Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 1963, p. 2

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SrookvileCampbellville Combine 125 ai Graduation Banquet Tuesday Bt- Maa. Gleerge Ingliîs lit-tt lt-me. pt-etsuted a stelty cit-. bits. Tam Munes t-ueo psenît Abut 125 grade eilîi sîsadienîs. aogît- mitlt Sut-un Cummuns, Lu- tand the battst-a evumng came purentsCu tt-itf ut acuaville t--uait-- lt-rtutas, Cnd William Den- toua cluse milth Aulal Ltai Btste Cnd Casuphailvilte public st-huais uit- takiag pt-u-. lt-bu Ctut ensfer-- lu Hespital atsendcduagaduatiun banquet tuined miih musical numbers. ut- Tut-sdat-ct-tniag ai Brook- Lst- ouhnsonugave the tost tus t-iend of lmes-Dredge wlll utcadcd, W der sutc at. 1t- t euk p ats OGuh reu ge yA. Geuet-ai Hospital. We wlsh hfia Ileded 'W lern odi, srve Fank it tbctu.h an aee ay aspcedy recotury. tom ivtsr s uud Ot ' I o Duîid t-achurs rdt-ed by Sympathy lu etstesded ta lth acsised wat Webu at-t Duc t>d it-.î ise bc zkiýo the laIe Conirad Tolet ig progi; tiac. Juttu Tlas, alowt angor. u uToas fi he zka, Et 2, Camipbellle ilt- h suct i of t, hebud tabl -a, ..taaa uudsasb uca pastted amaY ai Miltons Disti Reid Frank; chi r Iac, and rt-st-uit- by J. R.HutplIhiwek grade t-subi studeut-; iutsasdsa Mc b airmauun .t tht- huas-J, Joue eeting lion ut guet-s speakher, Ralph Notl Apsci.ta u Nausagaweya The lune meelleng of he Camp li;guestspeaker, 0. G. Mc. t-rt-tbt-icia Ladies Aid. the ca- betîville Womn'suxi Base CAMFSILVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL grade eight clans was hunur- Duu'ctt, B.A., ut-pet-t-ut ut public t-t-cts, scas given bu Heuther Ba- ball Club suas held at the finira ud et a dinner in Brookuille schoul Tuesday. Studets in the schuuts. Haltun lCspt-rala Nu. ker-. ut Ms-s. John Wlseulilsaa. Ms front row are Christine Mayes, Susan Cuensons, Lucyanne .Jasues Watt-un, principal of the Lennard Andrewus aisened lhe Jefere mdPaone gne. t Sebac ro e peit-ape Mr. Mcttosccl stuted put-ils Caupbctlvilleucbuul, rctnarccd meeting. Mrs. Douiglas Age Jefare an Yvnn Agew.In he ac ro ar prncial ne dtabiltatv aCattingnest-t and cdu- "are C- living in a wurld ut gave the secretary's report and J. D. Watason, Stephen Mathies, Wayne Watson, Dun Lewuis, cal ion u bc sut-tct-ttui in fle. ctaugiug st-uts.' Hc gave the la- Mrs. Wheellltan gave the filuis Bill Deriis and teucher Mes. M. Mitchlael. Scbuut trains vasa lu tbink.b t-ut-srit sayings ufthIe grade eigbt c-ieI report. t-vm tc u a .t.. -~-~m-- suid, auJ spctting und avritittu pCpil-. Kcnnclb Trustbridge, Tbe prstident ssummeisted n ut-c thecforts tuuurkvith.Ru- pricialC ut Bruuhville, seark. tbe suurk uecumpislted un thes AIN crick MacLcun ct-pt-essd bhe cd uur bumCn rigbtu lu lite usle buuth tin-n lthe May meetling grupa appt-ciCtiuu. VClLCsbt- butv dot se use tlsem? and il was stld there vaiuso Ftet Time Lct us put our beut pervonC] s ligbt swilclt ansd so addliisna N onor M inister, W if Campbe-lavitt public scbuut I maant-r uo ut- futurc, be t-Cf- uullets, ises eacuslsuugbs anse A t Farew ell G atheringi juancd vilth Bsu ukvittrc tur thea1 geted. Jat-tnsput, a uew diar bad Bt- Mm-. G. Pellelleelu Fultusuing tbc t-et-vice, Mr. und The cungrcgatiuut-oftZimmct- Mcv. Gîcu Campbell cntertCiCcdt man and Lt-vitlceUnited-bu-ch- Mr.uund Mcv. Ruoss. tbait- dalugb jeheld a psestaliunua Luow-tfers-Barbauraand Hcatlses aud uso Muuday uigbt iu houuc Ibsis hu-hunds. ut Re-. Cnd Mt-s. Hutmcs. Tbcs Chelis Bais uee psesentedsiîbuapusecand Jams, theinfansun oftKi. wutleî cuuîaiuing moncy. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Psucl,uCs ct-i- Crnl suas mustc ertesmun- teed as Zimme-tit-n chut-t-unt-9 isfo tuslbe ct-aning and S. Sunduy. Pustcb made tbe prssntatiuu. Mss. G. Siucluir, Mss. L. Sbcp- VisilurssuSueda- wilh Mr. bcrd. Mru. H.Dawsonui and MIs u asnd Mrs A. Puttasn t-vae Ma. A. Putt-rsaccumpunied flc 1 i and MrtErsecst Davis andtfam-tladiesuofNelson cu-cbuonuabus > ily ut Guelpha, Mss. William Dat-- trip tut-t Tucsduy. Tbcy viuitcd a les uad Megun ut Hamilton and t-puIs ut interest in Kilt-he-utr, t~j Ms. and Mss. Rsy Cripps and Watruo and Guclpb, tbc Buatas sunsuudMr. and Mss. Harold meatlplantand PioneersVilagef ntsun. Sondai- Viie Dedileate Chanscel Sereens Vistilssun Sutdasitbbth A dedicaliuu t-ctvitce suas bcitd Pcltcttcrius s-rs M r. atad Mr un Sundat- ut St. Luba's Angticaan Dat-e t-clltcriu audifamilvuo m t-buscS. Tbecht-antcel sectaots Applct-aud Hcigbtt. atad Done Siuucc weededicatcd in mamury ut Mc. Garrard aud Kcitb De Mois aal GRADE EIGHT STUDENTO ut Brvukaîlle Publia St-huul, Nassagaeuau Tuwshsip, me-e lsototaed and Mss. Chartes Rit-au. plat-ad iu Etubicukc. Tedya h nulgauto aqe.Te r orieAlsrJa-n ely theclsusuhbstciramiy.Tac Mr. andtMcs.Gcorge Tasas ite tsalgauatua ttpttiThyue uauieAlauJenu Bme buses uJ -cis. scdut tut an taitvmcc du t-ltctccaa Wtandy Sayata. Elizabth Ct-t-tie. Petnr Fellots Huuward Gabsun, Thuast Jeavis, Lt-tat Johnsun, Cummunion, and a buuk mat-but- Suuday t-itb Mr. and Ms Bt-ut-k DurMtcuitNasaMta Nt5 MrgeteaLnuSre, were dtdicaaed in mcmurvoftMr. Harris andtumiy J hn Trai. Stuan Wuîd, Hetauhta Bakear, Weudr Bt-mut, Ben Oct-ce, Thumas Carrne, Reid William Dutat-s and bi- t-un Let- Cungratulutiont- ta Ibî. and 1Frak, Carul Huamtatad, Fit-a Jentsen, Sharona Lutp., Rudtarik Mat-Leur, Juhn Muoftta, Betatal nurd and sucre given by Ibrir Mss. Duug Murdcn un fite arri- Maie, Jenta0Guvtaa, fanSton, JaayaTimes, Duat-t Van Batk-rk, Mariuon Witd, Susan tamily. v tat ufthIbir baby daupbtcr uta 1 Wuuttua, Juhn Croit, Wtilhelinet Hualler, Dut-uthi Sitarat- Douglas- Fertrier, Jtne D'G-tmaa ana Brucet attcudcd the- Pit-kutt u - ea-" - s, acemc acc sena tHany-ak.ut DRUMQUIN Tbe devuttuttul suas gsvn hy Ms. und Mss. Rubert Wbitley 1-t-Z Mary Chamberlaiu. The Oct-tp- dud son of%. ligonwfo, rcaýdiug suas tbe 103 Flti and Mss. O. Oates a-sd tamits. *_lc/ e rr* G ra u ates H o o re Lor mat tht olhacbit le Mit-t Shurun Huoward ut Ha LudObt at pers Curnes t-pt-ut tant t-t- br A~ chrne of P i Ab-u-tIhe Study ouk ttitb Mr. und Mrs Stuart Mt-tad- II fU ', a u i o a o e as givcu bt-Dut-cen Ralpb. At den 8 Attnd G adua ion anqu th -tt-cls ut the meeting lunch Visturs on btesbcukd t By MisABai ý Spots Aastt-ca pt-csctd SvmpattttscsxtecddtuM. 1ws us-ctvdby MasgasclFuller Mr and MsS. cFaden %eu Te it nne rdeegi btbyF-td Hat-arduundlut F-u1aud Mr HaldRuduon tbuadasoillmeejy Dr. and Ms. Duug Fordadt fai- grdainbaqu a fedi: t-ar t-Ct-t- Shat-cuit Anita At- dcaasuusg ut t-htt-t suu, Sut-cuia ilvu of<Kig Cit auJ Mr. and tbe t-ct W. Massy Scbuul un jlfa, Auuffitsuu.BBruceAttau AItah. Oit-tuta Mita Ct-ck un Son- Mis t-t-d Wrsigh t. Fciday eveniug. The BS aîîending tan Fcsu- Wayue McCultusu. Gran(t1 du- Tht- tasuit- at-c ret-cu uT- Mr. and Mat-Watert-Stt or incuded mmsfthstt'.Le ad Dvid Tunct. at-t-sasss t-lu t-uuomunit- anad Oshawu upt-i t-utt aaec-b-dstitb guesis. put-lattud parents. M; Roabisonst-t-tinial,s-tts. t-.oj -lt-cia uai-tai st-st >SuoleilM Ms. and Mas. Wmn. Ma.Faddcc Allant Kiet-uuu, t-tuts t-tet-adent, su t-ht- t-utauJ an ishcd tht-m ba-i lt-tt-t attcudiug flic t-u-rc.% t-t-m eritce ut- But-tanta t-C- theQueen a-PrsCt-catt-t- auausncatd tbtSiarleyMar- i amlly ltustlusH u m chuscb. Mt-s St-ttcuits.-at-t- us ha Lutrt- Rutledge. Os-ucouws tIt --ttbts- tabs, tits Ta-ti-ttlmi-ttuintc a lut-sutr msutt-us-t Bat-sun t-uid hy Os-enda Br-adley-. t-uCs- ut flic I.OD.E. At--t- at-c tut-n ht-rid ai Hut-uhy Put-k un Su-dav chusthsmausacatsCtu. atluithc duue-, hit-h sst-tstdhe Bt-tattst imt-aaaaet uatiacg Jutc23. Aut 45 saCtdsu Thc h C.W. ai Zsusursuaa ba Oct-bd Chu-t- ladies' t--tm sheuC-. picui- dicucc ut 12.30. Chut-th Cuuisct-sav st-ravicc oaa muCty siugiug suas cd ht- Shir:- Tht-t-t-t-t-euuabtu ut-J me, Gumcs und rcts haut hut-tt a held un bunda-o ait-st-cc-ký. t-t- Mast-ail, Myrna Camt-thcttj.e li he'1,ýn.., Mt- t--t-ta-t Dmitksu0~tad Reid aidt-ute utable -aveingssus hauugilita suc t th- atct-nun ha theguosvft t onett-rth-isu Attuut-cat-intnatt-uce the bea ut--t-' et-t- tu ut- ,ad Edav t--u-t--ttuI. us- coi t-bt- - i lt-tth-tdu tai-t- stab it-h t-ta-udcd: Mr. ut-s CatJ-- church st-t-tlit-J st-ct-sut sut-sit- Jas. W. S. Robinson,. Mr. ut-t-J WarkstîLdge 1si ctt--tt gat-t-%at- cuit-t-d hy t-lt- tus-theut-casion. Ms-t Armstrot-ng. Mt.and Ms. D. Mi-tt-t haudu Witlîassssasî t-at-t-t- i eso t-t-tt-tt-cestt-tt-t1t T. Hunier, M-t. P. W. Ju-Auu L-t-it-ut-t Icavtinthet-t--at- C Istt--sb ct-t-5 Nct-s suta-l t-t-at- t t- -t-OMat-m. Mr. Cnd Mt-t. Wmn Bailey, ut t-bitsut-ch tut-Pu-t- Lt-dtc inam i-id--iudt ter at-uts: tt Mt-s Ksct-uCu and Allan- Mr. ansd t-ui-t- Lt-bt t-ut- Huntsvillt- t-bt- Lacs. aut i--r il Visitors Inspect t- Mcs. J. Wiliissct, Mt-. Cnd bIt-t. m-ca thev suiti bc suatking la 12tatdatd-c ats- Pi-a b. Haut-mb. tht- asim- hat-U auJ unit-a. Pt-utct Littct; Hornby Area Farm PrpsToss Ms oean erieh ,.,ng-nrcWv Pkt t-est-use~~~~~~~~ Tas Mc.Mtc-u lta-l--tbIt-ts- Rt-stsust- At-t-trot-l: ment- The St-eutct-Winaîttal-m lt-a- A soautst-au Mc. und Mt-s. Mas-ty dt-cu ai Altiuu, Punsasatauns -bc sausuhia. n Rut- c tl n raerc Hamby, bus t-aItt-uitdtt t-t-ut-ut-t-J ht- trima Bull. ur st-c -t~~ai f--lit-tht-sut-t-h-t Ruymond t-ut-tlt-st-ls; nit driv- Juniuor t-Cunt- Oceit-u GeoatIsTedJJt Gotuud ps-u-tedua tuoast siste-. Mcs. G. Oaruucdiui usd~tt 'aa, trt nkama, Balgerissu ts-vm Aussailiu, and ýaaa ht-parents-Cnd Mr-. J.Ocad. tt-mi- Witlut-Jtcthcrstuu. kii-Jeg-sit- lit-st-ais ui t-lacy -ruttitd. A tast-toutbeGraCde ua.titicSut-dty hsuItitan ThncUgradeB6cussuofPt-ay Me-e Huot-at- Wdigtlest-ats t-t-Ialigbt t-lt-tsous ps-uposedi ht-T. gt-cgatiuuCtt-it-it-suitibcht-c t t- Schualsuitb thi-teachs-.lau Geuorgeatown, rat-nais. Hunit-t-und s-t-tlit-Jl ht- DCavid Ht-ttbt-Park-bon Sait-t-dat- Fatic enfuted a bust-sipuuoMid- Mc. EJgertuu %t-s-s---- t-ht- Wil. Tutrt-c. Gail Gt-wtaud tsculssed Atte- ihis SuJCy thac suit bt- iuad un Munda-. Tbcv tati tht- his hree month stv inOuar..-t-t-t-d-ct-ied. Septembacl1. ai 7ucut-b. Amuug the places t-ret-stusvbbu d ass th-b- St-t-it Lasut--ut-tst-aeonhbc. A nubro rmunG -,st- vsttt bIaii--t-bbt- Paunn ut bd St-îsaaach su But-i huit ai the Boar-d t-i EducCt-iua avd Bosnies% Ct-tctJa t-ht- at-ut- aud t-ht- lt--ltat- t-illagc. -MA' iugun. t-ar t-ht- Town t-t Dabvilte. bt-id as t-be tut-m ut Ms Sait- Tht- Sîaciight Unit urthe cihaiN t-ift-siît bsndct-ttrtt-u ttudet-i Mcs. Haut-ut-, t-bu incumiug t-uil neur Miltun un Satutct5 Chut-thuit Muudut-ct-euiugai merutu fciuatcd b th ork. t-ceet-t-uti vtht-Hmea d CaTheGuidcs.Jtscd int--isbsthehome oftM-t-Dos-Hill. ut t-bt lt-t-m auJ ecal-it-t-nta- St-huai Association, uslendcd utits auJ Bounies i tda l ta-Iut Dusathv Feutlhe-stun. Iatn- ud sutlt-ing Mt. Wiisaast t-s-ak bt--t- s tc-su t-ha gruduatiug t-utstuces, pact-JaJ in Mit-t-n bc- at-sac presidasi. w Huitsins, sait-b frit-t-tt-t- - a ---tn bàat-t-t tht- Humeand tut-a îeaving bv t-tt-t frt t-lit--Wcn er.St-huai. Suutbcutt t-t-m. W ___________ Appraclutiots met-e given lat Cuongrautuations ta Mr. a-a Cbcviv Bradley-. Mcs. Tant- SCihC un t-ht- ret--ts sr. offleff Gual Speaker ut-civai t-t t- bt-bt- duugltea tsit-i CHOICEC HoI A nul Pcnc uet speatker Ms-. Ar-mtronug, in- Cre. Mt-ln.i--ayuJG (I M CREAM st-t-na Pcnc pctuc tut- t-be Gabvitte Publi- Bicibdat- grcaiugs ibhis oc- STYLEI Good Atendace Sthcuts. Ms-. Armstrt-ug avea t- a Durit-uc McKat Lac Fut-e t-ta iMesitiu tC. luRicgharuidsi-coCn a-u Ad HOLIDAY - COLOURED Est eut Ht Rlesaelae uuaiugt-cas.s Cabiug as his st-st- son.e On t-riday et-et-ina, lune 21ISi. As-un t-eCts-et. He est-tain- Cumined ChafIr Gerge's Chu-t-b. Lusuille, hel I d t-Jt--t-ht- t-tss the fonur-corners The uumhined Mnht-cers Duy 0 LUBRICATOKi îhefr annuel t-tit- lui Lusuville ut lite Sut-slte Dluise usî au --htc-Dt tbi-snga V fh UI I pa-.There mat- a guud at-len- WRs- and Strs.Kathy Dulhy the chut-ch set-t-sce ai Bcthci au SERVICE M r a i angce and Ctter she rat-es miet-e lhanbed the- speaker tut- his mut Sundut- frital enoeu-d a hn:uulital pic- inses-esssug tlt. - TIRE REPAIRS KRAF-T - 7-07t- PKGS- nit sapper, suppedutffsuislsmib Ms-s. J. Rittit-ssn. resiriug s --ttt and st-t croît-ra, ursi t oft-be Hume and PASSENGER HURT 0G SLN A A O I&C On St-nat-ut, lune 23, Rt. at-t- coo p si ition prsnu LAiLN MACARON &aso CHTrotaIa C. R. H. Wilit-saa, D... t-t-t-t. St-ha i Aet-satut-t a t--tt--tl- hi'u e O nt- t-a t---al t- ii Ta it-at-t-t-a, a t-t-t- tarlitt-t-t-apNt-uNiagart-st-sthe-Chey Bradley- tac reudt-cg t-t- D(at-st-t-t-faTorto,t at-tt-s-t-J.san Ati- UNIIO celebrt and-u- pccCt-hes-t a i teust-20 booksbduriag thevair. injure c-Jht-b-tidut-utt-ernuuit in. KMU MEAT Goun-ar bttl.Tt hi -u st Wia sunat- pretenled a singit-uar accident un Higbsuuy DAVE'S MASON-B dg neflunth aud Ihere suas tefc AttesdunCe Cs-esst l 25 suutb ut Spet-side. The t-as- tre- 4 large cungrugalian. Anis Hlseut- Cheryl Bradley- and ueiued $1,200 damage, Nurth Hal- ruita a.t t-un O.P.P. rut-asted. B. S E VC 1 A D 1po NUL MVOT MIES ss Baiet- preented the Ana- _ ___D e. tK C. 10NE "POP"oa I-n a Ial t Failîngrak ru- demie AvAit-d tue tile bighest --repa-e lu, give t-nu- hlud Onaio St.aIe.0Rlsed dents' asuociatiun ut-ti e s anedInl Cisc-t- Bradley. uaîu uthuLegiuu Hall MitesTE144 IIO HR .elta # uitf il, lutd theMi. e -Ci- chie un lug 27. ti uilljt akes =pa ams. loi l pt-e. A O1 à& Gwajd4oea>s and Allis Fue. the t-t-utet-s is has-mtess. be6ti iseIBbilea 4 Mli.~Ii1,is t- m Z S=lt ate--ilTieseo afitiy oflth 4,PCta ka bi 3t ng suIves and muthues ut anffit-laper lseliR u dstt b, at l wsho sull be millbsg ta lâehu i th 1esBd Mes, uts tise mus-b Jaone t-us tIse lene-it ut lIff e Mes lune Moore li t hee rly the pla-est un a Il terme. The Rob. s-laa-y ni meeting islu i It el i ieh eart, s-ut Il le t-- n t s Jecm a tp luen- hume ut- Ms. Stanley- flalesudis Ms-se. Stansley Rendesin. Iuly E larg tbe membersbî- ut- tise lt Il ai 8.30 t-m. Tse presidul lu 13 asummîsîce t -, 5si t-li su lue essaciate mtemr- clused the meeting a-d ,a s4lat Este-y, Ms, A. Caentadiua, as lise seat-ing tus-ce is hait hau- tubllusrd YBSt-~ -xIplNA.NW CAR $ml$S 1Ave LOAUO ouR LOT WItN useS C&M «*S M M! irI NAVI TO MMUC OUR INVEN- TORY TRS 10 SLUCIQNAS- SURIS YOU OF A CAt $UITPD TO YOIJR NMD Ch... now w1hII. S.hcton A Pt-W DP 710SE ON DISt-LAY NOM ARE 1961 FORD TWo DOMR 6 Cylluder, Standard Trensmis- $1#3 at-un, t Omuer, Clent Ecunoma- cal Tranaporttion ........... 1960 VAUXHALL Blue, J Duost- Rediou vert- Clean ............ $644 1960 FOUD 4 DOOR Rndiou 6 Cytanuder, Stendard Transmission ........- $1,424 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM AT DOLLAR SAVING PRICES AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. Il 409 Main St. Milton TE 8.2369 lIEDS WIN <i iGNCASH~ Drs391b RN8 2"Z et6s SPUCIALI EESE 4 for 49e fin 2 for 89e DUCIALI 5 fiat-ours 1 leRm. tins 2 PRIISSWOODS - LEAN-SWURT PICKLED - COTAGE 49 ROLLS? Corned Beef lua 397< OCEAN KING PINK - 1.1b. Tin EPECIALI Fancy Salmon 59c HPYHNIRY - 4R-OZ. TINS SPECIALI APPLE or ORANGE DRINKS 3 for 89c LYNN VALLEY - 10O. SPECIALI FRUIT COCKTAIL 7 for $1 WJATERMILON 798 U.M lt4r4y, ise2,13 s, INTERNAT Tbe penjes the t-tub ai Beimun ie t-ormusea. Ghenea; Ne GRADE fil t-urin Chu Beiit- t-tut- Jagt.In tah suth, Liud Hunier, Oi sua. Brt-an St-sua At-J Mut-ctsua, i Presen Honor t- t-t-huis tac lals tgt-tde ci Lt-sut-tlt-, ut- 1 J. B. Milci t-as guevi t-t- fc st-tact-i uet-- "plutctau' t-est-sl t-at--t t-i-t -tt l-st k 1~ k

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