* the Canadian Champion. Thursday, May, 30th - 1 Choose E. -W.Fo trPtdN By ue ~" ~'<' ~"~ ~ MjI, So~" s 10 YarsOIdOpen 14 At Ihailtea Merl, Day Parad Miltn..Biblesl e r l Eryii um Rac ver ttiisanit t Tatispotat(incoqmiter vcn ,La-i cscek .Milon çoclery National Bihl Socie'iles, wl4Wb people, wha il be m-ailng the long and coals $100. The blind half or the 280-mile C4adoic i heoa H aio Tm iaarluliii Cad Dr l c i 1î lias bren Ianctlaaing for Li coaperate in tbe Bible àtaeiey,. Boak. con parrbse a cmplele Bible prilieri toit be apen Diigas glbr i iv, tuio ýigt.Tockigwisa cr a abl ebld lis annual meting, saorld-saide lais, In Canada flice Canadian Bible foam the Bible Saciety for S9.75 ing Poblie, the Olar ta ~ ~ , ga actladpbi i d by " el.Te Four and eleclanmafeeomed Liat aniaaUdIh aeiir single volume bar 25c. lis 10 i u alash hut ta Mary, the Blea-cal Mufliter Apoalea" bcbiod the beords and ih oming year's work. The Bible Society has under- Suair 70lîtriutgesec arin caseu where. avant his price la ccl. Dr ^a inTbe Milton Brancb of tbe Cota- lakea eigbt reîponîiilllieî: usor 70lnugo aber ubgh, il las provided far les. Sections in theN tof God. Marias an 93bdi coloriai raslume sacre An ý cluding neyerai Inalian andl or free ai charge. The Bible Soc- intulo, Cairdon Hilla as iiis ibeme 'Tise Ecomcoicsi rbum; Barr, Briao Giide diao Bible Society cbote E. W. Translation: The Bible it ofn Eskimo dialecis. Spirit" ssiicb saIs depaitd i oii ario Palaîi aîndi . Fster presideni, M. Bllot src- ose ta people uniras il as n a e rodai f c Ibe lo erptre , ingwoi salaetai-wb one of tlise ighl luts- -Tii, Ca--iael.pb rrhary, C. B. Beatv Ireasorer. and langoage îhev canondesatd. Providieg tbe Scepiurelat a ietyoidet ai mhe helusa 00, nsaof are (ail-hW Concii.oail cli cegv and ministers of Mil. The Bible Sco.ciety la renpontihib rcpule cnafr:Tbc îhaue who cannol read Braille by Janre and the en Bcenacl Cosst Re errid-J lit a rwis tan as. bonororyvsice-presidenta; lorihevupet-visionofithetansuits Bible is a large Book andl ex- co hear the Beriptares by play- islIo bcompeted ha Ryn Bialise of H amilt on, l îic Noie a Dame Acudema girls OtDher membre. of the eseel. lias of tbe Seripiares. Thece atre pensive la pobllsh. Most people ing a record, irait crosses Halls guseispea ker, i.ilkeii os "Cbrim*-. irol Miltaon and district marais ccce are Mca. G. E. Ellitt Miss oser 3000 langoages ad diablct ini tisa saacd catnai affurd su Nw Cnda iieç A iti ulntnt attitude toscards Mars,' e d ta the parada la tbe Btadiom E. Cbisbaim, Dr. C. W. Hilte. Or. spahen andl tbe Beriptitres hase pay tbe lt con. of a Bible, ta m Caznadian Cortsnban pAssi Bai lingia th Miltonaaeasiirepre.setiil on aad oe ai lisem, Coossie Harkie. C. K. Stevenson. T. J. Me- naobeen circoialedinnearip1,ti ile Soitmutslilrtadas the Bible Society pecents a Niagara, Escarpmen Mariait Day. Tbeae walche d ibal aisrd on tbe crasaning ai' ibe Daeaîsgb and D. Hayward. 2001 langages. ofatnoflsri.TeîingBible la ltote. who heaume nesa Rasîleanaie Point the selerasi <on CI-CI-ITV Chat Virgio Marys asiatte. Plans saore made for holding Publiabinga Tise Bible Society price la delertnined hy tbe Cunadian citieos. Tbese nesa Conservation Area Is net Il brîsaren 2.30 and 4p. .1 Thanis ta ail saio asoried le a Bible Sanday early in tise fali, poistishos only on0 Book - tise ecanamnie conditions of lise Canadians. wbo came tcamn dif- There la a passibiti Suoday saa bave sotited flou[ souke acîr flous a success, and tahigmr rmnonce ta the Haty Bible. This Book in peint- 'esl tacen mbomtie are Rook be 3"ThseFPour Goels This.llauti a specialt hanks tram tise Hala' sorisat* therorganizatien. edsabcrever it conb oieteatis- prasidod and nul by the aolual tisait tho Canadian ssay of lire oa hutl ho lii Rasars NuieSociety ta oarfriensaof 100tYears Old factoiy and a the leaalsepetre rosi Of tise Book. Tho tons on wsafounded on Christian prin- Parisb Heiy Naîs Si.ec Mi t h faillish, sais ascivted tts and Pari of a aoarid-saide organi- Nol onty mai lise Seciptace iý tho salo of Bciplacea by the cipies and fisal tise Bible in the SU ton ondes the cea.îtuaspita errefîectedI the trc spirit of eotiaa that s la alcisg la bolier peinled in tise bundroda of Iant- Bil oieaoss eccna Boois, wbicb 10 the faundation aor af Prealdeat Bah CIii ke nora Ro- Chisianu Utits. said Firahalett the calice toorid, tbet Milton goagos le sobicis lho are caq[uhe frr milîlions of dolrbu anur tam, ou lattice, ur balif S R glaaIDiretr Csaîhi Tteaa- CIiee.Brancis baa been qui ly but cd, bat connidecaion moat bc hy foltowing lise policp nf sell. in the importance ai tho isai- glanaiDireitur Cht ie homa Carke.buiiy fanciing inceO 100ca gison ta cimatic conditionsaand inghbelosecusl arethemajoitv viual and of our mrai. to.a.-~ W ~ afa. tise babils and customs of the Of People l i ewcd bol TtcBblg aioabs enu have oven a Gospel in their Own Tise acmed forcent Tise Bible DONTY COOK _T, BileSocetyha, be. 1 ange.Socety liscag tise Chapictins Sld s f Ra e Fl w u sai n Canada foc ove, 150' nteAm, yadArFre S i e of R r l w r erermany Cadinpol Distributimn: Ta havo adosqnele prsct the Am o f thd CAioce asd evc pooplmmbrsae 8 ~k & W Nb' àfa iliA sapplies ut Scriplucou ta wc eoosArmorces, te Cesaa Shown ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L.aaa lisclu o i* s u quitdwt i ok Teà ,àtd à à te Churcis, msuaonacies, Bible rmis and Borces, Ne Teaia Bible Hortculura ist amasab ted itbrs arcTa-(h c Society colporteurs anal distribu. Scitrsae o urce0l T ise P I "FIwcr trouh te casn% îardhccl paihin.to silt baile ceal oo in namo 100 counties Elgis mombecs joinod Kox tian secrelarli cao base coady siaon and aurcot mafme wasth tem ofJon iichs i husi ras, ragemiw eaicsrcves ailteonRomanuPlO syterian Cuc,Mltn, n cste il oit mtand m.d ma lusratd aJkIoili- Hrtcul hill ,a.aiss aypsoiuuchid, Calbahic Cisarcbrc anal mis- Bunday. Tisoy saro Mr. anal Moi. mainloin hitodreda of Scciplute ani factor in onabîing tbrm te tuae Socicia tait hIc 21. I-lia cl. Measisees sera greial ta sianaries, by providing ibent wiIb Fruid Wood, and Misses Betty Dopais anal Bible Hautes te ha gond scaldiors; of Jesua Chisai, beiOtl, ciiilc st %,hsci[- Mi. Incb las elighiesiag them tha Sceilsiarea ln the laagtaagot Lau Bundy, Baiip Dicis, Relis- muny landa. os toril as service personnel of kowasous oua Il .asri ace i -d cu fle heait l iciacus andi quantities sbey require. Anne Hume, Barbara Mackay, Sciplares for the blind: At whiom lise Canadiae natianca olDicletola iiiociaiaucc uuhsi.eaesiGotsa. Tise Bible Sacieiy maseons Gaolf Thomas aod Paisy Twias. roait partsof lise Bible bas bort be juatiy poud. Sincelthebec" bis akihi t as a litccaplyici wohala Forsthia Te hega sn Great Brituin soit lise Me. and Mca. Fed Wnod allia ce- pubiisiscd in Braille foc Blind eing Ot Wacid War 1 i ave 1,415'U bis iea s ciieis - Asliche abawig aforolthio aads f eBtsi as csdieSaanelo Bap- la arier 30 langtaagoî. A single 000 Nom Tostaments, BiblesanlTKc quainticiaîudlinceaiiliaiscsaosbsvhch hiachbers pianeal ta the Fareigs Bible Socice la 1804 lisma. Braille Bible consista Of 39 Old Testamentshave ben pe habitat aiad iiaac Thlc- hIcaapei of a cous peecif of Mc. anal siae tisai lime hu apeead Fatiascing the service, a folIow- ,.fumes, fis a sisoif coron fret amIral la Canaiain sersi e tors beaaîifu olo a ndiuc usohtaes - Fici a jaccaci. siseaugisoa tise a id. Tise sCana- ship luociseon tuas ejoyed in SPECI viei shoeîan fictlseap sliles The aoaicty hact roumy plant.' alan Bible Society, Aaailiar ai lise cissrcb basementa its lise dutaa., mnns-olanal somro. Mr. Fiac shcda ijesia u -c h aAahlia besboxes i the British rald Forign Bible33 etomcmbera,twoiaveolaent .o .A servi ce agec y of the sac ri common tais 050p\v îhsonseiisîezinnia, pereeall Sociris- saih 19 Districts anal receed hala tise cisaci du ring NwP atrs ip Cisarches: The Bible s lise basic - poriv,tohichairos- alad L Fsi:,an ulias for saIe. sorte 3500BnescinCanada tihe pasttcrchoaorer!as spO ial TenRooo he Chistian Faith Ilesaînes cil tise aseiblo ila c hîbird uorgeas id tise 21get.AIeM g#Ut iNfSheW anal ail Charches loaok ta tise alue aI-ov ocre as toliows: B3cîsa ible as the basic standard fac scin tabla arraungement. Mca A novice pointer fromn Miltas tiseir leacising anal practico. Faer MacMlan ie arrangeaceament. -ceiedaabhoorablametion ai 0prcentof-thepeplah flia MV.Adam;a -aaaementsia u Ir the e a t s o ac oin. A rt dteBbeSceyih huIngllcs. Mes. Deche; pasri JS SUNDAYof theachatian la Ga a nly source oftScipturcs. Tise -is MHs. Aclut; Asseciatipn in Golf. Clsarcee andl miasianarie.. dr- osse. Mes. Adam;gc fielliI Jaoe Heer, Base Lino Milton, pend Orion the Bible Society ta ihr e(lgespeec l a. began painting as Chistsmas. Her supervise tise traaslation of tisa Tchiais,il bche- et pae o an ak. k W ~ ~ p~ 1 bscact - on a ienl the "dcip" Sceiplacea, ta pabih tbem îal dD iceciir.____ II ILI ~ i~iutîchniqe-s entered inlthe ta pruside tism ala fraction ______________nda rea shbow aI Barlihglon rceatic ai liseir cons. The Bible SacietyaI T IIe8' i a and ain tise rigbl sa ga on la asdcrgirdv rsery rasential adti- iO uiig >AigJiD<6 sI-c final competithan sn Gais. It v oh tise Chisitian Charcs anal K~Ijj NOX FRRSEYTERIAN CHUECN MILTON GOSPEL HAL. toua one-baif point assay f ra ha as issegeai pari aI its.segains A ro aCiele '-N1IUay Minteter: haief shird prie sionr in tish 1rm tie aaemsinr Miion Hsda lcteh Ra JK MGaseBA 306 Dnro Sa . N. TE 1.2022 80 phr anard aofmir fac tisee roserpee.P The MltonHvdr Elecrie ev. . K. . McownB.A. Chyt fans ga iserel in the namo 8 eaîep eae mbe o h nepi Comisio mtaorasaseliireslc Mes E. Wright, AT.CM af theLardloeuu Christ oreii The Bible Saehetyas absject la ameetingsa.sWedeiasda p or= andaaChoir Maser Ma i820) Mesy paiotinfa from theaia sho apcro ibheWardaof God fars proedllt u scîi aceaci bcmaîîosb n ta dialpayrcil'orsae athie erry man in iatuelanguag. tcaitite 335,544.78. j bo dasca loI un karel befaro LORD'S DAY, JUNE 2ed 1963 Brumpton Flasccr Shaow on Jahy scilsoat nase or comment, as a Tecmisoesagcerd ala 1Ibe Lord aur Maker. 103 am-areaing ofBroad Iscerkrnd. peice t bc conaffecd. j snirpecttvsta Widssse 1215 p.on Snday Schaul. - cu1metn f tise A.M.E.U. Commun ion repuruhocy Wealneiday, 8 p.m, - Prayer anal Md isers dhsccoo.ea tise oso oh Servira, "Lct Us Seareis .- Bible reaallog. HEALTH NURSE5 appliaace- in tlise Milton achauhi Gîte Ways." Yaa are iseartily molcotti ta essd dcaatidý lu ) a> acal.inageoli SUNDAY. JI.NE 2ad, lI-3 lise servioes. Miss Fiascos Johnason, R.N.. h tis aurio Haihea f.Ma-nafue 945 azm-Seor Cbac Schonl. Jeaav said. Ho thal beucetis Myj pradoaleal May 23 fOm lise ors' aller t0pa applascr 12 1, m.-Moreisg Wcabip. toradaalieehaonHimlbtat Public Healh Nurasn course onsaveucis hacha. Prevsiv lise, "Tisa Forghsenrscaof Sias." seat Me, bath eehaslieg lire. tlUniercsityofWeastensOn- chiools macle use oh flic api Sacrameaiot heisLordoîca'p- and ashailisa camne insu coin- tarioa,London.A gracuaieef îlaaataabut telghe tic pcer. demnatiaa. but ispasealtfronm Milon iIgis buhool, ase elso huad nii bren apri ied. 11.00 a.m.-Nacsecy. dalh ai noto ice. John 5, 24.1N oi grdulol Om Hamitona Renoacciis ta lise Milton 11.00 a.m. Jaaiae Charcb Scliseo. _______________ Genecai Haspisa1 Scis1oa f H iet! inhereuvrtdt e rhr Ge e i iga aoop pMusem Mars- BOSTON AND OMAON Narsing. Sis aslie daugiseraatpc e tis are hsoer 0.L celv O d i nac ctaMos.Ms PRESBYTERIAN CHUECHES of Mr.eand Mra.W.Fred John- faiatoc G dui cdbs a, at.enocn. Jane 3. LaiIes, ,tier:ee Res. B. A. Novno, B.A. Iathhcibeonsak iaithe c tioessembleiraisthe Suatcy -TI e Be T T m T aý f 382 Peail Si., Milton. soccUiaca quaurero on Jane 24. Sabool Hall ai 3 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1963 Tise Maphe Lear Gcaap mneiet ing ..-mfI ut Mca. John Moai 361 Waiod- SescenlNesgCi. uniea Ae., an Tiusal, tiior il.15 a.m.--OmaghI Sunaay PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 6- ac 2.30 pon.. 1015auoatntSade AND TR VELES' GUDE GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH11 l.30 am.-Ro io an: Wocship r Miltone, Ontario Service. Nursery anal Kinder- a cor o tit Ciergyc foren Classes. DENTAL ACCOUNTING Rrctae, Ses. D. A. Paoell -UY- Assahate, Rer. Caaan F. H. EMMANUEL EAPTIST CNURCH DR. G. A. KING EARL G. BLACK Maaia, M.A., L.Tb., B.D. Comnmercial Street, Milton i eL WP Ie cPQ a iI Destcl Sargeon B. Comm., R.IA., C.A. Mininter: Pustu Clapton Cales Ofie nRya uldnMitn Chacteea Accounrant SUJPDAY, 255E 2nal, 1963 Teopbaae Na. TRiangle 8-173 Hoaa -3163 Main Street 8.00 a.m.-HoIy Communion. SUNDAY, JUNE 2eal, 1963 K-Ray Servce Tel. TE 8-9762 Bas 460 Milton, Oel, Caeporuse Communian anal 9.45 a.m,-Sonday Scisual foc ail TRiangle 8-6542 breakfast foc man. .,ges. DR. H. F. GALLGWAY 9.45 acas-Sasalay Scisaul and 1lS a.m.-Mocaing Woeship DetlSrenLGLBible Chusses. 7.00 p.m.--Gospel Sersice. Denul areosLEGJ. 11.00 a.m.-Haiy Camasian. 8.30 p.m.-Fucoolde Heue apan- 155 Main St. on atreet floor 7.00 p.m.-Eveeing Prayer. soreal ha Cheintian Laymoncs Heara 9îIo6 p.m. KENNETH Y. DICK Junior Fccmecs ta attenal Cammittee. X-a Sric ariteSoiitr NtryPblc service. Moiadap, 6.30 p.m.-Pianeoc Girls. X Ra Sea-ie 8criare.Salciir, Nsar PulicTaoadap, 7 p.m. - Christian Soc- Tel. Officer T 8-9201 196 Main Street ST. PAULS UNITED CHURC8I sice Brigade - Stockado _______________ Trlephone TE 8-4491 Main anal James gieol -Monl DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT Wiitaitecc B-rc. Lno DOOban Woalttodap, I g.m-Rible Stady B.A., B.D.. C.D. anal Prayer Meetiog. Denliot HUTCHIPASON & THOMPSON Prcdap, 8.30 p.m.-Yonng Peaplots 17 Mcrtin Si Berehatecsaonal Solicitors SUNDAY. 355E Jnd, 1963 Christian Fellamskip. i 419 T. A. Hatchinsan Icelireal) 11.00 a.m.-Moeeing Wocshlls. George St. Pisone 878-2491 FDai hmsn Gssst preacbn, Rev. Harold Fac ppoainaai 19 F Daial hamnan M. Baiirs,. A., B.D. Sermon For Apoinaien 219Main St., Miltos 878-2841 subioet, 'Chaci Extesos, CHURCU 0F CHRIST. OMAON ________________ A Grosoing Edua." No. 5 Ohdocoad anal 4t. Lino OPTOMETRISTS S DA COLTraitalgar ý SHASPE anal NICHOLS 9.30 a.m.-Bops anal gicla, 9 SLhNDAY, JUNE 2nd. 1963 ABRTHUR A. JOHNSON W. S. SHARPE years of age anal aider. 10.15 am.-Bible Srbual. Chattes 184 Mais St., Milton A. J. NICHOLS 11.00 a.m.-Naraery Dopacimoat fac ail ages. ILloyd Duels Jrocaihrryl Buei-ter, Solicitors anal far ait childen UP t0 anal le- 11.00 a.m.-Marning Wacsbip. Phone TE 8-9972 Res. TE 8-9678 Notariea Public clading 3 poes at. age. Baby &00n p.m.-Pearhîng af theo Gai--. Tuosday anal Friday morniegs 207 Mary St., Miltan Nroywt eitrea pet. TelphneTR8-30n9 Nurse la attendanne. Tbucodoy, t.30 g.m.-Bible Stody. aEvoninga bp appohasmeat TesaeT -39 11.00 a.m.-Boys anal giels, 4 t0 Rap L. Millor, Evangohial 8 -peacsoaf age inclusiaf,-wiii 878-2060 CHIROPRACTORS attenal Choci wils lhisel Yau Art AimayaWalcome -~~~~ PUBLIC LIBARY HOURS parents aacL prarneal tu the ____________ Dactor of Chairopracie Kindergarten anal Primna" HIGI-IWAY GOSPEL CHURCN P.KET D. Mandayp.........12 isoon - 5 pm Depactiments ut 11.18 e.m. A1a amila ATaosday ......... .30 -5, 78 Ai Pecaae Wocon ALMLEO 237 Rings Caart Ceescent Wealnesda . .. ..........Closoal PBSOpaeoS. M. UO CANADA Corner Muctia St. TI-aseay . b130 5, 7-9 po. S,. Go,,ge Chuech, OlrwvlIIe PUle4504Oto.eSIdihen Monday. Wrdocoday, Tbacsday eiu i30579p. . r Ja e' Chuh,Naagoet- tuda p.m. Frda ( m stsly 3.2 The Anglican ChttoehofCanaa) ad a ________________ ev. R. P. E.JeOlutes SUNDAY, JUNE led. 196:3 Sat iiii* Il m lta,3pm SalnInae Oenta 9.45 a.m-Sandap Scisol, Phoneda il 8 pm31PRAVI-LIORS' GUIDE Toloobose. No. iJsaîn 4-257 CIasatu foc ail, * fiptfa lycrIO Phene ~~~SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1963 11.00 a.m.-Morning Woeship. The h'fls fml a o FUNRAI D ECTRS CANADIAN PACIP0C RAILWAY Wiitsuoday - 7.00 p.n-EangolIsîda Servie. as-w taifstgtesr n n440CC otltO . Cher6>iaanlocal iting forchannaebed PIJERL IRCPRS Standardl Tino Te Day of Ponîmacst Taesdap, 8 pim. - Bible Slady Golaeg East-8.39 a.m., eeopt St joon Chrh N- "- anal Prayar Meeting. SIJR ItSonlat Citamlit thalif. McKERSIE FI2NERAL HOME Bsondepo flag; LWS P-m-, Oiag; 9.45 a.m.-orcing "rayon andl Piday I p on Yaaosg People's Sbncere Ceucteous Service 9.17 porn., flag. Sermn n ShoSiOS. service. TE SM442 6.50 p.n. flag dally. ibi.s a.m,-HoiT Communion anal Voun Home mi BE-eSy- - - - -- S 4?R - R I y*-A r i i 0 FIN E0 NOW - TRY A MOIJTH.WATERING 4AKED FR1314 TO YOUE ZAORDIR. ... IN4 ONLY 4 MINUTES ZATaka A Pizza Hemel 's lUT R REG. 75c FISH end CHIPS RCAREFULLY PREPAREO-COME AND TAKE OUT THIS SPECIAL Friday, May 31 NYTIME PROM 12 P.M. TO 10 P.M. ONE TE 8-2401 FOR FASTIE SERVICE Ar Restaurant MILTON PLAZA TE 8.2401 -Wateh for Neat W.ek's Speclal1 1! Busy Says Heigii I iicliitout saisilici 1.1-a ie pasnccc; Vaic a Ce as lioams. M. -ai cld 'I 'I fini& ~ITED MILTON 0 Miles of New Trait r, as lecact oseenigisl bostel fur bikee all Brce Trait ha erceoal vomosaisoe in10 jiei ta the bih. Milton aires. -la Fedecai- ThseBruce Tcaii isoPex dt s annuns- hcoane af tise mac sert ba nauara scaila le North Amarrca hogiscu Pan- foc race plant hile anal gobgcal s 140 miles - lire nia ires ON SCIIEDULEh 1967. Tise Ast arcace appeared honlise Cana- an Courtir)tiantCampusutisiythe CNR Georeitown, ha-pass paca hast e.Th ehbatil sentenclcce saeinu. lbe cedl anal tise fcr Pacva costrucio coi anal Kelca îbui 2950.000 yards bc ii ue RESTAURANT vest