won -i -t TIHE EABLY EIRDS, aaptarned Ir- Stan Martil. wtie presenied ctith thn Milteon Upholser- Champerehap Tîephr- lest Wnd- cesdar- îtght ai the Militan tctiaetay. The Fatr-y Bittetai- bocaltd teame tîcte tht Holy tecair- leege aed the Milten Raînpayreî Ieaice. Mr. Maîsh. ii.t, c hane iectacaeq the itopîy r- tc Dan M31irk. doctt oi thetrîîphy. Shtmc in the batk att tht at-embete cf the team James MaCietiand, Seitt- Galdea. Kar- Shtelds, Jatte Gtcld anda Reg. Grar-. CAMPEELL VILLE "East Asia" is W.M.S. Study Four Attend Institute Annual By Mes. George Engtto Th.ca tatditg lt Ill aticat Cceîtc Woteate Icclilota di hcaaca PaachctarttiiitCtarh tata Wadttaedat aitarcaai atata Cia - Ruagittaa SaLttata Mis aliatt, Mcfitattatat. Mac, 66iti.tîihli aed Mît. Lial Ctalat Fliaenle .i Lai ta MaP:,l ot- tarvi fica cîth h.aa i aia-taa -tln tu c l lit I tatal msil'r ta ,, Itathia ta.tiat ataa Mi-c Jeana MaPhati iacttatt caclatlatt a Cl a"aa Mac. TIîcmt MaPii îdiatta Friede tf Gaorge ad talt cearI te haar ha mt li lan acaaidet caera hat icaepineaî aI Jeheeces Giaraga, Miltcn, Korean People In Blair Study Tha Bitta taîta atgAtaaaa allai aiita ol oftataa Cita ta -at attr n Mat ta -ata 8:it paît Tae Pactalara Ma,. Dcouglas ta g1i, thpattati ai ta tat lacl" Hîma, At-i , a-t lo iaal ha patti i ilf, at e I- ta:1020. Mas et n raae a h ot ilt tîtati ceio hn ldaai talai cltit en Kara. Mac Wtalltar Hateha a,,nel lata it] Book attl, Kotieata pt-tapit- Si t ttlai t hCtirarci Pr'alilatiiaa Micitta ita aaa-aa lo ah i' oav t ktî praal, Pa. ,eng tat tala l acta ar Pltt' attati ta lae CIitaaa paeuple att Sara ndtaa Ktata. Japana A hrD. teIc l Bale ttlttt i h a at t Ca t il ] t oIl latta ecl tt a doatiohncatatt haîta.Thr aila aiat k t fur titn t att calai alTh, atai tclataa thad t T h' Jtataaina gtt ha, ilattt aittat a hit,, r-ata-ala M Rha Titrîtt ita a - a-at rit, ta lla bat taata a- ROBERT R. HAMILTON OPTOMETBIST Georgetonne - 60 Main N. Por Appt. TE 7-3971 EYE EXAMINBD PESCEIPTIONS FILLBD athai a paaco tee ta-at i tc ,ta. H, aic tn Termace, Waitart Coampancation Hospital. We aîîîch Reteptlen for Hepe Ma titi Mrc, Maîarav MaPiail .ttaa,tlhaaaaaptaaa iaa ta Laa Agrclttea Mitictar Hat ra aiNi Iha Roaa Yorak Flattai atti Torctoi ce Saateadat ciohf. Mat. Wallace. Kieg %%.as 61,t- a-c fIalita Mac îeaaiate oa lita, latatt Mîccitatt, hclit, ci ha Car-talc l'etachalaian Clîca tat Tli.......la, .aftitatac ,,hIi 1 fai ec, a ficarcllat-Il vvilli lî,iemfotel Pracbîlarîtae Mita Calti Simpsoe prascadt anda Mac, Lictal Caaid liit aitaritaofitha dat-tlictai Paricrt athata Cite Nilitad Graa-atlaac gaca tht liteatao aaport. Mica 'Ka(tittaic McPitadactn gaer tha Aia Mac, A. T. Mccaa eeceal aih Praverand tii tacial hatl lîatao titîtr Si Ned Fod, heltr (M C lU VU At a night biabwl anme. thte 31 eedFo d, heterÇAI Ç 111*11111; follonting annoranceeant .cae ~0 bljDo c h P.A. aientm: "'the on Dkme.ne.Cr of licence number 4567, Your H es80Ail Central Mortgae and Hous-osaenyu rl u- Ho c lural NeeOt2e, Halton fan G tht 850matl îhflot ncata da"e n# 1ale Cent ttî t k ar jer tlar meatek Mllaedbv The M iiun« Disi~ Hllîiwn Haltan C cut illi Orecte ly w k.Tequota of 850 is ap- in Carporation business con- nng. your car is laekad and yaar HOME COMPOST acaompost pile should not ha DepartmenltfLands and Percet ceve lect year. fli ltLire- hc date through the Atthictimi olycar ainshme rier tourl'ce high and fivetcaa hic vear. Bah Reid, Halioat Thecleerreae In thehumiler of Harilîtehranrhotfhc Crpr- cîîie.ac loaking for cette %vide, and any lentlh cahiah voir Caattc Caonsertvation Olticer for hirde released is due te the un- tion. This etiti becante effective 1ca catir Weil Atl trsn Centralat le gie reei lad1t%%C. g adeet tetei shipsc Watnr Wattfodtfrth r H m e ais u h a hlortuita,teelattetnleivîaeeaîla ad me-, Esquesing' sBenton ilium,.Mr. Reid aid. ness intheeeeunly basbuco de fd latat ihî the that- e% ntre htll ha- latteal l'e tattpý Mr. Savege et Naçie yavddse e Torontot,Hamilton -turi lWeil tu car- tettte 1t Atie W.d G ep.Tiscnrlzto araply lery akineus tatp Thoi . W t ac iln he pia ltlemt tetîeeelh ir. a ind ardae pheaseCrpae andHutheC ra iheon bs- e do" ilinl r-îl fiefe' flihaleataaag and ecata ta alairnta etha ecirma Of- etiein ,2 hck fornî e e. tklm ratthvarelhae Ill dca Of fIlt icj at h la. e al Diti ?tteyar rmrl ree Hgee f* Centra Motgg andO PUE Oib 1mnieveAhurWa etn asq e i l arirntneclahenartn Copoato uha enriot g ~ o a AletaiN ttilhiond tl i e - htt tIti Mrt. Rle tldtd r etnte ar ee-w e d he inte el pacan e heatenenee w met csoanltaîahaeIo ma tat r . aTettpitfilepl so li îi ha.ýen cpr m eti eg inb pp ltioint heed.ny h a. iarl ar l ffcent Man. ef e seu uiptbnnn I,,a-c auiatptt uena. tl t. Taatpe pl ci r hai rmrite of'a tehe mseherc ffm - 4e ,ahaerp.irtte l it itaaciîel a- ten2le Oetrac fork Ptee atditiet Herie Ha l- bat hoi e tl A ataepcei pie t-hiah te igh iea t atciv ha, n ph e aerdi aee i ii c i et thr efarr . quille___ Ineuit. aerd viras locaitee lecaeia mate ictc rt ai vvl e li c ii. I lala Gfrle pelduh Geha ma il beoebeewy 5,to- M cttt Aoi i ter vaeta i l d e- t eptet so tea hw ran d id- ar. aieirn en; JletdI f hr u igo lcsnsi he Meyie et i ail RAý a ab edntltst hisau c c taoempotsi tion u i cr ailtehtpry. realg in prhbtd IvD.H rryHreMP ý O PT gras, c Lpp n. lente, iv. Th el itepreta pIi e tell b cbei Khigton ere ei Jon C. pmate as a_ oup shbetn catorato * t he scatit ohr l or ets ra. r tertil ihe cctaiS cea r. e o r taric Teoarhk , ee re H rlt t gicu , menp andl Stop tA Coipoh ilt e r thitI icchghm. xdt i ie hsclcn Curtira met. t te iee i.Lsatpan a * r " Mn aathaaîcatiieedthts b neeccrcHîre nual fur:1 »SOVA cal~m'o vllee teenere M. cegadBo riisSe etatraelyeso o]ad The Meomeos t t the b iretd ON1 ,1. PorE fet-des tIne s teet MIinW r ateptet- gadaerhice ata I oiMa uertin a Gr eePini e. i ui ot ARCe l r yrrlvc.l Tactttcec e satdn te1 rc E.l mreeaif 441 isn L tsd aictetic ane JohnITJ ~ C------------- eta oiftagavcla pettc. b aintiltee coch a h hc T oronto T wnsh ip, ceatr- MI couponeîi Ilo e lo fr. . .tcod crme frmWieedy nai nc ra surtc r llee Btr e tefeutideb uW b cai baac ata ated i mattîr tar e yE.t. ac B B a hr tareu G ce ati- e t en .eltî esitethas- e t p rl ci an tat a nueB o n e e k R d t al et Fr ia te e t e o - ...A Dr I O Iina Umeem a~NmeaiOF f Ri aa ar iae cta Itark shaThrvieceh oaenke Proal of** Md** .. loand. e incio aaa trre c h aa t aeli Sarir n itce 202ore Mand Sot. Msîn aE 0.4, shtf ieB ptA A. e ih* Mev meetin ety mehin Mite isit 23. trige th g h pt nt s.ac i mtc a fila t he Som NIO.R. C IT oviZEShi-'fod ltrdt i ci 5 h c t te theaton Ncrt HatontC MP E L' shiIrto ne ip ef thireo ta - 'M ..E ec.M s .BrM s eso ai[o r o t UNEcton 2nd ELA BihS OF96AD31 tiih thae dttlac cio lita 'iven Or-um OAKiLI Air REQ ST- N IkrrI I. TSu m erI WATuDno "'CANAAAS Ridesn-Eaa aaill Pagkesec Ceea ANl RESPECTh 2i0a2 Main Nt MiCOGtTon 0F847 U LNK OS fC , [s Davria to Ccetiea hal , Milon acr ta tha ande aiou 5h0 S aiO C tienSe- Lattadaît ~ ~ ~ ~ o Oîharcav atataie h22.NDRO, AIS Th a etn of ilthe la I wr BUS asorimn Mfapar md Rtan PracitaClu Gatag Chciai thcaito oecj.a . P o l m to 7i a3 > cr.ii s e~d h a a to i.E ailare B 3AT 0 MaLTin TSi. tEI C aIT e IC T T T.ha$5 b saet Io the Northepld WEE JCIDRESSI I tata invitation front Mthawkh Ritteav tue cat attn aetiaag.o raingtand Io haveathePreidact ai the cluh preentoatrphy te tha Jteker- e-ieing theac nttea in hanter ot t he Rintltac. Thac andthfir hucheodeîe-itiaa aenal dctaing the tai raceca-eet te hapiethar. THE PUPILS of the Joan Waters Scliool of Dancing ARE PUTTING ON A DANCE RECITAL WILLIAMS AVENUE SCHOOL MILTON, ONTARIO FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1963 - Yeu Ail Are Cnrdialîy Intited tE Attend - ADMISSION ON SALE AT DOOE ADULTS $1.00 AT8OCOKCHILDREN 50c THE BEST ATHLITES a the Miltn District High Schtei far the paît tmt -nets, Were awardeal rrtphes ai ae aseenbiy le the p-ta Frraer attîrotat. Ltait, Jate Forbns, mac aaeed the bnci aale athlt for 1961-62. Kar-e Marsh. rentre, tees cted the best lemain ailalete lot 1961-62 and 62-63, aed Doe Ccîîie atast ilth eahtcl'e best maie athinîn for 62-63. BOX STORAGE AT KNIGHT'S CLEANERS GATHER UP ALL TI4E WINTERf CLOTHING I (CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS, LADIES' WINTEE SKIERTS, MENS WINTEB WEAR, ETC.) KNIGHTS WILL STORE IT FOR YOLU FOR THE SEASON FOR ONLY 3.9.5 PLUS CLEANING CHARGES TOUE GABMENTS ARE INSUED UP TO $200. CALL TODAYI TR 8-9941 *~lIuu SCLIANERS ililmm IT'SAUN TIME IN ONTARI O A laeronePel unde On eenrychouseie a fueo . glafie n d n in biceboondin OntaiTere'e mte oadCi . hiso tenny eaint moueoni and antiqe chope hteetea watI gnd boas eatd explren ota fots are mnmet fint repittoit impertaent ei te the maiieg ai Cotanter teotiiefl Cillait. FREE! BOLte etA Pen rEC. ...L..O..R ONTAeIO TeantL ilalît 27 l I PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. TORONTO 2, ONTARIO- N ME ONITARIO DEPARTMENT 0F TRA'EL AND PUBUCITY Childimnle Whte Lady Bird T SHIRTS Sies 4 te 14 Eegular $1.25 8 NOW ....... .. 8 CNILDEEN'S POP TOPS Sizes 4-6x Eeg. 98c and 79ce 9 NOW .... c Caes 8 t 18. Ideal fer ron- SAVINOS AT1 tO$1 LADIES' ALL WEATHER COATS EEDUCED 20% LADIES' BUNGALINE DUSTER COATS Bp Besi Ouerntear Neep and ffO F Black 20/o0 LADIES' BLOUSES White anal Cotereal. Sies 10-20 FPROM - $2.49 TODDLEES' SUN SUITS Reguler $1.98 so NOte ---.... $10 GIRLS' SHORT SETS Sates 2-6x Reg. $1.75 NOW _ $1.19 GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES Sies 3 to 6x - Stock tpea ii he lo t prte Enedelrly $2.98 - $598 $ 8 NYLON HOSE Seantîren By Whaspeî Regeler $1.50 Ladies, Delly Prleted WASN 'N WEAR COTTON DUSTERS 65 Faeiacr- Regelar $3.98$19 LADIES' NYLON SLIPS Pink andl bie Ptty laeI Sttes 32, 34, 36, 38. $1.99 GAILY COLORBD TERRY SUITS Begelen $1 98 NO W _......$1.OW GIELS' COLOED SLIM SETS Sizes 2-4 Eeg. $2.98 8 NOW W 19 GIRLS' COT-TON Plisse Pyjamas E$1.98 $1.25 À /5 MEN'S LIONT WEIGNT MEN'S LINEN SUMMER WOOL PANTS HOBBY PANTS Begeîentp $10.95 Reeulalp $7.95 GOINO OUT AT ........ $1.9 NOW ----- ---- 59 BIG SELECTION 0F MBN'S SOCKS - EEG. $1.50 NOW $1.25 SHOP NOW AND SAVE AT AR" ST. MILTON TI 8.6021 DUE 1 tehen *du< Millce Grade t Tht, set tent h and ietî Aft1er arried tact Tht stayed] t heing ei oftas ci. teidnigh Oe Pt ahane Soi hue Hev Bem F 300 AMeIN ST.