Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Champion, Thursday, May 30th, 19631 KILBRIDE pttehuîy nobte S S ) . T ra v e llin g G r v e l ph e d' " " " Q"i * S s . øy Elect OfficerS ait Hom School AÀSC Road, Keeps Disappearing MàfnUrwr n .S B3y CAROL FORBES If thee gppears to be plent ;"y-u cngrade iT, every day Chres Hlo el pakn il ù f gralvel eon Comilhercial fit., Mnd of the we r. ad fe gta GtFr re n iay afernooncanias AtateAad very Ifttle on a narrow laneway rain, all the gravel will bie wash- . M eretm t il wol senbywa ale s aniats With the presentratin of between MainRand Pearl &ts., ed right oti unieo Charles St. cost $500 ete iu¯ dow anashlt for the new student counceil could awards, bars were gie9 ote M Mrs. William Watson the Ialaton of officers for il Tuesday, May 21. tonforeman Bruce McKerr has the next day," he told t1wnr top, and says that's the only Awrd ad ar wrealo re bsktbllan bseal wnnr, bride Home and School Asscm were as followers: Past president, fmily of Toomnio visited Well- drainage problern. asked whlat could be done to thorized to get a firm price for sented to students. e the inter-schoo l betal team ion was hield Tuesday evening M rs. Clements; president, Mrs. ne.sday evening with Mr. and nx ek's etnadien The grade nine daosses hadt the litevrr and dramna clb'May 21, in the school audtru.WlimTewh; secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Donald Coulson. while, coun cillorstil check bri preparedl a short skit as enfer- and the glee clubs. Leadershup President. Mrs. Bradford Cle. L-elie Willsber; correspondence Birthday greetings and best t|GNY.DUffERIN ST. GEOE'S whether or not the lune is a tainmeant, but becaue of the bar., went lo students, who have mlenis opened theu meetmng with 's-cre-tarv, Mrs. Fred Grant; tr'ea- wishes Io Frances Robertson, rvtl we ae fln length of the first part of the served on the student counlcil the singing of 0 Canada after surer, George Logan. May 30, Jimmie Hardad Mayy Evn rnhM " own"ed -^'hlo" f shon programn, it was postponednil ii and athletic exlecutives and to wich she exiended a welcmne' Execujtive membexrs are Mrs. 31, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, Geore.o- onmai a onm the following wveek. The studernt those who have performed othler to ai]. The Mmnutes oft the Apil [Har-old Jackson, Mrs. Gordon Hardsand June 4, Kenneth Dar- ong they noted s oinlie cnoni executive is made up of leadership duties such as seri. 23 meeting were read and aidopt. TayNlor., Mr-s. Gordon Harris, Ar- rell Watson, clebrating his s;e- The pmperty owners askedynored a president f rom grade 12, a vice- ing un the produce-food commit- ed[. Mr. Logan gave his trea. chie McKinnon. Staff representa- ond bairthday June 4 and to Jo- yMsayEhdo counacil Tast week to pave the president and a treasurer from' tee or on the awards system. surer's report. The 1963 annual 1lives, Mrs. Gilmore. Principal, seph Edward Langdo, celebrating Tgy Mrs E. M. Davenport On May 16, the Evening Branch property. grade 11 and a secretaiv I rom A special presentation of bar, report was adopted. Miss Meures. his, second birthday, June 5. D)avid Hwden is a patient in held their meetinig at the home grade 0.and jackets was made to our The home and school fees fortI Mrs. Clements thanked the ex. Markt Aniniversry Toronto! Western Hospital and of -Lois Harris with 1l3h mebers Each candidate rumning for a hockey ftam by Mr. Claremont the new termi would be $1.00 pe etvMss Meares and staff Congratulations to Mr. and his many friends wish him. a The president, rthy powel post presented a short speech their coach. The top boy student family which would be sent to oruprtn;hr so wieil dur. Mrs. Dan Smith, celebrating their speedy recovery and return to opened the meetnc n Durcer on their aims and qualifications. Jimi Forbes received the trophyv Toronto for- the Ontario Federa- ing hier two year- termi of office. wedding anniversary June 2 and his homne. Rouge rmadl the Scripture.Doi All the candidates were girls and for 1961-62 and Don Currie for lion fees. The homne and school W ins Pennant to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris Miss Eva Chisholm, Mrs. S. J. Grant gave the "Thought for.h this is the second year thait the 1962-63. Kaye Marsh was award. pro ect for the termi 1962-1963 mis Gascho, Grade 2, won the celebrating their wedding annoi- Brown, Mrs. Roy Currie, Mrs. C. Day." Roli call was a plant forTR -93 boys have shown little interest ed the girl's trophy for both would be a donation to oeh piennant and $2.00 prize for the versary June 4. Service, Mrs. E. French and Mrs. the sale. 171 Mai E . Millin in student counicil activities. vears. Kave was president of the classroom with which to pur- attendance counir. Darwin Peer spent Sunday with J. Hopkin attended the fifth an- June Andrews gave a plendid The voting was helid Monday athletic society this year and chase books and a Canadiani The meeting was closed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd nual rug exhibition in the Unit- talk on "The church p"sition i morning and thec results showed has been outstanding on all our painting for the schoo[. the singing of 0 Canada and re- Peer of Cedar Springs muad. ed church Vineland fiast Thurs- our Day." A donatior bade nxyerseeuie lo be; presi- school and class teas. Bei- Choir Performs freshments were served by the William Wollett is a patient at day. The rug display was fromt was voted to the G.AonrsGwn dent, Susan Brown, vice-presi- her extensive participaitio in The Kilbride junior choir un- mothlers of Mrs. Glimore's class. the Joseph Brant Memorial Hos- the Rittermere collection. Jeffares gave somne of the high- dent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o BraaGaresrrsotKyalomia ing der the supervision of Mrs. Hien- The children ai Kilbride schooil pital, his friends wish him a Spey"ieFr lights of the sermon given by Shrlv ll ad ecetryCoy ars ndcetanl dse vedr Gorter with Mrs. Wilhiam Wil- enjoyedi aniother hot dlog day speedy recoýv.. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Allen for- the Bishop of Hong Kong In Si. Foirde thea tn ertr ymrophid es. ilyd.sre kinson at thle piano, entertamned Wednesday. It was convened by Mrs. Edith Davis of Campbell- merly of Clarkson moved to their George's Church Gn Geloh $e àr . with thiree nutmbers which were Mrs.« William Allison and Mrs. ville and Mrs. Clare Smale at- farm at Speyside recently. cently. It was agreed to have a A enjoyedi by all. Bert Tricker, assisted by Mrs. tended the local union conven- Recent visitors with Mr. and collection of ragi for sal aa John Bradshaw one of Canada's Harold Jackson, Mrs. John Ny- lion in Windsor river the holiday Mrs. Ed. Davenport were Mr. comrmittee was appo rn d a h best known authorities on home rouk.' Mrs. Gordon Taylor and weekend. and Mrs. C. E. Melmer, To- chicken barbecue Io be held o gardenmng gave an mtieretmng Mrs. Walter Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Agnes McLain and ronto and Fred Melmer, Isling- June 29.o and educational talk on "Imi- Sympathy family of Southwood visited Sun- ton, Miss Terry Humby and Mar- An in itation to attend a tulip provement of the Commumitv,ý Syvmpathy oif the commumitv is day with Mr. and Mrs. Robmn lin Davenport of Kitchener. tea was accepted. The hosts fi, ~through Horticultr. erended to relatives of fihe latelJonesteand Mirs. Frank Langdo Mrs. Wm. Henry Nassagaweya was thanked and a pa tsaess s Mrs. Whetan, past presidient of!George W. Harris, who passed at th Joseph Brant Memorial spent(adyls ekwt e ed fe hc ln aews the Burlington council conducted. away in Milton District Hospital Hospital. daughter, Mrs. Finlay McCallum \vas enjoyed over a sa al tes le,'rma m a æmme m a sean aiy and lunch served by the commit- OMAGH Scotch Blok embers attend.-e ncag. AN A L ing the District annual institute i . ~~~meeting in Limehouse church last Mrs. J. German and David ofHAER S YL TS Teachersr Hold Final Meetng Damnner cC=:ed on M:s-cKen- mim-e Teac ers old inalM eet D n Irving, Mrs. Cliffordi Brown, Mrs. j S. Murrav and Mrs. J. Hopkin. At Percy Merry School Tuesday a Ms lifod Brw eeMILTON MILTON Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hudson and By Mrs. Cecil Patterson jfamily ait Drayton, Ont. different as youi might expect. Kathie, Weston, Miss Barbara The Federated teachers of tis 1Final preparations for the Those in the picture include Brown' and Miss Joanne Koma- district heldi theoir closing Meer- J une tea and bake sale have been Mrs. Lorne Dixon, Mrs. Alfred chowicz of Toronto. THURS.-FRI.-SAT. MAY 30-31-JUNE 1 ing for the yecar at Percy W. made for June 51h at Omagh Ford, Mrs. George Marshall, Mrs. AUDI MURPHY Merry School on May 28. About, Presbyterian Church. A good pro- Cecil Paterson, Miss Eva Chis- MME MM MMMIIN WIDE SCREEN TECHNICOLOR -100 guests enjoyed the hot tur-;g gam wvith special speakers from huom, Miss Myrtle Maud, deceas- a SHOP NOW FOR a "POSSE FROM ""V >key banquet served hv the Home Jane Grav's television show of ed, and Miss Ella Harris (mar- M L and School Association. CHCH, Hamilton should make ried name unknown). This cor. a FATHER'S DAY also ABBOTT and COSTELLO YHappy birthday to fittie friends for a pleasant afternooin - ai] respondent would be pleased to M g g un their special days. Pameila are welcome, learn identity of the remaining m Fromt Our Wide AssortmrrentM a"MEET CAPTAIN KIDD" Shaw, 12 years old May 26; Holiday at Barri gitý*à. in the gop a RD n IT Malfiee Saturday 2 p.nut - Above Progitrait Ricky Tallyn, 10 years old, May Mr n r.Wligo i-Ms aherine Ford a July CRSan IT 3;DnyLester, 8 years oldt, on. Mr.RyWlonadfml bride to be was honoured ?n ta ITO LA MON.-TUES.-WED. JN -- May 31; Janice Hilson, 9 years had a holiday at Barrie with tesday wevening at a surprise :t A g y p s l r UN 3 old, May 31; Gordon Perry, 8 triends last weekend. hoewenfidsadfelow .l.Ya years Ald, May 28; Par Rae, 8 Th Ma14clbainhl ttahr ahrda h oeo IN WIDE-SCREEN TECHNICOLOR 3 ~~~years old, May 28; Reed Nielsoni, Perc W.* Merry School on Fri- Ms ao asalMn NATALIE WOOD - ROSALIND RUSSELL - KARL MALDEN t 8yeas ld ay25;Hedi in, dv venngwasa rea scceseautiful gifts were recceived and Sho Color Cartoon - Only One Show Each Evening --staff Ph... 7 years old May 25; Elaine Lister' The auditorium, file to caa tu le wihsexeneifrhel S." a Adult Entertainmient - Doors Open 7:30 - Show at 8 p.m. THE M.D.H.S. STUDENT COUNCIL of 1963-6 a lce y 7yasodMy2;Cifr a iy thomoughly, enjoyed the mo- apms- the student body Monday. Shown in the front making prp vyars old May 29 and to Beth ieand later an even o arations for next year, are left, president Susan Brow,nd huillmt, 4 years old. Mav 22.crw vchdhefeoksi- right, secretary Cory Ford. Treasurer Shirley Ella and vice- isticthocke play. PtueLclGlp presdentBarara uayare hownin he bck.shocked and sorry% Io learn of The springe issue 1963 of the esamamewe e o - r e r , . ethe sudden passing lif Harold Junior Fýarmer and 4-H quarterly 9 ASM Bundy of Milton, Mr. Bundv an h as been received a few weeks emloe ofteHdru was wvell- ago. Tu commemnorate the fif- known. Smecere symrpathy is ex-1tieth anniversary of Junior Far- Resients Atte d Ba uet ended Io his %vife and family in ¡ mer and 4-H work, many special Residentst hte d B nq e eir sad hereaement. : 1tors have been included..l.. H onor M inister of Agri'culture pmdvieon Mo° av o c °ilmmbr: of"" satyars Mrs. Geo. Pelletterlo School on Sunday afternoon, in ek Tuesda evnig ofti1ent ru ht nte Mr. and Mrs. Brock Harris, Mr. honour ocf the principal Mr. un un nrtuesatin ntercoe ae tanAheee and Mrs. Craig Reid. Mr. Albert James Baies who is retiring tis s ayDay about 35 years ago in Halý Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coul- yerad. nd Mrs. Cecil Paitterson t on Couinty. Several local fadiles lettenio were amons.G th ious Several fronth ibs district ai, t ra .udygus h ru a o FRONT END FREflALUGNMENT CHECK WITH OUR NEW ALIGNMENT AND WHEEL BAL-. ANCING MACHINES. CALL NOW AND ARRANGE FOR AN APPOINTMENT SPRING CHANGEOVER TIME SPECIAL THIS WEEK: With Every Luisrication and 0il Change à FREE 0 COOLING SYSTEM Ch0MUFFLR and TAIL PIPE • CRANKCASE 0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM H INTS 0 SPENSION SYSTEM 0 BRAKES ALL PARTS USED ARE ORIGINAL EGUTIPMIENT GUALITY Two Licenced Mechanics Cali 878-2471 for FREE On Duti Estimates and NORTrH END ukie Base:Ie ee, Mihan MERV COLLING and NORM COULTE, Prop. and people honouring the Hon. tended the annuvat Twilight race - ourable Harry W. Hays, minister ing held at Hay's sales arena of agriculture for Canada, at a fast Friday night.' Testimonial Dinner hield ai the Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Oates at. Royal York Hotel in Toronto lended a bowling banquet ai the last Saturday evening. Knights of Columbus Hall in Mr. and Mirs. G. Pelletterio ait- 1Hamilton. last Saturday night. tended the Testimonal programl Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotton and reception in the auditorium and son of Etobicoke spent lasi of Burlington Central High weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. maài.r Jea.da P teinrio and Miss nWVILLE Janle Powell of Maple spent thec weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chair and Lamp New"h" r'N ivaa Congralations to Mr. and For Newlyweds hah dnghtn lat\ck By Mrs. F. Collfing Visitors on Sunday with Mr. Mr. andi Mr,. Thomas Ram- and Mrs. James Marshall were shaw opened their home Friday Mr and Mrs. Cameron Marshall evening when friends of the ndfamily oft Omagh, and Mr. United Churen presented Mr. and :nd Mrs. Tom Souter and sons Mrs. Allant Burbidge with a of Oakville. swivel occasional chair and a tri. Lit[ le Wendyv Wheelband cele." light Lamp. The addres wvas readi brated her third bithday on May by Mrs. Bruce Miller andl ga.mes 29. and Tuev WheelbaniÏ will be and contests wer enioved d ..ri on juIn, 1. ing the evening. Mrs. Brewster of Georgetowvn ed ethe puli et Ih rni and gave a very interesltine ser msca pr.v d b, i, and Wendy, and Sandra Grant and .Tue Winder spent the ps weekend at the Coulson collast lace Lficseand report a linel BUSY? BUSY? Mrs. Annie Peer of Aldershot BEAUTIFY MILTON spnt the -past weekend with Mrs. Thomas Ramsha. v il THE seaso is abi looks Charle hi0 a Land A, of 70. ani in Nels. though. He, ha, maýz Non, and got thi as l (i1 emig, cenit esti 1961 vom With Purcl1 On ,,ea Get i With -CHE a• All e 0 Adj " Foo Alcan 12" SU FDKEG N ing Richmello Salad 16-Sz. 34-lbHI K E rŠ!$i!q 3 FO McLARENS PLAIN OR GARLIC 15.S. lmrs Coho Fany Red &.or.tinF l S.lmo 3. DILL PIKLES 4: Kon Tiki Sliced 28m 10VS "- Tins p¡,, , s.WHOLE MUSHROOMS --3 for $1. Pineuple 3PILLSBURY MIX OR MATC"H XE M OO -SIE IKE Assorted 12.oz. PEARMAN'S SKINLESS COTTAGE LunchMaster 100, WIN R Wax Papier 4 ROLLS Gold Reef 15.oz. L p c Bicko - Serving Jar 49bRelishes 4- PooN -------------s Oetnma - Raisin -Macaroon Delmar Colored HILLTOP COOKIES - -b. bags- 3 for $1 Margarine SF.R CRUSHED Va aP'$ 2.S. tns PINEAPPLE SUICED 2ztis4 for $1 Bie ans- ok . Natures Best 15.oz. fins BONELESS CHICKEN - n3 for $1CholC es7 BEANSd PODomino 2".z. tins BEAN nd PRK CLARW'S 1-ztis6fr$ oa lce8 NATURES BEST PEAS 20.tns 6 for $1DONONTRELMTD Cam popMASM 10oz. tins 12· Dltcls Sat. June 1, m ini3 Variety of Sizes, Styles and Colors SOUTH SIDE PalPu ESn. S.,,hs, N&, 10 mIe ROAD TR 84452 OPpse Miheon Distric Nespirll

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