Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1963, p. 1

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FIRE -GUTS'CENTURY- OLD MILL, LOSS $100,000 Ib Born in Mil ton,'Mr. Randell hais, be qutrnWoscme %1 01 leVc roi*andbisvir hae pîtricita tip Name Officers Ib spenit all hiis flfe here exceprt foln i iehv ln e rpltl ru l a ig ta i e sueen years. For- three and ee for next sumrmer, but othier thtan stMit, alithough hie admntsþ Plity ars hWi edso nthd tat isas fnie 'i vatri tun. Ili fii ie" Glyn Roberts Rotary Prexy and one-hialf years hie serve ove-"% aeejydtewr er xeine a rul n Gily Roberts w'as mned ri' Mr. Neileni ouitlim ,d the rela- seas in England. France and Bel- muitch," he said "The people of ,,Ésecond timie hie arrived ut IlenofteRarChho Mil tionsip11 (l industil re1 lations to gium, ais al soldie in thec 20th Milton have been mostl co-oper-a- - highil of a seriolus floodl in, on'l fli or lh 1% Clerm al mt hotrsemn ofhec- Battalion duringe World War 1. He rive duiring my years herle, and a fltrle boy drowned. loir the Illub % n Tueda le e p tily an v deaie f theie from b was wvoundiedr during the war. after alL, your cani use all the tri know whiller 1 wanted ln 'l '. ilronilrecor toi* em cployee Safe Postmaster 10 Years ends. vou cani get. hevre orl no, hie renmsed il I" O he tiesnmdwr a.t httl ihnta dpr- iet in rom i aul of e lre m l ed sos and dapghtersmle Active In Townv 'd ThmsNice prident ,,i; mnent. ic, 19) 1925. He, idluier-, Mrs. Mace Smith (June) oWillo Since alri'ru in Millon, hehrtrvfniea und ndti d c re - ke Id the, buildhing . 1ae Kenr ol Kit builer andr Ro-- ken, In 11,ie Pa i m Km,,, l Mn, Ni..1 DIi 1ube v bargamn- med oncte oni R.I M. Walter Bel], thec Post Office ilhoir. tie also cni\ iutal ricizto aml eotiations. He empha- Ccler s un i en arMr. Clc ew ponewl aeoe-h ing at Hlalton Centennlial Manor oft comu u rice ay Ola, ize the importance of both icilements. Mhen Randell waus reigns on March 1, the day after and Ilhe Senior Citizens' group director of inte rnational service. snIrn and management bargail arned osiase and began this e MrRn ell'sretre mnt with his singing, and playing his The nellectedt officers will ing in good faith toi conclude a 27in f 953 yasb vke Hewsar ad efore o40 guitar and moutht organ. He tape takoe office July 1; collective agreement that takes a dJune e otnars eRobetrked He was bonandrise o ae records Il favorite music, and Paul Neilsen, mndustrial rel-inocsdeaonteedsf D mgt ee ater, 'ober fam o t.e otskits f 'arreis music "relaxing" afte a tions manager of Orenda Engines' the compny ieatn the epoes.o Stnwrec Wilia Dea ad 'R. and just prior to 1940 he became hehti dayan atd the Pot fic.Headrsedte etm nh MA iernhr of Milton Fire Bri- asise a rural carrier with de- WILLAM d. RAD> WATE BEL Lodge PN.6 t ie. H and retcularly i on the mnT e m sGerinsd antduc by gaefor 29 years, he was Fire Ilveries. In 1940 he wias called in RW ILLIA fTer 38 L YeT BEL Mil n' N Posma.e The Bell h a e . archlr n ofcoletive argaioning.lmet o ar rs ol n hakd Chief fr 193om tU191 W1943sa iuntiielat'B1951Pil when a as38 aMM letNe P TerBllcarrieru cildeato cBarrivierginPost .Dils Qt alnab 1 Q1 -Výpi Vol 13.Ko 4. il "Authert..d a econ ci.s. M.11 MIL.TON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1963 serv tu, cnor* paorair,,, Fourteen Pages--Seven Cents Vo.13 No 0 yth. Port offee Depaurtmenit, OttaWa". U.s- t oi10fl, 48 F'remen Battle Blaze Only Mill Walls Rema'n Firemen and companry offcis proert. Jasper 'Martin, found- coveried wvairs of the mill sell estimiate the actual amouernt of are today sifting thtrrug the ero the town, ýbuilt the first stand, although seriously weaken- grain and feed housed in the mill ruins of the 100-year-old, fuour mfill in al frame 'building beside cd, and the smouldiering interior tunt a complete audit has been Il at IRobin Hoord -Flour Mills i the Sixteen Mile Creek in 1822, remains a blackened tomnteo al made. un Martin St., Milton, trying to) and the town grew around it. the fhiames that raged thrug Amon-g thc cointents wilas the find the cause of a fire thatlgutýt- The frame 'building was rater re- flhe mill Tuesday morni.g. Tergmawter--wheel Éhat, ountil a ed the fotur-storey stonre structu«creovedt and replaced by a large roof and the toptw floors of year ago, was offten used to power early Tuesday .morning. stone mill. This was destroyed the -building caved mn, as the fire the fleur grmndmg eiquipmnent. T-he f'ire that ravaged the int- by fire in 1855 and fihe presenit weakened the supports and Housed at, the rear of the build- crior of the mil], includingth mi, was buil aroun L87a odnfaeokgh wl was operated by grinding mill and Ilgrai stoag a csof $30,000. GUes at Loos water fromt the mill pond and area, caused damage estimnatedl The cause still remainls a myý- 'Mr. Kennedy said the buildmng creek, and drove the assembly "in excess of $100,000" a crdIng stev and neither firemen or contrained the main grinding mil] of belts and tpulleys to, operate to W. J. -Kennedy, general mani- companry officials would venture facilities and electrical equip-' the entire mill. ager of the company's (Milton a guess un how. it started A night ment to operaýte the two mls r .A Mrm getgad apraios shift of em-ployees left the build- as well as grain inreienltr o ftemisfudrJse Was Third Mil ing around 1.30 a.m. Tuesdlay age and bagged products storage. Martin, soldi the mill to Robin The historic old -building is morning. No) immediate inventory was Hood twor years agoa. the third mill to stand on thec Tldy the -blackenied and ice- avairalble and it wasf difiultt A year- ago the companyv discon- linued the grmndmg of flour, and am:a saam a an nnad the wheel bhas since beent used pgoccasionally and was still in P * U* " ood operational condition. raise "xcellent 0 -O eration 1 Pint of Wa-er It took an almost superhuman effort 'hy the, firefighters to, put OfT ree Area Fire Departments 'Attaof8frenfim,'°°e lir depatmnti tought the Tuesday's lire at Robin Hood dispatched .fromt the two ordh- Clmenti and diriect thle Mutual flms.Fremen Wilf Penson and Fleur-Mills in Milton was an "*ex. ern (towns. Actori's Iruck and Il Aid ellorts. Glenn Sirinoger, who are in charge cellent example otflthe co-opera- men arivedicN fin 15 minutes, Acton liremilen remained at flhe orfithe town's waterworks systemn, tien thiat is possible" through the Gereonstruck and nine men scenle for four hours, while the, estmnated the liremren poured 1, Halton County Mutur Aid Fire in 22 minutes. Georgetown brigade stayed thre'e -0000 gal i t mat y antth Services Association, said Chier "This was another finstanehurs. The thiree, brigades used. ulig otrfi drm h d Douglas Wilson of Oakville, Coun- whenl ourl Mutual Aid network 4,600 feet of fire hose and played ekituni firotr ipd th ater ty Cou-Ordinator. rely paid olt," said Chier Cle- thousands o1 gallons of' water al lee inthe tr ow re eviery FIREMEN WORKED 14 HOURS TUESDAY before they finally left by 8.30 a.m., but firemen remained until 7.30 p.m. tor extinguish Milton, Auton dc Georgetown mn'cl I it nie a guct fl mint on [lhe blaze at is heiglt el foot um *Sei'nal the scene of the $100,000 fire that gutted the century-old smouldering timbers and stored grain. Then on Wednesday lire departmnrts co-operated t ogt ca utpea t f iewors inoe trnedii hoeou Chie Wlsn di.e- 26 Mltoiee eeo grinding mill of Robin Hoodi Flour Mills, Milton on Tuesday. morning at 5 a.m. the fire broke out again, but wasr quickly pu theOlakg ie nudnler nnonrai, *s a bew assrdsi ththe trcilhe rc fo Oaillon di1The 26lobT ir m e 6.20 am o na Mutual Aid hepr rmActon and Georgetown Fire Depart- confined. The loss is partly covered by mnsurance but companry fvieme ood byl ad thei home wail arrv b so uckly." I stnd bykt the Mito FreH l c rgtu a i l o bedst sooea mnents helped the Milton brigade to pour 1,500,000 gallons of officials feel the stonework has been weakenred too much to station strady ien - haoher ilton'sr two S u me ruck ind aso a selo ir HMltoltefr lwscendu n water linreo the ragmng framres before they brought it unider con- rebuild- sertious, fire brok e douilet sohoed nto hydmra and ý A i- There wer ecn 26 r Milton . "lremen' thmmpers were pearedo for troi. The fire started at 6.22 a.m. Tuesday and was under control -Staff Ph"t° muheupet(orpmeso' ume a rse no fo co nine fromt George: th le nefre a s he wereo '*à was tied up in Milton. servic as solon as 11 arrived. The, town and Iwo fromn Oakville on tiredc out firom hoinga the lare a - Chief is Pleased Georgelowin truck stood by, at-Iduy at %ious Limeus throughout|hoes u andm waling arthd lalge MoeTa rtG nsApprove $3,000 Fce' Departinent, vie caldltrrtc ulding in calee fnth a e dve n avy rbber booets and 0 ~~~~~aid when he fearedt the mill fire fire spiCreato up iilbr ndml mliý Policeman Spots lit 0Uncimi sea S H rn ec ie t r orN w D p. h rea a nar bidingCsC, Th rie wasfr note b d RAT tSrap depaartments. samm a m tat 6.25 a.m. When he saw flames S"As solon as we arrived I rea- ,,shooting fromt the southcast side 0o S udy A rena - Recreatio0 r0grant A .$3000loexpenditue to beg i edsweha a se hun Ilhe larg "Business as USUa' or tembuildig he noiidMr iMilton Counil ionday dlayed ordmusic appreciation accom- IMr. Mnshacleamphasizortt dec n a Mihyto Ditite nce vaClment. Hi second Fire is Tem orar Set ac ""a -e- any reaction on ir.Ing a u og Hm e m io e the imotac prnt volunteers to continue Hospital was approvedl last nighit boring buildings, and firemen Pir is T m o a Y eb strong enough to pour several rel a odi ogrn was d sug Hle hasizet ew i rw a n pr lich need 'for more would (Wednesday) by memrbers of Lihe were diispatchedc to, makse sure al' No PlnsM a eso Buidin W¡al"er e' o th thec-possibility of co-per-ati'>n ble- boards and groups, sur that, ail probably develop if al director Hospital Women's Auxiliary at were awake and real In eracti Nppe Plors Thee bo uilding i lcw os n tween the arenat and recreation Ipublicly owned buildings are was hired. their 'annual meeting. ale their homens and pab Althoughi Tuesday's lire in thc thc property were undamagied byv 60 feet1 fom oe guidnd ileel Conilosmet with members use ,but also fur further recrea- T eu role- 1f thei Recreatio Com- DietrLfteHospitalPcethdarayaakn t ebci ilntsrosyhmaatet a n ane gar aage At NI Georgetowni Fire De- of th lo 1cal IRecreationi Commnit- tional use. .Tteve n th Re carin io budelin- Board have felt the nred for pliy- seven reident mIthe twoaa pr'hiprlonadsrie,1adrparso ae un partmen aistdne h tee anidoLloyd Minshall of the "Should the 'Recrecation Comn- "mincre wh trprn is nede it hrptamn i n tho mns oPrenidjinn m I Il R obi ln Ho ForMis' r-ic 0 ad inil the r a H allo Conv uua idfr commnunfiy -programi branch, De- mitue and the Arena Board be plleterl ftecucli pial (For Somne time and when the building. . swe Frul edsDviin ed traesri c ntwork.]A Th eo pririn of Eduilcation, on the amalgamated?",Mr. Minshall was tuiw .l W.A meemlbersmni aprahed the White firemren spread Ilhe mlamn Milol general manager W. J. "Thei lack or grain sic)rage ilsur sjct as wieil as the applicable asked. -He recalled his recom- toriewait lics tr oisl ux Board flor ideas on a sizeable rr- horle fines, Chiief Clemlent recalizedl Kennedcv said Wednesdayzt. our, bilggest problemi righitnw. (Conimuited on Page Seven) grant1 structure. ,y btl u mendation at the otlet thait theic painances ject, ihis was agreed uporan. More more heip mighit hie nieeed t No, decision has vi ,eti en, ade hesid, "Ibut this will bc,æ "Any m'unicipalit htly u two graulps be the samne group pIinllmoe will hlave toïbe spent later comn thle lire il it thrteattenleti(o h ftr ln o h ukl tagundotblr oog a programt based un government of -people but whethier such an 'Reeve C. A. Martim cormmenled to, complete the department, but t pread. A nearby cervice, la- on, t he iou ly ob h an y ,i-fi-hid o u blhe fta i , orked a grnswil be disaippointed," Mr. amalgamnation wvould work nowincluso twolbedTiu heWA.sgnrsgatwil ;ion, hoe, onhalad o possibiliyel reuicldng the line nvigh't Il, c atch up on e rdu M Inal .warnied. "i would hope would have to tbe a local decision. to properly admisteri Élhe exisi- put al smlal[ physiotherapy de- mercial section - plus thle lire mil b eu in of le ekne lio ime otdrghe'u- the muiiaiywo'dsemre Cs 330 o$,0 n fai.l an ite nesim parmen into oprtcn hal -ir were thetnd[ ih oiinoftesrcue a onn lire ndregl r e B ak advantae inarceto r- The salary range for a full lime min.g pool without al paid director. Opolicers elete tast nightui lv windln whippe thept burnin em- Loses Mill, Grain hpmnt and00 in aiiisadtenwsi-prietme prto. hl h-aeldai il .ders wer pram thanr thec procuremrent uf a recrecation directoir would be front Councillor C. Menlefy called for' cluded ' resident Mrs. T. Marsh, ber-, in, a othes direction- moe dell GnWdera.Athuhitwsblivdt provincial a owr of $3,300 to, a high (YI 58, il -uc o¡f· .te . Somte o1fli the ebersl were loundi 'Ihle grinding mi nui ol The .Lire wvould auie no La, be outoat 8 p.m. Tuesday when pr oric I isre Time 000, 'Mr. 'Minshiall suggestedi, u fre fli vIl ern mui l rs e ý rcs idn half a. mile frmteml. lso lrdg nadl ol n iteitruto ffrmnlf t h iei h Relier ring to thec very broad agreeing it would be logically plus- to a continuing expenditure for a E. Joyce, treasurer Mrs. C. And- Calls at 7 a.m. gredici 1 were fulr d ti-lr service to customners, 'Mr. Ken-ý sitone mil] at Robin Hoord Fleur termi of recreation, 'Mr. 'Minshalilsibre to hire a mant at $4,500 to ftl ime directior. erson and secretary Mrs. G. Gi. The Chie[ radioed fromt hils car* as vef as somte irady-baýg ney said. Mills broke out again early suggete it was anything that $5,000. Inomto nteRu ;IiÉ Hamilton. New directors to serve art 7 a.mi. lor additionial hlpr trom le •'cule'orr rrneent, Wednlesday morning and fir-e- ainy body or group might want "The town probaibly owns re. nomto ntecraint asaeMs .OteAtnadGogtw.TeMl hr was1 somle insýuranIce nwl ethem an grdgmnhdtpor oewar to.d in their leisure time. He creation facilities va lued at a Committee's spropolsedr progIram re Cme an -Mrs. . Be- Aton rad oetoMr.. Ca-li e buiding. han tge"be iladed u t an sli on thd smourng ebier s1ugglested a li;brary is a rcre*a-1 quarter (if a million dollars. In and Ilhe possibiity of coocperation rhe whilei'Mrs Cn .A.Serc w i do otifehalto M utuV.,a-li Holn n einn ad'icr astwe ar e onLce, *ibt wil lNih wam an John Vem en- oion service and a new buildin ab busnes w ould y'ou consider between rte acrn board and re- fucwill e aacyfr a. Swer er id ontrle cete HalOakiluPle, m ing eqime, andltiý a II laor bebsis as usua-ie l ira noltce lame in tohe e-n shoklidell inlue ispayoeratiýng it without a manager?"t creation comrmittee was suggest ]i iod aayfr w y a n u-Ad fromtrepeswe r ofatiitisinte termllo rislud5am ensa areaandpe/apslitle heare h woderd. d. ------- - and calledl mill employeec Perc .. MeNeedham, who turned In the ames mmaa mma samaTSlå|$aarm. Mr. Needhamt told The changes ait M ilton Post Office Chpin nte imn wein ithe secondt cati as they had Wm. Randeil to Retire; W. Bel New bot ase dAm. E tin N er:s CHAMPmt n ON By Roy Downs l ertired tfromn firefighting. He Office, to hein out duing, thec Co-op mn acccted the ofier.Bel l tr uc w th bombali al l ed aear .las aciniePostmaster covregd coatf w eding theI T |. t andlvvai has served 15 years on the Mil- Christmilas rush. Wlii he w a 'mi whenrct ihbirb al l1c ah Nuinubt die ssuddenheavys nwes. ngth Wf3 lusmT. Rato ule Ofice tont Cemeitery Board, is Past Mast- When the ruash endedt, he wvent joined the Caain Postal Cor accrd n ll 94 reundfo0h5y tAgsPOh frmncniudt of 38 yea Isle last 10 as post- er of St. Clair *Masonic Lodge, to the Simncoe District Co-Opera- and spent four years in Englan "Ii ar 6 and wrted frnt ltter 'Mr Be ca me t.oMloie play wateon te di mo mnier ig beiigunFhu 28. Past First Principal of St. Clair live, but the Post Ofifice work as a igh dispatch driver. sid clrwray 97 and wok itaaluer M.Blcaill tu om ote if th la ier onng ther ebre a Nae tu repace hln iWalter Chapter, and anl honorary ]Ife hiad bleeni interesting so when he knewkthe city of London as wei crrier, filon a, tl Oiie Her re- 19o 7 th asnio sta poiinrin tiPfE he stbornng pie ofegra atl lr e fly Mio s ofm brfalton CutOfchl soit o unt B ase -tm cda rrier, li ic te il c linig icidents wic 1 he drove leved the Postmiaster at R.C.AF 5. Ile note I11I 1ston - falnirsinahdbi wohs 21 years of service in Mr. Raendell looks forwvard to Ir mytann tteBr Milton and ot'her Post Offices. hils retiremfent ýbut says hie wion't 5 Post Office. ;3C' c

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