çJ. JOTTINGS SV JIM DILLS *a WITH <MILTONS annrefos- tiehearing set for Juoe iwold sulnmie for municipal officias tualote flonetuigthalusopro- porîy omners intheoffeedaroa. Scueral efforts tu houe Esqoos- inf officiais utgatie thu otaci- ing houe 4ailtd fuor auarily <ti muasos and ittuuuld semuu-i dent 'Mltun sbuld take the lu- itiativte. Thlue people lu the ae uts for aneeatioe houe a prettu Skeeo intosesti n tuhat il aIl moes and they are entitled, I thîin i, ta soe esplanattues ulhar thon tuhat moy heaume cidetIn anuofficia]lhearing. o 'MILTON HAS nouer hacu iutuh orf a tutus luer aey sein- hlancaufo n Eastee parodc. Bon- dap suas nocexception. 'Most of tho muuing thiegu un Maiu St. Sueday oflerngoun tuer cors. Pelle peuple. etespite idot turthor, chuse lu tualk. Guess eueruhudy tuas luukin00 fur tha Poster parade and nu une tuantud lu ha le il. Yen, 1tucs driuing tue. o ALWAYS SEEMED lu nic that trouet and educallun tt gugloher. lehen I tuas yuungcr I loeged for flhc cruise ship- sehuol cumhieatiun that tuuuld faake studeots lu the places ahout tuhieh -they might study. f ecat a 11111e cmased the cilher day lu rvad of a flualing uoiuursity thot gakes approsimololy 750 U.S. stridents un tua tuurld crtat$es dariog tuhich f ullu are- credited cullee credis cati ha shîcineet. The studeets wuit stop uot sncb inlerestief places as Lis- hais, Naples, Atesundris, 'Bar- bay, -Hosg Kong and Honoulu. Gb, yen, thet prlee far tIse cruise -$1,590 plan $400l taillas fees. *i GRASS FIES soami ha ha the must popuarouasls' these dlays ande deepite frequest an luge bFey stili searlun a e ntEe lecrease. It can loue yta a laI of trouble andt eshausnios fl yae exrecor tubes yoa staut harnisg grass or mhbbisk ont- durs - *ý TALE ABOUT tradition. Thc cuntumn of brides, sayteng chair ueltus lu c subite tueddteg gan eutigitud aI the lirme of Napatean tubas Ibere tuas a tormendoassvogue cmetg tisa ladies nif France for tuenis teiie dresses un euery festiue occasion, buidai ande afhemlise. Up urotit 'Nupucoans lima, the sthuice of sueddieg costuma tuas amalter ut isdiuidnat latte ande sueddieg gwsse tuer mada le oaset an umocy cnfer -ee sud. * IF YGU'VR NEYER sot thrugh a municipal 'hadgot-pur- iug sessionyonuaemissedasomn- thieg. <Picenre ntsc' mon, coach u'ith sa spocifie pmtnects lbey huped ta acsaomptish, hetog bat- lied dlown in the face ut a rising cil ale, nsaty ýbmnghl us hy the iucntasiug cuit of aducatian, sur hiuhbethy ha su cott, but for tuhich, oltimately îhey ntost lobre the uespunihility in fron of the puhblic, tuhen *thoy huieg dutun the final mill rate. Samuctîmes il con hac as confus- ing as thal sentence youuua just stroggled thruugh. a* I 'HAVE <BEEN clturged, ler a lac ihis turles. wth hauing disuuutinood a culutun -hecaus ute ilter's pulitisai uotus tillas- cd frumi mv lsmo. Huet ihis ibeu the caethe calamntwualduuet houe heen cuntinaed, as t tuas, pop lu and including tha fiuaI issue priur lu the olecîlun. oe TOOE A LOOE aI tha Honme Shutu le Turonnu Saturday and tus utighlly amaaod lit thena- hou af interesting items display- cod. Il meust moa hbuildieg a boluse or estension thont mach mure cumplicated hut uf caurse aise fihat mnuch mura cballaug- ine. * A SLIGHTLY ludispused gentleman tuas dotuntutun andt suddasuly reioaid that hoe tus lu nu cundition lu Olnd bis tucu hume hby himself. He slaegeuod intu une uf the telephune bouffhs un Lge tIreet and calod bis videfa lu ume and gel hlm. Ha cuuldn't stl hou schre ho tuas, hutuoerand unhis uife's in- struclions hae lofI the houfi lu gel bis hearlngs. Whon ha returo- cd lu the tolophuna hc aus hucard lu esclalut "I'ni aI flite tcrncr cf Walk aud ýDon't Wolk.« $944 a< Sm I doS' kuum tubaI ils libe for ail yau furcs lu inlasd gantuns, but tbis i.. c mggcd Lime çf yeau far tho buusaetifa ie shasa parIn, rieaur lirewatesof theGreat Lokes. Eighit caut o Corvanu luth shanît ha suming imia thacir <sut. In must tucatitias, tha Iod- las, hiass and puaisa thent, are tcurkisg lisebaaers< gmoanisg fikaegValley stases, houndtng tbictu hashaods, shastlslsg their ebildcue, and gauarctty mailing le unuharehla fuor ail about titet Ils huuaetcaniog Limae. Bal lu Ibis oec a or tauods< tilg ara different. The gaIs tutu bjutas baud, beef jast as N hilterty, ande tam shingu just as tupss-tarvycaslheir iutand siste.s. But tchads pays ansryettention its-ttîll. At loat natta uf flic muleushlt the tetnoily du. Ottir the tesu santen suiti Il ttci .ll gel ai thcit. spîiuig elucauhtg Cari le i Maruis guI iluucacclitu ataocun t ,a Tfltuse tubavee ile Ountil the lue e uesut ut cita cuacks mîght as unie bagabohut gatîlueg goy aui, tetino sympoittu. Wtt<ttat uauaiualls las Il tutu plates lItaav fie man li tIern taie <<tutu t fils t,,s ult. Cin',e Ille fiie. Site gels cil flice Pull ko u ls Ilita job. tres. 111 butilce. hIesacupie ue- 10 ftites etau,.c %ichitg the atuh tiut lti tng lu) jup haletoits, ut. ntueh- htgabuthli batiksoetial frelo isttkhîe bui speekicet. ut spolasbin bu lfite tttuttti cri Cecek suuk- itc offure sigal orflh cturc Iitteg. Ho ariues bome about fout p-m. Glet lady bias jusI mash- ad the paste off hou basets, brushee tsheubsugbsuoutofh-ler hait, andt put adhesiue uapeuno the tcuapo she gaI us ber ci- buse tuhen sha feul uff the stop. Iadder. She's sitlieg damen sith a stmeng cap of lea, tuyisg lu tait herseif la ha measueabto, tuyisg ta mentoer esugh sIecng th lu hegis peling cha Itutelces furc dllteas <Clets gel aI thrait job, biddaP" ho ctie., joondty bis face gtatuiag rrnfus air, "logilîtl saucu gel fii papier- log donc siIting neouset drink- ino tea, tult tueP As this is e tstmity type entame, I sitait duasu a discreat scit uuuu the uestufr the scese. BOtthIis lu oiy the birut phase lu flia spring hardships urflica tekaside ladies. Tisayuveaeuust guI useet ta it, aser the years. Tbay raacice chat 'Du Il Yu- self" is motre thac a slutan. Il's a, tues cf liea. Thte reeturea tes eaad. TAi.s commenoces hnfi suritaîtuay stri ta ru, anti bli perche -rcrunningsrigbtuon chir heis. Theagirs dunItmitt chacir ment guluf smottieg ce I ceut ssd catuig jutin hasd cuit and temp, ahat I tou 0i the mureisg. Thayuae g.ieeîsed lu gaing duown su guI bieechiosi and fieding a'1 10- qtitt pctil ut sit Sittincg int flie mitddleaof'<tha kitceea l bc cleaneet. Thecy arc ul ueaciy dismaucet aboaut standing user a but stase eoi soupla of iscars tuyiug, smanit fumes wcaliing thtir uus.y rcesu, tuile the famdlytuarhsits the-su-aa eisp beauties like c sehaul ut pureaisu cluculua Ais ntay circghi e gacclu ut Aueiag. TAis s ruie But Ilcursreevins iukg palet. Sucer ibis stcit eue- aouet 10hdsts, ara t the ttid mat eut flic kits tact a Ait glus- suicet uumbaly sueggaslua o Aue feed ai smnebc AnSd thatlu abut the cimie il usaiy halp- piees. Ote day the lady il ise os nses[ita tluurhell, anti "I'ituglet su teiglit i ke e <itlle ic tele gî tes, and sepîs sd tu tisptcs praudin a bî,sbai bas- ket l,,trttusuutg sviAiA tucctee Tit s flicu ivsfilec-<marittf [lie botuse ctttes litgroit wsthla tutl tels sotir liert îip- pat ta gibbonî, his scest-hlighi tuadets uhuppad ict uiil sq1uas. siLvupoutds(il stueit pute b. eut i uine Irntc eo sseuit tuith a îicîiily vu puat; eanialy, a el DowN(S) IN THIS CORNER W1TB ROT DOWNS WIIAT 15 tItIS ittîîg ati]1 l-t tuittu itettteeesstusetttt ttescîieil tgo îstst<ko, ilit, gîttt? iec test pus Ait ta gira the pltsaves CatliCu Gtissuuîbare WitilIlle uflig 'Caoil u stexrisa. Nu nouier butu mous eciitbieah- stad. tu. fl Nui lie îcltttg<,etsu nulli eas a gatfeu takes duîsîg; flie voi flotter* alleti cîruîtd ficecorner,suuare pioacuit gagne,se s aitasusaoupuuo club.hCdeuvlotiesbsi ctursart itis laiesateacis 'utu dlowntun ochis uopuget st stssut aieuaailiabiuaiutî (it [ie grtt ittue gagtne. The flicfateoutirtcte iteutuil. Core Oiionittsctittatsad arcie t Étieo lie tuite. E. A "]fuiu" se lices tise Cap Ht.Alle-cd ut i A. Tlic filule s, plye uti a sar-ciail suied icare"s fleit %vt lita ltte wtutle halls antiti s etats stiieks (ort elubs) as fliu playeu eau cffaud. Il. Tiecall seulsest frir 50 ectst $25 astd l stui ha pus- tibia i suppor us caic lsAi 10 peutple tati adttili* iet mui n flite eeeettts e-isvetits Inli baits tlise hs sorîte guiters ici a singge cite-neun. tC. A sl lees dilitcetitti ili golf is uasity recgutad, faor tl ts ased <,te til, Élimier it wicil i< goestl tratspoîts lits hag fullt ai elubs. usaku sut,,rrit S50A and %hififft a seau, vain hay a sac t and %uhcet nhe euuis ctong. Betfloses~ inhli $5.t00f ta $100.000 brachat ttiue caddies lu carry their clubs. Sud tf yoa meach the aopper plateau tuoge braubet, tuer $t10,000. yen baiy e ltete sar ta driue fresn bsa ta bote, D. A golf enurse but 1f boeles, Aitdflctentreuofea«green".The grue'is a snail pruaaf gas cstiog aout $1i9 a hiade aud n'nuls Aeeeied hctsuaat a break eni couaple ai appla iras, . ra lut tif <ufiiied exaauations." fetcîces ae.spesiaiis desigucdlat naeksur ball rollonaytuutei flieeup. Thecy aua chiffer "fat" ut <,slfeý ttuccî cea Itea are ctibc uts t'ý A *'tuee" s c plceal stout shoiî<teg vaur bail ai cita nest iltle. It is fosl ioa te ercfi urtunce ptayieg hai gagnec. gallo- eust o A - rrsheoaCn. Thusa gadet.tltgs beaometmure iruquaet cn ute notits os flc gage apo pr'e.i lievuse sudu kiset ut fItlhe tuea et thbugame ista gel ehe golf hall fero the tee se- taueaeh uft he 18 caps, tuith the teuslstrbces and the grultesî parsi bie srutrIner of cues-wurds. The 'boit mass net ha thuon, pusheet, kiceee or caruird. It is piapatteet hy about $W0 seorth of triouns lokieg instrumeets ealled clubu, Sirul ar eapeallp It, cttd î leu uuîeîîeietad. the galle tCsutîts s siuuheus, sutte-cis six, ant ss "Maeil Ai ieu." Il bu's kuepiite hi.s utut setite, tiee-tutias du luit tact. Thuu lie tatifs tolu i fur .90 cenîts olIle l'estie lau?" I. Aller lire ille <<tir lit 11 plains about eheucouuse, fluc op- pueets. chic suce, flic mintci ta clubs, flic halls,, fc tleur, flieu cuiet, eut suesdtugeltse leci bllie fat, Icis sCtre. Hec iels oi lts seurebbeet «<id siuîss tuieu lic rucactes 86. That bue bas alsrii drinks c pint ai fituecitel, stîtes "Sa'et Atellie" «itic s <tr etilil Colr <rs ndillis il fliteCro "THEE AEE huedreds ti tuas tu rane money,' tbe pstitieias thuodered, '<bat oety use hanst tuuy.«1 «lehat's tIsaI?' skee has OP- parleet le tht dehaB,. '<Abu,» rhaorltd tIse uIrs, '"I tbugbl yeu tuldet knowt" - BEAU1Y SPOT =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 VEARS AGO Takelien rgon the filmsetflthe Ca. esdlse Champien, AprIl 16< 1953. Raepayarsuof ttc Nelson tutun- slipyuhuul sectionstuagad a bac- casuful fight tuhan Haltun Ccunly euuncil granlau louhir requost lu esîahlish la huard ut arbitrallun lu haeut hatr appeals lu soithdsossing frout theaNelsun schtul acc.Guaer 20 u.tlupauous coin prised a dulu- galiun subish praisantud a e ltgitn tt cuucil last Tueslay aftuuouu). At the Miltun hasehaîl meetine tu the Towun hall us Spotl 13. flic cecilun cf uffisars rrsullod et fllus: prasident, Murray Grienu ke, uicc-prsident, E. Tulctzae suutuî,tuy-tuaasurer H. Goules ond assistant strtryreauet, V. flucoku. Escullun mombaus elct- est tucrc G. Tablier, J. Mountciu, M. MeCunnaîl, E. Clamanît. B. Cuulsun and Mu. Marshall. Jutîga Muttllu, Mayor Thumysun, W. f. Dtuk. Dr. C. K. Stevenson, Brue Fitzeruld aed C. G. Wilsonuceua natucd as huuurauy presidents. LurneEvanstuas ncted asmar- eger and E. Cîrments tuas elucu charge ut agi minur hall. M A DeMsien fo r th e Fu ture.. Woe cuîenlume the tome's decistun lu seruice Hanet Cherteal Iedautes Ltet., pro- u<dtîg uu cepital cunîn ta,îhe towî r nov c, cuen thuugb the indcslîp <s tut tuithtt tise tutun houedaties. Coucil's recommaudation, iselediug as iduos se indicaîtion thet effots tutti ho mode toasude attouatiun of the site, sisocte mahe tise mtarger leartal ail eoîeîued. tl appeans tho service demaîdu ut the lu- desley areet ueucessiuesandîtheappesîence uft ho inueslîy «tself shuuld nul detenut frutu Thot Importait Feie W. Tise bifts actuel Tri-Cocely Jueneie Hou- boy Toucîtmet on the msekeod tuas suc- cnssfelIly uuurtcdod on Sstîdap utghl. bl tas a tueehend of heet unmpebtuuio bhat sesu leets frtim distant plocs tihe Ot- teawa, Peterburuugh, Petuolte, Poet Duueî, Apimme- sud e nute forees clnserucentres on tise tue. Meuy of thesle lads tu c m usudatnd <t local homes andt Ibus, lu tise playets, hoeisuspttality ut Milton tues eu<d- ouceti. Tu lise average Mltluiot, nt sisatply sports uuuenîed, il ay net oeuer houe iseeu outuent tbat aspcial tutamettasakitQ plaut. Bst lut daceus ut uuluuteoîs tuhu were in charge ufthlie cueiss details in ut- ganiaiug file evet tl as bui <sust utpuît- For Efficiecy... This is au cge ut sîteumliîtng auud lise ituquont looks ut municiupal setuies ituiato <bat maup ut ittuo cati bu isastled or etlouctvlp un a laîgot poulation base. Is tut ts <casesthe couuy Inuel o guuuîuurtuut faktes ut an tuuîeusiugly iupolit eut tutu. bellt lias ptunuuet cusuil y sut. unces <n baverai tnstances and tl appeaus pus- sihletisutay aduaulagecsyucotiue. Dug ctrtal is ote ut the sabjeuts itettutu- ual mu<stpalities iseeheeun nteîd<îgssti tut yoats. Nu sintgle suîtu<peltty, tlsers eut aîtutt <bu ptupuî pusut thet legtslaîiuc tuqointuas nellastiesertuces ofttruskhant utttplt<yut.,. Fut a tutusr oîf years tIic Oais- uille istict Huttaur Suoiey bas pîuutdcti fisevcin Maitot, 6cîi<ugtutî atd Oak- uilue antd lut part ut fil- tt- <ti Aetlt atd Georgtgown. MostuuculIy lut Autuu cui Geortgownu, a pîtuate uputaat bas rît fl Entît ceet<utttrsIs <tut appear ropin flairt lu certatin exiet silice flie Tables pîuhiesu bus eueuîed tîcteaseet dematîts un ltsîtted tactitîtes. A cuntîaily lucatot tug poust, wtuli a campaiett steti, setatîg flic ente cuuuty ast bsnant hy tise cutn, tuu<tI aypearta luh anttuittu tug<ual cuuty Altcaty ettocttuely tu cttttaîut d lc ceunlty teuri1 are sui municipal lire depasl- mtf lit suuk togethut it tise urtetof lise etea tuttos ic s auttitatet lise isead ut- tiue tutti aisu b ho ualet ut tise site. I s utuîlucate a siten wtii tise gutun tues nat availahie but int îise deys of muni- ctpelttes auliuely seehtug itdssîtai assets- meut, lise tact <s sut altucys dlent ut ubstec- les eudth<ie desitea ut tise ittustîy caîtutt he cumpletely uuetluuhed. Wbetiset tise site neil continue lu ho lest avecthlie tucet bacon- taty,u oabeîhisu «tuttic uoeulnualiy lucal- et wtti thoel tw ili bu deuttet hy tise Ouitattu Muticipal Buardi. *the Volunteer att titg lek<ug plaut in tise cussmunty. t2ucees oftspesîaîuîrs,uuc, guî a guuttceeuof eoyntu tîut tise louuîtatult. Utduitedly Mitonu huuotttsb hp playttg hisatsespeui oests litheis-Cutn isceuie Huckey Tousîautett. As a tw il sat iscuettl ully herause.uuteuteesar tutiig lu oulcut tise seuesueîy ettoît and cuttîthete <bu tequtîcti leaeeship ecpecîet ut guut isss. We cau tiuagine <bat hy lise <nue ni tise fitnal tuisele et Satuîtay utgisî lsebe tucue a tutoi ofetie vutees. Tisey tesetue the ctuttI tut tise pestin tise îouîauet bus eaîueti as tueil as lte <isatis o uhe <io tnuy lut dutug a gcui job as tise tututs puvnto sutitl n utte iiitul aid tietel flie fntctgenuy Metsctuu Otgatucattun tut mains lugo bcsun. <i oui6 sceuitel us tisai agi <ho puiue stttels 5huttttt titeiuyo neutkug ctta<gutttu<tt, it iltep ]tavu <lt eltea<iy donct su, antu t pep ftuoid tutodi tuiteutssstutts. Georgutotut, Aucun asti Mitonu ute sueustng thseuuttyuceistuora Iuckupîfisuitsta<tug a dfult-tlutaitatu tuutitty aI theî loual iene oruteîy iuitetusu. litfie wutatc fielt flie Haîîutî COUttly Healît, Untir at fitte Cittens s dtd Socety îfe erie ltîoustut frtu coutttl. A tui <y mellare utfiet tn charetg ut fie tttusttgt- liun andistriutionof reliut wuti îutid uCol file cuuuly pt tTt c ttttgtt liana husttes ttachttte uettattge ut snsei tutug tuith ie tunttpalîtnes tntgist eloniattae puais pettutis ise sux htilitg «intu. Sîcutl cetuptutes «tiigit speet fle ptepauat<uu ut tisuse timportant slitps ut palpur lu tise taupayet. Thte soutly tecul of guuurtttîttuttis iii- ttasg intltuttatca. Wtlttuti, isctttn bclltt.i we htave the htuct poutiotn hase urusslttcItnuy servicesutain hupeîaiedtin as uuuuuuuual a mlariuer as cty uhty ut 1 15,000. Wisat il tequineu <c a bîeadtb ut ui- sten cuti a tutituignusu lu eu-ncîealu hy ai The ocu adtdition lu the Camp- belltillu sehsut seill suuu bu on pletud ced tha puitaru rades, tutu ilitc Mccc,,c Hall, tult ho tuuuud It urt uI qates The addtiontu aI the C.tmpholtsitle s. hut bas ltatge sutots ut une stdu. ruhetî fle flusus and taflee. risu ltgbtiuganutit<tyuotheuaatu ist tMistJoli,- Wtehts is flttteheu col the prituers guîup. Wt.tuhfha. beguos ha le e parkt ulcutcteut su, <he site utf Mettiu's His. Thte land stcked f lie hatll tliasutti t., leuellcti miha <<<<lu mure t«selting tu ho <loue <t, .jfitiplt, Ébht phae ut fige' ytttluel Cttttyle blueprits «ti «te putîcci hu,,e- isuuuueud Th, Athîocîti,<ttt dace bulc n h Fr<tlt u<clt aller tbu <ttn i lc <agît chordt, il sues atstulb, .11l, ltl rttt- tes uco et fliecsycutEfFaî Caiuu, cutI Witt C,<tctetudso-& IDottuts Eel,a0u llg iie yttlcte ll <<<<<t <cîl le,<t or, aller GLANCINO BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO Tekes tenroon theo fileo en Caea- disei Chasmpien Apfil 15, 1943. A t usercacrety publicemraing utf tha tileusuof the Tuswu ut Milton tutI ha hield lu she Prtnscss Theatre uui Thcrsday April ltith, ai 8.30 putfi. Thara sult ha un lu- leuestng pruguctu ut pictarus, c,a piclures, inctuding tha balle uithbu CuraI Sua and Midwuay Is- lanudeuomis<ntashotsug suOgý. The Lurna SeulIs Bond molli luuish the music andoguuod spaker svit[ asplalu the abject ut the mecetiug. Orluales E. and G 'Thatpsue ni Miton tuish lu Thiais the Red Cruss, Daughites sof tha Empira, Cenadien Logiots cnd nhe Grace Anglican Churt.h of Miltoun fur tha butes and cigarettes thau rclu- ad. The huys, "Bus" and .PuP< scu thas sur tuer cpproctatod. Jas. Andersun, sue ut Mu. ont Muý. W. E. Andersun, suhu heu liten statinad lit Durnuilte uitîs ha Ruyal Cenadian Air Force, tel t ibis tuehk fur Edmonton, Alherta, lu suhtch place bu and utiers hua Accu stetlunad. 'flic Dtatttatie Club «t Nelsun CUitd Cheteb tut] prescrita etotedy i tuhuer atets. ASis Peu- kilos", it flic Lutustla United Cbuît.b thts Tbutstauutetuc. Et. Euutetb Buatuuucl Tortot pt et. ted tu e larce audieunue le bli Lutusile iUilt Chuech o Tho, liait I.u Gctuts Chapter, I... til Ilol <tutIîer rugulcu ntoîbfflu mteen aI te, honute ut Mtss Mat u MeNcAb, Orote St., iWedoesdau, Apuil 21s1. The ulimert «ith bucoetch Bluck Wl]. Outl eltsplau' ed, by the htud- test ut telttte Stue mts Miss Lena MeNellu ut Geutgettut. Auuetl baubtugttts ut spuung cr- uit] Miltou dttsueeh. The tultys attl ,atlttltt s m w ilouttflb <buc etuu aund suth a coucple ot <tecks ut tsarr ufi shine, suc shcutti sec humn <n cil thutu fttery. Auotheruwelcstu sigu ut sprtug is the arriuai ut the lelepttuuec book. Mcclt uctieutue that suiT prou uide tuu puudu per persun par such ss<tl hugiu tn Cenete titi sueek. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Tsksten fo lIhe film et tise Cees- disset CInampion AprIl 17, 1913 Tisa ounsp ca usait mercis lira itetoy. S big deparattue au hehaif ti (ie gaud suad sshante tur. Dun- dus siraut is aupeced.Ileiscondier- ststodft tettaetuitthacacutier tiupato traim tha basa lita is i Milton tuacamplii uft ha eseudiogly Foad stage ut theï, uaad antil igeÉtraoith c impruedi ,cuid<Aî ptulust cg<ttst tAiec.u elcýi atc-u et Trafalgacr. f u tes «ut tif tucut ai ooni Ile nant tepettet i flie pull. sui.iiateisagitÉatuei, pu- psis, .l les, thau sîs Ioarso ai gc -hitl Au aeeptut. Aut flie afu lmlraits lu tact ptiutoni lionîs. Cterît seult te Itle <<eali ai a liset ut u ied n ,vitiii ilshor fiie it eC.t <«t<< 'oln'.t il elei tu, lget thuieu aie 120 papit i luitc te- toucher. A cutstdutebtaseucase fnpopulationu s, espastet tAin î<uar atnd prompt action ha meet P. k. Ruhertius i, suae uf the nustpt.gt.essoce instis uie t ha uts cuti ha-. a gîcat ftiure be- litre it. Bs iututtietaAle pauscuar- te litfie 1,,riecttctt ci <tee IcI ket scret, und the-invetioan cd i << lis <1tina uaelittug, flic presi- tient, PC L RuhiticndbIli,<tlff ci usyceneei cssue<atcs. bha gie thce titi tit <i tttt %vici c I, \.hili,isustuse it ili l 1,cltcle cutaid ccstutuutu ai c iscut <tulig, %\ilie tenr saitt u-.e , o sun a, t ite ptuic t 1 Ktit . Silsl il t-uîtttî He-u<g tut.tttley Mtlditîu riin fi Thuttateieutug2tl 1,et t o NEWS TE DISTRICT G;<ERGETOWN -A mornifl,tcs i,«uttttg to,,.k ttuuetd tir ,rialsvocl, it1964. "lic<1t.<tk i fl i prto BOAMPICIN R.<<<.,,ts .tt<l ... Wot <«, Itugliest galion ~ <., I ctlt<Tur]t, and hdiant infl lI,,ssttpeint, .tt $ti.0 gallott. lPt<<babtly u il, lI1 fli dg, flttd STREEITSVILLE -'llet<utt lias iittutt utt<s ,und .t besd- n',te "'stuttttuhan. The Rusueatioljut«tuttitcttoas.tskud t« ori lut tuer 100 îtctr etîtit il wtas cli.,Iaiided tecitlt. BURLIN&ITON -Il bs,b<ll lutit.. ttat<l<,unte 1 ..«nc l, <tg lascilttius it tÉclore. lItes Il lttte lu <,ttst il su pttblic sttbu.uipu<t. Cou«u.il bt.s ltrud du<tt<i a eqtttsst« <tIt $d2311 <u thue reottit< rntd utukt btudget tut ha.ll <tcilties. 01Ibs tît.80 mOl<as toi, a tutu IIAKVILLE-1l OiIkt île Btartt'tt 1 Eductt u,'s pnptu 5.000,000 bttlgct i: eupîedttvt<tt llst nI a t.t<tlc'fint I ,oaei t ttt's. Icchcus' salarius tuthu tp 58 peucentt of thte udttuetiton t u itttlh tetueu eutbt lu peurt't. COtOKtfVILLtE-Wittin fit s eet t. a tuict iuttest is t upeceud t bu tstahlishud stttttsthuuc in i uit,,tt, T<tunshtp (Suth PttelI, Ia sc<utl< flthtvllu, Builittut, Ptl Coutîv n tt<t tsMctit<e,sNt1 site tas hec<t an<u<t<tesed httt tetlt<,-ti<ttt Mit<<stc<r William«< fi.Dasis -,idllas,tuwck itttongoltlcttteteiubciiiîlic ttts<.A .itt<latut<lluge tsttiautlid nhuaruc<. QUO L 0L: I [L WFLK Tise Ontario Safety Ledgue quutos this frtem Charles Dickenst <'1<8e <s giuee lu us on the strit uiladetsandtuig td tue tnuttd il Io the ed". The Canadian Champion Faiblîsitt rîrru Titutîtas ai Main li., Mîlton,. GuI., NIsîcut bt- icl Atutit BtcIt «i Circuliationufli C .WNA. oi« iistu,, t't.tiî CAYEU.. w5<1 i <e t < att. <'<t Ntuttut.slt-t rptttts peabAIrin atteuee. 51<1 u Caia.a MCC <t tn týogtcît and collie Cum<uuatuý,aithi Cucîîlîîuu,; So500 tn the UIS.., aund Colir Foreign et ntes. Aulbscutze as Saen Glass Mail, Pst Gffise Depaolmeu, GOtnawa. Gi. S. GIls, Etituu-in-Gbut laies A. Gis, Mauogiug Edtut Puhiished le the Heurt uf Haletn PuIBised ip theo IIe Prielisg snd PubhinBIeg Ce. Lsd, BUSLINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELRPHOHt TRB-2341 el 1 üs au. - - 1 - ý_7