Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1963, p. 15

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FAU. FAIR PRIRE VWNNRRS J. L. Chichvlm, Kan fila Jr. anti Jint Cecnap ware presenteti with tcaps, at the Haîtan Co-Opernîlve Supplies annuai meeting, Anit in the Mavonia Hall, Milton, sett Wednesdlap. Mr. Chishoit hati the hast etilor Oaernsnp henti ai the Fain, Kan Plae hat the hast aviver Jerey bard, anti Me. Carvey hAt tAe hast damn anti taughter in iloIsteinr. A PANEL DISCUSSION ON MARKETING mas oaa iaatunn ni tAe Halton Cn.openatiua Sapplies avnaa meeting in Milton, lent Weinaetiap aitenon. Fael menthern mena Svp Coultar, Bruce leastiala, modtiarn A. J. Francis, Alan Milicer anti Charles McInnas. ASK ABOUT "M 1 N 1" IF YOU NEfO $50 TO TIDE YOU OVER 2 Wif KO, VOU'LL WANT TO KNOW ALL ABOUT CRESCENT'S "MINI-OAN' Rarrane $50 - Pay Rach Onlp $50,47 Crescent Finance lOt main St. Milton TB 8-2171 THR PAST PRISIDRNT'S FIN mev preentvd va Williem Malien vf R..2, Camphellille, by Frcd Narse, ctght, pnev:dcnî of Helton Co-Openenian Supplies. Ocan t00 mnrnbers vf the Co-operatian attentiedtihe annuel meeting in the Mavonic Hait, Milton, lent Wetinendlay. THE OFFICIAL O P ENIN G -AT OUI NEW LOCATION 133 MAIN STREET MILTON FORMERIT SIMFSONS.SS WILL Bf ON MARCH 28 S. B. PORTER CLOTHING TR 8.2633 Experts t)btýma&ering Thne Canaieîn Champion, Thurctiap, Hear Reports, Panel at Haiton Co-Op Annuali Memhcrv of the Hetton Cnanp.l ing orgenions in _furtheringt ol lowing tiividentn on 1962 mcm-J ter. AI a diroctors' meeting, ail] orative Supplies mc t in e thi je cll. es. bar perchaes gerrerai purchanes,lui lait tour'sofcmwr tun Mavoaic Hall [Milton, lest Wed- Charlen Mclnnun, thce Peident 3'i per cernt brodler ieei, 114 cd-Fred Nurse prccidei,, SPen- ncvday for Iheir annuel meel. of FAU£ talnalga FAME must per cent andi pctroteumn products, tir Wilsn %cicelpronidenI. nd V. ivg. Ocer 100 inembrs gethereti ect as a marketing agent for the .005 cents per galion. J. Lzncan crelar. te heara panel discusnion n predacer. "The farmeen," ho naiti. "To bettorvoerve our cnetom- Haroldi Mcck titanked th-_ Ai. marketing and the annealeei,-arenot getting their -proper ers and ntootprodctioneeqotnc. groa WlI l'or aaaning foi the ports for the yea ending Nav:y 4hnre of Iho cosumer dollar. ments, an addtionai feed.mixer foce tarkcy dinoar. onthor 30, 1562. ÂAME wex organiacti se c as nean s ac molannes noxer c A -'ltoC-pn.tîaSp A pael cnsising f Brce oatd bce able ta procces our haeiog instailcdl in the Milton Miili h atmCýpjzicSp A en cvenlngaiBrceam prodece and tiiahitize prico.. Orsaeevof tede endi cent~ plies, cmplccc 22 pcrsncîncha Teaittale, the Aanaciaeie ctraia t onehte lecet.' mixing anîind ng animv. to 13 at tihe Milton trnn,, of the C"tperelive Branch ni rinit Eras 'totias mac .t ctn the Ontarie Ocperlmenl of mmcbtj Repart 1 cd t.ttitinrahtc. oet.ocntteting hbis low, Agricultue; Alen 0,1ilîcr, the Boh Winch, reicrenonting G. H. mv! manager of the 'Meeketing Dint' WeIrd and Farnern, Charteroti 'Gevemling Farc" vion of viieti Coepreliv ai Accoenîovîc, prcccenlcd the foua.- I laiosing, Mr. Harris tha kad IU u u u U U U Ontario; 'Roy Cealler, pevideol ciet ciatemoot for Hatton Cc. tAccstaffind -niboardi for inciic SRR OUR Marketing Boardi;Charles Mc- endin o n oe:e 30, 192 aindraiett iring th s e - filr SIICTIION 0F Innan. pevitient ai the Fermera Inciuetit in the figures acora opcnatiov andi soinri htho a S E GIT Aitieti Meat Enlerpriseen anti. sav of $1.141.969 anti net san- madc Halton Co-oporaive SoiuMI modemitor A. J. Francis t lg for the year, oi $26,891. pli- the gocrning force in 2 Agriultralreprsenuti e focr -attooCto-operetico supplies aptalitya .nd price in the veppin. B MILTON PLAZA . Helan Country, dincuvsed anti prevideni Fred Nure inroconicti ing cf fond, saod, fertiticer anti a n anwrdqetosperlainlng hic report, noting that husinesc cîtppic itemns m itn tradiing aen.' Smoke an GiftjI te the prodtiotn enr and maetn ha remaied fil t,, Pedn F Nonse precen. * ing of faim predece. lhmoughoet the yoar. 00e boudget- cd William 'Mahon of R.R. 2, Sho cd for nalen of $1,250,000," ho Campbiliilo, tcith the pasi a ho Panai Membara satît, "and aithoagh ccc titi mv pracýidanIs pin. Cu-oiperatica :Open tîa 10 p.m. laci. Sundayquo Each memher ai the panetrnacintha figue, conidrn thauadvl*o- ct'îîh ent attha. .. gave a short talk an the -part ecnm eertat h very Mto .i anncapaat ai farmn markeing nith wlnich compotitino fond buvinens in cd Io Jint Cnt'noy, en Eli Jr., hceesmel cocervei. Mr. particeiar, I ootottr mnagar andJ. L.ChîhoIm. Jack Mc- Tesdale trnced the rive in im. diii coryvcoii tocomottp cih Donald vnranantnd Mr. Cana portanceovf farmn marketing tho figuro ho titi" tith a tra%,, fcr tho Bnci Dont plans, endi the formation ni the Bal rinhls ,nd Daughtct in Ho],intcinn D.g f g,, BtldGai il& Charles prectot Io Ken Etla Ir. Mf oJrty E5e Ferm Marketing Boardse.He nei- 'Earicinthecummor ce com.tiAa.o.hBvJnc otiIha ievohorti acea 'fcipictodti he tergent single prajoct jornon, Hotu. and Lionci .'nt fintiag hoardsc for the carteen ihiv hoardi hev attempttil va Par, pracotoci J. L. Chtvshvim naith a i maretning gtnaapv thal maee. t he hildiing oi foar grai n nilon trac ftor the Hait Junior ftrnv avînlalavet tohem." In cloning, with a star hiv in the centre, nov ýHacti Mr, Teantiato naît thai there total capaciîy heivg 30,000 ReaaDceasM NYT.ON O nacre Iwn types of marketing huchoin anti compininir eqeippoti A. ur G. ecor Hanta, 'F. GA ChON at plans, the ngviiating plan anti il cciih the nocetvary elccton H. G.c Hul,o . Chnar[,. ai d tepaihttken feul ecpn. pluilaner, aatomatic H.îcigh nat,r ertt a n hc at sihility for marheting lte crnp. ncciov, anti acrator. Aireatin hi.. IR. Cootor dicanet hona the tuncaor ogaCrc nO marketing principie coatt hb tc r husinessvn ivcolutme htt OTHER PRO ueet covcorving naheal. He val. in Nuv" oeita h a. PIIHV ed the marketing plantcvethby ti.Nrentdhatebr- PISH V the Whnat Boarti mec theiatgpnota acfaa AND vcgvtietinf type of plan. Mr. ie itoscaien isvecry encootiai. RAOAL Coîînrnsaidtihe Wiieat 'Bvard Farmerv av individoaa are pati- SUNBEAM RESN BERATES pnctootnd onv tho fleur prc of erievv tv match the gi.cnts of ihein prodaît, anti thalt the *tcnnet nota o Boatrd hayc naheat irvmn the dteal- ihrvagh coperativo ection tva R A ZO R St £ vrsont the protiec n co.Iin tiotihe influenco nahtch t EAIE ivg, b de tucBeoard duoev seta a poetng or RPI a i n t not intent to toe the (Jour cvonaic righit," he voteti. yr. "In îlvcing vpeahing Par îtno COMBS AND CUTTReS&SA NG C price vof nheat ihis her. oard vof di reciorv, I naoiti tika A IG C-Op£ Imprtant to thavhvar manager anti is 449Branîttreet Sachen Amyx Miller viretteti the im- capahle staff for thoir ffort% BRin5 Yane Raser Ta portance of the Uniteti Cv.epera- on van hohaif." riv vof Ontario anti linteti their MangesTRpatN SPECIAL MILTON RI tnaopvhjcie. Iluate in Chariot aL. Harrin, GaveraI thase objec.tiiv more: tv auppiy 'Mtnagrr, gavce hi% crepttrt itl- J FaHT suppiesv anti services far memhcr ivg thati n the pavi year lAeco HÂ. PW5-95 co-operaicev tv tivop an lote. operatice enderînvk ta procida R8-5 gnateti pmogramn in the divtniha. grain vivrage at the Milton Miii tion of farmnprvictv; ta perate mhich moulti 'enehie u at arieriy programos in marketing marhet for ver memhors and ' anti procecinvof farinprdtsa;n ovîlvmccs ceccra i thoatanci tv manufacture andi pracest cap. Ilvuhet of naheat anti vati. _________ pticvs ani eqaipmnrnt;- anti to tMr. Harrivnsaidfihatîtheahrdc p- mork ith aommvdîp mart-t of titrectuci hai deciarnd the FuTIM PR SHNF-SS THAT STAya PART lIME HELP 2 MEN - 2 WOMEN t Anar per day, wvrk in pour nmn homte. NO travelitng, elling, venoeieing, or phone coiicicing. Yoa wiii ha tain3 mnck in the inteest of the puic. Thiv mili 001 interieca in enp wep mith pour prenent vob or tiiy ~L ~ ER O R LAT& EX SAT N routine. Appip nteictent confidtenve. Reqaicemente - Met muet ha mannieti anti empiopeti. l Macntat wvmen.-hvnherci wncking or hutin. Single apomen . g u. ..... muet ha empinpad or engagei. pou uhavie nue en ivy oo ebakaroun age . c The Pali rir yo muhaef reînneiondi a hekgonti avge. bc tinein mones as elln. aI that's mai Write telltng us juni'a littie about pouelf. Include phone R A H I TO BOX 168 C/O CANADIAN CHAMPION ,. Marcit 21et, 1962 3 pO COLO VflTE Ion rE NIN' ANOIWER PATII OUR HETIN6 OIL chS PaÛN PHIONE TR ".538 For the Finst Cies Service Petraleum Praductà ftILTON FUEL SUPPLIES NEW LOCATION 32 Branle St. OWNER'S HOMES PE RT ES INQUIRIES INVITED PteI rust OMPANY gtuc NI 4-1028 EPRESINTATIVE LcrK :5 Milton Hydro Business Office Now in Temporary Quarters For the. next f jve we.ks, during renovations and modernization work at our local Hydro heaci- quarters on Main Street, business wilI be con- ducted as usual ut a temporary office just around the. corner on Charles Street behind Gerry's Bak- ery Shop. " CUSTOMERS CAN PAY THEIR ACCOUNTS AT THIS TEM- PORARY OFFICE. THE PHONE NUMBERS FOR DAY OR EMERGENCY SERVICE ARE THE SAME. S PLAN TO COME AND INSPECT OUR MODERN, NEW 0F- FICE WHEN RENOVATION [S COMPLETED AT THE END 0F APRIL. MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION Phone W. C. ROWNRY 0. L. HAOLRY TR 8.2345 Chelems. TManaeger Cemmissnot C. IMILLUR I. CNIWIS CASH and CARRY TDAC TO SUIT 70 BONUS COUPONS EASY *bT 5iE VOR UDE 5SCHUYYER BROS.LMD.

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