4 Tise Canadian Champion, ?hurnday May 3Oth, 1963 'CStiIlhti ýVillagers- Edo OQks exanIrs [ .Homers by ld I liit Oni 886118I K. intact %%Big Four" ftI L gu K e e p W i RTe c Bn ta ct [ aa Sth adantage of six rrors y the Mater 10 - tllyera 3 : soiom jp hi .a a frhxvn'siia' h Mît lhitial Sotihail Steiaers andssenion Io irofasce OTedyibakaakpaescsiesda~g Cap iil ec.tl une hi miiarc cammiîid ehc U.a Thaisaa This tisa i hat asie Sains sacti the route lor the Sales powemed the Meiers tu iheir piste datsiis ilowtng tia lati nigh rSi Loi' m MKcn,.lt'!v oureai Il iltihe liaasi; Mvters.giiiup minehis -4 scondwin in ao "AbJan- gs.s asRJT the Edgc kp fil s îaaieverbel aa 3.î aîîii Lcas wh iialtvg osday i theasoox champ9-. ob hotoars byzz ma ai aods B Ib futois.ttur k woldt WITH THIE NEW SEASON harcly tisagrames aid Redd iOk So'sixc i isMecasîti .titshasytsac h'uneis ni .Baiasie uzimbngbs istsanofta l Stregrts eastts managerc Cliii Hiosstnmadecsoine Pertninnt oaiîks aotfl 64i the aak saon. tusix rîn-tais hrit aindiltaîr cilc Ftiîs andliioutiliîsBl hapairaofbits for the in. seasoncalted thbe aio Danse coach of the wsaigtram In aiýofis fils ciilubiihis %eui. Ciiiisîîaniu IN taîIlleclb as1 Fed gu ry a r piav mîarei'sssie 5îiiî at i n ,Krati fic Mfilc Lirein the lcrs. Bort assan safferet bis secod en gaa it B as M ati'iaaîii'iiîiiipiîsii'ai'Wtih tiruqmiiaii isir ipiihas'i iiiti aigain, sih the 'new BrillerMilar had apair ofback fil, while DonKearnevhadîh un eai ga i cairin Mc- Mciîasanh acqisiio Okli iiîtiic. tsi. Arc d Sih fil n lasi.ia lih miaKtic..sihsaigcaa~ttîiiaî i'aisahci haik Taheaihefrbeîtr beshiiarlsaoabei of- siiîidai~~~~~~~~~ h'Don Joyce and' hiEa',"lcri hi ts McConncii :tSalnrihthaboyinan" îshite Bazlkthaieoors, giing thefsiinn liRt31a ttt DanJiiici'aîihumer innthe 1,N ai s aokI i o psvnht.p hinný ffice thei day tallswtpg tise hînihl u ,linn.Elo r t imr z; oneil ghui fici cihler Mer Ndlic Fiscîtiaîahiia Tî~tn bis SPR R BBacie gentisitoturens arepot. arid. îats bsse pdni the thîtti chant hit-. ni'en r onc airain Irscvie Teans a - Btiaters 6 hi Gaeion. sao is stitl iaabiog far r'Tae tegrs ta tisa Natiosai andarecoahedlivBil Seafii; The Texans. cattacied 19 its filat sainner, bas gola ta orteinize nusse reissis sneae rafler cii shctait Gaib R r --~ anelil' Sîtact home, q,, aiibhtiîotoitas.itlas in th icilievn ioningsand tent ? ? ? theTxass.Tetestoaatia77ttc initoit i"i. aiisH c'hap the Stciclrs aic coa~ch- on ta clowno the Stealars 9-4 for base picked upMWagca'Carria in anar tisa Rad Legs lsst Weidasa hadIn1ý "%votlct a i'îi1, amlo ht. di.isaînsî Dardalt eds hi MiîrtsGrcîtkcandisport- thcir secondsraigbt wit. Vana theitralti(orsai faw la~i assdsdlsraet ctariihîO.S. gaeldet test tha Texan) ai th sir-o iatri. To' Cube sn Tiisdsy. Tise Main i'îtîdoi i' hutttit".. s h ti'at ssii pliw t ssights platc %iilh four singles in fisc nigbi, iTbursdlayi the itwa top diliratts tisa Yankees Tuisdey dOtn i' tadoct Clh i Su rnt lw ,Tîcdas and Thitrsiiaî, trips. Lastiia Beriasson Voi tasclima the Texans and the Metars sgi. 4. shr xlnlo o lcto ....01fi eer diamntos atnd ri c vrolennr. Dan Sauth badl a pair clasb ai tha Mater atiamond, ta HAI shortespisaitîn ii t S.P dianitond. ifsinglct for haSelr aiclacida is place on Milton's Big Alsiapo drise as tisoag pot. c i d usl p lLi'oI t heO Thictday the Mci crs look season. Ciiff Hutr' m iigsaf o til oiton.The acusto ai Inglheo tic th Siut iaae ilce 1-i %eehi'. lttad Nra inITrounc Georgetown 1 - citai huomb tîjîtît, .NCanpivii etii Iti ci-io tiiîssstn: 9-.1 as Ficeld hai xatkcd on George- aaou wiib onjuries .. Etmer seo titît sot. Citi cspase TOMiRO iticir fcst hom anc tnci iiîh 1963 tuoist conl in tic tap tif bhei hicd Dreiiae wsitt a tstd ankic and hr, oing %tîeran tînuiShîanon adncîtîncck.LarîPhi 'casoanataS aiti'îtoon o Thccsasx nuscoctng ia thi'[Ken Maurevirilhatlame a sat I S anno his îeiiatael% iniîîiaa desicicstcî titis sii., he- tics traîînsed Gcorgctsasn The .,ýr' haic itbti tad ondLiyM Palo cas i« hittting oithztoc sicdott fitthallsiii.tc hatilii er ii Caniphatlttlic. Gaies Fictit scscnt h, Camphctl si'accd ha injarcd tisti... Tcev Fcltir R îîa. ht(p ui'tîî aqutcstiotn taiks, shtith r Pîtitipi tak- tîcîhcifulionetfngsfotchc, 'ic% more.' Atice isa isce aticaaaht tic foul nine innnfi andRe tn n-a'lîIîi" lie 'ition bari itîîîtictihîks a e t'a theii"tît a' s il îi't îa.ndtt'atti'n pictcvon- Kiaf'stdoubleaancorai- wo ats lk.did ancsxcellet î h. .. CatitTh DL."i" fecesa tsIi uit lasticicca i tilt %vaslii"t cenct ititattn. Eait Cair.ns'sintgle and anoti bîhciti'sxs n om o arneixa unT D bal]V itlt.lu itaaiîaie Tantin Mt'Iltcio.ioitii t1 frn atîti titi an ouititi ant Coing«'atp 10502 iiii fon hoi ta, 1 i t ulos iti uctiisiai T.i Mait , ie ttiipii mu lte ltîa at 1aatt.tt titi s a n pindiccldot h n C aito . G'c a ciosso5 00 2- 1 15to Cit tiroi E RC t i ttii n iheieat ca nice lie tttt't hcc Kî'ti"Btitai" iaitandicctthts'a tauituai titi rieda a nu aa it ng sliî mngi (7) .and Bradle. Cali Ai Expat For n ls Rialii'il tortth, i'lub', mtatt tirbch, pl.tsucr luit ta, has h'loni ta titi atitaiit Tilcv Lcituti. tw to i n thc e%,catih sihco Bac- Canipheti li le utFi anai Fost Il L DITIONAL OUTLITS Wd slovvIttaui g ito shapcaiis omuuplauining of utini trosuhle. 'for.etii~ttiitctit tc cho s'lpttt'd ai iiHo Il tite Sox tiie tis - itibuath ha c cei, nmanager' Itotiti in tt it fille.ttlkttgtsxan it tuti rightacene. hlesc sînaliît _ *W IING fîîced fir, iill iniha a icance ta Lisa tie toatisci pitchees maorea tii5iione ballott ii Ille eihth iutcthcir ntîrei hi. 0 OUTDOOR LIONTS g- mc offt. Bithesitttag hat es he mncurs lciîhandî MI Flecihciaod Txxta in Flinit Sut King lci tic Caniphi'lilii 0 NEW CIRCUITS ai tih, î îîagiîhîaalics PuLaiic Hilsonandirtei ýco îîi v cianîhe attask îîîth tw ua bleîhs ani Iwo MORE SPORTS FRRE SIA Cotha Jothn Hopkias. 'Flctace pîtacaid -s71 Pr.a ls[t ona aialk, Wt5cin siii- sinîgles. Heaatiascttiatl titr* tins, FO FIEISIM f.Ilfut .ie-NOVICE GOALTENDER BILOUSE sas prensnid oi a Ice, attothciwak n îi'ni titio- CL Fielîd icipca hi, Ofli itieRTON on tt sotia tuaih aaia hae Noic alîtîtal hocke Icie M na 1c uiul o hiti ltit tîtîtît an tit asifarlhi uxo adias prforanaeethnîaapa Na- Fista i itri iag ilbit hattttiticattt Sut Bllîtot Ai Win PAGE137 ELECTRIC Pcpu auseHshoyfaraannai.niaWulaaaiaiuîaadaaled i l .îî5ca Wiril ttu ,iittlet gîtais and Eal CairseOtI piskcIst ta prHa'tg itiaiiatai a -i 'suibt trapi'y, nd inahs ablseei as prsetea y N oie Ile ia ltaalitg Ictaîta ticitiami tti i tti itswile Stan Herider tietfi t ttoekuitc ha ua i n tîtî ha pîta, ilitî tit Lin lîuî Sîti King', glati onace. litAi thc Arali atiitia Parents, Fin s HeIp Trsmceflcsoe a lies iciea tes . Hlc r11 . "nDurHal1 Fete Novice Hockeyists Cuni Cfi"' Th, eo Tii' Mîiîo Naictitîteistadagiii ii tpWYLDEWOOD 1 96 3 R M B LER Otni ta tha lccgtta He',t il Thealstn Tic aaîy sia toatatteit 105h ini sthei raip I -ROM hia stcl.aagttatti'aet'lsCh'apions'ind "C" DvisoCî T1i tipiscc< igiti go.i nciti Dltleistlhier> o %i' sutaasinatheBramnptonaNoitt.' ci tas Meri Wilsoe. Billiils,-Upatc Aneronoaks'fietecie Toares't eciedt a higi sîîicic ican eaasi st atîhie s29- tSiip5OtplaiOIsWpII Aaîtcsîî ithits i plac r," lî%uaisîs scasan %viri aw a-ért 8 -70-@ ad gavea and Mi!t.lie.~c hoi liae jslamier httinh-nn-ao e th eT TOP $$$$$ FOR YOUR TRADE le irai CI iluh litat cadh Dsnque rai th Nno Ol Hall v Ouitc nlica s end of ith sait s D ponttraies S Wonaga &ssastsae l 11;as tcattutuctcIotaaitp DOU CLEY Ti'tance'cl Ciucom Hutgi Mcahall, till lie ic i uto pacis titi' crit cv cant mtaags'r] hi Ksa Tiioti. aligiblti relicutii i t e t' '-il. Caontm and esny mee ofth Isi net ceirass i area -AT Glahe viiii'sitthtcub'ittgi* 0v n a Llýtiti ici ushe pessssponsorsithteapicMoi. DcugCu -l uiLbai hw F.G BOURNE aOTinRSa LTDa bv Dat thhelc.This tsar i' s hssnottut v- rttt huas, picautasi Tii" tais. Jcckts have aisti fil pur.e hoc'hk- t ilins itoiioing ilia INFORMATION< OnithS 7t Uine - POiour Sîl a na r ftigharo fi'l ai asa cut1,1,t, rl e n i iii icttti fpaur f ic a Mu Is ai. qut, Lctvl t oi theit . ANDîîî BROB R lesAIO (tragj) tr BRON STREETK SO THMITO vcih Pao l t lita, pitii aItii it.u a st I l- h eua i i ie i ii tithio' uiiavc he C b r' H N aitti aiciui bors aasg Rage822 utb s'aacautiutilaiTtitaui. Aithtuughie is ciuifu iitipilh s thehaclub. ipsaic fats aifi tua n ilits , tilusbaiecih.lir ta t atiaii staa tutt] l i ii l utc iit tic the picais' pat s anit PosibI his to piii ii lct al.to h ct c. siti M In ummin tu, Cliii tioiught liai thi' Iit tiufii'uli piohictoi Miaou Hackey Asaociation 0 sai t nae if ait uoeic iatict hall i'lubh t t i i cito .- 'l icis ndiflirt t%%vos. iun g aao'ite otiColi(h hezcusl'iisiic sotneoîtheiuc n ile a . ca ici.e tttco Bol it stuc has li plicd tisa Speotat Gneats su ittuihl.lgt atitei"ti"You kootu tutchina th*t Atari' ipeciat guru ta eSM E k tr 11aa ttcitut i iiuaiithathco f tasaiusiitpea ple iaiitilutonitttui1t rKatitsh w o- a nord tutt lotit i t heait ad r nea titt5tc tit iig itha ioti lb5c g .'t lu. :uuuhe aai'u.ca,îubihuuuuuuasatFcans. f ociit Bll5tue %%s4- i DuO 'TA HEAR abut tic Rau huis hall picat, tiilci t i ocîiuc u ca putnu Cinugiuti theahomeitusltsch.hiiiiseasstuiingilc A WASHOUT Hr anditt iitak.Itand uihcci iuan iiioff i tutuad s-e As thecîllaces Tarbooneopeser nfEtheMl aS tatg*'i rtit ttihi itiia tuttial placi toit uit ri"sirit h m-a ndcu ton RedSoxxvilas ano eifut ElîEto- ha t-us ha ci lu hîu1ii",]uid,. i ut sti ntgtst lWrdnesdsy) wni C ui pii sbaxnei' Tuesdnp ntght seaelishto the dtaasnd. Ptsprrs nike hidm Close Mohawk Spring Meetingaftrl Io gdesn li n h ITI Tye~ * * - ATHLETIC F ans B et $3,265,000 in 26 Days due for 23 pis. Stut R I COayne The ctttiiiat lit îtitiCr i, -1 .1 arek.hbut aftenrala aattateGoai i i hnliis l tii's c Moitik Riitc uta s uiuaii' sui- lie faitcd tl taonl Gtats. Tise Sos go tn ah ciiei Scacaicu utight. tutith a i'iiipl"te n a ce cc i - l ti ica h t O u tilssa tantght. hi,.T losa ti 325i8l utsh"u tciuc aiccst 9 - -5ci FISHING TACMKLE. ES cd si it ict ota ti 26 ai., a u t meitas in lie 2h iights. Twuo bolok ici îasuasuchociîî The ausi u a tic tutti it ta, 'Ateidcocs icui,'ct Ico il crtt serce: "Tic o i sat c itL'timt ONteeto J a cLuli oi 1i iaiittcueih53 iiii.li llia * SHOES * TACKLE *ULNES GOLF JACKETS * irs'c fa. ci a cl i ti as tl si inls cesifult" *. IIIDEC REELS GOLF' CLUBS Ter %% Tihe proviocial ptuovenrt iii B f EA*ILLI os IL~~~ %Nio 'Vtm,0 A K L E 14/ tis caiaci ~ h ai w w - w ~df~i~ BTS* REPAIRS GOLF BALLS ~ uiusn'vt Stadacic higll î't pa ans DRIVE-IN THAR H *GOF iAst bat $171,427, hangn t l GOLAF C. Hsau nigittI toaita. tuai Si25,000.,561 FOOTBALL, VOLLEYBALL AND filie. i Suls iraines.titiaccs *ici VI 5-561GLVE boasl 'maecdîIo tusî ace 9 Li Balen O.EW. aid Htghsay 5BASKETBALL SUPPLIES TOO GOLF BAGS * _ Farcy wayaatLondossheccai56n ih _________________________________________ _atkad meeting began an Moada ThI borsas ratai-n ta Moawttk un FDAY MAY 31, SAT., JUNE 1 AND SUNDAY cae tic Septesahar 2 fac a 24 nigit sac EcilAV chier iog nibich ends O'ttthet 5. ED VT ILU( GANTY Camp Tnp Driver un Cotai inw tW~~W ~ hee Keitb Waplas woan lia I M hARRING BURT LANCASTER AND JfAN SIMMONS Chse hawkbdrising asacd forthet opn-u o ing onaet. ssith ait avoîce TEEAG MILLINAIR .453, edging Haea i M cKinics hi EN G ILIN IE' asat .005 marginac uiliihait SPARING JIMMY CLAXfON OPEN NO TOUR NW LC TO BROW ST. ACROSS FROM ARENA TRflPIES vlu t, 30 INCH ToUT ol taey Sit1 Camai-on DePoces aiPhaurt 5I __IAvIE C o ont wsaforsunate aogtar Man ndc loti and Cîneinascope 'PARTS ' ATIJIETIC 1dwIaIs r i eornhinin tru niegt-t STARRîNG CHARLES BRONSON AND ROD TE XTON AND Casapbc pourrds, nus of tha Mill Poxd AN 'rI. O? r SPLIES -NFO M Ren Mo n Martin St. Mrt. DeForest is 1 SECRET OF THElf~ii NIOM Don Jo, so noid aagtnr, anal gais fish- %r BSPVIUYRRERAIRS hast uni in i h pn nalycrlPHONE 87O47QTP is t h pn nal cey STARRîNG BRIAN POSTRR AND MARY ANDERS efonsi