INTEENATIONAL STUDENTS mue-a gueue-s in the humres of Mile-un Eoeuians un Chu mehend. The poece-, des;ignedi e-e> luer inerenueionul underue-unding, lu une of ehe unnuul1 eeleîe-iee e>f e-Ie cluh und Chu seudenis ae-e ie-em the Unive-sitye ni Tue-unIe>. Yhe sudenîs 4e shum> in this ge-eup phueuge-aph. In the fron- une Eusemany Eng, Hoieng Ko>ng; Oludys Cullîsue>, Ghuna; Nie-g Sulmunte, Phillipines; Macdçleine Se>hni, Smie-zelund; L.uhshmi Punugu, lndiu; and Jane Triui, Formosu. In the buch une Ebenezer Ehubun, Ghana; Hune Se>hni, Smiteelund; Geoe-ge Cullisule, Ghuna; Nusur Sanli, le-un; Frauncisco Eng, Philip3ines and G. Vue-glese, lndia. GRADIERIONT grudeuaes et te Bruce Sit Se-huel mue-e he>nered a- u bunquet en Kne> Pe-eshy- lnrian Cleureh un TI-uneduy ueeig of use-t meuh. She>mn in Chu le-uet e-> e>1 Prmncipul Jo>he Selles uluce ure Shae-on Huenelleld-, Agne Jeeen, Pamele Dreeue, Lois Cuae-ns ued Elsie Jug. le e-Ie cente ure Paul Me>uee-u, Helen Sbeppee-d, Leulu Shure-p, Vuhli Addison, Lindu Led. u-îei-, Liedu MuPhuil, Shurne Lyunu, Jene McCuuîg, and Ruhe-t Neeîe. le the ha>I ure Duavid HunIter, Seee Gervuuie, Due-ny De-ut, Paul Iue-le, David Peese, Te-e-y Mcouugull, Michuel Wil- sue, Se-li ueSnh, Due-due Hamilton, DouglsTtalud Mr. Bell. Absent-forethepee-ue er Susue Andue-eon. Paul Curill, Dur> Chrietie, John Dryden, Jîcu Ferer, LîCda Hîluun, Rusell Me>e-,ee>e, Se-n Teimble and David Wells. pliud eîhue ae-e,îu Buh1uu.. Present Awards at Banquet ýdt os utr aladIl Honor Grade Eight Graduates CA DRAWol A OeILle lb lic îelinglue> pul-. Ibo HouIe>îî and SuleunI Aseuciato A RWWNE lic ecoulu inse-e-eol>-r pe-ocue t101 u tho lup eludonlu. 0>- Klaa vane Tue, Cîeeî,pblellloi e-c eleed rnle hiallieî thoe> ehn- unto bue and fûiel, Nuie-îee- 19e-3 Pontiaco Il rîe u pn llelucl rura.l grae-d cigl11 gaduation clin- Semithe l>d'Lenne Fishoe-. CSulcîhlllîl!in Bui linglu-on ole lir-foid ai Faie-ulu le 5-- Puîeoll woun te ueliuonehîp awlr Leeue--lle, oue Thsle edîenig whitCo .e Lae-e-eBSnne»t 1,1,1s hos J. B. Mitchell.BSA.. M.Ediinduelîlîl ae-le und Bend u l. e-eu guel speakhere aned epoeon nlîng lwun the hume co>eeu the oepe>e-euies >- udente e-ull .îuee-d. rcieewlieo lhoe eouole- liu-le Sarenteî Ctîlph MuCe>e-eeeîk a nexuC1plaeulC0 ->'igh uhul. He uheie-mnu eihe banuet. De- S i aleu wre-ud tiecm lu sincerecly Dllel pe-epuue>d tho toat>u le repoeltioiprens. D!îeilook 1shule>oe-d, rcpliCd leo b brs leev eqîî,e ha e le-01 o ecel lîe s-e gave toe-e> oastcelu. Cl , Preset Awrds hichMîc. Ed. Euuce-lsn u - Princiupaîl Z. Ve-rus pîoeu'ee-louI' pliuel. Toeuile- Me-c. J. Bonnett e- MISS CAROL LESLIE INVITES YOU To THE OF FI1CI1A L OPENING OF "i SACET F EA TU R 1NG - Naîlson's Ice Cream Sunde - Cole-es -MIh Shuhes - rice Cold Drinks Pîcnec Tables Barbecue Facîlîlees Pony Rides for Chîldren LOCATION 1MIe-e Sourit ofI I-lu-ly e>ei the Seue>e-h Lie Drop in This W..k WiIh Yaur Porchoe. .8f Oae of Thoe Freezer. GMl Yeur Caneiet HAIR DRYER FREE 22 Ce>. Fl. $239.00 WiIh Feue Hair Dryer Rotary Club Hosts 12 Foreign Students A geoupuof12 sudetsrttambueeual>her home. Due-eg the tueigCCcounetries euue elce-lun- evuene>g Soeeeh duecingy r cd ley Ihe Rotary Club of Mil- pel.eed by Donna» Pu-d . Su tonon the wceed aspar-tofu au MaitinJeanne Pue-dy an>d pe-uje lu tustur intcernational BarbarauMuukay inan attatie>e underueunding. e>te>lur ueejuag. The sludents ae peently Oîî Sundav atoluîuî Mr an-îd sludyiug ul Che University of Te- Mie. K. Y. Dick entt-taiuu-d the rulu, ae>d lhcy werc picked up suuîLeî eir ,în>llee>uone tua. Ihere me Sauueduy und brugbl The uludoule emujidcril vle se Militei euhee Ibcy metl ee- Cheie- huet Saeueduy eveninu. e- be-lue heele. The seudcent etre- le>îin t>eu Tuorunlo un Sunday ecnlcd Ghuna, Smitecrued. Cre, fle-. the sludeule uhite ludju, Philippines, ] 1e îhoeuoîu- ie> Miltone> euoee M îe> ad Hong Koeg. Mîe. Dluk, Mr. oîl Me-e Greieeuuld, Sct loi Dancin.g Mr. are>d Mee. Boert Poe>r, Me-. On Sulurday revcniru Me. anduc Mre. Ruoe e aeed Me-e. the suedenlu and Cileir R aund» 11 Mis. aned Me-e. J. M, Leduilth. Banquet Honors Denyes Grads Toasts Valedicto-ry on Program Thîe-ly-louueJ. M. Dueyes grae-d ilu-oc anere>ed hy Robhert- Club> eeudce>lu alonded a> gradu>- Be-ucl. Chrie Desjar-dins uttoered a> lion>ban>quet in>CKnoxePesyne-- eeits(lIulhe-leohoersue>d pin- fuir Church un Thue-eday andcipaîlW. J. Cleereonod. hoar ue-îl e>su poe-e Duuglase Mu- Le, nain uoIubbi>e intre-udî .be-lue-o et he Naeional Emeeluy- 1hco euel speakEe- ae>d Robe-t menel Se-evices. PaeCe», >>Pe Cu.1. fiered tle clus ap- senlalives uftIhe Hume and> pe-Oialiue> A piano> sooule Seoeul Associatioe> ae>d thc played hy Lyndu Sce-nue. schunI buoe-du, tfmmee-u.uep- e-cisine prinipael E. W. Fusee Re>e-lkiemoe-oioeby W. E.. and WL. MeNciI, Insupect>e-of MuNeilandlE. W. Fuee. Manell Public u>.huuls, aleeded the ban- Gullie ilnhoîl the momhoe-e ut queI. 1 Ille Scliou Board and~d scoul Purpose Toasts Toast Mise o te hoenin> ,asGeih Fd d-m eeas .uid he Stanle Knoeele and Lydna Soeee>e pIaed Geed Sae hoi Oucen Gee Mouneuin je>. îououd the lee>îe table a nd MIe-. Braden Lae e I hz chiee an l was eo-edtuIle buv Lie>da Baelo. Philin Beuce pe-e>- poser] a toast tu rie pareonts and r.oehRoe Halis-o pleCe- Sut flic Hume and Scleu Asscuiatiuon cenI Noi HuII,înî eoplieo The -Stiiieliiee Sool studente. fildI ert null ulue-inl pai-le ,îî Heule Ce-uee Suhuul, GCeore- towenue> Frieekîoening. e-, ' O ' 1 - W. have thre. rakes at special END 0F SEASON PRICES COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF SE! THE MF 36 -AND 25 PULL TYPE RAKE TODAY. THE B FOOTER WILL COVER 40 ACRES A DAY AT SPERDS UP TO B M.P.H. WITHOUT BRUISING A LEAF. HEAVY.DUTY NITCH, HUSKY AECH PRAME, E A SY TO OPEEATE CONTEOLS SEE UT TODAY AT MILTON MILLING COMPANY Farei Equipmene Division oi ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED MARTIN ST. MILTON TE 8.9508 'ART SAVUNG TE - FREEZE WAY 17 CU. PT. MODEL NOW ONLY Wilh Froc Hair Dryse $ 2 9 OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 29th - CHECK THESE FEATURES - Lue-ge neiugh for the a0e-ruge lamîly froide uyririeenly e Ailuwelded stee-uonstrction 62Speundsuoflfod. HigShuhed eumel inede und nul. eCcuner balueced lit! Equîpped me-h 2 haset and 2 diides plu1large o AeIenaoiIc InelIc sud wmaue lig>1 diede- aned une julue cuddy. s Adjustable tusaperclCCre .1cIr -lle ee -e SFECCAL RUST RESISTANT, GALVANCZRD INTERIOR kcie LINER WITH ALE PURE COPFER TURING ANS WITH A " FoodI and uneit unse>uuuu FIVE TRAR WARRANTY O LifeClse muee-uely RICHARDSON 'S RADIO & T.V. Retiring Prexy Gives Up Gavel Rotue-y Club pucusidene Bo>b Mc- Cuaig cnmplcecr hie> tere-m of ut- hie Tucsduy und Cue>end te a. e Ina peidce>eu pin uvce- tu iuuumi>g peiden> Glyn Roh- The eCie-inu pesidne-ceie>-d the e-ue-eoie-ilice and expies. cCd is uppeceluln ftue culule euumhCl e co-upce-ueien. Renliee diecue- Chaes Andene-,e CurI Hilec, Jim Cucligun aned Due, Thumpsun ulinud the mue-h u.- cumplisled undue- leire-ue ut sceice. Inoming peocie-u Roertse- in. le-educd the nem ecuuie of CurI Hillu vice pecidnl, Cleuch Cupclund ececuey, Len MeNcil leCuee, clube serve-e dieore Due> MuuEuohen, eoinluev- ieu dieoe Ruy Olue>, communi. ly er e-u diteure KCn Cumpell, and intenatiunal se-vice die- lue- Su0 Wleeeelne-. The Canadien Cheampion, Thursday, June 27th, 1963 THE OLDEST ADHRENT nf Bsteon Peeshylcnjue Chue-ch, 90Syea-old W. J. Humpshire, wus lreueed e-uyull4 a er ullethe 200 gueuls -uaeehe curehl13;d unn;oeîeey upper held ie- te ehu-el hull tueeduy eeenîeg. Me-e G. MoDhhue. Me-s. Ed Pue-sues, Me-e. Jauk Irveing and Me-c. Due-due Jefne-sue ni the Ladies Aid ae sI-nun uiaeeing him soeue uf the dellinius food the ge-eup hud prepured. Ereeeed en 1820, Ihle chîe-uh ie ehe oldest in ibis dise-rict. AMANA SPI 100 - 200 - 300 SERIES ROOM AIR CONDITIONER WITH NEW MULTI-ROOM COOLING PLUS More B.T.U s&auedIioîéyîhu-calaled "Cenala" unit,I Yue eseptilOlî qiet. Onee puas-r guiraltes on unit, fine peu>- guarasulue on co5Cp>-scloir C AL L 878-2206 FOR * "~ COMPLETE INFORMATION NADALIN ECIA L ALL THIS FOE AS LITTLE AS s295.oo FULLY INSTALLED BY NADALIN ELECTRIC Co. * INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL CONTEACTING ELECTRIC START YOUR VACATION at MILTON DEPARIMENT STORE Summertime, and the living is easy when you're teady with sportswear that livres the life you love. Our summer sport fashions go everywhere you go . . . beautifu!ly. Corne in and select your vacation wardrobe now, then get set for fun. BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE DRIP DRY LADIES» POUISHED COTTON SPORT SUN silo, 14-20 O SHIRTS 1.98e-a l DRESSES l,24 -98 BOYS' BOAT NECK -ÏSLEEVE LADIES' DRIP DRY T-SHIRTS sie 1 1.98 CORDED 0 20 9 SLIMS -s 29 BOYS' BEOADCLOTH MIN'S LASTEX PYJAMAS ii,ees8,2.8 T wRN SWI f-ni 2.98 BOYS' TWO PIECE MEIS CHINA CAMP ~ fO DECK hahui 49 SUITS suzes 3.6x 2.98 PANTS Sizn 30 tee3849 MEN'S BOAT NECK -1 SLEEVE 2 R FOR THE JUNE WEDDINGS T-SHIRTS eue-e SM.L. 2 i IDEAL SHOWER GIFTS MENS HALF BOXER WALKING 0 SHORTS'cs .101," 3J.98 NAND EMBROIDERED PILLOW >l CASES 2.98 A-1-Xl IMILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 MAIN ST .MILTON TE 8-9261 I _______________________________________________ - Il AI~UWI ~ - h NOW~ ENJOY SUMMER LONG COMFOET WITH THIS . 9-0,