o- Fe Gai o-e alori- he bawna b-o pompa le tMlo iligTwsijs ai-rassiite! ecsonwllb adepndn on OFac eL n mp. When Ihal capaciay is rcail diffinolaies, o-ih tha aonns iscaher invesaigaing by the pcap 1 OM111y cugtpa îeached the 00,000 gallon sergea ac-nih yma.bda, ~ 05 00c - -, c ,i .ySMnllBn-lP-a tankh la gcadually drained, Ihan Iheca9 la a phoa. on rcord of a Aa popmlosa.u untr lI the alor must bc supplied fann Pr..h jm ancal anaga playad in ~ s n lan school hy E. S. A. o-as c M ON F U EL c ill on gallr-oo, afpahld 11rwhnyausiaganlyofy, a..s aaptad. Coal ai sappîving ieacb aillon alns.ni- lhn od 8 -a n Ibcias-ya ien ca h rou dek and hais, urnt SUPPLIES Bal the uine froan the resars-oi- Irr i lai, tha pi-inipalas office cn od iuiCte SriePou cannnî he opaned faliy. or il orpba shanccspai itat are60 ~Ilinlina-hlahisomn-iniiiscac-fîaa aasuld aoue drain and Ions-a Ille I St f aoe ao bi-a- oiv0110.Ofic Bnne i ime o lnilaitsfor-fireproa- aoda flowoi-dorated gi-aa « '0 ' -iMs.Hle fiew co a wanu fiih -F-a Rbaa ocwnov atersrli av nthe Main Si. Besidathcga-a Eaqansiag PublicaSahouiBid ci MiaaJa Ci-cia.r Mca ths prials ________Rabbins- o-mains half shul and anhen Ilic o-es na crireanhalone, leîsored aI ibsir lavt o-eek monaian Rci.n sodan, Mss Pndioy. laot-aeaîher aaering isasmdrain- .Oaci-ad la fic Mcmo i' of lla Oaoncdth alationaai*nalach Spnsiads-Gai-i Dco-ans, Mrs iog aae-frntaili-csroi-,aflic Walei-aorhs Cumnlblee ei-s fur flan saming slsanuvlSh. aiC. aundsaMi, mia-saure caluai ii do-ps. "Atahat limeahceanasactrhublai-nan. Thae lui-,na nmed in cnh fiasic Dean, Mass Javselle Pcur Mr. MaKei-i loch menon al guid. aniih breaksain th abs rc casa is alan pincsipal.-_ __ cdator of the tuns aterw-o-hs avalam aand anc naarning bhey Miiiaîî lOiglias - Mi-s. Gna Tusisi eai coisrin' t ani O laitai s siue, ou gabr in. loued liais gi-ave an Main 01. ie Canai- Mss f. Engisb. saniihaf7clonOUE « P lN 1 formaion forabis fnaaa-c plan- fiaont ut o-hua ais- i Pa anm avin ils liont lia- i li aira 1.opointl the ibsacaf Dai-y". scail R. M. Ciemacas Glcc Williams - Rciph Ms- souasca spcn diiic, cc socia MuItons o-nIer sappiy and %aleati Qanan S1., avianasns tha origini Kaa,,a, Jouaii Scaudli., Mias Doaisla ssoal y, bsca cn as- liais. allis-lbiin svsin. plamai-n. Daim, Mra. Es-va Prssascad, Mass______________ Picliare TreSi-ne s ue TslaH Hlii Bye. C P L N Tui undcraand, von masI Pi-si M i -mo Tog pr si High rs iuitllwi - RoetG plmai-n file hei-n ,ie.am in- Mbosp-an vlasos ,a mnSaca Ba a-i-a Gr.MKiS rcm'sysirna as hbard la pal .a priac hu.Diglaeiii ss as a--ls-ail li-s,. alîcias' Ilea o-cIi .!tun n i. nc-rnpan a- Mi-v. R. MaRnasan, Ms-s and lana panaphouscas, iaanndi in Talbn, Mia accus r and fnind T"YancHcros a-lU-in l n tinaBrling- - cuapmenniaauidaasîOOOOOWand Panavina -A. C. Disoaajn AVAILABE INA WDE &a mile andnabhaf nocihf I 10 fli 12 inah saaarman au mosn MaFaqij, Mcs Elbal Riddcli, McarRNE FCLR mis-aaaol ofh-- on- ould i-anal Iaal $200,000, Tha OfIlffn, Mcs. Kay LaWo-sn, MisaAG rC R RAleoh Poi lc ru~i- i-oses-s-ir, ohinb o-aa aîamaleîed Shirlny Gcaca., lil baid2 undron la las And o-bai of abe future' Robertson, MJ. Wn. Mis Go1!IT N N5 ________________________ filbsid2Sm idiaciiad. Il-iI lihsi-s. bail capeesns-. là Baaa)nîe-Main S1. conr. - , -moi-ral- anfirli chua- Miltdnd ilincos a-nis C kiaa Sna-aral mimas aaa, julari1 it1 i-ra(aeesionaa of o nDni asMs ii oln__________ if tha- ailla of the Niagara Isalmn. iste low la Disric Soi.lsomc -- fBnI Georgetown DititHigh School ao , îaonîphouss lirai. No. One pamp o-as icsiaiind îand bellcn aperaîlof in Oalaber -ai oo 953. fils bean running 24hours a WORCS SUPERINTENDENT Bruce McKerr laapectsa gauge at EV E N * *G C L A S S E S ias a-cr from a 95 fontl deep thenesaarponîn. PThis one fao-fs 425 gallons nf o-an ar oie- eîal, aiireciin lailla il, ad acctis aie, and inca 24 bouts a day seric-g MaIson's o-nIer needs. Georgetown District Hoegh School offers thse following evening ___________a_12_______maintuflicclasses for the scisool year 1963-64: -rga t.ank s uil il sa-lads Ille [ive-o inc il aroogb flia isiaof -ANNOUNCEMENT- VOCATIONAL CLASSES (20 Wks.) RECREATIONAL COURSES alan ascarpamno tu hnnp the ra- 0ALUESO(l2Wes Nanaoi lanilalla nlpp fEld.M~TPIl AfDY8 1. Auto Mechanlcs 1 (Tues.) s2Wes usoiai flac gccand. Til flanc MERYEhINSCICD VAPIZERSb5 2. Auto Mechanics Il (Thurs.) 1.Desaig(e. a--In dowi tua taha sane aain DE-FLY.IR ot CANADA LIMITED are pleased ta 3. Electricity 1 (Tues.) 17. Home Sewing (Tues.) laia ha uscd afaur lablan ah nnounce the appaintmnent of a Sales & Service 4. A '-'ie EUtos 1 (Tues.) 1.Malline Te. Aasili h arly' Mas- ale Representative in thin arma te pravide aur esyPPns.ecrns18 i- Rota by claabniaily, the No. Dca customera with prompt, courteaus service of ~ Wowrig Te. 9 Hsea(hr. pirsî aise lias ao aailia-s fils DE-Fi.Y.ER Units and ta supply DE-FLY-ER 6. Mechanical Drafting 1 (Tues.) 20. Oil Painting 1 (Tues.) iiioo-aa-nni cas hi sacs-erlailas- Insecticide. 7. Mechanical Drafting Il (Thurs.) 21. Ol Painting Il (Wed.) anaeV l Mns Mabac scad Is 8. Bookkeeping-Begin. (Tues.> 22. Physical Fitness (Women) .îiuiiig iadsiosmn-n iaasig aari 9. Bookkeianq~ - Senio (Tues.) Wdeay lia lhili i llilOf lirai-niitM I.i 23 (Wenesay)n rec a-ula fie aglaia Io u aelan Ile , heNE 10. Machine Shop Practice I 23Iolrssoa Fecsa Laan-eas-abnnngp-.sla (Tuesi.) îvveanesclay) qoJ 4fM N i uluulci foiar h fauoilay lnainita a- LY -ER Il. Machine Shop Practice Il 24. Basic Englisis (Tues.) a-pir ljob, il asas the fmIrs lime i (hus 25. Jewellery (Tuesdlav) aui nîne yeas il had ben abot olf AUTOurs., h linsaofsvaitaioii-aucaaaaonska paic.. uni purposa - lb bnd nain rua- -ATM IC12. Shorthand 1 (Tues.) tl au tcf vllc ns aglîdnsau kcoa inoslye toiuar dao cepahs Dos- nuil wihn a u alcy eai . f Dnpa-sla INSECTICIDE 13. Typing I (Tues.) "Butaayrlaaicncgd ln lg n copn pamp o-as lasisînsi bi-aogb a Tire. VAPORIZER 14. Typlng Il (Thurs.) knln ictenefl io rigt ih h uiaci nin Ilan pumphosa roouf. 15. Business Mahns(Thurii.) sto, rcaaaa as bo cro11 ofsd anl choppiaag Nle nderTas-c ppe.a-co an Files, Maths, codisd . hnte cîcliasssspcal. a 500 g.p.m. pump niat ahooas K L W Mosquitos, hoaches The Vnational Coures as-e ail <redit ceai-ses for the Ontarioaeodr SchN.Topmhaecrtisoi Gradoatin Ilai-i- n-c ne nil facn ah-au, a-r Co-opatis icalei-slraighî tlnthesillgebtank. Soonedana t0 dll ur l- cul ail aiuncon.lthueay o i-ils-i cr the saînge aan Fents-ca-eshdm kiy y-aiifsc l s ain, autna ic pnirsa a enA Ols An.1 Crces 90 o ouss1t 15 $10.00. Courses 16 ta 25, $6,00. Papable on rngistraliaea t cp orcyri islw n sclo n f i I L Sesf etc. 1 Registratien Night ALL CLASSES Weainesdap, Ocinher 2ni annas ma7l la-mla 9uîaa Suaiaal aSmelle îc ;i lime-r ncalanniso- aînalanal ta Ofic a2, 1rn fiell lie\% as' ihe Sîheetie raiz he tha saa-ge tank. snsl, .ls.e-neaeo.bainssia . nl.sd in fics..orn. Office d111m1aNs a maiaiioawclcca!îuna 24 Hours a Day kbtose, milkhéaass, bores Oré Onas croo sirias caninanus ina,î cauauoî.oa'aa--a-acn Thsa secnda pump nsas insînlinsi sacirol .. Moot.nl ail rsaai,saas r ci ,land s F.dsasi isol Ceai-ses 1 te 15 siars Tnesdap, 0ct, C. Cournes 16 t25 stars Tuesdap. 0et.,22, Pli-s terri fer lias ronnd lia hcs-e 'surfaceco'- anA sOn .. u..l s n o i-a . an t a.. ai-itn C nuse Ye1 iiedsewe tDnsbr5, l-ecreti ore 6t 5m lainalion Diriop rcen t fliai sass an fer ao ns ta1, Smo fst. ,,d iayi esd th. web et December 3. Ail second terail classes mili reame the meeh et Taesda, i FREL HOME HEATING SLERVICE 1 &f-flllltia' sprtin CSAnc laoed Jaury7 ,iias-aîifioul roappingp- Ask Now for Our Specia hérdcoyPies N ls ilb ginen uêlons there is enainéahea ef reçsisnînéfios, RequrcslI set a 5pia -îl la-iy fOrd aid rifltl- te aepo uIl vtr iin umbér fer any clans aet isiciadd ab hêe, inaladie0 rogoiai-asademio subiects Thy acedNo To p w w55 ha Civn ceesideratiee, Malle peur roeas du-écu5y te thé Scheel Office 877-6966. FUEL OILi Aaîdhapmn Nofrm h oo p la s-n o H IjM'E.P M e L ------ - - - replace thn pampas nancaae hase,! ElR 1 MILTON, ONT. TE C 2791 D. LATIMER A. M. BAXTER H LO OO U PR ind foarranenmngeaI te aime Csi-iiseese - Oahniiié Tewa Lano Chaieman ot tise oard Night Sahoai Principal. H LO O P SPLI Iscy fisad il! The aoxillary anaton Just Noi-th of Ne, 10 Sldcmaod -GEORGETOWN MILTON ERiN or Ibs pomnp flu nutomatic, and