Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 5

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Kfib cle Pub ic choo bd lril J M 11 The Cunadian Champion, Thurudup, May SOih, 1963 5 KiIbrd Publ, iel Sc Puy hî Mlon du stril olbIl Soth I atuloBantamns SpIit NEED ITheflowing r.cthe r sF enia uIqode,9Dane Y Iau shdle fr 161i.4 ,olh: t l a Me OSP ai T?:?', Ci, ýActon Openers TIL $50 fromt Mondopos lach and field orna brMa1m, o ,e 23. OSP at Mi.ii.ii ri. T li, 2, OS!1a M,, 1ht Mîliton T.IiliiL PAY DAY? meiet aI Kdlbnde Public SehOal. Running biat Mup Sadaa e"'P1iuhdbA uhvi' TCSSOL RýoysB 9yoaeoccadcnde Horhhoider 13 fié in.,Terryiv i28.,, ,ler iie Tx lui liS Ml Jhil i, Duoli Duvid Harbotil. 8.25 Cochison, iance Spimo à iiî 'plp oi M47î, T c Y sec. David O'Hara, Horry Me- 14gb lump, Saudr Bnikoid Mi, Moil, :ii ilNrs Oexan Tioî ~Fi ,l ,,ii , i : i, bu' Naugliion. i Bunnie Couinun lied. .i Mce,1 Mii ir.,. Tw .S il o , una ni.loîîang Ai un 82ý 47cTO E Ronuing brnad lump, llndy eBuall lhcom, Boucle Cooloon, Jcneéc, Miei-.uiOSPI T., cOl't P Brpo 8o6inh.o ilroeg i OTOWRS Nnhinuk 1H fi. Stemart <ie-c Put Mclraoghion, Pnggp Smith. ai FAv,-.. fiv 1, Fi r Ai. OSP Ti.-, Hil iiopiîî 86k no àlîîcp, son, David OHar. Bos,14ad op Jlune 6,.OSP.aiTem in,., Mi.,fOc S.,icrd., ;ri Ic- AkAtali t High jompRndy Nykouh 2 u'h, Boi-hi Hrislon 12.25 .ioe-. Jli i o sl eIit-ie onteAttn e f',ehendo Joccand Du-i.e Ki.o Hrowno John Reid. lire Il, OSP ;i li MeI.,* 'Il, rive-iîîii. î- Crescent B idl-mmtl ieddi foriogo, Ronnioig b-ud lump. Buirkeir exans>,I 18.i ()SI, Taiu i., piI, Ahi fBn,,1 thi. ling plit Fiac al Ourer, Rudcr Coosna Jaiohn 14i ,l n Bobt Wilor.. Jute 13, OSP ai Mcii i. Flîcs' at Mi'tel"m-.i H hiel, li Miiiion î%e in Chumpion, Ruiidî ttyhocoh, 10Hg jcmp, Clarcntce urinnra Jun 18 McIes i Olel Tes ui 2exan Housto mi[ii M1 im.c ,ilh ipi io, McS. ilo T 47 points.. 4 fi.S3in.,Ken Bromn, Ernicuo.s..eOSP. PTxnJl 25,i' Oiaatmî I, FIBl Hcoielu ih etupi.-, Ciels, 9 and nder Hulmen. loi.e 20, Flic.- ai OSP Te.o u.2, Sgm ci le, ci Bob i Hh ,tcil îmih aiu o Buolih, Bell Hucr-ison 7.3 sc.Bel bhrou, Clurece Hucingu, ai M ileiî'. i-eiiCieg ii îii . i Rnriung brouS lump, Pais-. An- Champion. Borhe Harri-son. 13 .mm Fui..,. uns, ai OSP. Mo cayiiht. %,r -Oi i-coint man, urv AnneCoolsoo. Girls, 14 an haluti Mliuîîn lit ii i HAION RURAL BOPTRALL scason upuncd loir Wedncsdap 141gb lump, lana BarMhondci 2 Dflsh Annc Biou 11.25 lic., izbelltphav nrcals ulght, wihgamuuetOarmaBHornb and Lomcvile.uLomîvll rit. 7in,Hccrv Cormen, Arn Bar'baruBtefoccoi, DiancBiou. boOiVctn - i lo; hnsrcd rhq Omagh "H' Ocamn, and the clubs fnugho O a 13-13 Reid. Bonn hi-oaS jump, Annc Di- ii i duadlocb, le a garni colinS ai thu uod né uighti coings because Bull lho. Mar'y Aune Coul lion 10 fi. J in., Lindu Ballon, né the 10 p.m. carfnu. Shomo ai the opcning nighî conouso, son, Ano Reid, Pcggv Couolon. Gîcco Bom._______ arc Charles Le Riche, managur of thu Omugh "B" uuad, om Champion, lana Biîrlholîlcr 11gb lump, Annc Bisnt 3 fi., Th c, f dc - pires Oroillu Puor and Dune Smith, anS Bruce Cair, plyn poiin. 7 lu., Barhete Blorce, Linda:siuliewieeri paig Boys, 10 and Il Dauhon. a coach né the Lowvulln club. Hurh Onamo are junior enirinsi lu Banl, Danci- Smith 18.75 ic-, Bull ihow, Barbiara Belorei, thu InOermndiaoe leugue. Lamoec, fones, Tom Hullivun. LinS:a Daltîon, Mailon Jacksion. Ruunin broa ualmu. Lr' Champiun, AnnecDion, 1-3 ece Joncs il fi. Il in., Gair- point,. You bng, DHcuy Smitb. GRADES 1 AND 2 nornD tJpe Seaon Los 14gb lump, Lamrcnce Son.'s 3r Hon yO e e s n$lirî os fil. élun., Billy Bom, 0006 Tmi,'. Boys and Ciels I8t iIt D Bull Ilium, Kcn orler, Bruce Bon"' Sah, Denor Lcmis, Bu- ri. AI IP Rebound for 9-8 \W in Fridlay ThmýomLwec J.ome,, Il irenrcith, Mlu Grenn' Lois SELF-SERVICE Thc Hrnînbp inlccmcdiaîe sicet scdiorc Imu raci. Learmorit pontsi. De Coeur WenSy Stein.I HRET WN bal] Ocam bowcS t0 GitO Wtm- tripleS ugt in thc thi-S loulou Cirls, 1l sud Il Boys sud Ciels 75I AVS WN MAKES SENSE uam, 8-2 lu ibeir opeoin ane uveht fieu e scounie. Dash, Hlcpbanic fothbulScr Bnci' clas. Roonie Hrtle Blé8 sc., Honnie Rurhnllle, lu- Ji.ffei-r eeotoRcuS ni the Ralîn Rural scithuli Ai- In tbe foui-l inotng Omoigb OdclN. uhol ihr Smart homnemukuro cau s uatola Wcdneîduay, but leSd the 'co-c mben A y ube(Ii- i D oerbt nFrSi .pucl ige, whAdan dobeS. Ronning brouS lump. Hoephn- Girls' clash. Kuhi- NemeIl, sv iiefr n camerhbac nicytucccpun vais il dogl ld -c iBurkhuider 12i. Marcaet Juen Giswmold. Prune's ll n %ýsi'oneeuinlt thecOmaghîo ,,ri 1SBimn, Bell, lune Cochson. Boyse acdli Cfrls6 i nici-qoad. 141~~~Hgb lump, Margart Sîtmu Hoîî'Sclah,Rucai-Rn'.rupcguiyt muWedncdyngl u'otoS Omucbh loch thelcendin the 3îfi,HcîîîîuJn Cohtr. celi Price, oald Hurtisund ou ciroinop-rated aut- Wedesla niht ahothnd ýtop nf the 'ib.h scnimng une Bull lIcou', JAi Balton, Jeun Gicls, clush, Hclcn Broie,, Geb- i-S Roi-nb- cluîb ls ou floic on, bol Roi-nb, cucgcd alcuS Mebiano', Becîli lunc Cochson. hie Coiion, Mar- Anne frail. i-iý ma- cis Trmus forîcc Dîi,, William.% toîm, it i i tI a Imo i-on reIN t luhîe Champion, Blephanie o, huhol- Boyu acd Giels ocder pemne bli eS Soc t0he letc botîum hlf of lIc coning, ,uoi if1 points, foi"' culas, Mark Dbois, rf h ut the enS nI cichit monin'.. Gary a eiple b, Churlcs Dilue'. seoir- Boys. 12 sud- 13 Shippi Otîfldti, RonuIS Ruirli. Co co nemuomer t,, Roiil. 6:ll, ed Jumie Cunninghum mIn lad Bail, Donald Dilîm 14 unc, Girl"' Sush, Bb-a feuilt, Wcn- AN AUSTIN NRALY IPRITE Arivun by Hili Cunninghamo -12P U D pitîhed the finix ninb lot- iced unS fluhc loch". o, hoh Puolr MeNeccîlon, Boomie Couil- Iv Cheroicohi, Pelli Coch'on. rente, mai one ni 28 cars conupnrmîq mn tAc BarolosnaeHl tle ciseri. John Wilimtttree-litu donlcS. wn. POTATO RACE Clint, oni Sutun.lay One nf thn roqumoumeiros for veilsWASHED for only vifhim inlheeenh Theisecuh inningî.er.' Runninghbruitlmp, flecol', BoyssandCGils8ui inh-cimolucauccptabhioo euih Mr. Cunniga Popper pot Gruham iliii,, le,,, but in the top ol, the eigh-ý De Cour 13 îî. 2 ni., Donvald Bn,,, Buni Leuis Michelbtet n hcii fl a elt h tepci î'eoedbobRorh -n, IIImh.tBme' ieiin. tiGr'.moIA,Htinmith. Clementil anDrnt ' iuochuitlmiu conhncph flout fcîlambing hi '.inglc mA e taLe e i.ommunding 8-4 euSi. Det- 141c lump, George Mitchell 3 Gi'.s, Jadi Green, Lon,îce De iu oi1 1in,1 ,1, Mo-' triple biJmbi-Cunniinghem ndvaisteA eslo'.thle inningrft. 71in, BitSmithuandJol Coer Wendvl tein. hemng smcmhl cunn laiwlucoe 2 5S in the ixith tnllominc hlm caf, Williams obngleS unS ASem'.oLgan ticS fo- secnd. Bopo ansd Cirls 7 lovieCrlmata:Àcl cr5 e singlc bv Ceunitgha t Ip wom runi home. Melii BH îhrnm PaIt Mucpihîon, Alnvi honnie Recînîlî opeî ..1 vi lieîcipfrnn o Roi-oh, me, %vithoci 0acqoe jtrmpled Atumn homne aFen Pi Oen Y-mm, John Logan. erd Odoricu. Riebi Wllshcr. Four Wiats lawo Weel %%cei ci he eetpeet ola.ead Cst r on to flu-f Paguette, flube ingie', Tm-iiý inftonis duble sunrcA Mel, hco Girls, 12 soud 13 Gil. nnb'Oue Faei, .Aitii ih . Fti.,o m Brcs,h.DuneLeecmauoeundfu, blote flic mtning codeS. Beih, Bonniu Couýnli e., Bownu,lunDris'nIS boulN i nîHion urluedt Ill Mcu gls cr ()iI%, fres o vjIeus dryAiii.3 îavuhnc.y Fmi-c ehr Cunninghant firt' he gem-. hn the bottnm nf le cigitth hal ,,L.c o hi, Raicmcel So ., Ieeuccliaclmim rm13ionoFciet uSo fo Honvhdtîe civ -ln in mmiitittuicgmî a Aei izihctiizuI 37.3f mii Saumtm GT AUL THESE QUAUTY Onlm'iceeY cnu oe 10tha rtitg, Io iin emi-. ii totýcoi'i " LMUHP afi' hc nhmri h occer i.,,, ver PBuni,-ni \oni 7-1 uhe thcîl Iluie cei hi Baîui Yemin, eighîh unS fine! inning. nappeS BIALTON RURAL SOFTBALL icîîîti Cetral Barhingtan lmîl L-mmuud CtinJimtiLrIcih ma LZ e lice i-ut, Roobi rulli lIai W L T Pt,.Wlev rd, nih fli -Bî Mcli mite la.cAmmA' RALPH & HUNT LTD.i geveo hem e ocutaiv ofrniand OmnWlag m., 2- I I f me dgets Lead Georgetown 9 4 WAeutAai. . ( A,2ji6 fil Lui, PLAZR-A S gav t-e îe ag iclon 8-4ib Oi-hi Sr I I f 2 TIhe Milton mtdget elI ostar noam lIc berS hbllbng Milton creiu. gclý. hut lylhi A osicrîhut Louillestl f uîri hiiutoar u RR ,AVL A ND EES traied te Om gh enios S-f HonbY ......... 1 0i ile She plu eua miel ag-u tc bui22 Fia imiiit 'iii (-649mMITcmto e' th e t eul bati n th b, bo Palet mc .. _- i I f 2 hi-gan their stan oan MoaAî Mfion Bloggees mi Loli ,mmAîii~mme22.Fîutegt.T -49MLO LZ tomof Ihe ighth. A singleliyOmagJl. nl t t 1 inDGeorgeomnumiibacoameucaf-. Mar'.hall euS MuBuffe oeuch liiOakmAlle. __________ Drabam Dilics,.aAouheb iotle î t I I ed afieehfieandaihSbnnogo, 1healdadoubleeand ainlefor Th, ecee, iiicd NImc*i Si.heeiusAimeî- bnmoho Blake licîci enmd e Iwoun inbgle r ESULTS of play,-.u Stel inli.'iruption in ithe Counol Taiunci-, '.111e P ,, ulmceîmî 23-8 Lai Wcieui hm.uuhu lit likicecdî ti lit Donc hulumote t'uuî Co'.e WeAnesiiv, Mac 22; 010g Sr~ th bufed ilIon mac foem- l'e'.' lit ,ufeiv lmice un,! Hulule- cout t 8-. blor Gay C\ f. Palcîmmi 2 liu ' Wila soin -,we mpices ne lied lthe ci tonglioc once. snalbeSuandChuîbm ht hiiui-cir- Hrhv 3;,Dmiaghl ih 3 1Lci- cum ,becle 1ca eiucct' cunîe'i SliiihumrielAhe tirs[ toueF T E ' A rail blair. tille 1.3. - emog plued in île acîhielA The' innogi lui- Milton, gicbnc orp loti HRcvh opeticAi hi. ,.ouinei i Fîîdae, Mai 24: fieni WiIliimi cgmi.' iili he cumpl.'le ait ihe!bit anS ionarrons. Ban Taî* lor TC O ~ numn Ill ulad n me hn I-i12, Omialc i 2,: Rorbi Il bcginntrg nI the ncol encointar meliened lmn in the flit id NOTIET UR PRTI VIYfEKJ SUNDAY, JUNE 16TH martil tciA, (uxu a' 6 hih ti Omumchl Si-. 8. Pmeo2f i- eimeen the to feemni 'leSie iden order. Art pituhed bail i- Chi.huhin, ui. mille, 13. Gorgutow'n opened île un Boo' uo Gene' b a umr iîg, oiîî e two riait fic'. nning., i.auhiog Saoie.* a au W aa brk n h ond lite i b M' co, Battis to Tie ton ast noiS ie iing Mii, iBurlington Edges -Notice is hielspy gtvn su ail poisaes cn possessian sofE X A S d aboeti hi tafvinc four i-uni. A ..,i.iiorac thheWdCnriAt190 single anS tmo malli noaSeS fle 1Local Pee \Ao sdsscsdsemeeseWe oielA516 Stalem ate in O penier basesuimand DkMrshlulicnplied ShM ' ections 3, 13 and 19 - Thas uhies ussisos soccds . CamrpbelAiilioc.ý iiitpreo fiio cvt ieoîeat î e i.e- rais. Pele MeDoife ibogleSt forn team oelSown le Secct 2-1 aoigchilesrihuh î le 1963 oîhedui e l h Mn basm fnce Muhhe11 hefore the uca'e in iheir lirot ganme cf tle iee A & . " Ieeae u cý ilte h. l i har cti pu uanA %il a, of thi. inniog. îuuenm < of csquesîng IL4 ao -unî i, imiiin on hall dai al teevnnin rnton chary 4-g4 ih gaima h1 -o Buuuimih fhd Up Lead are Horhinclan Beyt fJne1,16 ndtruh m.iiof eei hi Ilc irsr:ct'o ga I theithird bnnmnc, billon Evnsi huleS flie cocre eum dcspdpseooel,63duoahs uf nelpiAoiaiem 000f 111'entbaedn nliîbtr iad the loiecafaoing Bring- thce ssc,sthcrmncipfipymspceeuo ssid lnds re Clu rif4 fle Sicce GerceR reec laie on ou '.onhiue ruî inthe hi-ou mi sd ae h eoudciopd hafsgs of Rarur-Ramliuc Sm 030 001 0ff-4 32 anierroranmd'peed Jhn Zopps, anAez Icai'.elndi axs s e uti heAt Centpîefule aic ohI Riad iilbl%:Hmilton, Bolbe-c outu a boni bongie before, unfoi.ted flhc oeAl iltonu hc'., gisschdîlusseoiuient, - iomunuhtird iin ictiu il tot ls(1h) in oý Rikou-evreaed fic'.ton: -hr oth single,. Thecopeessissof aehciies is eauestsolpsed. lrits, oni- ucu tri cuhi%%r oo fanio: Moifiani. ,,,o to nuSd île hases. Bure, The peewueeî enauhedh bur-c tile outiliH R,akdIu ceAi Flere iltur mehked In'.cnre j rc RooS and maougeS A, AbcI ' hi[ une beuther. lack. Ri' hr DechuieuS ton'ffî Pertoo, cull ph:. huîk la heîk V. E. MnARTNUR,t hciice andi a rlli ha R l- Merari, Sueand itnac tht gares'.eeinsh Býremnponn Fr1ý WecdlIspcere ueoine ni, Irk'c hum. H Ma'ri% caronsml ta'.er e aoan Saui-Su. Tht hamac Coausp of Nalsos, [%.adtukoi BhD,-Onen Seaso 'hur-yCrudwt sciie Sai garme begins i et .m i euev and Homme McilI, b r tlet'.eare Zoppe., anA Diuk fl ar@ons linon ui o Bowlingto Marshaw,dukefoaut] th fnî-oo TIti alloed otirun offcc iîme Bo ln reen haes' agaitn. Pele McDeB dul hiis. Tireu îî l 'miiou 12 acîlim miak. Miltocn em la omîcro olîfibiai cd e ndSive in to m rr îlot grcn uore Geogtwm eirc h tA lite. Iegeo pie, on the. Milo grenue oYi,îeî'c Bhurs-Llved LnoS iTaîosde nughi Tunum-iuc ap-locl tA l h bsssil o Cumpiehhilhccpemcdcaa3 peateS for flic ft,".l nighl ohe îeItatIlu o a a l 4 s w e w Cuioro' sbng.ic kaiied mh.uîp uebl.' and AoohIiý.î FohIuuiue i-ithe Milieu headte8,o igle' hi. Kingu and Iinchloî Iphai, thehbochec, evovetia'.ou-rwbt n an tr-r Milo The k-ami ua,'shtlc iI d 1 hc il]gatheurcn mn lire pacillieti. floed ot th0e'.ucoi i n h cet;r ouhen li-ifiiimi mii. iopli Thi. Miltun 1:00i Bow'ling elubal fuil. an tm a -lk'. und ige 40 beeîacI ih hice cino hili oillun,il competcin e fiai- ttam-leortgionemnae ill.' R N 4.o Imawufiklm, icin auiioI. fougeagaienst Srcsl'.le, PurunîanScmpticu hliîha[pot utE mImmu tu' lit haoî fllei LruuiniBkileîseon. liii huhî" %voire unubl Wo sies lp it, le hurlant ii fli, sihti Hamrne WIt licadue l'or theum *is an thy priced .0 move out suiS Week*flu POP'S NO PROBLEM 00001 1,11v byitiue ohai igle, YCURS IF YOUACT NOWI The cr ae asksd bp rnesandshepnve gt ascicpused soles. Donst _____ R attRmilton bit Wi.ii.i anim maledERussell. Robert, filun OF --EA stt ni us aiB trposea udepsîdable sac. Drv un cfse Johnson Res. shis As log as hs gels as Bos COUNTRY GIRGiAM sa shi 14 Il 'aenîra pth lai lle li-il hail LU twIPR C S V A nd dsaonefshscsorhulstcas. Choosemeih cnfidenuce.HîuyoPlioCpgip-nlcnudg n ateerle anS a nnuoed. STILL IN EFFECI ON 1961 MORRIS 1961 CHEV. 1960 FALCON 1960 FALCON lîmt lIn grIl îIat hts nîpnuîng-Caacny Gsoghouus Cambeh-llecae igh bckMINOU Standard, highî green. Sharp itrvor anA t;o c-Snnr standard. ly Ao. Cnteporuhe ee h rililek Chestcr icaiked. onto seecond ' b U Co l Iq.ippuS wiAh radin. Godcniin body. 5-Aur mortAn. Ecnomuel trauîpor- E Rn Innus the bIBI qualiiy coineu unS miSe oatef of ui- Cuit-o" sige n îorei uhnJj TAis nat 10 fimmîîhud intliu coouci mc boucaon banS mn Country Dingiarinu. ,alCmpeeirnheibithi e cetr. hi black. a Avablablin oTei no-T-bm Boln Coco collains wish LeudsuAttacl fl URRYI- FILLYOUR SINi AND SAE TRADE THIS WEEK-END AT JOHNSON FOR DEPENDABLE VALUE àu i nmeueoireudeeun onît,. ePP atdu bmN,AToicihi,iI limcr'hiiýi iÇ RNBnocclpriesgo up ibteFai.eousemninta n.Clrcvgat l ri -ary ussel aiuindeBob ch. nci th oopnat' oepihn u lnbho nMoss hogi baS oneneaub. mal' soinwhy pup orolter n Î EndSEscîcerl tea le oeLci .ihm.b a * ari Cairns mith lIre nugi éo lu Tolârfuelîrncesstr ordcidcsg bluc coal oclsyh & nlIul n'as île siugging leade lu e ' Carnybellichih. Hion Rend- n TNE SOONERt YOU ORDER, THE MOUEl YOU SAVI lKen Mono-e, Bihl Blini, St King, MRA CAWODV BUS KNI1GHT'S DnJyce anti Rani-- Ramiltn MU R Y CR W D LIE. fusi nne eatb. CAMPIILLVILLR IJL 4.2232 MEN'S WEAR POOTPOTESt Campbeilvile tIit il mou au hase mhil cHam-22MIS. MLTNE 4 ilIon ni-ondeS uni-in Bou

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