port Laadea4le, Pk'isal. . ... i Me. and Mca. Dos Laislss Me. RIG HT cnd Mes. Lindsay Borsetl aed Items for tii social eurs cota-a are Mes. Myrtte Ccdtin motoed serth wetcomed. CatI Mes. Htouston ai TR "M984 tact weeised, travelling tlice(ig Algonquis Park. Thcy %petit n it ci Golden Lake aed tlie Wc cee ptcaaed ta repart Mes. Mes. W. G. Riddett and tvio aillecr siglit ci Sherliot Lake. Sommer la the lime wbee sal E. Otser, Braosle St. lias retors- yoosgesi chludres tet liy Peatda maise op tise mats course To ed homafttrrlivtngoapatieniisfor amieeeîlidcy at. er Tom Wilson, Kingatrigi Cort, ofmarmais. Miltan Distrct Hospital. home in Prince COstard Island. bas reîured from an erjoaht For those af as wiso taisec te 2 liee mccli holiday trip 10 Dcw- ir eseeying bat are atraid ef Miss Maritys Cairns ced Miss Mro. J. Arnolsd, Bci-îar Street, ,on Crel. C. Hc ailo visited Ion mary calories me boss oa Rtuth Dros -,iicd Priday (crnm sent the wecekend iv Toeontoreslaivs .and trierds te Portage suggestion.i Montrea to pesd sixsmnthin~ sîsitiiglieresistr. La Prairie andt Calas Hers are some tow calorie 2(1 Europe. _______________________ 2 Me. ard Mes. Don Worth and Summer Vows 4, lari hase retrIrrd baome alter_________t hlitdcsisg for a weeh ot Wym- Riciy. David, Norme ce o- I YO8cI J I I~V s.lR V L Ry t et Humphrey of Peteeboc have ise parents, Me. and Mrc. E. Mon- A t K no A sirn Ce... lices Aioiiin mil lergad o ,~on Saur ay tie Me. ond Mes. Bill Shltz, lires- Tira seboot techers wnere maer os ilie groam's paîrso grand- ceremory le Chuchill Unrited Jýoieo da ced Martese and Mes. E Pal_ ried rn a sommer ceremony et moilier's Bile. Clioeeband inetheeveonfiga t the mat e' tersas rsiocecd liome Priday 0f. Knox Preobyteriar chut-ch, Actas, PIve Attendants Coi. Jolis MeCece Building te Potd <cr teelitdao-ing ai Soutliampton. ec Shirey Isol Mas c- Thte lris fisc attendants Guelpli, iliere wa e dorce. There and rcame ilie liride tof James William aiso oore wite. Thec moîcea of sitre mary garais (rnt Kitchen- MnU - lirîhday greetirgsancd hast Zelie. The Rev. A. H. McKenaic hobarrr sts Meo. Eaei lirearsAr. er, Guelphs, Landes, Hespeter mou wi, . shes io Mes. Dose Timbrs, e((iciated ai the double rinig ce-- tes, a friesi, and the litides- Torost, Dondao Smithl rti -Mary Si.. h lemu ceint-dte lier crny sn a seitisg et pies ced maids were Mes. Reliera Wood, Campbritvitte, H;mîttos, Rit: M 8toi hirtîday Wcdnsday, Asa. 28. white giadioti ai focr 'cocs on Carnpbettittle, the heide'e cousin; liride, Ancaster ced Acter.. GMr, and Mes. Asdy Graham, Satcrdcr, Accesi 10. Mrs. Lea Lc(tamme, Welland, a The liridro smortier more e 40 Gerr an Day] rture ome Bith are emptoyed hy the Nus- feieod; and Mes. Donald E tel. locs jacictcd tisenseeil witli t Cad Day rchec hom tor.TeKthnr tegomsssè teCaifornia liy plane todcy saomy scla o S ord 0 ts biceellrgom ssl. hacki accessories and a coesage (3 Thut-sday) atter vlsitiaf witi siîdîohe dacghîer et Mr. ced The ftewee girl mas the ht-ide's et pivh carnatios. The groom's set prets e.ce Me. . eti Ms.W. Douiglas Masos, 68 Lakse cousin, Mics Traccy Lyse Aulfe moîher moe a beige lce eairoi ce arents Md ay d Birct . Ii Avrc., Actes. The groom la the et Guelphi. toits a matchisg chiffon ceai tr ________s on et Me. ced Mes. Joseph P. Ther gomes vt-e mate tengili, beige accesserico and beenze - - -<D ~< - Me. ced Mes. Et-ici Gec) (nec Zehe. 80 Milt Si.. Kitchiener. lic sîeeteso hediccscand lieut- munms. MR AD RS WLLAMSPCKar sow sgnngth rgi- Asea Restivai retcrsed ibis Gien sn mat-nage hy her faý tant oirle (cehloed et sehite LIse at Camphallvlle t MI NO RS ILLAM P5C ar shirsatgrvgtharegw- el fem, their honcymoon trip tirert ii ede more a fto- tertene dccoratcd seitloselfhoses The coopte Ift os a trpit te- foiomwng ther July 26 weddrsg in Ashgrsee Uni te Mexico and Centrai United tengili geso et Chianîtiy lace ai the ocaisi. Tlicy carred cao- lic Maritime provisces and thie Chat-ch. The hride is ire fore (Celtei Sîrd of R.Rt 2, George. States. They miii reside le Tee- ad st-t laer ai tatteto. The cadesofe pisi carnatios se-lî a Newe Eegtasd States. Thie bride Mi towns The groom is the son o) Mr. and rs. C. W. Speck et osto. tittcd lcec hedice teaturei a shocer et cilihes. The senior ocore a lter green and mhite thon Horny. Te cuplewil resde i Horiby Mr andMrs.Chales au o s oudcd seckiie and long lily- atutendants liad maichiof pink deos and moichisg ceai.t wth Add Ho vy Te cop ea' îdnî HonltyMr.cedMr. Cliare ono peint steevro. The bouffant net crsiad carrinss seule the tiosce matrhing aceceories and a cor- piale n ~ * ad Me. and Me.VeHait attend. oui-t s eitlased ho analoser girl score a teeket. sage et t-ed cernatios. Thcy miti starn ,EveI.p DNTI. W. ýieck S" dii een t te tcsite eaîpdtc caie Their seeddiec risg hais mccc lbe maLin gîlicir home ai R.E. t, cd. scotei ho the Nem York SIecmn ai ther sides wiîli tioy iuffetaofe lic some materiat as tte drc- Campbltvitie. le e cnin Association in Cascndei- boses. Appliquesofe motchle'g sest decoraîrd willi white vcilisg. At w1,uvea fl d dr 6 g e Yenk, tasi secl. lace se-te scaltered os the siffr James Fleming et Toronto seas A double-rigcaedeight cen, relicr rses Os lhi rsr Mr. and Ms. Fred Haroirad iideeteqisadpero goomsman andîtheuchersmwre men n sdhgoescUntd Clih th coupl rocp rsdeceinccnt a erdaysasmcriî aedgedhcciits. WayeMsnRbriohRs onuJty 26unied GertrueCs- Hoesiti PortiElginad Tobernory. A herdpîeco iikroescand Aeiiiirand PaulZeie lie Rit-i et R-R. 2 Ge egetirîso Thesseddig cke seas made Me evsblile fu-ird E .Hnsnpae h ra ced' W'iliam Davidi Spek Of lheride' s mother.Goesti ai- M.and Mes. Lawerence Tyct- scaeai viesileo itkillusion. She and Mes. Doglas Vîckry sang Horebv la maariagc. Ses. John teodesi (rm St. Louis, Miehigan, and tamity. Brosie Si.. cojoyei svoire aitock ivrentsc te lier h dreisg ther servsce, The Lords C. HMttoffieiaicdra tire ce. Haimilton. St. Catharines, ak G ai.voîciîto S asota Gtdensdur. lier pritersai ceasdrnoîhee and Prriyrtand0Pcrtret Loes. nonsy The selvcttos eu stie. port ciedit, Blteville. Mit- isg tbeir rcest vacatione ontlr- cririei a bouquet o et roesc Sîrppr mac -red atr ilhe and -0PrIct Lovererv ugiont,, Gergetown.rîssctn ob ida'seocer scoast. Thvr- ho Miss Asare it-ost rodsi %t,s hgre and Prtlandd, Miehifris. tecerdl home os Susday. PcyF mcpbast. aomgared hob ______ ,,r t 1idesirier., Cicc et Mr. and Mes. Cric Woee. , ,:Irmms orRinslciril Cort, eetursed Sai- RSE.3 Geregetn rd -oB Honored (ra ront a tht-cc micci hoiiday Tbe brie lste sJiahter of Bride-to-Be 3ÎLS. fird caid ohm e i, tid At Events, Showers sCgad Bit-de of . 2 Getrreti ihe Ese1irs lied of RIE. 2. George- enpoewead acc-, a s-l 't tirh 0,, h.n.oitoi e ttmial Pc- tnasîastCceperrige C'M-ýà etesti prtor te lier Jets 2h h scle~ la teson ci Me àami Mrs- sartriee triuhiiitSei C. W prckof Horalb,.and , . h an&irZimmermris rommosi- L fainr.tic- bieli amisiisceers shoter aseasas (armet-.for tire brtde ands groom ai tlie TbehcseiDecrerdssr lark 20ie rcrdr\ oneririer. Mcn IeChar wazeeeoird %li o S0cirrid es mother2 Ors I 6 siandres ot yrrrl.gladiolr rirdilrid lird ,ae a trrouseau Arrig i alfax onSepem- wite eseasciacr.,tro hbe nd thé RE Dr W. J. Palt tire. Cm iï. Brr rr er tir olsi 22te crosses colim %.ll1jcI No- S i. ou a- Elme aBird i ATýn. l.riroo tchlfiens (rom Ss ir e elibraions of 150 N heide woee rinie trc-cr ortirh mur s rTat gowof aetranid mrcrroer ft- S. * o7,Talgar,red a pre crs of rieaied ile Societ 5traln i-'ICordo' s ceiel -sercs in sbat proviece. fera mib ai rires. teegthir orr otirelrbrisde dgom. Tire tirct contibutions (rm eaeriedcabonqoeît o elcrand Mr.ioandsMr,,Victor Wilson es 1 ritishNorth Amricatfor h wthiterses ser jtir rre irerrerres relaî,iic of the groom isorld wide esokofthe Socit hanotis. aitamsc.lrrieos shoeocatoserceceived inLondon.Cg- hotî.ieir home sn Orikriiie os joee n en 18 tee mSrotiî ion. Faim Attendants 8 sond tire Achgeorc Commosisreneh etidsPsîoC Mes. James McPhic a citcr heMd a tsecelianoeshoem-c in in Nove Srolia. Of the rlide, wsimairîoof (ce Juls6ite Creh hall. te 1813iacmaithband otfili HD or and liridesmaisis oece Miro On Jli Merly togl-fi cslis gailiered te (et-m tlie hr Mariyn Wtggccoseîh trrosi. rios eigges-girsis0s et the Nova Scella Bile c ef iban lride iid tcc M rocl ,,,hbrld acorriseshoera Society. The potpose set fotha oftse r ad iCMri irhome, eneraiinguioriestlrimees1asti .,peck acsctr o. the grue i rit. thit rieeuressi heBits sert Alexander a frind of tire ____ and Foreig Bible Society inl iride. mcc the tioee girl. Thrr merid-mide tasi of trosi attend anis %%ore gouses of tiroi Roeoinm c andc rdcirola ig Seriptores. teosird ostos irifttrr oîb it scal1 There sere foOnteo lirans iriped nerkiîe, thont .rired hl Ashamsv. 5eleaai parîîeipaise ib tis sem SoIts eleeves and pieatrid oîiets 'Tire rerýniga aycmui heidesmaids mot-e perl eri,. Averirihppvoccaio - hetd rieprscsiisg aoutmaheyromne. laces, gitc trom tire bride. Thir cr"esîy ai tire bosse et Me. and Today there are 500 actis-r roslette brddrescrc tire ade Mcc. Waed lieotsoidge ee an branches on Nova Scotia and ofrresmateria and heldle .hitcinftorma]sciool esion was hidCape rela. tty cty veils. Tbr- criie Car ofthttrisdsand tîhirliitd-en. Dr. Plit mii lie addncocesa rade bouquetsot piskirytcrr-ii Lots of chriuîing and tcmitsis ceocrai meetings. He iii letee -Ph.. sl ns.,Tr cbeysaotlemom s t is bhiteing oas dose about the oid dcys ai the Fise Hill Sehoot utf Theot- MR. AND MUS. James Wrlliam Zahe, hoîl teoshers mîth tle ebocto chrysontlirmr. Tire ai Acigrrior sehool. whieli ctosed ogy in Halifax. Ht- viili cao sprak Nossageeachobou c mred oettOsKe ttomr gir ivore a siler lcketi croerit yrrirs cge os Esqscsing inorallerProvinecof Canada fr Pebtra hrh co.Sei h omrSilyMsn tbe gifi of tir bride. e hrisgcd [o o censoeidatrd .scloolth Socey He forl conduit e sCuhAso h h aieSh ae Ber Sec ofHoby a lIvtem Pctre wee aseilviitto andain ovmbr. Wh lhem c theflow ngil Tnacngi.yss Ariffe ofGelph, aise et tbr groom,. 0cr grooms- .iroosd.rshowsoteoefthe ces h rd' osn man ccd George Bird ott.,ocs ses ca., rs cdens. Hestard Spc of Miltone C bri, ent, Mns. William McCuedy et lier et thie groom, Oece'userre Strerîsvitir and Mes. Howtard Doglas McPboii, a sepbets et Wr rggteseorth et Georgetown. rn m eoa d the bride, wac lire cisc ireCrer. Tire cbiideen cnjoyed pony ridesn As esening ceceptios tia. fireldi nrig tbedavand apiniclunch TANNNTIALY I sn tir Astogrove United EboisrCch ltler cerved. He o eOit NO TAE IM I NLL isall. Mes. W. Bird. rite bride', 0 O POE TARIN motetir eeed for ber dirgrC ADIIOA tee ta a pote bloceorn e %- YOV h I DES. DIINLCLR ltstafteto gesen asnd oite a- INSURANCE 11 LMI WON R E FUAANTE cesaries. Her cri ci., ci 0, CLIT OPRES UPGU ploktsr roses. Tbe grocrrire M.- But se dldn f have th. samo extensive OOU LOHSSOU thernreedtforeirsoircer i PCA TTNING lnaapiss tare asd crgrioeC oie- . election fa chaose fram that modern PCALATNIO IE le desadwie i"shoppers f ind NOEtO R ories. Stc score ri c,,r,age of white roses. SNLRIE STORE Par tic snrdding trip threegh E R T T R Algeaquln Park and Graeasanrit tie bride chiosea nvadwhite R. R. FayodeO RD SUE OUR SPECIAL -PLUS E lino pice sbeaih deeso. ahite r MilIse, Ose. TU 84357 MILTON SO V NR Pomesfu NI-PI To aned $60.00 IN cesorles and a serrage ot siIý SOUVENIR_________________ POST CARDS NgsesIihrPrize of Party Dr.' - ~ATTRACTIVE VIUWS OF COIJNTER TRANSISTOR Si oBs ___________________________ TND TOMN TAKEN 'THIS FOR< NOVELT <S OF MILTON S i aB s SUMMUm EXCLUSIVRLY FORRA I U Y a U M M U W ~SaLRITE STORE Asis Temps - Ko ah Knabs PLUS 4 LAR mi. *1m *U* ** * Waîîers Wall Plaques 10c eac JakKie-Sle r $13.98 en, II2UtIJ!J~It~.IAutogmps Albums MiLTOSi ARINA - BAT. AM. 3l - 8 F.M. f ________ut SE.LRITE STORE_ -f1, Cous. i -ie ses- sx oeacrPimec o a in. ns TaSevm olft cu se. AN- AROUNU HO> trs whch we hZe~a'l 1531. lemon Julce. Chili mlite te uh- mt helra MoulS heaten auIII wehite cerssoascy. (RT ealories par iservina) Fold Inmixed veigetahies. Tare envelopes unttaveared gela- loto, a 3-cup meuld or Individsloa tine .mIoold. and chili 'estil film. Uir cas (10 oz.) ceasemme neadeon servag <110h, and teaspoon sait gernlsh mush letîcce, gren ceps temnatel juice enlioas,, ad rodisises. Serves 6. tabtespoooos laeman julce sae a" VqaalaRea teassoros tabaco saoce (M cohartes par asenlug ceps diced chickes 2 cepis sbrimp cal in uaat cap chop1rnd cetlery pleces cap cbopped cucramier 1/4 cep boited dressiag Cep chqpped stufted olives 1 cap dîced celery prishie geltline on t cup of t taleepoant ctsopped sovera consomme tea sottes. Place piciste l eu, hait and atie untit gela- t cep cpoised amides peaat is dissotved. Remove fromnt 1cep stlced pctied btrts cnd stir ie remaining con- 2 haed cooked ue,alcd me, ltoate jaice sait, tern Combine (lest fille lasgïiadlgts rand tabasco. ChilI te os. tighty, and pile on Intlsace tIseles. eegg wehite coasistescy. Gcenish wits atternale <lices ef int chIches, cetery, cocramber liees cnd egos. Serves 6. olives. Tors loto a licup Laman Pressais, Dheaala i cnd chilI catit tirm. Us- i4 cep satad rail Id on servisg plate cnd ri cep temoe joice .ish witl ttoce and Paisley. ýàteaspoosn sait es 8 scrvings. Fcw groins rayesse pepper lied CarrI alsd Celeey Saaie 2 tabiespros selgar (61 caoeries par servlogi Combianecil[ ingrediens and envetope onttavourrd gela- shaise vieil betorie usleg. Mllses tise t cep. cep sogor Eaetr Tisaani lillai Dressing teospoon sait -i cep mayonasiase ceps woter i îlisp. chili nouce cap temos joice 2 top. temon jaice cepis groîrd carrat t tliop. mlncnd straffai olives cep diced cctery i top. rnced chives or grees cup diced grecs pepper arios o~~~~~ ~~ geaiehoa e aî lard-caooked egg, chopped x gelayle, c orn ait sai . tsp. paprika oughy ina sali aucean. Sali csd pepper !I cep o the mater ced Combise cil legredients, sein- le oiver cw lirai. sirringcn ris cIn geatisela ~. oisg ciih s att and pepper ta Rer nve (ceranhee s d v striste Chill ieil. Grand srrved Rnmovs fngtcpoateand vrwcdgesof iceberg tettoce. Il ACULAR.. 95 Valu. 97c <'S PORTRAITS IN FULL COLOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BUY S PECIA ÀL!l Your Children's Portraits Taken, Processed, and Given To You For Only 97c NOWN TECHNI-PHOTOCOLOR D PRINTS AVAILARLE AT POPULAR PRICES RE PORTRAIT PER PAMILY STED I0 TOAMILY PORTRAITS Friday Saturc 10.er.ta 9 P. 1&.m. lOaea iay h p.m. IIG FREE CONTEST PORTRAITS GIVRN AWAY FREE ,to Best Girl Photo - Priz, of Boy Photo -- Suze 2-6x GE PORTRAITS TO RUNNERS Il) amilyTR 8-2067 ashions 228 MAIN ST. SâfiSfâctlon or-Mon.,y Chftrfully Refund.d ti l -th is in MI Have p tende(o I d ent sc Nevi b rerfii square mci mole leaiy meetime i, Ced adi tomn s csi feul hast - Dueisg e tiaur viate sofficient t tra betow 2 Steel Prds tif tic plas Ha But Me. toOisf wa0 vo pmp. seached th, tankis gnou sic muter s tir tests r C million Bot the li canant be tisset mitli tecien. Se aemaino l itet-steatner tegmwatentir Me. Me cd toue ot il re- rmatirs t. r let1 poil Milttnes mer striliuÉiris To ossiers pirluce the î,îlv.e First and imo pot i salIco us V tIon a mite a Ohfecoad. A smile Satiteanake tanki huciet fieldi heside abouscixi mi Sîîîsir-Mris Sev-erui mi nf i4 Sideco Miliraos Gios r lie sid Esrtirmest. abtito CIri hi. Ps liontpiocses No. One r ol ere o frts per misi Iltrsratee (r, il ilirils-a .rtrge tankl C ,urge titi iç ire sinc lisfe lie escarpme -erveir liiiiled. Neur flie te lis c 0 Ili alei and i r So it hy cire 'Olipitou a.iti irr igsei irev iiihoIi> riog ili il i.aslsicarfi rii toc a fut rpsir leob. Il i sîne years i 1porpoc - neeety mitbc ump viras isoii tlilte in titi 3riige coi erondegrot- No. Tio pc 5010 g.p.m.1 iter straichi rit. iche ie titis. ech e surge tari. 24 Hou Tiîesecrondtp 19.58 mirs a te fonid i sierlison Di rus,, boiti mi roi; tri keoy (bey jacked ;ttt-em thief lace the pnr dsceeismesri *Pump rosen y flsed ilt Tli e ts psmp i