----------- r- î h. canadian Champions, Thursday, Augunt lit, 1963 OMAWI Surprise Pair a Ôm ftp Fam~iy Reun ion, Picnic at Park OOHono Retired AssessQrs th-e o Jail~ Oethlng aboassor - dent Pnrcyll Spign ot ogtost a Mitchel GardonPary nd ats ho Ih alo 0Then yod made a ta Nsnp *petdlsClBs pit aicnic crac held at Hornby Park' 1yea IJly3,uanGs- Park on July 27 was a great suc- Coonty Aooesers' Asoociation got we>a Township, and spent sev thtde s division af Wallon os andy, aly28 orth on 13 years old July 30, Mary coss Proornos sas as unoal the Frank McNiven of Miltont and eral yaarn on couincîl includin~ Agaicultural Societyc. rendntanfts o otoThohe d trabaThCatmas yand ld Elyizrabethnd ho arg crwd6Jn Gbbos a Gtrgeocr laa 0w O Rascehafroaenmd-thIes rllroreinopinn a Chrlît cHgh M.ao Ms31, Peter Rhode 9 yoaas Ild Joly thoraughly onjoyad nvory nom- como la a speotal a tpl5 Pe ad feb MtoHas Miv bl tIon jaemo a n Ities - frMlentbroy bar.Thorttoe manygh gori. and sanado 10 thoir e honor laon ilton. hew on jasor and lom -m stappîn. William ily f omyBnd2ilbr.ayrewee an HodirsbyenatoninntIrho 2la'2.sssrrfrfro 94m t 13194310pery ndp19t63t:aplw Mr adMa.2.Hsco a tt- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pocock and tho lood concessions, smnee Thorsday. fl hoalth fotceid bis rotireraint. red carrant and grapa jelly; and Mr. ando scrosIc for e tho 1Cr- Miss Aodrar Fredoaicks lot fast had alot of mark and mauchi ptan Pranh, crbo rolired Ibis year Multdd1s-Ja Rxp.rieno. tlach, rhubarb, lomn.n orange or aio erol c has for trts Othe eddiforg . Iba o dc hucatte d cr ho aoue ntit Who aflor 20 yeaas as Miltonos as- grapefroit marmelade. Awardo ahd tra c m aoy par5 gets et tlethle ol i ae ih e soor and foua prerloon yeaas as Mr. Gibbons, simllarly, haes os- ara delorminod on total points, provinces, 'for the dioser ar-i graoddtogbîrr on Jaîy 27. resaIt. Nelsonos assosor... and oe, peasonca in hoth asnesoing and and tha grand champion collecta soppar meats. Races aod contcMl- Mr n r. rarll Foather- Coogratulations ta Hornhy crho quit fant voar aflor 13 yoars the relalod municipal polilies $10 as croît as o trophy donacodl cre hield crilh palots for the sten, Mr. and Mac. Ratph Poather. Girls' hall fetin n hir crin ovr as asoosing oficor ia George- fieId. He was Mayor 13 years. by Ibis newspaper. Second palme winotas, bol tbe most enjoyabta 5105, Mr. and Mrs. Witlard Fea- tht Hillsborg Ieam, Ibis gama 10cm, gaI tbe surprise nI thela fromt 1934 ta 1943 and front 1947 il; worsh $7-30 and thîrd palan crac the social lima togeîher. therslon atttodad tht sttdditg of cras.playad hatoaetIhe Pragrofa. livos whon lhey recoirad framad ta 1949» and open the intorven ja $3. tîrir sircc Miss Janice Poathar. Mas. WiII Dosclîn bolidayod fast fle memharnhlp cerlifîcales in in f our y naro as a cuii Mr. astI Mrs. Fred Teck rerc clon in BreslauonJuly 20. weektb rîloson Kennethand theHallon Association. Thon ln 1914 hoe tank ovar tht ha eldest ptrsons precent andi1 M-and Mrs. H. Rutherford of amily aiWasaga eac.e Fitn Honrit job ofassssietcommissonar, ther gea-grnd iee bbvJu-1 Oa'For1 mr g. opa post tram wblch boe ratirod in L. W. EUMS thar ata-giodnira ob ~ ecgh slore spart a fam days at Farana are the aist lita mLm- 1962. sice, daughtr ofMr. and Ms. 1Nantlres Ontario aod Mr. antd Fricsds in tbisdisaltcrit ilb e h stuobenamad in anyDn- M the yongasl. 1 AI Ballon Camsp carry te traro lit J. E. Whitc- arlo asssgis otticars' gonp. Mr. Gibbons bald the hulofnC RI Plans score made loit he ctan ,cc od anr rlî loch parsad acray in Wallon Hus- At W. Benlot Esqoasing . bting namadt the tirt-s presidt LETI te mecet aaain cn f964, ai whisktt can sd Julie Stasar are bhl- pitli on Monder. Mr. Whitolock sossa atnd chalrnan of the r-of the Wallon Asoosoors' Associn.* lime Robert McHugh et Pishai- dtcrg til c hurchrcamp riear crac for many yaars Hallon Cour- glosaI assassing otticars' associa- lion crbon il mas formait in 1951. w lsd, Mr.,. Lita Heat et Ai, Bette the sert crack îy Ag. Rap. and ceataioly did! lion la 29 ytar roîcran hianselft 11t stas tha lircl coonîticrida ns- cenIvacifine adList c and Jimmy Ircot e irsdKsyt et ehagond crk in Ibis district. St-ns- inlîed tht aalirad men t0 an oessîng groap in Ontario). Ma. Mc- and Sentsln Piain r1 o hre Fin- Liandpel eth pof tcre paîhy ls astendadtobilscridtcr informa, session aI the BlrrcbNiconcrastescond pesidot. n Mikrin wisd Mrs Mis Tsa aie- iset isfit the grasptaIwo 'and con James in their beanavo- Hitîn Golf and Countay Clob, noar William McHugh came the long [Mr. and Mrc.. oHllf Tase:mn - Milton, Tborsdey alleasoon. Ther -Gol yoor ontrias lioed op fur Phone MIII..,R afi est dictasnce [rom Oshawra. und dsitingftriasdcs intht Bell Ht crac ileaesteid and helong couldn'l rafuot, and go a sbockMionPrSp.22? Ailtcrrryrthat Mrs. Do-eritict. to many oagaoizaaionsandave when Artlandassocition prsiltonFiSp.2-8 atd Douglassho is apull ntsInr f W iE 'lsto rra sl irholiassistanc ofarmes,lthatlimdtr _______________________________ Milton Hospitl crac unableeCl ast hic ra h li er grand- fiis guidance Halles Csunly bc, tend. parensts Mr. and Mas. Wilbtrlcamecretl ksecrnltoegbelthe Bfrthdapn Fayrd.prvne '0Happbrtrhda tuor younr cHarod Nuitan o oksvîal Mas. EsteIe Graham of Hamit- M I1LTON INN HOT E L frindson hei spcia da' ,- ., ciiingfil hoidas i on and Miss Sharon Donagbay KLaret Adamson, 7 roars ai fils cosn Laeria Dealh atd oftScarhoao are isilingcritblthe JlI 28, Cecit Pettersar 9 rssîr tacril. Ernest Brandanbcrg famity. ASHMilonGRASS FIRE as LIV E ENTERTAINMENT PlatoF Daparîmesl wa ýattd ta a grass flac - the harst l i eta mosths - on Satar- HqoId C nrgtionu Picngic a ftroun nieur Milton Brick C IÇr ivCompay. Firefightrscrn rsi- HARRY W EBER a s,, deats, te c araf aI ith ftire, nosa the usdOins rssa >utrd.y u Lo vIIe P rk Ilsîl t e grass rs sa day and tarm CONSTRUCTION STARTID thîs eaeek or h Hn Cisamirat Dy htra Gna. Pelltterla aI Oa lis I i Ws.dnedCy r% ais nspltclpris Compost's sacs 37,000 square foat plast as Milorss easten Titi ZinîmanU rit [d ning. boasdaay, and crkose are shacrs lnyîsg forons tsirlice Cît feast 5001,ri.h, Lt L 1h50 Miruc doMuWitem r itt os isible sigas of open eecione- tosdiatioas Thesd-ncae site lies in Gaholte, jestaltthnaend vilke Park. Mcr. and'cli EdgarCampbells onaan art the attening of party IL BR S of Nipissirq RdI. cn tht Gahoîew tcdestrial subdioisian. The Gcer 7f memhes.rcai flic Mai- 1torda% ampaign offices. Consersative plant, isrtadisg a 4,800 squane foot atfire sectioan, -euh halstal femits atts.sdid 1hý i i tic Butak front Regina 'candidate GoSaga Kerr is setting op hs unBrat Si inBurln-A T TH E roscplteedhby Dacasar. Miltonsis psoidisOlhe serics. reuison and pissa. on htidaal BrueBriesB r0,5 itorsid botle onhî an LBralnat e St Oweltg fli hoeo r.n r.C-fatWdedvIo o Mollis bas ane on Jamas St.. Bar- cmsretc Masrshll antI lamiiy oh tripIoicReginaSsk. fnt. DP WlimGles Gmigh. lMics Marie Brttcoseout Ta- tunla N e D P il G ice1 KILiSIDE ~~Mr. and Mrcs. A. Patarea.so s ie m visa .îcirchasd guesft ciaîîampîîng tct i fieE E T I R A ansd Mrs. R. Germase nOavle asil011 Ma. end Mi,. G. PatrIlrb aîd GDkrll Marshaller gnet a[lie ,Cd- 1t0ttiV .Show er Ho o s Bride, n fBl pc ndMs v- r*ad r.Go eltei Mu n var Bird, Ct Ashgrasa Uiliiditd laii, ad Grvanfd MarieU no .a YS thrc act Pridararrrig. Brtthoasccycrnt hSuday crith Mr. WATCH M any O ff onlMs Harold Pt ic aad Mrr. Gardas HiIIadtml By Mas. William Watsqn amMuGni. adss ttne th uaodlr ttt aiatstit Park, crhara lhey arae 1 THURSDAY1 FRIDAYr SATURDAY EIVENINGPVS Mac. R. Webb, Mas J. lhcobandh c orginaarpensa cahrhot- aI Hanctarcit Park tact Sesdav. 1 aCatiasing.W ND W Mîc. B. Batzii MriJ DAStIdtvîîcîStoney Lak. Mi. and Mrc. Atlas Patlcciuc(s il ... i. Ws.Wnsra diaMrFDddrosMc Mrand Mrc-.DiiefWatsosatd îîar vahesd guestasîrîitcal w eiiiii -tcs MrsMrs. Ga". FOR D. DAýddaria ktitIa misstttass 'Ma and Mrc. Bill Watsan and îsith Ma. astI Mrc. Dasn'c'C 1sni Fressy ai Gaîmtc re.nBas N 0 I o c hoiver ta baser oI Missi Bitsv Jr. spesitic le c dart eat Guelph. daritircat Mr. and Mac. Wan SPECIALS Fi ana BRobertson heterdaY ers I _keaihSae Beach, whit Ka AI Camp MaFaIden. E C FI ce wecTtc mass lricns ai Mr. J. ýE sîsg atthe home otMr.and Mrs ras Watson stasa ui a BriasCrippc etttati u liftIi Wliitatosli îssc acieddata]leur E Ji ltas i 53 Nw StretHein gadprens Mr. and Mrs.Bert' tiaackkoliduy atCampi-iy l utls sudticr pescîeg. WEKG A D O O0 N R O O A g, onith about i5 retativs ai -Satc. Miltonasndt Kasîîath Dia bas. itning. lai] Watsosiaa tIeh his Littae Paul Casyps secatari V'ha craie ot pisik carnaios1 as M i Millesn Heigkts. lits ttt .itdya oci TO OUR CUSTOMERS AI T ru fFRLDESL ISAN ECRT snîbehalti ot ltae tocters andt r Mac. Misck costtiand hidras1 Ma. aod Mac. Riy Cripsp cccit W EST EN D tid nis tissai o ,l ztd cýcatltlî ohisps lita en ira cd wIith Mr. and Mas.Gaic hall MILTON DRY E MRT iltc allai cihidichapacd saisirs tar parenra ts dMs ETMR1 lii uiaisitikc,ss sîaiJc Watiîarait. i a, LA E S Wl GIVI PSGNAL SERVICE I t1- Asie. 3i a[lia home ai kar scca tisa -sak, ssshth kirt6ad DorisBRobertsonicicsstli d-1 redMý rn ugovtsnadMrýc act7gis' LE N WeFeature Red Brand Bed I T N IN OE ioliai- Miiî. fGeorae Robcertsn. stitgiis ait coil tc Ma. astI Mac. Robert McMuticî iattn CLOSING FOR Opon Tbur. and P'ilday tflà9Onao Tteii ndss i ci,îi lader. Mrs Argos Mstatit lai cditi a miaiicos o wc hIsr Fi 97 D; ta Cuissi aitting flia Kilt a Soulth Wotd. dacacasnisa ai the hama oi Mis.1 VACATION, JULY 29 W. Sera, lb. East End, Tou Milton TR8Onai hilide plarfiaasdc,. tield a pess, Weeh's Birtbdays Calfer Freemoan, Baaohsitta ins ROSS HOLMIS, Pmop.GRON104 NTAC iM AILOY u ita Wat ctic slav sing ai Bis tittis gis-aiisfs astI hart lioassa oi Miss Shirles MCasch Opening August 12 Si 8.6501 tîssîs scîo î,assidcý cis s.riaac scîctîci go ta James Wathsratttci il] ha marriti Aeg. 10 ai Assoit. bu. iîs. 1 tlilci 2, Basasti Cîsîsîr, Aîsg. MIr n Mr, Bil eda tid, MI, J.oOduI iHaodaob- Summer CleaanceI IGUARANTEE ail the hot water * * *you nood ait the Iowest cost with a * MATERNITY WEARsuefat2eemn * SPORTSWEAR sprfs -lmn * DRESSESELECTRIC WATER HEATER. MISSES --HALF SIZES --141/2 - 241/2m lesad ae 25 -50% OFFYou can't beat electricity. * CHILDREN'S SHORT SETS Tornorbyca: * COTTON DRESSES SLIMSMILTON HYDRO *L SLIMSDR ELECTRIC COMMISSION DELREX FASHIONSLIEETR DELREX MARKET CENTRE - OPP. LOBLAWSî GEORGETOWN, ONT. sI JACII ose isc _ 1~