>M The Canadiaen Champion, Titueaday,_Aagaai loi, 1963 GUESTS INSPECT THE BRIDGES, ail haud-made anal hewn from limiter front te noarby itasit ltai sriss-aruss the ponds arid puuls ai Curai Park. Tite park itas prosed popular w ith vîsîtors frum ail user the Hamilton.Guelpit-Oaksille aiea and mas crowded Sanday afiernoon. SHAPDO PICNIC TABLES, swings and slîdes are amuug the fasililies ai Curai Park, a fine spot fur a picrîs and salin us a hut aleîruuîî. Its iuî.aisd nth uf Kibridle ur McNîser oued. I A THANKLESS JOB A CHILDREN'S SWIMMING AREA is ono of te features of Curai Park, ssiih of Kîlbidc. Tiiose yousgsters tiit's li cl, THIS WEEK'S -SPEC UAL - .0A4 P99< McKIM HARDWARE »0O Main St. "IW ev.. u %W- TE 04f22 gaasfuaîodllls. C scsotntite itamo t m e- dictai beel soute antagoalsin son recelsng a Parking ar npeedlog ssmos- evealthogitsce kows la att itoneot irliait mn mals, descrced tem. It IL; a natural hamacs emolloo Issu tu soacl ftf aioto fi 10 the cueallr- est public officiel miacr1 lisier, namely lthe policemai mitsse oomplomsasst jb fi wan te slleibtliret out00 lthe lirs pllaae, lus lie day ilf-neil al asuînIplziiolaalusult ssl ime, it is ssuull yuuc lits aiead y u ot hi', type or tisalio day aîlter îlY. Yusîc rilit if su lnludo ltai thro ara casier - anîd huIler pusiog - sîsys uf nîaking a living. NesI cime yo're atopper! ity a pairolman, <s'y and esere ber ltai Ifl he waoon't aroocal ta enfarce the rates ltai vie aIl agriearc iecmaary, Il scoala oadouitedty Ian Impossible to drive a car mith any degron of sf.ly. If ai aIl, Il la n e ùscidmice ltai witl lte police crack dlown on apeedlng and neter violtions lOrai accidenta go dnmn ton! Summer and Full saeitrods arr afssuss tlagi tintsîino ternis' sî iiaiîîay oalth, Sais , .i ticiket and pai lap, xu Ile bi' îosyi th miies TRAALGAR MOTORS Everytking's PMn hsCoral Park" Popular Resort «Cora1 Park" - where maery- stresai ltat flows theougit tho tlsing is piait, tramt the fassios li. propcrty. lthe si gna te lthe suOitatiters' Thore ore 85 plcirlc tables sent- itaos- isfst shatin listeone tcred amrotit the park. with of thc Most paputer district soue todueoter A0 "full ao pro- yer Them's aswminîorg arcs tendncethe 10day fie Pov-fcd hy a sprlng wlth a sale arna od tho parias popalarlty, as lte for yossng ohildoen, and a aleeper .sscers htadll to nro ascy car- arcs. for oeier swimmeos. As loascof ssslleriog arearesidents wcl in anotier sectionoftCorai sciig a spot in thc citade aod '.k thers a ciildren's ares, a swm t col thm of. ulliticd mt water stides and Curai Park. usuoed ity Mrs. Ed- flusig ruither loys. na Titumpson, is locatosi on Mc- Bat Rides ison Ruad sl mile norlh of 10 Sdrdor ssu miles n ofo Rusitoat rides on lthe laites are Kilitrido. Vou, reaogoiae lthe aotshur toatsre, and lthe man- sput iy lthe corsi Pink taeo msde pundts wisal titroagi a aloog ltae loant lthe prupeoty. misao of bousites aod hand-msde Gay, ee~ suuoste bridges. ats. Thoopson Esarytli - r nearly everyacorai, orcourse)>isitserves oft lthiug - on Corsi Park is p5otait drinks, lac aress, and ligt aclrau crai pitk. Il ait adds luoches. lu lte gay, csretoee simoophere The Hamilitan Y.M.C.A. itas ut lic parksilo caosus in ltae usad teoamp eleosisclyltis denseifuitfiitlsurounadsi. sar and tiroughout Jsiytrit a Tite park sas upened acouple ds5 aamp ssiith weeitly Friday ofyars ugu us Csmp Kansîs, ity nigt uteep-oots iteside une lake. a Hamilton man. He developod Oait Wedcesdoy lthrosit thte ltae 25 acres, slcared ssoay ltae sommer anotiter60 pouor in rom itusit, and dssg ut tIsu large the Y fur aday offunad sim- lakas sciog wsleo frsmn theo miog. SWIMES AND SIJNRATHERS loue il :at toralPfrt a Kilitride district park open ail sum- mer for pionios, swimnmieg and ituating. Shows here is lthe roped-off aitildren's swimming ourea, a spring-fed pool supervisad itp a lifeguard. COMPARE AT 2-9o - PETER PAN 16-at, Jas' PI1C KL ES...19c COMPARE AT 75e - KRAFT 32 Ouatas Miracle Whip_59c COMPARE AT 61c - PremesasBrnd - Paecy Qaitp Sauitoya '/'s Tins SALMON 011.1 49c- COMPARE AT 43c - PINEAPPLE -GEAPEPRUIT LIBBY'S DR~ INK 48aoz Tins 39< COMPARE AT 25c - CHOICE QUALITY 20-ozTI PI1N EAP P LE Ail Varieties 20( FRESH CRISP HOME GROWN 5VARIETIES - SUPREME CELI.O PKGS CUCUMBERS OR Fancy Biscuits 3 's1 RADISHES 2.015 c COMPARE AT 65c 18" o 25 ht Raill ALCAN FOI 59 REGULARLY 33c 3 PLY COMPARE AT 2 POR 37c - PANCY OUAI" 15 on. Tins Facelle Tissue 20.49c York Peas ý3 5c REGULARLY 33c 2 ROL.L PACK COMPARE AT 2 FOR 45e - CHOICE QUAITY 28-oz. Tins FAELLEm Tissue 25c 1Tomatoe2F39c ESSEX ASSORTED COOKED MEATS 5 99C BIEF STEAKETTES FOR BARBECUING #55 i -A i I t 1MI Vol. Ml Sit Or 09 Local Wilde O tasio's incresi chants t0 mari tact WC baur DS Ticke and hil show ai weeh a Sot foi Auaust su he style p in this Wect V appears isoshor cthe cas stage ai pected fotlow t Other tonga pr Days ti third r Sînoos Associai se Aner chant tf idoscaîl ped tat fasod' La App adoas bc coupled played i for ho * toit lion, or whcathai tastione on lthe 1 a A I pants on Iltats, h those o t f y os hascl A