18 Th Canadien Champion, Thus-oay, TMay 23rd, 1963 THE NEW CLUB HORSE, davs-y s-cas- ncd lavants as-o weI s-ad ns- s rctis- oa-n ai s-s-falga- Golf as-d Cos--s--s--s Cslib, bacali Lino Onliaille, andcsasiaas-nbe rndy for peaitao tohe mem- batsia- s-ha s--sas s-vso-s-vtago s-lis-nof ai fotac-phanse dnsnlapmes- pragr-am us- the ciaO is lissg s-tas-s-d as- s-he sas- ocf s-l is- -giacuisb basan MEN AND MACHINERS' have s-ss-s-d vs-c tcwt la wa-k ari abat Cavadica Natioal Ralaaays' s-er by-paass-aoutaudthe es-s-nutd atsicaaesaof Miltona, ccd las-n ons-abavîtera and hall' daorsar sldais- moas-tg lisa'sdedslactaos arh ia prean-t-c fats the vonstrauction aftihe highbs---caks-ts-- TnIatvba, hyde, and as-trewsareaiasr-rrnacatatgIto amalie ay las- thn tctlWay live. Alias-, machiates ta u-pt ho grasaus- ai hn pavposod nates-pass ut Higli' way 25. jIhih Leioon Notese t a ,, , ,, , s-s- tain s-as- s-ta ,,iiinias- tas -t Rs--a s-s-t eIs-tt Ille lltt tl -Ilts t, ts-ass- tt .ttit-s'aa ts-s-es s-s-s s-ls-ta' tas-att aLe-t loai ' s--sass--ss- ons ass--sas ss-t tas-s Goldens-s ts-s- as-I s- pj' s-s as-a1 tatar la ae s-tas- 'sa-stta- Ms--ts- s-s-as-s-as-va s-a as-s-a (taasia a-a-a-asta-s-it s- s-as- ai--ts las-s- s -s---sss-- s--aastitti st'stt M iro tt '-lta-j --s--ssssss"ss's -sss- s'ssss-----sss s--.ss--sas-s-- t'a s-as- 1asisjt ait as-lt tas-s-s- ] Il. s-a s-a-a-r --- sss---- ssa--- s--- s- ---as -sls-t'tslIJs'aili sa--a-vsts- a-sasa l s ss' tststsst-sst ta- -a-- 'ss- s I r -s-ts I----s l ,a - as.-sa-ttt la -stss'l' t is' tlt end ta-tts st s-I s-s- s-sslIlil s s-l s--ss- as-s iss--ss as-a l-ss-a-s ass--a-s s-as-s-a' s-a-l- ls 'ltcio tla ta-s-a-a- tIl s-'is-sss taa-stas-s-i t-s ta- sss---ss ists is. "staae ih o .aa-at-ss s-s-as-' d , s-ss--s s-s- as-s - S-s-ss-s-s s-s-at f la- as l s-s-t tas- Iudi s--ss-tsta- ___________________________ bS-tas-s- s-s-s-as-I al as-a s-a-I t I A V L ala I,sa--sa-s ssassasa-s-D IEI TH A R s-'a-'a- talas 'sa s s-s.t sssa t 1sa 0a ssssstlsa- LO O K a--t.,ia-s--sa a t sl, i t a- . t s. s--assi a Da- t as-'s- .a s-'t - CoLL Faor INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING atsd MAINTENANCE SERVICE TR 8-2206 9tb Lite Betmeen 0.E.40. and Higbmay 5 Tonite OnIy -- May 23 REVOLT 0F THE SLAVES Cinas--c-s-s at c-sd Cas-as-s ibONDA FLiMs-NG cand LANG JEFFRIES GERONIMO Caat-aaas-ce and Cas-cas CHUCK CONNORS acd KAMALE DEVI SHOWTIME- DUSK MAY 24, 25, 26 SERGEANTS 3 Ciacascpccand Cls- t ANK 5INATRA ' DEAN MART-N, SAMMY DAV-S Pis-if LAWFsORO JACK THE GIANT KILLER Cacsascs-peancd Casoas- KIRWIN MAIHEWS AND JUOI MERs-DisH MAY' 27, 28, 29, 30 ROAD TO HONG KONG Os-NO CROSBY, BOf HOPE, JOAN COLLINS DOROTHs- LAMOUR HERO'S ISLAND âtisa-t~sa-a-- a-d (datas- J Nis-sss MASON casd KAs-i MANX 'New Dembcrats Ai-ppro>ve Motorists Gratful $25C I P rinTrann To Local Car Clubs of StP.ls UnlrtChscre Convention ResoIUtiOflS h..1mtrseaa. O e UidCuc i Tbnflmtrll gi u port a profit of M2 frot tIsela Milton As-sa New DemucraticI Se vorat restitutions mo re pa-oosed their grateftalness for rocent chocolate sale. The mon- THIS. Party bold thcis- anaul member-inracardod by the local groupl holp received 's-om Milton Car oy wil bu uted lu fos-ther gil$, abip meooting ai the Union Hall lfo' conideration at the Fodieral Club momtboris, b, lette-s tu the acork in Milton and for Unilted an Tudcy, May 14. conaventin which, wili ha hold Milton Polico Force. Mtilton Po. Chus-ch missions. WEEK-END M as-yKrilc.paiot nAga 5a cic s lv s-ocaolly rec-ivod tbs-oe ltl MuryKrvhn m scdv nt lu N ul tm. t 0e eia aýIeort motosb mbo more Leadnr Mrs. W. Greetfield en- callined pros-as adei e.kt n bolpad by memersof the Coac- prs-osod bier thauhu lu Miltonts- tonwitb the frmatin ofa Wo .S #' ms-n'a Gocp in Gveorgrtown and mon Car Club ut Milton. idoolu for making the tale uucb IS N Bcrliogloo, and plans for aimila- OVER 70 CAUSES J .Lnho sigo.Otroasces gs-ups lu Milon. Actun andt Oak- Wlaau you see a baakmard s-bild m2' *lvo- cf lalnIion. aOlaire DRIccotI. ville.. Flan-a fuva cHarcon New-' one mho is da-idodly mental- l. r acot es honeltls- R EI Derncratc penichav als bee Ivretaded- duyou vio unmv cas- n 401 Highmay, and Dams-scil- piai- hva lanbasn i rcardd -dc aa ands-Jire Strain cf the Cuachmeu Car thia club for tii oxceptional se- made and lonai datails asili hs- s-cm il bappanod. Thara as-o marc Club af Milton mca vos-y caaaas'd- vicea". Ms-. Tapley enctoued a -Foalu-tng scmpls-ld as-at avch j'(han70 s-aus-scf mtesalsrtardaa. aal inlaalpiog mocange the cheque. eoe-md v Gavai spe-akvs- las- the aveng t lvan c an accideoo f ni ature- tire." eHm aei etn ccv William (Bill) Gillie,, Nan- has-al iajos-y, o- a leves- in in A Ihird muluriot aldod by tho e Hume made pis- Ds-mý,ics-ais s-adidas lathe psr- 1 as-cvcu damage tîso bs-cm And C. W. Tcplay ai Clars-hn mas Coacbmeo Car Club mas A. W. a12horig visiiai--is .Ms Gillios s-s 1bs- ms-oalty sctas-dad ahild s-an ayà cids-d by c mambs- ut the Millaer ut Oacillo. Ms-. Mille-r 1'btdg las-s-d bris-liv tha s-ecs-a lad bs-bas- o any famila, s-labo- Cashmau Cas- Club, Stophoonated, '"t mith tu express my * Siotiog brgs aridcI-l-fiircd pciaduîs 1paas,s-ogc-dtasofsracaas- ca. Fs-cach. He wmsa"ny car-sralîbhaln oRichardJacabs of the pas-yav ained oa-in vuas-t, [Tasa millev cnd abss s-lildsaa otai ofat on tho, bigbmay andt Coacbms-n Car Club furs- as-'Pet f aknAe atd liliav smr os-a ca- as-ad bs-tp Hslp you- totacl as- Staphan drava me ta a services- olaoce at the GlIn Eden Shi Pet fPrigAe tacs-ms-at ta maba gaiaau ie a s-o aictn or ats rlsdad chidrat stat'cion tas- Oaa and ao look ms-cas-c, mbs-o uy cor bs-came tuck DRIVE 1H SOON oN> mn ps-s-am, fils alaaat 'pravida it. Support tba mas-k of bc ta my cas- and ayod mitb on abhe deep xnum. With bit holp ES.MLO saslaog domoals-cm milb ail odds tha Nor-th Hcaat Aaaocaiona las- mc oil t bcd my va- rutnio. 1 mas chIe lu gel my ca- bock BRONTES.MTN ta fas-s-. Rs-tas-dcd Childrau. PFe secaataad my gratitode to on the oaudmuys."______________ OPEN EVERY THURSDAY FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 STOKLEY'S - 1 5-oz. CREAM STYLE CORN_ BURNS - 3½/ Ibs. Whole Tinned CHICKEN KRAFT CHEESE -WHIZ- SCHNEIDER'S CANNED HAM 16 Oz. Compare et 2 for 39ci 6 l$j.()0 Compare et $1.191 99C Compare et 67c1 49C Compare at $1.651 11/2 Lbs. 1l.39 FLORIDA LONG GREEN DE VON FRESH CHOICE RIPE YELLOW KING SIZE LEAN MEATY BANANAS CUCUMBERS S IDE EO 2R25c BACON SIE 2L29 Mk 4.9 RIbS CLARK'S Compare at 31c1 TOMATO JUICE 480z. 2I49 LINCOLN CHOICE Compare af 28ci -PEACH HALVES 28ox.2'49 VAN CAMP'S - 1 0-oz. tins BEA N-S With PO0R K 10O.-9 9 HALF PRICE SALE 0F SIIAMPOO Compare at $1.75 ALBERTO V05 Shampoo 88C HEINZ - 1 1-oz. Boffles TOMATO KETCHUP Compare at 26c1 21c Vol, tE $367 open Sete cape( Tome L An ta cas-iy s-a nacia t,aotl- loa et atapte 6as la chia d-a Drap sl as-s Milia s-at May Goi For 'fat as- ils-ras-ss Noa fi ani En 1944 la Oue e is are s--ated i i A fs-c lattait laIs-"', At -i s-" A ;ls-t t pas-tint Authus-it Aha Ils plciuad j.. If