Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1963, p. 19

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il te ia t the sInt, tand.- OtI- gri't 63. Frit,' ty. OBITUARY Hazel Isabel Allen Has Relatives Here ittuci luOcil Lu'.h. diuigbit tut uts ai Thomas' Fusteu andîu M.: s% 'If Winnidpeg, (liedt ln H.îluuutt tluter 85,d il15'I iv 'Musu 12, 1 963. t Suriiguarsne sitt. (Peaîrl)'Mrs. Henrt E. Butîcit. tas Ohi-ut, CliltttIi luisit . Vuan- Weustern Canaau. ttu Mus. Alet lits0 lu Winnipeg utiig hier maiefile tutu. tire' lu ltse Bulimustu Aucutl PeFuptc's Hom,mr Toronto, aut tev siti Assîstasi Muisue uuudOpracutia nturst'uv.uituvuk- ing ttc, hôsue thee fsruaehuo't tIn Touruntu, sOc ullendutt the Fsuipi's Chueeh, aund St. P.ult's iL ,, u 'iu i s M .' tubibs Wsuggtssurth. Vu,îtsu B9îs uvîtan Gurdun Wrîggts- ~steurtO of Miltun, Alvin CusO ut Hamilaun, Arehir MacFarlaur ut Bastinglan ad Hussn Cash ut' -o. Cumipbutirhite. 'Fueeal suas t'rum tOc MuuNaO & Sun Furai COaput, Friday. MarrA 15 mitA Ruc. J. Curner aham, St. Faat's Uniteît Chargh eutdacling the serinc. Itrmet was in ve- geen Cemetery, Milton. 'WELL, NOT icxAcTLY. Tes ycars ire drivung habits-snd safely hah- ugo, pattoa s, a major killer of ynuth, its-to Our teen-age population ait tuday, vaccine has mude the disease a the formative stages ia theis tiven. comparative rariiy. But, cren vilhent This lu mIt the automobite ia. polio mus ctuiming tires Oy the han- suante business daes thrauga lIn dredu, truffic accidents sucre kHitg spousurshi, ut te Natinalt Teen- mtsre peuple udes 25 tha any alter age SaPe Dniviag Champiaestip- asigl sîtuLse tif Ocuuthaunît bey stiti are. the culmintiue ut a caasl-to-coast Do wss havse li accietavaccinec? surius cf suOti îeisiag competiîious No. People raI' Oc vueutualct lîtrulriag mare tOus 30,00 youug sgaiusl accidents, Ont the tait rau 0e drivers in 225 Canadia nonumuai- rcdurcd thtangh the teachiag of car- tics cach pgar. ALL CANADA IN«UEANCE PUDEEATIWU on, behetlf of aer 200 comettet t rr aruomoPnbieecm0tMaeo u lFa Candin Champion. Thursday. Match 21tL 1962 le Local Workers Help Campaign ~ OnI 'C toi Ad pin'erI Ladies Spocial A TahlcAdeo Ya 'îv of Hamiltun; Dotcesan Su -Sltdes were showa areoanuîet Mtrch 14 - Ladies' hiah single, Campavutn mus taunched In the ut Acton Cuevenes and Htvtt- by au explauut,,eyecord. Ede Crydusma, 264; ladieshigs 13 mltua Doces reeet aton Campaigu Clînîrman, Ms FI. A question and als eratud triple. Eltdys McKerir, 577. meetinu i ta R. aserl t Harpes or Hamtlton; tl', Or- fuillud suhich gave eueraIls a Gîhes guud singlet: Audrey Ma- t'isust the Ktvpng l5ul.T iciters, Cuevves, egnal Chitr- muach gsuutur inîiiht itt lte son, 241; Thelmu Bousfield, 217. suumpIgn is spuaasedi ho th lysa and Disstus ufthe0 Ditt.u- i filî eld ofudoption.AdryykSts2,Tela C3aruiu Fruris eta u o Cuuuui;..uCemiiaad ttP i c-reS. * A reusut susvey cueduutuul hI tank 0 fur14 Gldyt.took 3 for 7 Cutttu utu easu îarsc u Fis r Colse' the Childreras Aid Suceît P"I- Donna luuok 7 lus 15, Eyvuuau Cuuudu-ftuan t.attzatttt' I uo- e t oftOe Psriugiu 'tuui i duud inpast thatflteseuare 1--loo tt2furs16, Juanlook2 otr . priset of 1 Duecesan Causuils, Mts. 56usd 'MurAle ofi Toronto; 070 adaptahle chiîdren ou auy lu gihteuae95FtihCtîra i uut îîu gireu day, tbis is a m inimtum Haîton Jr. Fermiers Iicîîuils vvittt atembesshiît tut Wtsker, Miss, Jutt MuNalls 01 figse - atisayt. tnreasin - otr a.1 aie'Ag tge lIgu 78.00.Tarutu; lsu tepsuruut.e. lt rtiehr availahble l'us aridnp nuts Ruyue, 157; ladies' high The Diacesus camepaiget- iam tîte ght ut the sittu Chitdron's liait Tthis xurvey ttaiated oa' the triplec, Setty Ruyc. 452. Meut. un tisnssd pansParaeagns- Aid Sucetirs iu the Hamiltouu uieà fur au atl ual gnmpalnt high single. Btltlnu 9;mn ig the project and a wshhp Dices. ta provile -permnenat bones foi l'ut flite Reptunat Chairman aud Rev. J. J. IMurphy, Diseetur of tiatus ut Chtîdreu's Atd Sagistius 6ig6 triple. Rus Hayssasd, 696.s Dtitîesuu Ruceative suas ult lu the Haty Rasasy Fbàrish Caîtusut. in lte Provine of Onario' Other g Il singles: Adriesse acusutîtt rri wiih tAu cair- Milton and Mss. R. W. Claske tîr lu soummastieg the meeîiîtg Noi se. 147 Ru yad.24 putîgu tols and malerils (te- Milton, uDtuuesau Resturdisu Sec uishoy Rwa Pelfth 1e actiou a'.îs Orloe nunî triples: Lamue Eltu, sturds, silides, pamphlets. pusI- retary werr alsu in atteuduttue. in mutiott l make the proieut 243. cus, pîîhtîiiv bits etc.). Directus J. Ful Jllilfe, Mss. ut greit t.aeuss. He ahed 'the Ruu Haystasd luok 7 fus 51, At 'Delepates and guests sueressuel. Thelma John ut Busliugtonv e Clesuy lu gtsc theis schutehcurt. Brusuusidge tant. 2 fr 44, Bus etumdby the uMust Ru. Jseph presentiugtflicBuirdtuf'Direct- cd i.s-upesutiun undt alsnquoi- Ruddet look 5fr 35,Mailyn F. Ruit, LCDO, St)D, Biçhup ut ut, unît Mrs. Jute Page tat.' rk- 'ut v vesuet' thiugs uittî - Wsigteswreuth tuouk 0 tur 25. Haumiltonu. Aatuue thuse proscnrtville, Adotptuon Sîtpervsstr. ut- Ouuhts e husliet tusse Dineesan Dirueuor, Rus. C. tetnd 1he mneting (un behauit' ut , itîhivgs churity." Mr. and Mre. League t.. MeCulgan of Hatilttun; Dires- lthe Hlttun Chilutrens AhI Su- Triosuntpuign tuttI As anc nf Mus. 18 - Ladies' AigA single, sun Pesideut. Mss. H. A. Lipycri scis. 1 ssisvutic inssugtuon. condlue[- Thulmu Bustietît. 206; ladies' tut Kitchner; DisectusuofC.tilic A trauining susord urus Iiss avec e s utr 12.movth periuîl. Fuis tigO triplu, Mitdsed Furd, 535. Chsiiis. Revesenît T. F. Bruit' fuis tOh. guup ut'lut tisi 96 i.hfupsasof utliiiuohe pru' Mn's highsigle, Hasy vuerd ugrues anît sghedutiug the Paeitsh 238; meus high tile. Date Bran- meetings. pstus meetiRngs sutl bu due. 679. hulît uti Rugioual reers of wutich Othes gand sinegles: Run Feu- Three-Year Drivers' Licences thu Hamiltun Diugese t. curn- thessitue. 2u5; RalpA Ford, 208; tts"d of tuu î'giuus. The first Jack. Btustietît, 218; Mildedî WiI E pir Yo r iruta trioseu Regisnal vmeetings w'is Fsrd, 205. Helen Wtis W ill Exp re o Yo r Brthd y lhi ultudus. Masch 16, al DtOsr guund tsiples.: Csrv As Ontueuu's nere system, ut' tArce' tsms ut itiste n.iud. He us- Su. Esgong's Fash Hul it ie, 643. ear dsres.icenuces uttlhuuin sur-cdthe vstuttuîs tOisîusuulltHamiltoniitihaun attrndavusufl Edlsok.2tuort11, Huptlook îîperaîiuu ai the enît ut' tht'. t'eus. scause hsuluilv vu, rulîuuîusn in 125 ladies. Hslv Rusurs Fusish. tusr 19 Paul look 4 lut- 11, Rus Trausport Mînister James Atl stuff us persasuuseutlused Or au- Milton is ruprescutcî hy 'Mes. oo 15. unuuneed tuday. tomaiticilIbc atsorbutl inîu. W.Clrke, MrsJon uuluunl l. isseseuting it. depustrneitis tutlbus branches t hucîtîs the anvd Mu'.. A. W. Sushev. 48 AIIey Rockers mulestimais -sii thc psuiiin-Istvaddll insîu.îsiuu t.,, fondsel'. Aut "AdotuionîS uundus tîtsll nue ar tLdesOe ig uî,îl Luuîsltuuî, Ms. Aud '.uid Fit'TOu udrutugs oii the nssi deleud ih uush Fusish ut wiîh Jat MIel, 24 L udies higle ctcsuniler the uetu'.ssm u.ill svstemn lu 10e indiîiuuluî tdrliver l ime tus Fstui i speu. Jaetrp. Muisch, ad2s. hg Ois iited to espire un Ose ulule tut ut" ubviu'. Mr. Anitr sutît ,He Adsption. Ail pasishîuvers tutti -buc ie udsnguFtMs lsirvrs' ithduys. lunue hi. e uInSur-it,î'tl,.ttOumetug s h 2; Janes Puuad 22;ar AsOng Ose Legistuture lu on-. esurs Ores sua,". misis ut ut, lolu%itgtussk lu view the -lut.'. MuCll, 2 23: LuenGur, Ru7;sîs prime5 l 1963-64 tut budgi.t tut nuuull aund he i.- ll us'cev is i.,p.utand uthîtun .il! thei.' utrmstiuuMCclad 21;usHu2;JuuyHuRobers, 06.377.000. Ms. Aulît suid theu plisutin îtriur lu st.pire Os mut!. tteeduî lus adolption. 29 oc eý 1;Jd os macuih tut the lu', rs ut $555000 Mare Eeneflea Tiîsuîmpuign Oas seecireil the tou. 216. tus, Os19663 tudet ute TOhs experiuuti. gutusul ii this ensutsuo'u uthbe Bi'.hops o,î DOh' gull0 tripls: tî MeCtet' ,:,or te 1962-36budge - a02i 9.5psret*eteib sed "tu chtange Ort mus uuisu huis tut" Onturio %%huo haveunmeul 196 tant'i 6 2. tusR.rt chavge uýr aund sti'uumiins ti tu1e,' bencels. Mr. Aitut sutît. "Caihuiu Autoption Y5ut,' it tOi. hum s usE 2 fs 3, F u Fia lvt ur' i ssiui'n drisers.' lic. "Tîte Oepuîstusnt, hi. suidît t'. Prsvnc.bauîloîufru7 Fu Pn enes"iuotiituivg lu stuît tOe casihîlî'tv Thc Culhsli Chsrî't'es Cuuseil luut. 5 tus 37, King Pins lout. 5 The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~u hneoewihwlilapvna ue%.lsmlrfCaaahsapoethpr-fr36, KusI Kuts luuk 5 fus 35, laeTOc earge Ioss copteO NI ut utppltiîîp t h .umsuh o siule. uui anu.dt hui Onpprio A s'o FLi Shos luuok 2 ftir 34, Fut trvleth s 1 a.u1,sî,u1ud svs'. hisl permits unît lusuvus pir ,tl Cîtildres Aid Suucties Oas asFed ok3fi 2 cdPn sîru s Cuthutic Wumuv' luok 4 tus 31. t " 9' t su al s is ut ut.lcertuut eu. HoIy Roaary Lifelong Esq-uesing Resident TOi.-"' pinbssgi'dthe en. Mussh 14 - Ladies' htgh siegle crisesmeut ut the Psime Miuui Mate Emmrs.u, 226; ladies'high OOn Joh P. Oars an rple Mar Emmessua, 551 Alexander 1. Lawson, 89 Des ht'-iieroPulcWfa, A iifi.tututn, uv ly eI steemud pregrts tut' tOi. ousv adHn LusP eil sam% ueie t o Esqîiesiug Towshsip, Ots huhbI s,"îs gtu%,gtros dpoeuvieso owrsices Wila Bon Dro ro hk Mc M Li l.h 1 1963 la Miltouv Dis' Hi. srs a mu Ose tut St. F'tutt Wela- o h rvne 1rcHoptl aialer a shart iitncss. Uvited Citaruh, Miltn 'filelu si 'MisLue hrso, H R W E ts the FilehAlexandesrLawson wus ,toraiaustfieldtrum MacNuh,& 7(ulù uiutn nFL e utr a Lut t. Cuvcessiona 5 tif Sîtu Faerui Chaputwl ne-pzntt sis ihtepo 1qeigTow,,ssp. Nsîsmhur muetinuakîcgreciîuCeslit% 2.1873,andOspsîtt Itis uiiru flt Thttustttlttuu rst caeFii 1942 atnd stuunt, tîn Titil pîtihsuîuthî5 l,!hý Jii..'hîtot t.uumade lits homeuuî w iu' ALus'uuttt Hugli Beats Lua Mr i t luttlir ut' e i.i cond son _____ ____________ flic_________ son. Othuts iluitu tatîtu suti,., re une Mi'. W. 1'toi Avuie) tu itue (c;nadNorsmuan H. Lutu, suuu tut Mi on.uu Ai- '.surt'titng arc Williaum Att- ttist. Du tid Al,,iss ,u i RA uI.O 9, Miltonr andtu Si,ý Kig (Barbara) ut ]loin, h sut've geavutsltîitvuu. Mu. li H ine Grîtt uit Mt. fis' monit's lia Gidmure (ROI .PotCîcîlit. i.Lzi, Dumn tI utî WeSst 11ut tRit N. 3, G,egetowntt M,uuig.uîui. -ut Gueglpth saurai Htospital,.utand hita L'uusuîti.ttnd Lestis King ut lHurîths. auu sxuîl i ia Dîtinîg his tîfetime hO s r' ice ttc- sust1t.-- s uuttul t Hi. Neiahbo...0 Since we i ve in the same community, have a mutual interent in lts growth, prosperitt, and future, we are vert, praud ta plat, oar part in tis development. As your neighbars, /0 we would wetcame an opparfaoity ta j get ta knaw you tter. 0f courne, wie cannt get around ta meet ait ot aur good neighbors, no this lu nar way ofu telling you about aur excellent services and prouen pradacts whlch are avaliable et our Cltes Service stationu in this area. CITIES SERVICE PRGDUCTS ARE SUPERIOR * BIG. GALLON GASOLENE "Quat fy Atone Maires If Sig" Citts Servc Super 50 and Mlevtuster teslenes witt tate yoather for rlis,. BIG GALLON GASOLENEa hae been devloedbreeachteam and ae uauranc e ot euuble.tre,ale ndeoordnntnl ttrng. tteep i uavt sttntothu. eMULTI-PURPOSE TROJAN GREASES Fur comtupera Iuueuatov-a qualtty treauefr ueery putrase. * MILEMASTER BATTERIES For sueustats f-rytlier *TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Su savn enu tu get yu ' TIRES and ACCESSORIES traun yua COue Scevce d4ele. CITIESGSERVICE tn eeuneiorhnn na a sense ofrcommunal prde andre. sponsibiiy. Thissaie sense of prde and responsubit lsahi euidene at your neghborhood Ctes Seuvcen satian. OCLEAN-WELI. KEPT STATIORS eCOURTrOUS, EXPERIENCED .. OPERATORS "WELL-muIPErD. MODtReN YOU TOOSERVICE FACILITIES CAN DEPENO ON eFE vrnvsrnvcrN CITIES SERVICE INFORMATI0OuNO NORTH END CITIES SERVICE MILTON MOTOR SALES Hwy. 25 and Upper Rase E,,. Milton, Oneco-lo Main Street East Miltion, Ontaio FRED ROBBINS HAROLD POWYS' BLUE SKY INN Dronte Street Milton, Ontario H4oy. 25, North fi. 401 Milion, Oiae PERCY BRYAN'S CITIES SERVICE Hwy. 5, Pilonne -I __________________________________Othes guud singles, Frank Mc-1 ______________Krr,. 284; Reg. Thumus, 278 E Ia E U U 0 E L257; Auudrev Ma,i, 250; Joli,-î ~Â w A A U 1I L~. flutOi, 249; Lut'tev Massh, 249: lît' McCtettund 245; Kas StticIds 242. Menýq ighsinleSerio bpp,, ripe, uinDefre,, 51; en' Kthet' guuud tripts: Franuk Mc. 304 vreris hgh iilleSciio ngl GaliCatr 320 il:,1 70b: R'u . G-v, 687 DI r 8 Zuppus. 795. rien: hight s pis, Jack Kiug, 747 (,19 tIlîtiL 6Q.s:tt t. 1, Other gunit singles: Seruia Zut,- Qîlîsi gu.ud sitgtes: Gien Leutu. MutiQlt.uud, 632. pas, 304-213-278; MuAr turtredcse, iug, 230; Met Dîstu.. 27t1; Juhn ttsatts..k9ts11, 245 Frank Peduttu, 239; Custnu Pege 22t1; tvisiu Galbruith. u 4 loi* 96, Jack' liouA 2 lt* Tirttuun, 235. 2t8; Cecil Kng, 2t3: Motu De- 910:tsu' t,,s 3 tut- 89, Rg',. HOME ECONOMC Othut' gund tipis: Muko 209; ttil tockt, 213; Stu lok 4 lor 86, Rsu'.. look 3 fur u5.OMC due.c 614. King, 21. Earîy Birds j STUDENTSI 113 ps anît Dtuns lookiu4'i forutt' u tjut r iplteyts.Mt Dît'ts, Mtssht12 - Ltiehighsing, O N AILYGuRt M21½ Cettic look 5 fut' 105. The 05; 02.rîh Curtet, 636. Gliud Shcruîsuuul. 283: bis.,' 110 YARD GOODS Tililo o uk u tur 104, Tite RockL ti Sttts luook 5 tut, 93, tueh- hihttiplte, Gronda Shentuîud. 757 0ArND SEWING trsuk 7 for 100, The Butubers i', luiok 2 lui 91, Pulters tuok 2 Mstt. high single, At Brtigus(oks e UPL tuîuk2tuî'75,Lu.k Siu'ikesilook îsr, 7 tii,', tosuýloo 511 W ..ILE 21, tur 731l, TheIton look Is 7177 9ti231 , 'Ii iî:y i ll C:uu' S^ lust Penient Yoar tu572. Th îs1.î skOti Matu: 15 - Ludit' t1î site Otîid.. ootk 2 sui 89. t-uski-' SOdnt ldent.aio Clard At Uis, Mali Powesll. 189; lidige' hîgh look 4 sor 89, Point-î'lookt5 ILsr MILTON P. L. R. Girls i îple. iur Deurtut.03. Men\s 84, Teris look s for lt 84, Wîty EARMETSTR ruit gc.1ms..lKitng,327.Rtesut' ., look'.5us loi 82.Culhs..tuL EATE TR Mtueutth)t4s-2Lî;ciltu.'iuýih.isghtlts hugîltlItýriplu.)'JîsLgKing.73t.h Ca u'- 1, xers'luukd7 ftu9. 2 0 Main__________ pIs. Kuth Coules. 680. 019 50suts u hCt8.Biu'.ts s 9 Othut' uscu t'uils- Li] KList- 'el* 247; Mut Duîiuu. 231; Glen cki, 623; Junu Kîtus. 20; MîltsLs.utsg 22b; Bill DeFususu, 237: Ose, 600; Dut Puttesue 599. Sus Kung, 204: Mut Detusust, 200. BILL CROSS' SERVICE STATION'S Lit Kuszvckitlook.2 for 23, Dott Potir look 7 tut- 98: Hot nuiut ke 1unk 33for19t..ussue Sh t(sluîl93, AltrRocgkrs Cutu.ut. 9furlookM5îîor Huipathi 7 lr8,Plelo u A UTO M A G IC" Muuvutvsu look 7 or1 , Kutvhtus.71 ,t4Ful. 77.kOnt look 2for13, MarîieMuutuuuLo 41l..,13, Wittie Wttlson lotok 3 fittu Pin Dusfers C R W S 9, Dot Cuîptlook.4 for4. Mrî'ht95 Lauîîditî hgltsnle. C R W S EttiIt k :'tutsuîvîî:, 251: ado Pin Dustera htglt ut pIs. Autîssv Mu'.un. 696.1 IS IN OPERATION AGAIN Musuh 15 - Ludies' higît sinîgle, Mcn', tîugh single. DeanGîvOu' 315:1 Gretu Lus, 206; luadies' higît triple. tttus". Iligît îitis ls, (sus ra, 715. GET YOUR CAR Grutu, Lee, 120-163-208-491: i htgh single, Cecil Jutushs. 244; WASHED AND WAXED IN mns high triple, Georîge .'.si N 154-176197-527. ROBERT R.ON P R T N1 Othut gondt sinîgles: (',argo ttu..sItIlt, 222; Peguv Whtts 1 A I e, O l I CAO WAtH SERVICE seit, 172. OPTOMETRISIT L"E OY Othus gusu trIipls: Ceuil Jat R O8 925 APPOINIMENTOL colis, 493; Getosge HsultlIt. TWO (2) LOCATIONS 519: Fsgtîv White,8. 9 Mutys look.2 fut 79, Buuusms. Georgeiawn - 60Main N. roc 5 or 2. Fi-Ap. Gre 73 q.7 W . F. CRO SS GueuL - (u'70 (u Stît. T org Sq73ERV971 5TAT Lowvîile Nsuu O)uîuhe Sîtce st RVC ST TO Masti -lts. tgtsfe Fa appteet TA 4-6180 Higiemap 25, Southi Milton Joatî Itu0usu, 250; Luteihs..c' I

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