AÛJOTTIN"GS I Y JI1M 0 1LL1,E *l Il BERE rathar arvîldeat trm. c th arfract et tice ciehbicaita onMaeday. chait thr paepla ara qaica coaceat tai hava achrn maba tha deciecan fer cixanm rient sehea lit cumes te cpeadiag cauaay. lia afflce feit cha rata- payai'u chvcld ha pceceiccad ta regicter chair opiaion ce mare cf che dehactiure isaces, hut lic seemo chey coualdat cave feaa. Foac'laely, caume car enacvgh *0 THERE'S Asian in Saccage- vopu choci, cetay clhe laa, iv deciieae1 ame seraacs tueo Saadap and wehite 1 pride myccîf la ccc gecaieg ccct va local Sua- day drives, chic uea ctrvad pral- cy ohallaagicg. cccs loated et che cone f che Fvcrth Lice and 20 Sieblac. But il ics cevcccied. It iadicataa che aidarad ac che lice. 1 dide'c cuvEk my direcciocc sec choc fer uut chnc c fard ha- cneeukcvmiagty cwsed. Mac- cer cf tac., 1 chveghc otrc hadl jchiaglp cred tha posc hua bl vcmed suild acvcgh in the grcced. The cextcrer pacvcd c ws~a O.K. and chu sign seas rcaîlp twsed. * IF VOU'VE complaced a trip, aajuped a haliday ce lard eicico-v, yvu are a sealceme contriheuor te che Secial coliai cf che Champion offiee. Il's impossihle ce vhceic chic hied ai item seiah- out che ca-uiperaclea aifreadava and case chait hulidapa ave hurle, avcryoe srma ce h dvieg camaecravcllieg er etarcahaeng. * SPBAKING ef cicituru, u migici ha iataresead in ievitieg peur friauda ce Mditee fer che Lear Day sekend. Tht eteem char chat has atiraced cheet- acdainathe tcue oftyar iv achadclad fer Miccon va che Labac Dcp seckrvd. And if pcla cf the lcale havins caasecion ma- acrialita, the avrat evald ha at- msasgap 'eca the Ceteeaial velebrativea of c9s7. * IT WAS quitte avariecyofils ber chlact acartcd cff vu thae alh ovra secion cf thc Brave Trail tramt Keisr tu Tarra Cetu ce Sacerday malraiegi. The veacreat hacmaaa the Ieahr uitcd typa and che girca ic stcks a ma eat as cha age ccaveast fronm che tcddlcrc ca the vtder partcii- pants. At chic palet c huvecet heard hcsefarthe mJcricyvof themt hiked bac provisions hadi haca made caencd the tvek for chcsc vilha caved ta, siftcer cavale ce thvee miles. * THE RAtLWAY hp-payssvla acc micaamed sehea vefarrad ca as h reat mati. tt's mz icebvmwqaiehlyathccaaarchmtioir ara cee pile chauc diet malt cvrth of cama acreca Highmay 25. If, mhac lil las ficiahad, l ar hc acdded and praparty maie- taicad flc matlISic affeet Ca ha mieimied. Oaa thiva chat ahvcld hacoma a must chuugh, la the daveivpmact of tht avea of tri- angca park rcmaieicg, mith pic- aie tahles and race-hala atls. phave. Accyvue lvakieg tee a peo- jectP * MAS'S icgecuity la arcîy vo- prcccad in the variacy cf typas of ficaeucaa ca orn tvy driea.Ofcourse chresasi- milar varlecp cf suburhain typa feavea but chair arnesa ai- seapc in the tumber miii. The farm fenes crigicated fvcm a ahondance cf acmechiag cn the al secld ha impassihle ta, evtimaca theanumhec f hccraof mach chat must haoe hae in- veted incbomeufctheavccccfca. ces arauad the coutry. Bec it ea a tilieative cf ccmachicg chat, ta the favmec, had va achar ccv. Similarlo the ccemp feacet rvpeencflursorfmcvk. Cm- peved miih the single vtraed cf mirecofanaiecrie lac the stcmpvtcce and rail fcesc oerpoeviag in their appeav- anecandhacgr'ound. * PERNAPS ycc've trcard ahý out thesmanadcoivocvil ev out seaIbicg shea chcp fournd e hydre, hill on the vidaoalh. Seid ha, tI'm eciva tar pop chic bill." 'What do yca mccc ta do chat fcr?" sha icqoiveel. 't iv't pcarc.' "Na,' he rcpIiad, "hua Iboovos a 10 Par cent discunt andc1 might as %voit have it as aeyhcdp cite." BY BIL. SMILIY Doaminion Day ilvo tlem'ay; Let's havea eleicîua. Il may ha ver fiast chacee ao cap, Ta mark il as c nation. Yop, acccardl ta the gIccm- potv. this a hc cir lea op- porluciLl bsevreiosebhcce issimaep taevor chat goien ccv national bcbidcp evovcdhp vOl Caadiavs: Tbo [lest ai JaIy. SIsh emfinral hpslesincas Pierve Btoneiar ov adieg alto tcsvin, oaisig ire Ac tit sigeais, and mahing lbbc Ccvsacda. Que- bec, ibepvc koti gui pull curls cliv cvufedavaciccn. Ail seul ho tact. Canada miIc hevamc.a haratia tie- pubie. fil is fruibcr 'c pavads iria flicegntcacc fccpcisotegc, for the mast pers. froe lice veypeuple seba deectea graa dccl cf fimae, and a vvîvc nom. be.raofseavdc.sevtandscvine' iag evyhdp 11191 Canasda sb clrcsd v lithoc moro (ban a ho- nas.'rpcbiic. Ticosie t he peuep tebohar sscsoifisbîp eclvvtccei t oct a fleconascience ufthiis oanirs Tbos cre tho paople seitatc cadvvsiy Ibat wu arf ic pcvapiv waha hacg, veilb evsAavrssiv ch- bcqciooscesb, ncth icevcvnserd cit ecro loecgi.er licovpaks iliitii cocctvptr, ils, hbits and us, peuplec. Theoo vcr the peuplo sebo, cio Dasono Citp or Dacf Bayo or Hasicvb Cecntre.. desocevd apca ver chfies and voslbcsvlvcs up o's ari'hilos 't vue fast, cci' opinions,u c ians ra cor,. Armed sesch incvcdibic pulondiasfailit"seihevvdv boiy cre hiappiosi see lhop .sacecclivg lh.5ir imeftohb,, 1crnfr Canavlia arioiic ccchkivg and cultuce. A piage on pcei cli ic laiscitbcb'riecubscad isinua- civet, chair cueees aed their vvip- ing, I ramala a vool, happy Ia- acciacy. I atll halieve chaet tice lmeiath venter haivags te Ca- nada, aa mîth ce Il par cent sales tac va beilding etutariala, And faciharmaca, I fcaricvclp pradil chat Occhcc milinve leave cisc ccefadieraice. Therra are a auticcerof ut o moasfor mp cpincions. Thep arr not fusa a hec cf offîthe- cuff idac hasadt vrae pilc cf claticlical evidaeise. Nssir, il haeeavlid hbave cf pue comatiot ced prajedicc. Pivot cf ail, ao palilseiavs, mutae cumperativain graencoln pcrad ta thaca ut vider natico, ave iatcraativvcilp reeaaciued a macriof the compromis. Ca- ada, as a vaion, bac a reorta- lien foriscrce-lceidisîg. SAo iv cal one tc letac li tocivh idoauls .stand in the mcp vi an hecocat bch. And ibis, I four, mOll pcv- .sent lise groal-s obstaceo tu thc mocvdviniclvofOuohac. Second, ccv Poovoh-Canadian fiiods, bcmbi - plaalina fclic s.oelviyso.-optoarecvciseild cd Louine, foîoocrc hcainisin chilescues Ii bia i a t clîtlo. Tbop aie o ulemr volaotil han cic tisBrliish do- parent. pevhoy' bol dcclt fcr- ei chat Iiturs coceordod( frn fl usi-ciel. Iccis isvi. cal, pblc>ii foik 'of evolis ern Fiance, foi ficîs.-scopartL Tbop arc postIicall 5001e cv- paro la suic vi ls o stais n o population. Tho Icish, vor "soîie. Third, thou clvovdp ha-oc os voeu ivdcpedece as ilio vCao pessiblyosan. Dcct tell me bh o loilcue in Riciec du Loup. 1cr esomplo. ho', avp ccvs froodose ila lihaveo Evpocicllp if lio's man's'ed. Acd lIlI nve arot a Casadienveo tw otc in Mcnv ari nc cigil. Bcy, mas sl n dopendoît! Fsscvlb, tbe peoplc cf Dooho,, sheoid ibcp pull cal of con lcedcricn, seoild bave Io g100 opconecflbtirerpvicovpplcc Sue nltre; blcmiegcevpr hicg front the list csec wos tv tbe lyse pcvsionsvcc tire vo s.vcd Avalais. Av fuor cp aches' opicion, bl foliclnith coatcc'p beoes tu Canada, titis Oui iv bc',cd On a hadacko lape,netiaslutoi* cil' py tacts acd liacres. Tbe main 1cso fr mp bcp lis chiai tic cseoctielb ccccuep iv sheccîn morovand mrevpasie. Pv'- tp satin, ccbudp seUl seovi il, ut an paicc. Bat Covadias seul bon aeyihicp, il the dosea pop- menti is weavcgb. Loainic pv sviih iiîcs c»m05 lortice poodicin, I scisb soc c happp Firvi of Joip. it tho nvsecdgc chai 000 speed il c s tsabli Recososivl csploiniag tv pvcr ciîldio bf,- meecieg ci cvaicdcracioe, bis- lcvina lv 150 ortovsoabvout or gcrccc Covodia mpsliqvcs: dlancing ic the virecs is vu eighbors iv expresssvin issus ond doohieg out 6000 b ours o v. sto e ib Ilois. Antd il yo ]sace Iv don masos'- skis tv vcacct veor b id, o le crccicst eplaicvndvsteo s'y. Ic he celv hievp vvvccn Pv oacAvid ival Cemiyce-n ih thecCBC nos, dovIt îoorspv. Il vvcvci.'igbcvve ail bcfîod off Io thc becb dcc't icorto. fi fliiocy ipilg yoc iscvearcoa copli oiniooii'k.,aold Red Ecsigil and v toiicrcd Suivrs ccd 56'ipcv. dcclt %vrrp. Il seUl b,, e gond, avcerage, lopicel Cana. cli scelcoativt cil tic bist litv ccc gloriovo ation. DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNB TEE IRREDULAR cltaîîdanec cri papils ccd cisc ivdiiioeefc paentcs camard selas mac al Aiei prcblce ic the cvvip days ci ]ialien Ccunrt' sChaud cpslcav. 'l'ie tactimcseCmpbsicd inethe %catinslpectcrs' reoats lintoîl trs cel 1969 publiicaticc bp lise iaeernmeaa, lact tu Theo C'hacmpioc hp M. J. Carton, R. R. 3. Milice. "Toc maep (pareats) arc mr particcive t0 hae tisa Mtile bra- tfiers sct ch' theomaptisant talhave veei islicoc, cepavted cisc ilahoillo inspecer Charces H. tcshi en hic accai ,repart tc lise cîsnertirmiet. "Tise edneula iv, n Assos thvchg the Nstreets, icraing ascd pvvsoivieg evil and porvici- sou, babils, vcbcsc cime shoald andsoutcidbc spvtndvfving olenýc..a- disoiplice ca pro- tocs eplaisis-il. i.ci's hîpo lise fumanti vfiiirs L cvdays macdalvcp aivenaoco t..otem notc lice prablam their pradacaccuru facid Thavk gocd- OOcs cisavea littIe teeoc tardepl THlS INTERESTISO bock bac a lot uf Information ahout fHalluin Counivs' pvaad mitbiv lt 400-vdd paes. ci luoh cac vouo sta sorti b oct, bac tho end sol) teoas mcii îscvh tbo ef-fort. Par instacei., me icared Utoe more fi commuc schcclseih 16,172 popils, Ima ilvomeliat sihocis eulh 78 papls, and vis cller sebceris îsith 5i puapils dcti- ieg 1869. Thorae seo aise 59 Scnaos schccîs and pubhlic chb iration ic ch coveal, ceilh a atol ci 12.888 bcoks un the cheles. Edcucalicc in Haiov casa $22,, 1(W0 ibot prar icsbai v fao crp front Ibc 1963 expanvevi mitb toucersv' scierie', cchicg S16h400 ai chat figure. And therre mas a Lircoa cuoers laver chîer thec cmmun scbcvl aed tise grammar vohccuis chcrald bsc amal- gotisaid. ibý,sgocsieig iîsspocoir rcporer] nu Anwbrckohoolhvuc acd heu*.tcoi dt'ieg te v'ut. Nolsos bod ccc cohool ovsod Aui ch-efnlni i flic aviver, dite tv the serather. A ewe scbcat (Nv. 12) boad icean eractcd, mule Sa. Il hcd hee evpmndad te Imy rauma. Teafcigaras laspactue evtad ltar eeedfo bue heer acselas halace achera, hegicar salarics, and macparental ineoesL. George- Iocn bard uebcea il he dcpcvienvs ced 360 oevoiicd, a', cvi as' lvev ps'ii'ci s.liol. virs 20 popils. and a nwcmu vellerai wsc' bcbsg piacved. (iro insvpectr nticiosi touherwa la charge ci 70 pcpilv.i THEt HALTOS 2611. in 1869 ws as a farcn frct the pics. enu. 'lie inspeocr veoried Io tho goecrmeal thcca sevo ciobit Itiisccerv nClrlemntoa dneoslitios. "The coi îacicc o ci lis gaci i-s onirl inufcetlot' fiewat ori ic ccot." be norco. "Ilic sab n ccrridrvliccvd tvs.'ciccd crmnla îecmvîc wiciig trial, an lverp, eaisp and dacîcoos, TAc in'pcoiî'* %vsrted 'sosriv t'yvei"ioi hod illage Ill r sr 1-s coil' s>i suli,) ei'Ii-.iiv pss-.saii sil ics iste vs'oftbcciceitpi'id.commun docenos." IF TEE WDMAS mhc Acoed cp a tien fcr ficr hucbacd ecpcs hlm la du aIt bils aramlieg boere cheas dcvmed tc bitter dicap- poieccecel. =THE GOQD OLD DAYS- GLANCING BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO Takca tram the fille efthec Caadien Champien, Juta 25, 1953. A iover mac racciaed fvem Mcil- toc Pubio Sclleai et tho Ccavcic meetingictovdap evoaiee rgveaa ic9 tho Caeil ta pravida $9,630 for sohovil porpaos, vol ce ch.. hudet. This amovat asas made op vs fallcows; t5.7t5 for a port-I eble huilding, ta reliave ch2 vlr cocdico ai the sulhata; 51.900 our furcichivu ficbeuhilding and $2.400 foa ae scllera site, jesi 0600 tho boedarp cf Miltcn tu the Soutih, baieavae the axteasion of Tbvmas and Commaeial bic. The reqcest foiloses c olsil f csspreevtacives ai the Sehool Bord tuCcaviil lisi ee. J. E. Marcellut retires ihis seLotb efler v totli cf 31 peisv as i MiloA ehclov bavoe hecav M. Maroallos a Ihoio principal, for mspparess ofprveec dssypuavils bcrd biser as choir vcacher alca. Comning iv Miltcn harst in 1912 front Fio',s'r' ton, Mo. Marellus mes prinvipul of the Milton puhblic and ontinu- aticon ss.h'sitivelu 1919 svbac ho lotir lss Iovch ai Mcdsoc acd laler New' Livkcevd. la 1929 h e relavea- cd tu the cc' bigh seboci sera ho hes beoncaveit hic vetireent ibis Jove. The pcticivn Isoix, Nelon ss.hofl secion Na. 5 ta brak wos i'clsd by afull scaccdon Mcvdcn'. Tseo vlvceg policions lied buo lid fovancd egeiosî the 'secsos'tc Tbc rovolaiveo ',taicd chat "inview cf the poli' tiens for and aist sessio of Nel'son',cbvcl secticn foosî t bc eveis and ose sehai obscrvo' Iiovs aed opsiios sec heve booc ablo Io saeah, ibis coosocil cno cedoov tho sepeoisticc cfiIbis sc'ono'ntheprscritsoa." Fsnal s.ospeigc ccculiv of I,- 547.05 foo lAc vocovi Milton Red Cvro'svs s',',s wcoc repovted! hri oli viate isicopen mv'ci. sec bcld M'sedov et thetlove hall. Tbe qote 1cr Milton hed boe voseta S1,500. i c'a, dc.dod tu soc) $1,000 lv) R,,d tCoss bcoad- qvarls.". GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO DWARFING MAN iv this 14 foot eolvert bisasg ivsaclied in tha C.N.E. by-pass secIl ibat is corroondieg th1e laya. The evicart, 270 feat long, is loctad haîsen the Bave fina tccd and ranleaSt. If iaaoneto sehcoavrtslhelsesiiscarrypthevtaani throghthe1l- saenbnmsvt. Thaeîsteeouvsarîse9th tnheearp boals seil sesgh 181 ions sen oomplatad. Thte Overwhelarng Mfia.nty.. One îhid af the ateaeseiil aelapey ice ycanaoerwhlmsagauaarity. vole, cstthasr ballatsa cnhe fis yoa mo- I ol ae en the salma if ilhad goa ayhby-iewai ceveraI yeers. The aaoîwvaas thecilharoscy. ,Vacltandupcand poovdcoa tha dafeat cf Librery Bcard plans Io vancîrovî vhasî abaut tha weill af the majoveîy and ci a aam library. alavîsion lima wa sit cwn and sheapissiy Thaierasiof va ssnîha projvî'occ faitia vovta. Weancdupand yehchaout pcîhebcllyfaabla. tI fcfvlîws digocving. advctovl standardsand poion ishdsclin Weaehacodiiaseaaideci forîthevote ct thea"ycvvgar geveîcsso"candvv alnl and iheta secs va reason the pamavtaga voie foi adovatiova favisîsies tisai vav hava vinagcholdnvtîhavebrienthgher. The long rangeaîfetlonvtheainingvofme snlerataofltha voaîv doresnvtcvvgar waIi and mincsoflefutvrea Thehbig diffaeanvc far tha la" futvvre. cs îhcî tlisc sa vhap, ynd cion sre Frcvbly vie cre disappoinced tisa laiss timav salis foi sacrifica. veflint hcalhaapparîoeiiyîvhîbingsits Theaov'ersealv'ig mvortyhas dvdaa lshrary fasisiis vp tv a reasanabla standard. that tha loses sIsbraty ils ca adeqoata, No ana isbas the lhoghl of spaaidivg bol ai least they vatafi avvvgh tv ragsstar $779900, bot smatc caoes of maaiey ateanv opinion. If's tha apaisas,.. vtc1vsfp th a) spavivollecicaî an manca lava important vonceatvvvusfilactosi. hisltheasamacpîhe. thiags. tic tvc)arilp ihat faitv tv vsow cinmia Prcbcbip tha mcvi dscvruîoo hlovv Io tionvs bol ara vo voval in thises vnlsessm,' Ils the librpr hoards 'ccasecs vn tha timing cf the saeacpcîhei mcjovtlv vvis ara taci tha plebicita. Caucilas finacveecmmiiiea devts of tha vommonity bvt osho saldomn lis pear has haav dogged seilh fvacvl paîbvîipala i svvmosostyvaseeviswr. aaqotîamavtv fot capital ptpcsav fihetarec Theavtvvmavoftha votevs svdaty Io faircabvvevîrmal. Tiseseo choviisoatds thevseliavticoatoreat bvvmcvvvidavt are saaiig fonds, lise parsng autotitty bas tise apateic pvi,. Thte vvvossad mess of acpropvvcl.cavvctarineassvtvspadisv. MltvvarsvvvsispelverIsorsdavitsisvt tweaavtheatvmvand theaKals e)candtfile net paticipants ae tisa cool lrat fe ircy popsi, seoeaîlyecîsntehapaetvvtsmvttty. Oovevoseot iuit is tvsev, ise secn ws tvvved tolo tisa capia evpcntuvt bto vîsetyvallser lows, 5v b3 tho ovsisvlm- sclcd. sog minos'tp Al s tis,ay 0.03 isov e of tisa Theavote avaclosavoae ithvonlp45 apcthtsohvmavrty. If wsllvvcsontinu bseay ballots vpalisg tha dafat of tise projavt. The vu,)f tise va-s y) file sodvdvals vvltO c volaooas lsgittvith lavvtirait 30prvcss. pvseoflscapllet ssvssajv'ty artstvonsactif v1 tisa volets takivg lhc vine Io tagistrait o ilessan vos) 60)31) thisa, svmo)v w'ill bc opinion. isectd io tise 'nvxt vvont3. 66) a seoop Svrnvovlop, tirelcaivt osts filtavotaseos svlo)sovshovlv))saîvi)yibcvvavvvvat A Centinuring 6rowth... Movdayis Caeada'c bstdap. Il may ba )srosfiv)1 ýOlv H 995,)ftlu). (s)fdvolly flo altle hctd toîaiaih ytflicaabsnceaof Cvvuss,sivlkessov)ac ovvsvdvd rssvoentvl 'agocvnd)loc.alvcelabîaîsvsbt ovvar)tevvv I tCrownlats,)ssd e rel)svaltiotrifvs i secws Jly 1, 1867 tisaI mckad thea format astirer dsivsty. )ssvepnstve vn foresgtt poli- b~eo'vigs of Canada asvaation. cy.isovsevvtsvotocisvs tlthirsvl White J)y1 s significastithe grvethvin Wvt)lWot, slesCanadavosivsvtvoimmo)et ttisvvood)liashaeaecenitsvs oesehh vhl ficp Irslopoe)lWakeit, sart vl). a raojawofvlhisotpndvias. gaies t i 11) )svav. cosssieence a) Versailles aoih'atosivis ovvvit a )stosoo oisîf In 1864 dellegaies lîom the Mcrstttsv thse b""'ju 9 o Natios. provintsvlsad asmislolIovdsvcss a ,. Usvlvrt he Saoltu ai APo..tsssfc lot f tsmavunion. TheaUnioolf 41havotg beev 1931,s..edn ovvosvvotovvyswetvgsvvi fina 1' .'strvsc bp rvuottavi isabs)siy, dalagaies 'recognistion. Ny lov ofv Cansada cati )vs bcv frot CsvavloserasentstvfileMaitimes vvdadhvvaevvo fibrvpgodri Io Brivh s.ovfa<astv Io propcse v siesar union cf ai law l fEfn befcieICnd Britivh North Amarjea. A 'ceferanvea ses ele ththla e cnsentviofthe Dmni5on ihaoop protsa lise tvvaa vik tha Domvvvvns lhvpcpvaievdlmckavvcmavcîiov ovsi.ivvuft i 1947 Ccsscvlas c.itze sip tv tha Colonial Oficea. Uvdaritha ENA Avt wvDs cioload as disvtint lhum Briish etsaats of 1867 sehvh ravolîad, Upper and Lvser visr on 1949 Cdaao v)assov) datifotsy l CsseunilovSth vDnanhrfvCanadis dmo5OdlcvPNA Avi lstiresainessyocîo p. vfltvo)tdj)ihDcmesvoCaedc peas to theaPvsCoovsl's Jvdvalkom- The raspcnvsbtiltp cf tha voavotive o c milicaavvaeostablshd; on 1952 a Cassadd, vîrviovate csaveel cner Lord Elgin secs vos apssossteod )ovas o Gesteal. Tekea tram thte eto lihc Ceeediae Champian, Jane 24, 1943. Pvc',oal provpctsv, bltites Auvi- cut ral oproeetativa J. R. Wbiceovcb., pcint ta icevcsiag lood vbcrage0 ibis ccteing seiclcr. No pvieccd out ihet lacs (han 50 pourcntofvour 1943 avcrecc o vras isnd havlcp bal heecsec ilssspingiandseithbvcdiegcsix 'ookv fult ibisv c per cgc. il is difficoit Io sec mach hvpc vor avvtsbsc lIse e noravyc op, c i'n on tbe acraac csean. Wiah prospects forvashot cp cf grain in Ontarioanisd seiih dilfi- cicp cf coltine frin front the Wcst caief ta trisnsportaticn pt'vblomv, and seiib tbe sbovtce cio pvustiecvcavivie ahobisu hav Oc eeshinp tihe encoch ntiîb ,rs'vvotorbsn markcts chic sein. t is said Ibisi for tbe firvc lise in hiv'tovp tbavc wse vno ice. coam pr hotid icecol.d dinks oi Milietovias Aaodcp eigbî. os ait li stauranoîets, cuva ssid outi osplet'Ilovfoi'vi'pcbieg court and voioo'.hieg. 'l's tlw aneta er igbc in MilIce. A largpcand cot.uiistic cvosed aerin tho mcgvsfiocc danco reiwprosceniod bp. Miss SAis- cov Eliiol and bor popsîs in tbe Posincs' Thoatro Wecidccd vep eicg. With tbo oI Mv. P. H. f rv acting os Mosicr of Cerio oidcicioviipbcasocr oloscaln ove tivomphant chat cussi. ses', t cole taoccld the ceieI b ses pOsrlyî pvc-nt pave and pohlisti o deaiîod rc- poolrt) 'sci a od.rfl pr fovmeiîi.one',vch sort notice, bol se promise veu o full de- lidod deciptiup sne 1v eci is. soc ci' The Chompion. The plot se Victoria Paek in Iront cf tho Court Houso mitA thoeIicsio bod',aoovd tbo Coc. ucpb, eoor ood mcavc beach-. GLANCING BACK TO 50 VEARS AOC Takae tram the filas vftaha Ca- nedica Champiot, Jana 26, 1913. TAc ftsdt'seClctric pcoer scent ,,)5 ihscvugbioo the."s'vîcnc thrc luneo's lswecacsieg gcct-n i.veiiecgeecvoIipoand lcscot theidustie. Tbecueo iu iosed Io bc defctie evalacors, ps'icipclîp Ihoso mode s'a Geor- seoely. Tb,,o bove ail her lu- vi. Evovîsihivo i', ves ic pc)-- iov.tardrioand isovxpecsodituio- Avie0 polo, the Iastc', ntoeion os> is. e %Il bc ptasud ai Eobhib "vo] Park, Toonto. con Job 15 Ocne ci flic to rvai looms ]lo flitoiAoci', isohau Ney' York. 'flc garni is pîasv'b ih Éoocsrs sv cl ssdo. ovdt seoeod ho o drivu. ada"mallt mac." The hallis , oi ahor inchv,b indic ti vn si, Iioild. ssglu Propsaiv front a se,"" i.vvcsig tict vor flic estaohhlit- ctg vi ol largo plasnt hue e e scnnidu.ovi.As.'smieicseas ap- p-ssed lis vontor ssvcb lb> sopro- ietlv o h irm. A rmu ciw ot, flceovk of building ile coew C.P.R. station mac the intion bo ioaif ril oc tbe sac- ond 'fle. A ussemilivo wsec oppiiinbdl ca ci inv ojnto uitho ievw cissi Iosil prevect svs.bchabeoflsitev. Tbe Mirir Bvos csnd lfcod Bandl ineod holding o bail bali- c)0v ovd gardens parlov cn Wcd- ev' Jcio 9, o) Lioseossten Park. Witt J. Wlit andcv ofice laîit haefli.l'oovad. t1 W. Els,,t. K.C, îvoc) c Hem- Dovminioc Bock s. Hidios ic llcdicnat psssld ni.Iai ]lave lios.svusssud ov,.Ia o kIr~ÂIrAIOUND INEVV3 nom DISTRICT GELORGETOWN - 6. W. Mis, Css. fit 1? ,ss,di Lid, auct i li ssgvvl)ssg vlssisvs v 'igl and riuessv fi,, vsi pi,,s s,',,. 'Ifru ,,sv.sIi 16,300 oqui,9 lout plant fts ou Ililsghtv 7. WA i l'R6IOWN -A fd.'s"el .vo>) s., ha, sv oum S106116 vo lii sfi W.,)f)vi,)6, M,. so'sss.s i t 0 o, ligli%%.v' 5. %'utA pla i.ev il Il, i restau ant " il luttai Bi 'Ils,' %i,,,i I)IIV i5.9 11 Itn 'u" IC .s,,v I n i 922 , s fIvv,, ao Io t BI8AMII N - F - ri n l s ... ....k..... .spa,[,,vI , su. ci vOs I pi6 N%I',)s c s y,'h.sk loto' flic.ssss l its[ (fll sos.. e vvv f Ii 500 vo9l. Cul.ss )vv ,)s.vv))a cui %viril Aile Chainshu fi C.vuommece, 5s."sfi6vu. Is.s Lut vsokvstandsli Chaol utierssh s v hlvvd vo p. i ts. LIIOKSVII-1i c: Soutsys'l Au.' 11-1,, Coni 1s~) I u lv "'s1 .5 l .))') v'sssssslis's piis O)ivv))v ou 'ced a d lOss ovslI iAA, CiL I 1 Y9 -- k A k vd luoci lqcos,, se', sa'v d th v.sts' t b' Mu"s' ills faslvvv.k i, andv lvss s vo v'tvef ltv ;ilu 1s0 torie s s.sv hnd 10ss lhiot pso' hpolicells)vs iiav v as.s dup 'svlcatian)lst'.ss," Dttlfivl Jack Plans t..1 ol ilo unty1 obîevlsve198 fia g e ihtc an 'l atrov regsiensn cft hasr-e milie ffi oias la hacno i( av ae r. teh ihuiwspou -vvci Hodi n. W. Gisaseiiocs Mici iecv c u iavave ty and restocul ial heHoriginaCforfait -f il The Canadian Champion pu iibe crry I*ltI*cly tMan S. il o ,01. Meiiu fIi h 'l"l c'.W.N.A..and C.mtl.slbssLsv,>cs'N.-pp. il'p ILola, Mail, Prsv Ii Isv Dpa),s,oi iIfsb. I. A. 5>11, Ivss -cCs Jsseov A. tIt'. Maeiging Ediîcc tos Dvîs'vv, Noms Ediier Pahifichcdl hy chu Cille Priaclag and Puhli.hieg C'a. ILad. BUSINESS AND EDITOBIAL OFFICE TELEPHON E Tt8-2341 4M "e%%r