BpDvy lii dootie,.led tise winhiers et tise Tise Tea pren ertt itey plaie. SBtSisIe s cis*rged witis are lise test te tise Milles Pool- the flcs thall leagste Toesdap evesisg, edg- STEELERLS il - MRflhS9q tee tte Sîcclers 2-0 betsisd the Tte OSeelers and Mesers siaged listma-tst pîts-tîse or Bob Stte. c slog fest os Ttarcdas- as the Gotog int the tfit sssîa tl wsoasis oateasted a' 17-hti et- mâsaocorcltcs nie, bat Bob Fieae- tact agfatrast Bob Bales. Maurrap stosa tripîrd os-th îmo rosters Whis-tler picted cp the oie, boa os base to aise the Texas thiscr lts îeastaates storted ticklag acaris osictor. Mray Wis thcall aood ithtesixtta and lier ws lagecd oth the lots. thc Metars lied the score aI 9-9. Nip Gerais adDotSouttohd MuryGreotctlitatachr itt the oaip tsco singles off ttc une os ta gise ttc sinaerc the Steler. aroit is the sevrat. Grasti LERBi3- TEXANSB2 Starki alto tomerrd for the Sc i Daaay Bel-sassas tasseli a naot tclers. twua huter at ttc Teaos os SPORTS SHORTS - Ttc Me- à Ttot-sday as tics teamt mas tteie ters oa ty defaott sn thc alter tecond straigt gane. Daaap was gaacc ot Tcesday as the Pipers tactcdsuptysortesesatiaaat wcvi starîthaadd ...Bat fietdiag ft-rnt Oqoet Rigo an cen- KRt-ai scas astasdoot anscecond lre field woobetd the Tesaos tasc for tte Texats an tair gatte ai cescral sare tits. scitt ttc Steet»s ...- Bais Shtle Rane tiaeaened allowcU iacs oee tbase raoacr ta Bot tte Texantrcs wciv s-cs- ses-ond tasc as tie pited \i scotcd la ttc cit ietisig as tistcstsgrmainoftte seastt. Blas-tie Godasn doatted. Clifi BTANDIMGB Bull t-cs-ed base ad tatt runc-S Plserscord two iote i-statd Sccices ........... 24 addcd ttc singlc e nttc luth. Piys ........ 12 - 7 7.- Kcit Bridgma's siaglcand. Melers................ 10 -s MOMS MCTRACH and CLARKE gatis-s-t th taswing aI ttigs Bi th airgruds Siauday afteron tata e ae thei sots psay basebal Mcs Bil MîTath s te pasud mater ai ttaee boys wtt are acive iltonMnrBl play, li ta rigtt an thc front, Barry, Rickie atd Tom.i s i lv n n igT rle - F. Clarke cf Kiasicigis Ct., hic tact sots ployiag bail inth cvil Mig o nIl- dcrsht attil tte bulltoin ai thc IBIi IlY". n o tetMitdet lw ixhwe a co so sinid Mo- s ASAH PLAY by preais- Sally Dic, s s0appmoa- Miltot Mitar Orgatizatita, Steset atd Yiliy,h, .cewcc-vlcmc , 8-7. Adrstcittthe flirtltttt Bat-tas-sac saltcd, Coalsos dcc- tc the cort gos--se, bas- lsikeicay cihar Miltons-os-t, cha is TtcHaat Rd tirsta1 caCtitcm gon arird Bndfu moile er Bans tcaro on tic ttmsore aoi- îliog for narst place is ttc Halot the tig bt, tis limie snitt a Loscsiiic docat 6-, weeual mcccr etasnrtrd hý i g t D o il g r Coutis Rural Softait leagse gr-and siamn tome s-oc. Blate Ti- la score cl-et astil ttc tird an- ossi thrac tatiers.1 mth Glas Williiams, ecdcd ttc glu tcad a single and a tomer, ring ahs- Bats-r and Gden Soees 1Z p a o s H t P r d s-cas-ct ttis ceekth tSo miss, Ctcric Gltlies ttrec singles, Gary siegicd folasced tp ficrtassat la as-c tcaît and cecasnth AI- Ths- Milîon Midgcls duiseed Miliîî ilst ti --cc ru s lits-h and are atm maitiag ta s-c il Hamilton Isco cafelies, Jamie sitalita lslire bthl rattem-. dns-o watd1 re s ,-i-sisii-9 tr-ls ihlss -liî- u- a-s i-sss tes- liietd a' sic toc frss, ot Cunnitgtam a doatle and Sotn t Atr randCs-erdale groun-Iolf.Lifaui cse s-ccond. Oies Williattss-and ts-nhillmotlcasinglc. cdoutfor thefirttwacats-oflntebteao'teceet o iir seodwnos-r lis-Vil-ssiin bsit ndIv,,ro Red ttirts arc trstciss Lied for Ziams-rmat tad a triplc atd a teittiag tcicrc Hcatcritgtct Ccccrdaie iolaid, watt ta tird - las-cs its-s- dos-s- Mîisiltnsar- ilss-c ins [-lis- sisil sic sis tilt, the top spot, bt ttc Glct tas doubls- far tce lasers, talas asIsd ,s-or-lg Bcîics-scnanda idpthadsoe I Fn en anc d ris-is-s Jas-kan isiiis lîlîls- oss s-sali,. oegae lf ta play. If ttcs- dootle and lis- singles ctdboctel grsatcd cal la ctd ts- Hettericasts- sitgle ta cnd tte timysi lilas-i s-lis Vîlsgs-rs-s-î Luis s-,or s--ss- Ps---s. Msislis-s- stcaldtfuse, il moidfce ctheTaetpsoa Isc doubls-s- atd cýiotit. game. .,sxhis.s-DissAselton ts-a-e-i s-s- tils--s playiaa ef tic treatitgs o Tacs- siogle. Ttc s-cars- rctaited 6-3 for AI- Beriassat pitctiag 1cr the mi- (lie- tiss-s 1cr Camptelils-ls s-n-d 1,î-s 1 sssssss isis issss slgss day. Ttce pics-ciis are au-s-d gr-apec ratsý asisssr-l---it is-B--i-u --M---s, Ms-ris- Sshii.i-s,I Issart the test tiglis. sits, s-srock cit n and calked I s-sfilesiiid iticain. Ol-c --~-As-s 0s-s--, I, ss--ss Ps-s-s Mc- Lasi Wcdaesdas- ttc Red Stiris ,iiM.dc swicled 1riv Ardcrs-cs--.d c o ils-, sili ,,, oa-ssa, ls-s--s-, o tectedttirdplacePMacrtoice a.ate fer lftrho iflYe in th -ort -,n,,,i"i .ul Gi- \ti,-s. --i rso---- ho -4, tcid ttac ctlrtg aic-nd ~ *~* l gs.ls-ss relis. tn ttc sist front wath Tsom Rams-ia s- Caiis-. tics- Ks-ss-s s-s-I Robes-s Ls-s. Rogs-r wow4 eidtesrn llc-S h d l e ry O e Cas-c. Ttcs- gave apceigtt rots, bllsilis-. whs-c il-.lis-s s-g,Oi" s- Wiiis--s s-sos-s-s-d s-cil-s iit s-s-- igof Jamie Cutaingtam. Hart- 9le ii -is tukotsxadwl-lih."liamne ae o t5s- s-scl-i. los-e tic Ics saiss- % I iilu- Aidissot ts-d sssos-rrars Cstsptcllsi-iil s s s-s-s-- ri-s-s -11,t] L.s i t as- i -ss liii di; et treeccoces-ati-e doutles ty R u a vmayoirin 1 G ctam Gtiie Jlicmi- Ccttitg lPlIan~ Dccg tCos-erdale httiag ttree fs-r Lts. ttgis ilped sils is-ass -us ,schs a lop.sfttc-iasiee score ts- the Wit te Haltos Rural Saftbal HiR.SA. Stansdings six. tma doubles and a tomer. bt caiis-d out whs-o hs- iiu- s-s- vis-hors. ts tte second traîmc ttc s-shadale dramico ta a close, W L T PIs. ýan c ielberiageliat tts-ee fuc sirecisl il la a toms- s-ct. Ttc, Fs-r Csmpts-iil 1e Masras - 1 louis dde 1 ixailsiagles. For Aiderstot, secotd Camptailsils- osswas Ilis had is tripls-, .1w Bil- s- du- ic-lcad o morc noits Icgte chus-sais and cepresetta- Glea Wni ... 150 t3011 ,tl5,m wail urfrsxihsuu nteL nig %le ie un kwr ýý lge ts-tc Dos McLecs sicgedcand lis-es of cact slot met tonaes Hcrtty ........-1500 30 aContiple as- crla sils cuIte Mss-io itcii-iti-t5ssss hie.n Lois-s an-m-d ais-s- DonChihol hi hi fist 1 to eenng u daw p Peaicrma . Il 7o ........ 22 I 2 222forso si tre cfursixw l rrorr va-. circiltaststofltcheteitg. scicdsi. GictWiliams isprs- Oacagt ........ 10 95020Dc Ctsoa i i r- fiass-ca adaiu t -a- Wn'iîa masd Itrasinls Thcsisitrs sctledct-cintetlayas-edîforli-st pase wtms-dîie ........415 1080 Nethm ant m i b nîtittrocls itcsacaî nts, andtfis-ntcocmc iefiOltagtt- 2r. 117 t 40 ILL 42, as Doaadsot mcc scie ct as la pis-s. Horts- bas liais-led usais lcs l ap ers-tcicsecotd ccd tird and reguar s-s--c. If Gis-t Williams Gnelf 0pa. Studya .5f eC L ssacdào oniltstrssingle. bouiad]oisfalsineti, as-d Z__________________ ZE 4 -8 8 2 0 la ther sith trame ttes-isicrs dieo deaili picaoil gamc acidi a lied the s-crecal 4-4 mhca Raii lis-ie s-ste pis--sd Taes-ds-. FOR tangicteart maited atd Dot Hes- Bient Wednesdsy1 G iap tripicd tim homec, teicre Ttc plis-lis are s-s-tdci-d 10 *ôuS O AI N SS HRA s-s-irson a asacrifice fns-. tegisu Ws-dcsdassit the bisi U EtS H E R Io snthe tattentcf the ittitti ttc pis-se se- tainiag co third pis-s-s rwa isaisortedithecicOdfor-ccps Pals-smo std the s-conad pis-se asCteisttim atioadd tis secoatd t isieSAND and GRA VIL tma-l-t hter ai ttc cigtt, su- les- pliiin tor l c ihe - s-or ie TseTr suisileteLIMITED isg ArtiBrooksctcad oftic i--c s. Ttc litais% milltbc Fridas- tigtt the Red itssithe tesi ci si-sa Ail. plis-cii tras-ciieitacLomsiSl-licark aic--icissdtsdss PITS AT Ç B R I G O dcatied the s-s-re as ttc Lm- ,s-as 1rds F r-ig- s-ice Juniors 14-7. Gars- HailacPO T RE I s-oU Jaasie Cunninghelams-- pus-h The-s-wo Junor icams tn te AVAILABLE IN A WIDR ODGAES-W SHDSN niGAE itg daIs- iorsflicmitte-s-atdiý e-ltis-otagliatd Lamnnccînl1RO DGRVL -W S DSNDad RV Dettis Sits-lair, Haroaid Tlicmp- pi- a liss of lira s-cris-s las- the RANGE: 0F COLONS-LMETN - sontand Billticlair c s-tak alnsl--- Ruaa Juorcs lolitaSON tfcl-ao the tili lot- the los-rs-.sCismpictstip. Tte Catadien Champios, Ttacsdnp, Aagast loi, 1963 Accepi Three Laie Entries 15 Clubs Join Hornby Tourney Thvec lair ettries liai-e tes-t rds-ic, Palrme, miii face Pasticet resciedotand alaicad - un s-siad"Aal1.45 ad liicisothecon-dcanaliHor- himsalis-.sNsmslcada ts- Saltali Toacasaees sacots.- ltacsî es ttc ae ln ie- cd luis scs-- iliai 15 s-lius s-ss ii *' i te e fne sikcpa - i 11wAs-s s-so- Ps-s-tis-d PavsigtrielAcsirait- as-r. dis-ms-ad s-A" aI 3 p.m. atd Inter- The las-s s-iisitheioarcaý natiiol Horvs-ss-er pia-s thes mat, Montas-a Flties-ses- Gus-lpt Doi-s Quetns as Dia- Brasmpon,ile Oalsiiie Jetscand msads"Bctasflicsamineine. Tte Part Cradis, s-on cassmsfo iss--ia.îs-sofaîthe 1.45 pfmganmes Hcs-ats. Assois- Miis, Gis-s-ls ps-ss-son dis-moad s-B" s-i 5.30 Williarms Pas-sms-, Palia- s-hand tha i-iers-a' the 3 11m1 Omagli, Ns-o-mor*ts- Poicl'ý c-s-asoiil pias-onsdiamcd "B" Pas-itg iii Bai liagiot. its-ss-stl s ic s-s s-l i e -s-ass ai Hass,es-e-1 ci ocrilis., Th Ts-winttrs of the 5,30 cets- Accora aai tlie Gus-lph Dots- les-s-siipasai 7 p.a.atdia- Oas-s-, as ps-os-ispliiag las- it e masd B".Thecfial miii bceainie $91 lis-s- ps-se osons-s. s-osgssand il]star(ci .30 p.mt Muni Fisifes co diacd "A', bttmcr the ASlgamrnies-xeyit [liialw viiis-c ---th shtws7p.m. garns. ls-stn ittias long. If s -______________ s-islsing c gaine hs- s-i-ca oi Conare Cinder, gins and Silo mors.rcas-ai the s-ad s-a BLOCK calafinin, stes-si lis- ssii-si t0 iiri.i theccote,, -si be huurgad il bu iiid whnlie clubrhs- s li[slis- J. COOKE iCsiiiitii blocs) ie atis itie. Teas-t- s-ts-s LTD. stbrta pia-eis s lisi isiii l lis-s-i s-tiarnei its- ase Nil NE 4-7763 I l is L -i - s-s-r il-sit s-lis-,- s EVR N S Setedale CALL JACK HALL Tte hss-s-s- ieas- lhis- cls-s--s MILTON TE 846365 ste n i l s-s-ii Latie. Ps-s- irsdi- ai-i lac- Gas-ille son dis-isd __________ -t-s-s ilam ý.n.,oandsIlaawoers as- i pi--H.15. i--s-ass-sa-sss INSURANCE Acicowiii] pis-s Ns-ris-tes- ris- aIL s-s-l sas sias-cssd tA"as 12.30 s-sd! (ils-o Williiamss suli lis-e Mil-ssi us- iimiisis «'B' ai Ils-e M iste. Tise axin s-ss or- s-is s-as-s- , 12.30 gms s-il- pis-s-as dis-tissu.... "B a- 4.15. The s-a-s- las-sss s-i he s-s-a 4.1q gaisssili pis-s- s- ilssai mi-ni oa dis-s-ad s-A" a- TILL pot. Rn Rn FORD EVERYONE 15 INVITED TO ATTEND THE CLOSING WEEKEND OF THE 1963 GOLDEN HORSESHOE BIBLE CONFERENCE at the Scotland's Farm (1 mslas-mth 1-u ml ess-ai Paies-mo) P R O U ýR A M M E: TNURSDAY - 7,4$ FM. - MR. CONNIE NANTHORNE Os-ras-s-r, ocldet Horsscoe Tautt-Time" FRIDAY - 7,4$ F.M, - MISSIONS NIeNT TH! SHELLYS - Jani resaned front 4 pions of Evaîglisos le Peine under Greiier Eueapean Missions A Chtalles-ge l-m ste Word -hUles Shamiaq ttc Mach Tts-is-s-q Ists-umentai Masc $ATURDAY - 7,30 PM, - "YOUTN-TIM!' Spor-s as-d rs-esce Mas-s as-d las-pis-alias Film Festoie Bals-estmeato SUNDAY - 3,00 PM, - GREAT MUSICALE Feoiaeieg Laeep Campbell ai thi Piano Fias - Cas, "Yoaih-Timî" Radio Staaf eid Oshers 9.00 PM. - KEN CAMPBELL Whoever you are - Corne as you are! HALTrON rSUPPLIES s- MILTON ... _ ................. PHONE TR 8-2391 i GEORGETOWN--------------........PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN------------------. .......... PHONE 933-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES s-Yau, tat, s-at becamea o-Op meactas. A tdfe Mes--sbtstip ai $5 leatitles po te dis-ideads as psrctaces. tachtrmembler as-st tise a ieaa uait tf $150 - mtdt ay te paid mt ttc mcmrbar, stip or ca bas made op mt cash payacasîs irtm accamalased Ic dividctde. A s-cpapmcat ai 10 pet ceaI cf tatal acccmuaaad dlvi- dcads tas bics pald fcr ttc pasi scoca Yeats. laîcrast as Membe- Loans se S pes- ceaI pcr aaaam, 1#n&4 7.ç44~ 0..A AGE-OLD CUSTOM "anRaisings" ' . Hunking Baos" . . . 'sTbîasbing Ringss- ... and many aIls-r kindn of s-stading huatp' were a part of the eary Cgngdian tradition. Whanavar a Pionoer mias facad wiiol g job ho cos-tdn't do by himsaîf, h lagskod bis naighbors for hatp and ptadgad bis in rats-rn. Througb CO-OP organizations, working togalthor wilh bis naiglibors, a mon COlt naît hit prodaCeat ga battar priira and buy ihal ha naads aI a s-aving. GO-0F sîrangili s tha sîrangil of s-nny peopta wvork-sî- roi--is--sr iowa- s- s- rnsxls-s-si r-il for ms-tuai banaf if, oO oO o e O0NT ED What Us A Co-Op ? A CG-opeatiVa is an ctrggnizgtson whids balongs to tha mambors. Tha contrai rasts aquatly wiih eti mambars, and tha profits ara distrîbutadti f the mambars. Who can join a Co-Op? s-OU s-at foin-a ca-p s-f s-cu ras-moka ose cf the jcds andses-s-ices tallafes. How is the Co-op business run? las-t memte-,s-esosdlcsssof has tnesmet, tas os-t s-oste ta tIs- gcs- .a nd st tbs-shssCo-op. Faclimari- lie- mas- ust bs s-ce and hs s-oit ut hic amenms-y, tacotn saggest, aUvsc, s-ri- s-s--s-a and commesd. Mati- liass cies-t o bard cf Ui- as-sos-s t0 s-as pclis-y sn ttas- liiesest and ta tace and g--ut mas-ageme-t. Fsr-s-- s-s-sas-t d-s-sdad cmnons-ss s- -it s-se ts-y moke s-s sils- s-Opcycas- s- se-ss-ses Wby do people join Co-ops? Ta cbtaia cpsslity qsads and ses-suces at campetitice u-as-s- centrss-cl ectaamic con- Us-s-ots and talp ps-as-cal How do Ce-eps keIp us? Bs- aacau-agicg ttc sdap t-as- cf -c-spes-atiee philo, sophy ta sthe ecatamit nsedsof te peopebysthe cs-sawalati fcc-aoperOi- us-e s-cscicuios Iar distriba- slot, productiot, mactet- s-s-s, toasisg, tealtt, isr as-ce, s-reds-, calU suas-agi mhoiessie and attiersr s-scas s-c mhist ca-apecatiti puis-cipls s-la te opplicd. Should you join a Co-op? il s-s-s-s- s-s es-I tees- satral ,:1 s-- csss s-i v-aut maacy if s-I s-at ta mate s-es-s cps-tics- and toice coti . .- il ou tonal the satlisctiat ai staeing Li mos-bs-t mit aters toa ce- ai-c a cammae acticai- men . .- ttes pas beoeg tn Co-tp.